Quote: SonuvabishIs there realistically anything worse than doubling blackjack? I've seen that multiple times. It turns into 11, and you lose the +1/2 bonus.
Doubling blackjack for less.
A couple of months back I was at the Borgata AC playing BJ. This guy in his early 20’s – I will refer to him as “the expert” – and his eye candy girlfriend in a body hugging tight mini skirt (I am not complaining, just stating a fact) approach our table.
So I’m at first base and the shoe ends so the dealer starts to shuffle the cards. The expert sits down at the seat next to third base with eye candy standing right next to him. As he sits down, he lays $500 on the table, plus his players club card and a BS card. As the dealer shuffles, he is “educating” eye candy on the fundamentals of the game, “…you see if you play perfect BS, in the long run the house advantage is reduced to as little as one half of one percent, even smaller depending on the table rules….so you always have to take advantage of optimal strategy like when to split and when double down, etc…” And he went on and on for the entire duration of the dealer shuffle. And conceptually, everything he said was 100% accurate. And while he is standing on is soapbox preaching to eye candy, he occasionally references his BS card, “…see if you have a hard 16, you surrender against a dealer 9, 10, Ace….” And eye candy is trying to follow what the expert is saying but it’s obvious she wasn’t getting it.
So fast forward to a few hands into the shoe, the expert is flat betting $75 a hand and he references his BS card for each hand. At this point he is down about $150 when he is dealt a pair of 8’s. He immediately starts cheering, clapping his hands and pumping his fist as if he was just dealt a royal flush on a Let It Ride table. Eye candy asks what happened, and the expert says, “THIS is the hand I’ve been waiting for, see (pointing to the BS card), now I am going to split the 8s and THEN double down each hand – it’s a guarantee!!” Now as he said this, nothing registered in my head yet because to be honest, I was only focusing on two things, 1) my own hand and 2) eye candy. But when it finally sunk in what he said, I looked down at his hand to see what he was talking about. At this point he already has split the hand and was dealt a 10 for his first split for a hard 18. Without hesitation, he picks up three more green chips and says double. The dealer questions him to see if he is sure he wants do double, and the expert says absolutely. And the expert is dealt a 5, and busts with a 23. As the dealer collects the $150, the expert has a very confused look on his face, he is completely lost as to why BS failed him. So now the expert is dealt a card on his second 8 and he pulls a 6, for a total of 14. With a little hesitation, he picks up three more green chips and doubles his 14 and busts when he draws a 10. As the dealer is collecting another $150 loss, the expert quickly looks at the BS card to see what went wrong. Everyone at the table is pretty much silent, no one tried to stop him, no one said a word. I like to think that everyone was too busy doing what I was doing…watching eye candy. After a beat or two, eye candy breaks the silence by saying, “um…yea…don’t do that again”. The expert then collects his remaining 3 or 4 chips and leaves the table, still unsure why spitting 8’s AND doubling didn’t work.
Now that I think about it, I don’t know if the worst play I witnesses was spitting 8’s and immediately doubling OR dating someone that would split 8’s and immediately double.
Quote: DeucekiesDoubling blackjack for less.
Seems like a good advantage play. If you get a 6 or lower, play it. If you get a 7 or higher, call management and say, "Oops, I didn't want the double up."Quote: AxelWolfSeen a lady get dealt a Royal on triple play .50. she was a local and regular player. She went to hold the cards fast as she seen it come in. No need, as it auto held, but it didn't lock up because it had a double up feature. oops she hit double up. A red 3 pops up as dealers card. She is VERY upset, she dose NOT want anything to do with the double up(she was convinced it's not random). I begged her to sell it to me. I didn't have more then 4k on me. I promised her I would have 2k+ delivered in 20 min. I tried everything I could think of, including her taking a chance with an insurance deal. I upped my offer . I told her she could hold my cash and even sit in the seat until money came. She wouldn't go for any deal. I didn't want to risk getting kicked out, I was already on the casinos radar, so I let it go.
So she called management after much debate and paper work, they let her out of the Double up and they paid her. Then the manager drew the double up card,picking the 3rd position and..... got aIf you guessed a two ...NOPE... it was a 4 of spades
A simulator thing happened with a semi AP, but a 7 came up.
Blackjack, guy has a hard 7 against a dealer 4. Auto-hit, or maybe a double for the gutsy, as a distant option. Instead he chooses to stand on it, with the confident feeling he's got a sure winner since 7>4.
I can't help but wonder if he thought he was at baccarat.
...Which brings to mind the idea of a cross between BJ and baccarat. Hrm.
Quote: VenthusSeveral days back at the Silverton, I believe...
Blackjack, guy has a hard 7 against a dealer 4. Auto-hit, or maybe a double for the gutsy, as a distant option. Instead he chooses to stand on it, with the confident feeling he's got a sure winner since 7>4.
I can't help but wonder if he thought he was at baccarat.
...Which brings to mind the idea of a cross between BJ and baccarat. Hrm.
He was an extremely skilled AP who knew what the hole card and the next card was......or just one of many casino "valued customers". More than likely the latter.
Quote: DeucekiesDoubling blackjack for less.
LOL...true that would be worse.
After losing several hands due to bad play, he got a 20 and tried to hit it. The dealer politely told him that hitting 20 is not recommended. The guy told the dealer he didn't need any advice and to just do what he said. He obviously busted and stormed away from the table about $50 lighter.
When the rest of the party asked him how it went, he angrily told us, "I bet that dealer was counting cards. I'm going to report him to his boss."
Everyone was commenting how he woulda had 2 21s if he woulda not bet his entire bankroll so he could split.
Quote: NeutrinoToday I saw a man went all in with his last $40 chips at the beginning of a shoe after getting whopped on the previous shoe. He gets AA. could not afford to split so he hits it twice, got 2 10s and busted...
Everyone was commenting how he woulda had 2 21s if he woulda not bet his entire bankroll so he could split.
Didn't anyone offer to split with him? I would have practically jumped out of my chair to split with him.
Quote: NeutrinoToday I saw a man went all in with his last $40 chips at the beginning of a shoe after getting whopped on the previous shoe. He gets AA. could not afford to split so he hits it twice, got 2 10s and busted...
Everyone was commenting how he woulda had 2 21s if he woulda not bet his entire bankroll so he could split.
I've been unable to split aces before, in my early days. Hitting soft 12 as opposed to splitting for two non-hittable soft hands is not a horrific play against a strong dealer up card, especially when they have no choice (lack of funds). Someone stood on 6 during my last session (next card was 2, which dealer got to make 18). That is horrific.
I eventually stand on 17. I have played with the guy to my left a few times in the past--likes to double up his bet and eventually get's upset when lose everything (exciting, exhilarating, then fizzles out). He had about $60-75 in play while everyone had about $20. He drew a few cards: 2, 6, and finally 9. I thought, "Wow, that was a lot of cards, good for him..."
No one takes any more cards....Dealer shows a 5 for total of 14, then draws a 7 for 21. (You can hear the gasps from the other players and surrounding friends that was expecting they could beat 19).
Dealer reveals that the guy had a 14 showing. Guy could not count his 22, and took the 9 that the dealer could have busted. That made everyone mad, and since it was a face-down/pitch game, no one got a good view on what he was holding.
A guy had $20 regular bet with $10 side bet. This guy had a A + K suited blackjack which was an automatic $30. win for the blackjack, but he gives that up to double down to hit it. He gets a Q suited with a bonus that paid 200x on a $10. bet. AND instead of getting $30 for the natural blackjack, get got paid $40 for the double.
Crazy how the wrongest plays get rewarded. (But what do *I* know, I would have net $20. Apparently, that was the correct play to get paid $2,040.)
The guy was too drunk to play, he was 3rd base with a 2,2. I got up po'ed when the dealer made a hand with next 3-4 cards.
I got up an left, and loop around to ask the pit boss to do a sobriety check and remove the drunk from my table. (I was there first.)
Quote: sodawaterObviously he didn't want to take the dealer's bust card that the casino makes sure to arrange in the deck whenever the dealer has a low upcard.
Quote: KitKatPlaying at the next normal BJ table. I saw this in a carnival BJ game. Only 1 hit permitted, and if you get 3 cards, you can play a poker hand for the side bet with a variety of payouts.
A guy had $20 regular bet with $10 side bet. This guy had a A + K suited blackjack which was an automatic $30. win for the blackjack, but he gives that up to double down to hit it. He gets a Q suited with a bonus that paid 200x on a $10. bet. AND instead of getting $30 for the natural blackjack, get got paid $40 for the double.
Crazy how the wrongest plays get rewarded. (But what do *I* know, I would have net $20. Apparently, that was the correct play to get paid $2,040.)
Ok, let's see. If the guy stands he gets $30. If he doubles, he is doubling an 11. I don't know what the dealer's upcard was so we don't know the exact equity of a doubled 11 but it's more than $20. So he is paying less than $10 for this double.
If he draws a suited queen, he gets $2000. That alone is worth over $38.
Presumably there are other payouts available to him. An offsuit queen makes him a straight... does that pay? A suited non-queen makes him a flush.. does that pay? An A or K makes him a pair... does that pay? I assume that this is some kind of a pair plus bet with a bonus for a mini-royal.
Without knowing the paytable we can't know exactly how much that third card is worth, but it is a hell of a lot more than what he is giving up on the main game by doubling.
Quote: Geometrical2One of my dealer friends had this story happen to him.
Lady sitting at first base on a Blackjack table gets dealt a natural 20. Dealer is showing a bust card. When the dealer asks for her move, she puts money on the table to split, but instead of putting it next to her initial bet she puts it behind the bet. So the dealer, not really paying attention to what's going on, treats that as a double down on her 20. She gets another 10, making her hand total 30 (!). However, instead of taking the cards and the money, the dealer didn't notice anything and keeps going, asking everybody else for their move. Nobody, including the lady at first base, says anything about her having 30.
Dealer eventually busts, everybody is getting paid... until he arrives at the lady in question and notices the mess. He calls the pit boss, pit boss asks the lady what's going on, and NOW she says "I wanted to split". Pit boss is confused, thinks for a second, and says she should've put her money next to her initial bet, and that even so she should've mentioned before the entire hand was over that she wanted to split. Dealer takes her money. She didn't argue. Very strange situation.
This is about the biggest "fall asleep at the wheel" moment I hope I would see. As a dealer, I fall asleep at the wheel or get the wrong idea from time to time - hell, I think I once set up a roulette player as playing non-value nickels when he asked for singles - but come on. Get more sleep so this doesn't happen.
There were two open machines (of five available) and so I sat at one and began playing. None of the three other players were particularly chatty (as one would expect with vp players) but a woman sitting to my left did occasionally comment when she hit a decent hand or saw me hit something straight flush or above. At one point, I was trying to move around in my chair to stretch a bit as the chairs are about the least comfortable things you can imagine, and noticed that the same woman to my left was dealt two jokers but discarded one of the jokers and held one of the face cards instead. I thought this was an honest mistake, but noticed that she didn't have much of a reaction to discarding the second joker. Obviously witnessing a foolish and unfortunate play, I returned to my own machine.
About 10 minutes later, I glanced over and again noticed she had been dealt two jokers and again she kept one and tossed the other. I could not believe my eyes and just to be sure, I stood up from my machine and went for a stroll around the bank of machines while glancing over at her play. Sure enough, a third sample of two jokers with one being held and one being thrown into the trash.
And now I understand why 5 joker poker can remain at the Tropicana. I would like to extend a sincerest of thank yous to all the dumbs who continue to play this and all other VP games horrendously. Your ineptitude makes the potential for profitability possible.
(...ha said, while cleaning up the debris from when his head exploded after reading that last post...)
TT / 35 v 5.
3T / 5T v 5.
83T / 5T v 5.
Dealer draws to a 21.
After this hand three people, myself included, left the table, and the dealer seemed honestly perplexed about the sudden exodus. (Yes, I know it doesn't actually change anything, but this guy's antics were consistent and distracting.)
I rather the casino adopt the 21+3 game instead. That seems to be proven and played at vegas, and at least other people can still play regular BJ without having to mess up the cards by others trying to play the bonus.
oh well, just another carnival game (at least to me, anyway).
Quote: DeucekiesI'd like to know what game he was playing so I can read more about it. Only one hit allowed?
As soon as I walked in I told Vic to leave the money on the bar and say we had a thing to do. I am no sissy, but when Ernie was in the bar, I always needed to be elsewhere. After telling him to put his drink on my tab. Joe Pesci nailed it on this scene, totally adlibbed on his part mostly. Because he had seen a buddy like this back in New Jersey.
Anyway on the 8th frame Ernie got a 9 and said BULLSHIT loud enough to turn every head in the bar. Another 9 in the 9th and I swear the bottle behind the bar shook. By now Vic was scared and shot a bad frame in the 10th. But Ernie need a strike. You got it , another 9. Vic looked towards me for help. He never saw the punch coming that broke his jaw, not heard Ernie lean down and whisper
Enjoy the video.
Quote: Lemieux66I saw a particularly stupid one playing 1/2 NL at Golden Nugget AC. They have a promo where if you get the golden quads(quad sixes that day) you get about 600 bucks and you spin this wheel for more cash on top. Only rules are there has to at least be 20 in the pot and must go to showdown. Anyway, one guy hit runner runner quad sixes. The pot was 50 dollars:..quad six guy bets 70...other guy folds. Oops.

(BTW - I knew what card counting was and knew there were a few variations of it - I have never counted myself though...) the conversation went something like this....
"wow, that sounds intense - where they intimidating you?"
"yeah, I think they sent the biggest pit boss over to talk to me..."
"so what method did you use?"
"I just hovered near a $10 table - I counted down the shoe until I knew they were about 50% into the 8 decks and then I sat down and started to bet..."
"what was the count?"
"about 50%"
"the dealer was about 50% into the deck"
"so what were you betting?"
"10 bucks"
"when did you start raising your bets?"
"I didn't - I stayed at 10 bucks"
"how long did it take you to get to $300?"
"about 3 hours... each time the shoe was done I'd go to the bathroom and I'd hover about 20 feet from the table until the dealer finished half the shoe"
"wow - so you're using the 50% method, good luck with that man... maybe we should hit AC together sometime... good talking to you..."
He became so enraged at my play that he announced that he would not going to hit, no matter what his hand total was, until I ran out of money and left. True to his word he stayed on every hand and wasn't doing all that badly at first. That worked out well for me because the count went through the roof for that and the next shoe ending in one of my best sessions ever.
He lost all but 2k of his chips and we both got backed off, me politely and him given the bum's rush by security in suits.
Quote: andyg99the funniest blackjack BS story I heard was years ago (mid 80's) at a party some young guy (the 'expert' character a few posts back reminded me of him - think Jersey Shore) was talking about his recent gambling adventure in AC... he was telling his buddies how he was up about $300 and was warned that he was being watched and told card counters are not tolerated. Well I thought $300 seemed a little low to get the attention of the casino so I tried to get the details...
(BTW - I knew what card counting was and knew there were a few variations of it - I have never counted myself though...) the conversation went something like this....
"wow, that sounds intense - where they intimidating you?"
"yeah, I think they sent the biggest pit boss over to talk to me..."
"so what method did you use?"
"I just hovered near a $10 table - I counted down the shoe until I knew they were about 50% into the 8 decks and then I sat down and started to bet..."
"what was the count?"
"about 50%"
"the dealer was about 50% into the deck"
"so what were you betting?"
"10 bucks"
"when did you start raising your bets?"
"I didn't - I stayed at 10 bucks"
"how long did it take you to get to $300?"
"about 3 hours... each time the shoe was done I'd go to the bathroom and I'd hover about 20 feet from the table until the dealer finished half the shoe"
"wow - so you're using the 50% method, good luck with that man... maybe we should hit AC together sometime... good talking to you..."
Hahahahaha that's awesome. "so what was the count." "about 50%!"
I mean he's half way there...he's got the denominator ready for the TC conversion.
Quote: 1BBHe lost all but 2k of his chips and we both got backed off, me politely and him given the bum's rush by security in suits.
Was he misbehaving in other ways? That sounds annoying but the casino should be happy to keep taking that guy's money.
Quote: AcesAndEightsWas he misbehaving in other ways? That sounds annoying but the casino should be happy to keep taking that guy's money.
Yes, he was swearing at me which didn't really seem to bother anyone. He was also calling the female dealer vile names and making comments about her body. They waited until they got most of his money before dealing with him. I was flat bet because of my play and was offered a generous meal comp which I declined. I was playing unrated and they wanted my card before issuing the comp.
Quote: AcesAndEightsHahahahaha that's awesome. "so what was the count." "about 50%!"
I mean he's half way there...he's got the denominator ready for the TC conversion.
Hmmm 8 decks...50%...THEN he began betting....RC of 208!!
Quote: VenthusBlackjack Switch:
TT / 35 v 5.
3T / 5T v 5.
83T / 5T v 5.
Dealer draws to a 21.
After this hand three people, myself included, left the table, and the dealer seemed honestly perplexed about the sudden exodus. (Yes, I know it doesn't actually change anything, but this guy's antics were consistent and distracting.)
From what I understand, as idiotic as this move was, had he played by the book, he would have lost both hands instead of just one. It drives me crazy when blatant ploppies get ahead because of their gross stupidity.
I was dealing Switch as a reliever this past Saturday morning, and I had four people each playing one spot. One guy doubled on hard 12 twice - each time he did it, I drew to 21 and everyone got crushed. At most tables here, that guy would have gotten into it with some BS Nazi and I would have ended up standing there uncomfortably while they had it out and held up the game. I'm actually impressed with everyone's restraint.
He's playing three hands, heads-up with me. I have a five up - I deal him:
-Hand 1: Five
-Hand 2: A stiff (15 or 16, I forget)
-Hand 3: Also a stiff (might have been 17)
So naturally he hits his first hand. Gets a three for a total of eight. At this point, he waives me off. I look at his first hand - see that it's an eight. I ask him, "You're standing on this?" figuring that he just wasn't paying attention. Nope - he waives me off again. Waives off all three hands.
I turn up a face card underneath that 5 for a 15. My next card? A four - for 19. And three losses. And, if he had just hit his eight like someone who isn't a complete crap-for-brains, he would have had a 12, waved THAT off, and had greater than a 50-50 shot at busting. But if he wants to be a ploppy, well, nothing I can do about it.
Quote: hwccdealerSunday was another day on blackjack - figures it comes at a time when I'm having severe back pain, but neither here nor there - and other than one incident, it was an utter letdown. But the one incident adds to this thread.
He's playing three hands, heads-up with me. I have a five up - I deal him:
-Hand 1: Five
-Hand 2: A stiff (15 or 16, I forget)
-Hand 3: Also a stiff (might have been 17)
So naturally he hits his first hand. Gets a three for a total of eight. At this point, he waives me off. I look at his first hand - see that it's an eight. I ask him, "You're standing on this?" figuring that he just wasn't paying attention. Nope - he waives me off again. Waives off all three hands.
I turn up a face card underneath that 5 for a 15. My next card? A four - for 19. And three losses. And, if he had just hit his eight like someone who isn't a complete crap-for-brains, he would have had a 12, waved THAT off, and had greater than a 50-50 shot at busting. But if he wants to be a ploppy, well, nothing I can do about it.
Sometimes I see dealers call out "doubling on hard 12" and similar type things. Did you call out his standing on an 8? If so, that's awesome.
Quote: Lemieux66Sometimes I see dealers call out "doubling on hard 12" and similar type things. Did you call out his standing on an 8? If so, that's awesome.
I do that just to make sure it's clear someone's doing it consciously. I did in this case, but given my weakened state at the time, I'm not sure who heard me.
Quote: hwccdealerI do that just to make sure it's clear someone's doing it consciously. I did in this case, but given my weakened state at the time, I'm not sure who heard me.
That's also a rule of thumb I teach novice players. "If the dealer has to call it out, it's probably not a good play."
Quote: DeucekiesThat's also a rule of thumb I teach novice players. "If the dealer has to call it out, it's probably not a good play."
There's some lewd jokes here. "Breasts exposed, seat 3" is a fine spot.
With players like this, why do the casinos need to change the rules to increase house edge?
They make enough money off novice tourist.
Quote: GreasyjohnSay a guy just two days ago double down with a soft 15 against an ace.
In terms of dumb plays, this isn't anywhere near on the top of the list.
Quote: Lemieux66In terms of dumb plays, this isn't anywhere near on the top of the list.
Well, it's not like standing on soft 15 verses an ace.
Quote: takmaxoddsFirst post ever here. Heading to Vegas tomorrow.
With players like this, why do the casinos need to change the rules to increase house edge?
They make enough money off novice tourist.
Because with players this stupid, they won't notice the terrible rules, so why not get some extra edge out of the dumb ploppies?
Quote: DJTeddyBearBecause with players this stupid, they won't notice the terrible rules, so why not get some extra edge out of the dumb ploppies?
so then the more knowledgeable players who are low rollers and don't want to bet $25 a hand to get a better game get squeezed out...
Quote: andyg99so then the more knowledgeable players who are low rollers and don't want to bet $25 a hand to get a better game get squeezed out...
In practice, though, this is not the case. Very few players actually give up blackjack because of the rules. They either pony up the $25 a hand, or they go ahead and play the bad rules.
I'm pretty sure it was one of those casino guru things where one guy was selling the other guy his "system".
The lucky winner was in the casino magazine next month. He won $4000, he did not look happy in his picture.
Dealer would have a 20, 19 whatever.
We could not get this one lady to hit a lower hand - because "she didnt want to bust"