Quote: BozQuote: Beethoven9thI can't believe the number of people who DON'T want the Wizard to keep their donations. That just seems kinda tacky, IMHO. Hell, one member has even come up with ways to donate the Wizard's own money. Geez.
Yea, it was me ASSHOLE. Mike offered to donate the money I gave to him back. I didn't expect it back, nor did I want it. BUT when he offered it to charity, I am more than willing to give it to a charity I like. You have a problem with that???
TACKY???I don't think so, nor does Mike. Ask him if you are not sure.
I gave the money to someone I RESPECT and will continue to respect.
He offered me the money back and I offered to give it to a LV charity I give too. How much do you give??
I hope you can beat me, but deserving charities deserve it. I have multiple nights per year at my restaurant for local charities, what do you donate?
And I can prove it. You?
+1 Me too...
Here is the message I sent Mike along with 100 bucks. I will take the money back too and donate it to a charity that needs it. I am very happy for Mike and proud to be apart of this site. Good job Mike! Congrats!
June 7th, 2014 at 8:35:24 AM permalink
Member since: Sep 24, 2013
Threads: 41
Posts: 217
Just donated through paypal with no problem. Thank you for this site!
Donation Sent (Unique Transaction ID)
Original Transaction
Date Type Status Details Amount
Jun 7, 2014 Donation To Wizard of Odds Consulting Completed ... -$100.00 USD
Related Transaction
Date Type Status Details Amount
Jun 7, 2014 Add Funds from a Bank Account Completed Your transfer from your bank account to your PayPal account is complete.Your transfer from your bank account to your PayPal account is complete. Details $100.00 USD
Business Name:
Wizard of Odds Consulting (The recipient of this payment is Unverified)
Total amount:
-$100.00 USD
Fee amount:
$0.00 USD
Net amount:
-$100.00 USD
Donation Amount:
-$100.00 USD
Wizard of Odds
Jun 7, 2014
08:33:30 PDT
Quote: terapinedB9 is a total troll.
Personal insult -- three-day suspension.
Terapined, I like you, but the rules apply to everybody. Remember that the Goddess of Justice wears a blindfold.

Quote: BozBT9 is a total asshole and adds nothing to the site.
Personal insult -- three-day suspension.
Again, the blindfold thing.
I haven't seen this many suspensions since the Hot Blonde Challenge.
Quote: MoscaI resent that I am being made to feel ungrateful for donating $100 to a complete stranger just because he asked for it, and that I then accepted his unsolicited offer to return it. No good deed goes unpunished, I suppose. Fuck you.
Um...I didn't even have either one of you in mind when I wrote my msg. (I was gonna state who I DID have in mind, but that wouldn't serve any purpose at this point)Quote: BozYea, it was me ASSHOLE. Mike offered to donate the money I gave to him back. I didn't expect it back, nor did I want it. BUT when he offered it to charity, I am more than willing to give it to a charity I like. You have a problem with that???
2 or 3 in 1 day? NO FAIR!Quote: Beethoven9th
Your services are needed in the systems betting thread.
Also some guy just turned 2k into 1 million playing BJ.
Quote: WizardLet me also say that I'll accept as an option that anybody may insist that I keep the money. For example, sometimes fans will buy me dinner or drinks as a show of thanks for my sites. Such offers I have happily accepted in the past. Neither will I insist that a donation be forwarded to charity if somebody wishes to consider their donation as a pure gift for the value received from my sites, regardless of my net worth.
Still, any donations where I don't get any direction what to do will be donated to charity.
My mild criticism included reading the Wizard's statement (i believe initial statement) that he would give back donations if asked. The way it was written suggested to me that it was beyond reproach to ask in the first place, and that giving them back was a chore necessary to appease annoying complainers. Just how it came off to me.
Acknowledging that criticism was valid (which contradicts those who attacked me, so logically, they are attacking the Wizard's opinion--'road paved in good intentions'), and making an effort to give back the donations without solicitation from the givers...I think this new statement is more like the Wizard, and does not deserve criticism from anyone.
Quote: WizardLet me also say that I'll accept as an option that anybody may insist that I keep the money. For example, sometimes fans will buy me dinner or drinks as a show of thanks for my sites. Such offers I have happily accepted in the past. Neither will I insist that a donation be forwarded to charity if somebody wishes to consider their donation as a pure gift for the value received from my sites, regardless of my net worth.
Still, any donations where I don't get any direction what to do will be donated to charity.
Glad I saw this as I would prefer you to have the money and it not be donated to charity!
Quote: MoscaI didn't ask for it, Mike offered it. I never, ever gave a thought to the donation until then. in fact, I had forgotten about it.
To avoid any appearance of being ungrateful, I now insist Mike keep it. Do whatever the fuck you want with it, I don't give a fuck.
Jesus fucking christ.
My agreement with DJTB was not, whatsoever, directed at you. You did not, as you say, ask for it back, but it's very reasonable to accept the Wiz's offer to return it, IMO. I apologize for causing you to think I was criticizing your particular decision.
My first comments on the donations stand, which were that it didn't need further discussion publicly, that a PM to Mike would suffice, and no further judgment on anyone's decision either way.
Sadly, that's not what happened.
It makes me nuts when people win at the casino, and then say they're "playing with house money."
It's the same thing with this issue. Once we sent the money in, it's Mike's money, to do with as he wishes.
Quote: BozQuote: Wizard
I've taken quite a beating for asking for donations and then turning around and selling the sites. There is some validity to the criticism. I will say in my defense that the decision to sell the sites wasn't made until early September and I immediately stopped accepting donations as soon as I knew this was a distinct possibility.
Nevertheless, I have decided to either return or give away to charity ALL donations made at any point.
Quote: Beethoven9th
I can't believe the number of people who DON'T want the Wizard to keep their donations. That just seems kinda tacky, IMHO. Hell, one member has even come up with ways to donate the Wizard's own money. Geez.
I resent that I am being made to feel ungrateful for donating $100 to a complete stranger just because he asked for it, and that I then accepted his unsolicited offer to return it. No good deed goes unpunished, I suppose. Fuck you.
If this is what MOSCA is suspended for, suspend me for the 14 days I am due. He is responding to someone (BT9) who should have been gone a long time ago. I am assuming this was from BBB, Misson, Face or one of the mods I respect. BT9 is a total asshole and adds nothing to the site. And deep down you know it.
And if I am wrong on why he was suspended, nevermind..carry on
And Babs..Yes I called it, but it doesn't always make it right
And MOSCA is one of the best members on here. Just look at his contributions.
FWIW, I have had nothing to do with suspensions in this thread to date; that is about to end. However, I would have been forced to take the same actions in order to objectively moderate this board, despite there being 3 good members involved in them.
Quote: Beethoven9th
I can't believe the number of people who DON'T want the Wizard to keep their donations. That just seems kinda tacky, IMHO. Hell, one member has even come up with ways to donate the Wizard's own money. Geez.
This post is a complete troll. It is absolutely NONE of Beethoven's business what happens between the Wizard and ANY other member in reference to money freely given and freely returned. It only serves to insult those good members on this board who accepted the offer the Wizard made to return their funds, with thanks. As such, and given his past banning for trolling, I am banning Beethoven9th, nuclear option.
I have put up with months of insults and snide remarks from him and his friends on this board, and in PM after issuing his first trolling ban, including his signature at DT and other places, while watching him continue to troll people on DT, where I am not a moderator. His posts are often toxic, insidious, and provocative, many written merely to enrage or condescend to other members. He has chosen to return to active posting status here the last couple weeks, and continue his campaign of strewing confusion and discontent, if not hate, in this forum as well. Enough. Let him take responsibility for his posts, as others have had to do in responding to him.
So this is where the rubber meets the road, for me anyway, about where this forum is headed in the future. If Mike and the other moderators support this decision, I will remain as a moderator on this site, serving at the pleasure of Mike and Zuga. If they do not, then I will exit, with thanks to Mike and many other members and moderators.
No drama intended. Just the facts, ma'am. I will be offline the rest of the day and check in very late tonight.
Quote: beachbumbabsThis post is a complete troll. It is absolutely NONE of Beethoven's business what happens between the Wizard and ANY other member in reference to money freely given and freely returned. It only serves to insult those good members on this board who accepted the offer the Wizard made to return their funds, with thanks. As such, and given his past banning for trolling, I am banning Beethoven9th, nuclear option.
I have put up with months of insults and snide remarks from him and his friends on this board, and in PM after issuing his first trolling ban, including his signature at DT and other places, while watching him continue to troll people on DT, where I am not a moderator. His posts are often toxic, insidious, and provocative, many written merely to enrage or condescend to other members. He has chosen to return to active posting status here the last couple weeks, and continue his campaign of strewing confusion and discontent, if not hate, in this forum as well. Enough. Let him take responsibility for his posts, as others have had to do in responding to him.
So this is where the rubber meets the road, for me anyway, about where this forum is headed in the future. If Mike and the other moderators support this decision, I will remain as a moderator on this site, serving at the pleasure of Mike and Zuga. If they do not, then I will exit, with thanks to Mike and many other members and moderators.
No drama intended. Just the facts, ma'am. I will be offline the rest of the day and check in very late tonight.
This post is a complete troll. It is absolutely NONE of Beethoven's business what happens between the Wizard and ANY other member in reference to money freely given and freely returned. It only serves to insult those good members on this board who accepted the offer the Wizard made to return their funds, with thanks. As such, and given his past banning for trolling, I am banning Beethoven9th, nuclear option.
I couldn't agree more! Good on ya BBB!
I would suggest Bob's however you would be over paying.
Mike, You have built this site from nothing. A lot of hard work and sweat over many years. It is your child if you will. Mike, if you raised 100k to 200k would you have sold your pride and joy? Also wanted to add this. It is us the people here who have made this site successful. We, well not me so much are the people giving our input on a daily basis to help others all around the world. It would be nice to hear a much appreciated than you from the old owner and new owners. No one is entitled to anything. If they both have sent their sincere thank you to us all in pervious post im glad and sorry I didn't read it earlier.
You, the members of this forum have helped me immensely. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Yes this site has helped me as well with all the information. I know there will be big changes. Some we will like some we will hate. But it is what it is. Kind of like the sale of a momma and papa shop being bought up by a huge conglomerate. The political BS, structure, uniformity, rules, site changes and such. I wish Zuga and his company the best. It was a great business decision for them. Mike too! I think.
Talking about Mosca and Terapined being suspended by parties unknown.
Bad enough Terapined had to apologize to Zuga on LCB for an innocent remark. And now to get suspended here on his home forum ?
Both are true gentleman and in all likelihood will return. May I be the first to say WELCOME BACK !
But even a jerk like me is entitled to his opinion. And have to agree with BOB. I only went to 11th grade. Somebody explain to me exactly when do a comment become trolling ? I know Lady Justice is blind, but she is not mute. TROLL is an accusation it seems all too often used by people too lazy to block someone or who disagree with a poster's comments.
I mean an insult is easily identified. But a trolling comment versus stating one's honest opinion ? If having other people disagree or resent what is posted makes somebody a TROLL, me and Evenbob deserve a lifetime suspension !
Quote: BuzzardB
Bad enough Terapined had to apologize to Zuga on LCB for an innocent remark.
Dude what is your problem? Maybe it was an innocent remark, maybe it was not. The way it was worded was insinuating that I was not being honest.
I never asked for an apology , but they gave one . And Ive given my thank you to that post. Case closed..
You have been on a constant attack, and I have given you a lot of benefit of a doubt. But no, you have to involve me in every single post, and have a stab.
Not to mention that you have been trolling from the day one I made my first post.
I understand you have a problem with this purchase. Get over it and lay off would ya?
Your command of the English language is excellent. However an American might say I "can I mail you a picture." An Australian will say " can I post you a view."
"Maybe it was an innocent remark, maybe it was not." If you still think Terapined was calling you a liar, I feel you have misjudged the man.
I will make it easy for you and refrain from posting. Good luck with your purchase.
Quote: ZugaI understand you have a problem with this purchase. Get over it and lay off would ya?
Nobody "has a problem" with "this purchase".
It's a soap opera, like when it "slipped" that Bodog went Bovada. Another "big secret" not told the right way, apparently.
Tradegy, comedy, satire, and romance. And, Irony.
Quote: MoosetonLol at the last few comments. I donated $100. The value that your sites served me was at least worth that much. I prefer you keep it.
The WOO and WOV were important to us, and provided great service and discussion in our gaming and gambling lives. Can't picture the industry or gambling without it once exposed to it and participating. Mike asked for optional donations out of humble and dire need, and out of gratitude and appreciation some contributed. Fine. When he got One Big donation in the form of the sale, this doesn't nullify the intent or change the status of any earlier donations, IMO. Water under the bridge that passed.
The fact that Mike offered to refund those who felt wronged by the sale (and a key word here is "feel"), please get passed it. There were no strings attached to most donations, I believe.
Quote: PaigowdanThe WOO and WOV were important to us, and provided great service and discussion in our gaming and gambling lives. Can't picture the industry or gambling without it once exposed to it and participating. Mike asked for optional donations out of humble and dire need, and out of gratitude and appreciation some contributed. Fine. When he got One Big donation in the form of the sale, this doesn't nullify the intent or change the status of any earlier donations, IMO. Water under the bridge that passed.
The fact that Mike offered to refund those who felt wronged by the sale (and a key word here is "feel"), please get passed it. There were no strings attached to most donations, I believe.Quote: TaraBCTradegy, comedy, satire, and romance. And, Irony.
And yes, at the expense of the poor persons who become caught up in 'em.
Maybe, in the next life it's you. "From Zuga to Zero", and versa? Who really knows the reasons things happen.
Heck, maybe, in this life.
Quote: ZugaDude what is your problem? Maybe it was an innocent remark, maybe it was not. The way it was worded was insinuating that I was not being honest.
I never asked for an apology , but they gave one . And Ive given my thank you to that post. Case closed..
You have been on a constant attack, and I have given you a lot of benefit of a doubt. But no, you have to involve me in every single post, and have a stab.
Not to mention that you have been trolling from the day one I made my first post.
I understand you have a problem with this purchase. Get over it and lay off would ya?
I think he's been like that for a while.
Quote: ams288+1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Quote: ZugaDude what is your problem? Maybe it was an innocent remark, maybe it was not. The way it was worded was insinuating that I was not being honest.
I never asked for an apology , but they gave one . And Ive given my thank you to that post. Case closed..
You have been on a constant attack, and I have given you a lot of benefit of a doubt. But no, you have to involve me in every single post, and have a stab.
Not to mention that you have been trolling from the day one I made my first post.
I understand you have a problem with this purchase. Get over it and lay off would ya?
Yep there are definately language nuances, I'm sure you are exposed regularly to them at home.
I know you know the answer to this one. "What do you call a person in Europe who only speaks one language"? That may apply here. It is the only "language" he knows. [multiple he's] I do believe there is no malice intended. fwiw
I think everyone here wishes you good luck, in their own way. The site has become home for some without better things to do. Having had it so good for the majority of our lives, is it hard to understand that most will resist change and few will embrace it?
I think you are looking at your purchase of the "sites" as a business decision, while others may view the new ownership as an eviction notice to an already declining life style.
ps: this may be a surprise to you but when you refer to an older man as "Dude", you have insulted him..just so ya know
Is that right? Never bothers me, even in person let alone in the virtual reality of the Internet. Different strokes I suppose.Quote: petroglyph
ps: this may be a surprise to you but when you refer to an older man as "Dude", you have insulted him..just so ya know
Quote: PaigowdanThe WOO and WOV were important to us, and provided great service and discussion in our gaming and gambling lives. Can't picture the industry or gambling without it once exposed to it and participating. Mike asked for optional donations out of humble and dire need, and out of gratitude and appreciation some contributed. Fine. When he got One Big donation in the form of the sale, this doesn't nullify the intent or change the status of any earlier donations, IMO. Water under the bridge that passed.
The fact that Mike offered to refund those who felt wronged by the sale (and a key word here is "feel"), please get passed it. There were no strings attached to most donations, I believe.
WOO & WOV are still valuable to me too. I'm glad for Mr. Shackleford and merely wanted to him to keep my donation. I don't feel wronged in any way from the sale. I'm not sure why you quoted me here. Maybe my comment was misinterpreted. The Wizard offered a choice of donating it or keeping it. I went with keep it, that's all. My lol was at whoever was swearing in their posts over this. No need to get all worked up over some good fortune for the Wiz.
And a little OT but I feel BBB was a little out of line with the B9 nuke. I totally agreed with B9's post and didn't feel it was a troll at all. But it doesn't really matter to me, just putting my 2 cents out there.
Na na na na, na na na na, hey, hey, hey, goodbye!
I actually considered volunteering to serve Mosca's suspension, but then two other people got suspended for essentially the same thing, so that was out.
Quote: ZugaIf anyone still thinks there is a lang or a cultural barrier here, please go thru Buzzards posts in the last 4-5 days and you will understand why I said what I said in my previous post.
I have to break my word to defend my good name, such as it is. You said more in your post that did not include me.
" "Maybe it was an innocent remark, maybe it was not." If you still think Terapined was calling you a liar, I feel you have misjudged the man.
I stand by that. And yes, being called DUDE at age 74 is an insult. I overlooked it due to cultural differences.
If you don't like what I post, just refrain from using my name and you will see no more posts from me.
Oh by the way, this from LCB
" Posting - The whole point of a forum, posting allows users to express themselves. "
I will consider any further responses in the manner of your latest to be trolling !
Here is a simple solution to my postings that you find offensive.
Say no More Say no More
Quote: chickenmanIs that right? Never bothers me, even in person let alone in the virtual reality of the Internet. Different strokes I suppose.Quote: Quote: petroglyphps: this may be a surprise to you but when you refer to an older man as "Dude", you have insulted him..just so ya know
Ditto. News to me. And it's a lot better than "geezer"...
Quote: chickenmanIs that right? Never bothers me, even in person let alone in the virtual reality of the Internet. Different strokes I suppose.
Well maybe now that you know, it might bother you?
Haven't you at least wondered why people would be calling you dude?
Different "strokes" indeed.
Lets put it this way, you shown absolutely no respect to me from the day one. You mentioned me in almost every single post of yours, and some of those posts had nothing to do with me but yet u had to call me out.
You also attacked one of my LCB Team members. For you this is some kind of twisted game, and I do not appreciate it one bit.
If you don't like what I post, just refrain from using my name and you will see no more posts from me.
You sir a hypocrite of the worst kind. You dare to say this given that fact the you used my name in majority of ur posts since I joined the forum.
For you this seems to be a game. This from one of your earlier posts:
Quote: BuzzardI gotta go. This is getting too easy.LOL
The above quote is just to illustrate your absolute trolling and the lack of respect.
And now you have the nerve to lecture me , and even get offended that I used the word " dude" .
I m going to give you a friendly piece of advice. I am big on respect. If you show me none , you shall receive none.
Respect sir is earned. As much as I liked Mike before, this past year he has really earned my respect. Easy to be a nice guy when everything is going your way. The real test of a man is how he handles tuff times.
If your latest post does not qualify as TROLLING, what does ?
" I'm going to give you a friendly piece of advice. I am big on respect. If you show me none , you shall receive none.
Zuga "
And personal insult : " You sir a hypocrite of the worst kind. "
Respectfully Buzzard
Quote: DJTeddyBearDitto. News to me. And it's a lot better than "geezer"...
Put me on board about not knowing about dude. Must be generational.
There are a whole lot of words I don't use on "bosses' and my "parents", and dude would qualify as one. But that doesn't make it specially offensive.
(some workplaces are super casual, but I never worked in one in my life)
Quote: DJTeddyBearDitto. News to me. And it's a lot better than "geezer"...
What would be wrong with addressing someone by their name or chosen "handle" or choice of nickname? Is slick, or stud, or big fella or other ambigous terms also acceptable?
Should a poster feel free to call someone by any slang which suits them?
I have never thought of you as disrespectful, but consider of the hundreds of slang terms one might use to indicate another person some might carry certainly unflattering conotations.
Without me looking it up. "Cowboy" was first coined as a phrase as a derogatory name for men who worked cattle.
Dude was originally invented by cattle ranchers to mean, "city slicker" with big hat but no cattle. An imposter or pretender.
Dude is an American English slang term[1] for an individual. It typically applies to males, although the word can encompass all genders.
Dude is an old term, recognized by multiple generations although potentially with slightly different meanings.[2] From the 1870s to the 1960s, dude primarily meant a person who dressed in an extremely fashion-forward manner (a dandy) or a citified person who was visiting a rural location but stuck out (a city slicker). In the 1960s, dude evolved to mean any male person, a meaning that slipped into mainstream American slang in the 1970s. Current slang retains at
least some use of all three of these common meanings.
What happened to Mikes house Mikes rules, no name calling? Wasn't it supposed to be the same?
Quote: BuzzardSomehow I knew you would reply. As far as lecturing you, I was giving you an opportunity to say you had misjudged Terapined. You chose not to.
Respect sir is earned. As much as I liked Mike before, this past year he has really earned my respect. Easy to be a nice guy when everything is going your way. The real test of a man is how he handles tuff times.
If your latest post does not qualify as TROLLING, what does ?
" I'm going to give you a friendly piece of advice. I am big on respect. If you show me none , you shall receive none.
Zuga "
And personal insult : " You sir a hypocrite of the worst kind. "
Respectfully Buzzard
Nope, that's not trolling. Trolling is taking a position to create a reaction for poops and giggles. Zuga ain't trolling you. Just cos you react, doesn't mean he was trolling.
Quote: WizardLet me also say that I'll accept as an option that anybody may insist that I keep the money. For example, sometimes fans will buy me dinner or drinks as a show of thanks for my sites. Such offers I have happily accepted in the past. Neither will I insist that a donation be forwarded to charity if somebody wishes to consider their donation as a pure gift for the value received from my sites, regardless of my net worth.
Still, any donations where I don't get any direction what to do will be donated to charity.
Keep it if you like, It was for you. Congrats on the sale I was happy for you after going to your site for years and never clicking on a single add. I am glad someone paid you well for all the work you have done.
Quote: petroglyphWhat would be wrong with addressing someone by their name or chosen "handle" or choice of nickname? Is slick, or stud, or big fella or other ambigous terms also acceptable?
Should a poster feel free to call someone by any slang which suits them?
I have never thought of you as disrespectful, but consider of the hundreds of slang terms one might use to indicate another person some might carry certainly unflattering conotations.
Without me looking it up. "Cowboy" was first coined as a phrase as a derogatory name for men who worked cattle.
Dude was originally invented by cattle ranchers to mean, "city slicker" with big hat but no cattle. An imposter or pretender.
Dude is an American English slang term[1] for an individual. It typically applies to males, although the word can encompass all genders.
Dude is an old term, recognized by multiple generations although potentially with slightly different meanings.[2] From the 1870s to the 1960s, dude primarily meant a person who dressed in an extremely fashion-forward manner (a dandy) or a citified person who was visiting a rural location but stuck out (a city slicker). In the 1960s, dude evolved to mean any male person, a meaning that slipped into mainstream American slang in the 1970s. Current slang retains at
least some use of all three of these common meanings.
What happened to Mikes house Mikes rules, no name calling? Wasn't it supposed to be the same?
I'd heard it had come from Yankee DOODle Dandy... who stuck a feather in his cap.
Quote: thecesspitNope, that's not trolling. Trolling is taking a position to create a reaction for poops and giggles. Zuga ain't trolling you. Just cos you react, doesn't mean he was trolling.
Thanks for that explanation. Now could you please explain to me why this is not a personal insult.
" You sir a hypocrite of the worst kind "
Thanks in advance for your prompt reply.
Quote: BuzzardSomehow I knew you would reply. As far as lecturing you, I was giving you an opportunity to say you had misjudged Terapined. You chose not to.
You gave me an opportunity?? Excuse me but who died and made you pope? It is none of your business and if Terapined has anything to say he can say it at LCB forum. Which he did btw.
Quote: Buzzard
Respect sir is earned.
In so many words you just proved that your posts were disrespectful. I rest my case.
Quote: Buzzard
If your latest post does not qualify as TROLLING, what does ?
" I'm going to give you a friendly piece of advice. I am big on respect. If you show me none , you shall receive none.
Zuga "
My last comment is just what it says, a piece of advice.
Anyways I am done arguing you. You left me no choice but to suspend you.
Quote: BuzzardThanks for that explanation. Now could you please explain to me why this is not a personal insult.
" You sir a hypocrite of the worst kind "
Thanks in advance for your prompt reply.
I was simply stating the facts. You accused me of using your good name in my post ( which was in reply to yours ), but you have been attacking me in all ur posts.
You said :
Quote:If you don't like what I post, just refrain from using my name and you will see no more posts from me.
Hard to believe that would ever happen when You kept on using my name in a majority of your posts. And not once I gave you the reason to attack me or be disrespectful and to use my name in all your posts.
So that statement is hypocritical.
I originally thought the post about "dude" was an age related thing.
Now having read your post about its history, I can understand. But considering that your own post continues to say that "dude" has become a mainstream term, the potential insult does not apply. Add the cultural issues that have already been mentioned several times, and you have no choice but to give leeway. So using "dude" is not an insult.
You missed it. I'm saying I'm from the Mott the Hoople generation, been called honky by blacks, have thick skin. Didn't mean to ring your bell on this one, but what's in a name? Thought the Bard of Avon put that one to bed long, long ago. Wrong again. Must have been yet another senior moment :)Quote: petroglyphWhat would be wrong with addressing someone by their name or chosen "handle" or choice of nickname? Is slick, or stud, or big fella or other ambigous terms also acceptable?
Should a poster feel free to call someone by any slang which suits them?
I have never thought of you as disrespectful, but consider of the hundreds of slang terms one might use to indicate another person some might carry certainly unflattering conotations.
Without me looking it up. "Cowboy" was first coined as a phrase as a derogatory name for men who worked cattle.
Dude was originally invented by cattle ranchers to mean, "city slicker" with big hat but no cattle. An imposter or pretender.
Dude is an American English slang term[1] for an individual. It typically applies to males, although the word can encompass all genders.
Dude is an old term, recognized by multiple generations although potentially with slightly different meanings.[2] From the 1870s to the 1960s, dude primarily meant a person who dressed in an extremely fashion-forward manner (a dandy) or a citified person who was visiting a rural location but stuck out (a city slicker). In the 1960s, dude evolved to mean any male person, a meaning that slipped into mainstream American slang in the 1970s. Current slang retains at
least some use of all three of these common meanings.
What happened to Mikes house Mikes rules, no name calling? Wasn't it supposed to be the same?