[P.S. I don't think you've ever done Super Bowl trivia.]
At the time of the show, I forgot about my page titled Video Poker: Bankroll Size vs. Risk of Ruin. This will show the bankroll size needed according to some common games, cash back rates, and risk of ruin.
Stream Date: 02-03-2022
Length: 01:04:39
Topic: Ask Me Anything
00:01 Marathons & mountains
04:40 Chinese New Year trivia (throughout show)
05:24 Cell phones at table games
09:20 Super Bowl trivia (throughout show)
10:30 Non-negotiable chips
14:20 Wizard's Superbowl LVI predictions
16:21 Video Poker: Multi-hand vs single play
17:14 Video Poker: Auto hold feature
18:21 Casino War: Reports of death exaggerated
21:11 Bob Stupak
33:19 Slots: Showing RTP
38:35 Blackjack: Splitting 10s
43:45 Slots: Machine sound volume
44:38 Slots: Cashman Bingo
45:48 James Grosjean's magic numbers
48:38 Who makes money gambling?
52:56 Video Poker: Risk of Ruin
57:56 Craps: Pass Line bet after point
1:00:38 Blackjack Attack
Next LiveStream: 02-17-22
Wizard's Table Game Etiquette Tips
Promotional, Match-Play, and Non-Negotiable Chips
Cashman Bingo Thread
James Grosjean Magic Number Thread
Video Poker: Bankroll Size vs. Risk of Ruin
What is the most interesting religion you ever came across personally?
Quote: GialmereCould you please explain Markov chains and how to apply the process to game analysis?
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That would be a bit much to explain in a Live Stream. A good example of a simple Markov Chain problem is the one in the Easy Math Puzzles thread -- What is the expected number of rolls of two dice to get a total of seven twice in a row.
Stream Date: 02-17-2022
Length: 00:51:23
Topic: Ask Me Anything
00:01 Calico Caves rappel
06:20 President's Day trivia (throughout show)
06:53 Video Poker: Do odds improve on multi-hand?
07:30 Climbing cards & chips
11:10 Wizard's Super Bowl bets
12:08 Advantage players & Covid masks
14:24 Electronic cards & dice vs wheels
18:45 Slots: Interesting rules
19:39 Craps: Best numbers to bet
21:15 Wizard's favorite magicians
24:21 An interesting religion
26:38 The definition of pajamas
28:19 Casinos using plaques
29:40 Rant: Resort fees
32:40 Video Poker: Tournament strategy
35:42 Three Card Poker vs Video Poker
36:40 Video Poker: DDB strategy
39:05 Card counting BJ vs live poker
42:20 Video Poker: A "standard" strategy
44:25 Wizard's slot machine
48:38 Markov chains
49:57 What is this place?
50:55 An abrupt ending
Next LiveStream: 03-03-22
[Note: This episode was cut short due to the Wizard falling ill. The above date for the next show is an assumption of two weeks between livestreams.]
Quote: Gialmere
Who was the first US president to ride on a train?
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Quote: GialmereHas anyone here, a moderator perhaps, heard from the Wizard the last few days? He appeared Thursday on the livestream where he got ill and cut the show short. I'm sure he's now simply off enjoying the three day weekend but it would be nice to confirm that he's okay.
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Thank you for asking. I am fine.
That was a bad episode I had. The room was spinning and I felt like throwing up. After that, I had to lay down (is that the right word? -- I always confuse the lie an lay, especially the past tenses). A few hours later, I felt about 80% better.
The next morning I was up early for a three-day 37-mile kayak trip on Lake Mead, which went great. Perfect weather and hardly any wind.
I'm thinking March 10 for the next Live Stream.
p.s. Happy Presidents Day!
emphasis mine. How nuts was this?Quote:Caesars gave a match of $3k, and a bonus of $300 as well. So immediately after depositing the $3k my account listed $6,300 for me to gamble. The requirement was that I make $6,300 in bets before I could withdraw. As opposed to the ‘free bets’ I’ve been talking about, the bets with this bonus money have you keep the stake as well as the winnings on winning bets
https://wizardofvegas.com/forum/gambling/sports/36857-new-online-account-info/2/#post840631 [soopoo]
Quote: WizardLive Stream reminder today at 3PM, Vegas time.
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Are there transcripts of the Live Stream available to review and comment on? I believe that I may not be alone of people who do not get the actual Live Stream events or those who may want to comment on their contents.
Quote: tuttigymQuote: WizardLive Stream reminder today at 3PM, Vegas time.
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Are there transcripts of the Live Stream available to review and comment on? I believe that I may not be alone of people who do not get the actual Live Stream events or those who may want to comment on their contents.
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The video can be viewed at https://youtu.be/QZTVFf9Dbao .
No idea on transcripts.
Stream Date: 03-10-2022
Length: 01:07:29
Topic: Ask Me Anything
00:01 Magic & Meatballs
05:30 Legal lines
08:17 Cellphones at the table
09:50 Pachinko machines
12:08 Electronic game escalation
16:40 Malfunction challenges
18:16 Making money gambling
19:47 Online casino cheating
23:18 Poker: Pot splitting & taxes
27:05 License plates
39:20 Slots: Machine locations
40:15 Video Poker: Class II vs Class III
42:40 Finding a chip on the floor
47:26 Craps: Table size
48:26 Generating comps cheaply
54:48 Kayaking Lake Mead pics
1:03:56 Slots & taxes
1:05:24 Sports: Promotions in New York
Next LiveStream: 03-31-22
Full story in the Las Vegas Sun
Quote: GialmereFor those wondering about Heather's mention of a raising of the slot jackpot tax threshold to $5000, it's merely new legislation being introduced, not voted on. So maybe, with casinos starting to blanket the country, it'll become a law but today it still just a bill.
Full story in the Las Vegas Sun
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Thank you. I meant to look into that.
Stream Date: 03-31-2022
Length: 01:00:19
Topic: Ask Me Anything
00:10 Rant: Fitness gym lifetime bucks
03:49 Celebrity sightings
05:29 Peanuts trivia (throughout show)
06:57 Slots: Variable states
08:37 A Wizard run casino
09:47 Heather has left the building
10:42 Circa casino
11:13 3CP: Seeing other player's cards
12:03 Slots: Cashman Bingo!
13:26 Asking tough trivia questions
15:37 Craps: South Point casino x2 odds
16:19 California casino fee to play
18:05 Allowing card counting
18:55 Casino heat on the Wizard
20:45 Blackjack: Loss rebates
22:03 Approximations of Pi
23:11 Roulette: Killing time bets
25:02 Pressing your winnings
27:10 Craps: Playing single odds
28:43 Favorite game show?
29:42 High Card Flush vs 3CP
30:40 Advantage Play ethics
33:20 Slots: Jackpot tax threshold
34:15 Are there livestream transcripts?
35:01 UTH vs VP or craps
37:40 Wixiplay cheating followup
41:33 Spanish 21: Card counting
43:07 Heather returns
45:00 Is card counting illegal?
48:00 VP: Royal Flush hit frequency
50:47 Dealer mistakes
53:54 86'ing & detainment legalities
Next LiveStream: 04-21-22
Quote: DeucekiesRegarding the discussion of dealer mistakes, I am required by state law to point out any mistake I see, whether I am working or playing, whether it's my bet or someone else's. Dealers gambling while off duty have lost their licenses for this before.
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What jurisdictions require that?
Quote: DRichQuote: DeucekiesRegarding the discussion of dealer mistakes, I am required by state law to point out any mistake I see, whether I am working or playing, whether it's my bet or someone else's. Dealers gambling while off duty have lost their licenses for this before.
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What jurisdictions require that?
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I work in WA state, so that's the only jurisdiction I can speak to.
If I'm blocked/unable to double down in a game of blackjack (4 or more decks, dealer stands on soft 17, no surrender, dealer peaks for BJ) how much EV do I lose? how much worse is the game?
This happened to me recently at an online casino when I was playing with free credits. On the hand that I exhausted my free credits, I was dealt an 11, but the game wouldn't allow me to double from my cash balance.
Quote: mcallister3200[Odiousgambit edited and paraphrased this] There’s something like an 8 second delay from a live game to “live tv” and then another delay between them accepting/rejecting the bet. Good in theory but probably get freerolled a lot, if within those 15 seconds the [situation changes] they’ll reject it and offer a different price, if [nothing changed] they accept it but you might have bet into a bad line with stale info/odds.
Personally I would only bet at stops in play live betting so I don’t get free-rolled, at least in sports where something that materially changes the odds can happen within 10 seconds (football, basketball, baseball for sure.)
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In addition to the days needed to build and disassemble the track, there's two days of test runs, one day for time trials and, of course, race day.
Stream Date: 04-21-2022
Length: 01:01:50
Topic: Ask Me Anything
00:12 Hawaiian Vacation
13:13 Bible or Shakespeare? (throughout show)
13:42 Sports: Being the bookie
15:58 Euler's number
19:29 Craps: Place bets vs Pass Line
24:10 Slots: Are the machines leased?
25:50 Table game comps
32:00 The big Hard Rock guitar
35:23 John Nash's game theory
45:08 UTH: Varying the bet size
42:53 Blackjack: Calculating the house edge
46:59 Slots: Returns for various denominations
50:00 Slots: 86ing winning slot players
53:49 Bad gambling books
57:22 VP: The random number generator
Next LiveStream: Cinco de Mayo 2022
Trivia question left hanging: At 6:57, do you recognize the waterfall?
Quote: GialmereTrivia question left hanging: At 6:57, do you recognize the waterfall?
I'm thinking it was maybe used in an ad for Kool cigarettes.
Quote: GialmereQuote: GialmereTrivia question left hanging: At 6:57, do you recognize the waterfall?
I'm thinking it was maybe used in an add for Kool cigarettes.
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Quote: smoothgrhAs a slot machine collector, I'm interested in the machine that you own. I've never seen that model! Can you describe which company made it, how old it is, and something interesting about it?
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I'll answer this on the air, but it's made by IGT. It looks like the model number is 613. It doesn't seem to have a title. It has four reels and pays both directions. Uses real quarters.
I'd be interested in selling it. Be warned that it is very heavy. I needed two burly men to lift it on that black filing cabinet.
Quote: WizardQuote: smoothgrhAs a slot machine collector, I'm interested in the machine that you own. I've never seen that model! Can you describe which company made it, how old it is, and something interesting about it?
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I'll answer this on the air, but it's made by IGT. It looks like the model number is 613. It doesn't seem to have a title. It has four reels and pays both directions. Uses real quarters.
I'd be interested in selling it. Be warned that it is very heavy. I needed two burly men to lift it on that black filing cabinet.
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Apologies if I was unclear. I'm interested in learning more about it, not buying it.
That's quite interesting it's made by IGT because I've never seen one so old. Usually IGT machines that float around go back to around 1990 at the earliest. I look forward to hearing more about it!
Quote: smoothgrhApologies if I was unclear. I'm interested in learning more about it, not buying it.
That's quite interesting it's made by IGT because I've never seen one so old. Usually IGT machines that float around go back to around 1990 at the earliest. I look forward to hearing more about it!
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No worries. I'll try to remember to play it on the next show.
Yes, it's pretty old. About as old as video slots get, I imagine. Small cathode ray monitor and uses actual coins.
I bought a house in Vegas a few years ago and the machine was so heavy the owner didn't want to transport it so he threw it in with the sale. Getting it to my home office was not an easy task.
Quote: WizardQuote: smoothgrhApologies if I was unclear. I'm interested in learning more about it, not buying it.
That's quite interesting it's made by IGT because I've never seen one so old. Usually IGT machines that float around go back to around 1990 at the earliest. I look forward to hearing more about it!
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No worries. I'll try to remember to play it on the next show.
Yes, it's pretty old. About as old as video slots get, I imagine. Small cathode ray monitor and uses actual coins.
I bought a house in Vegas a few years ago and the machine was so heavy the owner didn't want to transport it so he threw it in with the sale. Getting it to my home office was not an easy task.
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I used to have one of the old Odyssey machines and that thing was ridiculously heavy.

Quote: DRichI used to have one of the old Odyssey machines and that thing was ridiculously heavy.
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Was that the Silicon Gaming machine?
Quote: WizardQuote: DRichI used to have one of the old Odyssey machines and that thing was ridiculously heavy.
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Was that the Silicon Gaming machine?
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Yes, I did some contract work for them helping to build their Wide Area Progressive.
Stream Date: 05-05-2022
Length: 01:04:03
Topic: Ask Me Anything
00:01 Slots: The Wizard's slot machine
04:21 Mexico trivia (throughout show)
05:07 Video Poker: Wizard tips
07:48 Rubik's Cubes & magic tricks
14:40 Poker: AI vs human
15:41 Slots: Advantage players
18:36 Popular table games
20:50 Video Poker: Progressives
24:35 Craps: Blind players
28:46 Vegas pedestrian bridges
31:20 Mexican license plates
37:38 Live poker vs video poker
39:48 Craps: House edges
45:00 Smarty Pants 6
52:37 Online gambling in California
53:22 Roulette: Can it be beaten?
55:41 Cutting Edge show
57:11 Backing off players
1:00:23 Disc Golf
Next LiveStream: 05/19/2022
Smarty Pants 6
It looks like a mid- to late-1980s machine. I love the cheesy slogans and the fact that you have to pull the handle.
The graphics look appealing — I recall seeing some early video slot machines and thought "who would want to play THAT?!"
-What was the license plate state and number on the plate Richard Dreyfus removed from the dead sharks body when he was examing the contents of its stomach in the movie Jaws?
Questions for Wizard:
1) In your expert opinion, how much do you think a yellow letters-on-black California license plate that says "MM" is worth?
2) How much would you be willing to pay for it, including its bonus NFT?
Quote: rxwineWhat was the license plate state and number on the plate Richard Dreyfus removed from the dead sharks body when he was examing the contents of its stomach in the movie Jaws?
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That's a good one. I simply don't know.
Quote: smoothgrhSo weird! In my Googling today unrelated to the Wizard, I came across a news article about a California license plate "MM" potentially being sold for $24 million, so I came here looking for discussion. Seems like a bogus amount because the story first appeared in October 2021 and articles this week cite the same price tag.
Questions for Wizard:
1) In your expert opinion, how much do you think a yellow letters-on-black California license plate that says "MM" is worth?
2) How much would you be willing to pay for it, including its bonus NFT?
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1. I know that vanity license plates can go for a lot of money. I read somewhere of someone paying several million dollars for license plate 1 in, I think, the UAE. I am not aware of what is so special about MM. Before today, I might have thought if that went to auction it might get $5,000 or so.
2. I'm not sure I would even want it. Maybe if it were MS, my initials, I would pay $500 or so.
Quote: WizardQuote: rxwineWhat was the license plate state and number on the plate Richard Dreyfus removed from the dead sharks body when he was examing the contents of its stomach in the movie Jaws?
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That's a good one. I simply don't know.
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Spielberg made a connection to James Bond Live and Let Die. See link.
Quote: DeucekiesI'll give you a license plate trivia question as well. What was the license plate on the car featured on the Beatles' Abbey Road album cover? And for a bonus point, what is the apocryphal story behind it?
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I like to ask this one, so I of course know the answer.
It was 28IF. Paul was 28 years old at the time. The whole album cover spawned the "Pawl is dead" legend. I think the license plate was interpreted as "What if Paul died at 28?"
BTW, I saw a 28IF license plate here in Vegas, with a Nevada base, about a month ago.
In other news, the next live stream has been postponed until June 23. I apologize for any inconvenience.