Sadly EV, I have to side with others on this. You made ONE very simple offer in THIS thread and that;s what was accepted x2.Quote: ExpectedvalueI clearly said 57 hands - or an entire shoe betting 75 percent of the hands. At a minimum bet to be discussed, I do not see anywhere on any thread that you bet only 100. Everyone here knows the difference and what you talk about . I’m all about making this happen as I put out there. There was a list of things to agree to. Not some random you sit play 100 for 57 hands and try and make 2k. It was for you to show wizard how you win. Let him write about it in detail . The point of pulling the marker , and it must be a marker based on credit and not front money obviously. For 8 k since that is what you said you always pull. All I am asking is for you to play your normal game and I’m basically compensating you for your time provided you win like you always do
Actually even with a 57 hand minimum, MDawg would be onto a great EV opportunity in the absense of a min bet. Nothing in this challenge to stop him Martying table min till he wins one unit.
It's easy done, but by popular consensus. You've messed up.
Quote: OnceDearSadly EV, I have to side with others on this. You made ONE very simple offer in THIS thread and that;s what was accepted x2.
Actually even with a 57 hand minimum, MDawg would be onto a great EV opportunity in the absense of a min bet. Nothing in this challenge to stop him Martying table min till he wins one unit.
It's easy done, but by popular consensus. You've messed up.
I clearly remember the requirement that MDawg play at least 3/4 of a shoe. I’m not going to go back and find it. You make the big bucks, OnceDear.... you can find it.
ExpectedValue... why no response to my post showing how easy it would be to beat this challenge at a minimum bet of $100?
Quote: ExpectedvalueI’m all about making this happen as I put out there.
If that's true, then you would send your bitcoin,
like you promised you would.
Maybe MDawg will throw you a "double or nothing" bone
and accept your revised set of terms and conditions
as a second challenge.
But you'll have to ask him nicely.
Quote: SOOPOOI clearly remember the requirement that MDawg play at least 3/4 of a shoe.
He changed the original terms, the terms that were accepted as he wrote them.
Quote: QUOTED IN FULL<<<ExpectedvalueMdawg should be suspended for trolling everyone in my opinion. This is a math based forum wizard. For how long would it take before you think it’s all made up? 2000 winning sessions in a row? Meeting him, will put a name
With a face but in his original challenge he was willing to let someone watch him play. Now he isn’t willing to let you watch. Since he likes free money I would be willing to pay wizard 500 for his time and mdawg 2k for allowing wizard to watch for one full session. Provided the minimum bets and table and markers are as he said. Now is time to put up or shut up. I will be happy to send the wizard or any other mod the Btc upfront upon agreement of this
This is the challenge/offer that was issued and accepted. This ONE No other!
There is another, similar challenge/offer in another thread. That similar offer has not been accepted and may well lapse. Its terms have no bearing on the one that was accepted in this thread.
Quote: WizardI agree.
Quote: coachbelly
Would you accept a fee to meet MDawg according to the scenario outlined
in the PM that MDawg posted earlier?
Why are people negotiating with coach belly?
Quote: OnceDearThis is the challenge/offer that was issued and accepted. This ONE No other!
There is another, similar challenge/offer in another thread. That similar offer has not been accepted and may well lapse. Its terms have no bearing on the one that was accepted in this thread.
I posted my thread around 150. Mdawg did not respond or accept until 330 something
Sorry EV.Quote: ExpectedvalueJesus f ing Christ you manipulate things, I said marker table minimums and full session and clarified it on the separate thread BEFORE mdawg responded , stop creating trouble . This is a genuine offer giving mdawg the ability to prove he is legit. When it’s agreed on I will escrow the wizard and sent a pm to him stating such
I rather hope MDawg and Wizard do accept your augmented terms. I reckon you would still get poor value on your investment, but that is your choice.
I've made similar mistakes before, throwing down a challenge expecting terms to be unfinalised. It;s irritating to you, no doubt, but the loose ends that you hoped to tie up have tripped you up at least a little.
Stay Safe. Stay away from lawyers $:o)
Thread so I didn’t hijakc the first
Quote: ExpectedvalueNot one of my terms would change mdawg and the way he plays.
Your original terms that Wizard and MDawg agreed to won't change the way he plays either, so just go ahead and honor what you wrote and Wizard will get to see what you're paying him to watch.
There is nothing twisted about this exchange, your offer was accepted.
Quote: ExpectedvalueSince he likes free money I would be willing to pay wizard 500 for his time and mdawg 2k for allowing wizard to watch for one full session. Provided the minimum bets and table and markers are as he said. Now is time to put up or shut up. I will be happy to send the wizard or any other mod the Btc upfront upon agreement of this
Quote: WizardI agree.
Quote: MDawgI accept this exact proposal.
If you play so little how do you earn $1200 in comp value at higher-end places?Quote: MDawgListen if the "bull poop" and games are starting already then forget it. Look over my session reports for the past 17 days? Have there been sessions where I barely played a third of a shoe and left? YES. Have there been sessions where I played five shoes? YES. If I win quickly I just leave. If it takes a while, I stick around.
If this is the direction this is going in already then forget it. Two grand means - spit to me, if I have to alter the way I play just to earn it. Too much real money is at stake at each of my sessions. I accept the offer as laid down.![]()

Correct. I glanced at that other thread, I wasn't even aware of it until now. That thread seems to have additional or different terms, that's a different challenge I never accepted that.
As I understood this matter I'm being paid to be watched, and Wizard is being paid to observe.
Anyway, Wizard and I already accepted the challenge as stated in my thread, right here, are we proceeding or not?
Let’s establish a min bet and a min number of hands agreeable to both and I’m on.
I think wizard will agree he is not looking to come down and watch you play for 10 minutes
I’ll allow you to make the goodwill gesture and propose a number of hands at a minimum. Along with her size

Let's not even bring that other thread into this because I don't want it thought that I agreed to anything in that thread, because I didn't.
Quote: MDawgOkay I just looked at that other thread more closely. That has different or additional terms to it. I didn't agree to that.
Let's not even bring that other thread into this because I don't want it thought that I agreed to anything in that thread, because I didn't.
It sounds like there is no agreement then.
EV should receive his money back
But I just want to make it clear that I have agreed to what was proposed here in this thread in its entirety.
Quote: darkozIt sounds like there is no agreement then.
EV should receive his money back
An agreement is already in place.
An offer was tendered and accepted...that's an agreement.
It looks like EV came up short in his escrow deposit,
he offered to post $2500.
Quote: MDawgwhat would those additional terms be.
He wants to restrict your play, to where he has influence
on the number of hands you play and how much you bet.
Quote: coachbellyAn agreement is already in place.
An offer was tendered and accepted...that's an agreement.
It looks like EV came up short in his escrow deposit,
he offered to post $2500.
In essence the Wizard has been compensated for his time.
MDawg needs to agree to the terms that EV posted in full.
MDawg is a lawyer!
I am certain he is aware that pretty much most legal contracts have a clause that both parties have understood the full terms of the arrangements. And that both parties have read those terms.
It would appear MDawg did not fully read the terms (he has now admitted not seeing the terms in the other thread).
This agreement isn't entered into when two of the three parties agree to it but when all three parties agree to it.
I fail to see how it could be any other way
Since Coachbelly Likes to advise MDawg, not to do certain things, as he did with me. Since this challenge/offer seems to not accomplish anything, or get to the bottom of anything I'm advising everyone and anyone not to take on this challenge unless it's amended to where it's not a +EV opportunity and it shows an average bet of 1k for a decent number of hands. There doesn't seem to be a meeting of the minds.
Quote: darkozIt would appear MDawg did not fully read the terms
That is incorrect.
The offer was tendered in writing and accepted,
and an agreement is in place.
This has all been presented for examination several times.
If either party attempts to unilaterally change the terms of the agreement,
without the consent of the other party, then they should be considered
in default of the agreement.
There is another offer tendered that, if accepted, would also
require terms to be satisfied as written in the proposal without
changes, unless changes are agreeable to both parties.
Quote: AxelWolfI'm advising everyone and anyone not to take on this challenge unless it's amended
It's too late for that, unless both parties agree to the changes.
An agreement is already in place.
Quote: coachbellyThat is incorrect.
The offer was tendered in writing and accepted,
and an agreement is in place.
This has all been presented for examination several times.
If either party attempts to unilaterally change the terms of the agreement,
without the consent of the other party, then they should be considered
in default of the agreement.
There is another offer tendered that, if accepted, would also
require terms to be satisfied as written in the proposal without
changes, unless changes are agreeable to both parties.
I suggest then MDawg file in court for his $2000 when EV fails to deliver. Since you believe it's some sort of legal agreement MDawg should have no problem getting a judgement in his favor.
I personally don't think MDawg has any such legal agreement to do anything
This agreement is not a wager! MDawg has no requirement to put up money therefore there is no risk on his part. I see no wager.
What we have here is a purchase of a service.
The Wizard is delivering the service (evaluation of MDawg play) and such services have now been paid for
The product is MDawg and his play.
Any person who makes a purchase has a right to object to shoddy product.
MDawg is currently trying to foist what everyone agrees is a faulty product (a very negative product delivery for EV's purpose)
Any person who is in such a position would refuse payment of such product
Quote: darkozThis being a gambling forum there is the idea that a person should never "Welch on a bet"!
This agreement is not a wager! MDawg has no requirement to put up money therefore there is no risk on his part. I see no wager.
That's the same scenario that applied to the MDawg vs Axel challenge.
It wasn't a wager...Axel wasn't required to put up any money, there was no risk on his part.
The product was Axel's fabricated evidence.
Quote: coachbellyThat's the same scenario that applied to the MDawg vs Axel challenge.
It wasn't a wager...Axel wasn't required to put up any money, there was no risk on his part.
The product was Axel's fabricated evidence.
And nothing came of it!
Quote: darkozCorrect
And nothing came of it!
Can we look at what can be agreed to:
1. An agreed number of hands played?
2. An agreed minimum average bet?
Why did Mdawg get suspended for a month? Obviously, he backed out of something that he agreed to, and he started to add more unreasonable terms AFTER he put his challenge in writing and I accepted.Quote: coachbellyThat's the same scenario that applied to the MDawg vs Axel challenge.
It wasn't a wager...Axel wasn't required to put up any money, there was no risk on his part.
The product was Axel's fabricated evidence.
false accusationQuote: coachbellyHe wants to restrict your play, to where he has influence
on the number of hands you play and how much you bet.
Quote: MDawgLet me get right to the heart of what I gather you are saying. You want to add additional terms to what I already agreed to? For the moment, without agreeing to those additional terms, what would those additional terms be.
But I just want to make it clear that I have agreed to what was proposed here in this thread in its entirety.
Here is what EV wants.
Quote: ExpectedvalueWhat terms are you agreeing to. I’m not willing to have you play 4-5 hands and walk away. You say you average 1k a hand. I’m not even asking you to bet one k. There is a happy medium here. I need to a) have wizard see with his own eyes that you pull at least an 8k marker in your name. That the chips that are on the table at the start are there at the end- minus Any dealer tokes. And that you play in your normal habitat.
Let’s establish a min bet and a min number of hands agreeable to both and I’m on.
I think wizard will agree he is not looking to come down and watch you play for 10 minutes
I’ll allow you to make the goodwill gesture and propose a number of hands at a minimum. Along with her size
Who cares what other people do or what other people want, the thread is about a member and no matter if you agree with him or not, what he is doing and how he is doing it., meaning the intricacies and so on and so forth.
I enjoy reading about members and what they do! Not about the sparring and the drama caused by high-profile members. You belittle yourselves!
The original and sole purpose of this thread is to stir up sh**, which it has achieved, and continues to achieve, fantastically. That's the only reason I keep up with it.Quote: Marcusclark66My question is why does a handful of high-profile members have to constantly put their two cents in and attempt to prove how good they are and override what the original purpose of the thread was?

What additional altered terms are you proposing. Obviously I don't have to accept them, but again what are they. And I'm ignoring the extraneous input from anyone but ExpectedValue obviously.
I read this in this thread:
Quote: ExpectedvalueThis is really simple at this point. The only thing I am asking mdawg to clarify is the bet and the number of minimum hands. There was clear intent on my part here to show one full session on my part in offering the bet. Doe anyone really think I was willing to offer 2k for mdawg to play 2-3 hands be up and walk. I offered this so that the forum could have a trusted person in the wizard few mdawg during an average session. I have never seen mdawg mention playing a few hands and leaving. Surely an insanely wealthy lawyer would not care to make him self look bad by having wizard come down and play 10 minutes and leave to make 2k. So mdawg just tell me what you think is a fair number of hands to call it a full session for you in my original post
Is that all you want me to do?
So mdawg just tell me what you think is a fair number of hands to call it a full session for you in my original post
because otherwise that other thread refers to an entirely different wager, which includes a requirement that I win and seems to be stipulating some sort of average bet or some such. That's an entirely different bet and not what I agreed to. As far as minimum bet I never play a table with under a hundred and usually the tables I play at are minimum 200.
You made this offer here in this thread and we both accepted it. 2k for allowing Wizard to watch
If you think MDawg is a total joke, then why are you offering 2K to have someone watch him? And if he is not a total joke, then that will be proven by this exercise. I'll pull an 8K marker and I'll play the way I always do. I am not going to sit there and flat bet the table minimum. That would be clown behavior and the Wizard would report that to you.
I already accepted your exact offer as did the Wizard.
Quote: MDawg
What additional altered terms are you proposing. Obviously I don't have to accept them, but again what are they. And I'm ignoring the extraneous input from anyone but ExpectedValue obviously.
Now the above quote is really breaking news to the board. There is substantial evidence already on site that says you do not make a move on anything gaming forum-related without first clearing it through coach belly. If however, that is no longer the case please notify the board members, as well as the coach himself, Thank you.
I think that is where I am at in order to finish this off
If I'm up massively after say twenty hands I'll just forgo the $2000. and leave, I mean why wouldn't I, but that would be rare anyway.
I try to pick a table that has no one at it, so if that is a 100 minimum table that will be it, but lately they have all been 200 minimums anyway.
And there will be no continuous flat betting.
And I will pull an initial marker of at least 8K as always.
Quote: BoSoxThere is substantial evidence already on site that says you do not make a move on anything gaming forum-related without first clearing it through coach belly
Are you claiming this because there is evidence,
or because you wish it to be as you claim?
MDawg doesn't clear anything through me,
he's never even asked me for any advice.
I provide extraneous input, just like everybody else,
except maybe the Wizard, who apparently privately
mediates forum disputes, and privately advises members
how to get along and to get by on this forum.
Quote: MDawgI'll commit to playing at least 3/4 of a shoe which average shoe is 75 hands,
in order to receive the 2000.
Here's more unsolicited and extraneous advice...
Be prepared for Expectedvalue to add additional terms and conditions.
Also don’t care about the table minimum but I would ask that regardless of table limits you keep to a minimum wager of 200.
I mentioned a session that you normally play so that would include you winning as you say you do not lose.
As so far as anyone else is concerned. again I do not care about mdawg having positive ev. I care that he pulls markers in his name and plays as he discusses and he always wins
So here are cliff notes of where I am at
If agreed
200 minimum bet
Winning session
One full shoe 57 hands played.
Quote: ExpectedvalueI’m on with one shoe minimum as long as you do not take more than 17 free hands you seem to agree you won’t do that.
Also don’t care about the table minimum but I would ask that regardless of table limits you keep to a minimum wager of 200.
I mentioned a session that you normally play so that would include you winning as you say you do not lose.
As so far as anyone else is concerned. again I do not care about mdawg having positive ev. I care that he pulls markers in his name and plays as he discusses and he always wins
So here are cliff notes of where I am at
If agreed
200 minimum bet
Winning session
One full shoe 57 hands played.
It seems like the two of you are on the same page..... But I think MDawg would say a MINIMUM of one shoe played, but he CAN continue playing as long as he wants to, as that is his normal playing style. And that MDawg may, if he wants, take additional markers, as that is his normal playing style. And on the 'comeback trail', MDawg may quit as soon as he is up any amount, as he has mentioned he has done exactly that on a few of his sessions.
MDawg has not specifically stated that he would guarantee a $200 minimum, but since he says he would often play tables with $200 minimum, so I don't think MDawg would quibble with that requirement. But I'm not CoachBelly, so I am not authorized to speak for MDawg.
I have stated "THIS AINT GONNA HAPPEN", but now I am not sure!
If it happens, I will bet that MDawg wins this challenge. I will bet any member in good standing $50 on MDawg winning the challenge.
Quote: MDawgLet me step back a moment from the podium and speak to the spirit of all this.
If you think MDawg is a total joke, then why are you offering 2K to have someone watch him? And if he is not a total joke, then that will be proven by this exercise. I'll pull an 8K marker and I'll play the way I always do. I am not going to sit there and flat bet the table minimum. That would be clown behavior and the Wizard would report that to you.
I already accepted your exact offer as did the Wizard.
Exactly!!!!! To the millionth power!
Criticized by the double talkers that know nothing about table games and those that wish they knew more!