Quote: billryanSo I'm Joe Six pack and I take the afternoon off to register a car. After two hours of standing on line, Dr Kildare strolls in and jumps ahead of me to register his back up weekend car.
I'm not just giving something to the line jumper, it's actually earned. The government gives more to those who have paid more. That's the whole point.
I'm simply trying find a non-paying compensation for taxpayers who feel they are ripped off paying progressive tax rates vs, those who don't. What's wrong with that.
Quote: billryanSo I'm Joe Six pack and I take the afternoon off to register a car. After two hours of standing on line, Dr Kildare strolls in and jumps ahead of me to register his back up weekend car.
I've never heard of people cutting in line at the DMV simply because they're richer... what are you talking about? Does that ever happen?
Voters should be allowed to sell their votes, just as politicians do to lobbyists.Quote: beachbumbabsMan, I hope that's either sarcasm or reductio ad absurdum . Lol...
Hit a lot of nails on the head, in my opinion... and of course there's so much more even, but you summed it up nicely in the CHOICE so many make to just be psychotic instead of seeking out rational facts. This is why America is a joke of a country and is definitely not a world leader.Quote: boymimboThat ship has sailed. I doubt there will be any appreciable backlash.
America has become the land of the corporate and the land of the corrupt. When a pharma can use its monopoly to charge 10000% margins due to a monopoly and pay off doctors to prescribe it one exchange for life you know things are messed up. When a government can stop accepting asylum applications indiscrimately or slow the handling of work and family visas to a halt you know things are messed up. When a government can fail to pass gun legislation that the great majority of Americans support you know lobbyists are messing up the relationship between representative and constituent. When an executive branch states things that its own intel community disputes (denuclearization) in order to put false hope in people you know things are not right. And when your GOP base runs out a tax cut package that is running then government at a 830 billion deficit this year and 900+ billion next year you know there is a problem.
As for the lack of compassion for others, America has turned inwards. People have become convinced that most immigrants pose a threat to the security and culture of this country. People have become convinced somehow that trickle down economics works and that corporations will go back to hiring American when Trump himself uses cheap foreign labor and materialsl. People have become convinced that tariffs and protectionism will help American labor. People have become convinced that North Korea, China and Russia are allies while Canada, Great Britain and German are ripping off Americans. Most importantly, people can not discern fact from fiction and are too lazy to do basic research and simply believe what they want to believe and trust sources (no matter how dubious they are) that supports what they think. America is in deep deep trouble and I doubt the damage it is doing to itself will be undone, which is fine because one can shape their own reality and live in delusion, just like the Germans in the 1930s and the North Koreans and Saudis today. The only difference is that Americans have a choice, and the choice people have seemed to make is long term psychosis. After all, it feels better, and thats all that counts.
Good night and have a pleasant tomorrow.
Quote: TigerWuI've never heard of people cutting in line at the DMV simply because they're richer... what are you talking about? Does that ever happen?
He's referring to a suggestion I made earlier on.
Which I started wondering about, because I don't believe with the income inequity which already exists and just gets worse as time goes on, that a flat tax is just unworkable and unrealistic. So what else can you do to alleviate the complaints about the current system?
And that's where I was going with this idea
Quote: rxwineHe's referring to a suggestion I made earlier on.
Which I started wondering about, because I don't believe with the income inequity which already exists and just gets worse as time goes on, that a flat tax is just unworkable and unrealistic. So what else can you do to alleviate the complaints about the current system?
And that's where I was going with this idea
Oh, okay.
With respect to financial inequality and taxation and the welfare system, I think a HUGE part of the problem that people are glossing over or ignoring is how financially illiterate the average person is. When I was barely out of college I was almost ready to declare bankruptcy because I had no idea how to save money or invest or live within my means or anything. I learned in like 5th grade how to balance a checkbook but that's about it as far as financial education goes.
I mean, a CEO making $50 million a year and a worker at his company working for minimum wage 60 hours a week is arguably a problem, but let's not ignore the fact that half the time that minimum wage worker is being an idiot with his money because he doesn't know any better and never learned financial responsibility.
Quote: boymimboThat ship has sailed. I doubt there will be any appreciable backlash.
America has become the land of the corporate and the land of the corrupt. When a pharma can use its monopoly to charge 10000% margins due to a monopoly and pay off doctors to prescribe it one exchange for life you know things are messed up. When a government can stop accepting asylum applications indiscrimately or slow the handling of work and family visas to a halt you know things are messed up. When a government can fail to pass gun legislation that the great majority of Americans support you know lobbyists are messing up the relationship between representative and constituent. When an executive branch states things that its own intel community disputes (denuclearization) in order to put false hope in people you know things are not right. And when your GOP base runs out a tax cut package that is running then government at a 830 billion deficit this year and 900+ billion next year you know there is a problem.
As for the lack of compassion for others, America has turned inwards. People have become convinced that most immigrants pose a threat to the security and culture of this country. People have become convinced somehow that trickle down economics works and that corporations will go back to hiring American when Trump himself uses cheap foreign labor and materialsl. People have become convinced that tariffs and protectionism will help American labor. People have become convinced that North Korea, China and Russia are allies while Canada, Great Britain and German are ripping off Americans. Most importantly, people can not discern fact from fiction and are too lazy to do basic research and simply believe what they want to believe and trust sources (no matter how dubious they are) that supports what they think. America is in deep deep trouble and I doubt the damage it is doing to itself will be undone, which is fine because one can shape their own reality and live in delusion, just like the Germans in the 1930s and the North Koreans and Saudis today. The only difference is that Americans have a choice, and the choice people have seemed to make is long term psychosis. After all, it feels better, and thats all that counts.
Good night and have a pleasant tomorrow.
Just popped in here to read and not post
The above really nails it
Thank you
Quote: rxwineCongrats. I should have calculated my example for that before I posted.
However the point remains. Even most taxpayers haven't actually paid their fair share over the years, not just the impoverished. But people generally aren't looking in the mirror when they are blaming someone for it. Just blaming the poor.
I don’t know what the average (mean) tax bill is, but I’m pretty sure I’m paying above that. At least when I plug in the amounts on what percentile income I fall under and such. Based on Boz’s posts, I’d bet he pays well above the mean average tax bill amount.
The other side of the coin is that most people pay below the mean average, both in real life and the example given. How does our society work? We vote. Who wins the election? The guy with the most votes. Is he more likely to win by being practical and running on a good platform? Or is he more likely to get the votes by pandering to the masses who’re making less than the mean average and saying they’ll raise taxes on those who are making more than them?
With the example above, if someone were to run for president of those people, which platform would get more votes — everyone pays $17.85? Or the tax rate you proposed? Or the top 2 pay $600 each (and now the tax income is $1200 total and not $1000 total)?
Quote: boymimboThat ship has sailed. I doubt there will be any appreciable backlash.
America has become the land of the corporate and the land of the corrupt. When a pharma can use its monopoly to charge 10000% margins due to a monopoly and pay off doctors to prescribe it one exchange for life you know things are messed up. When a government can stop accepting asylum applications indiscrimately or slow the handling of work and family visas to a halt you know things are messed up. When a government can fail to pass gun legislation that the great majority of Americans support you know lobbyists are messing up the relationship between representative and constituent. When an executive branch states things that its own intel community disputes (denuclearization) in order to put false hope in people you know things are not right. And when your GOP base runs out a tax cut package that is running then government at a 830 billion deficit this year and 900+ billion next year you know there is a problem.
As for the lack of compassion for others, America has turned inwards. People have become convinced that most immigrants pose a threat to the security and culture of this country. People have become convinced somehow that trickle down economics works and that corporations will go back to hiring American when Trump himself uses cheap foreign labor and materialsl. People have become convinced that tariffs and protectionism will help American labor. People have become convinced that North Korea, China and Russia are allies while Canada, Great Britain and German are ripping off Americans. Most importantly, people can not discern fact from fiction and are too lazy to do basic research and simply believe what they want to believe and trust sources (no matter how dubious they are) that supports what they think. America is in deep deep trouble and I doubt the damage it is doing to itself will be undone, which is fine because one can shape their own reality and live in delusion, just like the Germans in the 1930s and the North Koreans and Saudis today. The only difference is that Americans have a choice, and the choice people have seemed to make is long term psychosis. After all, it feels better, and thats all that counts.
Good night and have a pleasant tomorrow.
Outstanding analysis.
However, this midterm is not going to be about the men. It's going to be about the women. I think folks are in for a surprise. I could be wrong. But women have not been energized, let alone pissed, like this since the early 70s, and I think they're angrier now than then. Not even close to that since then.
The work is going on behind the scenes for the most part, but it's getting organized, and fractures and factions are being healed out of necessity and a new awareness. And a lot of Moderate Republicans and never-Trumpers are leaving the party or telling people to vote Democrat.
I have no way of knowing if the statistic i saw last week is correct, and i don't think they have recent enough stats on it to publish, but the Republican party membership is reportedly down about 27% over the last decade, including the Trump years.
So we'll see, I guess. I doubt this will hang together when it comes to 2020 unless someone really strong steps up, but locked and loaded for a shellacking in 2018.
Quote: RSI don’t know what the average (mean) tax bill is, but I’m pretty sure I’m paying above that. At least when I plug in the amounts on what percentile income I fall under and such. Based on Boz’s posts, I’d bet he pays well above the mean average tax bill amount.
Sure you could have paid above the average, but my point was unless you actually have been paying the most for years of your life, not just above average you have been letting a few take more of burden. But people only tend to blame the poor rather than consider they also don't pay as much.
Lots of people may have paid above average, but it's very likely a few have taken a much bigger share of that burden, and to just pick on the poor is, well unfair. Check the mirror and all that.
Quote: TigerWuI've never heard of people cutting in line at the DMV simply because they're richer... what are you talking about? Does that ever happen?
Unless I'm misreading his posts, Rxwine is suggesting just that. That the more you pay in taxes, the more government prioritizes you.
Why stop at DMV. Why not 911. Maybe rich folks can dial 910 and jump that line. Maybe we have special police and fire departments.
Here is hint- the rich have plenty of advantages, they don't need more. It's nice waking up knowing I can afford both my medicines and my car. I don't need a reward for being well off. It's it own reward
Quote: billryanUnless I'm misreading his posts, Rxwine is suggesting just that. That the more you pay in taxes, the more government prioritizes you.
Why stop at DMV. Why not 911. Maybe rich folks can dial 910 and jump that line. Maybe we have special police and fire departments.
No, I actually specified urgent care needs take priority just like they do now. You can't legally buy yourself or earn your way to the first kidney transplant. That doesn't change with anything else..
Quote:Here is hint- the rich have plenty of advantages, they don't need more. It's nice waking up knowing I can afford both my medicines and my car. I don't need a reward for being well off. It's it own reward
Do you read this thread much? I'm not the one you need to convince. I'm trying to throw a bone of compromise to the other side. Obviously all anyone sees is bones. : {
Quote: rxwineNo, I actually specified urgent care needs take priority just like they do now. You can't legally buy yourself or earn your way to the first kidney transplant. That doesn't change with anything else..
Do you read this thread much? I'm not the one you need to convince. I'm trying to throw a bone of compromise to the other side. Obviously all anyone sees is bones. : {
You are the one making the suggestions. I think they are ridiculous, are Anti-American and not very well thought out. You are literally suggesting a system where Nobel people( the rich) are privileged and the poor get treated as second class citizens.
I will ask again. A kid is born to a person who pays lots of taxes and thus gets lots of privilege. At what age does that stop? Does the kid keep his privileged life or lose it as a young adult with little income because he is in school.
My neighbor lost his leg in an ambush in Iraq.
His buddy just cycled out after winning a Bronze Star.
Who gets privileges in your Bizzaro World Order?
Quote: billryanYou are the one making the suggestions. I think they are ridiculous, are Anti-American and not very well thought out.
Fair enough.
Quote:You are literally suggesting a system where Nobel people( the rich) are privileged and the poor get treated as second class citizens.
No I'm suggesting a system where people who pay more get more. We're not giving anything away to the rich they didn't pay for. Just seems that way to you. And calling it nobility doesn't make it so. Nobility get things just for being somebody not for earning a living.
Quote:I will ask again. A kid is born to a person who pays lots of taxes and thus gets lots of privilege. At what age does that stop? Does the kid keep his privileged life or lose it as a young adult with little income because he is in school.
I didn't really understand what you are getting at. Still don't. Has he worked yet after he leaves home? His parents are the only ones getting tax benefits if they work. If he worked a summer job in high school he could earn tax benefits. If not he would have none. If his parents want to pay all his bills after he leaves home they can do that. Nothing is stopping them.
Quote: billryanI paid a million dollars in taxes last year.
My neighbor lost his leg in an ambush in Iraq.
His buddy just cycled out after winning a Bronze Star.
Who gets privileges in your Bizzaro World Order?
For some reason, you think I would do away with recognizing people who serve in the military as special cases, not your normal job. Never inferred that.
Quote: billryanI paid a million dollars in taxes last year.
A million dollars? Like USD? Hmmm....
us know how they feel about kids
in cages and getting rid of ICE.
And I hope they keep kicking
Trump people out of everywhere.
This is having a very positive
effect on the Dem base, Chuck
and Nancy are getting very uneasy.
Keep up the good work..
Quote: RSA million dollars? Like USD? Hmmm....
It's a hypothetical. In my case, you can drop about seven zeroes.
Totally normal.
Nothing to see here, folks.
Quote: NathanIf he was sick of Sandra's crap he could have done the mature thing about it and either say,"Look, I don't like your attitude," or divorce her. Reminds me of the movie Soul Food where Miles, in a moment of weakness has sex with Teri's cousin and literally seconds after, they both regret it. Teri was being snooty, wasn't having sex with him, and wasn't supporting Miles' dream of being a musician(She wanted him to remain a Lawyer like her), but he had no business cheating on her with her cousin. He should have divorced her instead rather than cheat on her with the next available woman who would sleep with him, which unfortunately was Teri's cousin.
This is the Trump thread.... Please return to Nathan's Corner!!!!!!!
Quote: TigerWuLooks like Trump is up for his annual review with the big boss man.
Totally normal.
Nothing to see here, folks.
Probably makes Trump kneel and kiss the Super Bowl ring Putin stole.
The new Axis of Russia, North Korea and the trump organization will issue in an era of prosperity one can scarcely imagine.
Just sit back and enjoy that tax cut.
Quote: billryanThank God Putin and his boys exposed the FBI for the evildoers they are and exposed our Allies for the back stabbing putas they are.
Next step: take down Deep State Shadow President Hillary Clinton....!
in media because of TDS:
ABC News’s Brian Ross
After being suspended without pay for four weeks in December, Ross finally got “resigned” for spreading fake news about then-candidate Trump’s asking a senior campaign surrogate, former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, to help him get in touch with the Russians. Never happened.
ABC News’s Rhonda Schwartz
Schwartz was Brian Ross’s executive producer. She is also leaving the network.
CNN’s Thomas Frank
Frank got “resigned” for publishing a “demonstrably inaccurate hit piece on the President” regarding a Russian investment fund tied to his inner circle.
CNN’s Eric Lichtblau
Lichtblau got “resigned” for publishing a “demonstrably inaccurate hit piece on the President” regarding a Russian investment fund tied to his inner circle.
CNN’s Lex Haris
Haris got “resigned” for publishing a “demonstrably inaccurate hit piece on the President” regarding a Russian investment fund tied to his inner circle.
The New Yorker’s Talia Lavin
This fact checker lost her job after falsely accusing a wounded veteran who works at ICE of sporting a Nazi tattoo. This was all about attacking Trump for continuing Obama’s policy of separating illegal alien adults and children at the border.
The Republican‘s Conor Berry
Berry lost his job after tweeting the lie that the man arrested for murdering five journalists in Maryland last week “dropped his MAGA hat on the newsroom floor before opening fire.”
CNN’s Kathy Griffin
Griffin was fired from her annual New Year’s Eve gig after she was pictured holding up Trump’s severed, bloody head.
CNN’s Reza Aslan
Aslan lost his job for calling Trump a “piece of shit” after the president correctly reported that a terror attack in London was indeed a terror attack.
Politico‘s Julia Ioffe
Ioffe was fired by Politico for tweeting, “Either Trump is f**king his daughter or he’s shirking nepotism laws. Which is worse?”
She now works at GQ, where she can ask Donald Trump Jr. questions about wanting to have sex with his own mother.
But at least she is no longer able to disguise herself as objective.
ESPN’s Jemele Hill
Hill was suspended and eventually fired from her lucrative perch at SportsCenter for a series of tweets attacking Trump, including one where she smeared him as a “white supremacist.”
Marketplace‘s Lewis Wallace
Wallace was fired for calling for an end to objectivity after Trump won the election.
Associated Press’s Melanie Plenda
Plenda lost her job after she violated editorial standards by publishing a “call to action” against Trump.
New York Post‘s Bart Hubbuch
Hubbuch was fired for comparing Trump’s presidential inauguration to September 11 and Pearl Harbor.
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette‘s Rob Rogers
If you read between the lines, the cartoonist appears to have been fired after his unhinged loathing of Trump made him impossible to work with.
The New York Times’s Ali Watkins
This “rising star” in the establishment media’s anti-Trump Resistance was demoted after it was revealed she was sleeping with one of the sources slipping her anti-Trump scoops and may have been sleeping with another.
Quote: EvenBob16 people (so far) who have lost their jobs
in media because of TDS:
Only 16? Pff... That's bush league.
Quote: TigerWuOnly 16? Pff...
Trump is known for going thru staff
people till he finds what he wants.
But if you read why many of them
left, it had nothing to do with Trump.
It was their personal life, or their past,
or who they worked for in the administration.
Quote: billryanImagine the bloodbath if Fox or the WH applied the same standards.
Well, Fox is purely entertainment so they don't need to have any journalistic standards.
Quote: EvenBobTrump is known for going thru staff
people till he finds what he wants.
Well, that makes sense he would do it that way since he's a terrible businessman.
Quote:But if you read why many of them
left, it had nothing to do with Trump.
It was their personal life, or their past,
or who they worked for in the administration.
Quote: billryan
Just sit back and enjoy that tax cut.
We are, that is those of us who pay more than $1 a year in Federal Incone Tax are. Posted here by you, only taking you at your word.
But don’t worry, most of us are still paying our “fair share” to support those like you (again self admitted) who don’t.
But I get you are “retired”, is it all you envisioned?
Is Trump just too stupid to fire him?
In May, Senate Intelligence Committee leaders backed the 2017 intel community report that formally accused Russia of trying to interfere in the election to the Trump campaign's benefit.
"The Russian effort was extensive, sophisticated and ordered by President Putin himself for the purpose of helping Donald Trump and hurting Hillary Clinton," top Senate committee Democrat Mark Warner said in a joint statement at the time.
“As numerous intelligence and national security officials in the Trump administration have since unanimously re-affirmed, the ICA findings were accurate and on point," Warner said.
“The bottom line: The Russians did commit active measures against our election in 2016, and we think they will do that in the future,” Rep. Mike Conaway, R-Texas, said in March. “We disagree with the narrative that they were trying to help Trump.”
But some key Republicans said that it seemed Russia was, in fact, trying to help Trump win. In a statement earlier this year, Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., said it was “clear based on the evidence” that Putin wanted Clinton to lose in November.
Source: FOX NEWS
Quote: TigerWuFindings that Russia meddled
House says no, senate says yes, they
cancel each other out. Russia has
'meddled' in our elections since
Ike ran in 52. Where's the info in
these reports that says the Russians
won the election for Trump. Why
did they leave that out, I thought
that was the point of all this. This
whole thing becomes a bigger cluster
circle by the day..
Why wouldn't Putin prefer Trump over Clinton? After watching the Obama admin turn Libya into a Jihadi factory, from the most progressive country in MENA. After Obama and Hillary's attempt to portray Crimea as an invasion by Russia, after the Obama regime's attempt to destabilize Syria and now Yemen, why wouldn't Russia prefer Trump? That's ridiculous. Of course he preferred Trump, that is only logical and wasn't a secret.Quote: TigerWuRep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., said it was “clear based on the evidence” that Putin wanted Clinton to lose in November.
A lot of Americans preferred Trump over Hillary as well.
Quote: EvenBobWhere's the info in
these reports that says the Russians
won the election for Trump. Why
did they leave that out, I thought
that was the point of all this.
It is. The investigation is not over yet, as far as I know, which is why the evidence (if there is any) hasn't been released. That's how criminal investigations work.
Quote: EvenBobHouse says no, senate says yes, they
cancel each other out. Russia has
'meddled' in our elections since
Ike ran in 52. Where's the info in
these reports that says the Russians
won the election for Trump. Why
did they leave that out, I thought
that was the point of all this. This
whole thing becomes a bigger cluster
circle by the day..
Not when Nunez proved himself to be a Trump lackey, consulting with the White House and leaking confidential information entrusted to the House committee. And suppressed the minority report which provided factual contradictory evidence that aligned (we know now) with the Senate conclusions. And was so tainted by his transgressions he had to recuse himself. Except he didn't actually recuse himself, he just said he did, then manipulated the process further.
No equivalency at all in those two reports, not with that methodology.
Quote: TigerWuThe investigation is not over yet,
Sure it is. But in the minds
of those with TDS, it will
never be over 20 years from
now. It'll fit right in with
we never landed on the moon
and Bush stole the 2000
election from Gore.
She posted about never voting for Florida Governor Rick Scott in his quest to win the Senate seat currently held by Dem Bill Nelson. She states Scott is a bad person among other past misdeeds. But this is bigger then Florida and so indicative of where we are as a country politically today.
Of course every person who voted for Trump in Florida has to get out and vote for Scott. It’s the only way to continue the progress Trump has made and wants to make. And I’m not sure how this ever changes in my lifetime.
We are so divided and yes, both parties are to blame, but there is no way the Trump agenda could move forward without a GOP majority.
The Dems that stayed home because Hillary and her parties leadership screwed Bernie proved nothing. For every Joe Manchin or Susan Collins that actually challenges their party, there are 90+ Senators who vote 100% in favor of their party. Too many important issues to decide in the next 2-6 years that need attention to vote for individuals over party.
Some will say the only way this ends is with bipartisanship, I say it rarely works. And the few bipartisan bills that pass, they are common sense. And 58 of one party and 3 people up for re-election of another is not bipartisanship.
Give the Dems the Senate and nothing gets done for 2 years other than keeping the government open, which may or may not be a good thing depending on how it’s done.
So in the end, nothing changed. If you voted for Trump, you need to vote for Rick Scott, Mitt Romney, Kelly Ward, Pat Morrisey or whom ever is your states candidate. Even if you don’t agree with them, they are a lot more likely to vote to “Make America Great Again” than the average Dem.
This political ad graciously allowed free of change by the good people owning WoV.
Quote: EvenBobSure it is.
Maybe to those with RDS (Reality Derangement Syndrome). To everyone else in the real world, we know the investigation is still ongoing.
Quote:But in the minds
of those with TDS, it will
never be over 20 years from
now. It'll fit right in with
we never landed on the moon
and Bush stole the 2000
election from Gore.
And Benghazi and Hillary's emails and Obama's birth certificate, too, right? And I heard Oswald had TDS, too, which is why he killed Kennedy.
Haha.... you people crack me up with your "TDS"... can't admit what a s***bag Trump is so you have to "invent" a syndrome to explain away what everyone else already knows to be true....
This isn’t a criminal investigation. This is a witch hunt. If this was about investigating collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, why is Mueller charging Manafort with petty tax stuff from 10 years ago? They got nothing. They’re dragging this out for as long as they can. Investigate, Interview, investigate again. Ask the same questions over and over again. When nothing materializes, you get them on lying and obstruction of justice. Fake cop out charges in a lame attempt to tarnish this man’s presidency and overrule the will of the people. It’s a disgrace what they’re doing.Quote: TigerWuIt is. The investigation is not over yet, as far as I know, which is why the evidence (if there is any) hasn't been released. That's how criminal investigations work.

Quote: Boz
Give the Dems the Senate and nothing gets done for 2 years other than keeping the government open, which may or may not be a good thing depending on how it’s done.
I've said it before and I'll say it again... if the Dems somehow get control of Congress, Trump will flip in under a week. His ego won't let the last two years of his term stagnate. He wants to be a winner at all costs, even if that means switching sides. He doesn't give a **** about party, or country, or any loyalty.... Trump only cares about Trump. I can even see him trying to run as a Democrat in 2020 if it would give him an advantage.
I'm almost considering putting money on it....
Quote: TigerWu]investigation is still ongoing..
The Whitewater Investigation cost
$80 mil and went on for over 4
years and the Clinton's were never
charged with jack squat. And they
were actually guilty.
Quote: SandybestdogThis isn’t a criminal investigation. This is a witch hunt.
Funny how you think you know more than anyone involved in the investigation. Maybe you should call them up and tell them they can stop since there's nothing to be found.
Who said there is "zero evidence?"
Quote: TigerWuWho said there is "zero evidence?"
Even if they find some crime Trump
was involved in before he was
president, they can't indict him
before he leaves office. You can't
indict a sitting president. If you
could, every one of them would
have been arrested on some cooked
up phony crime brought by the
opposing party.
Funny how after over a year of no evidence being presented and zero charges being filed and zero convictions, you still give this witch hunt investigation the benefit of the doubt.Quote: TigerWuFunny how you think you know more than anyone involved in the investigation. Maybe you should call them up and tell them they can stop since there's nothing to be found.
Who said there is "zero evidence?"
Just answer me one question. If Trump had lost, would this investigation be going on?
Quote: SandybestdogFunny how after over a year of no evidence being presented and zero charges being filed and zero convictions, you still give this witch hunt investigation the benefit of the doubt.
Just answer me one question. If Trump had lost, would this investigation be going on?
Zero charges filed? Zero convictions? I'm pretty sure pleading guilty is the equivalent of a conviction, no?
That's an interesting question about what if Trump had lost. My question would be what country he would be in right now. Someplace without an extradition treaty, I'd surmise.