Quote: GandlerI think the most ironic part is the only person in forum history to lodge a formal complaint about misgendering is somebody who thinks such speech should be beyond regulation.
The most factually incorrect post in forum history. Congratulations!!!!
One of the top posters in forum history lodged hundreds (perhaps, but not likely, an exaggeration) of complaints about misgendering.
Another example of a post which is written as authoritative but is the EXACT OPPOSITE.
Good try Gandler!
Quote: DieterQuote: rxwineQuestion for mods.
Is it an insult to keep addressing someone here by other than their preferred address or not? Just to clear that up.
I imagined this site isn’t generally about gender confirmation.
(I assume no one is going get away with taking on an offending namesake, but more or less can choose how they want to be addressed)
link to original post
It depends.
Instances are considered case by case.
As much as this sounds like a chicken-scratch non-answer, there is more to it than is obvious at first blush.
If the intent is malicious, expect consequence.
If the effect is cruelty, expect consequence.
Try not to be a jerk.
link to original post
Can you give me some hypothetical examples of the different conclusions? I think it's fair to argue, only the person being addressed knows if something is offensive, not the person using it. One may be offended by a remark that doesn't offend the majority of people and another may not be offended by a whole host of insults.
Quote: SOOPOOQuote: GandlerI think the most ironic part is the only person in forum history to lodge a formal complaint about misgendering is somebody who thinks such speech should be beyond regulation.
The most factually incorrect post in forum history. Congratulations!!!!
One of the top posters in forum history lodged hundreds (perhaps, but not likely, an exaggeration) of complaints about misgendering.
Another example of a post which is written as authoritative but is the EXACT OPPOSITE.
Good try Gandler!
link to original post
Care to elaborate or cite sources? One person making hundreds of misgendering complaints for a single post and still actively making claims?
Even if this is true, it does not make my post the most factually incorrect post in forum history by any sane measurement, unless that person was also an advocate of misgendering for personal gratification? Even if this generous assumption was the case, it would at most make my initial post less correct, it would be far from the most correct post in forum history (and the fact that I am willing to concede my initial figures may be wrong attests to that.)
Quote: rxwineQuote: DieterQuote: rxwineQuestion for mods.
Is it an insult to keep addressing someone here by other than their preferred address or not? Just to clear that up.
I imagined this site isn’t generally about gender confirmation.
(I assume no one is going get away with taking on an offending namesake, but more or less can choose how they want to be addressed)
link to original post
It depends.
Instances are considered case by case.
As much as this sounds like a chicken-scratch non-answer, there is more to it than is obvious at first blush.
If the intent is malicious, expect consequence.
If the effect is cruelty, expect consequence.
Try not to be a jerk.
link to original post
Can you give me some hypothetical examples of the different conclusions? I think it's fair to argue, only the person being addressed knows if something is offensive, not the person using it. One may be offended by a remark that doesn't offend the majority of people and another may not be offended by a whole host of insults.
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I'm admittedly biased.
That said, if my kid tells me they want me to use "they/them" instead of "she/her" because it makes them feel less inclined to inflict self-harm, they can have it their way and we'll hopefully argue about it for years to come.
I'll somehow attempt to adapt with the wishy-washy social niceties, rather than insist on obvious pronouns for XX chromosomes.
Maybe you call me "Ma'am". I correct you. You apologize and try to do better. No problem.
If you want to start a (metaphorical) fistfight with me over it and keep calling me "Ma'am", that would seem like a jerk move.
Quote: GandlerQuote: SOOPOOQuote: GandlerI think the most ironic part is the only person in forum history to lodge a formal complaint about misgendering is somebody who thinks such speech should be beyond regulation.
The most factually incorrect post in forum history. Congratulations!!!!
One of the top posters in forum history lodged hundreds (perhaps, but not likely, an exaggeration) of complaints about misgendering.
Another example of a post which is written as authoritative but is the EXACT OPPOSITE.
Good try Gandler!
link to original post
Care to elaborate or cite sources? One person making hundreds of misgendering complaints for a single post and still actively making claims?
Even if this is true, it does not make my post the most factually incorrect post in forum history by any sane measurement, unless that person was also an advocate of misgendering for personal gratification? Even if this generous assumption was the case, it would at most make my initial post less correct, it would be far from the most correct post in forum history (and the fact that I am willing to concede my initial figures may be wrong attests to that.)
link to original post
Nareed is a transgendered female born as a male. She took great offense when anyone referred to her as a he. Even if done so accidentally. I’m not going back ten years to find you the posts. Just trust me!?!
My post was over the top. It’s just that the specific issue dominated the forum for a while. You just weren’t a member back then.
Why pick on gender preference only like it's the only potential fake belief?
Quote: rxwineIf we need insist on calling people on perceived fake beliefs, let's just say there's a whole lot of people who follow invisible beings who need a talking to. They build buildings and are everywhere and collect money and try to convince people to believe.
Why pick on gender preference only like it's the only potential fake belief?
link to original post
Good point. In real life you have to deal with all sorts of people who believe in all sorts of stupid stuff. You just have to decide how much you are willing to subjugate your own beliefs to be kind to those you think are batshit crazy.
Quote: SOOPOOQuote: GandlerQuote: SOOPOOQuote: GandlerI think the most ironic part is the only person in forum history to lodge a formal complaint about misgendering is somebody who thinks such speech should be beyond regulation.
The most factually incorrect post in forum history. Congratulations!!!!
One of the top posters in forum history lodged hundreds (perhaps, but not likely, an exaggeration) of complaints about misgendering.
Another example of a post which is written as authoritative but is the EXACT OPPOSITE.
Good try Gandler!
link to original post
Care to elaborate or cite sources? One person making hundreds of misgendering complaints for a single post and still actively making claims?
Even if this is true, it does not make my post the most factually incorrect post in forum history by any sane measurement, unless that person was also an advocate of misgendering for personal gratification? Even if this generous assumption was the case, it would at most make my initial post less correct, it would be far from the most correct post in forum history (and the fact that I am willing to concede my initial figures may be wrong attests to that.)
link to original post
Nareed is a transgendered female born as a male. She took great offense when anyone referred to her as a he. Even if done so accidentally. I’m not going back ten years to find you the posts. Just trust me!?!
My post was over the top. It’s just that the specific issue dominated the forum for a while. You just weren’t a member back then.
link to original post
And let's not forget the whole Nathan debacle although that was misgendering for a different reason.
Quote: SOOPOOQuote: GandlerQuote: SOOPOOQuote: GandlerI think the most ironic part is the only person in forum history to lodge a formal complaint about misgendering is somebody who thinks such speech should be beyond regulation.
The most factually incorrect post in forum history. Congratulations!!!!
One of the top posters in forum history lodged hundreds (perhaps, but not likely, an exaggeration) of complaints about misgendering.
Another example of a post which is written as authoritative but is the EXACT OPPOSITE.
Good try Gandler!
link to original post
Care to elaborate or cite sources? One person making hundreds of misgendering complaints for a single post and still actively making claims?
Even if this is true, it does not make my post the most factually incorrect post in forum history by any sane measurement, unless that person was also an advocate of misgendering for personal gratification? Even if this generous assumption was the case, it would at most make my initial post less correct, it would be far from the most correct post in forum history (and the fact that I am willing to concede my initial figures may be wrong attests to that.)
link to original post
Nareed is a transgendered female born as a male. She took great offense when anyone referred to her as a he. Even if done so accidentally. I’m not going back ten years to find you the posts. Just trust me!?!
My post was over the top. It’s just that the specific issue dominated the forum for a while. You just weren’t a member back then.
link to original post
I can confirm, having been unintentionally on the wrong side and gotten a good scolding.
Quote: SOOPOOQuote: GandlerQuote: SOOPOOQuote: GandlerI think the most ironic part is the only person in forum history to lodge a formal complaint about misgendering is somebody who thinks such speech should be beyond regulation.
The most factually incorrect post in forum history. Congratulations!!!!
One of the top posters in forum history lodged hundreds (perhaps, but not likely, an exaggeration) of complaints about misgendering.
Another example of a post which is written as authoritative but is the EXACT OPPOSITE.
Good try Gandler!
link to original post
Care to elaborate or cite sources? One person making hundreds of misgendering complaints for a single post and still actively making claims?
Even if this is true, it does not make my post the most factually incorrect post in forum history by any sane measurement, unless that person was also an advocate of misgendering for personal gratification? Even if this generous assumption was the case, it would at most make my initial post less correct, it would be far from the most correct post in forum history (and the fact that I am willing to concede my initial figures may be wrong attests to that.)
link to original post
Nareed is a transgendered female born as a male. She took great offense when anyone referred to her as a he. Even if done so accidentally. I’m not going back ten years to find you the posts. Just trust me!?!
My post was over the top. It’s just that the specific issue dominated the forum for a while. You just weren’t a member back then.
link to original post
I will trust you, because I take people at their word (and I honestly have no idea of that name.) But, can you elaborate your position? Is misgendering always wrong or only wrong against specific people?
And, did this person complain about misgendering in a trans sense or did they just want to be addressed differently? For example, I have said (many times) that my default position is to refer to posters in the male form (which is a statistical safe unless there is something indicating otherwise -IE profile-) Was this simply one of those ladies who came here and posted without making any reference to gender and then acted offended when people said "him" in reference to them (despite quickly adjusting fire when this became apparent)? Or was this a case of intentional misgendering? Because these are vastly different things.
Even if all of the above are true, I would still hold that somebody who is most famous for being an advocate or being allowed to misgender is a hypocrite for acting offended and lodging formal complaints for when this happens to them. (For additional clarification, I agree that this is wrong, and people should not do this, and if nothing else, this is borderline "trolling", but surely I cannot be the only one who sees the hypocrisy.)
And, for further clarification, you have claimed to be a MD (I trust you, but we have never met, and even if we have, I would not be able to verify your academic credentials,) would you be offended if I insisted on calling you Mr. Soopoo instead of Dr. Soopoo? And are titles and gender preferences the same? (this is not irrelevant because it returns to titles vs pronouns debate.)
A little courtesy goes a long way.
Quote: rxwineIf we need insist on calling people on perceived fake beliefs, let's just say there's a whole lot of people who follow invisible beings who need a talking to. They build buildings and are everywhere and collect money and try to convince people to believe.
Why pick on gender preference only like it's the only potential fake belief?
link to original post
Because then religious people do not have a group that they can categorize as more insane than them? (While making half-hearted claims to "follow the science"?) Like, cool, but where is the science that fetuses are human or that vaccines are bad for humanity? Or where is the science for anything? At the end of the day if you just wave the constitution as your get out of jail free card, you cannot be offended when others do the same (unless it is the status itself and not the exertion of rights that offends you.)
But, there is definitely a double standard even within this thread.
Quote: GandlerQuote: SOOPOOQuote: GandlerQuote: SOOPOOQuote: GandlerI think the most ironic part is the only person in forum history to lodge a formal complaint about misgendering is somebody who thinks such speech should be beyond regulation.
The most factually incorrect post in forum history. Congratulations!!!!
One of the top posters in forum history lodged hundreds (perhaps, but not likely, an exaggeration) of complaints about misgendering.
Another example of a post which is written as authoritative but is the EXACT OPPOSITE.
Good try Gandler!
link to original post
Care to elaborate or cite sources? One person making hundreds of misgendering complaints for a single post and still actively making claims?
Even if this is true, it does not make my post the most factually incorrect post in forum history by any sane measurement, unless that person was also an advocate of misgendering for personal gratification? Even if this generous assumption was the case, it would at most make my initial post less correct, it would be far from the most correct post in forum history (and the fact that I am willing to concede my initial figures may be wrong attests to that.)
link to original post
Nareed is a transgendered female born as a male. She took great offense when anyone referred to her as a he. Even if done so accidentally. I’m not going back ten years to find you the posts. Just trust me!?!
My post was over the top. It’s just that the specific issue dominated the forum for a while. You just weren’t a member back then.
link to original post
I will trust you, because I take people at their word (and I honestly have no idea of that name.) But, can you elaborate your position? Is misgendering always wrong or only wrong against specific people?
And, did this person complain about misgendering in a trans sense or did they just want to be addressed differently? For example, I have said (many times) that my default position is to refer to posters in the male form (which is a statistical safe unless there is something indicating otherwise -IE profile-) Was this simply one of those ladies who came here and posted without making any reference to gender and then acted offended when people said "him" in reference to them (despite quickly adjusting fire when this became apparent)? Or was this a case of intentional misgendering? Because these are vastly different things.
Even if all of the above are true, I would still hold that somebody who is most famous for being an advocate or being allowed to misgender is a hypocrite for acting offended and lodging formal complaints for when this happens to them. (For additional clarification, I agree that this is wrong, and people should not do this, and if nothing else, this is borderline "trolling", but surely I cannot be the only one who sees the hypocrisy.)
And, for further clarification, you have claimed to be a MD (I trust you, but we have never met, and even if we have, I would not be able to verify your academic credentials,) would you be offended if I insisted on calling you Mr. Soopoo instead of Dr. Soopoo? And are titles and gender preferences the same? (this is not irrelevant because it returns to titles vs pronouns debate.)
link to original post
Too much to answer! I take no offense to being called Mr. SOOPOO. I am hard to offend! I don’t remember the details of the timing of Nareed’s announcing to the forum of her being transgendered. But there were clearly some forum members who inadvertently called Nareed a ‘he’, and some who did it on purpose.
You ask me if ‘misgendering’ is always wrong? I now look at it this way…. Even if I felt as AZ does that ‘born a man, always a man’ is correct, it costs me nothing to refer to the person the way they want to be referred. I’ve mentioned this already. But at my sons wedding he had a bridesmaid that is a biological male. Why would I want to hurt my son’s friend by addressing the friend as ‘he’ or ‘him’?
Quote: SOOPOOQuote: GandlerQuote: SOOPOOQuote: GandlerQuote: SOOPOOQuote: GandlerI think the most ironic part is the only person in forum history to lodge a formal complaint about misgendering is somebody who thinks such speech should be beyond regulation.
The most factually incorrect post in forum history. Congratulations!!!!
One of the top posters in forum history lodged hundreds (perhaps, but not likely, an exaggeration) of complaints about misgendering.
Another example of a post which is written as authoritative but is the EXACT OPPOSITE.
Good try Gandler!
link to original post
Care to elaborate or cite sources? One person making hundreds of misgendering complaints for a single post and still actively making claims?
Even if this is true, it does not make my post the most factually incorrect post in forum history by any sane measurement, unless that person was also an advocate of misgendering for personal gratification? Even if this generous assumption was the case, it would at most make my initial post less correct, it would be far from the most correct post in forum history (and the fact that I am willing to concede my initial figures may be wrong attests to that.)
link to original post
Nareed is a transgendered female born as a male. She took great offense when anyone referred to her as a he. Even if done so accidentally. I’m not going back ten years to find you the posts. Just trust me!?!
My post was over the top. It’s just that the specific issue dominated the forum for a while. You just weren’t a member back then.
link to original post
I will trust you, because I take people at their word (and I honestly have no idea of that name.) But, can you elaborate your position? Is misgendering always wrong or only wrong against specific people?
And, did this person complain about misgendering in a trans sense or did they just want to be addressed differently? For example, I have said (many times) that my default position is to refer to posters in the male form (which is a statistical safe unless there is something indicating otherwise -IE profile-) Was this simply one of those ladies who came here and posted without making any reference to gender and then acted offended when people said "him" in reference to them (despite quickly adjusting fire when this became apparent)? Or was this a case of intentional misgendering? Because these are vastly different things.
Even if all of the above are true, I would still hold that somebody who is most famous for being an advocate or being allowed to misgender is a hypocrite for acting offended and lodging formal complaints for when this happens to them. (For additional clarification, I agree that this is wrong, and people should not do this, and if nothing else, this is borderline "trolling", but surely I cannot be the only one who sees the hypocrisy.)
And, for further clarification, you have claimed to be a MD (I trust you, but we have never met, and even if we have, I would not be able to verify your academic credentials,) would you be offended if I insisted on calling you Mr. Soopoo instead of Dr. Soopoo? And are titles and gender preferences the same? (this is not irrelevant because it returns to titles vs pronouns debate.)
link to original post
Too much to answer! I take no offense to being called Mr. SOOPOO. I am hard to offend! I don’t remember the details of the timing of Nareed’s announcing to the forum of her being transgendered. But there were clearly some forum members who inadvertently called Nareed a ‘he’, and some who did it on purpose.
You ask me if ‘misgendering’ is always wrong? I now look at it this way…. Even if I felt as AZ does that ‘born a man, always a man’ is correct, it costs me nothing to refer to the person the way they want to be referred. I’ve mentioned this already. But at my sons wedding he had a bridesmaid that is a biological male. Why would I want to hurt my son’s friend by addressing the friend as ‘he’ or ‘him’?
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And no one is requiring one sing kumbaya with everyone you meet either. It's not a big ask.
Well, it would be nice, but...
Quote: SOOPOOQuote: GandlerQuote: SOOPOOQuote: GandlerQuote: SOOPOOQuote: GandlerI think the most ironic part is the only person in forum history to lodge a formal complaint about misgendering is somebody who thinks such speech should be beyond regulation.
The most factually incorrect post in forum history. Congratulations!!!!
One of the top posters in forum history lodged hundreds (perhaps, but not likely, an exaggeration) of complaints about misgendering.
Another example of a post which is written as authoritative but is the EXACT OPPOSITE.
Good try Gandler!
link to original post
Care to elaborate or cite sources? One person making hundreds of misgendering complaints for a single post and still actively making claims?
Even if this is true, it does not make my post the most factually incorrect post in forum history by any sane measurement, unless that person was also an advocate of misgendering for personal gratification? Even if this generous assumption was the case, it would at most make my initial post less correct, it would be far from the most correct post in forum history (and the fact that I am willing to concede my initial figures may be wrong attests to that.)
link to original post
Nareed is a transgendered female born as a male. She took great offense when anyone referred to her as a he. Even if done so accidentally. I’m not going back ten years to find you the posts. Just trust me!?!
My post was over the top. It’s just that the specific issue dominated the forum for a while. You just weren’t a member back then.
link to original post
I will trust you, because I take people at their word (and I honestly have no idea of that name.) But, can you elaborate your position? Is misgendering always wrong or only wrong against specific people?
And, did this person complain about misgendering in a trans sense or did they just want to be addressed differently? For example, I have said (many times) that my default position is to refer to posters in the male form (which is a statistical safe unless there is something indicating otherwise -IE profile-) Was this simply one of those ladies who came here and posted without making any reference to gender and then acted offended when people said "him" in reference to them (despite quickly adjusting fire when this became apparent)? Or was this a case of intentional misgendering? Because these are vastly different things.
Even if all of the above are true, I would still hold that somebody who is most famous for being an advocate or being allowed to misgender is a hypocrite for acting offended and lodging formal complaints for when this happens to them. (For additional clarification, I agree that this is wrong, and people should not do this, and if nothing else, this is borderline "trolling", but surely I cannot be the only one who sees the hypocrisy.)
And, for further clarification, you have claimed to be a MD (I trust you, but we have never met, and even if we have, I would not be able to verify your academic credentials,) would you be offended if I insisted on calling you Mr. Soopoo instead of Dr. Soopoo? And are titles and gender preferences the same? (this is not irrelevant because it returns to titles vs pronouns debate.)
link to original post
Too much to answer! I take no offense to being called Mr. SOOPOO. I am hard to offend! I don’t remember the details of the timing of Nareed’s announcing to the forum of her being transgendered. But there were clearly some forum members who inadvertently called Nareed a ‘he’, and some who did it on purpose.
You ask me if ‘misgendering’ is always wrong? I now look at it this way…. Even if I felt as AZ does that ‘born a man, always a man’ is correct, it costs me nothing to refer to the person the way they want to be referred. I’ve mentioned this already. But at my sons wedding he had a bridesmaid that is a biological male. Why would I want to hurt my son’s friend by addressing the friend as ‘he’ or ‘him’?
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If this is the case, I feel that we are almost saying almost the exact same thing. Whether you are sowing disagreement for political or personal differences is fine, but don't act like we are moons apart.
I simply don't see the need with hiding the ball, either misgendering is always wrong or it is never wrong (this is an issue that there is no middle ground at least as far as forum rules go.) Personally, I try to always respect people and their representation, and there is little reason to insist to contradict people on their view of themselves. If somebody wants to be known as a man, I see no reason to deny them of this. But, if the same man wants to attack others for their identity, I see no reason to advocate a rule that hyper focuses on them to deny them of this recourse. My personal view is it is never wrong in a rule sense (agree with the poster) that is should be allowed (but in turn you can't act outraged when it happens to you.) Now, this does not mean that I would do it, or paise those that did. Of course, I feel that the forum should be more open for attacks and open speech (and I say this as somebody subject to endless unpopular opinions, who never complains,) but I understand that some people will object to any direct disagreement. I think it would be hard to be more philosophically consistent than me.
Good point. Well made. Thanks.Quote: SOOPOO
Just remember…. EQUALLY as irrelevant as any of your posts to him! By saying ‘any views you express’…. you lower your own standing. You think his views on what chicken wings are good in Buffalo are tainted because he thinks all people born with penises are men? Really? Why don’t you AGREE with his opinion that ……. I can name a dozen non controversial ones…..
The answer is clearly that you don’t like his overall political/social platforms.
You KNOW I like you. But don’t you think you should be more open minded?
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Quote: rxwineIf we need insist on calling people on perceived fake beliefs, let's just say there's a whole lot of people who follow invisible beings who need a talking to. They build buildings and are everywhere and collect money and try to convince people to believe.
Why pick on gender preference only like it's the only potential fake belief?
link to original post
People believe in a "gay gene" without proof. People believe in global warming without proof.
Gender preference, OTOH, is actually provable as fake. The people who believe in it go to any length.
"A man cannot become a woman just because he says he is."
"Prove it"
:"Well, he cannot bear a child."
"Then a woman who has had a hysterectomy is no longer a woman then?"
Whey you dig into their beliefs, they kind of desire a dystopian world where there is no gender in the first place. If you doubt me note that the same people tend to use the term "latinix" which is not even a word. They use it because Spanish words can have a gender, which drives them nuts. They are by and large the same kind of people who want to force boys to play with dolls and girls to play with toy cars despite they want to play with stereotypical toys. They want to stamp out any differences in the genders. It is kind of scary.
Cause I’d love to light Duffman up based on all the BS he’s allowed to post in this thread.
Nareed is a transgendered female born as a male. She took great offense when anyone referred to her as a he. Even if done so accidentally. I’m not going back ten years to find you the posts. Just trust me!?!
Nareed posted as male when things started here. Nareed now has "female" as gender, though I am pretty sure it was "male" at that start. If Nareed was actually female then Nareed would not let us know Nareed was "transgendered" but would rather have just registered as female and posted as a female. IOW, Nareed is a person seeking attention. The transgendered thing is just another way to do it. Nareed always came off to me as a bit unbalanced, Getting extremely upset when something was posted that Nareed did not like. Nareed's sig violates policy here, though I suspect that is ignored because Nareed is inactive. Nareed will fall off the top poster list here within 8-12 months and mostly be forgotten.
The whole thing is an example of why I refuse to humor this type. It is not helping them, it is enabling them.
Quote: ams288WTF happened to this board’s “no political discussions” rule? Or is that only enforced for certain people now?
Cause I’d love to light Duffman up based on all the BS he’s allowed to post in this thread.
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Not to mention he effectively hijacked this thread for a subject that was pretty much verboten on here from a past closed thread.
Quote: AZDuffmanQuote: rxwineIf we need insist on calling people on perceived fake beliefs, let's just say there's a whole lot of people who follow invisible beings who need a talking to. They build buildings and are everywhere and collect money and try to convince people to believe.
Why pick on gender preference only like it's the only potential fake belief?
link to original post
People believe in a "gay gene" without proof. People believe in global warming without proof.
Gender preference, OTOH, is actually provable as fake. The people who believe in it go to any length.
"A man cannot become a woman just because he says he is."
"Prove it"
:"Well, he cannot bear a child."
"Then a woman who has had a hysterectomy is no longer a woman then?"
Whey you dig into their beliefs, they kind of desire a dystopian world where there is no gender in the first place. If you doubt me note that the same people tend to use the term "latinix" which is not even a word. They use it because Spanish words can have a gender, which drives them nuts. They are by and large the same kind of people who want to force boys to play with dolls and girls to play with toy cars despite they want to play with stereotypical toys. They want to stamp out any differences in the genders. It is kind of scary.
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Implying everyone agrees on just one cause for behavior doesn't prove your point, because it's incorrect to start with. But then you didn't even bother to address the actual point. SOOPOO did, so I know it's possible.
If a human body secretes too much of a hormone or too little of one it can change behavior. Yet there may be no physical difference detected in the way someone was born. Just for example on how relying on how someone is physically born ican be faulty. A one time secretion could fuse in something more permanent if it occurred at the right time.
More like there is no proof that will convince someone who refuses to look at the proof
We allowed a lengthy discussion of gender pronouns about a year ago and the Wizard declared a policy about their usage in this forum. However, this renewal of the debate and the discussion of transgender issues falls under the category of controversial/political issues. Furthermore, this thread is about 'the suspension list" as well as the policies relating to moderation of the forum, and this gender discussion has developed into an unwelcome hijack.
Please act like adults and stop this discussion as requested. Otherwise a moderator on pain medications may grab a sharp instrument and cut you all down.
Quote: AZDuffmanQuote: rxwineIf we need insist on calling people on perceived fake beliefs, let's just say there's a whole lot of people who follow invisible beings who need a talking to. They build buildings and are everywhere and collect money and try to convince people to believe.
Why pick on gender preference only like it's the only potential fake belief?
link to original post
People believe in a "gay gene" without proof. People believe in global warming without proof.
Gender preference, OTOH, is actually provable as fake. The people who believe in it go to any length.
"A man cannot become a woman just because he says he is."
"Prove it"
:"Well, he cannot bear a child."
"Then a woman who has had a hysterectomy is no longer a woman then?"
Whey you dig into their beliefs, they kind of desire a dystopian world where there is no gender in the first place. If you doubt me note that the same people tend to use the term "latinix" which is not even a word. They use it because Spanish words can have a gender, which drives them nuts. They are by and large the same kind of people who want to force boys to play with dolls and girls to play with toy cars despite they want to play with stereotypical toys. They want to stamp out any differences in the genders. It is kind of scary.
link to original post
It must be a very scary world out there for you. Congratulations on getting through the day. Fight the Power!!!!!!
Quote: gordonm888Quote: gordonm888"The worst waste of time is arguing with the fool and fanatic who does not care about truth or reality, but only the victory of his beliefs and illusions. Never waste time on arguments that don't make sense...
There are people who, no matter how much evidence and evidence we present to them, are not in the capacity to understand, and others are blinded by ego, hatred and resentment, and all they want is to be right even if they are not.
When ignorance screams, intelligence is silent. Because peace and quietness are worth more."
link to original postQuote: gordon888This quote is taken verbatim from a fable, as Tuttigym has pointed out. The words are those of the fable authors. I posted it as a philosophy about why I choose not to respond to most of the criticism leveled at me. And, I picked this quote because it reflects what I have been preaching for a while - that some of the conversation in this forum is a boring and repetitive waste of time.
The fable was brought to light by OD and answered my inquiry, so thanks for that OD.
Quote: darkozIt's mind boggling that someone can say with a straight face there is no proof of global warming.
More like there is no proof that will convince someone who refuses to look at the proof
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We do not even have a long enough data set to prove it. I have heard we "have just 10 years to reverse things" for about 30 years now. The same people with those "question authority" bumper stickers are the ones who demand we do not dare question global warming. And the "proof" tends to be just weather happening.
Believe blindly if you wish, I will keep thinking for myself.
Quote: AZDuffmanQuote: darkozIt's mind boggling that someone can say with a straight face there is no proof of global warming.
More like there is no proof that will convince someone who refuses to look at the proof
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We do not even have a long enough data set to prove it. I have heard we "have just 10 years to reverse things" for about 30 years now. The same people with those "question authority" bumper stickers are the ones who demand we do not dare question global warming. And the "proof" tends to be just weather happening.
Believe blindly if you wish, I will keep thinking for myself.
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There are apparently two types of people when it comes to global warming.
The type that provide rock solid evidence that it's happening and the type that ignores rock solid evidence without even looking at it
The good thing is that the naysayers are not being listened too. Just singular voices in an echo chamber. I don't understand what they get out of wishing bad for the climate SMH.
Quote: darkozQuote: AZDuffmanQuote: darkozIt's mind boggling that someone can say with a straight face there is no proof of global warming.
More like there is no proof that will convince someone who refuses to look at the proof
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We do not even have a long enough data set to prove it. I have heard we "have just 10 years to reverse things" for about 30 years now. The same people with those "question authority" bumper stickers are the ones who demand we do not dare question global warming. And the "proof" tends to be just weather happening.
Believe blindly if you wish, I will keep thinking for myself.
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There are apparently two types of people when it comes to global warming.
The type that provide rock solid evidence that it's happening and the type that ignores rock solid evidence without even looking at it
The good thing is that the naysayers are not being listened too. Just singular voices in an echo chamber. I don't understand what they get out of wishing bad for the climate SMH.
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I have yet to see any "rock solid evidence." Just weather. And the biggie....the climate has been changing for 4.5 billion years. And why do we think warmer is not better? Historically it is.
The majority following a bad idea is still a bad idea. 200 years from now the population will probably look at the global warming hysteria and ask "how could so many people be so gullible?"
Quote: AZDuffmanQuote: darkozQuote: AZDuffmanQuote: darkozIt's mind boggling that someone can say with a straight face there is no proof of global warming.
More like there is no proof that will convince someone who refuses to look at the proof
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We do not even have a long enough data set to prove it. I have heard we "have just 10 years to reverse things" for about 30 years now. The same people with those "question authority" bumper stickers are the ones who demand we do not dare question global warming. And the "proof" tends to be just weather happening.
Believe blindly if you wish, I will keep thinking for myself.
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There are apparently two types of people when it comes to global warming.
The type that provide rock solid evidence that it's happening and the type that ignores rock solid evidence without even looking at it
The good thing is that the naysayers are not being listened too. Just singular voices in an echo chamber. I don't understand what they get out of wishing bad for the climate SMH.
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I have yet to see any "rock solid evidence." Just weather. And the biggie....the climate has been changing for 4.5 billion years. And why do we think warmer is not better? Historically it is.
The majority following a bad idea is still a bad idea. 200 years from now the population will probably look at the global warming hysteria and ask "how could so many people be so gullible?"
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This is a DT conversation as per the Wizard. But I’ll try and make it WoV friendly. The odds of AZ being correct are less than 1%. Of course GW is real, and certainly affected by human made factors. What to do about it is the big question.
If someone wants to be called something or referred to as something different than they were originally born as, I don’t have a problem with that. I'll do my best to remember and respect that. However, if I forget and accidentally call Catelyn Jenner, Bruce... or refer to her as a him, and someone gets all offended, then they can F off.
Quote: AxelWolfLGBTZXZ. He, she, they, it... who cares. Live and let live. None of that stuff phases me.
If someone wants to be called something or referred to as something different than they were originally born as, I don’t have a problem with that. I'll do my best to remember and respect that. However, if I forget and accidentally call Catelyn Jenner, Bruce... or refer to her as a him, and someone gets all offended, then they can F off.
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This is my philosophy as-well.
This is a DT conversation as per the Wizard. But I’ll try and make it WoV friendly. The odds of AZ being correct are less than 1%. Of course GW is real, and certainly affected by human made factors. What to do about it is the big question.
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Care to back this up with something? Do you have a control planet where you have measurements of temperatures over time to compare the two? Do you have a million years of accurate temperature reads to get a valid time series in a 4.5 billion year old planet? The 150 years we have is like saying Tuperware stock is a good but because it is up 100% in the last few weeks. Meanwhile the stock is on the verge of bankruptcy. See, that is the thing. GW believers think a 150 year trend means something in the lifespan of a planet.
Question what you are being told about it. It is not real just because the people on TV tell you it is real. In the 1970s the same people told us we were heading for an ice age by now.
Quote: AZDuffmanQuote: darkozQuote: AZDuffmanQuote: darkozIt's mind boggling that someone can say with a straight face there is no proof of global warming.
More like there is no proof that will convince someone who refuses to look at the proof
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We do not even have a long enough data set to prove it. I have heard we "have just 10 years to reverse things" for about 30 years now. The same people with those "question authority" bumper stickers are the ones who demand we do not dare question global warming. And the "proof" tends to be just weather happening.
Believe blindly if you wish, I will keep thinking for myself.
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There are apparently two types of people when it comes to global warming.
The type that provide rock solid evidence that it's happening and the type that ignores rock solid evidence without even looking at it
The good thing is that the naysayers are not being listened too. Just singular voices in an echo chamber. I don't understand what they get out of wishing bad for the climate SMH.
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I have yet to see any "rock solid evidence." Just weather. And the biggie....the climate has been changing for 4.5 billion years. And why do we think warmer is not better? Historically it is.
The majority following a bad idea is still a bad idea. 200 years from now the population will probably look at the global warming hysteria and ask "how could so many people be so gullible?"
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Dear Moderators,
If Gender recognition is Controversial and off topic, how far are you going to allow this thread and this whole forum to follow down the Climate change rabbit-hole?
I earnestly suggest that moderators step in to send DT topics to DT or at very least bring this thread back on track.
Block AZDuff and EvenBob for a better forum experience.
Mine has been better since i did that.
Quote: AZDuffmanQuote: SOOPOO
This is a DT conversation as per the Wizard. But I’ll try and make it WoV friendly. The odds of AZ being correct are less than 1%. Of course GW is real, and certainly affected by human made factors. What to do about it is the big question.
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Care to back this up with something? Do you have a control planet where you have measurements of temperatures over time to compare the two? Do you have a million years of accurate temperature reads to get a valid time series in a 4.5 billion year old planet? The 150 years we have is like saying Tuperware stock is a good but because it is up 100% in the last few weeks. Meanwhile the stock is on the verge of bankruptcy. See, that is the thing. GW believers think a 150 year trend means something in the lifespan of a planet.
Question what you are being told about it. It is not real just because the people on TV tell you it is real. In the 1970s the same people told us we were heading for an ice age by now.
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Climate change is mostly unrelated to this forum's core topics of Vegas, math, and gambling.
That makes it a DT topic.
Take the hint and let me eat my mountain of breakfast pills in peace.
Quote: 100xOddsEveryone,
Block AZDuff and EvenBob for a better forum experience.
Mine has been better since i did that.
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That’s not how I’d handle it. As far as AZ, you can just disagree with him, as I often do. He can at least make arguments that you can challenge.
As far as EB, and this is only about his roulette silly claims, I’d have, as the authoritative expert (The Wiz), explained how nonsensical EB’s claims are. Then I would have given EB a chance to prove his claims. (The Wiz did). Once EB did not, and was given innumerable ways to do so, I’d inform EB his silly claims are no longer welcome at WoV. And if he continued to troll the forum he would be permanently banned.
If someone believes a flu shot contains nanotechnology that will introduce gay genes into his DNA, I salute them. I am not usually the one that handles correcting the rest of the world.
I believe everyone has a place in life, and if someone's lot in life is to say stupid things that entertain me, so be it.
Quote: 100xOddsEveryone,
Block AZDuff and EvenBob for a better forum experience.
Mine has been better since i did that.
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But, Mama, that's where the fun is.....
Quote: SOOPOOQuote: 100xOddsEveryone,
Block AZDuff and EvenBob for a better forum experience.
Mine has been better since i did that.
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That’s not how I’d handle it. As far as AZ, you can just disagree with him, as I often do. He can at least make arguments that you can challenge.
As far as EB, and this is only about his roulette silly claims, I’d have, as the authoritative expert (The Wiz), explained how nonsensical EB’s claims are. Then I would have given EB a chance to prove his claims. (The Wiz did). Once EB did not, and was given innumerable ways to do so, I’d inform EB his silly claims are no longer welcome at WoV. And if he continued to troll the forum he would be permanently banned.
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Right. Only interacting with people you agree with makes your mind lazy same as sitting on the couch makes your body lazy.
Quote: AZDuffman
Right. Only interacting with people you agree with makes your mind lazy same as sitting on the couch makes your body lazy.
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I don't think my body could get any lazier. I get winded walking down the driveway to retrieve the trash can.
Quote: AZDuffmanQuote: SOOPOOQuote: 100xOddsEveryone,
Block AZDuff and EvenBob for a better forum experience.
Mine has been better since i did that.
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That’s not how I’d handle it. As far as AZ, you can just disagree with him, as I often do. He can at least make arguments that you can challenge.
As far as EB, and this is only about his roulette silly claims, I’d have, as the authoritative expert (The Wiz), explained how nonsensical EB’s claims are. Then I would have given EB a chance to prove his claims. (The Wiz did). Once EB did not, and was given innumerable ways to do so, I’d inform EB his silly claims are no longer welcome at WoV. And if he continued to troll the forum he would be permanently banned.
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Right. Only interacting with people you agree with makes your mind lazy same as sitting on the couch makes your body lazy.
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On the other hand, interacting with people who spew hatred and nonsense makes me want to take a shower.
Quote: AZDuffmanIn the 1970s the same people told us we were heading for an ice age by now.
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This is my choice for quote of the day. It's the usual ridiculous comparison with technology and science of a different time period.
It's equivalent to saying you don't believe DNA can prove who was at the scene of a crime because the same people making those claims were claiming blood typing was able to prove who was at the scene of a crime in the 1970's and look how many times they put innocent men in prison.
EDIT: Not to mention completely untrue. Global warming has been considered a problem since the 1890's.

I can block the ignorant bigots and idiots, but I'm still seeing this off topic climate change stuff from folks I respect.
Please heed the moderators.
Quote: gordonm888WARNING: STOP DISCUSSING CLIMATE CHANGE and GENDER PRONOUNS. This thread is about suspensions and moderator practices. Stay on topic.
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He means it this time. Seriously.
AZ had derailed the discussion when asking why getting insulted by misgendering was more egregious than the insult about my using the subway which is what got EB suspended.
For the record the insult came out of nowhere in response to EB' roulette system. But there's more to it than that.
EB had lobbed a direct insult to me (paraphrasing here that I had a deformed cerebellum or something of that nature and was unable to learn as a result).
This was maybe three weeks ago. I notified Dieter by PM(I hope this doesn't violate discussion of PM but I am trying to give the current suspension some view) however Dieter notified me he was going through a private crisis he has since shared with us. Literally the next day Wizard announced he was going to be somewhat unavailable.
I didn't feel like burdening a now by himself Gordon and dropped it.
Later Gordon suspended EB for an insult to Axel which is literally on the same page of the thread as my insult. I didn't feel like asking for a "me too" so again I just didn't mention it.
So when Dieter came back and EB hurled yet another insult towards me about a homeless period in my life on the subway Dieters punishment had some history behind it.
So hopefully that answers some of the mystery questioning EB's current suspension.
Your story is instructive in two ways, as what not to do and what to do. What not to do is to let yourself get homeless in the first place, through inability to reposition when the paradigm shifts. What to do would be in figuring out how to do something entirely different to get off the streets. I have in fact mentioned your story to employees of mine to illustrate both of these points.
Quote: MDawgYou allude to that you ride the bus and have no car in your signature. Some might take that to mean that you're proud and wish to make a point of your no car heritage which would include the subway. You certainly freely discuss your homeless era in many posts over the years including recently.
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That is correct.
That doesn't mean it's open fodder for insults.
Similar to if a person was obese and is chronicling dieting that doesn't mean insulting his weight issues is now open season.
If you remember I got suspended for your proud boasts of ketchup bottle collection. We are all here sharing a bit of our lives.
I will admit I too am a guilty of it. I mention EB's candle light living from time to time. But I am not making the moderator decisions. I didn't complain about the homeless insult. I only complained about the inferior cerebellum insult which is an insult of a different nature.