Posted by ChumpChange
Dec 03, 2020
Dec 03, 2020
Excel Baccarat Sim Links
Let's Play Baccarat: 1000 Shoes - Advanced Advantage Play - Nov 21, 2020https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZDCB9MQ2IWg
Baccarat_MC_Sim_50_Shoes - Advanced Advantage Play - https://advancedadvantageplay.com/downloads/
I have to click somewhere in the K column to generate a new 50 shoe outcome in the spreadsheet, and hover my mouse on the result line to see the highs and lows numbers along the way. The very first one had me down 200 hands in 4,000 hands, which is around -3SD.
Tanko wrote: Anyone considering accepting MDawg's challenge should view the first five minutes of this video. I will save you from losing 50K.
How to Identify a Baccarat Scammer, Fraudster, Liar, Troll or Delusional Bragger - Advanced Advantage Play

Posted by ChumpChange
Dec 03, 2020
Dec 03, 2020
6:5 BJ Insurance Bets
6:5 BJ screws up insurance bets, especially if you're trying to win BJ-BJ.OK, I'm not thinking straight, there's no effect on insurance bets.
You have a $10 bet down, you get dealt a BJ, dealer gets dealt an Ace and asks if you want insurance.
If you say no and win the hand, you get paid $12.
If you say no and push the hand, you get paid $0.
If you say yes and push the hand, you get paid $10.
If you say yes and win the hand, you get paid $12 (-$5 insurance) = $7 (instead of $10 in 3:2 BJ). *
You have a $10 bet down, you get dealt a 20, dealer gets dealt an Ace and asks if you want insurance.
If you say no and win the hand, you get paid $10.
If you say no and push the hand, you get paid $0.
If you say no and lose the hand, you lose $10.
If you say yes and win the hand, you win $10 (-$5 insurance) = $5.
If you say yes and push the hand, you get paid $0 (-$5 insurance) = -$5.
If you say yes and lose the hand, you lose $10 (-$5 insurance) = -$15.
*It does hobble you if you're trying to win one unit no matter what if you have a BJ against a dealer ace and the dealer loses.

Posted by ChumpChange
Sep 10, 2020
Sep 10, 2020
Safer Together - Turning Stone Reopening pdf
Turning Stone and sister casinos - Safer Together -- Reopening Oneida Nation Enterprises Gaming Venues pdf https://www.turningstone.com/uploads/document/safertogether/SaferTogether-Plan.pdfRestaurant dining linked to COVID-19; severe illness less common with GI symptoms
The risk of dying from COVID-19 is 1% in the low-risk group, 10% in the intermediate-risk group, 31% in the high-risk group, and 62% in the very high-risk group.
Craps barrier in a photo indicates barrier is between players and not a barrier to the table.
Disinfected dice: Las Vegas casinos getting ready to roll
Roulette barrier in a photo indicates barrier is between players and not a barrier to the table.
Casinos in Wales set to reopen | Knutsford Guardian (wants to cookie)
Photos show changes in Atlantic City casinos after reopening - Business Insider Jul 6, 2020
Top photo seems like craps barriers are to protect workers and not set between players at the Golden Nugget Casino in Atlantic City, New Jersey, on July 2, 2020.
Partitions between players and face masks allow gamblers to enjoy craps at the Hard Rock Casino on July 2, 2020
Which states are on the travel advisory list? Are there travel restrictions to or from New Jersey? https://tinyurl.com/y5k8yg8m
As of Tuesday, September 15, there are currently 30 states and U.S. jurisdictions that meet the criteria stated above:
Alabama (added 6/24/20)
Alaska (re-added 9/1/20)
Arkansas (added 6/24/20)
Delaware (re-added 9/8/20)
Florida (added 6/24/20)
Georgia (added 6/30/20)
Guam (added 8/25/20)
Idaho (added 6/30/20)
Illinois (added 7/28/20)
Indiana (added 7/21/20)
Iowa (added 6/30/20)
Kansas (added 7/7/20)
Kentucky (added 7/28/20)
Louisiana (added 6/30/20)
Mississippi (added 6/30/20)
Missouri (added 7/21/20)
Montana (re-added 9/1/20)
Nebraska (added 7/21/20)
North Carolina (added 6/24/20)
North Dakota (added 7/21/20)
Oklahoma (added 7/7/20)
Puerto Rico (re-added 9/15/20)
South Carolina (added 6/24/20)
South Dakota (added 8/11/20)
Tennessee (added 6/30/20)
Texas (added 6/24/20)
Utah (added 6/24/20)
Virginia (added 7/21/20)
West Virginia (added 9/8/20)
Wisconsin (added 7/14/20)
Note: California, Hawaii, Maryland, Minnesota, Nevada, and Ohio were removed 9/15/20. The Virgin Islands were removed 9/8/20. Arizona was removed 8/25/20. New Mexico, Rhode Island, and Washington were removed 8/11/20. The District of Columbia was removed on 8/4/20.
This list will be updated regularly.
The self-quarantine is voluntary, but compliance is expected.
We ask that you complete a voluntary online survey to provide information about where you are traveling from and your destination if you have traveled to, or are returning from, one of the states that has been designated above.

Posted by ChumpChange
Jun 27, 2020
Jun 27, 2020
Does the IRS Consider Cashback and Free-Play Income?
Does the IRS Consider Cashback and Free-Play Income? | Las Vegas Advisorhttps://www.lasvegasadvisor.com/question/cashback-irs/
The biggest argument as to why cashback is income is that if you’re 86ed (barred) from a Nevada casino, Nevada Gaming Control has ruled time and time again that you’re entitled to the cashback earned, whereas comps in your comp account are forfeited, since they’re discretionary.
Edit posted on 10-10-2020
South Dakota Supreme Court: Casino free play not taxable
By Jaci Conrad Pearson Black Hills Pioneer - Dec 19, 2014
Is Free Play Considered Taxable Income? - 07-02-2016
kdk wrote: It is not taxed. I have won a few drawings at one of my local casinos. Once it was $1000 in cash- and they gave me a tax form with it. Then won there again and instead my prize was $1000 in freeplay. No tax form for that. For any drawings/prizes anything over $600 cash is taxable. Winnings from the freeplay are taxable of course though.
pelotari wrote: I will confirm what kdk said, and I have had similar wins. I was called in a drawing where there were several winners of $1000 cash. Each of us collected at the cashier, and were given a 1099 tax form (not a W2G) and a copy was sent to the IRS. It was a 1099 since it was a drawing that had no fee to enter, as opposed to a slot win. Then another time I was called in a drawing and won $10,000 freeplay. There were no tax forms on that.
Dec 16, 2020
Didn't even consider the need of having to report in these situations. Thanks for providing insight on freeplay vs. cashback as taxable income.

Posted by ChumpChange
Jun 27, 2020
Jun 27, 2020
Vlog - All Vegas Poker Rooms and regulations!
All Vegas Poker Rooms and regulations! - Vlog #245 Part 1K. Pokerkraut
All Vegas Poker Rooms and regulations! PART II - #245 Part 2
K. Pokerkraut
I just played 450 hands of software blackjack and came out even. The machine has a way of wiping out my wins in very short order, over & over.
On another BJ game, I was down over a hundred hands tonight, then I won about 50 hands back (like the machine was broken) and made my money back and then some, so I'm a hundred hands ahead now. I was on the last 10 hands of my 6th 25 hand $10K buy-in, and turned that $10K into $90K, or went from $120K to $63K then back to $160K. I was max bet at $5K so I could have gone on but decided to lock up a profit.