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46 members have voted
Quote: terapinedParents have to be careful
Growing up the trend seemed from what I saw
Parents that smoked cigs never wanted their kids to smoke cigs yet all those kids eventually picked up the habit
A lot of my teen friends smoked cigs and I remember most of their parents smoked to
I had teen friends that did not smoke cigs and noticed that generally their parents did not smoke either
My parents never smoked cigs and I never picked up the habit :-)
Disagree. It depends on what kind of kid that you were. Many things stopped kids from smoking even with smoking parents. First, the cost of cigarettes. When I was a teenager they were just beginning to severely tax cigarettes. I would rather spend my money on a CD or cassette over smokes. Secondly, the harm of cigarettes was known then, and my father suffered a heart attack at an early age due to smoking.
But I agree in tendencies, but in the mid-to-late 80s the health dangers of smoking were well known and smoking wasn't seen as cool.
Meanwhile, in CA, recreational weed is legalized and it is tempting to find my nearest retailer and see what $50 will buy me.
Quote: terapined2/3 of the sales are probably tourists
That means Nevada is making a killing on taxes other states could have but instead is going to Nevada
I was at The Grove on the first day of legalization. Everyone I talked to was a resident, but maybe that was because it was the first day.
I couldn’t really get what I wanted due to the confusing non-resident restrictions that I still don’t understand.
Quote: terapinedPlayed a lot of Pai Gow poker at NYNY while getting high last month
nobody mined
I was very respectful of my fellow players
Had my vape cartridge pen with me
I would step back from the table a few feet, take a cartridge hit, exhale, step back to the table and play buzzed
Its all good ;-)
Pardon my ignorance for a few questions:
When you exhale the vape does it give off the tell tale smell, and the casino is OK with that?
How does this affect your game, your thinking process, can you count cards, can you shoot dice as a wannabee DI?
Quote: DeMangoPardon my ignorance for a few questions:
When you exhale the vape does it give off the tell tale smell, and the casino is OK with that?
How does this affect your game, your thinking process, can you count cards, can you shoot dice as a wannabee DI?
No tell tale smell.
What I was doing was no different than somebody using a nicotine vape pen which are common
Pai Gow poker is a pretty easy game
Most hands are very very easy to set
My take on DI, cant be done. Too many random factors to overcome to influence dice.
Quote: WatchMeWinJust as alcohol was voodoo and perceived as 'very destructive to families' prior to its legalization in early 1900's. Now it is accepted and common place in society.
That was no perception. Alcohol is in fact, very destructive to families.
Once the Feds saw how much badly needed tax revenue they were losing during the depression, Congress ratified the 21st amendment.
The only reason states are legalizing marijuana is for tax revenue. Never mind its cost and destructive effect on society.
"Marijuana is figuring into more fatal crashes overall". Denver Post
Legalizing alcohol only contributed to its destructive effect on society. 88,000 Americans die every year from alcohol related causes.
Add to that, the number of alcohol related accidents, diseases and violence. NIAAA
We are all paying for this with higher medical and automobile insurance rates, and higher taxes as more revenue is directed to law enforcement costs and government programs.
Quote: terapinedNo tell tale smell.
What I was doing was no different than somebody using a nicotine vape pen which are common
My take on DI, cant be done. Too many random factors to overcome to influence dice.
Thank you for your reply. My problem with dice is nervousness. I don't want to go down the road of Zanax for it is not a short term solution. Just wondering how motor skills are effected? Mental skills?
Quote: TankoThat was no perception. Alcohol is in fact, very destructive to families.
Once the Feds saw how much badly needed tax revenue they were losing during the depression, Congress ratified the 21st amendment.
The only reason states are legalizing marijuana is for tax revenue. Never mind its cost and destructive effect on society.
"Marijuana is figuring into more fatal crashes overall". Denver Post
Legalizing alcohol only contributed to its destructive effect on society. 88,000 Americans die every year from alcohol related causes.
We all grew up with the negative connotation of "the stoners", those who opt out of life for various reasons. But weed does have some medical use, we can't be too surgical in our laws to eliminate the drunks and stoners. Won't happen, we will always have them. As always money talks.
Quote: TankoWe are all paying for this with higher medical and automobile insurance rates, and higher taxes as more revenue is directed to law enforcement costs and government programs.
Any data on this?
Quote: SteverinosAny data on this?
Why does there need to be data on this - it's obvious.
Just like smoking, overuse of alcohol factors into insurance premiums (accidents caused by drunk drivers), law enforcement costs (police) and government programs (funding AA, the criminal justice system, jails, probation officers, family counselling, etc). That said, alcohol actually has enough benefits where the good outweighs the bad. Smoking does not. THC and Marijuana has tremendous medical benefits when used properly. Casinos are the same - they provide employment and entertainment for most, but for a significant but small percentage that provide casinos with 45-50% of their revenue, it is a life-destroying problem.
Most progressive governments go with a solution of mitigating the effects for overuse -- the potheads, the alcoholics, smokers, and gamblers by providing programs to help those who need help.
And just to clarify, we are talking about pot, not alcohol. Considering that the natural inclination of a smoker is to go at least 10mph under the speed limit (lol), I find it hard to believe that more marijuana use can be automatically attributed to an increase in traffic deaths, especially when the sample size is very small. And if we assume that's indeed the case, then let's see the correlation in rising medical/auto premiums in the 45 other states that haven't jumped on board.
The opportunity for tax revenue is usually a significant, even deciding factor in allowing the selling of these things within the state, how many licenses to grant or outlets to allow.
Quote: SteverinosI don't think it's obvious. Health insurance is regulated by individual states. The claim was that ALL of us are paying higher medical insurance premiums as a result of...5 states legalizing marijuana? Nah, need to see some data to back this claim up.
And just to clarify, we are talking about pot, not alcohol. Considering that the natural inclination of a smoker is to go at least 10mph under the speed limit (lol), I find it hard to believe that more marijuana use can be automatically attributed to an increase in traffic deaths, especially when the sample size is very small. And if we assume that's indeed the case, then let's see the correlation in rising medical/auto premiums in the 45 other states that haven't jumped on board.
You need to see data, but throw out completely fabricated statements about the natural inclination of a smoker to drive slow.
The driving slow thing was a joke. Although, to be quite honest, there is an element of truth to it, whether you choose to believe it or not.
They need to find that balance where they're getting tax adequate tax revenue while making a legitimate attempt at other positives like the black market, or issues related to medical. At 25-30% on top of prices that are already somehow higher than street dealers is building in a significant market for illegal sales. As of recently Nevada dispensaries are about 80% higher including taxes than WSH/CO. I walked into and out of two NV ones after seeing the menus.
It's probably possible to implement legalization in a way that's beneficial in other ways than taxes, including LESS law enforcement resources or resources being used elsewhere, but Nevada is a state that had no interest in exploring anything positive but tax revenue.
Quote: TankoThat was no perception. Alcohol is in fact, very destructive to families.
Once the Feds saw how much badly needed tax revenue they were losing during the depression, Congress ratified the 21st amendment.
The only reason states are legalizing marijuana is for tax revenue. Never mind its cost and destructive effect on society.
"Marijuana is figuring into more fatal crashes overall". Denver Post
Legalizing alcohol only contributed to its destructive effect on society. 88,000 Americans die every year from alcohol related causes.
Add to that, the number of alcohol related accidents, diseases and violence. NIAAA
We are all paying for this with higher medical and automobile insurance rates, and higher taxes as more revenue is directed to law enforcement costs and government programs.
Jesus, Refer madness arguments are all so terrible.
So first off, obviously if more people smoke pot, more people who have smoked pot will be in accidents. What has been the overall increase/decrease in accidents?
Answer: There MIGHT be a small increase in minor accidents. There is probably no increase in fatal accidents.
Pot impairs your ability to drive, particularly if you are not a regular user. However, if you are a regular user, it doesn't impair you all that much. It's nothing like alcohol. It's more like not being well rested. Where alcohol is more like being exhausted.
If people switch from booze to pot, you'll see less of all the problems you listed. Fewer car crashes, less domestic strife and far fewer health problems. Your precious insurance rates will go down.
And I don't know where you get the idea that LEO/incarceration costs will go UP if we stop using LEO resources to chase after stoners and throw them in jail. Nor do I know what expensive government programs must be funded to deal with stoners. Whatever they are, I doubt they cost more than the war on drugs.
Prices seem cheaper than they were in NYC in the late 1990s, the last time I bought on a regular basis. It must be nice to be able to tell the worker what kind of high you want and them provide the custom blend, as opposed to the street dealers one weed fits all methods.
Quote: mcallister3200They are so caught up in taxing as much as possible they are eliminating the potential positive of almost eliminating the black market, which would also eliminate about any legitimacy to the gateway theory danger of pot.
It also removes the main revenue source for organized crime.
I wasn't aware the government subsidized AA at all? I thought support came from membership.Quote: boymimbo.... (funding AA,
I was told AA was has been offered sponsorship but turned it down, believing it would destroy the program.
Scientists have determined that, if a squirrel smokes seven hundred joints a day, he tends to play with his nuts instead of store them.Quote: RigondeauxPot impairs your ability to drive, particularly if you are not a regular user. However, if you are a regular user, it doesn't impair you all that much. It's nothing like alcohol.
That is why "the state" was invented, pre C.E. The same reason religion was conjured into existence. Cows just want to be milked.Quote: mcallister3200........but Nevada is a state that had no interest in exploring anything positive but tax revenue.
Quote: RigondeauxIt also removes the main revenue source for organized crime.
That won't happen until the hard stuff gets legalized.
Quote: RigondeauxIt also removes the main revenue source for organized crime.
That's true, to an extent. Although I don't know how much they make from marijuana vs harder drugs.
Even so, I think that's a bad reason for legalizing drugs. Other reasons, sure. But we're not going to legalize slavery / human trafficking so the govt can tax it and cut off part of organized crime's revenue. I also don't like the idea of legalizing something so that the govt can tax it.
I mean, that's just so backwards. "These guys are making money off of this activity which is (presumably) bad. So if we legalize it, and we do what they do, then we'll make money!"
I'm not against the legalization of marijuana, I just don't think tax and cutting off organized crime (and some others I can't think of right now) are poor reasons to legalize it.
Quote: RSThat's true, to an extent. Although I don't know how much they make from marijuana vs harder drugs.
Even so, I think that's a bad reason for legalizing drugs. Other reasons, sure. But we're not going to legalize slavery / human trafficking so the govt can tax it and cut off part of organized crime's revenue. I also don't like the idea of legalizing something so that the govt can tax it.
I mean, that's just so backwards. "These guys are making money off of this activity which is (presumably) bad. So if we legalize it, and we do what they do, then we'll make money!"
I'm not against the legalization of marijuana, I just don't think tax and cutting off organized crime (and some others I can't think of right now) are poor reasons to legalize it.
I think it's just part of the equation, but it must be factored in. If the activity is pretty close to harmless, than bringing it into a regulated environment where the public gets a cut of the revenue, as opposed to allowing gangs to make money off it is pretty clearly preferable.
Now, something like murder for hire or human trafficking are different stories, but I think that's just because the cons outweigh the pros. (Though I guess our anarcho-capitalists are in favor of these things?) Taking money out of the pockets of the Russian Mob or whomever by legalizing human trafficking would still be a point on the pro side, but just not big enough of one to do it.
An example that's closer might be legalizing heroin. Some places, the government just dispenses junk to junkies in a boring, DMV type setting and, from what I've read, this allows some of them to get clean. But since heroin is more dangerous, it's less obvious that this is a good idea. Now let's factor in the fact that heroin is (again based on some crap I read) the main revenue source for drug cartels and a huge revenue source for lots of terrorist groups... Maybe that's a tie breaker for some people.
However, I've also read that legalizing pot has pushed some criminal groups into more violent activities because, it's not like they will all just give up and go work at a bowling alley. Similarly, as legalization has spread, the cartels have supposedly made it a priority to push more heroin in the US because fewer people want to buy pot from them.
An example I dislike is the legalization of loan sharking in the form of payday loans and stuff like that. Maybe I'm being inconsistent.
Quote: SteverinosThe claim was that ALL of us are paying higher medical insurance premiums as a result of...5 states legalizing marijuana? Nah, need to see some data to back this claim up.
Nowhere did I claim we were all paying higher medical insurance premiums because a few states legalized marijuana.
According to the Surgeon General, the annual cost of alcohol and drug abuse is $450 billion. We pay for that in one way or another.
"Not Worth the Costs" CNBC
Quote: TankoNowhere did I claim we were all paying higher medical insurance premiums because a few states legalized marijuana.
According to the Surgeon General, the annual cost of alcohol and drug abuse is $450 billion. We pay for that in one way or another.
"Not Worth the Costs" CNBC
"As former head of theU.S. Drug Enforcement Administration..." LOL.
Surprise, surprise, he provides no substantial evidence, (because it doesn't exist). An evil piece of garbage trying to justify the misery he has created.
Let's ask Jared from Subway what the age of consent should be, while we're at it.
I'm sure we do spend $450 billion on drug and alcohol abuse in general. I'm equally sure that the number will go down if more people switch from booze (lots of health and social costs) to weed (trivial health effects, small social costs).
You continue to ignore the costs, both upfront and social, of investigating, arresting, prosecuting, jailing and paroling people for activities that are no more harmful than eating a burger. Maybe it's worth it to you, to inflict suffering on people who rub you the wrong way. Luckily, almost nobody who understands the facts shares that position.
Quote: RigondeauxYou continue to ignore the costs, both upfront and social, of investigating, arresting, prosecuting, jailing and paroling people for activities that are no more harmful than eating a burger. Maybe it's worth it to you, to inflict suffering on people who rub you the wrong way. Luckily, almost nobody who understands the facts shares that position.
This is the main argument in support of legalization.
People are going to continue to smoke pot regardless as to its legality; as was the case with alcohol, prohibition will not substantially curtail its use.
Quote: TankoNowhere did I claim we were all paying higher medical insurance premiums because a few states legalized marijuana.
Quote: TankoWe are all paying for this with higher medical and automobile insurance rates, and higher taxes as more revenue is directed to law enforcement costs and government programs.
There's simply no data that exists that will back this up. And why would it? It's waaaaaaay too early for it.
This would mean legalized:
This DOES NOT mean legalized:
murder for hire
as well as NOT legalizing:
driving while intoxicated
underage prostitution
under-the-table selling of drugs (i.e. tax evasion)
Throwing someone in jail because they wish to consume a substance that's bad for them, or to pay a hooker for sex, is fascism.
How much to tax something should be a reasonable, not confiscatory, amount, and should consider the difference between the current black market price and the legalized wholesale price. Take cocaine for example. We could levy a large import tariff and still drive the black market out of business because the cost of transporting cocaine from South America to the U.S. in tiny little quantities like it's done today is far far more than the cost of moving a shipping container full of coke. People are going to consume it anyway. May as well kill the drug cartels and deposit their profits into the U.S. Treasury. Or do people enjoy paying higher taxes while watching the national debt climb to unsustainable levels?
The main revenue source for organized crime is banking.Quote: RigondeauxIt also removes the main revenue source for organized crime.
I can't discuss specific strains, but next time you are in a state (hello, Nevada, e.g.) that has legalized recreational marijuana, go to a dispensary and ask the budtender for a specific recommendation.
Quote: ThabaniI’ve been reading about some articles on marijuana and how it can help me focus on stuff and relax like ilovegrowingmarijuana,com/sour-alien/ But I just can’t find the right strain that suits me. They all just make me stoned. Is there anyone who has tried using weed and maybe making some edibles out of it so it might not hit that hard. Any help or personal testimonials is much appreciated.
If you are looking for a less stoned, more energetic high, I’d avoid edibles. It’s almost like an entirely different drug in terms of what strains make you feel a certain way, and it’s much harder to dose properly. When something can take 2 hours or more to hit you, it’s very easy to eat too much and be rubbing your face into the carpet, or eat too little and feel nothing. I don’t have anything against edibles, but if you are seeking out a certain strain it’s probably not the best method of ingestion.
If you are looking to be discreet or don’t like smoke in general, vaping is what I’d recommend. There’s a couple different ways to go about that, so I’ll explain.
You can either vape the dry flower, or buy it in a concentrated form.
Concentrated come in few different names/types. Shatter, wax, crumble, and distillate are the most common. You can also get concentrates in pre-package “e-cig” cartridges. The difference between all of these is more or less the consistency of the end product, which can range from the a hard candy type consistency with shatter, to a dough or peanut butter type consistency with waxes, all the way to a liquid or syrup type of consistency with distillates.
Vaping concentrates is near odorless, just nicotine e-cigs. Vaping dry flower has a bit of an odor, not nearly as strong as if you smoked it, but definitely a distinct popcorn-skunky type smell.
You also need a different type of vape for dry/concentrate. Arizer and Pax make really nice vapes for dry flowe. Evolve makes a really nice concentrate pen. Pre-fillled carts can be used with almost any standard 510 thread ecig battery.
My. V is correct that indica’s are more of stoned body high, “couch lock” is what some people call it, while sativas are generally a more energetic and creative high. That said, with all the recent legalization, producers have been going gangbusters creating new or hybrid strains. You can find sativas that smoke like indicas and indicas that smoke like sativas. And everyone is different in terms of how a strain makes them feel. So my suggestion would be to go to a dispensary with staff that is knowledgeable about the variety they offer, then get as many different samples as you can and go from there.
Quote: IyonheI'm one of the people who want marijuana to be legalized...
I'm not and I want harsher penalties for it. Medical marijuana is a fraud!
Quote: IbeatyouracesI'm not and I want harsher penalties for it. Medical marijuana is a fraud!
And you’ve never explained this position, even though I have asked :)
Quote: IbeatyouracesI'm not and I want harsher penalties for it. Medical marijuana is a fraud!
Against freedom?
Quote: IbeatyouracesI'm not and I want harsher penalties for it. Medical marijuana is a fraud!
Is it because of your relationship with God? ;)
"Whether marijuana should be legal ought to be up to the individual states. That it isn’t remains the fault of Congress and the Supreme Court, not an attorney general instructing his prosecutors to follow the law."

"Leave Jeff ALONE!"
I agree about the waiting part. It takes anywhere from 45 minutes to 2 hours for the full effects to take hold, YMMVQuote: gamerfreak..., and it’s much harder to dose properly. When something can take 2 hours or more to hit you, it’s very easy to eat too much and be rubbing your face into the carpet, or eat too little and feel nothing. as you can and go from there.
But for the correct dose, we can thank Colorado for standardizing dosing, it is no longer Russian Roulette each time edibles are try'd. The shops I go to all have standardized dosing [AZ.], 10mg. is a dose, is a dose, is a dose. And they from my experience have it nailed down. So when I go from Chocolates, to tea cakes or suckers, I know what my preferred dose is and consume that amount. I can be confident that I won't melt into the recliner or not feel anything at all.
Figuring out "your dose" is a touch tricky, but once you know, it is quite accurate and stable.
There are people that fraud the system, but mmj as medicine is a fact.Quote: IbeatyouracesI'm not and I want harsher penalties for it. Medical marijuana is a fraud!
When used as medicine, for what it is for, it is more reliable [as to it's claimed effect] than chemo and much more pleasant, imo. Colorado stats say, it has cut way down on opiod overdoses.
As medicine it is continually growing in it's benefits with seizure victims. No medicine is perfect for all dis -ease's.
Cannabis has to potential to save the world.
Quote: petroglyph
Figuring out "your dose" is a touch tricky, but once you know, it is quite accurate and stable.
a touch tricky?
for me impossible
Does absolutely nothing for me
Shatter blows me away
Pot gets me there
vaping is just ok
Edibles - nothing. don't feel a thing. Have a bunch stored in the fridge. save them for friends.
Quote: IbeatyouracesI'm not and I want harsher penalties for it. Medical marijuana is a fraud!
You do realize that Big Pharma lobbied hard against legalization.
You wonder why? IT directly competes with their drugs but is
a fraction of the cost and has much less side effects in many
And don't let me get started on freedom.
Our government seeks to enslave us it decides
what we shall consume and if you disobey
They will use violence against you.
So if it is not for you that is okay but
please don't be one of those who thinks what
he chooses is best for all and is willing to back
a violent government to enforce it.
If you are doing shatter, I would say your tolerance is very high. If you go a day or more without any thc, eat two doses [?] or 20mg. of quality product. Maybe if yours is from Col. or Nev. where they do measure what's inside?Quote: terapineda touch tricky?
for me impossible
Does absolutely nothing for me
Shatter blows me away
Pot gets me there
vaping is just ok
Edibles - nothing. don't feel a thing. Have a bunch stored in the fridge. save them for friends.
If two doses doesn't make you feel anything, your tolerance is way up there. It took years of practice I'll wager, for that to be so? I am such a tee totaler, a standard dose 10mg, couch locks me.
Are the edibles you are trying from a legit source? Home made can be like the lotto? As I said, I think your tolerance is way high? We know it, by itself, won't kill you. Try 50mg's? First time I tried "Simpson's oil", it was like acid.
Also, you have to wait for a couple hours, it has to go through your liver, not into the brain through the blood via the lungs. The high is different.