Also, he didn't do the hand gestures in all of them, and if you look at the time stamps mocking the disabled reporter was at the front of the timeline. You wouldn't put it past "trumps team" to tell him to make motions like that for other people to downplay making fun of a disabled reporter, would you?Quote: RSI have no problem with a disabled person being mocked if he is not being mocked due to his disability.
Quote: RomesApparently if I don't do that in every post I get called a hypocrite.
Don't shoot the messenger (me), but he called you out for hypocrisy, he didn't call you a hypocrite, from what I read. Kinda like how you said I was lying but didn't call me a liar.
Quote: Gabes22I tend to vote Republican, because of one main reason. I drive through many cities that have had a stranglehold of Democratic Leadership for generations. CIties like Philly, Cleveland, Detroit, Indianapolis, Milwaukee and my hometown of Chicago and pardon my French, but outside the downtown areas, many of these towns are unmitigated S**tholes. I firmly believe a goal of the left is to eliminate the middle class. They want a permanent underclass of people they can call victims and "come to the rescue" Reagan stood for trickle down economics, or what I call trickle down prosperity, Dems stand for trickle up poverty.
My alternative explanation is Republicans usually flee areas that become concentrated points for several minorities and also poor instead of trying to fix them. Democrats (as has been tradition for awhile now) serve an underserved community which is doubly underserved with little city tax dollars. There's no win win situation. But someone will hold the political offices. Are people going to vote for the party who fled the area who doesn't represent them in any way they recognize? No.
Republicans are free to appeal to these areas with their ideas at any time. But they actually have to interact inside the communities. And I don't think we get the all the best people in these areas anyway. And the ones that are good, are fighting individual battles against bad odds, with poverty, and associated crime.
This is not my full opinion on this, but part of it.
Quote: RomesHis claims were very specific... I'm a pageant owner, so I can go back stage and see all the naked women and they're just gorgeous... I go right up to them and just kiss them without asking, and they let me get away with it because I'm a celebrity.... those are VERY specific and VERY believable, not like typical "blowhard" yeah I had a 4 some with 3 supermodels last night, talk.
No, 35 states worth of americans didn't vote for him... The majority of his votes were people "not" voting for hillary... and embarrassing themselves in the process to vote for this pathetic excuse for a human being. Again I'll not I'm not a dem and I did not vote for hillary. Apparently if I don't do that in every post I get called a hypocrite.
I disagree that his 'specific' claims are anything more than a blowhard being a blowhard. And it seems I am like you in the voting booth. I didn't vote for either HRC or DJT either.
My fiancee did vote for HRC. But now she accepts that DJT is President. We groan together every time there is an embarrassing tweet. But she does admit that there are some positives from his Presidency. You can be against most of what DJT does and stands for without taking it that everything he does must de facto be bad.
He implied it... and I did mean to call you a liar. You did lie. That's not an insult, that's stating a fact, with video proof. If you can get in "trouble" for calling someone a liar, after they lie, and you post proof of the lie, then sh*t no joke I'll straight retire from the forums. It's bad enough that when people lie and are proven liars with facts the liar doesn't get a ban of some sort now... but then you want to start banning people for posting facts, lolz, goodbye to any forum where that happens.Quote: RSDon't shoot the messenger (me), but he called you out for hypocrisy, he didn't call you a hypocrite, from what I read. Kinda like how you said I was lying but didn't call me a liar.
Gabes, on the other hand, with no evidence or proof (because there is none) called me a hypocrite, assuming I was a lefty playing the double sided game, which he was wrong. He, in fact did sling an insult.
Quote: RomesHe implied it... and I did mean to call you a liar. You did lie. That's not an insult, that's stating a fact, with video proof. If you can get in "trouble" for calling someone a liar, after they lie, and you post proof of the lie, then sh*t no joke I'll straight retire from the forums. It's bad enough that when people lie and are proven liars with facts the liar doesn't get a ban of some sort now... but then you want to start banning people for posting facts, lolz, goodbye to that forum if that happens.
Gabes, on the other hand, with no evidence or proof (because there is none) called me a hypocrite, assuming I was a lefty playing the double sided game, which he was wrong. He, in fact did sling an insult.
Well, as per our forum rules you'll be gone in a bit. Just because something is true stating it here can still clearly be an insult. "Member x is of low intellect, obese, ugly, and smells bad". Could all be true but you don't see how that is an insult?
Quote: Boz
The fact you feel America sucks saddens me, but just as sad that it doesn’t surprise me anymore, as much of the far fringe left feels that way.
Romes may think America sucks but let's not forget that Trump does, too.... I mean, that was LITERALLY his campaign theme: "Make America Great Again!" (I've always thought it was pretty great). And it continues to be his catchphrase or slogan or whatever you want to call it. And let's also not forget about everyone who thought America sucked when Obama was President because he was "destroying the country" and turning it into a Muslim Socialist hellscape.
Quote:Meanwhile much of the country is feeling economically confident at levels not seen in many years.
Okay, that's good for them, I guess, but where were those people from 2009 to 2016, when unemployment was plummeting and the markets were skyrocketing? Where was their confidence then? Sure, unemployment's still really low, the markets are stagnant but still kind of up there, but all of that is nothing more than continuing a trend that's been going on for almost a decade.
Apples and oranges... you're opening the door for ANYTHING to be offensive.Quote: SOOPOOWell, as per our forum rules you'll be gone in a bit. Just because something is true stating it here can still clearly be an insult. "Member x is of low intellect, obese, ugly, and smells bad". Could all be true but you don't see how that is an insult?
Example: I'm insulted you quoted the forum rules to me. It implies that I'm dumb and can't read them. I feel insulted.
Now, clearly you did nothing wrong... but do you see how opening the door to 'anyone feeling insulted for any reason' is a bit silly? That's like someone stealing something then being insulted they get called a thief. Like, really? Obesity and ugly are in the eye of the beholder, and can be weighed in on by the moderators. Facts are facts. If you lie, then you're a liar. That's a fact, not an insult.
Quote: RomesHe implied it... and I did mean to call you a liar. You did lie. That's not an insult, that's stating a fact, with video proof. If you can get in "trouble" for calling someone a liar, after they lie, and you post proof of the lie, then sh*t no joke I'll straight retire from the forums. It's bad enough that when people lie and are proven liars with facts the liar doesn't get a ban of some sort now... but then you want to start banning people for posting facts, lolz, goodbye to any forum where that happens.
Gabes, on the other hand, with no evidence or proof (because there is none) called me a hypocrite, assuming I was a lefty playing the double sided game, which he was wrong. He, in fact did sling an insult.
I won't report you because I like you (no homo), others, maybe not. But I don't think you should leave the forum. Babs and OD won't suspend you for this post even though they'll read it, and Wizard will only read it if someone points him to it, so I think you're relatively safe. I accept your apology.
I just went back and looked at my post earlier. I mixed up #3 and #5. I meant to say #3 is fake news (the mocking of the reporter), because even though it's technically true that he mocked him, it's not what it looks like. It's reported or implied he mocked him due to his disability, when that had nothing to do with it. As you can see, that's his style of mocking people.
And I meant to say #5 never happened (where he called republicans stupid / say he'd run as a republican / then run as a republican to get their votes). My research shows that statement you made is untrue.
Quote: Romes5) Call republicans stupid, say you'd run as a republican because they're stupid, then run as a republican and get their votes.
Quote: RomesFacts are facts. If you lie, then you're a liar. That's a fact, not an insult.
The precedent is it doesn't matter if it's fact or not. An insult is an insult. I don't particularly agree with this rule, or rather, the interpretation or the way the rule is enforced....but as long as the rules/interpretations/enforcements aren't changed, they should be enforced as is.
Quote: RS
And I meant to say #5 never happened (where he called republicans stupid / say he'd run as a republican / then run as a republican to get their votes). My research shows that statement you made is untrue.
Haha... even Snopes and CNN said it never happened.
Quote: RomesApples and oranges... you're opening the door for ANYTHING to be offensive.
Example: I'm insulted you quoted the forum rules to me. It implies that I'm dumb and can't read them. I feel insulted.
Now, clearly you did nothing wrong... but do you see how opening the door to 'anyone feeling insulted for any reason' is a bit silly? That's like someone stealing something then being insulted they get called a thief. Like, really? Obesity and ugly are in the eye of the beholder, and can be weighed in on by the moderators. Facts are facts. If you lie, then you're a liar. That's a fact, not an insult.
If I was the king (Wizard) insults like 'liar', 'Trump supporter', 'hypocrite' would be within the rules. I agree with you that many 'insults' are just our way of pointing out our own opinion on the issue.
If I remember correctly you participate in MMA. I can't imagine there has been a thing said here that sticks with you as much as a flying knee to the jaw does. And after that knee, when you wake up, you and the other guy shake hands.
Speaking of liers...Quote: RomesHe implied it... and I did mean to call you a liar. You did lie. That's not an insult, that's stating a fact, with video proof. If you can get in "trouble" for calling someone a liar, after they lie, and you post proof of the lie, then sh*t no joke I'll straight retire from the forums. It's bad enough that when people lie and are proven liars with facts the liar doesn't get a ban of some sort now... but then you want to start banning people for posting facts, lolz, goodbye to any forum where that happens.
Gabes, on the other hand, with no evidence or proof (because there is none) called me a hypocrite, assuming I was a lefty playing the double sided game, which he was wrong. He, in fact did sling an insult.
"Yes, I did hear that locker room talk. Perhaps my hearing is bad. Can you quote the part where he is discussing RAPING women?"
I'm still waiting for that quote.
Quote: TankoCommon sense?
Single payer health care alone would require federal tax revenues to increase 72%.
How much more broke do you want to be?
The dems have lots of fanciful vote baiting ideas, and not a clue how to pay for them.
I'm far from an expert on health plans, but the 72% raise based on what that article cites seems at least somewhat fallacious.
They are giving no credit, for example, for the hmo or other costs people are now paying IN ADDITION to taxes they currently pay. AoS said last week, for example, he's paying $700/month for health care now. This single-payer plan would cost (using THEIR cost estimates, which is the next thing) $7800/ year, or $600 LESS for him, rather than 72% more. So a net improvement.
The numbers. What are they using to figure health care costs? Single-payer would eliminate an enormous amount of overhead and intermediary costs. AETNA, BCBS, all the others provide NOTHING in the way of actual healthcare, but they're charging you for every bit of yours. Their executives make some of the highest salaries of any companies. AND they pay shareholders many billions in profits. All out of YOUR health care dollar. Medicare, in contrast, uses less than 2% of costs in overhead and administrative fees.
Cut out those expensive middlemen, save hundreds of billions of dollars a year. Medicare has all the software and codes, relationship with nearly every provider, negotiated pricing for thousands of procedures, drugs, and care already: nothing new to learn, just expand the database for more patients.
For-profit hospitals, again, you're paying administrative costs, shareholders, and executive compensation other countries and non-profit hospitals in the US don't charge you.
Malpractice insurance and tort claims have driven up costs enormously. Limit tort claim amounts and provide national liability insurance, many more billions saved.
Fix those three cost hogs and the money you save more than reduces the current burden. The dishonest part of the writer's calculation is to say taxes are raised without acknowledging the offset saved by not paying private health care premiums.
Start there, putting the remoras out of business, making public health care non-profit, use government resources you've already paid for and are working. THEN figure out the true cost per person.
I took your comment as a troll joke. If you're serious, listen to the clip and listen to him talk about forcing himself on women.Quote: AxelWolfSpeaking of liers...
"Yes, I did hear that locker room talk. Perhaps my hearing is bad. Can you quote the part where he is discussing RAPING women?"
I'm still waiting for that quote.
Quote: RomesI took your comment as a troll joke. If you're serious, listen to the clip and listen to him talk about forcing himself on women.
No, it was not a troll joke. Again, I ask that you spell it out for me using a quote from him, the part where he is discussing RAPING women?
here's a couple of rape definitions for you.
Medical: unlawful sexual activity and usually sexual intercourse carried out forcibly or under threat of injury against the will usually of a female or with a person who is beneath a certain age or incapable of valid consent.
Definition of rape for Students
raped; raping
: to have sexual intercourse with by force. unlawful sexual intercourse or any other sexual penetration of the vagina, anus, or mouth of another person, with or without force, by a sex organ, other body part, or foreign object, without the consent of the victim.
Hillary was a likeable, honest person before she ran for president. Said no one ever.
Quote: RSStill waiting on justification of Romes' #5.
Quote: beachbumbabs
I'm far from an expert on health plans
. Medicare, in contrast, uses less than 2% of costs in overhead and administrative fees.
Medicare has all the software and codes, relationship with nearly every provider, negotiated pricing for thousands of procedures, drugs
I am an expert. I have dealt with Medicare and private insurers for 30 years. FACT.... The ONLY reason I accept Medicare rates is because they are subsidized by private insurers who pay MORE than they would have to if Medicare paid a fair fee. By 'relationship' if you mean.... "this is what I will pay you, take it or leave it, and you can't bill more than our published rates even if you don't participate, and no medicare beneficiary will use you anyway because they get "free" healthcare.... Well some relationship! Oh yeah... and if you need say 1 secretary for paperwork for every 50 patients but because of the onerous requirements for Medicare that is 1 secretary for every 25 patients.... Medicare steals 2% of my fee for every patient but will allow me to submit data to get it back. The estimate is my group billed 500,000 per year to Medicare so we lose $10,000.... the guess to collect and submit the data would cost $25,000 a year, so we just realize that the government has stolen $10k from us. No negotiating. No one to complain to. Just.. 'sorry, its a regulation'. I will say this about Medicare.... it is FAR better than Medicaid!
BBB..... Please.... EDIT your post to get the word "NEGOTIATED" out of there!!!!!
Oops... I just remembered, they are stealing some more due to 'federal sequestration', another 2%.
We are reviewing whether to close these threads as people continue to wreak havoc on one another. Needle still falls in favor of supporting free speech. That gap is narrowing fast.
Facts, please.
Speaking of facts, the following collation contains testimony/affidavits from at least 2 women (the victim and a witness/co-victim) who claim Trump, helped by his pedophile (convicted ) buddy Epstein, committed both statutory rape and forcible rape on at least one occasion.
The case filed in CA was dismissed for paperwork errors, not on whether it was true or merited. The federal case filed in NY by the same parties, has some statute of limitations issues, but I don't know the status.
None of this has been disproven or adjudicated on the merits of the case. So there's your rapist charge, as quoted in your dictionary write-up. Believe it or not.
That is one of two bases I know where he has specifically been accused of actual rape.
The other is from Ivana's divorce decree, where she stated under oath that he raped her. She later recanted. Again, believe it or not, it's out there, in the public record.
And given all the women who were paid off and agreed to NDAs, it's not such a stretch to think.perhaps there are more girls like the sex slaves who testified against him, not once, but at least twice.
Quote: beachbumbabsK. In general. I have seen nothing here that warrants anyone getting suspended. Politics threads are toxic. It's only getting worse. People who I know are friends are baiting each other, calling out each other, declaring umbrage. How about that s#!/ stops here and now.
We are reviewing whether to close these threads as people continue to wreak havoc on one another. Needle still falls in favor of supporting free speech. That gap is narrowing fast.
Facts, please.
Speaking of facts, the following collation contains testimony/affidavits from at least 2 women (the victim and a witness/co-victim) who claim Trump, helped by his pedophile (convicted ) buddy Epstein, committed both statutory rape and forcible rape on at least one occasion.
The case filed in CA was dismissed for paperwork errors, not on whether it was true or merited. The federal case filed in NY by the same parties, has some statute of limitations issues, but I don't know the status.
None of this has been disproven or adjudicated on the merits of the case. So there's your rapist charge, as quoted in your dictionary write-up. Believe it or not.
That is one of two bases I know where he has specifically been accused of actual rape.
The other is from Ivana's divorce decree, where she stated under oath that he raped her. She later recanted. Again, believe it or not, it's out there, in the public record.
And given all the women who were paid off and agreed to NDAs, it's not such a stretch to think.perhaps there are more girls like the sex slaves who testified against him, not once, but at least twice.
Babs, so was this post to tell us to behave...or else.
Or was this an opinion piece to push an anti Trump agenda?
Probably should have been 2 separate posts. One as the Mod making the statement about us "behaving" or else.
And a 2nd one with your "truths" as someone posting the same stuff we do all day.
Tough decision to make on continuing the political discussions, but at times you adding your personal opinions, like all of us, is not part of the solution.
Your posts are just as biased as mine, AMS and everyone who posts here.
Quote: BozBabs, so was this post to tell us to behave...or else.
Or was this an opinion piece to push an anti Trump agenda?
Probably should have been 2 separate posts. One as the Mod making the statement about us "behaving" or else.
And a 2nd one with your "truths" as someone posting the same stuff we do all day.
Tough decision to make on continuing the political discussions, but at times you adding your personal opinions, like all of us, is not part of the solution.
Your posts are just as biased as mine, AMS and everyone who posts here.
Probably true. Should have been 2 posts. Good criticism.
Doesn't negate the fact that there were sworn affidavits. Which was the point of including it.
Still not sure what to believe about all of it, but I do think it answers the ugliness thrown back and forth about rape and Trump. Yes, he has been formally accused of it.
Quote: AxelWolfNo, it was not a troll joke. Again, I ask that you spell it out for me using a quote from him, the part where he is discussing RAPING women?
Some men or fathers given an opportunity would give an ass whooping to a man who did that to a woman who was his daughter or girlfriend that would be similar to the same violent beating he would give Trump for raping her.
Based on beating result, I say, about the same.
That's very scientific, if I say so myself.
Quote: rxwineSome men or fathers given an opportunity would give an ass whooping to a man who did that to a woman who was his daughter or girlfriend that would be similar to the same violent beating he would give Trump for raping her.
Based on beating result, I say, about the same.
That's very scientific, if I say so myself.
What's that have to do with anything?
Quote: RSWhat's that have to do with anything?
If you have to ask, you don't need to know.

Quote: rxwineIf you have to ask, you don't need to know.
Is your point that rape is wrong or that it will (almost assuredly) piss off people who are close to the victim?
Quote: WizardI think this crosses the line of attacking the writing to attacking the writer. Three days.
Sorry RS
Political threads get heated and i stepped over a line
Note to terp
Stay out of the political threads :-)
Quote: terapined
Stay out of the political threads :-)
They're so addicting.....
Meanwhile, those backstabbing Canucks are raising tariffs, and thousands of kids remain hostage.
Quote: billryanDonnies new bestie just executed a high Army official for issuing extra rations of corn last winter.
I've never understood why we've never sent a CIA SOG team into NK to just start assassinating people. It would definitely be in our best interest.
Ever read John Perkins, "Confessions of an economic hit man"? Not a long read, but true story.Quote: TigerWuI've never understood why we've never sent a CIA SOG team into NK to just start assassinating people. It would definitely be in our best interest.
Quote: TigerWuI've never understood why we've never sent a CIA SOG team into NK to just start assassinating people. It would definitely be in our best interest.
What would be in our best interest?
Is a unified Korea in Americas best interest? Is it in our allies best interest?
Is a belligerent N.Korea in our best interest? Do you think killing the head of N.Korea is going to result in the peaceful transition of power?
Do you think a CIA team would be able to prevent thousands of launches at S.Korea and Japan? Over a million US citizens live in those two countries.
Trump fifteen days ago: Media is the nation's "biggest enemy."
Milo Yiannopoulos two days ago: “I can’t wait for the vigilante squads to start gunning journalists down."
Words, just empty words.
Quote: billryanTrump, Feb 2017: Media is "the enemy of the American people" & "a great danger to our country."
Trump fifteen days ago: Media is the nation's "biggest enemy."
Milo Yiannopoulos two days ago: “I can’t wait for the vigilante squads to start gunning journalists down."
Words, just empty words.
NRA spokesperson Dana Loesch said something about curb-stomping journalists, too.
EDIT: Here's the complete unedited video from NRA itself in case anyone thinks something is being taken out of context.
"...I hate that what I do is considered part of it, because I don't consider myself part of them... however, I'm very glad to see, I said this actually on television, not too long ago, I'm happy just frankly to see 'em curb-stomped..."
Quote: RomesI take offence to Gabes calling me a hypocrite when I've clearly stated dozens and dozens of times throughout the thread that I'm NOT A DEMOCRAT and I don't like either party. I don't play the "it's okay for this person to do it, but not that person" game. If something is really crappy to do, like mocking disabled people, I don't care if you're "left" or "right" you're an a***ole.
So thanks for calling me a hypocrite, when you have ZERO PROOF of any of that given I don't support sh*t people/decisions in general.
I apologize for calling you a hypocrite. Sorry about that. Have a wonderful day!
Quote: billryan
We have moderators posting false statistics,...

Three, if I count the "just because you own a lot doesn't mean you know anything" quip.
So what's the deal, billryan? Have I personally offended you? Do you take umbrage with the fact I can sometimes talk down to people and act with undeserving superiority*? Or am I just "on the other side" so you view me as an enemy?
All I did was make a claim, a claim I admitted and do so again that it falls outside of my specific expertise. But it is a claim that I continue to stand by, as I have done a reasonable amount of research to do so comfortably. You claim that I'm "spreading falsities", claimed it more than once, yet have provided no evidence or counter argument to support this claim. Are you getting a bit Nietsche on me? That tactic does seem unfortunately familiar.
Work with me, here. I am here to help, and am in fact peerless when it comes to gun debates (*like this). I do take this stuff seriously and as such, have viewed most if not all things I state from all sides, as opposed to just hoarding clips and quips that fit my narrative. Do you need help picking my claim apart? I can help you do that, as I do know areas where this particular argument is weak, and could at least get you rolling on your quest to prove your claim that I am a liar. If you'd like to save face (hooray for puns!), all you need do is ask.
If you need an incentive, then name your terms.
Quote: TigerWuI've never understood why we've never sent a CIA SOG team into NK to just start assassinating people. It would definitely be in our best interest.
Even our hard line leaders who have the least problems executing devastating military missions, probably get a bit wobbly at this idea. They are leaders too and giving everyone the idea that it's a great trying to execute other leaders during peace time can come around to thinking it's a great idea for other countries to execute them. Open season.
Quote: rxwineEven our hard line leaders who have the least problems executing devastating military missions, probably get a bit wobbly at this idea. They are leaders too and giving everyone the idea that it's a great trying to execute other leaders during peace time can come around to thinking it's a great idea for other countries to execute them. Open season.
I might have watched those Jason Bourne movies one too many times.
Quote: rxwineEven our hard line leaders who have the least problems executing devastating military missions, probably get a bit wobbly at this idea. They are leaders too and giving everyone the idea that it's a great trying to execute other leaders during peace time can come around to thinking it's a great idea for other countries to execute them. Open season.
That's part of it. The other part is if you take out the command structure, you have no idea what happens next. One general might sue for peace, another might launch an attack on Seoul.
I thought the only thing we had to get accurate around here was the math? Everything else is open to a little artistic creativity.Quote: Face
All I did was make a claim, a claim I admitted and do so again that it falls outside of my specific expertise.
Its pretty simple.
"Since 1950, 98.X% of ALLLLLL mass shootings, where "mass shooting" is defined as "4 or more casualties", have happened in gun free zones. That might be a little unfair, what with including such distant history where women knew their place and brown folk weren't so uppity. So let's bring it allllll the way dead into my day, in the time when me and all my millennial reject cohorts started losing their collective s#$%, Since 1998, 96.X% of ALLLLL mass shootings have still happened (guess where) in gun free zones."
As gun free zones are a product of the 1990s, can we agree that unless 98.X % percent of such shootings happened after that date, that this statement can not possibly be true? I honestly don't understand the rest of his rant. Women knowing their places, uppity brown folks, millennial rejects, whatever.
Quote: Face
Work with me, here. I am here to help, and am in fact peerless when it comes to gun debates (*like this). I do take this stuff seriously and as such, have viewed most if not all things I state from all sides, as opposed to just hoarding clips and quips that fit my narrative. Do you need help picking my claim apart? I can help you do that, as I do know areas where this particular argument is weak, and could at least get you rolling on your quest to prove your claim that I am a liar. If you'd like to save face (hooray for puns!), all you need do is ask.
If you need an incentive, then name your terms.
You were talking to billryan, but I was a bit put off by some of what you said, too. Think it was (implied or said, not sure) tell you any of the gun control proposals, and you'd tell why it wouldn't work.
I think it's a given that every proposal has its drawbacks. Innocent people get on no-fly lists all the time, for example, and yet the no-fly-no-gun idea has near-universal support.
Nay-saying is the easy part. We have a real problem, please don't deny that . Maybe, though, the problem is not defined yet, and so can't be solved by current solutions?
For all I know, the thing all these disaffected white guys have in common is Fleastiff's theory about brain parasites eating their control centers . And the solution is fixing gut bacteria, as he says.
But since you're an expert on guns, what do YOU think has to be done to stop mass shootings? Maybe I missed your solution somewhere, and you can simply paste it.
Quote: beachbumbabsQuote: Face
Work with me, here. I am here to help, and am in fact peerless when it comes to gun debates (*like this). I do take this stuff seriously and as such, have viewed most if not all things I state from all sides, as opposed to just hoarding clips and quips that fit my narrative. Do you need help picking my claim apart? I can help you do that, as I do know areas where this particular argument is weak, and could at least get you rolling on your quest to prove your claim that I am a liar. If you'd like to save face (hooray for puns!), all you need do is ask.
If you need an incentive, then name your terms.
You were talking to billryan, but I was a bit put off by some of what you said, too. Think it was (implied or said, not sure) tell you any of the gun control proposals, and you'd tell why it wouldn't work.
I think it's a given that every proposal has its drawbacks. Innocent people get on no-fly lists all the time, for example, and yet the no-fly-no-gun idea has near-universal support.
Nay-saying is the easy part. We have a real problem, please don't deny that . Maybe, though, the problem is not defined yet, and so can't be solved by current solutions?
For all I know, the thing all these disaffected white guys have in common is Fleastiff's theory about brain parasites eating their control centers . And the solution is fixing gut bacteria, as he says.
But since you're an expert on guns, what do YOU think has to be done to stop mass shootings? Maybe I missed your solution somewhere, and you can simply paste it.
Many discussion points here but can you please stop with the “White Guys” stuff?
To me no different than saying anything else about members that is against the rules here.
Come on Babs, don’t fall into that game. Whatever the context.
Quote: beachbumbabs
I think it's a given that every proposal has its drawbacks. Innocent people get on no-fly lists all the time, for example, and yet the no-fly-no-gun idea has near-universal support.
Nay-saying is the easy part. We have a real problem, please don't deny that . Maybe, though, the problem is not defined yet, and so can't be solved by current solutions?
For all I know, the thing all these disaffected white guys have in common is Fleastiff's theory about brain parasites eating their control centers . And the solution is fixing gut bacteria, as he says.
But since you're an expert on guns, what do YOU think has to be done to stop mass shootings? Maybe I missed your solution somewhere, and you can simply paste it.
I read Face's post too but don't understand the point. I feel like the point he wasn't making was that there would be far less shootings if there weren't gun free zones. The fact is, however that mass shootings take place in places where people congregate which also tend to be schools, universities, workplaces, movie theaters, nightclubs etc, which all tend to be gun-free.
I don't want to get into more discussion into gun control. Of course gun safety and control measures is the solution as is cultural change which is likely already underway. Ifyou have the rights to leave the ground freely" was emblazoned on the Constitution no-fly laws would be subject to challenges every time one was introduced.
The intent of the 2nd amendment has been argued and each time laws have been made or challenged court battles have been made because a percentage of the population believes that rights have been infringed. In the end public safety has balanced these rights, and lawfully so.
Quote: ams288Active shooter at Capital Gazette newspaper in Annapolis.
Trump has called the media the "enemy of the American people." Wonder if one of his crazies took that message to heart...
Obviously wasn’t the case here. Wishful thinking on your part, or just another time you pushed your bias?
Maxine, Bernie, Jim Accosta, AMS, you are all incredible people for the future of the GOP and hard working Americans.
Again thank you!
Quote: beachbumbabs
You were talking to billryan, but I was a bit put off by some of what you said, too. Think it was (implied or said, not sure) tell you any of the gun control proposals, and you'd tell why it wouldn't work.
Quote: boymimboI read Face's post too but don't understand the point. I feel like the point he wasn't making was that there would be far less shootings if there weren't gun free zones. The fact is, however that mass shootings take place in places where people congregate which also tend to be schools, universities, workplaces, movie theaters, nightclubs etc, which all tend to be gun-free.
Oh. Well, there's the problem. I just didn't communicate properly.
My post that started all this was an airing of frustration, which I hoped to convey with the "save myself the stroke" line. The point I was trying to make, admittedly with some frustration fueled snark, was that discussion at this time is pointless because it's not a case of finding a solution, but rather to win one for your side. I tried to support this claim by reminding of all the baseless assertions made upon cosmetic enhancements or fear-mongering through use of twisted definitions, and used the 98% stat not to support the gunner side, and certainly not as a direct comment towards GFZ's because GFZ = gun violence is not an argument I ever make, but to show that no matter what I attempt to bring to the table as a genuine attempt to educate, there will never be any proper discussion but instead just an attack based on stance. You know, kinda exactly what ended up happening.
I suppose it was a bit of a bait; as I said, that stat is a bit flawed and there are plenty of avenues in which to attack it, and knowing this I suppose I was hoping to draw someone into just that. I thought it would've been a good sample to use, and would've gotten people involved in actual research, and that people would have actually seen the raw facts and maybe learn a thing or two. And in a way, I kinda needed / wanted to prove to myself that that sort of exchange was still possible here, as I've been questioning that more and more as of late. I guess it was a fail on all counts.
I'd delve back into your other questions if you're truly interested, but it seems unwanted and a non-priority, what with the myriad other political issues, and the fact the latest mass shootings have been committed with just shotguns. But I will end with this: Dan Patrick received criticism for making the statement that since '50, only TWO mass shootings have occurred outside of GFZ's. That is a statement even I would rate as "absurd", and if was uttered to me, would receive the reply from me of "Horses#$%". Yet Politifact, which I think is accepted around here, didn't rate it "pants on fire", "false", or even "mostly false". They rated it "half true".
Just trying to encourage people to find facts, instead of settling for those fed to them. I'll go back to my hole now.
Quote: BozMany discussion points here but can you please stop with the “White Guys” stuff?
Do you feel the same way when Conservatives/Trump use similar rhetoric when talking about Muslim/Mexican people?
Honest question. Personally I am not offended either way. But most terrorist attacks in the US are carried out by middle aged white guys, so I don’t understand the logic.