Zooey Deschanel recently filed for divorce. For some reason her lawyer poster her financial information. As expected for a woman with her own hit TV series, her income is listed at $95K/month (probably will zoom by next year). Yet she spends only $22.5K per month (including a $4K mortgage). She also has $1.5M in the bank, and another $2.3M in assets. So she is not spending 75% of her income.
Her dining out expenses are listed as $500 per month. I guess beautiful women don't pay restaurant checks.
I have never met a woman who spends considerably less than she makes and has money in the bank. Never ever ever. Most women spend money to have the lifestyle that they think they deserve, which is only loosely related to the money they have.
what the heck is she spending $4.6K a week on? Thats
$650 a day!
Property Taxes: 1,800
Insurance: 600
Maintenance and Repair: 1,000
Health Care: 2,000
Groceries and Household Supplies: 1,000
Eating Out: $500
Utilities: $800
Telecom: $300
Laundry and Cleaning: $600
Clothes: $2,000
Entertainment, Gifts, Vacation: $1,000
Auto insurance and transportation: $200
Other insurance: $250
Charitable contributions: $1,500
Credit Cards: $5,000 (isn't this double counting, the balance is zero)
1.578 million in the bank,
1.645 million in stocks, bonds, and "assets I could easily sell"
693.3k Real Estate.
Quote: EvenBobIf she spends $22.5K a month and $4K is for a mortgage,
what the heck is she spending $4.6K a week on? Thats
$650 a day!
I think that many women in her position spend $22.5K per month on clothes and shoes.
I am surprised that her lawyer didn't recommend that she pump those numbers up. She is divorcing a man who probably makes far less than she does.
That's probably the most sexist thing I've read today and I read a lot of wingnut blogs.Quote: pacomartinI have never met a woman who spends considerably less than she makes and has money in the bank. Never ever ever. Most women spend money to have the lifestyle that they think they deserve, which is only loosely related to the money they have.
Quote: pacomartin
I have never met a woman who spends considerably less than she makes and has money in the bank. Never ever ever. Most women spend money to have the lifestyle that they think they deserve, which is only loosely related to the money they have.
How many women have you met who spend $270,000 a year, regardless of what they earn?
What I wonder is, if she has $1.5M in the bank and another $2.3M in other assets, why is she carrying a mortgage of $4000 a month? Why not just pay it off?
Quote: Toes14How many women have you met who spend $270,000 a year, regardless of what they earn?
What I wonder is, if she has $1.5M in the bank and another $2.3M in other assets, why is she carrying a mortgage of $4000 a month? Why not just pay it off?
If the interest rate of your mortgage is less than your ROI on the same amount of cash in other investments, why would you pay off your mortgage, especially when mortgage interest on your primary residence is tax deductible?
Is this true in California? Is it true in Nevada? In New York banks are not allowed to penalize a homeowner for paying off his or her principal too soon.Quote: boymimboMortgages have penalties for paying them off early.
Quote: s2dbakerThat's probably the most sexist thing I've read today and I read a lot of wingnut blogs.
I mean't it to be sexist. It's a deeply troubling personal issue which ruins countless lives. I didn't say that there aren't men like that, as we all know MC Hammer went through $30 million in less than a decade in the early 90's. But the level of consumption by woman is frightening.
I don't think that the location of ones reproductive organs, be they inside or outside of the body, have any bearing on ones frugality.Quote: pacomartinI mean't it to be sexist. It's a deeply troubling personal issue which ruins countless lives. I didn't say that there aren't men like that, as we all know MC Hammer went through $30 million in less than a decade in the early 90's. But the level of consumption by woman is frightening.
behaved kids in the world, having that many little kids around
all the time is a major pain. Having that many teens is even
worse. Get out, Brad, while you still have your sanity..
Quote: s2dbakerI don't think that the location of ones reproductive organs, be they inside or outside of the body, have any bearing on ones frugality.
Nah, it's probably all the hormones that go along with that.