my old coach recently passed (r.i.p.) at age 95
I exchanged emails with him 3 years ago when he was 92
EB could keep this thread going for another 20 years or so
Quote: EvenBob
That was two full pages of off topic discussion.
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Let's be honest, here, this thread has been off-topic for over a hundred pages now.

They were probably more reasonable.Quote: EvenBobThis is what my PM page looks like with me and The Wiz hammering out the details of this challenge. The Paris Peace Accords we're easier to nail down than this.
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Quote: EvenBobThis is what my PM page looks like with me and The Wiz hammering out the details of this challenge. The Paris Peace Accords we're easier to nail down than this.
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Are those timestamps Vegas Time, Portland Time or EvenBob Standard Time.
All that work so that no MEANINGFUL challenge will occur.
You've said so yourself. You've stated that as your objective.
Any clue you can give us as to Wizard's objective?
Quote: OnceDearAny clue you can give us as to Wizard's objective?
This excites me. Are we close to seeing the Wizard's challenge may occur?
I, for one, am excited to see if someone can beat roulette. This is the challenge, correct?
I am interested in the definition of "80% hit rate".
Quote: EvenBobBecause I can see so many spins in such a short amount of time this has raised my hit rate to 80%. I'm only playing to make one unit a session because that's all I need to make. I have a monthly goal and I get to that goal by making one unit a session by playing one or two or three sessions a day.. With an 80% hit rate it's usually over very quickly obviously.
Let's make this happen!
Quote: OnceDearQuote: EvenBobThis is what my PM page looks like with me and The Wiz hammering out the details of this challenge. The Paris Peace Accords we're easier to nail down than this.
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Are those timestamps Vegas Time, Portland Time or EvenBob Standard Time.
All that work so that no MEANINGFUL challenge will occur.
You've said so yourself. You've stated that as your objective.
Any clue you can give us as to Wizard's objective?
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You used to be a moderator, what time do you think it is. What do you care what the objective is if it's not good to be meaningful to you. I can't speak for Mike, ask him yourself. I say it won't be meaningful because no matter what it is, could be the best challenge in roulette since the history of the game it won't be good enough for the people on this forum. That's what I meant when I said it won't be meaningful. You will find fault with it no matter what it is because you have confirmation bias and it won't fit into your neat little package of beliefs.
Quote: EvenBobQuote: OnceDearQuote: EvenBobThis is what my PM page looks like with me and The Wiz hammering out the details of this challenge. The Paris Peace Accords we're easier to nail down than this.
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Are those timestamps Vegas Time, Portland Time or EvenBob Standard Time.
All that work so that no MEANINGFUL challenge will occur.
You've said so yourself. You've stated that as your objective.
Any clue you can give us as to Wizard's objective?
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You used to be a moderator, what time do you think it is. What do you care what the objective is if it's not good to be meaningful to you. I can't speak for Mike, ask him yourself. I say it won't be meaningful because no matter what it is, could be the best challenge in roulette since the history of the game it won't be good enough for the people on this forum. That's what I meant when I said it won't be meaningful. You will find fault with it no matter what it is because you have confirmation bias and it won't fit into your neat little package of beliefs.
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You give short shift to Wizards reputation
We aren't the ones to impress. It's the Wizard.
Because if Mike reports you are on to something or there may be the possibility that you have beaten roulette then trust we all will believe you have done it.
That would be meaningful.
It sounds like what you really are saying is you don't believe you can convince the Wizard in which case it's meaningless to you
You see for the rest of us, the Wizard opinion matters. So regardless of the outcome in his report, it's meaningful to us.
Quote: JackSpadeWasn't there some challenge here a few years ago where a dice controller succeeded - but Mike then claimed the challenge itself was meaningless because the number of attempted dice rolls wasn't large enough? Anyone can go on a hot streak over a limited number of trials due to random variance rather than skill.
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True but EB has made a secondary claim which is that for session outcome, even when he loses his first spin he is 100% in profit. He just has to play a few extra spins and his superior knowledge of how Roulette works allows him to always 100% prevail.
It wouldn't be that difficult to entertain a challenge where for example the Wizard observes ten sessions.
If EB shows profit every session ten in a row he will at least have some benefits of doubt.
I would certainly hope that's part of the challenge
Quote: darkoz
It sounds like what you really are saying is you don't believe you can convince the Wizard in which case it's meaningless to you
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What I'm really saying is that if I didn't think I could convince Mike I wouldn't be doing this at all, I wouldn't go near it. It's the rest of you that I don't care about. You got it completely backwards. I will never convince the rest of you, ever. No matter what Mike says when this is over, if your conformational bias doesn't agree with him it will be meaningless to you. Mark my words
Convince Mike of what?Quote: EvenBobQuote: darkoz
It sounds like what you really are saying is you don't believe you can convince the Wizard in which case it's meaningless to you
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What I'm really saying is that if I didn't think I could convince Mike I wouldn't be doing this at all, I wouldn't go near it.
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Quote: OnceDearConvince Mike of what?Quote: EvenBobQuote: darkoz
It sounds like what you really are saying is you don't believe you can convince the Wizard in which case it's meaningless to you
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What I'm really saying is that if I didn't think I could convince Mike I wouldn't be doing this at all, I wouldn't go near it.
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That I do what I say I do in roulade. What else would I mean.
Quote: EvenBobQuote: darkoz
It sounds like what you really are saying is you don't believe you can convince the Wizard in which case it's meaningless to you
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What I'm really saying is that if I didn't think I could convince Mike I wouldn't be doing this at all, I wouldn't go near it. It's the rest of you that I don't care about. You got it completely backwards. I will never convince the rest of you, ever. No matter what Mike says when this is over, if your conformational bias doesn't agree with him it will be meaningless to you. Mark my words
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I totally disagree.
When I made some very questionable claims that I was beating Casinos with a secret move I also received scoffing and ridicule. But I offered like you to have the Wizard examine what I do (didn't even need him to witness. I just had to explain how it worked).
The Wizard made a categorical statement that while he didn't witness the move what I described was extremely advantageous and could result in what I claimed
After that the ridicule stopped only coming from a select few like you. I notice that ridicule only comes from people who make their own dubious claims now.
But trust me if the Wizard says you are on to something it's not a continued disbelief you will have to be worried about. It will be every Advantage Player on here trying to uncover the move that's got the Wizards blessings.
I know you have said that sometimes it takes a while before you see a pattern you are willing to bet on. I thought you said you make about one unit per day on average? If not, can you tell me how many bets per week you make on average with an 80% success rate?Quote: EvenBobQuote: OnceDearConvince Mike of what?Quote: EvenBobQuote: darkoz
It sounds like what you really are saying is you don't believe you can convince the Wizard in which case it's meaningless to you
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What I'm really saying is that if I didn't think I could convince Mike I wouldn't be doing this at all, I wouldn't go near it.
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That I do what I say I do in roulade. What else would I mean.
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Quote: AxelWolfI know you have said that sometimes it takes a while before you see a pattern you are willing to bet on. I thought you said you make about one unit per day on average? If not, can you tell me how many bets per week you make on average with an 80% success rate?Quote: EvenBobQuote: OnceDearConvince Mike of what?Quote: EvenBobQuote: darkoz
It sounds like what you really are saying is you don't believe you can convince the Wizard in which case it's meaningless to you
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What I'm really saying is that if I didn't think I could convince Mike I wouldn't be doing this at all, I wouldn't go near it.
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That I do what I say I do in roulade. What else would I mean.
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I learned my lesson I'm not saying anything about anything until the challenge is over. Which could be awhile. Mike and I have agreed not to give details of the challenge but considering my schedule and his schedule it's going to take awhile. Interpret it any way you like.
I think you guys are making this harder than it is. There has to be a number of ways to do this without having your schedules sink up. A private stream he records would do the trick.Quote: EvenBobQuote: AxelWolfI know you have said that sometimes it takes a while before you see a pattern you are willing to bet on. I thought you said you make about one unit per day on average? If not, can you tell me how many bets per week you make on average with an 80% success rate?Quote: EvenBobQuote: OnceDearConvince Mike of what?Quote: EvenBobQuote: darkoz
It sounds like what you really are saying is you don't believe you can convince the Wizard in which case it's meaningless to you
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What I'm really saying is that if I didn't think I could convince Mike I wouldn't be doing this at all, I wouldn't go near it.
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That I do what I say I do in roulade. What else would I mean.
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I learned my lesson I'm not saying anything about anything until the challenge is over. Which could be awhile. Mike and I have agreed not to give details of the challenge but considering my schedule and his schedule it's going to take awhile. Interpret it any way you like.
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Wake us up when the email thread gets to 132 pages. Any time of day in any timezone will be fine.Quote: EvenBobDetails continue to be hammered out. Remember a few decades ago when they were arguing over the size of the table for some peace agreement? It's kind of like that.
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Quote: EvenBobQuote: AxelWolfI know you have said that sometimes it takes a while before you see a pattern you are willing to bet on. I thought you said you make about one unit per day on average? If not, can you tell me how many bets per week you make on average with an 80% success rate?
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I learned my lesson I'm not saying anything about anything until the challenge is over. Which could be awhile. Mike and I have agreed not to give details of the challenge but considering my schedule and his schedule it's going to take awhile. Interpret it any way you like.
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OK. I propose we no longer continue this thread until the challenge is accepted
It is apparent to me EB's bluff has been called. There is zero reason the terms cannot be hashed out in three or four emails. I would speculate the "goal posts" are consistently moved by EB with every message from the Wizard.
Furthermore, the refusal to answer something as innocuous as "can you tell me how many bets per week you make on average with an 80% success rate" says to me, EB's claim(s) are all a bunch of hooey.
I recall EB claimed none of us would ever believe him. Funny as that is the one believable claim.
Quote: IndyJeffrey
OK. I propose we no longer continue this thread until the challenge is accepted
I accepted the challenge, it's a done deal. The challenge is happening. Everything is set.
Will we get the details?Quote: EvenBobQuote: IndyJeffrey
OK. I propose we no longer continue this thread until the challenge is accepted
I accepted the challenge, it's a done deal. The challenge is happening. Everything is set.
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Quote: AxelWolfWill we get the details?Quote: EvenBobQuote: IndyJeffrey
OK. I propose we no longer continue this thread until the challenge is accepted
I accepted the challenge, it's a done deal. The challenge is happening. Everything is set.
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Sod that!
Will we get closure?
Capitulation either by EvenBob or Wizard.
Anything short of that will be unacceptable.
I Just want to know how many spins he is doing and what percentage he is trying to achieve.Quote: OnceDearQuote: AxelWolfWill we get the details?Quote: EvenBobQuote: IndyJeffrey
OK. I propose we no longer continue this thread until the challenge is accepted
I accepted the challenge, it's a done deal. The challenge is happening. Everything is set.
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Sod that!
Will we get closure?
Capitulation either by EvenBob or Wizard.
Anything short of that will be unacceptable.
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we could speculate, but not much point. It will surely be a moving feast. E.g if EB gets the first two right, he might claim. Proof provided 100% but if not, he will play on till he almost inevitably gets >50% before claiming success.Quote: AxelWolfI Just want to know how many spins he is doing and what percentage he is trying to achieve.Quote: OnceDearQuote: AxelWolfWill we get the details?Quote: EvenBobQuote: IndyJeffrey
OK. I propose we no longer continue this thread until the challenge is accepted
I accepted the challenge, it's a done deal. The challenge is happening. Everything is set.
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Sod that!
Will we get closure?
Capitulation either by EvenBob or Wizard.
Anything short of that will be unacceptable.
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With roulette, he will always be able to point out and talk about some existing pattern, whether it's a streak of reds, odds, highs, chops, or some construct. Wizards task is to shrug off such distractions and report only on EBs educated guessing prowess. If Wizard gives him an inch he will take a mile.
Incidentally EB is already way ahead in his game. Drawing in an audience and wasting Wizards and our time.
Quote: OnceDear
we could speculate, but not much point. It will surely be a moving feast. E.g if EB gets the first two right, he might claim. Proof provided 100% but if not, he will play on till he almost inevitably gets >50% before claiming success.
With roulette, he will always be able to point out and talk about some existing pattern, whether it's a streak of reds, odds, highs, chops, or some construct. Wizards task is to shrug off such distractions and report only on EBs educated guessing prowess. If Wizard gives him an inch he will take a mile.
Incidentally EB is already way ahead in his game. Drawing in an audience and wasting Wizards and our time.
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If the Wizard is observing the challenge, I am willing to give this a chance. I, too, am interested in the details. I'm not ready to bury EB, just yet. As some say, the devil is in the details.
Quote:I attest that all the conditions of the challenge were met.
and leaves it at that, not referring to what the hell that was exactly, I'm going to shoot myself
now why would he do that? I don't know, why would he post this, also with no explanation?
Quote:I attest that Mdawg's report is accurate, especially that all the conditions of the challenge were met.
Quote: EvenBobQuote: IndyJeffrey
OK. I propose we no longer continue this thread until the challenge is accepted
I accepted the challenge, it's a done deal. The challenge is happening. Everything is set.
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Please keep this very informative and entertaining thread open.
EvenBob, please remember that your audience does not want closure -- they want mystery, suspense, and cliffhangers. You can only be defeated if you quit.
Quote: MentalQuote: EvenBobQuote: IndyJeffrey
OK. I propose we no longer continue this thread until the challenge is accepted
I accepted the challenge, it's a done deal. The challenge is happening. Everything is set.
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Please keep this very informative and entertaining thread open.
EvenBob, please remember that your audience does not want closure -- they want mystery, suspense, and cliffhangers. You can only be defeated if you quit.
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If Tom ever killed Jerry, then the show would be over.
Quote: EvenBobWhat I'm really saying is that if I didn't think I could convince Mike I wouldn't be doing this at all, I wouldn't go near it. It's the rest of you that I don't care about. You got it completely backwards. I will never convince the rest of you, ever. No matter what Mike says when this is over, if your conformational bias doesn't agree with him it will be meaningless to you. Mark my words
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Typical excuse of someone who knows they're full of it.
"I could prove it to you but you wouldn't believe me so why bother."
If you could actually prove what you're claiming, there is no way ANYONE could deny it.
You could easily convince ALL of us.
Quote: rxwineanyone learn anything useful yet?
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Quoting myself from 35 days ago.
Quote: rxwineQuote: rxwineanyone learn anything useful yet?
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Quoting myself from 35 days ago.
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Nothing that wouldn't get me banned.
I prefer Itchy and ScratchyQuote: unJon
If Tom ever killed Jerry, then the show would be over.
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And in the end...Quote: TigerWuTom never really wanted to kill Jerry. There were multiple instances where they either save each other from something, worked together towards a common cause, or were even friendly towards one another.
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Now.... How to get back on topic......
Evenbob has expressed a desire to stop his adversaries from posting to this thread. A put up or shut up challenge, in both directions.
But like Hichikers Guide, the final answer won't end the debate. Wizard and EB might come and say the terms of the challenge have been met. But without a statement of the challenge, that will mean nothing. Is it just me that is puzzled that neither party has posted anything about the nature of the challenge.
Are we to get a bait and switch..... Or are we all being dangled on EB's hook having taken the bait.
Did I not exactly predict this would happen? That no matter what this evolves into it will never be enough. It's not enough right now and it hasn't even started yet. You have oncedear proclaiming that no matter what the challenge is it won't be meaningful. He hopes. He prays. Everybody else here just wants me to fail so badly that they can't stand it. Mike made the challenge, Mike is the most knowledgeable person about roulette on this forum, whatever is good enough for him should be good enough for all of you. If it's not, oh well. Rest assured that no matter what the challenge is 95% of you will think it's not enough. Luckily it has nothing to do with you, absolutely nothing. You are just a bunch of bystanders braying like donkeys in the peanut gallery.
Quote: EvenBobEverybody else here just wants me to fail so badly that they can't stand it.
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And what do you think that says about you??
[quote snipped; relevance]
If Mike just comes out and says, "EB met my challenge, and he passed," what does that mean exactly???
Did Mike witness you play one session and win?
Did he witness you play 1000 sessions and win every one?
Did he witness your 80% hit rate over one session, or multiple?
Etc., etc., etc.
You are making some incredibly extraordinary claims, here. You are being raked over the coals right now because you are basically saying, "I've been playing an unbeatable Roulette system for years that defies mathematics, but I'm not going to give anyone any details of how the system works or what any challenge involves." You don't get to turn this around and make US the bad guys, here. To use your analogy, YOU'RE the braying donkey in this scenario, not us.
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Put up or shut up.
Quote: EvenBobQuote: SOOPOO
If he said he has rolled 50 consecutive 7’s at a craps table, would you ask me the same question? With the exception of him actually paying a ‘math expert’ to analyze his silly ideas, the rest is not an educated ‘guess’. It is just easily determinable fact.
Him not actually hiring a math expert is an educated guess by me, noting the totality of his posts.
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I'm not hiring her to prove my ideas I hired her to analyze the paper of someone else. These people don't work for free. And you have no facts all you have is herd mentality conjecture.
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How did this paid contract to analyse that paper work out?
Did your expert reveal anything that you'd care to share with us? Did she reveal something you'd rather keep private?
Quote: EvenBobMike issues me a challenge and everybody here says that I'll never do it. So I accept the challenge and everybody here says I'll find some way to weasel out of it. Now that the challenge is actually going forward the new hue and cry is, what are the details, we have to know the details so we can grind it into the ground before it even begins by denouncing it. Whatever the challenge is it cannot be up to our standards.
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Posting the terms before the results would prevent someone from "moving the goalposts and declaring a win".
A skeptic's endorsement is worth far more than a shill's.
EB has not claimed to be a mathematician. EB has not claimed that this challenge will be proof with a certain level of statistical confidence. Wizard offered a challenge, the peanut gallery here in this thread has been egging on EB to accept it and EB has agreed to the challenge (vaguely defined.)
I would suggest to everyone:
a) have patience
b) expect Wizard to design the challenge and make careful statements after the challenge about what the outcome was and about what was and wasn't proven.
c) be fair to EB: you have all been asking him to accept the Wizard's challenge and he has. If you all demand more info, gather your pitchforks and torches and storm the Wizard's castle.
Quote: TigerWuPeople want to know what the challenge is because you are making MULTIPLE claims,
Wrong. I am making one claim, that I can beat the game of roulette. There are no other claims besides that one. It is supposedly mathematically impossible as has been pointed out dozens of times in this thread.
I thought you also claimed that...Quote: EvenBobQuote: TigerWuPeople want to know what the challenge is because you are making MULTIPLE claims,
Wrong. I am making one claim, that I can beat the game of roulette. There are no other claims besides that one. It is supposedly mathematically impossible as has been pointed out dozens of times in this thread.
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1. You flat bet within your sessions? (Though different sessions may be at different levels.)
2. You only bet the outside bets. That you also manufacture the equivalent of an EC bet.
Can you please give an example of such a manufactured bet?
Might 1-12, 2 units and pair of streets 13-18 1 unit be such an example?
3. That you make at least one unit per session? (Though you don't define a session)
4. That you don't use any kind of progressive system? E.g. if you lose one unit, you might take a while to make your next bet, but it will be of the same size.
Please confirm or refute.
Quote: OnceDearI thought you also claimed that...Quote: EvenBobQuote: TigerWuPeople want to know what the challenge is because you are making MULTIPLE claims,
Wrong. I am making one claim, that I can beat the game of roulette. There are no other claims besides that one. It is supposedly mathematically impossible as has been pointed out dozens of times in this thread.
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1. You flat bet within your sessions? (Though different sessions may be at different levels.)
2. You only bet the outside bets. That you also manufacture the equivalent of an EC bet.
Can you please give an example of such a manufactured bet?
Might 1-12, 2 units and pair of streets 13-18 1 unit be such an example?
3. That you make at least one unit per session? (Though you don't define a session)
4. That you don't use any kind of progressive system? E.g. if you lose one unit, you might take a while to make your next bet, but it will be of the same size.
Please confirm or refute.
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Every single thing is based on my claim that I beat roulette and almost everybody here says that is impossible. So are you saying that you believe I beat roulette? Is Darkoz and Tigerwu saying that they believe 100% that I beat roulette? You believe I beat it and all you're concerned about is the details of how I bet? Really? You want me to go back in this thread and pull some posts of what you said previously? Because there's only one claim here and that is I beat roulette, every other claim after that is based on that claim. If you don't see that the trees are once again blocking your view of the forest. Big surprise.
No. I do not believe that you 'can beat the game of roulette'. You may have some lucky winning results but that is a different thing.Quote: EvenBobQuote: OnceDearI thought you also claimed that...Quote: EvenBobQuote: TigerWuPeople want to know what the challenge is because you are making MULTIPLE claims,
Wrong. I am making one claim, that I can beat the game of roulette. There are no other claims besides that one. It is supposedly mathematically impossible as has been pointed out dozens of times in this thread.
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1. You flat bet within your sessions? (Though different sessions may be at different levels.)
2. You only bet the outside bets. That you also manufacture the equivalent of an EC bet.
Can you please give an example of such a manufactured bet?
Might 1-12, 2 units and pair of streets 13-18 1 unit be such an example?
3. That you make at least one unit per session? (Though you don't define a session)
4. That you don't use any kind of progressive system? E.g. if you lose one unit, you might take a while to make your next bet, but it will be of the same size.
Please confirm or refute.
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Every single thing is based on my claim that I beat roulette and almost everybody here says that is impossible. So are you saying that you believe I beat roulette? Is Darkoz and Tigerwu saying that they believe 100% that I beat roulette? You believe I beat it and all you're concerned about is the details of how I bet? Really? You want me to go back in this thread and pull some posts of what you said previously? Because there's only one claim here and that is I beat roulette, every other claim after that is based on that claim. If you don't see that the trees are once again blocking your view of the forest. Big surprise.
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I'm just trying to have us define 'can beat the game of roulette' to a common standard.
Was it too much trouble to confirm those listed sub claims or answer the simple question about manufactured EC bets?
Quote: OnceDear]No. I do not believe that you 'can beat the game of roulette'.
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That's all you need to say. Anything you say after that about what I do is irrelevant. It's like you saying you don't believe I have a pet dog and then you ask me what the dog's name is, what do I feed the dog, do I take the dog on long walks. Then you get mad at me because I don't answer those questions when you don't even believe I have a dog. Do you see how nuts that is? You people are worried about my hit rate when you don't even believe I beat the game. It's obvious what this challenge has to be about.
I am significantly ahead life time playing roulette. I have probably made more lifetime playing roulette than you have. I probably have fewer than 150 hours of roulette play.Quote: EvenBobQuote: TigerWuPeople want to know what the challenge is because you are making MULTIPLE claims,
Wrong. I am making one claim, that I can beat the game of roulette. There are no other claims besides that one. It is supposedly mathematically impossible as has been pointed out dozens of times in this thread.
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