Quote: Mission146No, I'd still have my teeth.
I don't know, you kinda have that Deliverance look..
But that was Missouri, what am I thinking..

I'll take it!!!
I also happen to agree, but only when Christian Bale has facial hair...I always have facial hair. He has a much stronger jaw than I do, though my lips are somewhat fuller than his. If he and I were both clean shaven, we'd look nothing alike, but with facial hair, we look somewhat alike.
Quote: GWAEseriously, do people even think this would be hard. I have eaten a 20 piece and 2 medium fries in about 10 min and could have kept going. A whole hour for 100, easy!!
If I didn't think that I would die from a heart attack afterwards I would do this tomorrow for fun.
This post sort of got lost in the blather about Mission's looks! Are you, GWAE, also willing to take the challenge officially against the Wiz?
Also, Mission, this challenge will clearly not be all about EV. If you choose to come to Buffalo/Niagara Falls, I will spring for the McNuggets, and you can stay for free with me if you choose to. There are a bunch of frquent posters from this area who I guess would love to attend such a momentous event.
I've been debating about putting my money down with Mission. Two things bother me about taking this bet. First, is that I can't imagine the thought of eating 100 McDonalds nuggets, but since I won't be the one eating, I can get past this one. The second is betting against the Wiz. He only makes wagers he believes are positive EV, this concerns me. Hmmmm
What the hell, give me $100 of action (agreeing to all the previously defined terms) on Christian Bale aka Mission aka Pierce aka The Nugget King. I love your confidence, my chicken (or whatever they put in those things) eating friend!
Quote: MidwestAPThe second is betting against the Wiz. He only makes wagers he believes are positive EV, this concerns me. Hmmmm
I make awful bets all the time. During G2E I went to a talk with BBB about the gaming business in Latin America. I bet her that the word Panama would never be spoken. What a terrible bet! It was said at least 20 times.
Quote:What the hell, give me $100 of action (agreeing to all the previously defined terms) on Christian Bale aka Mission aka Pierce aka The Nugget King. I love your confidence, my chicken (or whatever they put in those things) eating friend!
So, let's be absolutely clear, you're betting $100 against me on Mission per the same terms that BBB and I agreed to? Please don't say "sure," but an unequivocal, "We have a bet."
Quote: WizardSo, let's be absolutely clear, you're betting $100 against me on Mission per the same terms that BBB and I agreed to? Please don't say "sure," but an unequivocal, "We have a bet."
I understand the reason for the clarity given some past disputed wagers. So, let me be clear, we have a $100 bet using the same terms established between Mission and you.
Quote: MidwestAPThis may be my favorite thread in quite a while!
I prefer the "I was raped at mile marker 164" thread. Hard to beat that one.
At first, I was considering betting against Mission. But after seeing that pic- no chance I would bet against him. He has that "I love chicken nuggets" look. I think he will prevail.
Should be fun. I would love to see it live.
Quote: GWAEI would never bet WITH someone doing something like this. If I thought that he couldn't do it then I would take action. I am not saying that the Wizard or Mission would rig something like this since they are very respected folks on this forum but if Mission gets to 90 and starts feeling a little ill then he could throw in the towel since he isn't the one with the action. If it was his money then he would press on until he exploded.
Mission has $100 of his own at stake. I have no concerns with his desire to win the contest nor do I have concerns with the integrity of the betting participants.
Quote: GWAEIf it was his money then he would press on until he exploded.
He IS putting his own money on the line.
(EDIT: Oops...looks like the person above me just addressed this)
Mission, with his young family and work commitments, has declined the idea of traveling for this, but one or more people are considering traveling to him. He has suggested he may be able to provide lodging for them.
There will be a video for official record, and at least one live witness from this board. This challenge will take place some time in December, at Mission's discretion, and there is a caveat that if Mission becomes ill (cold/flu/whatever), the bet can be postponed/cancelled.
Mission will have one hour to eat 100 Nuggets, wants them all at once to make sure they've cooled off enough to eat when he's ready, and has an additional 10 minutes after that hour where he must retain what he ingests to win the bet. He may use any sauces/liquids/other foods he considers necessary.
Is that correct and complete to date?
Quote: MidwestAPI understand the reason for the clarity given some past disputed wagers. So, let me be clear, we have a $100 bet using the same terms established between Mission and you.
Quote: beachbumbabsMission will have one hour to eat 100 Nuggets, wants them all at once to make sure they've cooled off enough to eat when he's ready, and has an additional 10 minutes after that hour where he must retain what he ingests to win the bet. He may use any sauces/liquids/other foods he considers necessary.
Is that correct and complete to date?
We already agreed that the McNuggets can't reverse themselves, as evidenced by coming out of the mouth. Also, I think it is agreed that Mission can't take any medicines, but is limited to food and beverages to aid him.
Here is a question for Mission, will you be using sauces?
Quote: Wizard
Quote: beachbumbabs
Mission will have one hour to eat 100 Nuggets, wants them all at once to make sure they've cooled off enough to eat when he's ready, and has an additional 10 minutes after that hour where he must retain what he ingests to win the bet. He may use any sauces/liquids/other foods he considers necessary.
Is that correct and complete to date?
We already agreed that the McNuggets can't reverse themselves, as evidenced by coming out of the mouth. Also, I think it is agreed that Mission can't take any medicines, but is limited to food and beverages to aid him.
Here is a question for Mission, will you be using sauces?
Wiz and Mission, a question for you both;
If Mission has an hour to eat, and does the 100 in less, say within 40 minutes, does his 10-minute retention clock start then, or is it 1 hour 10 minutes regardless of when he finishes (purposefully not saying "if").
Quote: beachbumbabsIf Mission has an hour to eat, and does the 100 in less, say within 40 minutes, does his 10-minute retention clock start then, or is it 1 hour 10 minutes regardless of when he finishes (purposefully not saying "if").
Good question. I'll let the "reversal" clock start after the 100th McNugget is visibly eaten as evidenced by an empty mouth.
Quote: beachbumbabsSo, if I'm reviewing the thread correctly, we have the Wiz offering up to 500 on the NO, and so far 3 of us on the YES, with Mission himself at 100, me at 100, and Midwest AP at 100: Welcome aboard, Midwest! Resolution to be settled as persons of honor.
I see people taking the $100 on MISSION to finish the mission but where is the side bets for him on your bets? like putting a extra red or green down for the dealer/eater
BTW Wizard have you seen how SMALL those nuggets have gotten at the golden arches lately?
Quote: beachbumbabsWiz and Mission, a question for you both;
If Mission has an hour to eat, and does the 100 in less, say within 40 minutes, does his 10-minute retention clock start then, or is it 1 hour 10 minutes regardless of when he finishes (purposefully not saying "if").
The precedent would be 10 minutes from the time the last McNugget enters his mouth. It is not the time that is an issue. My son did the 88 McNuggets in less than half an hour.
100 nuggets=
3.56 lbs of chicken like product
4700 calories
295 gram of fat
88?!?Quote: SOOPOOMy son did the 88 McNuggets in less than half an hour.
Didn't all that grease make him nauseous? Poor guy must have been on the can all day.
Quote: coilmanBTW Wizard have you seen how SMALL those nuggets have gotten at the golden arches lately?
Have they gotten smaller since the SOOPOO jr. challenge? This concerns me.
Quote: GWAEsome food for thought.
100 nuggets=
3.56 lbs of chicken like product
That's being generous. It's as much like real chicken
as a hot dog is like a pork loin. It's formed and shaped
chicken goo that's been dyed and flavored. It depends
of the spicy outer coating and the dipping sauces for
all its flavor. Yum..
295 grams of fat is over 10oz. It's like trying to drink a
10oz coke bottle of pure, half congealed fat in less than
an hour. Your stomach's natural reaction is to upchuck,
it's not designed for that kind of abuse.
Quote: WizardHave they gotten smaller since the SOOPOO jr. challenge? This concerns me.
Way back on page 2, and I quote, "Be careful Wiz."
Quote: Beethoven9th88?!?
Didn't all that grease make him nauseous? Poor guy must have been on the can all day.
Yes. It made him nauseous. That's why he stopped even though he was so close to winning. I do not believe he needed to be on the can any more than on a non 100 McNugget day. He did, however, not join Mike and I for lunch right after the challenge..... He said he was full......
Quote: BuzzardWay back on page 2, and I quote, "Be careful Wiz."
Okay, in the SOOPOO jr. challenge cellardoor posted that 10 McNuggets weighed 5.6 ounces.
The McDonalds web site says 20 pieces weigh 11.4 ounces. Dividing that by 2, 10 pieces would weigh 5.7 ounces.
So, if anything, each piece got (5.7-5.6)/10= 0.01 ounces heavier.
In other news, I'd like to change the naming convention for both challenges to the WoV McNugget challenge I and II. We can drop the WoV in the interests of brevity. Any objections? The first one was just called the WoV Challenge, in part because it also involved running and doing crossword puzzles. However, it was the McNuggets that was truly the challenging part.
Can we assume the knife is in ?
Anyways, the size does not appear to have changed since 2003, so I think your expections can be the same as in McNugget Challenge I. The ingredients appear below, courtesy of CNN.
Dimethylpolysiloxane is used as a matter of safety to keep the oil from foaming, McComb says. The chemical is a form of silicone also used in cosmetics and Silly Putty. A review of animal studies by The World Health Organization found no adverse health effects associated with dimethylpolysiloxane.
TBHQ is a preservative for vegetable oils and animal fats, limited to .02 percent of the oil in the nugget. One gram (one-thirtieth of an ounce) can cause "nausea, vomiting, ringing in the ears, delirium, a sense of suffocation, and collapse," according to “A Consumer’s Dictionary of Food Additives.”
Can't say it 3 times fast.
Quote: Beethoven9thIf it was just chicken, I'd bet big bucks on him. But once you add in all that nasty grease and stuff, most people would probably vomit around 70-75 (other than professional eaters, of course).
I'd like to interrupt this thread with a word from Al Bundy on nutrition and healthy eating.
Quote: WizardI'd like to interrupt this thread with a word from Al Bundy on nutrition and healthy eating.
Grease burgers for everybody. On that note, the owner of
Heart Attack Grill speaks out that his food is killing people.
The contest winner ate 69 of these in 10 minutes. That's 21,300 calories and 1,380grams of fat. And hot dogs are extremely heavily processed foods with tons of preservatives.
So, I dont' see 100 nuggets and 4,700 calories to be an issue. The problem is the texture of the nuggets and the sheer volume you'll be eating. There's a video of a guy eating 50 in 8:50.
As for the .02%, to consume a gram of TBHQ, you'd have to consume 5,000g of oil (45,000 calories) to hit that limit. 100 McNuggets contains 2,650 calories from fat or about 300g of oil, so you'd be fine there. You're eating 9g of sodium, which is quite awful (the same as two large bags of pretzels). And the total weight of the food is 1.6kg or about 3.5 pounds.
Still, given that there's no video documentation of a successful challenge, can I be in for $10 against?
Quote: boymimbo
The contest winner ate 69 of these in 10 minutes. That's 21,300 calories and 1,380grams of fat.
Its a different kind of fat. Hot dogs are not deep
fried like nuggets are. Fat changes when you heat
it to a high temp, it becomes very hard to digest.
That's why the guy in the car in Supersize Me was
puking. It was from the fries more than the burger.
about 1/2 way through to grab some McDonalds.
And this McNugget theme is making me hankering
for some McNuggets... but only 10.
But I think I'll go ahead and make the Chicken Caesar Salad I was planning to have...
Blotting the nuggets would have little effect. They're pretty dry by the time you get them.
Quote: boymimbo
Blotting the nuggets would have little effect. They're pretty dry by the time you get them.
might not be the case if you are ordering 100 of them at a time... I would guess thats going to be a SPECIAL ORDER size ...thus all will come out hot and freshly cooked
Quote: coilmanIS blotting the nuggets on the McDonalds supplied napkins before eating allowed?
I don't think it should be, since that wouldn't be consuming the entire McNugget. Now that I think about it, maybe we shouldn't have allowed SOOPOO jr to dunk the McNuggets in lemonade, because perhaps some of the fat was being transferred out of them.
Peeling off the breading and eating all the meat first and the leftover breading last might help also.... less time for most of the oil sitting inside upsetting the stomach
Quote: coilmanI think the trick to winning this whole bet is to eat the nuggets COLD. Order them let them cool down completely then eat them. The oil will no longer escape with each bite
SOOPOO jr. did that. He also tried to eat them as fast as possible. As I recall, he got to 88 in about 20 minutes.
Quote: coilmanI think the trick to winning this whole bet is to eat the nuggets COLD.
I disagree. Eat them as hot as possible, that way the
oil doesn't get a chance to congeal before it hits your
stomach. Congealed fat is harder to digest.
Quote: coilmanhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pGeww1tXANI
Look at the size of this guy. He's what, 26-27 and look
at his arms, he works out. He probably eats a lot anyway.
He made it look easy, that's for sure.
boymimbo, I'll take your 10 action if you really want, same terms; you on the NO, me on the YES. In for a penny, in for a pound....be sure to say "accept" back to me here if you want to do it. To be settled via Paypal.