Quote: WizardofnothingJust stopped at a casino in Midwest where everything over 200 was a hand pay and any cash out at the cashier over 25 required id WTF
Same ainsworth machine had a meter move on must hits of 1 penny per 25 dollars which might be the worst I have ever seen
That's what I get for jumping in a must hit of 400 and 397 and thinking I was stealing money
ID for cash out over $25 ? Wow never seen that before,and Iv'e played in a lot of dumps.
Usually when something like this happens they want your ID for other reasons I'd think.

Result: http://i.imgur.com/qW9l9ZZ.jpg
A few months ago:

1st time getting different quads w/multipliers on the same day
(~$100 total coin-in total for that day)

if the odds of getting quads are ~1:600, then I'm running hot.
I've gotten like 5 quads in the last 600 hands, and the last 3 had multipliers (this plus my 3/16 post above).
unfortunately, all have been at $.05 or .10 denom
Once every sixty hands
Quote: WizardofnothingWell odds of quads on that game are around
Once every sixty hands
I'm counting the 10play as 10hands.
Anyway, we came across a deuces wild machine and I said ah hell, I'll play $20. My mom stopped me and gave me a $20 of her own and told me to play it for her instead of playing with my own money, I guess because I was down for the trip and my mom was up. Moms are nice like that!
So I put it in and was just treading water for a while and eventually got back to where I started. There was about 10 minutes left until the theater opened, so I asked her if she just wanted me to cash out, and she said it was up to me - so of course I kept playing. Then a few hands later, the KTQA of hearts showed up on the screen. My mom was watching behind me so I told her to press the draw button, but she told me to do it, and we went back and forth for a minute before I told her she should do it because it's her money and it'd be bad juju if I did it. So she did, and guess what came out?

My mom noticeably jumped, and I stood up out of my chair, and my gf came running over because she said we both had a really strange look on our faces lol. My mom of course was elated, since it was her very first royal (and only my 2nd!), and being the mom that she is, she gave me half of it!
Quote: malgoriumMy mom of course was elated, since it was her very first royal (and only my 2nd!), and being the mom that she is, she gave me half of it!
Quote: AxelWolfLucky you, considering all's Kenty ever got from his mom was is ass beat for giving himself a bad hair cut.
On the other hand, there sure seem to be a lot of pictures of royals with a ten in the middle position. I know there are a lot more combinations with this trait, but it seems like we have more than an average number of pictures like this posted.

The only reason I am posting this is because most people do not hold the Ace when playing Deuces Bonus.
Quote: 100xOdds
if the odds of getting quads are ~1:600, then I'm running hot.
I've gotten like 5 quads in the last 600 hands, and the last 3 had multipliers (this plus my 3/16 post).
unfortunately, all have been at $.05 or .10 denom
1a) Not only am I running hot on quads, it's now special quads.
The 2 below were on the same day. that's 3 in a row (see pic above, which was last week).

1b) My 1st DEALT quads with kicker:

Wished there was one multiplier LESS so no w2-G :(
yeah, #1stWorldProblem
and this pic just because I love it when I salvage a one card hold on a high denom machine:
your link is blank.
anyway, I had a STRAIGHT up good time last nite:

This is the 1st time I got dealt a hand better than 3OaK more than once in a nite on a multi-line machine
Quote: tjanos88Where was this where 4 deuces wild paid 2500 credits?
Probably "Loose Deuces". They can be found at lots of casinos.

yes, it's nickels but it brings extra joy to me when one of the hands is 4figures
(250 x 4= 1000)
Quote: DRichProbably "Loose Deuces". They can be found at lots of casinos.
In Vegas maybe. I've haven't seen that game outside of Nevada in years. My mom used to play it a lot at Ameristar St. Charles. Probably hard to find outside of Vegas because 12/8 = 99.19% is the generally the worst paytable available.
And I missed 100X odds handpay. Nice hit! Still waiting to pull that one off.
Quote: tringlomaneIn Vegas maybe. I've haven't seen that game outside of Nevada in years. My mom used to play it a lot at Ameristar St. Charles. Probably hard to find outside of Vegas because 12/8 = 99.19% is the generally the worst paytable available.
And I missed 100X odds handpay. Nice hit! Still waiting to pull that one off.
Yes, one of the better "worst" paytables. There are a few available in California and Michigan if you feel like taking a road trip.
Opps, gotta figure out pics for this board.
Use the [ i m g = ...] tag (obviously no spaces).Quote: DDBFirst dealt royal I ever had. Playing Dream Card, but still...
Opps, gotta figure out pics for this board.

I had my first jackpot/handpay April 2nd at the Silverton in Las Vegas. We already had locked up a win on this trip, so even without this hitting it was a great vegas trip. I splurged and bought 2 VIP Tickets to Mike Tyson's stand up show the night before at MGM. We got to meet him after the show and take a picture with Iron Mike, definitely something I'll always remember. Anyways, my girlfriend and I were killing time waiting for our shuttle to pick us up to take us to the airport, and 30 minutes before it arrived I hit this. I normally play 25c JoB (before discovering UX), but I threw in $200 and decided to take a shot at $1 TDB. I'm still learning correct strategy for that game, but who needs strategy when the machine deals you quads with the kicker?

Tonight I played craps for a few hours, won $200 and took it straight to Ultimate X. That game has kicked my ass the last 3 times I've played it, but within 5 minutes of sitting down I hit this. Rewind a few nights ago, and I see a guy hit a $20k jackpot on UX. I wandered off to play craps, and an hour later he was still bangin it out on the machines. I thought it was so stupid, how could someone continue to play after hitting that? Well, I succumbed to the same sickness, and after hitting this continued to play and ended up giving half of it back. I did however make it to the next tier (platinum at Harrahs) so I'm hoping they'll start sending mailers soon. I've only been playing at Harrahs for a little over a month now.
Also, my girlfriend has hit 4 royal flushes all within the last 10 months. We arent serious gamblers, its not like we're at the casino everyweekend. I'll post up those pictures next time. Good luck out there guys
Nice hit... $125/pull for that machine... I'd be interested in seeing the pay table lol.Quote: Wizardofnothinghttps://imgur.com/a/4foYl
Quote: RomesNice hit... $125/pull for that machine... I'd be interested in seeing the pay table lol.
I wondered what the session totals were ;-)Quote: RomesNice hit... $125/pull for that machine... I'd be interested in seeing the pay table lol.
Pretty pic though.....
blasted 5 coin math stuck in my head.Quote: DRich$150
He's at 9 or 10 royals in the past 2 months, all of them $16K and $40K.
Quote: RomesNice hit... $125/pull for that machine... I'd be interested in seeing the pay table lol.
It's definitely not full pay. 8/5 (99.55%) pays 230 coins for 5-K, not 225. It's probably 7/5 (98.29%). Still a nice hit though.
And 9 or 10 royals in two months? Hell I have yet to have that many in my life. :(
Quad Aces! but wrong game :(
Quote: 100xOddsDealt quads with kicker! Oh wait...
Quad Aces! but wrong game :(
I'd like that minute of my life back. Seriously... please don't.
Quote: WizardofnothingTalk about a thread hijack- those aren't even worth taking a picture lol - congrats on the big hits
it was meant to be more humorous than jackpot.
guess it wasn't funny :(
when you're so used to playing db and ddb, seeing 125 for quad aces is a doh
Quote: 100xOdds...when you're so used to playing db and ddb, seeing 125 for quad aces is a doh
Played DW all day yesterday. Natural aces twice, 3's twice, dealt 4444A once... talk about wrong game...
Disregard whatever they are saying and post whatever you want. A 1000 coin hit on dimes isn't too shabby, especially if you found an abandoned multiplier.Quote: 100xOddsit was meant to be more humorous than jackpot. :(
when you're so used to playing db and ddb, seeing 125 for quad aces is a doh
And it's always slightly annoying to get Aces on non ace bonus games.
My only complaint about this picture.....
Quote: AxelWolfDisregard whatever they are saying and post whatever you want. A 1000 coin hit on dimes isn't too shabby, especially if you found an abandoned multiplier.
And it's always slightly annoying to get Aces on non ace bonus games.
My only complaint about this picture.....
and I thought of u when I held the kicker.
but I thought the humor (to me) of posting 'Dealt quads with kicker.. Wait a sec..' out weighed it.
Quote: IbeatyouracesPlayed DW all day yesterday. Natural aces twice, 3's twice, dealt 4444A once... talk about wrong game...
yeesh... the gambling gods are having a good laugh right now
Quote: AxelWolfDisregard whatever they are saying and post whatever you want. A 1000 coin hit on dimes isn't too shabby, especially if you found an abandoned multiplier.
And it's always slightly annoying to get Aces on non ace bonus games.
My only complaint about this picture.....
Don't disregard anything- it's the jackpot thread. I don't really want to screw up the forum by clicking on jackpot threads and it's not jackpots- that's why they have thread titles- Make one- would have been a jackpot if I had the bankroll to play higher denom lolNo longer hiring, don’t ask because I won’t hire you either
Quote: 100xOddsyeesh... the gambling gods are having a good laugh right now
Yeah lol. I'm being punished for those five fast royals I've gotten recently.