However, let's consider a game of cards where the cards are set in the deck, in this case the positive count or flow of the cards, whatever you may call it, may increase the likelihood of a win, and in such a case, there might be an over all greater likelihood of wins, and hence also a greater likelihood of a winning streak. Everyone agrees on at least that, such as in for example the game of BJ with reference to a positive count.
If I were to take a deck of cards and stack them carefully so that in a two player game of BJ the dealer lost ten hands in a row, then the unknowing dealer coming into the game might think that he has the usual house advantage plus a 50% chance of winning each hand, when in reality, he has a 0% chance of winning ten hands, and I have a 100% chance of winning each hand and a 100% chance of a ten win streak. Although no one "stacks the deck" which would be cheating, this is essentially what happens in a card game streak whether Baccarat or BJ, the cards have been arranged so that one side will win for a number of hands. Recognizing that a streak is in progress and pushing your bet, is something that winning gamblers are able to take advantage of. By pushing your bet no matter when the streak ends you are coming out ahead. At a minimum, getting up and leaving after a good streak, may work too. Now this last paragraph of mine contains ideas that not everyone here will agree on, but my play has worked for me.
Quote: MDawgRecognizing that a streak is in progress and pushing your bet, is something that winning gamblers are able to take advantage of. By pushing your bet no matter when the streak ends you are coming out ahead. At a minimum, getting up and leaving after a good streak, may work too. Now this last paragraph of mine contains ideas that not everyone here will agree on, but my play has worked for me.
For such a longstanding, high stakes, supposedly successful player, you don't half have some wrong ideas and spout some total mis-information.
" By pushing your bet no matter when the streak ends you are coming out ahead. ". So, you sit and watch a winning streak 'develop' and push your bet. You may lose. You may not come out ahead.
Anyway, as I said, for whatever reason my win/losses so far at all the casinos since 2018 are wins, no losses. And as you may know from reading my posts I took a long break from gambling, so my prior play was over a decade ago, and there over all, ahead. Back then too, got banned for a while from BJ, which if you're an expert, shouldn't have to tell you what that means. Luckily after a couple years the ban was somehow forgotten as casino ownerships changed, and not taken up at other casinos.
So anyway, you guys do whatever I do what has worked for me.
but there is, unless it has been removed. streaks of Heads in a row, Tails in a row, Pass line bet wins in a row, Roulette Red in a row losses. more than I care to think about.Quote: ScubaDicinI’m new but noticed there’s not a lot of info on the odds of streaks,
what specifically are you looking for?
I do not play Yahtzee. can one play by themselves? do you have to play against another?Quote: ScubaDicinie. what’s the odds of losing 10 games of Yahtzee in a row for example?
Is there a strategy to the game.
what is a loss?
what is the probability of winning?
This site is not a Yahtzee site, but there has been some Y math done here.
what specifics about losing Yahtzee can you offer?
the 'math' of streaks is real simple
one needs to start with the probability of winning/losing and how many games to play totally and what length of streak is desired.
if you only play 10 games of Y and the prob of losing 1 game is 45%, the probability of losing all 10 games = .45^10
using a pari/gp calculator
gp > (45/100)^10
%1 = 3486784401/10240000000000
gp > 1.*%1
%2 = 0.00034050628916015625000000000000000000000
gp > 1/%2
%3 = 2936.8
does this help more than hurt?
Pity you never played Yahtzee. You should try it. It’s been my favorite game for 45 years.
So to answer your questions yes you could play by yourself but it would be boring. It’s vs 1 other player. Whoever has the highest dice total at the end of 13 rounds wins. There are multiple combinations that yield different point totals so literally it’s possible but not probable to score 1,000 points in a game. I don’t have any idea what an average score is but I’d say 215 points. I also don’t know what the chance of winning is either? But I’ve read that if you win over 60% and you average 250 points a game that’s really good. There’s a lot of strategy to it because you never know what your next roll is going to be. So do you take 3 of a kind on the 2nd roll or chance it and try and get a 4 of a kind? In addition, the tougher the combination is to roll, like a Yahtzee, which is 5 dice all with the same number, yields the highest point total which is 50 points.
Fourteen banks straight out the gate, is the most I have experienced straight out the gate, although I have experienced far longer streaks of Bank or Player in the past.
However, just this trip alone (past six months), I did experience another shoe where I experienced 11 Banks straight out the gate.
And on this run which was from a few months or so ago the Bank ran 15 or 16 times, almost (but not quite) straight out the gate.

On that one, I cleared a 100K.

I've been in Vegas six months. I have not been playing daily and not even that many hours a day.
I've seen and benefitted from MANY streaks of over 10. I get a streak of over 10, either Banks, Players or alternating exact chops B/P, almost every other day, when playing Baccarat.
What are the odds? of getting 14 Banks straight out the gate (no ties). Are the odds any different from getting 15 or 16 Banks...not quite straight out the gate? 😂
Quote: MDawgWhat are the odds? of getting 14 Banks straight out the gate (no ties). Are the odds any different from getting 15 or 16 Banks...not quite straight out the gate?
About 1 in 55,000, but that assumes a full shoe for each hand. I am not quite sure what the odds are of 15 straignt Banks anywhere in a shoe; sounds like it's time to break out the simulation code.
I looked again and the other streak was indeed 16 Banks (no ties, a tie occurred after the 16th winning Bank hand).

And I am wondering about not just the odds of these events independently, but the odds of experiencing so many long streaks during a relatively short period of play.
Get one more of those chips and you can buy a platinum Daytona! I sometimes carry a few yellow chips around but I might feel uncomfortable with a $100k chip in my pocketQuote: MDawg
I've been in Vegas six months. I have not been playing daily and not even that many hours a day.
So you’ve been in LV for six months…how often do you change hotels? On the days you don’t gamble, what do you do?
Quote: ThatDonGuySounds like it's time to break out the simulation code.
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After a run of 65 million 8-deck shoes (burn one card, plus its value (count 0 cards as 10), from the top; deal all the way down until there are 6 or fewer cards left):
14 bank wins at start: 1 / 51,677
Probability of a shoe having a run of at least:
15 bank wins: 1 / 3,151
16 bank wins: 1 / 6,903
17 bank wins: 1 / 15,108
18 bank wins: 1 / 33,597
19 bank wins: 1 / 70,894
20 bank wins: 1 / 154,418
21 bank wins: 1 / 359,171
22 bank wins: 1 / 730,449
I will have to look at that more closely later.
Quote: Ace2Get one more of those chips and you can buy a platinum Daytona! I sometimes carry a few yellow chips around but I might feel uncomfortable with a $100k chip in my pocketQuote: MDawg
I've been in Vegas six months. I have not been playing daily and not even that many hours a day.
So you’ve been in LV for six months…how often do you change hotels? On the days you don’t gamble, what do you do?link to original post
Change hotels every 2 -3 weeks, although have stayed at the same hotel for up to 6 weeks, if I am on a good run and the theo loss is rising steadily to justify all the comps. Have not had any hotel say "it is time to go" but very occasionally towards the end of a stay a host mentions that I need to play more in order to maintain full RFB status and extend the stay.
Yes...regarding the Platina...true!
On non-gaming days, if the casino has no special event lined up, I go to the hotel gym, walk around Vegas, do stuff with the wife. She likes to hike although lately it is too hot other than in Mt. Charleston. I am also working remotely daily, and doing stock trading. If something requires attention at home or work at the home base, I fly back for a day or two, and then return. Other than the gaming...not really living such a very different life from at home.
Even on the days I play, I rarely play more than 1 session of 2 - 4 hours.
From The Las Vegas Advisor
What Is the Maximum Number of Consecutive Nights I Can Stay in a Las Vegas Hotel?
Most of the city’s hotels are licensed for transient commercial use, defined by NRS 116.31123 as "the use of a unit, for remuneration, as a hostel, hotel, inn, motel, resort, vacation rental or other form of transient lodging if the term of the occupancy, possession or use of the unit is for less than 30 consecutive calendar days."
After 30 days, a guest is considered to have residency rights. This means two things, both less than optimal for the hotels: One, it becomes difficult for the hotel to get rid of a guest who won't pay; two, the hotel can no longer legally charge tax on the room (which neceissitates supporting documentation).
The elite rich and famous are above the law. Rules don’t applyQuote: billryanI was under the impression a hotel can't let you stay for more than thirty days. Perhaps that rule only applies to the little people.
This year, they didn't even bother with the physical movement requirement - just head down to VIP, check out and check back in - same exact suite.
Next, the host will be handling it for me, with no need to utilize this legal fiction of creating a brand new stay.
Quote: MDawg
This year, they didn't even bother with the physical movement requirement - just head down to VIP, check out and check back in - same exact to original post
Possibly Covid related?
I had a shoe last year where for the ENTIRE shoe Bank never ran more than once. What are the odds of that, a Bacc shoe where there are only Player runs. Obviously in such a shoe by the end Player will be dominant by around 2:1 or so.
Quote: MDawgI wonder if there is a way to calculate the odds of certain types of shoes that lead to wins for most Baccarat players.
It would be possible easily enough... if you could codify the playing algorithm of each 'class' of player into his own little system. and then determine what proportion of said voodoo players there were in each 'class'. Since there are OH SO MANY voodoo players, each with his voodoo algorithm then the answer tends towards, no chance.
Think about your own little 'technique' You forever say something like "The pattern was obvious: anyone should have won with that shoe" [NOT AN ACTUAL QUOTE]. Until YOU can codify even your own approach, we have nothing to work on in calculating "the odds of certain types of shoes that lead to wins for ... the Great MDawg", let alone for "the odds of certain types of shoes that lead to wins for most Baccarat players" because most players are not incredible.
[sic: Did you mean 'more than one'?]Quote:... I had a shoe last year where for the ENTIRE shoe Bank never ran more than more.
Quote:What are the odds of that,
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The odds that any one shoe will fit that criteria? That could be calculated by someone cleverer than me.
The odds that it happened and that you saw such a shoe? I could not calculate, but I do estimate a probability of 0%
Only reason I didn't take a picture was I was so excited after the shoe ended that I forgot to take a pic before it was cleared.
You question me, I will respond with details to back up what happened. The details being that I didn't play that shoe as hard as I should have, but I recall clearing low to mid five figures on it. So yes, I didn't just see the shoe, I played it. My memory is by no means hazy about the chips garnished from such a shoe.
The below shoe isn't quite as dramatic, but in this one Player ran more than once only thrice.

Quote: MDawgYou question me, I will respond with details to back up what happened.
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You made an assertion that you had a shoe with certain characteristic.
You then asked an ambiguous question which could be characterised as either of...
I assume you meant 'more than one. 'Quote:I had a shoe last year where for the ENTIRE shoe Bank never ran more than more.What are the odds of that
and the second interpretation of the question...
Quote:What are the odds of that, a Bacc shoe where there are only Player runs.
I suggest that there are calculable probability for the latter question (not by me, today)
I further estimated a 0% probability that you ever had such a shoe. Not because you are lying, but based on two precedents.
1. That you "once saw 49 consecutive baccarat hands with 48 Player wins, not counting ties.": a one in 870 Billion event
2. That you once won some 60 Baccarat hands in a row: A one in one Million, Billion event.
Here's a great shoe where nothing ran more than two after the initial runs.

I had another shoe where it NEVER ran more than twice. In the latter this player came up and started betting five grand every time two of anything ran by. That roused us into action. Before that we were thinking it wasn't the greatest shoe.
Any by the way, the over quarter million I netted from 48/49 Players and the under some seventy grand I netted from the Blackjack streak would beg to differ as to whether I experienced those two events. We should just leave it at that.

Quote: MDawgYou're making a sort of dicto simpliciter
Dicto Simpliciter is a fallacy in which a general rule or observation is treated as universally true regardless of the circumstances or the individuals concerned. Also known as the fallacy of sweeping generalization, unqualified generalization.
Something like 'If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck and someone claimed it was a unicorn', then it was probably a duck. ???
I'm content to be both.Quote: MDawgThere's an old expression which goes something like, "You want to be right, or you want to be rich?"
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Not as rich as some (claim) and possibly more right than some.
Enjoy spending your millions in any way you see fit, including at table games. I'm not jealous of, nor impressed by anything you claim.
Quote: MDawgYou're making a sort of dicto simpliciter, ad hominen argument
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"An ad hominem attack is an attack on the character of the target, who tends to feel the necessity to defend himself or herself from the accusation of being hypocritical. "
I do not attack your character. I do not believe* that you tend to feel the need to defend yourself or your character.
It's a personal failing of mine that I'm incapable of believing certain assertions and a characteristic of your POSTS and that those posts sometimes contain certain assertions that trigger that failing.
* Wizard has already clarified to say that we are allowed to say what we do and do not believe.
Quote: OnceDearlink to original post
Enjoy spending your millions in any way you see fit, including at table games.
Of course, that implies losing at table games, and that's not right of you to say that, in the wake of my session reports. Of course, you could throw down the gauntlet and claim that any one of my session reports is incorrect.
Quote: MDawgQuote: OnceDearlink to original post
Enjoy spending your millions in any way you see fit, including at table games.
Of course, that implies losing at table games, and that's not right of you to say that, in the wake of my session reports. Of course, you could throw down the gauntlet and claim that any one of my session reports is to original post
Your session reports do not persuade me that you will continue to win. They persuade me of nothing.
Massive bankroll at stake with perfectly normal variance go a long way to explaining your winning sessions.
The rules of the games that you play, especially Baccarat more than implies losing at table games as a likely corollary.
Win or lose, I bid you pleasure at those games.
Sometimes when I walk in to the casino I think, I might not be able to do it this time. And sometimes I do lose. Other times, I am confident that I won't lose.
Is there a correlation to big wins or big losses depending on my mood? Not necessarily.
What I think is interesting is that just because I switched to Blackjack lately no one is coming up and saying that it can't be (other than I think someone here might've mentioned something about the spread?), but with Baccarat there were a few here at WOV who said it could not be.
Anyway, thanks for the well wishes. You remind me of one of the VIP attendants at one of the casinos, who knows that most will lose, so doesn't wish Good Luck, but rather that the patron "Have fun!"
I'll come here and say that I believe your Blackjack session claims exactly as much as I believe your baccarat session claims.Quote: MDawgThank you.
What I think is interesting is that just because I switched to Blackjack lately no one is coming up and saying that it can't be (other than I think someone here might've mentioned something about the spread?), but with Baccarat there were a few here at WOV who said it could not to original post
I note that you never mention the application of kelly criteria. That might be an interesting exercise for you.
I assume that's because very few people are reading what's hidden away. I don't even know how to find your thread anymore. SOME 99% of the time I only comment or follow the most recent threads showing on the first page.Quote: MDawgThank you.
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Sometimes when I walk in to the casino I think, I might not be able to do it this time. And sometimes I do lose. Other times, I am confident that I won't lose.
Is there a correlation to big wins or big losses depending on my mood? Not necessarily.
What I think is interesting is that just because I switched to Blackjack lately no one is coming up and saying that it can't be (other than I think someone here might've mentioned something about the spread?), but with Baccarat there were a few here at WOV who said it could not be.
Anyway, thanks for the well wishes. You remind me of one of the VIP attendants at one of the casinos, who knows that most will lose, so doesn't wish Good Luck, but rather that the patron "Have fun!"
Quote: AxelWolfI don't even know how to find your thread anymore.
Quote: AxelWolfI don't even know how to find your thread anymore. SOME 99% of the time I only comment or follow the most recent threads showing on the first page.
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If you're interested to see what a particular member has been up to lately, perhaps click on their username in a post header. This should take you to their member page, where recent blog entries and thread posts may be conveniently accessed.
Let me guess, 3 or 4 of the usual suspects? I can sit around commenting to myself day after day and claim plenty of comments. Nice try.Quote: MDawgThere are plenty of comments still made regularly.

Life is good!
We have this:
Quote: OnceDearQuote: MDawgI don't know why people just have to assume that reports of improbable events are inaccurate.
All sorts of improbable events have happened throughout history.
I myself observed 22 Players in a row, at Baccarat, which is certainly less probable than 32 Reds in a row at Roulette. By the way, DarkOz, was it a single or double 0 wheel?
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Probability 22 Players in a row 0.4462^22 = 1 in 51,327,433
Probability 32 Reds in a row US Double 0 (18/38)^32 = 1 in 24,230,084,485
Probability 32 Reds in a row EU Single 0 (18/37)^32 = 1 in 10,321,314,386
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We have this:
Quote: MDawg
So what's the probability of 16 Banks in a row? because I have experienced that more than once this trip alone!
16 Banks, no intervening ties:
I took the above pic this trip but didn't take a pic of every shoe where I experienced sixteen banks in a row. And yes, I played those 16 banks and won low six figures. I didn't just watch. Doesn't that make the event less improbable in the eyes of the typical WOV naysayer, that I not only experienced but played and benefited from it?
The further beauty of that shoe was that the tie happened after the 16 Banks, so I cut the bet and then lost the next hand for not much compared to how high I had gotten with the progression.
Also, please compare your numbers with these that are wildly different!Quote: ThatDonGuyQuote: ThatDonGuySounds like it's time to break out the simulation code.
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After a run of 65 million 8-deck shoes (burn one card, plus its value (count 0 cards as 10), from the top; deal all the way down until there are 6 or fewer cards left):
14 bank wins at start: 1 / 51,677
Probability of a shoe having a run of at least:
15 bank wins: 1 / 3,151
16 bank wins: 1 / 6,903
17 bank wins: 1 / 15,108
18 bank wins: 1 / 33,597
19 bank wins: 1 / 70,894
20 bank wins: 1 / 154,418
21 bank wins: 1 / 359,171
22 bank wins: 1 / 730,449
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We have this:
Quote: OnceDearQuote: MDawgSo what's the probability of 16 Banks in a row? because I have experienced that more than once this trip alone!
16 Banks, no intervening ties:
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The probability that it happened is 100%
The probability that it would happen from any starting hand observed...
The ‘Banker’ wins 50.38
16 x consecutive would be The ‘Banker’ wins 0.5038^16 = 1 in 58000 or so
Probability that you saw it once in a trip would be approx 1 in 58000 x Number of hands you observed.
Only you can know that latter number.
Anyways. Well done on pressing into it.
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And here,
I found this

Over all, ThatDonGuy's calculations show probability of given streaks as much more likely than other calculations reported here at WOV or found calculated elsewhere. And at times I see reports of probability in the millions or billions for a given streak, and at other times probability calculations claiming that such identical streaks would be as likely as 1 in a mere ten thousand or so.
no paradox. Tdg's table lists probability per shoe, not per set of 16. Lots of sets of 16 per shoe. And the other table is same order of numbers as mineQuote: MDawgWe have multiple calculations of odds for these sorts of things.
We have this:Quote: OnceDearQuote: MDawgI don't know why people just have to assume that reports of improbable events are inaccurate.
All sorts of improbable events have happened throughout history.
I myself observed 22 Players in a row, at Baccarat, which is certainly less probable than 32 Reds in a row at Roulette. By the way, DarkOz, was it a single or double 0 wheel?
link to original post
Probability 22 Players in a row 0.4462^22 = 1 in 51,327,433
Probability 32 Reds in a row US Double 0 (18/38)^32 = 1 in 24,230,084,485
Probability 32 Reds in a row EU Single 0 (18/37)^32 = 1 in 10,321,314,386
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We have this:Quote: MDawg
So what's the probability of 16 Banks in a row? because I have experienced that more than once this trip alone!
16 Banks, no intervening ties:
I took the above pic this trip but didn't take a pic of every shoe where I experienced sixteen banks in a row. And yes, I played those 16 banks and won low six figures. I didn't just watch. Doesn't that make the event less improbable in the eyes of the typical WOV naysayer, that I not only experienced but played and benefited from it?
The further beauty of that shoe was that the tie happened after the 16 Banks, so I cut the bet and then lost the next hand for not much compared to how high I had gotten with the progression.
Also, please compare your numbers with these that are wildly different!Quote: ThatDonGuyQuote: ThatDonGuySounds like it's time to break out the simulation code.
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After a run of 65 million 8-deck shoes (burn one card, plus its value (count 0 cards as 10), from the top; deal all the way down until there are 6 or fewer cards left):
14 bank wins at start: 1 / 51,677
Probability of a shoe having a run of at least:
15 bank wins: 1 / 3,151
16 bank wins: 1 / 6,903
17 bank wins: 1 / 15,108
18 bank wins: 1 / 33,597
19 bank wins: 1 / 70,894
20 bank wins: 1 / 154,418
21 bank wins: 1 / 359,171
22 bank wins: 1 / 730,449
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We have this:Quote: OnceDearQuote: MDawgSo what's the probability of 16 Banks in a row? because I have experienced that more than once this trip alone!
16 Banks, no intervening ties:
link to original post
The probability that it happened is 100%
The probability that it would happen from any starting hand observed...
The ‘Banker’ wins 50.38
16 x consecutive would be The ‘Banker’ wins 0.5038^16 = 1 in 58000 or so
Probability that you saw it once in a trip would be approx 1 in 58000 x Number of hands you observed.
Only you can know that latter number.
Anyways. Well done on pressing into it.
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And here,
I found this
Over all, ThatDonGuy's calculations show probability of given streaks as much more likely than other calculations reported here at WOV or found calculated elsewhere. And at times I see reports of probability in the millions or billions for a given streak, and at other times probability calculations claiming that such identical streaks would be as likely as 1 in a mere ten thousand or so.
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in baccarat you can catch every single streak (ignoring ties) minus one - the initial one - by simply betting on what came last
i.e. - you begin the shoe and just watch the first hand - Player comes - you start betting Player - you get the whole streak minus one - whatever it might be
when the streak ends and Banker comes - you start betting Banker - and you get the entire streak on Banker minus one - the one before you switched
by playing this way 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗰𝗮𝗻 𝗴𝗲𝘁 𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘆 𝘀𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗹𝗲 𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗸 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗴𝗮𝗺𝗲 𝗼𝗳 𝗕𝗮𝗰𝗰𝗮𝗿𝗮𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝘆𝗼𝘂'𝗿𝗲 𝗽𝗹𝗮𝘆𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗼𝗳𝗳𝗲𝗿𝘀 - 𝗺𝗶𝗻𝘂𝘀 𝗼𝗻𝗲
unless you count a chop as a streak - even if you do count it you can still get 2 out of 3 of all the possible streaks - minus one - the beginning of the streak when you bet the other way
then, you can even do what so many gambling writers recommend - begin betting up into the streak after your first win - increasing your bet by whatever
does playing this way mean you will be a long run winner?
𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐚 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞

In any case, as long as you're not that guy who walks up to the table and flips a coin to decide whether or not he should even play, you're probably doing okay over all. When I see anyone do that, I think, wow, how could anyone let himself get down that low in terms of desperation.

Basically in Baccarat there are two kinds of shoes. Shoes that do what I expect, and shoes that do not. Same in Blackjack - when I jump the bet I expect to win. Just that, you guys know exactly why I am jumping the bet in Blackjack. In Baccarat, I'm not telling.
in another post somewhere (I could find it but I'm feeling lazy now) you said you jumped your bet to the table max
quite a while ago when I was playing BJ in A.C. the table max at a $25 table was $25,000
IIRC $100 tables had a $50,000 table max
IIRC $5 tables had a table max of $2,500 and $10 tables had a table max of $5,000
what is the table max at $25, $50 and $100 BJ tables in sin city now?
just curious
These days as far as public Blackjack tables, the limit is typically $15,000. for the shoe, and either $10,000. or the same $15,000. for double deck.
Private table limits are always higher, but nothing like the private table limits for Baccarat - no matter how much of a credit line or cash on deposit you have it is pretty much improbable to get them to allow much over $25,000. a hand at blackjack, although you may play more than one hand at a time....
Put it this way...whatever the stated public limit at a given Vegas casino is for Baccarat, the stated public limit for Blackjack is going to be lower or at best, the same.
Quote: OnceDearno paradox. Tdg's table lists probability per shoe, not per set of 16. Lots of sets of 16 per shoe. And the other table is same order of numbers as mineQuote: MDawgOver all, ThatDonGuy's calculations show probability of given streaks as much more likely than other calculations reported here at WOV or found calculated elsewhere. And at times I see reports of probability in the millions or billions for a given streak, and at other times probability calculations claiming that such identical streaks would be as likely as 1 in a mere ten thousand or so.
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Well, there is one "apparent" paradox, which also has an explanation: the chart says that the probability of 14 consecutive banker wins at the start of a shoe in baccarat is 1 / 13,552, but I got 1 / 51,677. This is because the original request stated 14 consecutive banker wins at the start of a shoe without any ties, while the chart ignores ties (it says that the calculation is based on the probability of a banker win being 50.68%).
okay, MDawg - I found at least one of your posts I was referring to - this one from a few days ago
Quote: MDawgDay 133 play
DD Blackjack. 300 - 20000 spread.
pro BJ players are a pretty informative group - there are several different forums devoted just to BJ populated to a great extent by pro players
just about all of them will indicate that if they jump their bet from $25 to just $400 - and the pit becomes aware they're counting - usually informed from EITS - that they are liable to get backed off, trespassed and sometimes even backroomed
unless they're new players with a very good act - meaning cover - or playing for a very short amount of time
the heat is the hottest at DD games
how do you explain your being able to maintain an incredibly huge spread like that and not get a lot of heat?
If you were a pit boss and you could tell the person betting had no advantage would you allow them to spread like that? I hope the answer is yes. Obviously I would have the eye in the sky make sure they are not up to anything.Quote: lilredrooster_________
okay, MDawg - I found at least one of your posts I was referring to - this one from a few days agoQuote: MDawgDay 133 play
DD Blackjack. 300 - 20000 spread.
pro BJ players are a pretty informative group - there are several different forums devoted just to BJ populated to a great extent by pro players
just about all of them will indicate that if they jump their bet from $25 to just $400 - and the pit becomes aware they're counting - usually informed from EITS - that they are liable to get backed off, trespassed and sometimes even backroomed
unless they're new players with a very good act - meaning cover - or playing for a very short amount of time
the heat is the hottest at DD games
how do you explain your being able to maintain an incredibly huge spread like that and not get a lot of heat?
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Quote: MDawgI do what I do, and other than the one recent BJack session have won every time (as I recall there was one session where I ended flat, too) - anyway, not like I am going to ask anyone why they allow me to do whatever I am doing. I actually could care less what the pit or anyone else thinks. I just concentrate on winning. If anyone has a problem with what I am doing I am sure they will come up to me and say something. Until then I would be stupid to modify my play given the results.
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if I understand you correctly - you are a pro player - using pro techniques
you're not playing in a vacuum
the game of BJ has been documented by pro players to the tune of tens of thousands of pages of info
they would never allow a pro player to carry on as you indicate
the only explanation can be is that they don't believe you're a pro player - they have really excellent ways to determine this - the only possible way to fool them into believing your not a pro when you really are is very sophisticated shuffle tracking or hole carding
they are not able to identify those techniques as easily as they can counting