Hierarchical structure and organization, I have no clue about all that. I will take your word for it.Quote: gordonm888Axel, I agree with most of what you say.
I don't play fantasy sports, but would love to read about it and learn. I do play tournament poker, and I do indeed follow the established poker forum. And I'm not on Twitter, I guess I should be.
In terms of new casinos and new gaming business events, I think you would agree that the recent nationalization of U.S. sports betting, the proliferation of North American and Asian casinos, etc. is all happening outside of Vegas. I wish the section of the WOV site that lists/catalogues the casinos outside of Vegas (and the table games they have, etc.) was brought and kept up to date.
Forum moderation is essential, but over-moderation has been an issue and has depopulated the forum. Period. Personally, I couldn't care less if Luscious is Nathan and/or Kentry. As long as interesting content is generated by Luscious, it helps the forum. I couldn't care less if formerly-banned members return to the WOV forum as well-behaving posters under a different name. What is hurt by that other than the ego of authoritative overseers in the forum? Too many people who have interesting things to say have been banned because they had a bad day (or a bad year, or lol ZenKing who appears to have had a bad life) and flipped out and broke the rules. Gamblers are often volatile brilliant people with social imperfections and at risk of tripping over the etiquette rules occasionally, but those are the people this forum needs. I want a large community of diverse people with diverse views -I'll ignore the threads and posts that I don't like and will be richer for the stuff I do like. We should be more tolerant of cussing including the occasional f*** word (If it is used as an adjective for emphasis and not as directed abuse), do far more warning and far less suspending. Yes, keep banning people who are marketing their nonsense, but the forum moderators need to learn tolerance: tolerance of fools, tolerance of long-time posters having a bad day, and tolerance of forum members who have different interests, viewpoints and chatting styles.
The forum threads need to have a new hierarchal structure and be reorganized - too many thread categories are effectively defunct. And Honestly, its hard to find the subjects that I am interested in. And Donald Trump and Red vs Blue need to be in in a clearly labeled area.
I don't pretend that I have many of the solutions to the problems. I think the first step is usually to identify what the problems are -and heck, we're all good at bitching and moaning so as a group we should be able to do that, right?
You can blame the Mods all you want. However Mike has the final say, you really should be addressing him.
Ya, I realize he probably isn't going to keep overruling his Mod's since that isn't a good strategy or look.
Can you name some members that have been banned that were not given multiple chances, lots of leeway, and some warnings, who were interesting and contributed? Before you answer that, you might want to do some research on what some of those people did and said after they were banned, some of it was rather vicious. I bet you probably wouldn't dare allow some of those people back. Personally, I would B/C I am more forgiving and chill than most, but if it tuned into a big mess, I woud want to charge you(or whomever) for the aggravation of cleaning up the mess.
Quote: AZDuffman...You wait for your room, when it should be waiting for you.
More than anything else...This kills me.
Quote: EvenBobBingo. The swollen egos of mods is
what ruins every forum. It becomes
a personal battle between them and
all the interesting edgy contributors,
and the mods always win and the
forum always loses. Mods will read
this and be wringing their hands
waiting for me to screw up so I
can be suspended. Who cares, getting
suspended from here is like a snow
day in grade school. You look out
the window and say, hey, thanks.
I wonder if BlackjackPro is still looking out the window on Day 4 of her 3 day suspension.
Quote: gordonm888Yes, I do collect. Formerly comic books and now too many things for my own good. I absolutely have no problem with the COTD thread; I was unfair in my remarks about COTD because I was trying to make my point about the state of the forum in entertaining and humorous ways. My bad.
That was humor, that mud-slinging screed? Wow. Might want to include a little smiley-face or something.
Quote: MaxPenI wonder if BlackjackPro is still looking out the window on Day 4 of her 3 day suspension.
We're discussing her. She's going to have to be patient about it. But thanks for mentioning the list. I'll update it.
Quote: beachbumbabsWe're discussing her. She's going to have to be patient about it. But thanks for mentioning the list. I'll update it.
To be a fly on that wall😂😂
If the IP does not fit, you must acquit.
Or standby for CoyoteMoonPro😀
Quote: MaxPenOr standby for CoyoteMoonPro😀
More slot machines should howl.
There's one that meows like a cat that freaks me out a bit.
And why isn't there a slot machine based on the "SAW" movies?
Quote: gordonm8884. Vegas is SO five-minutes-ago. Everything new in gambling is happening somewhere else.
Quote: AxelWolf"Vegas is SO five-minutes-ago. Everything new in gambling is happening somewhere else." Bring the other stuff on and lets talk about it. What's that saying?.... Lead, Follow or GTF out if the way.
Quote: EvenBobVegas is so boring I doubt I'll ever
go there again. Why bother.
Quote: gordonm888In terms of new casinos and new gaming business events, I think you would agree that the recent nationalization of U.S. sports betting, the proliferation of North American and Asian casinos, etc. is all happening outside of Vegas. I wish the section of the WOV site that lists/catalogues the casinos outside of Vegas (and the table games they have, etc.) was brought and kept up to date.
Quote: gordonm8884. Vegas is SO five-minutes-ago. Everything new in gambling is happening somewhere else.
Quote: AZDuffmanI will third that one. Was fun the first time I went. Actually the second was better than the first. But after that? Now that I can legally sports bet there is nothing special as I do not care about shows. There is now a charge for parking at more and more places. Metered comp drinks. Crowds-crowds-crowds. Just too big for its own good. Lucky for me I have never had to set foot in the airport, I cannot imagine the crowds and lines there. The strip is a parking lot half the time. If you want a buffet for dinner, line up at lunch. You wait for your room, when it should be waiting for you.
This would be a good thread. What should Vegas do about it? NFL football is coming but there a lots of places that already have it, just as there are lots of places that now have gambling with lots more on the way. Things are changing fast, even by Vegas standards. You'd think that standing pat at this particular moment in time would be foolish and yet that seems to be the plan.
Quote: MaxPenIf the IP does not fit, you must acquit.
Or standby for CoyoteMoonPro😀
I don't know where that rule is written.
So I guess I'll wait and see who or what CoyoteMoonPro is.
[Edit] Ah! I get it. I see what you did there Max.
I tip my hat to you sir. Very droll. [/Edit]
Love Tahoe south shore too, used to spend over a month a year there.
Still, once we go back home, within a week or so Vegas usually becomes a fading memory. Until the next time.
Vegas is a thousand times better than this dead forum. 😎😜Well maybe at least a hundred. 🥳
I blame PokerGrinder. He ruined it for everyone with his prolific McNugget eating! ;) TomG didn't do us any favors, either. Probably put DuPar's out of business in the process! ;)
Quote: JoemanThis forum is dying for one reason and one reason only: the eating challenges have all disappeared!!!
I blame PokerGrinder. He ruined it for everyone with his prolific McNugget eating! ;) TomG didn't do us any favors, either. Probably put DuPar's out of business in the process! ;)
When in doubt blame PG 😁
Quote: PokerGrinderWhen in doubt blame PG 😁
Why else would we keep Canada around?
stories about guys making big buckeroonis from betting patterns in roulette
guys that know when something is 𝐃𝐔𝐄 to come and crush the game because of what they know
I know that's what Axel wants to hear - he eats it up...............................he begs them to reveal how they do it...................................😃😃😃
Quote: billryanLast nite, while packing books, I came across six hundred dollar bills in between two books. I have no idea if it is my money that I misplaced or if it was there when I bought the books. Either way, I have $600 more than I had before I started. It's nice as I've been hemorrhaging it the last few weeks.
First sign of dimentia.😀 Didn't you find money in your car unexpectedly awhile back as well?
Quote: onenickelmiracleThe forum has to share attention with all the forums hosting banned members, and that's a big factor in the dwindling audience. Still some are busy, that counts in on a different note.
Yeah, the biggest thread on at least three different forums (past and present) is dedicated to discussing the goings-on or supposed, "Death," of this forum. If this forum is dying, imagine what those will look like if it does.
"Recent Forum Threads" should appear above "About Us" and "Featured Gaming Surveys" (Who cares about that stuff? certainly not the recurrent visitors you should want.)
Likewise the "Recommend Online Casinos" ad should be placed not at the very top but as close to the bottom of the front page as possible. Again, do you think potential forum regulars want to have to scroll past ads every single time they check this place? Some of these people may be refreshing dozens of times a day. Do you think they're going to randomly sign up for an online casino one day after having seen those ads thousands of times?
Next "Recent Forum Threads" should be renamed "Recently Updated Threads" because the inaccurate current title gives one the impression that they are being shown threads in order of their start date, which for a potential regular visitor is not as relevant as when they were last updated.
Finally the "thread" vs. "topic" distinction needs to be reworked. First of all "topic" is ambiguous and sounds closer to "thread" than "subforum". Also the "topic" (actually subforum) for a given thread, at least on mobile, is presented as secondary rather than primary information. What I mean is starting from the front page you see a post and it's thread before you figure out what subforum it's in. By that point you don't even need to know the subforum because you've already been presented with a thread you may or may not be interested in.
Basically just copy Vegas Casino Talk's front page layout. It immediately presents you with all subforums and the most recent post in the most recently updated thread in each forum. So you can go right to the most recent thread or you can open up a subforum to focus on.
The one thing that might improve Vegas Casino Talk front page is showing a few more of the most recently updated threads in each subforum. If you could see say the three mostly recently updated threads per subforum you'd rarely have to waste a click fishing for updates that don't exist yet.
tl;dr Vegas Casino Talk has a more regular friendly front page.
Also why do I have to respond to a specific user in order to post in a thread?
Quote: smurgerburger
Likewise the "Recommend Online Casinos" ad should be placed not at the very top but as close to the bottom of the front page as possible. Again, do you think potential forum regulars want to have to scroll past ads every single time they check this place? Some of these people may be refreshing dozens of times a day. Do you think they're going to randomly sign up for an online casino one day after having seen those ads thousands of times?
The casino ads are not so much for the regular posters but the lurkers or/and people who get directed here in a search. They are the revenue, they need to be front and center.
Quote: smurgerburgerIn my opinion this forum suffers from poor front page layout. My comments refer to the mobile site.
"Recent Forum Threads" should appear above "About Us" and "Featured Gaming Surveys" (Who cares about that stuff? certainly not the recurrent visitors you should want.)
Likewise the "Recommend Online Casinos" ad should be placed not at the very top but as close to the bottom of the front page as possible. Again, do you think potential forum regulars want to have to scroll past ads every single time they check this place? Some of these people may be refreshing dozens of times a day. Do you think they're going to randomly sign up for an online casino one day after having seen those ads thousands of times?
Next "Recent Forum Threads" should be renamed "Recently Updated Threads" because the inaccurate current title gives one the impression that they are being shown threads in order of their start date, which for a potential regular visitor is not as relevant as when they were last updated.
Finally the "thread" vs. "topic" distinction needs to be reworked. First of all "topic" is ambiguous and sounds closer to "thread" than "subforum". Also the "topic" (actually subforum) for a given thread, at least on mobile, is presented as secondary rather than primary information. What I mean is starting from the front page you see a post and it's thread before you figure out what subforum it's in. By that point you don't even need to know the subforum because you've already been presented with a thread you may or may not be interested in.
Basically just copy Vegas Casino Talk's front page layout. It immediately presents you with all subforums and the most recent post in the most recently updated thread in each forum. So you can go right to the most recent thread or you can open up a subforum to focus on.
The one thing that might improve Vegas Casino Talk front page is showing a few more of the most recently updated threads in each subforum. If you could see say the three mostly recently updated threads per subforum you'd rarely have to waste a click fishing for updates that don't exist yet.
tl;dr Vegas Casino Talk has a more regular friendly front page.
Also why do I have to respond to a specific user in order to post in a thread?
I would agree with all those suggestions.
And I also think Recent Threads should list more than just 13. Unless it’s just on my phone that I can only see 13 there. 20 would be better.
I accept your general point but if your aggressive ad layout is costing you traffic it may actually be costing you money.
Quote: beachbumbabsIt's like clockwork. Every mid-July to mid August it's dead around here, and everyone says, this forum's dying. Then football starts, G2E, Cutting Edge, etc. and it wakes right up again.
Nathan is gone. That was like 20% of the membership.
Quote: beachbumbabsIt's like clockwork. Every mid-July to mid August it's dead around here, and everyone says, this forum's dying. Then football starts, G2E, Cutting Edge, etc. and it wakes right up again.
Would you agree that the forum needs some layout changes and modernization? To make it more appealing and user friendly.
can you give me some examples of places that are more user-friendly? The one thing I don't like about this site, it doesn't have buttons that you can automatically enter videos, pictures, special fonts or colors and other things.Quote: michael99000Would you agree that the forum needs some layout changes and modernization? To make it more appealing and user friendly.
Quote: AxelWolfcan you give me some examples of places that are more user-friendly? The one thing I don't like about this site, it doesn't have buttons that you can automatically enter videos, pictures, special fonts or colors and other things.
I don’t want to draw attention to, or lead anyone to, other forums.
And I agree with you about those buttons. I’d include that under modernization. The way it is here with pics and videos feels very 2008 like.
Quote: billryanLast nite, while packing books, I came across six hundred dollar bills in between two books. I have no idea if it is my money that I misplaced or if it was there when I bought the books. Either way, I have $600 more than I had before I started. It's nice as I've been hemorrhaging it the last few weeks.
LOL, similar story, About a month ago I was going through a box of magazines and photos that I hadn't looked at in over 25 years and I found these:

Hoo-Hah! I realize the Marvel Treasury Edition #28 (Superman/Spider-man) is nothing special, but its nice to have Incredible Hulk #2 and Fantastic Four #12 back in my collection!
Quote: michael99000I don’t want to draw attention to, or lead anyone to, other forums.
And I agree with you about those buttons. I’d include that under modernization. The way it is here with pics and videos feels very 2008 like.
I want to say that JB coded this forum himself. It's a verygood from scratch, but it would have been so much better to buy a well-tested and supported message board software. I've never liked the formatting here, ever.
Quote: beachbumbabsIt's like clockwork. Every mid-July to mid August it's dead around here, and everyone says, this forum's dying. Then football starts, G2E, Cutting Edge, etc. and it wakes right up again.
Oh understand now. Summer holidays, everybody is chilling.
I'm here!
Quote: flysrbHey Now!
I'm here!
Awesome! Feel free to post more often than bi-annually!
Quote: PokerGrinderWill hairy and Jewish work? Lol
Is this what it's all about now, mang? Posts about hairy overweight male members trying to lose weight?
Deader than dead!
Me - going to be on an extended gambling trip soon. Cya! Deadsters.
Quote: gordonm888LOL, similar story, About a month ago I was going through a box of magazines and photos that I hadn't looked at in over 25 years and I found these:
Hoo-Hah! I realize the Marvel Treasury Edition #28 (Superman/Spider-man) is nothing special, but its nice to have Incredible Hulk #2 and Fantastic Four #12 back in my collection!
Nice. I just sold most of my early Hulks to finance my building. I've never had a FF12. Bought one a few years ago but it had some color touch so I returned it. It's been on fire lately. Your find is several thousand dollars more than mine. Prices are nuts right now and I don't think they are sustainable, although we have heard that before.
Quote: MDawgIs this what it's all about now, mang? Posts about hairy overweight male members trying to lose weight?
Deader than dead!
Me - going to be on an extended gambling trip soon. Cya! Deadsters.
Wow I’m so glad that you come back to let us know how dead the forum is. Why don’t you just stop coming here if it’s so bad? You add nothing to this forum except complaining.
Quote: PokerGrinderWow I’m so glad that you come back to let us know how dead the forum is. Why don’t you just stop coming here if it’s so bad? You add nothing to this forum except complaining.
Come on now, the man has played billions of dollars worth of hands and has a secret sauce that allows him to overcome the house edge. He posts here at great personal expense. You should be thanking him for just being in his presence. It's a rare day when small scale players like us get to mix with greatness.
seen cemeteries more lively than this
joint is now. The mods must be tickled
pink, nothing to read, nothing to do.
Funny, I have noticed an uptick in gambling/Vegas posts over the past several days. Seems like several good posters have decided to join back in now that the political threads are gone.Quote: EvenBobFinally, this thread has relevance. I've
seen cemeteries more lively than this
joint is now. The mods must be tickled
pink, nothing to read, nothing to do.
BTW, if I was a mod, I would be ecstatic not to have to wade through all that garbage any more.
Sadly, there are still no new eating challenge threads, though. ;P
I'm fairly certain those would be allowed since there's usually a few Wagers flying around and very little controversy. Unless of course, Mission cheats and pukes up in the trash can. Yeah, yeah, I know, it was just spit.🤣🤣🤣🤣Quote: Joeman
Sadly, there are still no new eating challenge threads, though. ;P
I'm sure they would be allowed. I was mostly just bemoaning the reason I think the forum is dying. ;)Quote: AxelWolfI'm fairly certain those would be allowed since there's usually a few Wagers flying around and very little controversy. Unless of course, Mission cheats and pukes up in the trash can. Yeah, yeah, I know, it was just spit.🤣🤣🤣🤣
Quote: AxelWolfI'm fairly certain those would be allowed since there's usually a few Wagers flying around and very little controversy. Unless of course, Mission cheats and pukes up in the trash can.
Where did Mission go, he was
here leaving encyclopedicly
long posts when the change
was happening, then disappeared.
I usually read half of the first
sentence on his huge posts,
that's all I have time for.
Quote: EvenBobFinally, this thread has relevance. I've
seen cemeteries more lively than this
joint is now. The mods must be tickled
pink, nothing to read, nothing to do.
I was actually thinking the complete opposite. Several interesting gambling related threads popped up that I probably never would’ve seen otherwise. They would’ve been buried under the trump , politics , gay, guns nonsense in the recent threads list.
Quote: EvenBobFinally, this thread has relevance. I've
seen cemeteries more lively than this
joint is now. The mods must be tickled
pink, nothing to read, nothing to do.
It is a much better place. Try participating in what this forum is meant for and maybe you will feel the same.
Quote: EvenBobFinally, this thread has relevance. I've
seen cemeteries more lively than this
joint is now. The mods must be tickled
pink, nothing to read, nothing to do.
I don't know about all that. I am kind of enjoying the newly expressed interest in such things as white privilege dumpster diving and the pontification regarding the worthiness of non educated service workers.🙄😀
Quote: MaxPenI don't know about all that. I am kind of enjoying the newly expressed interest in such things as white privilege dumpster diving and the pontification regarding the worthiness of non educated service workers.🙄😀
Hey, when Michael Bluejay speaks, people listen.
Just don’t bother replying unless you have read the material he requires you do first.
And whatever you do, be ready to apologize if you misquote him.
He has a “reputation” to uphold after all.