Or sold the world wide rights to her image a long time ago to some photographer.
Thanks for sharing that. I was ready to send her a money order for an airline ticket to visit me. SIGH
to reel in the suckers. They all do it. There's a
girl in my 'area' thats made $10K last month on
the internet and I've been seeing her pic for 2
years. They aren't in your area either. The site
picks up your IP and you see Las Vegas. I'll
see the same pic of the same girl that you see
and it will list my area.
Quote: EvenBobIt isn't real. Its a paid model who they use forever
to reel in the suckers. They all do it. There's a
girl in my 'area' thats made $10K last month on
the internet and I've been seeing her pic for 2
years. They aren't in your area either. The site
picks up your IP and you see Las Vegas. I'll
see the same pic of the same girl that you see
and it will list my area.
Damn bob, I think you might be on to something...can you start working on the cure for cancer???
Quote: EvenBobIt isn't real. Its a paid model who they use forever
to reel in the suckers. They all do it. There's a
girl in my 'area' thats made $10K last month on
the internet and I've been seeing her pic for 2
years. They aren't in your area either. The site
picks up your IP and you see Las Vegas. I'll
see the same pic of the same girl that you see
and it will list my area.
Bob you are waaayyy too cynical bud.
Quote: bigfoot66Bob you are waaayyy to cynical bud.
Why is the truth cynical? I don't get what you mean. Its
not real, look it up. You think a thin hot girl like that
blond has trouble getting dates? Get real.
My daughters friend just met her husband thru one of
those sites. She has a beautiful face and weighs about 275
pounds. Her husband is one of the homliest men I've ever
seen. Crooked teeth, massive overbite, and he has a
wandering eye. It was love at first site, what a couple they
make. But hey, he has a good job, what the hell.
That blond is a model to suck in the fatties and the uggo's.
If she's there (she isn't), it must be OK to be desperate.
A bit off topic, but when I was an extra on Homicide I was chatting with one of the other extras about what kind of acting work he did. He said he often was one of those "satisfied customers" you see on commercials. When asked if he ever actually tried the products he was paid to recommend he just laughed at my naivety.
Quote: EvenBobWhy is the truth cynical? I don't get what you mean. Its
not real, look it up. You think a thin hot girl like that
blond has trouble getting dates? Get real.
My daughters friend just met her husband thru one of
those sites. She has a beautiful face and weighs about 275
pounds. Her husband is one of the homliest men I've ever
seen. Crooked teeth, massive overbite, and he has a
wandering eye. It was love at first site, what a couple they
make. But hey, he has a good job, what the hell.
That blond is a model to suck in the fatties and the uggo's.
If she's there (she isn't), it must be OK to be desperate.
I thought my sarcasm was coming through loud and clear, I guess not...
blond has trouble getting dates? Get real."
I have known some beautiful women and they have admitted they intimidate a lot of guys and usually only get approached by real jerks. !
Quote: rxwineOne weird trick does it all.
Lie like hell?
Quote: WizardI'd lay good money she is a model and has no trouble finding men for free.
And I'd lay good money she's single by choice: Hey Jude is likely gay.
Notice the Lindsay Lohan look?
Quote: MrVAnd I'd lay good money she's single by choice: Hey Jude is likely gay.
My gaydar doesn't work very well. And I had no idea Lindsay Lohan was gay.
Quote: WizardI have to agree with Bob on this one. Once when I was watching somebody else check his hotmail in Montreal I saw Heyjude2222 on his screen too. I'd lay good money she is a model and has no trouble finding men for free.
A bit off topic, but when I was an extra on Homicide I was chatting with one of the other extras about what kind of acting work he did. He said he often was one of those "satisfied customers" you see on commercials. When asked if he ever actually tried the products he was paid to recommend he just laughed at my naivety.
Although, one of the dermatologists you see on TV and in print ads selling Olay or some such stuff went to med school with my husband, so she's legit. It's hit and miss with much more miss than hit, I suppose.
Quote: rxwineI know one weird trick to lose weight, build muscle, get dates, eat all you want, grow hair, make 70k a month working at home for 1 hour, find the lost sock in the dryer. One weird trick does it all.
oooh oooh...do you know if they have any fresh dumps or hot CC's?
Maybe she's looking to hook up with women now? :P
Quote: FarFromVegasSorry guys--HeyJude has moved east. She showed up on my screen when I was checking my weather forecast.
Maybe she's looking to hook up with women now? :P
No no, she's in the Midwest, I just saw her yesterday
on some page. She's right here in Grand Rapids MI,
I'm telling you.
Quote: AyecarumbaI don't know about you guys, but I have to be the luckiest person on the face of the planet. For the second straight week, I have been the one millionth visitor to a site that wants to give me an iPad (with subscription, and maybe a purchase, and perhaps some shipping and handling...)
That's a big FU to variance right there!!!
Quote: Woldusoooh oooh...do you know if they have any fresh dumps or hot CC's?
Speaking of that, another one joined the forum on Friday. Look at the list of members and see how many names start with "sell".
Quote: WizardMy gaydar doesn't work very well. And I had no idea Lindsay Lohan was gay.
Lohan is not gay. She is crazy! Crazy is crazy, no matter the sexual orientation. I know for a fact she is not gay because I was at the meeting when her application was rejected.
As for HeyJude....horrific body odor. ??
Quote: kenarmanI googled heyjude2222 for kicks and got a ton of hits she is either in Las Angeles or Cleveland or maybe other places.
I clearly remember watching a friend do something on the Internet in Montreal, and saw a banner that said something to the effect of "Singles in your area want to meet you." With it was a picture of HeyJude2222. So, add Montreal to the list of places she lives. Furthermore, I still see her picture here in Vegas, so she must live here too.
You're awesome Wiz, but you definitely are a sucker for cute girls...lol
Quote: tringlomaneYou're awesome Wiz, but you definitely are a sucker for cute girls...lol
Thanks! Hopefully one of these years I'll get one to talk to me without being paid.
Quote: Beethoven9thHey, I thought the Wizard was already married? lol
He is, but I still think he is a sucker for cute girls. Gives them too much benefit of the doubt for sure.
Quote: Beethoven9thHey, I thought the Wizard was already married? lol
I am. But what middle-aged man doesn't have a eye that wanders a little?
Quote: WizardI am. But what middle-aged man doesn't have a eye that wanders a little?
You can buy "stock photos" for advertising off the Internet at $10 per use (not per view, but per use).
The funniest use of a stock photo I ever saw was when Caesars Palace sent out a mailer for a shopping promotion in the Forum Shops. The photo showed a mother and daughter with their shopping bags, as if they were at the Forum shops. It was a stock photo. Ross, the liquidation/outlet company of discounted department store merchandise, uses the same photo in their stores.
Quote: AlanMendelsonRoss, the liquidation/outlet company of discounted department store merchandise, uses the same photo in their stores.
It used to be that if you drove west-bound on Sahara there were billboards for a payday loan place and a dentist, about a block apart, and both used the same model of a smiling gal with perfect teeth.
Quote: WizardIt used to be that if you drove west-bound on Sahara there were billboards for a payday loan place and a dentist, about a block apart, and both used the same model of a smiling gal with perfect teeth.
that makes sense... she got the loan for the cosmetic dentistry. :-)
About four years ago, I did an infomercial for a lawyer referral service. The company wanted graphics with their phone number to include photos of accidents, photos of emergency rooms, photos of doctors and policemen... so we "bought them" online at ten bucks a photo. Whatever you want -- it's there for a fee.
Heyjude, by the way, might be an employee of the company. Many companies use their employees as "models."
Quote: Beethoven9thI know a couple of girls whose pictures were ripped off straight from their Facebook profiles. They reported the photo theft, but nothing ever happened (of course). Pretty pathetic, if you ask me.
You don't report it. Who do you think you report it to? You get a lawyer and hit them with a lawsuit for a million dollars. You won't get that money, but you will get their attention.
Quote: AlanMendelsonYou don't report it. Who do you think you report it to? You get a lawyer and hit them with a lawsuit for a million dollars. You won't get that money, but you will get their attention.
Quote: WizardI clearly remember watching a friend do something on the Internet in Montreal, and saw a banner that said something to the effect of "Singles in your area want to meet you." With it was a picture of HeyJude2222. So, add Montreal to the list of places she lives. Furthermore, I still see her picture here in Vegas, so she must live here too.
Wow, cute and wealthy enough to have homes in multiple states. You go girl !