Come on those in Vegas, inquiring minds want to know
Its supposed to be a dispensary/entertainment complex
I read its best to visit at night with the laser graffiti and other lighting effects
Anybody check this place out yet?
Is it fun?
From the 2nd link in the OP: "The Superstore is located at 2548 W. Desert Inn Rd..."Quote: billryanPlaces within the city limits are subject to different rules than ones in the unincorporated areas. They pay higher fees and generally charge more. I'm not sure where the dividing line is back in that area, which is quasi industrial.
That's outside of the LV City limits, past the southern boundary by a little more than a mile.

Its pretty close to the fashion mall on the strip so after planet 13, I walked over the the fashion mall for my 1st visit ever
I’m debating between Planet 13 and NuWu. Reviews for NuWu on the other Vegas board were very good, and it’s walking distance from Fremont St.
Wiz’s review of Planet 13 was helpful, but made it seem like a bit of a madhouse and I have NO IDEA what I’m doing. Never bought weed before and I think it’s been about 7 years since I’ve smoked any.
Quote: ams288I’m going today (I want to buy some edibles).
I’m debating between Planet 13 and NuWu. Reviews for NuWu on the other Vegas board were very good, and it’s walking distance from Fremont St.
Wiz’s review of Planet 13 was helpful, but made it seem like a bit of a madhouse and I have NO IDEA what I’m doing. Never bought weed before and I think it’s been about 7 years since I’ve smoked any.
Either place, the budtender will help you out
I walked to Planet 13 from the Fashion mall.
Its right next door to Trump tower
Planet 13 is kind of neat because that huge red ball outside with the mist and inside, that neat floor with the weight activated lights
Quote: terapinedEither place, the budtender will help you out
I walked to Planet 13 from the Fashion mall.
Its right next door to Trump tower
Planet 13 is kind of neat because that huge red ball outside with the mist and inside, that neat floor with the weight activated lights
Highly recommend you stay away from edibles. I'm not sure why, but Nevada has not perfected the way the HTC is evenly distributed.
Tell the person who checks you in you are a first timer. Many places give bonuses, and all of them are very user friendly.
Dispensaries located within the city limits have more restrictions than in the rest of Nevada and tend to be more expensive.
Here is my rundown of the three major ways to consume:
Edibles: Probably the best bang for your buck, but I personally don't like the effect. It's hard to explain. You will feel numb for a long time. If you need something for pain or just get through a bad experience, it would be a good choice, but on a regular day I just feel foggy headed.
Raw bud: If you want to have the pleasurable high experience, this is the best choice.
Vaping: This is a good option for everyday use when you want to feel a little high but still functional.
Quote: WizardIf you just want to buy something and be done with it, to be honest, all the dispensaries are about the same. Planet 13 is more of an Apple Store kind of experience.
Here is my rundown of the three major ways to consume:
Edibles: Probably the best bang for your buck, but I personally don't like the effect. It's hard to explain. You will feel numb for a long time. If you need something for pain or just get through a bad experience, it would be a good choice, but on a regular day I just feel foggy headed.
Raw bud: If you want to have the pleasurable high experience, this is the best choice.
Vaping: This is a good option for everyday use when you want to feel a little high but still functional.
I found this post somewhat surprising to me. A smart guy like you? Do you know how long THC stays in your fatty cells? In other words, your brain?
I've had a friend who was good in math as a young man. We're about the same age and I've known him for at least 40 years. He smokes every day. Now he's a total moron.
Quote: bobbartopI found this post somewhat surprising to me. A smart guy like you? Do you know how long THC stays in your fatty cells? In other words, your brain?
I've had a friend who was good in math as a young man. We're about the same age and I've known him for at least 40 years. He smokes every day. Now he's a total moron.
Good post.
Marijuana shrinks the hippocanthus. Ruinous stuff promoted by irresponsible bankrupt State governments for tax revenues.
Quote: bobbartopI found this post somewhat surprising to me. A smart guy like you? Do you know how long THC stays in your fatty cells? In other words, your brain?
I've had a friend who was good in math as a young man. We're about the same age and I've known him for at least 40 years. He smokes every day. Now he's a total moron.
On the flip side
I make a comfortable living because I'm a pretty sharp tack on the job
Everybody on my team comes to me for help because I'm the smart one
Always sober on the job to be sharp during the day, relax after work with a smoke at night.
We also handle our money well. This pot head just bought a Ford F150. Absolutely love it. Use it to tow my RV.
This pothead is also a homeowner. 3BR. I pretty much own it, tons of equity, mortgage left is small.
Smoking pot at night is really no different then going out and having a drink after work
Quote: TankoGood post.
Marijuana shrinks the hippocanthus. Ruinous stuff promoted by irresponsible bankrupt State governments for tax revenues.
Devote some of that energy to alcohol and cigarettes
Stuff that cancers you lungs and puts you on kidney dialysis and kills other people thru 2nd hand smoke and drunk driving
Whats a little hyppocanthus (Hypocrisy + Hippocanthus)
I bought two kinds of edibles and a disposable vape pen.
Quote: bobbartopI found this post somewhat surprising to me. A smart guy like you? Do you know how long THC stays in your fatty cells? In other words, your brain?
I can't say that I do. I will say that I'm no stone-cold stoner, but use mostly on special occasions. I do feel that all things considered, marijuana is safer than alcohol. I feel very strongly in favor of legalization.
Quote:I've had a friend who was good in math as a young man. We're about the same age and I've known him for at least 40 years. He smokes every day. Now he's a total moron.
I've known people that I considered very smart who smoked heavily for years and never amounted to much. To that I would say correlation does not mean causation. I also do not concede it causes a drop in IQ.
Regarding my friend, to be fair, he is not just a casual user. He has smoked and smoked and smoked for years. I've watched him change. It's not old age, it's not dementia, it's weed. I don't have a signed note from a doctor saying that weed has caused his mental decline, but it's obvious. His short-term memory is poor, his concentration is poor, he's a weed-head.
I'm not suggesting to put people in jail for casual use, all I'm saying is that it is not as "harmless" as it's being made out to be by some. In fact, I don't think all the facts are even in yet. Why play with your brain? It's not a toy.
Quote: ams288I ended up going to Acres dispensary. Had a buddy recommend that one to me and I was gambling at SLS at the time so I decided to just hop on over there afterwards.
I bought two kinds of edibles and a disposable vape pen.
So then it appears that more people on this forum use weed than do not. That "fact" surprises me. A group of people who seem to value being able to think clearly, I would blind-guess that most do not use weed. I guess I lost THAT bet.
Quote: bobbartopSo then it appears that more people on this forum use weed than do not. That "fact" surprises me. A group of people who seem to value being able to think clearly, I would blind-guess that most do not use weed. I guess I lost THAT bet.
AMS said earlier that he had not used in something like seven years, and he lives in a state it’s legal. You are making a mountain out of a molehill, and talking out of your butt with little knowledge of the subject at the same time. Overuse of almost anything can be debilitating, heavy coffee drinkers are angry junkies, heavy use of alcohol and nicotine flat out kills people.
Quote: mcallister3200You are making a mountain out of a molehill, and talking out of your butt with little knowledge of the subject at the same time.
What did I say to deserve such a rude response from you? I thought I was having a civil conversation. It's true that I am not an expert on the effects of THC but it is definitely true that it stays in your fatty cells/brain for MONTHS. That was essentially my only substantive statement, and I am sure it is a fact. If you did not know that, perhaps you could learn something. Either way, there was no excuse for your rudeness. And I did not attempt to argue in favor of heavy coffee use or alcohol use so your implication is weak and illogical.
Quote: bobbartopWhat did I say to deserve such a rude response from you? I thought I was having a civil conversation. It's true that I am not an expert on the effects of THC but it is definitely true that it stays in your fatty cells/brain for MONTHS. That was essentially my only substantive statement, and I am sure it is a fact. If you did not know that, perhaps you could learn something. Either way, there was no excuse for your rudeness. And I did not attempt to argue in favor of heavy coffee use or alcohol use so your implication is weak and illogical.
Well I apologize for my tone then. You are right you didn’t deserve a rude response. I took your statement the wrong way I suppose, or perhaps took it personally for little reason. I brought up the heavy use of other drugs as a response or comparison to the example of your friend being a heavy user, that things that can be rather benign or provide some benefit used appropriately
can be harmful.
Quote: WizardIn almost all things, I believe in moderation. It's easy to make a case against any drug on paper, but some people need something to take the edge off of the hard days.
"She goes running to the shelter of her mother's little helper"
Quote: WizardIn almost all things, I believe in moderation. It's easy to make a case against any drug on paper, but some people need something to take the edge off of the hard days.
It's just a guess, but I'm going to guess that James Grosjean does not smoke pot. I could be wrong, I don't know the guy. It's just a guess. lol
Quote: bobbartopIt's just a guess, but I'm going to guess that James Grosjean does not smoke pot. I could be wrong, I don't know the guy. It's just a guess. lol
He also might be happier if he did.
Quote: WizardIn almost all things, I believe in moderation. It's easy to make a case against any drug on paper, but some people need something to take the edge off of the hard days.
Hear hear!
A big caveat is that smoking weed, even occasionally, before your brain is developed (i.e. as a teenager) has serious, proven bad effects for the rest of your life. This is a big risk and a reason that I recently decided not to smoke in front of my kids, even though I agree with the Wiz, support legalization, and believe that weed is less harmful on balance than alcohol and cigarettes. Having a few drinks as a teenager is not great either (impaired judgement, drunk driving, sexual assault, etc.), but if done in a safe environment it's not going to mess up your brain development as badly as weed.
As an adult, it can surely dull you if you are a daily smoker. My FIL is a daily smoker, has been for his entire adult life. He's in his 60s now and my wife and her mom think they are starting to see its effect on him in terms of memory. However, he had a very long and productive career as an electrical engineer and later project manager in the defense industry, made big bucks and retired (with way too much money IMO) in his early mid 50s. I didn't know him back then, so maybe he wasn't a daily smoker, but regular. And even with his current potential memory problems, it's very mild. It could just as easily be old age kicking in.
Personally, I get high about once a week. It is a good way to relax. I have some drinks more often than that.
I agree with the wizards review. I too was confused about where to go. But my bud tendr was helpful once I found him.
I got an infused joint. A first for me. $25 which is an ok price I think. At moments I did find it more intense. But the main thing is that it lasts forever.
It burns very slowly, I assume by design. It's like 47% thc. So for me, one joint is easily going to last a week as my insomnia cure.
Quote: billryanMy local dispensary had amazing deals in April. They offered ounces of Sativa for $99 yesterday. Usual price is $301.
That's a great deal
Where is it at?
I wish dispensaries in Tampa had that kind of deal
FL just allowed flower to be sold last month.
So far no great deals as they are only selling them in 1/8 ounce packages
on another topic, I met up with my cousin's husband last week who teaches business courses at U.C. Irvine. He says California has been disappointed with cannabis revenue and thinks the reason for less than expected sales is that prices are rather high and the black market is undercutting them.