Quote: treetopbuddyGr8Player........I just finished doing hard time. Thirty day stint. Seven days is a piece of cake. Stay strong.
Thirty days is a tough stretch...you don't want to get sent up the river again!!
is no such word. Yet I see it in legal documents. Say what?
Quote: RonCThirty days is a tough stretch...you don't want to get sent up the river again!!
They broke me. They broke me bad. The Wizard won.
Quote: Mission146Gr8Player is banned for one week pursuant to a loose construance of Rule 5, "Do not post the same message more than once," and also a temporary nuclear option for deliberately ignoring an Administrator's request. The duration is Seven days.
One week?
Gonna need some help from above .
like he did today. He insists on it, actually.

Quote: EvenBobconstruance- looked it up in 3 online dictionaries and there
is no such word. Yet I see it in legal documents. Say what?
Not in my legal documents!
Quote: aceofspadesNot in my legal documents!
You see the word used everywhere if you Google it,
yet it's not in the dictionary.
"To even merely recognize incoherence or some other inadequacy assumes a set of god-level construance rules."
Ace, start using it, people will think you're brilliant.

Quote: aceofspadesI am banning the use of the non-word "construance" LOL
LOL, it should be a word, as should, "Disclude."
Quote: Mission146LOL, it should be a word,
It IS a word. There are hundreds of examples if you Google
it, just no definition.
"phonos with just a tinkers drum, mangeling Flauberts' navigating side-long glances, unvexed construance until the morning comes to Vespera and a cigarette."
which man so Fumbled in his Life's Construance of Principles and Pastimes.
. above all for reasons of rigour of construance, despite the proximity of both concepts
though in the light of Lewin's construance of purposive concepts to gestalt ends
The provisions on this subject generate certain construance issues, contain inconsistencies
Getting banned is a, "Feather in his cap," in his own words, so being the nice guy I am, I went ahead and made it nuclear.
Quote: AlanAs much as he's claimed to be banned his hat should look like this:
Quote: Sabretom2What's flooding?
it's a 1 sided conversation where the person just keeps making new unanswered posts without really adding any new content. If you were to keep asking that question every 5 minutes until someone else responded, that'd be a good example:-)
Quote: rdw4potusit's a 1 sided conversation where the person just keeps making new unanswered posts without really adding any new content. If you were to keep asking that question every 5 minutes until someone else responded, that'd be a good example:-)
Thank you.
Quote: Mission146Lojo has been permanently banned (Nuclear Option) for Personal Insult, Profanity, Trolling and Flooding. .
Thank you.
buzzard posts made: 2657 ...... the first sign of Addiction is denialQuote: Buzzard" I don't post often "
perhaps you can try asking message board member's for money donations and get some help, kinda like someone else did for a Boob job. Your way more deserving IMO.
Internet addition help:
seems like a nice place
Quote: AxelWolfbuzzard posts made: 2657 ...... the first sign of Addiction is denial
perhaps you can try asking message board member's for money donations and get some help, kinda like someone else did for a Boob job. Your way more deserving IMO.
Internet addition help:
seems like a nice place
Don't forget the 5328 posts under buzzpaff.
Quote: AxelWolfbuzzard posts made: 2657 ...... the first sign of Addiction is denial
perhaps you can try asking message board member's for money donations and get some help, kinda like someone else did for a Boob job. Your way more deserving IMO.
Internet addition help:
seems like a nice place
You are quoting a quote. Buzz was quoting G71's post about his recent suspension.
IC.... the only thing that changes is he possibility isn't in denial.Quote: rdw4potusYou are quoting a quote. Buzz was quoting G71's post about his recent suspension.
Quote: AxelWolfIC.... the only thing that changes is he possibility isn't in denial.Quote: rdw4potusYou are quoting a quote. Buzz was quoting G71's post about his recent suspension.
Yep. He's still totally addicted. Said the guy on this board on his work computer in the middle of the afternoon...:-)
please refrain from using 4 letter words.Quote: rdw4potusQuote: AxelWolfIC.... the only thing that changes is he possibility isn't in denial.Quote: rdw4potusYou are quoting a quote. Buzz was quoting G71's post about his recent suspension.
Yep. He's still totally addicted. Said the guy on this board on his work computer in the middle of the afternoon...:-)
Quote: AxelWolfplease refrain from using 4 letter words.Quote: rdw4potus...work...
You remind me of Maynard G. Krebbs.
Quote: DocYou remind me of Maynard G. Krebbs.
I loved Dobie Gillis, way ahead of its time.
Quote: DocYou remind me of Maynard G. Krebbs.
I wanted to "do" Zelda Gilroy.
Quote: MrVI wanted to "do" Zelda Gilroy.
(Zelda Gilroy)
Quote: EvenBobI loved Dobie Gillis
You never see reruns. Must be a reason. They didn't record them in any way?
Quote: odiousgambitYou never see reruns. Must be a reason. They didn't record them in any way?
Used to be on Nick and Nite when I was a kid, so late '80's early 90's. Kind of surprised that TV Land doesn't run them now.
Quote: rdw4potusUsed to be on Nick and Nite when I was a kid, so late '80's early 90's. Kind of surprised that TV Land doesn't run them now.
People that remember it at all getting older. Heck hard to find M*A*S*H on reruns anymore. Even Cheers looks old :-(
Like most of us.
Quote: rdw4potusUsed to be when I walked into my local casino, everybody looked up and shouted my name (which isn't norm). This would have been 15 years after the final episode of Cheers aired. So, I guess, I agree that Cheers will never get old. Plus, there's that nice new Cheers slot machine!
There's a bar named, "Cheers," in Moundsville, WV, Jefferson Avenue. The exterior sign and logo are the same, but that's where all similarities end, still cool to see that sign on an actual bar, though.
Couldn't find a pic on Google Images, my Mom lives in Moundsville, though, so I'll try to remember to snap a picture next time I am there.
Quote: MrVNot "old."
Like most of us.
Speak for yourself!!!
I don't turn thirty until December, at which point, I'll be dated.
Quote: Mission146
I don't turn thirty until December, at which point, I'll be dated.
And here I thought you were happily married!
Quote: Mission146There's a bar named, "Cheers," in Moundsville, WV, Jefferson Avenue. The exterior sign and logo are the same, but that's where all similarities end, still cool to see that sign on an actual bar, though.
There is one about three blocks from my house as well, I love it. Been there 3 times and nearly empty. Great for me as I hate loud, crowded places.
As to the other reply, not saying it is getting old, just that the look and feel seems old compared to how TV looks today.