Quote: WizardSorry for the interruption to give you this announcement. Ahigh has upgraded his self-suspension from 60 days to permanent.
I'm sorry he feels this is necessary. I do wish him well, both personally and with the game.
Quote: beachbumbabsI do wish him well, both personally and with the game.
As do I.
Quote: RonCSo with a 60 day self-exclusion he had to wait 60 days...how long does he have to wait with a permanent one?
I ask only because others have resigned and been allowed back...
All voluntary suspensions are 30 days and then reinstatement can be requested, unless there is a sub-rule I am forgetting (oh the bureaucracy!). So it would seem the length he is requesting is irrelevant, and a ploy for drama.
Wizard...site so...addicting...like heroin...must seek help...to not...login...please, while I have the willpower...in this brief moment of clarity..is there a way...to self-exclude...
Quote: MrVHe "resigned" in the past, then came back.
Now, does permanent in fact mean permanent, or might he be permitted to return after taking a break to clear the cobwebs out of his internet life?
I doubt he can keep quiet; this might result in his now moribund board, goodshooter.com, becoming active once more.
Good luck, Aaron; you may not in fact know as much as you think you know, but that never stopped you from expressing a strong opinion and fighting to defend it.
That's an excellent question and one that those champing at the bit to insult the man should get a clear answer to. He seems to be on a six month self suspension/reinstatement cycle. His Suspension Ends column has been left blank. Was that an oversight? I think not.
in the past. Doing it now means almost nothing.
I take that back, it does mean nothing..
Quote: 1BBThat's an excellent question and one that those champing at the bit to insult the man should get a clear answer to
So let us ask the mods directly.
Does Aaron's permanent resignation mean he is no longer a forum member, such that those who are not his fans can get away with making comments about him which would otherwise be grounds for suspension if made about a forum member?
Is he still insulated, or is he now fair game?
Quote: MrVSo let us ask the mods directly.
Does Aaron's permanent resignation mean he is no longer a forum member, such that those who are not his fans can get away with making comments about him which would otherwise be grounds for suspension if made about a forum member?
Is he still insulated, or is he now fair game?
Quote: wizardNo. I haven't put this in writing, but if somebody leaves voluntarily then he will still be covered by insult protection, unless he waives it.
see : https://wizardofvegas.com/forum/info/rules/3853-discussion-about-the-suspension-list/444/#post402556
Quote: thecesspit(facepalm)
I'm afraid B9 has managed to hack into thecesspit's account, hey hey.
Quote: MaxSwelleIMO Aaron was never on the offensive. He often made claims and suppositions that were not too popular around here, however, he didn't pick fights. If anything, I'd say he was jabbed quite a bit and interpreted the teasing as a full assault. His reactions played perfectly into the hands of the many who taunted him. I'll give him credit for his passion-he sunk his teeth into his endeavors and never settled for mediocrity, as far as he was concerned. I wish I was here for "dice wars". Oh well, later Aaron.
I once had a teacher who used to say,
"Never let anyone know where your goat is tied, because people will delight in untying it."
This is pretty much the exact scenario he was talking about.
Quote: RaleighCraps"Never let anyone know where your goat is tied, because people will delight in untying it."
And then kidnapping it.

Quote: DRichI am very curious why would anyone ask to have themselves banned as opposed to just not coming to the forum? I truly can not comprehend this.
The drama, oh the drama. Especially banning
yourself multiple times. I stayed away for 3
months but I didn't ban myself. I would have
felt silly doing that.
Quote: 1BBWhy is it allowed?
Same reason bars and casinos allow self-exclusion.
Quote: WizardAnd then kidnapping it.
Nothing gets my goad more than...getting my goat? Right Greg?
Quote: WizardSame reason bars and casinos allow self-exclusion.
Because the state requires you?
Quote: SonuvabishBecause the state requires you?
I'd like to think a bar or casino would do so without being required.
Quote: WizardSame reason bars and casinos allow self-exclusion.
Aren't most cases of self banning in casinos and bars addiction related.
So he is addicted to WOV? There could be worse addictions, I guess. (smiley)
I had a lot of respect for his ambition and drive and I wish him well in his endeavors.
If and when he comes back he needs to get some thicker skin. If you can't take negative feedback, don't ask for feedback!
Because you can bet that some feedback is going to be negative. In his case though I hope he listened to some of it. Because some of it was damn good.
Quote: WizardI'd like to think a bar or casino would do so without being required.
A casino voluntarily banning gambling addicts??
Quote: Sabretom2Ok, I'm going to exclude myself for an hour or two. I'll try to remember to announce my return.
You can't it has to be 30 days. Hey, that's not fair, if he's allowed to do this, I want to be banned for 34 seconds.
Quote: Sabretom2Ok, I'm going to exclude myself for an hour or two. I'll try to remember to announce my return.
Lol, that's just as silly as banning yourself multiple
times. It's probably amazing to him that we manage
to lumber along without his presence.
Quote: SonuvabishA casino voluntarily banning gambling addicts??
No, the degenerate gambler who asks to be banned in an effort to get their life in order.
I have a friend in GA and that's one of the first things he did. And if I understand it correctly, when you do that it is for life. They'll never let you back.
Quote: texasplumrAnd if I understand it correctly, when you do that it is for life. They'll never let you back.
Would you? A guy says he has an addiction,
and wants to be banned. You let him back
in and it's lawsuit city..
Answer: They buy lottery tickets, silly.
Quote: BuzzardGLAD I double checked Black all Stars and Oakland A's are XL. But Michael Vick #7 Black Atlanta Falcon Jersey is size 58.
PM address , my pleasure to mail FREE.
Any body else want any of xl's just PM.
I'm looking for some tan shoes with pink shoelaces.
Quote: EvenBobWould you? A guy says he has an addiction,
and wants to be banned. You let him back
in and it's lawsuit city..
No, it is not. The casino has no duty of care to prevent you from gambling. The self-exclusion list is basically to help the casino not pay you in case you hit a jackpot. No one should ever self-exclude in the US, unless it is part of an instructional treatment program.
Quote: 1BBI'm looking for some tan shoes with pink shoelaces.
This 13 year old girl can get you some. Recorded in 1959. I was 19 then. How the hell did I get so old so damn fast ? ? ?
Quote: SonuvabishNo, it is not. .
Yes, it is. I never had it happen, but other
bar owners told me if a person said he had a
drinking problem and was self banning
himself from my bar, never let him back
in because then I was liable if he killed
somebody with his car after leaving my
place. Works the same in a casino, you're
opening the door to lawsuits.
Quote: texasplumr
I have a friend in GA and that's one of the first things he did. And if I understand it correctly, when you do that it is for life. They'll never let you back.
It depends on the jurisdiction/casino. But if you ban yourself at any CET casino, you're banned from them all.
Quote: EvenBobYes, it is. I never had it happen, but other
bar owners told me if a person said he had a
drinking problem and was self banning
himself from my bar, never let him back
in because then I was liable if he killed
somebody with his car after leaving my
place. Works the same in a casino, you're
opening the door to lawsuits.
I wasn't speaking for bars. The law requires you to cut-off visibly drunk patrons; failing to do so may constitute a breach of the duty of care in a negligence action. Has nothing to do with the exclusionary list, but you might wanna follow it, since there are medical and property liability issues at stake. It doesn't work that way in casinos. Sure, the actual patron might file a lawsuit because of his pecuniary losses, but they have no chance.
Quote: EvenBobI never had it happen, but other
bar owners told me if a person said he had a
drinking problem and was self banning
himself from my bar, never let him back
in because then I was liable if he killed
somebody with his car after leaving my
Why should it matter?
What matters is whether you over-served a customer while being on reasonable notice that he was hammered.
Bar owners are ALWAYS on the hook, at least potentially, in an over-serving case.
Whether the customer was self-banned or not probably would not matter to the issue of the tavern owner's liability in an over-serving case.
Those danged Dram Shop laws.
Which leads me to wonder: why don't casinos in Las Vegas get sued more often for over-serving folks who then drive off, drunk, and wreck?
Do casinos cut patrons off when they're betting?
Quote: MrVThose danged Dram Shop laws.
Which leads me to wonder: why don't casinos in Las Vegas get sued more often for over-serving folks who then drive off, drunk, and wreck?
I have done a lot of work in the tavern industry in Nevada in the last ten years. Nevada does not hold the server or establishment liable for intoxicated patrons as long as they were of legal age.
I have seen a guy falling out of his chair almost passed out, allowed to play poker, hell they even gave him extra to make a decision.Quote: BuzzardI have seen a poker player cut off in a casino poker room. Oh, he could continue to gamble of course !
Quote: MrV
Bar owners are ALWAYS on the hook, at least potentially, in an over-serving case.
This was 1979, no bar owners were on the
hook for anything. MADD wasn't even born
yet. But you could be held liable if a customer
admitted he had a problem, banned himself,
and you got him drunk later.
Quote: AxelWolf90% of bartenders will serve you until your passed out(at least in vegas) unless you start doing something out of line.
You can't imagine what it was like 35 years
ago. Cops would take people home and not
give them tickets sometimes. MADD changed
all that. I got out of the business just as
MADD got started. I bet I knew half a
dozen guys killed in drunk driving accidents
in the 3 years I had the bar.
Quote: EvenBobYou can't imagine what it was like 35 years
ago. Cops would take people home and not
give them tickets sometimes. MADD changed
all that. I got out of the business just as
MADD got started. I bet I knew half a
dozen guys killed in drunk driving accidents
in the 3 years I had the bar.
Was that after you had served them drinks?
Quote: petroglyphWas that after you had served them drinks?
Nope. It was all deaths we heard about, not
related to the bar. They were all regular
customers, though, and it was all related to
drinking and driving.
I got out in 83, Cheers came on TV in 82.
That piece of shit show was on for 10 years,
what a crock of crap it was. No real bar
is like what they portrayed, what a joke
that Hollywood is..
Quote: BuzzardI have seen a poker player cut off in a casino poker room. Oh, he could continue to gamble of course !
I am the only person living who has ever been thrown out of the 10-20 holdem game at the Horseshoe, while having $3000 in chips sitting in front of me, for being to intoxicated. I had bought in for a rack of red and ran over a loose aggressive game but got pretty drunk in the process. You should have seen the disgusted looks on the players faces when management threw me out of the game.
After that I gave Wisconsin Robbie power of attorney to throw me out of the game anytime. Just don't bar me from the poker room. Let me go home and sober up then come back.
Quote: 1BBIt's unfortunate that Sonovabish got suspended but he had to have seen it coming. What he most likely didn't see coming was 14 days for a second offense especially if he looked at other suspensions of late.
I miss having the links for the offense in the chart. What thread was the suspension from?
Quote: 1BBIt's unfortunate that Sonovabish got suspended but he had to have seen it coming. What he most likely didn't see coming was 14 days for a second offense especially if he looked at other suspensions of late.
I was surprised when I logged on this morning that he lasted so long, seems he really came off the rails yesterday when he could not make his point so went into insult mode. It got no better this morning. I took his last post as a sort of "I give up, up yours" moment. Another leftwingnut sent to the penalty box.
Reinstate B9
Reinstate Pete Rose
Pardon Walter White
Quote: GWAEI miss having the links for the offense in the chart. What thread was the suspension from?
It looks like it was the News Channel Bias thread. That's where his last several posts were. He may have gotten a little passionate.
Quote: 1BBIt's unfortunate that Sonovabish got suspended .
Why, it was the most obvious trolling I've
seen here in awhile. It was textbook, he
had no point except to continue insulting
and arguing. It's what atheists do on Christian
forums, the reason they're there is to cause
disharmony, not to contribute.
Quote: 1BBIt looks like it was the News Channel Bias thread. That's where his last several posts were. He may have gotten a little passionate.
yeah I knew that thread would start to lead to suspensions. I blocked it as soon as it started because I knew the arguing would turn into political.