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March 6th, 2013 at 2:13:47 PM permalink
Quote: 1BB

Was it because you blew your cover or because of your handling of Bob's suspension?

My understanding:
None of them.
It is because the kind of unspoken trust between the admins lost due to this series of unfortunate events.
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March 6th, 2013 at 2:27:35 PM permalink
Quote: pokerface

Well, rules are rules.
I highly respect DJ and he is surely on the top 5 names I can think of whom made biggest contribution to this site.
But I fully agree with the Wiz on his handling of this event.

What part of " It's a joke, son " did you not understand ? Just asking.
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March 6th, 2013 at 2:48:09 PM permalink
Quote: Buzzard

What part of " It's a joke, son " did you not understand ? Just asking.

Nothing to do with that.
Even if EvenBob didn't make that joke or any joke, Mission banned Bob simply by mistake, or Mission banned the wrong person,
another Admin (including Wiz himself) cannot just unban Bob without asking Mission first. period.
That is part of the rules I was talking about.
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March 6th, 2013 at 2:57:25 PM permalink
Then PLEASE accept my apology.
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March 6th, 2013 at 3:19:33 PM permalink
Quote: DJTeddyBear

I am neither surprised nor bitter by Mike's decision.

You should be....I am surprised and bitter.
I know nothing!
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March 6th, 2013 at 3:40:54 PM permalink
I am totally surprised the Mission 146 is lacking a sense of humor.
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March 6th, 2013 at 3:53:28 PM permalink
Quote: Buzzard

I am totally surprised the Mission 146 is lacking a sense of humor.

Geez..... Bob.... I mean Buzz.... I read the accusations of dual personhood. Those same accusations have been made in the past about other posters, and have proven to be true! There seemed to be nothing in Bob's posts that even smelled of a joke. I totally stand behind Mission's ban. The only thing I would have done differently is define a ban length, that is, to use the authority Wiz granted him. I think DJ overstepped his bounds in reversing a ban without contacting the banner.... I would have contacted Mission first, presented the reasons for wanting an 'unban', and waited for Mission's response.
Bob does have a point, though.... for those who do not have Mission or Wiz's contact info, there is no mechanism for them to present their side of the story during a ban.......
Anyway...... welcome back, EvenBob!
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March 6th, 2013 at 4:26:14 PM permalink
Reading tnis is like reading the minutes of a HOA meeting.
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March 6th, 2013 at 4:31:58 PM permalink
Quote: DJTeddyBear

There are no hard feelings between Mike and me, and I hope Mission feels the same way.

There are no hard feelings whatsoever!
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March 6th, 2013 at 4:34:29 PM permalink
Quote: Mission146

There are no hard feelings whatsoever!

I'm happy with this development. It seems the curse worked ;)
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March 6th, 2013 at 4:36:30 PM permalink

Bob does have a point, though.... for those who do not have Mission or Wiz's contact info, there is no mechanism for them to present their side of the story during a ban.......
Anyway...... welcome back, EvenBob!

Excellent point. I understand that banned Members can receive PM's, but not send them. In the future, perhaps I will PM Banned Members one of my E-Mail addresses should they wish to appeal.
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March 6th, 2013 at 5:05:56 PM permalink
Quote: Buzzard


I would have spelled out the full middle name and the numbers in English to make it more authentic.
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March 6th, 2013 at 6:23:20 PM permalink
I tried to get Aceofspades to draft this for me Pro Bono but he now thinks that I and EvenBob are one and the same.

It's a JOKE, Mission.
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March 6th, 2013 at 6:27:34 PM permalink
SOOPOO I have no proof, but I believe most saw it as a joke.

" Geez..... Bob.... I mean Buzz.... I read the accusations of dual personhood." Or should you be suspended for this quote ?

Never mind. I am sick of this silly shit. and I do mean SILLY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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March 6th, 2013 at 6:32:01 PM permalink
Quote: Buzzard

I tried to get Aceofspades to draft this for me Pro Bono but he now thinks that I and EvenBob are one and the same.

It's a JOKE, Mission.

Do you think it might be time to give this a rest?

It was old pages ago.
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March 6th, 2013 at 6:33:25 PM permalink
Did you not read the post above yours ? just asking.
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March 6th, 2013 at 6:36:26 PM permalink
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March 6th, 2013 at 10:19:20 PM permalink
Quote: Buzzard

Did you not read the post above yours ? just asking.

Did you not notice it was getting old pages ago? Just asking.
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March 7th, 2013 at 7:42:29 AM permalink
The truth never gets old. Just saying
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March 7th, 2013 at 7:48:57 AM permalink
Quote: Buzzard

The truth never gets old. Just saying

The whole "it's getting old" deal is actually getting old.
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March 7th, 2013 at 8:10:24 AM permalink
Quote: Sabretom2

Reading tnis is like reading the minutes of a HOA meeting.

Exactly!! Unrelated funny story. I once observed a HOA meeting that featured a discussion about a certain color door, and if said door was "black" or "dark green". One was an acceptable door color, one not. This discussion lasted 45 minutes and got sort of heated. Since then I've made it a point to avoid living in neighborhoods with HOA. They often do more harm than good.
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March 7th, 2013 at 11:16:46 AM permalink
Quote: Buzzard

The truth never gets old. Just saying

The truth that you've been taking cheap shots at Mission is what I was referring to. I don't think anyone but you is concerned with whether or not the joke was old, or if Mission did the right thing or not. I believe the dust up is about the moderators behavior after the fact. That aspect is what's going to have the longer range effect on the board.

Your continual cheap shots at Mission are neither germane to the real issue or particularly clever. I think Mission has been taking it in a calm, gentlemanly way, but you've been far from that. Your commentary was shrill at best, and completely out of line at worst.

If you want to continue to beat the corpse of the joke horse, by all means carry on, but I don't think anyone but you really has much interest in that angle.
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March 7th, 2013 at 12:30:05 PM permalink
I admire you defending Mission 146. But he is capable of defending himself.

I might suggest you block my postings. Then you will not be bothered by them.

Cheap shots are behind the back. I am always in the face. All too often, I admit.

Have fun, Monkey ..................... BYE
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March 7th, 2013 at 12:41:30 PM permalink
I blocked MM as well. Blocking is good.
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March 7th, 2013 at 12:45:31 PM permalink
I have never blocked anyone. I remember Don Vito's advice. " Keep your friends close. Keep your enemies closer "
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March 7th, 2013 at 2:56:39 PM permalink
Quote: EvenBob

I blocked MM as well. Blocking is good.

That's pretty funny coming from a guy that was responding to me with quotes less than two days ago.

It's also funny that a guy that dishes it out like EB can't take any of the heat in return. Good luck with those fingers in your ears EB.
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March 7th, 2013 at 4:13:19 PM permalink
Quote: MonkeyMonkey

It's also funny that a guy that dishes it out like EB [..]

I think it's time for a pool on whether MM, EB or Buzz gets suspended first.
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March 7th, 2013 at 4:58:55 PM permalink
Quote: DJTeddyBear

Sorry I couldn't respond sooner. My internet time at work has been severely curtailed. As a result, I haven't been as active as I would like.

I DID read most of the posts here, but did not fully understand why Bob was suspended. Couple that with all the questions, and I was really confused about it.

I noticed that Mission was going to defer the duration to Mike, but I also saw that Mike hasn't been on WoV since sometime on Sunday. His last post was early Sunday morning (Saturday night?)

I then looked at the suspension list to see what clues might be there. There was no entry for this event. (Mission: Are you aware that although it's a locked thread, moderators CAN edit that list? FYI: We have to unlock the thread, edit it, and re-lock it, and hope that nobody else posts during that two minutes that it's unlocked.)

I was about to investigate further when I received a phone call from EvenBob.* He asked me if I knew what was going on, etc. I said I didn't, but that I felt the suspension was in error. Or at least leaving the duration up to Mike was a mistake particularly since Mike is currently MIA.

On the grand scale of things, what's better? To err and leave a suspension in place? Or to err and lift it?

I felt that either way, assuming the suspension was justified, that Bob got his wrist slapped, and won't do it again. Assuming it wasn't justified, then thankfully the punishment wasn't much more than a wrist slap.

So I unbanned him.

* Note that EvenBob calling me on the phone might be perceived by some as some sort of violation of privacy or forum rules. I don't view it that way. But I also view myself as a special case because I have posted my phone number several times (usually prior to meet-ups), as well as have it on my Poker For Roulette website. So a single phone call is no offense.

Also note that I disagree with the decision to make me a "secret" moderator, although, as it turns out, being secret was originally intended to prevent such a phone call or other contact of this nature.

Setting aside whether it was right or wrong to suspend EB (Welcome back EB), one Mod reversing another Mod's decision seems, as someone stated earlier in this thread, that the right hand does not know what the left hand is doing. Perhaps we should all be allowed to plead our case via telephone with a Mod if we are about to be banned and/or suspended? It might make it easier to clear things up - perhaps a phone conference with the MP3 posted online for all members to hear (now that's transparency!)
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March 7th, 2013 at 5:03:57 PM permalink
Quote: aceofspades

Perhaps we should all be allowed to plead our case via telephone with a Mod if we are about to be banned and/or suspended? It might make it easier to clear things up

And where, from DJ's writing, or my explanation of
what happened, did you get the impression that I
called him to 'plead my case'. I called him to find
out what was going on. Thats all, thats it. He didn't
know, so he reinstated me. As I recall, we didn't even
talk about the incident itself, there was no 'case pleading'.
"It's not called gambling if the math is on your side."
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March 7th, 2013 at 5:09:41 PM permalink
Quote: Buzzard

What a dilemma. It all started with a joke. And one of the oldest jokes known to man. It is rumored that a Neanderthal man once said to another' " Have you noticed you never see Ooogalog and Moogalog in the same cave together.? " EvenBob made a feeble attempt at humor with an updated version of same. Next thing he knew, he was suspended.

Suspended for an offense that will require an addendum to the current rules and Mission 146 deferring to the Wiz as to sentencing guidelines. I attempted to defend EvenBob and may have iI some way been responsible for DJteddybears being stripped of his title.

So it is with heavy heart I must do the following :



So let it be written...
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March 7th, 2013 at 5:12:33 PM permalink
Setting aside whether it was right or wrong to suspend EB (Welcome back EB), one Mod reversing another Mod's decision seems, as someone stated earlier in this thread, that the right hand does not know what the left hand is doing. Perhaps we should all be allowed to plead our case via telephone with a Mod if we are about to be banned and/or suspended? It might make it easier to clear things up - perhaps a phone conference with the MP3 posted online for all members to hear (now that's transparency!)

GRRRRRRRR What next ? A trial by a jury of our peers. I for one do not want to be judged by 12 jerks like me !
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March 7th, 2013 at 5:15:38 PM permalink
Quote: EvenBob

And where, from DJ's writing, or my explanation of
what happened, did you get the impression that I
called him to 'plead my case'. I called him to find
out what was going on. Thats all, thats it. He didn't
know, so he reinstated me. As I recall, we didn't even
talk about the incident itself, there was no 'case pleading'.

Bob, I did not state anything about you - I merely stated that perhaps we should have a way to plead our case before a ban - as Mission alluded to as well, like a PM for "our" side of the story.
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March 7th, 2013 at 5:16:03 PM permalink
Quote: Buzzard

Setting aside whether it was right or wrong to suspend EB (Welcome back EB), one Mod reversing another Mod's decision seems, as someone stated earlier in this thread, that the right hand does not know what the left hand is doing. Perhaps we should all be allowed to plead our case via telephone with a Mod if we are about to be banned and/or suspended? It might make it easier to clear things up - perhaps a phone conference with the MP3 posted online for all members to hear (now that's transparency!)

GRRRRRRRR What next ? A trial by a jury of our peers. I for one do not want to be judged by 12 jerks like me !

What if I'm representing you?
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March 7th, 2013 at 5:20:06 PM permalink
As long as it's not a reality TV show, I know I would beat the rap. Your record there is less than sparkling.
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March 7th, 2013 at 5:27:05 PM permalink
"The truth is more important than the facts." Frank Lloyd Wright

What does that really mean? Rhetoric? Sounds good? Just asking.
Those who can, do; those who can't, teach. But those who confuse the two... they wind up on the internet.
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March 7th, 2013 at 8:00:05 PM permalink
Quote: aceofspades

What if I'm representing you?

As long as you're a member of the Jersey bar, I'm "in like Flynn."
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March 7th, 2013 at 8:41:40 PM permalink
Ace can usually be found at a bar in JOISEY. Is that good enough ?
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March 8th, 2013 at 6:06:01 AM permalink
Quote: Buzzard

Ace can usually be found at a bar in JOISEY. Is that good enough ?

Ha ha that's how you can tell a New Yorker. People from New Jersey don't say Joisey.
Many people, especially ignorant people, want to punish you for speaking the truth. - Mahatma Ghandi
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March 8th, 2013 at 6:19:29 AM permalink
People from New Jersey say "What? It always smells like this"
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March 8th, 2013 at 7:25:44 AM permalink
Quote: EvenBob

And where, from DJ's writing, or my explanation of
what happened, did you get the impression that I
called him to 'plead my case'. I called him to find
out what was going on. Thats all, thats it. He didn't
know, so he reinstated me. As I recall, we didn't even
talk about the incident itself, there was no 'case pleading'.

The phone call lasted about 3 minutes. We laughed a bit about the stupidity of the situation and the number of posts talking about it. There never was any "case pleading."

As I mentioned, I made the decision because it seemed Mike was unavailable, and to try to end the conversation and debate. Man if I knew then what I know now.....
I invented a few casino games. Info: ————————————————————————————————————— Superstitions are silly, irrational, childish rituals, born out of fear of the unknown. But how much does it cost to knock on wood? 😁
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March 8th, 2013 at 7:28:41 AM permalink
" As I mentioned, I made the decision because it seemed Mike was unavailable, and to try to end the conversation and debate. Man if I knew then what I know now..... "

I still think you made the right decision. Not your fault or Mission 146's that he lacks a sense of humor !
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March 8th, 2013 at 8:06:15 AM permalink
Quote: Gabes22

People from New Jersey say "What? It always smells like this"

That is definitely worth at least a 17 1/2-minute suspension. Maybe even 25 minutes.
What say the jury?
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March 8th, 2013 at 10:00:22 AM permalink
Quote: Gabes22

People from New Jersey say "What? It always smells like this"

New Jersey is a beautiful state. Although I'm not a resident I visit friends and relatives there often. What you see from the turnpike or the Parkway does not fairly represent it. With people like Jay Leno et al. constantly bashing it it's no wonder that others pick up on it, including many who have never been there.

It consistently hovers near the top of the list of richest states. Most New Jerseyans don't take the jabs personally.
Many people, especially ignorant people, want to punish you for speaking the truth. - Mahatma Ghandi
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March 8th, 2013 at 10:04:30 AM permalink
I have only been to Jersey twice in my life, and I hope what I have seen is not reflective of the state. Going to NYC, I flew into Newark, and while in Philly made a wrong turn, wound up on the Ben Franklin Bridge and in Camden. I am sure it's kind of like someone passing judgement on Indiana who has only been to Gary.
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March 8th, 2013 at 11:59:18 AM permalink
DJteddybear has learned a valuable lesson :

No good deed goes unpunished.
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March 11th, 2013 at 10:12:20 PM permalink
Suspend the newcomer and very clear poser "Lexinger" as utterly false, - both as real gambler, and a real member worthy of our area ASAP.

No bad deed goes unpunished either, apprently.

The mockery-makers of this board should be the most quickly terminated.

We're getting a few new string-pullers popping up here and there who get way to much of a chance to prove themselves in 5 or 10 posts. Lexinger lasted thorough three weeks, and 38 B.S. posts, only to end up throwing a spear right at our Mike, and we allowed this whole gambling community - and this area for it - come to be.
It's just Ridiculous.

All of his posts were trippy nonsense, B.S., just to ridicule us, and when he spent some time, he truly went assassin.

Can't we tell if a newcomer is actually legitimate - and truly interested in gambling, gaming, or in our industry, in his first five or ten posts, before he throws crap all over the place?

Shouldn't there be a "first five post review flag," and a "first ten-post follow-up," - to see if a newcomer is authentically legit, interested and focused on what this place is about - which is a gambling or gaming or Las Vegas sense?

Now, Lexinger was just senseless, irrelevant and trippy all along, - but that should be enough for an admin to say, "okay, - you Sir, you don't post, but learn and listen for a while." Sure, we bicker and argue, but we argue and focus well on gambling and gaming, and make some great points without overt personal attacks.

Now, if someone is "rudderless" as to what he is about here, or we're about here, I would say that's a dead give-away on his purpose here.
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March 11th, 2013 at 11:41:36 PM permalink
Quote: Paigowdan

Suspend the newcomer and very clear poser "Lexinger" as utterly false, - both as real gambler, and a real member worthy of our area ASAP.

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March 13th, 2013 at 9:44:39 PM permalink
Looks like dicesitter will have a week to sit on dem bones.

Guys like him and the other dice setters are lost on this board: we don't all drink the Kool-Aid, and most of us have a pretty good understanding of how probability works.

Kind of like Wong's board, in a way.
"What, me worry?"
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March 13th, 2013 at 9:53:43 PM permalink
Quote: Paigowdan

Suspend the newcomer and very clear poser "Lexinger" as utterly false, - both as real gambler, and a real member worthy of our area ASAP.

Well, this is bold... and not really in a good way...
The trick to poker is learning not to beat yourself up for your mistakes too much, and certainly not too little, but just the right amount.
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March 13th, 2013 at 10:04:55 PM permalink
Quote: MrV

Looks like dicesitter will have a week to sit on dem bones.

Seems like a long timeout for a first offense.
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