Equal pay for equal work is not the same as equal pay for different jobs.
It has never been shown that asking the top 2% to pay Approx 40% in taxes will slow the economy.
The myth th at this is taxing job creators is just that...fiction.
Most jobs are created by small business and 97% of those are unaffected.
I am not able to post more on this presently.
And there are other threads that deal with this.
Happy to talk more about it but lets not hijack
So I ask, "Bronco?"
they go, "Bronco?"
and I say, "Yep, Bronco! "
"Bronco Bama!"
that's from the little girl you know, what she actually says. You've seen this.
Quote: WongBoIt has never been shown that asking the top 2% to pay Approx 40% in taxes will slow the economy.
This is a very weak statement. In economics it is very difficult to prove almost anything. However it can be shown that more taxes leads to fewer trades, and less production.
Quote: WongBo
Equal pay for equal work is not the same as equal pay for different jobs.
Which is why they call it "comparabloe worth" pay. Google it if you have never heard of it.
Quote:It has never been shown that asking the top 2% to pay Approx 40% in taxes will slow the economy.
Sure it has, in the late 1950s and mid 1990s. The 1990 and 1993 tax increases slowed economic growth after they happened, and the high tax rates in the 1950s caused a killer recession in 1958.
Quote:The myth th at this is taxing job creators is just that...fiction.
Most jobs are created by small business and 97% of those are unaffected.
So, explain how there is more demand for the products and services from those businesses when taxes are raised. The small business that many be "unaffected" may very well rely on the "rich guy" who buys their product. There is just no logical argument to show taking more money from people gives them more money to spend, which is what creates jobs.
So, are you going to send in your 40% since paying it is no big deal?
EvenBob was upset with a comment saying what was needed was quality posters and not quantity posters. He also felt his 7 day suspension was unjust for a first offense. I do not expect him to return, not ever !
Quote: BuzzardBack to the real thread :
EvenBob was upset with a comment saying what was needed was quality posters and not quantity posters. He also felt his 7 day suspension was unjust for a first offense. I do not expect him to return, not ever !
I thought that was buzzpaff ;)
Quote: BuzzardBack to the real thread :
EvenBob was upset with a comment saying what was needed was quality posters and not quantity posters. He also felt his 7 day suspension was unjust for a first offense. I do not expect him to return, not ever !
That is great news, hopefully (I won't use the "N" word) is next.
Quote: BuzzardYes, let's get rid of those posters we disagree with. This will certainly make the forum a better place.
Buzz... its not that people disagreed with Bob, its that he was such a blowhard, 'guaranteeing' things that had a really small chance of coming true.....
He asked the same question over and over, and when it was answered, he ignored the answer, and asked the question again!
He came to the forum with ZERO credibility, as he started by backing a loser who claimed to have a roulette system.....
I can assure you the forum is a better place without his presence, that is a fact.
Quote: BuzzardBack to the real thread :
EvenBob was upset with a comment saying what was needed was quality posters and not quantity posters. He also felt his 7 day suspension was unjust for a first offense. I do not expect him to return, not ever !
Bob's only suspension ended on June 14th , and he took it OK if you ask me.
If he wants to leave, he wants to leave. Life goes on.
Quote: MoscaRegarding Bob, I'll say it again: I agreed with him on some stuff, disagreed with him on other stuff, enjoyed the repartee most of the time and ignored it the rest of the time. If he was my neighbor, I'd help him with his yard work and invite him and his family over for barbecue.
Quote: BuzzardI still think 7 days for a vampire remark was a bit much. You can not even call someone an ass without getting suspended. Who can say they have NEVER been an ass on this forum at least once ? NOT ME !!
Even when people are being asses, you can't call anyone an ass but yourself but you can bet both of our asses that there a lot of people (including me) who act like asses from time to time here...some more than others!!
I am not one who wanted EB to leave...if everyone agrees with you and you get rid of all those who disagree, what fun would it be?
Quote: SOOPOOBuzz... its not that people disagreed with Bob, its that he was such a blowhard, 'guaranteeing' things that had a really small chance of coming true.....
He asked the same question over and over, and when it was answered, he ignored the answer, and asked the question again!
He came to the forum with ZERO credibility, as he started by backing a loser who claimed to have a roulette system.....
I can assure you the forum is a better place without his presence, that is a fact.
I respectfully disagree. Bob was often called a troll. Yet he in no way fit that definition.
TROLL : Forum trolls are users that repeatedly and deliberately breach the netiquette of an established online community, posting inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages to bait or excite users into responding or to test the forum rules and policies, and with that the patience of the forum staff.
What matters to me is a person's beliefs in what they post, misguided or otherwise. I never found Bob's posting to be disingenuous.
And neither you or any other member was required to agree with or even read his postings.
If we limit forum membership to those with CREDIBILITY, there will be a noticeable echo in here.
Perhaps Bob is underwriting DT.
Why are you guys trashing Bob? Maybe he's in the hospital or something, recovering from election shock like me! :)
The next several months should be rather entertaining with the silly squad still in power.
He's a real dude. Like him or not, he always gave it straight.
At least he's not dead or otherwise incapacitated. I tracked him down, but didn't speak with him. The only reason he's not here is because he's chosen not to be.
Quote: KeyserThere's no fear! Keyser's here! :)
Why are you guys trashing Bob? Maybe he's in the hospital or something, recovering from election shock like me! :)
The next several months should be rather entertaining with the silly squad still in power.
I'm the one who first inquired about Bob and I said that I hoped everything was okay. I sincerely meant that.
Someone mentioned paying the price for name calling. I think we all know by now that some do and some don't.
Given his threads of the past, and his tough attitude, I doubt the election is any reason for his absence.
Quote: KeyserI hope we see him here again as well. He gives the forum some much needed attitude and will tell it like it is.
Given his threads of the past, and his tough attitude, I doubt the election is any reason for his absence.
I think he may just be taking a self-imposed break. Most including myself do it from time to time.
If what you mean by "tell it like it is" is that he'll make wildly inaccurate predictions and then hide himself away when he's proven so painfully wrong, then yeah, he totally tells it like it is.Quote: KeyserI hope we see him here again as well. He gives the forum some much needed attitude and will tell it like it is.
Quote: s2dbakerIf what you mean by "tell it like it is" is that he'll make wildly inaccurate predictions and then hide himself away when he's proven so painfully wrong, then yeah, he totally tells it like it is.
"Tell it like it is " to me means stating your position without bothering to be politically correct or nicey-nice. Bob always qualified on both criteria !
Quote: Buzzard"Tell it like it is " to me means stating your position without bothering to be politically correct or nicey-nice. Bob always qualified on both criteria !
It's a valuable quality. And depending on the accuracy of your data collection abilities, even useful.

I expected the RNC to blame the salesman as usual, instead of the product.
But to my great surprise they have decided the message was right, just not loud enough.
Republican win in the senate, house, governors even, but the RNC will ensure a Democrat President in 2016.
Quote: BuzzardBut, but, all the intelligent pollsters said Romney was gonna win.
That was the thing though... they really didn't. Even the Republican favourite polls didn't show a clean lead for much of the race.
Quote:I expected the RNC to blame the salesman as usual, instead of the product.
It's the media. It's the voters wanting "free stuff". The sheer static result of the race is so telling.
But to my great surprise they have decided the message was right, just not loud enough.
Republican win in the senate, house, governors even, but the RNC will ensure a Democrat President in 2016.
Depends on the economy. Also both parties have to fight a primary, which makes a difference as both sides have their candidates torn apart fighting for the nomination, not just one (which was another weakness of Mitt... which resulted in him being viewed as a flip-flopper).
I suspect Ryan will have a tilt at it. He was outplayed in the VP debate, but would be much better with another few years experience and time to refine his thoughts, and play back next time.
Quote: BuzzardBut, but, all the intelligent pollsters said Romney was gonna win.
I expected the RNC to blame the salesman as usual, instead of the product.
But to my great surprise they have decided the message was right, just not loud enough.
This is what the Democrats decided after 2000 and 2004, worked fine for them, in fact they moved further left and continue to do so.
In 2010, Ryan was a member of the bipartisan National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform (Bowles-Simpson Commission), which was tasked with developing a plan to reduce the federal deficit. He voted against the final report of the commission.
Quote: BuzzardPaul Ryan is exactly what's wrong with the Republican party. He has all the answers and none of the solutions.
In 2010, Ryan was a member of the bipartisan National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform (Bowles-Simpson Commission), which was tasked with developing a plan to reduce the federal deficit. He voted against the final report of the commission.
Seems to me Ryan put forth a real reform plan while the Democrats put forth no plan and not even a budget in the Senate.
So he voted against the report of the commission. So what--he voted against somehting he ended up disagreeing with?
Where is Obama's plan other than his burning desire to raise taxes??
Actions speak louder than words. Mr. Ryan showed his conservative mettle in 2008 when he folded like a lawn chair on the auto bailout and the Wall Street bailout.
Quote: BuzzardAnd Ryan's plan was what ? Any details available ?
Actions speak louder than words. Mr. Ryan showed his conservative mettle in 2008 when he folded like a lawn chair on the auto bailout and the Wall Street bailout.
Not sure where you have been, Ryan put forth a plan to reform Medicare so famous it became known as the "Ryan Plan." It was so bold the Democrats were reduced to buying ads showing old women in wheelchairs being thrown off a cliff to counter it.
Quote: boymimboI missed you, AZ.
Thanks I hope :-)
Didn't realize I was gone that much.
Quote: DeMangoThat is great news, hopefully (I won't use the "N" word) is next.
This should be grounds for suspension. Wishing that another forum member would leave is worse than a personal insult, really.
Quote: AcesAndEightsThis should be grounds for suspension. Wishing that another forum member would leave is worse than a personal insult, really.
Using that logic, should those who wish that EB stay away should also be suspended, right?
Quote: AcesAndEightsThis should be grounds for suspension. Wishing that another forum member would leave is worse than a personal insult, really.
I no longer post here enough for a suspension to matter. So I don't care :P
Quote: RonCUsing that logic, should those who wish that EB stay away should also be suspended, right?
Eh. You're probably right, but this one just sounded much more mean-spirited. But I'm not a mod, so it doesn't matter!
Quote: BuzzardJohn Galt is the copper-haired, white-boy protagonist in Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged. Galt leads a revolutionary movement in which all the top leaders of the banks and corporations forsake their corporate jets and perks to work in diners or as subway repair guys. No they weren't fired by Galt. Rather, Galt urged them to go on strike and withdraw their expertise from an increasingly socialist world. Deprived of the genius of their genius, the world economy collapses.
Galt convinced these leaders that their their business empires were doomed to failure anyhow, given the increased nationalization of industry by the government. Secretly, these captains of industry, led by Galt , created their own society a secret enclave of rational individualists living in 'Galt's Gulch', a town secluded high in a wilderness of mountains in Colorado.
Quote: MoscaToo many people confuse fiction with reality.
Oh, come now. We know all criminal cases in America are solved within the hour. In New York City, they are solved, tried and convicted within 60 minutes, too.