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October 26th, 2015 at 1:12:32 PM permalink
Quote: Exoter175

Almost all of us fit into those descriptions whether we choose to believe it or not, if it offends you, oh well. The point of that comment, that ME and others are skewing from context, again, is that I don't care what you (the poster, not you you aces) think of me, or what you believe. Those things don't affect me, and don't have an influence on me, so making statements like "I don't foresee this ending well" when ME's looking at a sentence, rather than the message just goes to prove my point further.

You've said that you don't care what we think of you. And you've said that you're not here to get attention. So...ummm...why ARE you here? You've ruled out most of the reasons why people, you know, talk to each other...
"So as the clock ticked and the day passed, opportunity met preparation, and luck happened." - Maurice Clarett
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October 26th, 2015 at 1:13:04 PM permalink
I'm not offended at all.
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October 26th, 2015 at 3:20:49 PM permalink
Quote: Exoter175

Profanity and condescension do not take away from intelligence either, Babs, and if it is the intention of this forum to slap me on the wrist with a ban for 3 days for saying supposed "cuss" words, though words like Feces and Fornication would otherwise have been fine in their place, rather than the "slang" I used, and the countless condescension, underhanded insults, and outright obvious insults from MathExtremist and others go by without even the slightest bit of a warning, then you're going to watch this forum decay further than it has.

Now, I'm not saying you don't have a right to protect the integrity of the forum, Babs, but have you not noticed the amount of activity this forum has seen since I began posting here? Its like gone up in the 100's of percentile. If you constantly "Nazi Moderate" an internet forum, specifically one about a very specific niche, you'll often find that long time forum goers will slowly curtail as they feel their "freedom" to post a "down to earth" message is being constrained.

In fact, none of those quotes you posted, directly referenced my "slang" to a player, rather a situation. Posting "Effing lol" isn't targeted at the person, its being used to identify the amount of "LOL" being given, which at the time of that posting, was quite a bit. Beyond that, saying "holy feces" to an event occurring (specifically in a thread where there isn't an argument taking place) in real life isn't a "bad" thing, its a very common thing that many people express in real life.

If your plan is to run this forum in a very sterile, particle free environment where everyone wears white, you're essentially going to drive the interest of the forum out as people aren't allowed to express feelings, emotions, interest and the like. A forum without those things isn't an active forum.

I also do not require a rebuttal from you Babs, because I do understand your angle, and I also understand the fact that you probably take this moderating thing "too seriously" in regards to your interpretation of the forum rules, but instead weigh those interpretations against the precedents already set. I can't argue or fight you against that, that's your doing. I can merely caution you against doing such a thing.

Lastly, Babs, I'm going to make this very abundantly clear to you and the other Moderators and Owner/s of the forum. I'm not going censor my expressions of frustration on this forum or any other. I have not targeted a person with "foul language" in an argument, merely expressed with such language, my frustration at their comment. Its one thing to say "MathExtremist, you're an effing idiot", its another to say, "are you effing kidding me? Michigan fumbled the ball and let Michigan state beat them as time expired?". See the difference? One is absolutely offensive, the other is an expression of frustration that only forum nazis, old people with no sense of fun and enjoyment in life, and just flat out boring people would take offense to. That's your prerogative though. And I will apologize ahead of time if "effing" somehow is a forum rule violation. Merely just trying to "tone down" the language for you, while I put it into a situation so that you might see the difference between their intended usage, and that I haven't nor would I consciously intend to make a forum post using foul language to berate or belittle someone, though its obvious you read only MY posts from those threads, and not MathExtremists, and just looked the other way.

I would also like to point out that 7 posts out of nearly 200 in a small window, a window in which your forum has seen exponential amounts of activity on since my arrival, does not constitute this as being a real "issue" that needed addressing, especially when you take the quotes in their full context, which would trim down those citations to just a few, and even then, are only expressions of frustrations, rather than targeted against members themselves. Furthermore, I haven't had the time to read your rules, and like most forums, had assumed that all standard "forum rules" were applied here, and that they would be interpreted differently by different people as they always have. The only difference is that I've never had the slang forums of "feces" and "fornication" ever cause an issue with anyone, short of "Fornication thou" in a post. It should go without saying then, that I have absolutely no problem ceasing my posting on this forum should that continue, or should we not see "eye to eye" on a number of subjects, primarily that of you showing a bias towards MathExtremist by ignoring his offenses, and then making an offense yourself in this very post I've quoted, by remarking with condescension in the very last sentence to me, which kind of strikes irony in the heart of the matter, perhaps a bit hypocritical? Please refer to rule #1 and read that thread over again.

Do with my post what you will, but at least do me the courtesy of editing out every word of every post I've ever made on your forum, including the quotes by other members, should you decide to "suspend" me again, the last thing you guys need is a copyright situation on your forum without a clearly identified and posted ToS or License Agreement.


Thanks for the comedy rant. I don't know what's more amusing, the inaccuracies, the overreaction, or the idea that you add so much value here. I do want to acknowledge your near-perfect use of spelling and grammar, though; well done on that!

For me, it boils down to one clause you wrote: " Furthermore, I haven't had the time to read your rules,..." . You had time to write 200+ lengthy and argumentative posts, but you didn't have time to read the rules? Not my rules. The Forum's rules. That alone puts your many claims as a credible AP player in doubt, let alone a soi-disant "Player X" Master Of All Things AP (from another thread you wrote about yourself). Even the lowest-level AP knows the rules of the play before they start hitting it. And yes, I do see your angle in coming on here and saying what you have.

Since you place so much emphasis on being "warned" before being suspended, here's a warning. You're trolling me, in this and other threads, with your many resentful mentions of me and the moderation here, whether on-topic or not. Please stop. Thank you.

Edit. I should probably mention that you're trolling ME as well, perhaps some others, though ME seems to be laughing it off so far. You might want to watch that in general.
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October 26th, 2015 at 4:04:43 PM permalink
Quote: Ibeatyouraces

I'm not offended at all.

Offended? Heck, I'm flattered: our new friend mentioned me seven times in his past three posts. Eight if you count "whack job mathematician." That might be the best math-oriented insult I've heard since someone called me a math extremist so many years ago.
"In my own case, when it seemed to me after a long illness that death was close at hand, I found no little solace in playing constantly at dice." -- Girolamo Cardano, 1563
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October 26th, 2015 at 7:18:10 PM permalink
Quote: rdw4potus

You've said that you don't care what we think of you. And you've said that you're not here to get attention. So...ummm...why ARE you here? You've ruled out most of the reasons why people, you know, talk to each other...

I've already answered that question, several times now. If you would stop trolling, which is a rules violation (hello babs?) and actually read the answers to those questions, you would know. Of course, you already know because you've already read it, but it didn't illicit a response to your trolling, so you're continuing on by asking the question again, this time attempting to rule out other possibilities verbally in an attempt to paint me in a different shade.

For someone who claims that he isn't trolling, and wouldn't troll here if he decided to troll, your posts definitely seem to paint a different picture of your actual motives.

Quote: beachbumbabs


Thanks for the comedy rant. I don't know what's more amusing, the inaccuracies, the overreaction, or the idea that you add so much value here. I do want to acknowledge your near-perfect use of spelling and grammar, though; well done on that!

For me, it boils down to one clause you wrote: " Furthermore, I haven't had the time to read your rules,..." . You had time to write 200+ lengthy and argumentative posts, but you didn't have time to read the rules? Not my rules. The Forum's rules. That alone puts your many claims as a credible AP player in doubt, let alone a soi-disant "Player X" Master Of All Things AP (from another thread you wrote about yourself). Even the lowest-level AP knows the rules of the play before they start hitting it. And yes, I do see your angle in coming on here and saying what you have.

Since you place so much emphasis on being "warned" before being suspended, here's a warning. You're trolling me, in this and other threads, with your many resentful mentions of me and the moderation here, whether on-topic or not. Please stop. Thank you.

Edit. I should probably mention that you're trolling ME as well, perhaps some others, though ME seems to be laughing it off so far. You might want to watch that in general.

Actually Babs, you have that backwards, ME is trolling me. If you read those threads, not once in those threads do I post anything argumentative until being provoked (trolled) by ME, and then I take the bait and write out a very lengthy and argumentative response.

Honestly, how dare you suggest that I'm trolling him, are you honestly that blind?

As far as trolling YOU, absolutely not. I'm dancing on the your forum rules and regulations in suggesting that you aren't moderating without a bias here, and have broken the very rules themselves with posts exactly like this one you've directed at me.

As for your asinine assertion that my "AP" could be called into question because I didn't read YOUR forum rules, are you kidding me Babs? What kind of logic is that? Did you really just try to compare the rules of a game, to the rules of a forum? Do you honestly believe that the forum rules here are any different than the forum rules commonly found everywhere else on the planet? Sure you might have an addition or subtraction here and there, but the forum rules are generally copy and pasted from one forum to another.

Again, how dare you make an assertion about my ability to be an AP, based on the fact that I had made the assumption that forum rules here would be the same as just about everywhere else, and guess what Babs, they are. The only difference being, you're allowing long time members to circumvent those rules, while banning newer members for doing the exact same act, but since you don't know those new members as well as you know the older members, you then present a bias, which I've seen here pretty blatantly.

Now, if you don't believe I add value to your forum, or that I haven't already done so, check through the statistics on your forum from the month prior to my joining, to the month following. Are page views up? Are posts up? Are site visits up? Is the average amount of time spent on any given page up? Because your rankings for the last year, are down, but for the last month, significantly up.

Furthermore, to take a shot at your pride there Babs, when you do decide to ban me indefinitely or for a longer duration, as I'm guessing is the intent from your posts here being condescending and very aggressive, make a note to check your site's statistics again, one month after my ban. In fact, do it a month after that month has gone by and my name has been lost to the archives. What will you find? Statistics are down. Why? Because I'm an author, like everyone else here. The difference being I have a fresh perspective on everything, and often times an insight into things nobody else on this forum knows about. This creates discussion, breeds in depth arguments (for better or worse) and quite obviously adds tangible value in terms of dollars and cents, to this forum.

Please, do yourself a favor and don't hold your powers of moderator over my head again like you've got an upper hand against me, because you don't. And if you're going to continue to post in such a way as you have been directed at me, do not be alarmed when I continually call you out on it.

Now, if you can't handle the fact that I'm not "scared" of somebody behind a keyboard banning me from a website, I'm sorry, but don't try to trump up allegations of me trolling YOU, when we are doing anything BUT that right now. We're having a discussion about you not moderating unilaterally and unbiased on this forum. The difference of course, is that most will just take it on the chin and move on, and I'll stand up to allegations made against me, especially so when you post them AFTER I've been banned and cannot make a rebuttal, which is also why I just issued YOU a warning about the content of my posts, since your site does not carry a license agreement towards the contents of my posts, allowing me to claim copyright over them. So keep that in mind when you decide to finally ban me, because at this rate, we'll be 400+ posts in with a lot of "work" to do on your end to cover your own "ass" (I'm assuming that since it was already posted by another moderator here that ass was allowed, I can use it there without the supposed "fear" of a rules violation).

Quote: MathExtremist

Offended? Heck, I'm flattered: our new friend mentioned me seven times in his past three posts. Eight if you count "whack job mathematician." That might be the best math-oriented insult I've heard since someone called me a math extremist so many years ago.

Which is still far less attention than you've given me in your crusade of trolling lately. My leg is beginning to tire, ME.
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October 26th, 2015 at 7:39:50 PM permalink
Quote: Dodsferd

I'd be inclined to join that category if it's an open invitation.

Hell with that, I'd call dice!!!
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October 26th, 2015 at 7:50:52 PM permalink
The Hell was I doing?

Oh, right, Kentry. Not on the list because I've not posted from a proper computer since the time he was banned. Don't worry, I will update the list accordingly by tomorrow and be sure to unban him anyway.

I'm sure everyone will want to know if he loses a four credit play on quarter Caveman Keno with a dollar he was supposed to be using to get his mother a tube of toothpaste, or whatever it is. I couldn't possibly deprive the Forum of such a mathematically enlightening post and still be able to sleep at night.


Doing alright? I'd have assumed you'd generally be a more stoic person than recent posts would indicate.
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October 26th, 2015 at 8:03:04 PM permalink
I'm almost certain writing something on a forum does not make the contents of your posts copyright protection.

Not sure where this TOS or EULA stuff is coming from.

Exotar, are you insinuating because there is no TOS, that you can take legal action against WOV if you get permanently banned?

You said something about adding useful new information or debates and stuff. Not sure what you're alluding to there, since nothing you've actually written about is new or unknown to the forum.

All I see is a new member coming here and bragging how awesome he is at hustling slots & UX with some CC mixed in. Then he knows about stuff and is doing things that the rest of us won't even hear about for another 1-2 years. Congrats! I know and do plenty of stuff that you probably won't learn about until down the road....or maybe never! But who cares, really.
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October 26th, 2015 at 8:08:00 PM permalink
Quote: Exoter175

I've already answered that question, several times now. If you would stop trolling, which is a rules violation (hello babs?) and actually read the answers to those questions, you would know. Of course, you already know because you've already read it, but it didn't illicit a response to your trolling, so you're continuing on by asking the question again, this time attempting to rule out other possibilities verbally in an attempt to paint me in a different shade.

For someone who claims that he isn't trolling, and wouldn't troll here if he decided to troll, your posts definitely seem to paint a different picture of your actual motives.

Actually Babs, you have that backwards, ME is trolling me. If you read those threads, not once in those threads do I post anything argumentative until being provoked (trolled) by ME, and then I take the bait and write out a very lengthy and argumentative response.

Honestly, how dare you suggest that I'm trolling him, are you honestly that blind?

As far as trolling YOU, absolutely not. I'm dancing on the your forum rules and regulations in suggesting that you aren't moderating without a bias here, and have broken the very rules themselves with posts exactly like this one you've directed at me.

As for your asinine assertion that my "AP" could be called into question because I didn't read YOUR forum rules, are you kidding me Babs? What kind of logic is that? Did you really just try to compare the rules of a game, to the rules of a forum? Do you honestly believe that the forum rules here are any different than the forum rules commonly found everywhere else on the planet? Sure you might have an addition or subtraction here and there, but the forum rules are generally copy and pasted from one forum to another.

Again, how dare you make an assertion about my ability to be an AP, based on the fact that I had made the assumption that forum rules here would be the same as just about everywhere else, and guess what Babs, they are. The only difference being, you're allowing long time members to circumvent those rules, while banning newer members for doing the exact same act, but since you don't know those new members as well as you know the older members, you then present a bias, which I've seen here pretty blatantly.

Now, if you don't believe I add value to your forum, or that I haven't already done so, check through the statistics on your forum from the month prior to my joining, to the month following. Are page views up? Are posts up? Are site visits up? Is the average amount of time spent on any given page up? Because your rankings for the last year, are down, but for the last month, significantly up.

Furthermore, to take a shot at your pride there Babs, when you do decide to ban me indefinitely or for a longer duration, as I'm guessing is the intent from your posts here being condescending and very aggressive, make a note to check your site's statistics again, one month after my ban. In fact, do it a month after that month has gone by and my name has been lost to the archives. What will you find? Statistics are down. Why? Because I'm an author, like everyone else here. The difference being I have a fresh perspective on everything, and often times an insight into things nobody else on this forum knows about. This creates discussion, breeds in depth arguments (for better or worse) and quite obviously adds tangible value in terms of dollars and cents, to this forum.

Please, do yourself a favor and don't hold your powers of moderator over my head again like you've got an upper hand against me, because you don't. And if you're going to continue to post in such a way as you have been directed at me, do not be alarmed when I continually call you out on it.

Now, if you can't handle the fact that I'm not "scared" of somebody behind a keyboard banning me from a website, I'm sorry, but don't try to trump up allegations of me trolling YOU, when we are doing anything BUT that right now. We're having a discussion about you not moderating unilaterally and unbiased on this forum. The difference of course, is that most will just take it on the chin and move on, and I'll stand up to allegations made against me, especially so when you post them AFTER I've been banned and cannot make a rebuttal, which is also why I just issued YOU a warning about the content of my posts, since your site does not carry a license agreement towards the contents of my posts, allowing me to claim copyright over them. So keep that in mind when you decide to finally ban me, because at this rate, we'll be 400+ posts in with a lot of "work" to do on your end to cover your own "ass" (I'm assuming that since it was already posted by another moderator here that ass was allowed, I can use it there without the supposed "fear" of a rules violation).

Which is still far less attention than you've given me in your crusade of trolling lately. My leg is beginning to tire, ME.

Yeah, you're right: we're done here, Exoter. Everybody who's engaged with you or ever asked a question is trolling you. (sarcasm, for future reference). You single-handedly saved us from a moribund and dreary on-line existence. (more sarcasm). Time for you to stop using other people's good names to vouch for you when you've never met them. Time for you to stop trolling the forum for partners and moneymen. And time for you to stop threatening the owners of the site with your specious claims. Best wishes to you and your AP career.
If the House lost every hand, they wouldn't deal the game.
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October 26th, 2015 at 8:13:29 PM permalink
Good riddance.

If he doesn't come back like whack-a-mole, I'll be surprised.
Sanitized for Your Protection
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October 26th, 2015 at 8:16:34 PM permalink
Quote: beachbumbabs

Yeah, you're right: we're done here, Exoter. .

OH NO! What have you done. 1BB's plate was
already full over the rightful suspension of
Ahigh. Now you've overloaded 1BB's righteous
indignation meter by getting rid of an AP
that is irreplaceable here, he said so himself.
Oh the fallout, the fallout..
"It's not called gambling if the math is on your side."
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October 26th, 2015 at 8:22:27 PM permalink
Quote: EvenBob

OH NO! What have you done. 1BB's plate was
already full over the rightful suspension of
Ahigh. Now you've overloaded 1BB's righteous
indignation meter by getting rid of an AP
that is irreplaceable here, he said so himself.
Oh the fallout, the fallout..

♪♪Now you swear and kick and beg us That you're not a gamblin' man Then you find you're back in Vegas With a handle in your hand♪♪ Your black cards can make you money So you hide them when you're able In the land of casinos and money You must put them on the table♪♪ You go back Jack do it again roulette wheels turinin' 'round and 'round♪♪ You go back Jack do it again♪♪
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October 26th, 2015 at 8:22:31 PM permalink
Quote: EvenBob

OH NO! What have you done. 1BB's plate was
already full over the rightful suspension of
Ahigh. Now you've overloaded 1BB's righteous
indignation meter by getting rid of an AP
that is irreplaceable here, he said so himself.
Oh the fallout, the fallout..

It would be irresponsible of me NOT to ban him now that he's threatened the forum twice over the proprietorship of his posts. Once, I can take it as rhetorical. Twice, can't be ignored or glossed over. I can't let him keep posting once he's "served notice" that he thinks he owns them and wants to make an issue of it. So he's done.

Edit: add creating a dupe ID to get around his ban to the list.
If the House lost every hand, they wouldn't deal the game.
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October 26th, 2015 at 8:23:49 PM permalink
Thank you
No longer hiring, don’t ask because I won’t hire you either
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October 26th, 2015 at 8:31:09 PM permalink
Someone pi$$3d in someone's Cheerios.
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October 26th, 2015 at 8:38:43 PM permalink
The most narcissistic and delusional poster in a history of many of them in forum land, truly a legend
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October 26th, 2015 at 8:40:59 PM permalink
Quote: mcallister3200

The most narcissistic and delusional poster in a history of many of them in forum land, truly a legend

He'd be a hoot to read on Alan's forum with Singer over there.
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October 26th, 2015 at 8:46:38 PM permalink
Should have punched his ticket before now; his agenda was clear, his motives impure, his aim errant.
"What, me worry?"
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October 26th, 2015 at 8:49:24 PM permalink
Quote: mcallister3200

The most narcissistic and delusional poster in a history of many of them in forum land, truly a legend

He'll be easy to spot as a sock, he's
incapable of writing posts shorter
than 500 words.

He rejoined already as Exoter, how did
Babs know it was him? lol
"It's not called gambling if the math is on your side."
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October 26th, 2015 at 8:58:53 PM permalink
I've got Silk Almondmilk in my refrigerator that lasted longer than Exoter175.
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October 26th, 2015 at 10:16:23 PM permalink
Can I now edit all my posts referencing "Exotar" to "Exotard"?
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October 26th, 2015 at 10:18:34 PM permalink
Quote: RS

Exotar, are you insinuating because there is no TOS, that you can take legal action against WOV if you get permanently banned?

For what it's worth -- and again, I am not an attorney -- the issue of copyright isn't in play because he wrote his posts. The issue is whether he has the legal right to demand removal of that content given the current lack of explicit content license. I'd suggest that he'd have a very hard go of it in court -- both "fair use" and "implied license" would seem to apply as affirmative defenses. See Righthaven v. Klerks:

From a damages standpoint, he quoted from other copyrighted works (other members' posts) more often than he published new ones, so a counterclaim for infringement damages would end up not in his favor. With minimum statutory damages of $750 per infringement under 17 USC 504(c), I think he could end up >$15,000 in the hole not including legal fees.

In other words, litigation would *not* be an AP move here.
"In my own case, when it seemed to me after a long illness that death was close at hand, I found no little solace in playing constantly at dice." -- Girolamo Cardano, 1563
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October 26th, 2015 at 10:26:43 PM permalink
Quote: MathExtremist

For what it's worth -- and again, I am not an attorney -- the issue of copyright isn't in play because he wrote his posts. The issue is whether he has the legal right to demand removal of that content given the current lack of explicit content license. I'd suggest that he'd have a very hard go of it in court -- both "fair use" and "implied license" would seem to apply as affirmative defenses. See Righthaven v. Klerks:

From a damages standpoint, he quoted from other copyrighted works (other members' posts) more often than he published new ones, so a counterclaim for infringement damages would end up not in his favor. With minimum statutory damages of $750 per infringement under 17 USC 504(c), I think he could end up >$15,000 in the hole not including legal fees.

In other words, litigation would *not* be an AP move here.

Let's refer this to our resident lawyer, Teddys...
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October 26th, 2015 at 10:32:10 PM permalink
I didn't know you could copyright BS
♪♪Now you swear and kick and beg us That you're not a gamblin' man Then you find you're back in Vegas With a handle in your hand♪♪ Your black cards can make you money So you hide them when you're able In the land of casinos and money You must put them on the table♪♪ You go back Jack do it again roulette wheels turinin' 'round and 'round♪♪ You go back Jack do it again♪♪
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October 26th, 2015 at 10:51:14 PM permalink
I can handle the legalities here. It's Journalism 101.

He made the posts on his own without any contract. He can't withdraw them. Simply you can't unring a bell.
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October 26th, 2015 at 11:24:17 PM permalink
Quote: AxelWolf

I didn't know you could copyright BS

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October 27th, 2015 at 12:14:47 AM permalink
Quote: Mission146

Hell with that, I'd call dice!!!

Absolutely. Age before beauty, you're up :)
This feeling is heavy, makes my body ache and I'm ready; To fall into the sky and I see now, the reason why. My heart is heavy, takes me to a place I can't breathe. Only then I know why I see the warning sign.
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October 27th, 2015 at 3:10:37 AM permalink
Quote: Greasyjohn

I've got Silk Almondmilk in my refrigerator that lasted longer than Exoter175.

I get the Kroger brand. That stuff lasts freakin' forever!

Quote: Ibeatyouraces

Let's refer this to our resident lawyer, Teddys...

I don't want this case. MrV can have it.
"Dice, verily, are armed with goads and driving-hooks, deceiving and tormenting, causing grievous woe." -Rig Veda 10.34.4
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October 27th, 2015 at 3:12:50 AM permalink
Quote: Mission146

The Hell was I doing?

Oh, right, Kentry. Not on the list because I've not posted from a proper computer since the time he was banned. Don't worry, I will update the list accordingly by tomorrow and be sure to unban him anyway.

I'm sure everyone will want to know if he loses a four credit play on quarter Caveman Keno with a dollar he was supposed to be using to get his mother a tube of toothpaste, or whatever it is. I couldn't possibly deprive the Forum of such a mathematically enlightening post and still be able to sleep at night.


Doing alright? I'd have assumed you'd generally be a more stoic person than recent posts would indicate.

You're going to cut his ban short? What about the 7 day cure for all that ails him?

Does every post have to be mathematically enlightening? Could you at least try to conceal your disdain for the guy? Perhaps instead you could take him under your wing and become his mentor or life coach or whatever the current fad is. You did say you were concerned for him.
Many people, especially ignorant people, want to punish you for speaking the truth. - Mahatma Ghandi
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October 27th, 2015 at 5:16:14 AM permalink
Quote: AlanMendelson

I can handle the legalities here. It's Journalism 101.

He made the posts on his own without any contract. He can't withdraw them. Simply you can't unring a bell.

But stories are retracted and heavily edited after publication all the time. Especially online.
"So as the clock ticked and the day passed, opportunity met preparation, and luck happened." - Maurice Clarett
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October 27th, 2015 at 5:22:11 AM permalink
Quote: EvenBob

OH NO! What have you done. 1BB's plate was
already full over the rightful suspension of
Ahigh. Now you've overloaded 1BB's righteous
indignation meter by getting rid of an AP
that is irreplaceable here, he said so himself.
Oh the fallout, the fallout..

Beachbumbabs and Mission146, can we finally get a workable definition of trolling, baiting, bullying, stalking and harassment? Hint: you shouldn't have to look too far.

As I have stated for years, anyone here is more than welcome to do any of the above to me and I welcome all insults as well. I will survive them all and will not call for any action against the perpetrators. My feelings will not be hurt by anonymous, faceless posters sitting behind a keyboard but it's not about me. What about the good of the forum that we often hear touted? What about bringing down the forum as some suggest? Before anyone says it's me posting here in this thread, I'll remind everyone that I'm not the one who started this thread or the suspension list aka the "hall of shame".

This forum attracts some of the nicest and smartest people which is why I enjoy it and why it is the only forum I participate in. Unfortunately, it also attracts a few dark, unhappy, damaged, little people who add absolutely nothing. I guess you have to take the good with the bad. Let me be crystal clear. I'm not referring to any particular person, living or dead.

EvenBob, you once again bring up the suspension of Ahigh in another attempt to bait me. Your dislike of him has been duly noted as have your attempts to insult and bait him. Pull up a chair, open a can of those discount green beans, give your dog a hug and I'll give you my thoughts on the suspension.

Not once did I complain about it. Not once did I criticize the mods for it. I had some questions and asked for some clarifications. Ahigh was suspended for for violating Forum rule 4. Let me unequivocally state that I am in full agreement with that rule which says in part "do not post any information about someone else that is intended to be private". The operative words are "intended" and "private". It will certainly vary from person to person. How do we know another person's intentions if they are not expressly stated? How do we know what each of us considers private?

In this case the information was already posted and is still there. The aggrieved party has had ample opportunity to delete it or ask for it to be deleted. This has not happened. How is that considered to be private? I drive a black car. I don't want anyone to post this information. If someone does are they subject to suspension? Exactly what is considered private under this rule and who decides this?

What we have is a disagreement between two guys who don't care for each other. It happens. I'm asking if there is a better way than mommy or daddy sending them to their rooms when they act out. If these suspensions are allowed to accumulate these two will eventually be banned under the Martingale policy in place here. That would be a terrible loss for the forum.
Many people, especially ignorant people, want to punish you for speaking the truth. - Mahatma Ghandi
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October 27th, 2015 at 5:39:35 AM permalink
Quote: rdw4potus

But stories are retracted and heavily edited after publication all the time. Especially online.

But what does that have to do with a poster on an open forum claiming ownership of what he posted?

I'll answer my own question: nothing. Absolutely nothing.
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October 27th, 2015 at 5:47:22 AM permalink
Quote: AlanMendelson

But what does that have to do with a poster on an open forum claiming ownership of what he posted?

I'll answer my own question: nothing. Absolutely nothing.

I think one major difference would be an online article potentially has the chance to show a point of view or opinion of an entity or group, and their PR may decide that it's in the best interest of that group to remove it.

Forums, usually each poster is just showcasing what the poster has to say, unless otherwise stated.

This feeling is heavy, makes my body ache and I'm ready; To fall into the sky and I see now, the reason why. My heart is heavy, takes me to a place I can't breathe. Only then I know why I see the warning sign.
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October 27th, 2015 at 5:49:34 AM permalink
Quote: AlanMendelson

But what does that have to do with a poster on an open forum claiming ownership of what he posted?

I'll answer my own question: nothing. Absolutely nothing.

Your prior argument revolved around the premise that one couldn't "unring the bell." You based that on your journalistic experience. So, I pointed out that in print journalism, the bell is unrung all the time.
"So as the clock ticked and the day passed, opportunity met preparation, and luck happened." - Maurice Clarett
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October 27th, 2015 at 6:23:30 AM permalink
Quote: rdw4potus

Your prior argument revolved around the premise that one couldn't "unring the bell." You based that on your journalistic experience. So, I pointed out that in print journalism, the bell is unrung all the time.

Not at all. The bell cannot be unrung. But the libel laws allow the media to print or broadcast corrections to remove their liability. The bell can never be unrung.
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October 27th, 2015 at 6:27:26 AM permalink
It doesn't take a "genius" to recognize Exoter's swan song. Could some of his parting remarks have hit a little close to home? Did some of his words have a ring of truth? Was he saying what others thought but were afraid to express? I imagine there will be different opinions on this, opinions that most will likely keep to themselves. Now that he is gone let the bashing begin. I choose not to do that to someone who can't respond but that's just me.

I enjoyed Exoter's posts. They made me laugh and kept me entertained. I thought he was good for the forum. I thought he had v-v-v-v value. It doesn't matter whether I believed him. Value is value. He now joins the other members of "value" on the suspension list never to be heard from again. We all know that members of value would never return here under a different name. Right, Buzzard?

All is not lost, Exoter fans. He can be found on Norm's site. If you're not familiar with Norm's site just ask and someone will point you to it. Exoter has been a member there since May of 2014, has 937 posts and last visited on September, 29, 2015. Perhaps with the extra time on his hands he'll start posting there again. Part of the site is free, part is subscription so I don't know if all his posts will be accessible.

His welcome and acceptance there can best be described as tepid and his lengthy posts are similar to what he has posted here as is his penchant to argue.
Many people, especially ignorant people, want to punish you for speaking the truth. - Mahatma Ghandi
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October 27th, 2015 at 7:22:22 AM permalink
Quote: 1BB

All is not lost, Exoter fans. He can be found on Norm's site. If you're not familiar with Norm's site just ask and someone will point you to it.

Let's not encourage anyone to visit that sight, unless it is for purely entertainment value. As far as any AP value, it really is nothing but a voodoo site, with nearly all credible AP's that were participating there, having vacated on their own or by Norm's hand.
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October 27th, 2015 at 7:50:13 AM permalink
Quote: 1BB

His welcome and acceptance there can best be described as tepid and his lengthy posts are similar to what he has posted here as is his penchant to argue.

Wow, what an endorsement. Hunt down a
guy who wasn't much liked here, so we can
read his lonnnnnng posts on another site
where nobody likes him. Naw, thanks anyway..
"It's not called gambling if the math is on your side."
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October 27th, 2015 at 7:54:11 AM permalink
Quote: EvenBob

Wow, what an endorsement. Hunt down a
guy who wasn't much liked here, so we can
read his lonnnnnng posts on another site
where nobody likes him. Naw, thanks anyway..

Makes me want to go see what he has to say!!
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October 27th, 2015 at 7:59:04 AM permalink
Quote: RonC

Makes me want to go see what he has to say!!

Don't! You would be wasting your time. Time much better spent sharing your valuable thoughts, political and other, here. ;)
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October 27th, 2015 at 8:02:08 AM permalink
Quote: kewlj

Don't! You would be wasting your time. Time much better spent sharing your valuable thoughts, political and other, here. ;)

Okay, I will stay here!!
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October 27th, 2015 at 8:15:17 AM permalink
I didn't want to get too involved in the Exoter 'discussion' while it was going on here. I figured he was doing a good job discrediting himself on his own. I did jump in when he brought up my name, trying to gain credibility by attaching himself to me (second time he has done this). But now that he is gone, I presume for good, I will share my experience with him.

He popped up on the site being mentioned, a blackjack site some time ago. My recollection is that he said he was a newbie. Within months he seemed to be presenting himself as a successful full-time, professional blackjack AP (card counter). I don't remember a lot of discussion about other AP methods, like was done here, but in all honesty, I tune some of that sgtuff that doesn't concern me out, so possibly.

There was some knowledge to his posts, but mostly just general, elementary stuff. He tried to gain credibility by "attaching" himself to me and a couple other known professional players. He would say things like "as professional players, KJ and I do this" or "professional players like KJ and I experience these major swings all the time". That sort of thing. I hated it. So, much so that I mentioned it to the site owner in a private discussion about something else. He offered to say something, but I declined, deciding exoter would discredit himself sooner or later.

As time went on I do remember exoter being involved in a number of feuds, arguments, heated discussions with some of the 'math guy' members of the site, which isn't hard to do as most of them are so 'irritating'. lol. Seems to me they weren't all about blackjack, maybe some machine play stuff, like we experienced here recently, maybe even some stock market fights, I can't remember for sure. He was suspended a couple times, and then he disappeared for quite a while. He did turn up again on this other site about a month ago, but he only posted a couple times and then seemed to find his way here where he wreaked havoc for a week until he met Babs. :)
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October 27th, 2015 at 8:24:09 AM permalink
He shot himself in the foot with the nonsensical Martingale discussion and DI. Not to mention his "mentor" as he says, who currently only vultures the five or six working UX machines at Argosy KC.
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October 27th, 2015 at 8:53:06 AM permalink
"Dont you dare talk to me like that you ïdiot,"
That is a quote, or a something, that popped up as I began to add to the discussion about the suspension list??
What I typed was "Bye", the auto whatever spell check thing showed the above 'quote' or phrase. Unless I override it with the little 'x', it replaces 'Bye' with that phrase. I have typed Bye now three more times and the same thing happens each time. I feel haunted, maybe it's just because Halloween is coming. Could one or more of you try beginning a post with Bye and see if you get the same results? I 'll be back with comments on Exoter175 later. Notice the first letter 'i' in idiot has two dots.....what's with that?

<edit> just tried typing Bye in a regular email and it did the same thing. No doubt my 12 year old or someone is playing a practical joke on me.......
Youuuuuu MIGHT be a 'rascal' if.......(nevermind ;-)...2F
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October 27th, 2015 at 9:04:10 AM permalink
Are you on a work computer?

(long ago) I had some coworkers who liked to use the one computer for "unapproved" uses, so I edited the spell check in our word processor program to replace words like "vacation" with other interesting phrases.
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October 27th, 2015 at 9:10:04 AM permalink
Well this was an interesting turn of events.

And you're right Ibeatyouraces, DI is never taken kindly here.

I actually met exoter on Thursday in St. Louis by complete chance. We talked quite a bit and he seemed pretty knowledgeable on machine play, but not like I could prove how successful or not successful he is. He seemed pretty nice overall, and quite the smooth talker. I tried to warn him that the forum doesn't let things slide with profanity and more, he did seem a little irked by the suspension. But he didn't curse that much in front of me, fwiw.

One the thing that got me was, he made it sound like he got a solid $300 a day doing machine ap and made little comment about bad swings at times. Maybe he just didn't think to talk about those as much. It just sounded like his variance was less than it should really be. But of course he was managing his group and all those winnings were pooled and he got a cut of them too, so that smooths things out I guess.

The forum unfortunately has had quite a few people making bold claims quickly and they haven't panned out. It's like you can't trust a new member anymore. There are a few gamblers out there who make consistent money, and maybe he is one of them, but hard for me to be for sure.
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October 27th, 2015 at 9:10:23 AM permalink
Quote: rxwine

Are you on a work computer?

(long ago) I had some coworkers who liked to use the one computer for "unapproved" uses, so I edited the spell check in our word processor program to replace words like "vacation" with other interesting phrases.

No just reading and writing on a personal IPad. Same results in a personal email I just tried, so apparently not Forum related. Odd though, the first time I ever remember typing Bye (just did it again) was in signing off of the Forum during a discussion about no longer being able to edit posts..... Spooky!
Youuuuuu MIGHT be a 'rascal' if.......(nevermind ;-)...2F
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October 27th, 2015 at 9:16:36 AM permalink
Quote: TwoFeathersATL

No just reading and writing on a personal IPad. Same results in a personal email I just tried, so apparently not Forum related. Odd though, the first time I ever remember typing Bye (just did it again) was in signing off of the Forum during a discussion about no longer being able to edit posts..... Spooky!

If it's an iPad, navigate to your home screen, and click on Settings, General, Keyboards, and look under Text Replacement for any phrases that have been modified or tampered with. Remove them and you shouldn't have a problem.
This feeling is heavy, makes my body ache and I'm ready; To fall into the sky and I see now, the reason why. My heart is heavy, takes me to a place I can't breathe. Only then I know why I see the warning sign.
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October 27th, 2015 at 9:21:26 AM permalink
Quote: tringlomane

Well this was an interesting turn of events.

And you're right Ibeatyouraces, DI is never taken kindly here.

I actually met exoter on Thursday in St. Louis by complete chance. We talked quite a bit and he seemed pretty knowledgeable on machine play, but not like I could prove how successful or not successful he is. He seemed pretty nice overall, and quite the smooth talker. I tried to warn him that the forum doesn't let things slide with profanity and more, he did seem a little irked by the suspension. But he didn't curse that much in front of me, fwiw.

One the thing that got me was, he made it sound like he got a solid $300 a day doing machine ap and made little comment about bad swings at times. Maybe he just didn't think to talk about those as much. It just sounded like his variance was less than it should really be. But of course he was managing his group and all those winnings were pooled and he got a cut of them too, so that smooths things out I guess.

The forum unfortunately has had quite a few people making bold claims quickly and they haven't panned out. It's like you can't trust a new member anymore. There are a few gamblers out there who make consistent money, and maybe he is one of them, but hard for me to be for sure.

Interesting, I was going to say that Tring had apparently run into Exoter175 and had said as much, and was going to ask for elaboration on that meeting. Now he already has elaborated. I still gotta ask, you do not have to answer, how did you meet and figure out who you were talking to? Enquiring minds and all that....
Youuuuuu MIGHT be a 'rascal' if.......(nevermind ;-)...2F
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October 27th, 2015 at 9:39:48 AM permalink
Quote: TwoFeathersATL

Interesting, I was going to say that Tring had apparently run into Exoter175 and had said as much, and was going to ask for elaboration on that meeting. Now he already has elaborated. I still gotta ask, you do not have to answer, how did you meet and figure out who you were talking to? Enquiring minds and all that....

Saw me vulturing through ultimate x at Ameristar, and made the comment that I was "going to blow them out of the water". And he had his wallet in his hand in such a way where I could see part of a Kansas ID. At that point it was pretty trivial for me to ask if he posted on WoV.
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