Quote: ams288So you're admitting it's not true.
No? I literally said the opposite.
How does "It's closer to be [sic] true than not being true" = "It's not true"?
Quote: darkozOnce again I am sorry at the lack of empathy here and the strange wish to be isolationist
Boymimbo I hope the best for you. Don't listen to the anti immigrants on here.
Really people you are upset against Canadians now?
I am against any bringing in of foreign labor when Americans are probably available for the job. I would wonder how welcoming Canada is in a similar situation? I have worked a total of one day there so no idea, but my guess is it is not the most simple thing.
Quote:Trust me there are jobs here that hicks with guns or average Midwest or even Northeast secretary's do not qualify for
I am sure there are. I am also sure if US employers look and train people they will find locals.
Quote:Just coinkydink I also was hired by Disney (for pirates of the Caribbean). I must have been one of those specialists az mentioned Disney hired that anyone could have done the work
Disney fired Americans to hire foreign workers for the same jobs.
Criminals are paying the $500 to cover their two year work and study permits? What criminal would decide, "yeah, I think I'm going to get on their radar and file this application." And while I'm sure there will be some that do (because criminals are dumb), they won't last.
Quote: SteverinosPretty obvious here that some of you are completely ignorant to what the definition of a "dreamer" is and who falls under the program.
Also pretty obvious that some think dreamers are 100% pure and can do no wrong.
Quote: AxelWolfI love how they call them dreamers. I would call them nightmares since their dreams seem to include a high rate of serious crimes and gang membership.
That's is the most ignorant post I've ever seen from you. Would you care to back it up with facts?
DREAMers are underrepresented in adult correctional facilities because they make up 2.05 percent of the total U.S. population in the 18-to-34 age range with at least a high school or equivalent degree but are only 1.94 percent of the incarcerated prisoners with those same characteristics (Figure 2). By contrast, natives in that range are overrepresented in adult correctional facilities because they make up 87.19 percent of the population but are 94.84 percent of all prisoners. DACAineligible illegal immigrants and all other legal immigrants are underrepresented in adult correctional facilities relative to their percentage of the population.
Quote: AxelWolfI do hate gang members and people who commit serious crimes.
I just know what I see around here in Vegas(It's probably worst in Mexifornia.)
The dreamers that I'm talking about are mainly the ones from Mexico and perhaps a few other places( I haven't noticed them).
I find you last 2 posts pretty offensive
From what you see
How do you determine these are illegals?
Bear in my mind all my relatives here in the USA are US citizens and quite a few don't speak English well and prefer their native language
Quote: AxelWolfI love how they call them dreamers. I would call them nightmares since their dreams seem to include a high rate of serious crimes and gang membership.
Any righties willing to admit yet that AxelWolf was dead wrong here in regards to his characterization of Dreamers?
Or shall we keep trying to gaslight and muddy the waters?
I worked powerlines and that skilled labor is often migratory. In the 70's, craftsman would flow back and forth between Canada and America as the work demanded. Then in the early 80's, Canada changed the rules and would not let an American work in Canada until the entire national unemployment rate was below some ridiculous percentage.Quote: AZDuffmanI am against any bringing in of foreign labor when Americans are probably available for the job. I would wonder how welcoming Canada is in a similar situation?
So no more Americans could work in Canada in the skilled trades until everyone that was pulled out from under a bridge was given employment over decades long trained craftspeople. My understanding is that in the NAFTA agreement, even stricter protections were put in to protect Canadians over Americans workers.
For that, I am glad Boymimbo is going home. It is nothing personal, but we have worked side by each with plenty of Canadians year after year and treated them like brothers, just to get the shaft in return. I would fire fifty of them, "just because" were I given the chance. Every Canadian worker can go home until America has < 2% unemployment. Fair enough?
Quote: AZDuffmanI am against any bringing in of foreign labor when Americans are probably available for the job.
What do you mean by available? Willing to work for the offered wage?
“But as long as our country’s leadership is so appalling and so corrupt, I’ll be speaking out at every venue,” said de Niro. “To be silent in the face of such villainy is to be complicit, and it’s especially appropriate tonight because Trump treats education as a con, a way to make a profit at the expense of the suckers.”
De Niro called Trump a “fing idiot” and a “cking fool” at the National Board of Review Annual Awards Gala in January. In August 2017, the two-time Oscar winner told Deadline that Trump was “a flat-out blatant racist” who would be “even more dangerous” if he was smart.
And in October 2016, de Niro used a plethora of insults to describe Trump for a celebrity “Get Out The Vote” commercial. His words, however, didn’t make the final cut.
“He’s a punk, he’s a dog, he’s a pig, he’s a con, a bullshit artist,” said de Niro. “A mutt who doesn’t know what he’s talking about, doesn’t do his homework, doesn’t care, thinks he’s gaming society, doesn’t pay his taxes.”
Quote: billryanRobert DeNiro is not backing down
“But as long as our country’s leadership is so appalling and so corrupt, I’ll be speaking out at every venue,” said de Niro. “To be silent in the face of such villainy is to be complicit, and it’s especially appropriate tonight because Trump treats education as a con, a way to make a profit at the expense of the suckers.”
De Niro called Trump a “fing idiot” and a “cking fool” at the National Board of Review Annual Awards Gala in January. In August 2017, the two-time Oscar winner told Deadline that Trump was “a flat-out blatant racist” who would be “even more dangerous” if he was smart.
And in October 2016, de Niro used a plethora of insults to describe Trump for a celebrity “Get Out The Vote” commercial. His words, however, didn’t make the final cut.
“He’s a punk, he’s a dog, he’s a pig, he’s a con, a bullshit artist,” said de Niro. “A mutt who doesn’t know what he’s talking about, doesn’t do his homework, doesn’t care, thinks he’s gaming society, doesn’t pay his taxes.”
DiNero thinks we care what he thinks?
Quote: AZDuffmanDiNero thinks we care what he thinks?
Is he not allowed to voice his opinions?
Quote: AZDuffman
DiNero thinks we care what he thinks?
Quote: TigerWuIs he not allowed to voice his opinions?
Typical conservative that feels he has to diss free speech
I prefer Neil Youngs attitude
Dana Loesch , NRA spokesman, absolutely hates Neil Young
She has been complaining about Neil Young for over 10 years
Here is Neil's attitude toward all this
"That's the way it goes. That's what happens. You're out there in the World and people can say whatever they want. Its freedom. I appreciate that, and I think she should exercise it as much as she can"
Quote: terapinedTypical conservative that feels he has to diss free speech
Yeah, I don't understand that attitude from anyone, not just conservatives.
If you don't like what someone is saying, then attack their message. Don't attack the fact that they're saying it. You're just blowing hot air at that point and not contributing anything to the discussion.
Quote: TigerWuIs he not allowed to voice his opinions?
He is allowed all he wants. Just don't expect most people to care what he says.
I have yet to see you criticize the president over anything. Nothing. Zero. Zilch. Nada. You've defended him in every single situation and have ignored other situations that reps reprehensible behavior. (paying off a porn star in a presidential campaign)
Close to a year and a half in, is there anything you would criticize him on?
Quote: SteverinosHey AZ,
I have yet to see you criticize the president over anything. Nothing. Zero. Zilch. Nada. You've defended him in every single situation and have ignored other situations that reps reprehensible behavior. (paying off a porn star in a presidential campaign)
Close to a year and a half in, is there anything you would criticize him on?
Well, I do wish he would be more aggressive on building the wall.
So you think he's handled the Stormy Daniels situation well?
I don't pay much attention to the propaganda ministery, so I haven't heard. Has Trump been accused of something illegal as far as Ms. Daniels goes?Quote: Steverinos...... (paying off a porn star in a presidential campaign)
Quote: SteverinosWell, that's a start.
So you think he's handled the Stormy Daniels situation well?
I do not really care. Under Bill Clinton liberals told us that is his personal life and none of our business. If that is the new standard then I do not care what he does with it.
Paying off a porn star in the middle of a presidential campaign to HELP his campaign is VERY much OUR business. He works for us, right? We hired him, right? Don't you think that would've been a piece of information the voters would've liked to have known? Kinda shows that he's susceptible to blackmail, right?
Just think if somebody had a video of him in a Russian hotel room with some hookers doing things that R. Kelly would approve of. What do you think he'd do to avoid having that made public?
Quote: petroglyphHas Trump been accused of something illegal as far as Ms. Daniels goes?
The undisclosed $130,000 payment most likely violated campaign finance law. So yes.
Quote: SteverinosYeah, I had a hunch you couldn't could talk about it without mentioning Slick.
Paying off a porn star in the middle of a presidential campaign to HELP his campaign is VERY much OUR business. He works for us, right? We hired him, right? Don't you think that would've been a piece of information the voters would've liked to have known? Kinda shows that he's susceptible to blackmail, right?
Nope, it is not by the standards set for Bill Clinton. Liberals wrote the check back then, now it is being cashed. And they cannot stand it. If sleeping around is Bill Clinton's personal life and not our business, same for Trump. Except Trump seems to actually get attractive women, the kind Bill can only dream of as he looks at Hillary and ponders where he went wrong.
Quote:Just think if somebody had a video of him in a Russian hotel room with some hookers doing things that R. Kelly would approve of. What do you think he'd do to avoid having that made public?
Only complete morons believe that said tape exists. We have been over that many times.
To the rest of your post, the hypocrisy is astounding. If Barack Obama had an affair with a porn star while his "manwife" was pregnant with their 5th child from three different women, you'd be SCREAMING for his ousting, at the top of your lungs! And you know it!!!!
Will the real evangelicals please stand up?
And this isn't really even about his infidelity. Dude uses his money to get laid. Fine. But this payoff very likely broke the law. That's cool?
Quote: AZDuffmanNope, it is not by the standards set for Bill Clinton. Liberals wrote the check back then, now it is being cashed.
Sexual assault is TOTALLY wrong then and now
I had no problem attacking Bill Clinton for his lies
I have no problem attacking Trump over his lies
I have ALWAYS been against ALL sexual assault
Your excuses are weak. Some defended Clinton makes Trump's sexual assault ok?
Those that defended Clinton back then made me sick
Those defending Trumps sexual assault now make me sick
I never voted for that sicko Bill Clinton. I voted for Bob Dole.
I never voted for that sicko Trump.
Quote: SteverinosDidn't say it did exist. I only mentioned it because he's demonstrated with the Stormy Daniels payoff that he's susceptible to blackmail. But to the tape's existence, Christopher Steele has a stellar reputation in the intelligence community that he's built for decades. Would he risk a career over something that he knew didn't exist?Doubt it.
Trump is a major germaphobe, hates to even shake hands. You are going to tell me he goes out for what is on the supposed tape? Didn't Hillary pay for the dossier that says it exists?
Quote:To the rest of your post, the hypocrisy is astounding. If Barack Obama had an affair with a porn star while his "manwife" was pregnant with their 5th child from three different women, you'd be SCREAMING for his ousting, at the top of your lungs! And you know it!!!!
We did scream. We were told it is his "private life" and "character does not matter." Libs set the standard, live with it.
So which DA filed what charge where? "Most likely violated" pfftQuote: ams288The undisclosed $130,000 payment most likely violated campaign finance law. So yes.
Quote: petroglyphSo which DA filed what charge where? "Most likely violated" pfft
lol nice attempt at moving the goalposts.
Quote: terapined
Here is Neil's attitude toward all this
"That's the way it goes. That's what happens. You're out there in the World and people can say whatever they want. Its freedom. I appreciate that, and I think she should exercise it as much as she can"
I guess he should go home to Canada too, taking singer/songwriter salaries.
As for Petroglyph, he should know that I am likely the most sought after consultant for my skills at my company, in the world. We had Americans come here and work for projects here. At every place that I have gone to, I have been extended and sought after for full time work at the company. So this time, I opted for it, and am terminating my 12 year employment and taking new full-time work with a different company at a 40% premium to what I am making today. So I can tell you quite confidently that there are very few Americans who do what I do with the expertise and competence that I do it. This is the reason that these Visa categories exist.
In the meantime, there are 500,000+ high-tech DOMESTIC unfilled job postings every month that are not being filled. The lack of trained and skilled worker is costing these American companies hundreds of billions of dollars in lost productivity. So they go abroad anyway to fill the jobs or setup offices aboard and hire people to do work that benefits American companies anyway, thus legally taking away jobs that can't be filled by Americans anyway. At least I was paying into US Social Security (which I will never collect) and paying US taxes and training other Americans with my skillset.
US employment today is at full employment, to the point where anyone who wants to work can work and is working.
But besides the philosophical rant, all I ask is that CBP apply correct immigration law properly. Which they did not, going instead, with Trump's anti-immigrant bravado instead. From a logistical standpoint, all of my belongings, my car, and my wife, are in California. I was not surprised with the outcome, quite frankly.
Quote: AZDuffmanOnly complete morons believe that said tape exists. We have been over that many times.
How is this not a personal insult? AZ knows there are several members here who believe said tape exists. His second sentence confirms this.
Based on the line of discussion this morning, if I were to say:
"Only complete racists believe that dreamers are violent gang members"
there'd be widespread faux outrage and no shortage of crocodile tears among certain members.
I'm not really saying only racists believe that, it's just an example of how there seems to be a double standard in regards to who can get away with what. Maybe it's just a certain side is better at whining to the mods via PM...
Quote: petroglyphI don't pay much attention to the propaganda ministery, so I haven't heard. Has Trump been accused of something illegal as far as Ms. Daniels goes?
There's a fairly good case, depending on exactly what happened, that it was a violation of FEC laws. That part is still in discovery.
Otherwise, IDK.
Quote: AZDuffmanTrump is a major germaphobe, hates to even shake hands. You are going to tell me he goes out for what is on the supposed tape? Didn't Hillary pay for the dossier that says it exists?
We did scream. We were told it is his "private life" and "character does not matter." Libs set the standard, live with it.
Weak ass convictions. If it was wrong in the 90s, and you screamed about it, it is STILL wrong today, and you should still be screaming about it.
You’re not, and the ONLY reason is because trump decided to be a “conservative” for the umpteenth time.
But whatever.
Thanks for a good answer. I really don't follow this stuff, only as it intersects with other reading. We are still well under one hour TT exposure on him, since before him declaring he was running. mehQuote: beachbumbabsThere's a fairly good case, depending on exactly what happened, that it was a violation of FEC laws. That part is still in discovery.
Otherwise, IDK.
Quote: AxelWolfI love how they call them dreamers. I would call them nightmares since their dreams seem to include a high rate of serious crimes and gang membership.
Seriously Axel, these good people are more likely to be hired by the government than commit a crime*
*Other than the crime of actually coming here.
While this one is protected for now under the “Dreamer” act, if there is any justice left in America, the parents will be picked up and sent back immediately.
Quote: TigerWuIs he not allowed to voice his opinions?
After “Dirty Grandpa”, he lost that right.
Quote: SteverinosDidn't say it did exist. I only mentioned it because he's demonstrated with the Stormy Daniels payoff that he's susceptible to blackmail. But to the tape's existence, Christopher Steele has a stellar reputation in the intelligence community that he's built for decades. Would he risk a career over something that he knew didn't exist?Doubt it.
To the rest of your post, the hypocrisy is astounding. If Barack Obama had an affair with a porn star while his "manwife" was pregnant with their 5th child from three different women, you'd be SCREAMING for his ousting, at the top of your lungs! And you know it!!!!
Will the real evangelicals please stand up?
And this isn't really even about his infidelity. Dude uses his money to get laid. Fine. But this payoff very likely broke the law. That's cool?
Stellar reputation : No so, per Sir Tony Brenton, former British Ambassador to Russia, and former Acting CIA Director Michael Morell. But then , what do they know ?
Quote: BozAfter “Dirty Grandpa”, he lost that right.
Good one
This is why I like Boz , he has the sense of humor AZ lacks
Got 8 1/2 months to sweat out our bet :-)

It's great to see that Don jr.'s wife has filed for divorce.
Is Melania gong to be the next Trump-ette to abandon the sinking ship?
Quote: petroglyphI don't pay much attention to the propaganda ministery, so I haven't heard. Has Trump been accused of something illegal as far as Ms. Daniels goes?
Is that your standard for the President of our country?
The msmQuote: billryanIs that your standard for the President of our country?
Quote: ams288How is this not a personal insult? AZ knows there are several members here who believe said tape exists. His second sentence confirms this.
Based on the line of discussion this morning, if I were to say:
"Only complete racists believe that dreamers are violent gang members"
there'd be widespread faux outrage and no shortage of crocodile tears among certain members.
I'm not really saying only racists believe that, it's just an example of how there seems to be a double standard in regards to who can get away with what.
I thought it was determined such things weren’t personal insults. Plenty of times liberals have said something about republicans, conservatives, etc. which would be a personal insult if it was said to someone directly. But the precedent is set that speaking in generalities it is not a personal insult.
I don’t particularly agree with that rule, or the way it’s enforced (ie: technicalities are BS). Hate the game, not the player.
Quote: ams288Maybe it's just a certain side is better at whining to the mods via PM...
This is just comedy gold, though. Lol. Speaking of which.
I haven’t seen or heard from tringlomane in a while. Think he posts on VMB (but I don’t read that forum). Anyone know if he’s okay or just busy and whatnot?
Quote: MrVIt's great to see that Don jr.'s wife has filed for divorce
But they seemed so happy together!!!
Well, at least Don Jr. will have more time on his hands to murder elephants to compensate for his tiny penis...
Quote: NathanTo be honest, I am surprised Trump has lasted this long as President. The media were screaming that he would be imminently impeached by the end of 2017 after "Donald J Trump," has been elected for President of The United States," was shown on November election night."
Media were screaming he would be imminently impeached by the end of 2017??????
Can you cite an example
Media has been hard on Trump
I don't recall the media reporting imminent impeachment at any time
Individuals posting on a board, sure
media? maybe but I don't recall. Do you?
Quote: NathanTo be honest, I am surprised Trump has lasted this long as President. The media were screaming that he would be imminently impeached by the end of 2017 after "Donald J Trump," has been elected for President of The United States," was shown on November election night." He's lasted over a full year as President, showing how wrong the media turned out to be.
If Republicans were willing to put country over party, it would have been over by now. As is, we wait until the new Congress.