Quote: BuzzardI would never have banned him. Free entertainment is hard to find these days.
come home Shane
Quote: BuzzardAhigh has now been barred and placed in the BJ cheaters book. An admirable feat if true, as he has never played BJ at the casinos from which he is now barred.
He's risen to the Acme of Absurdity.
A self-proclaimed craps expert barred for erroneously being accused of being a card counting blackjack expert due solely to his actions at a craps table.
Nice duality.
It's as if The Firesign Theatre had this in mind when they named this album:

wall. I'm sure Ahigh hasn't seen it yet. He might
delete it so I saved it. If its gone when you go there,
PM me and I'll send it, its a pip..
LOL, now his mother in law is emailing him, telling him to knock it off or he'll lose his job; at least somebody seems to care about his newlywed wife and her happiness and financial security.
The guy needs an epiphany or an intervention.
I only hope that someone can step in and do an intervention on behalf of AHigh before he loses everything.
Here is the post.
For the life of me I cannot understand why he has done so, nor why he continues to do so.
Part of me doffs my hat in salute; the other part shakes my head in bemused wonder.
No doubt I'll continue to check his board, much like the camel sticking its head under the tent: to quote Colonel Klink: "Verrrrrry interesting!"
*old Chinese curse: "May you live in interesting times"*
Quote: AlanMendelsonI feel sorry for him. I think it's too late.
Too late for what, exactly?
If nothing else, his seeming meltdown may provide an object lesson for somebody.
If he practice music that long, frequently, and intently, he'd win American Idol.
If he studied and wrote with that dedication, he'd have a screenplay or novel published as a fiction writer. [ahem..]
he could have invented a new game, for all we know.
He could-a been a contender and not a pretender.
Before craps he was into motorcycle stunts and as I understand it he was good enough to perform at the pro level (but did not go pro).Quote: PaigowdanI was just thinking, if AHigh applied the same maniacal intensity to something where success is possible, even 0.01%, he'd hit the charts.
If he practice music that long, frequently, and intently, he'd win American Idol.
If he studied and wrote with that dedication, he'd have a screenplay or novel published as a fiction writer. [ahem..]
he could have invented a new game, for all we know.
He could-a been a contender and not a pretender.
Quote: Beethoven9thWow, more unsolicited advice on Ahigh's website. Hope he gets the message.
Ahigh admits its all about the attention. Thats the
only reason to do something so utterly foolhardy
as doing a wheelie on the freeway for 5 miles.
You're screaming 'look at meeeeeeeee'.. Same
thing with telling off a craps pit. Look at meeeee,
I know more about craps than you! The pit eventually
says yup, and we're sick of hearing about it. BuhBye...
Quote: MrVto quote Colonel Klink: "Verrrrrry interesting!"
Wasn't that Arte Johnson on Laugh In?
very interesting
that Alan outed him thru 'investigations'. HUH?
He said right here on this forum where he worked
more than once. Here is one of them:
I always knew he worked there, it was never a secret.
He has a video of him on his site driving to work, and
he says where he's going. You can see the sign on
the building when he gets there. How is any of this
Alan Mendelson's fault.
Quote: EvenBobAhigh blames his working place being divulged on Alan Mendelson,
that Alan outed him thru 'investigations'. HUH?
I literally laughed out loud when I read the comment about the "retarded idiots" at WoV. Also, what's with Ahigh thinking that Alan Mendelson is out to get him?? He's always lashing out at Alan. Like this comment. Sounds like it comes straight out of a soap opera. LOL!
In fact, I just made it my new signature. ;)
This is definitely not true of all advantage play there are lots of fun promotions and games that are fun that you have an advantage. I can name manyQuote: EvenBobAhigh uses the word 'fun' way too often. Being an
AP isn't fun, no part of it is fun. And if he's not an
AP, whats the point in gambling every free minute
of every day if you don't have a gambling problem.
Cathy Hulbert covers this in her book. She's says if
you're having 'fun' playing poker, you're doing it
wrong. Its not fun, its grueling, hard, long work. You
have to be paying attention the whole time you're
playing and its draining. This applies to any AP, no
matter what the game. I never have fun in a casino,
the very idea is ludicrous to me. Look around you,
does anybody look like they're having fun?
Quote: EvenBobAhigh blames his working place being divulged on Alan Mendelson,
that Alan outed him thru 'investigations'. HUH?
He said right here on this forum where he worked
more than once. Here is one of them:
I always knew he worked there, it was never a secret.
He has a video of him on his site driving to work, and
he says where he's going. You can see the sign on
the building when he gets there. How is any of this
Alan Mendelson's fault.
Would I be wrong to say if correct, its the first time Alan actually got an "investigation" correct without being paid to "investigate" it??
OK Alan, you know I am just busting your balls.
We're better as a forum, I think. Let Ahigh be Ahigh and leave him be.
If I read through this entire thread, will I find the answers? Is it worth my time?
Quote: KeyserSozeWho is this Ahigh dude and why is he banned?
Ahigh has achieved both fame and notoriety on the WoV, and even his harshest critics would have to admit that they miss his posts here. :)
Quote: KeyserSozeIs it worth my time?
No. Given that, the first three questions seem irrelevant.
Quote: teliotI just escorted my 34 year old friend to the Chumash Casino to have him fill out a self-ban. Blackjack was ruining his life, to the tune of losing $30k in the last two years (and, like AHigh, he was convinced he was beating the game). My friend has a broken family and a daughter to support. He recently lost his job and now lives with his mother. Unable to pay rent (yes, his mother requires rent), he asked me for a loan of $600 about 2 weeks ago. A condition of the loan was the self-ban from the Chumash. (Yes, I understand I am unlikely to ever see that loan repaid.) I also provided my friend with the time and place that Gambler's anonymous meets here in Santa Barbara and requested that he start going to meetings. His 13 year old daughter just moved out to live with her mother. My 34 year old friend is all alone in life, without a job, without any money, living with his mother. I applaud Chumash for having the self-ban policy in place. But, there are casinos everywhere, and I doubt this ban will do much good. That's gambling addiction.
I only hope that someone can step in and do an intervention on behalf of AHigh before he loses everything.
Here is the post.
It is always easy to spend someone else's money. But on behalf of my fellow forum members, I want to thank you for investing in your fellow man. I have added your friend to my prayer list and hope this story has a happy ending. As Chief Shop Steward I had to deal with many addictions, gambling , drugs, alcohol, religion, etc. My track record was not good. Mainly because they still had a good paying job. One of my best friends and co-workers had a gambling addiction. I even covered for him on Wednesday evenings so he could attend GA meetings in a local church. But after 2 months I found out that he stopped going and was playing poker instead at a local club. In rehab there is a saying, YOU CAN NOT BOUNCE UNTIL YOU HIT BOTTOM !
Hopefully having to borrow money from you was BOTTOM for your friend. Anyways, thanks for your humanity.
Quote: KeyserSozeWho is this Ahigh dude and why is he banned? Did he murder another forum member?
If I read through this entire thread, will I find the answers? Is it worth my time?
He is just another one of the usual suspects.
Quote: BozWould I be wrong to say if correct, its the first time Alan actually got an "investigation" correct without being paid to "investigate" it??
OK Alan, you know I am just busting your balls.
Actually you're right. I was a paid journalist/consumer reporter for more than 35 years and no one paid me to put 2+2 together to see that Ahigh worked for IGT. LOL
But now I'm in advertising and Infomercials.... and did I tell you that I got an Infomercial client because of this WOV forum? Do I have to pay the Wizard a finder's fee?
Quote: AxelWolfCome on guys we haven't confirmed he has a Gambling addition. Next thing you know Alan will be making him out to be broke and homeless blowing guys for a few white chips in bathroom stalls.
Excuse me? Why are you mentioning me here? This is very inappropriate and offensive.
Quote: Beethoven9thIt's funny because after those anonymous people talked about Ahigh & his employer, he quickly posted a message on his forum saying that Fiesta Rancho's dice seem fair. lol
And I think he also posted that his investigation was all designed to disprove everything Harley said about unfair dice being used.
Quote: Beethoven9thIt's funny because after those anonymous people talked about Ahigh & his employer, he quickly posted a message on his forum saying that Fiesta Rancho's dice seem fair. lol
Very interesting timing. And for a guy that pours every spare second into research and investigation to except 2 trials as proof either way.
Easy way out of it all though and that's what he needed to do.
Quote: AxelWolfCome on guys we haven't confirmed he has a Gambling addition. Next thing you know Alan will be making him out to be broke and homeless blowing guys for a few white chips in bathroom stalls.
I'm going to bust this post partly due to an insult to AlanMendelson...though that part could be facetious...and mainly because of the, "Keep it PG," rule.
Three day ban.
place was mentioned by somebody (he mentioned it
here himself several times, duh) yet he finds nothing
wrong with posting a picture on his site of the guy who
kicked him out of Rancho. How does he think Station
Casinos fells about that? I sure wouldn't want pics of
my pit people showing up on sites where they are
disparaged by players.
Quote: IbeatyouracesSort of like the unruly, provocative teens or abusive husbands you see on Maury every so often. You don't realize how rediculous you are acting until you see yourself on video tape.
There's absolutely no irony in that post.
What is the kid, seven or thereabouts?
Ah yes, spending "family time" huddled around craps tables.
"Eat your broccoli, son, and I'll teach you how to spot biased dice. Finish your homework and I'll teach you the No Sevens set."*
How quintessentially "Las Vegas!"
* Not a real quote; at least I never heard or read it, but it does seem likely enough
Quote: EvenBobWhats funny is, he cries bloody murder that his work
place was mentioned by somebody (he mentioned it
here himself several times, duh) yet he finds nothing
wrong with posting a picture on his site of the guy who
kicked him out of Rancho. How does he think Station
Casinos fells about that? I sure wouldn't want pics of
my pit people showing up on sites where they are
disparaged by players.
I agree with the first part, but otherwise would have no problem with him posting Ira's photo and information there. It seems that came from a professional networking site, so Ira either put that together or had someone do it for him. The post was also in context of something he did as a manager of Stations Casinos, which is his job. Finally, AHigh did kind of compliment him to the extent that he said he was polite about the trespass.
Quote: MrV"Finish your homework and I'll teach you the No Sevens set."
is on Ahigh's site, is a shift manager at Rancho
and has been a suit in the biz for over 20 years.
So one would assume he knew what he was doing
when Ahigh got the axe. Being in management
that long, you've seen pretty much everything.
So they had to be watching Ahigh's antics for awhile,
this was no newbie who made a quick call. This
guy has cred up the wazoo, I looked him up. No way
Ahigh will get anywhere going against him, he's
done playing at Station properties..
Quote: MrV... his wife "Kelly" accompanies him to the casinos on occasion, and that his son loves to shoot craps at home.
What is the kid, seven or thereabouts?
Ah yes, spending "family time" huddled around craps tables. "Eat your broccoli, son, and I'll teach you how to spot biased dice. Finish your homework and I'll teach you the No Sevens set."*
How quintessentially "Las Vegas!"
Making innuendo about someone's innocent relatives?
How quintessentially "MrV."
I bet I'd get an earful. ;)
Of course, if I ever did that, I could never write about it (for fear of getting the dealers in trouble), so that would take some of the fun out of it.
Quote: Zcore13So much for open conversation on his site. Ahigh deleted the posts that questioned his motives and choices and offered him advice.
No, he moved them to their own category called Unsolicited Advice.
Its all still there.