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119 members have voted
Quote: MichaelBluejayWow, someone hasn't been paying attention. That's the kind of comment people were making a year ago, and it never played out. Trump has *continually* said crazy things, and if anything, it's helped, not hurt him. He's been a constant spout machine and the result is that he's nearly tied with the other candidate.
I'm looking at their Polls-Plus forecast, which seems more accurate, especially since polls probably underestimate Trump, as some percentage of voters are probably too embarrassed to tell the pollsters that they're going to vote for him.
I don't agree with your analysis. First of all, his spew has hurt him much more now that he's on the national stage as an actual presidential candidate compared to when he was insulting and comparing dick sizes with the other 117 Republican candidates. I think that whatever free passes he was getting in the past are just that--a thing of the past. Second, I think his craziness did hurt him from the get-go. He's alienated a large portion of the Republican base, and he needs ALL of those people to win. Let's face it, one thing that's evident from the election season so far is that the Republicans would have nominated a sack of bat guano if they had to--it's more important to them that the candidate is "not a Democrat" than that he is or isn't sane.
Sheryl Crow can wipe herself with one square; I'll work on cutting down usage but I will use what I need, thanks!!
Moderation and getting the highest polluters to cooperate (hello, China!) are more important than radical liberal solutions...and the same basic principle applies to most every issue!!
Quote: KeyserYes, no doubt. However, I've also noticed that Hillary has the largest number of uneducated voters. She has the ghetto vote. Those voters far out number the better educated Trump voters. 2% for Trump verses 85% for Hillary.
The "ghetto vote"????? That's the sort of crap my uncle Dan would say after he had seven beers too many.
Quote:I'm looking at their Polls-Plus forecast, which seems more accurate, especially since polls probably underestimate Trump, as some percentage of voters are probably too embarrassed to tell the pollsters that they're going to vote for him.
Careful reading too much into Nate Silver this year. His predictions have been pretty wild and off target. I believe John Edwards could do a bit better. ;)
Quote: SOOPOOThere is a poll of WoV members that shows more WoV members select DT over HC. You have called the majority of members here spineless retards. I can't wait to see how BBB defends your comments......
Yeah, SOOPOO, I was obviously specifically referring to WoV members. Good catch! You are a true Trumper, matching the best of them in reasoning ability and argumentative logic.
Quote:The "ghetto vote"????? That's the sort of crap my uncle Dan would say after he had seven beers too many.
Oops...sorry nephew. I suppose I should have said, the black or ethnic vote? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tpAOwJvTOio
Quote: JoeshlabotnikYeah, SOOPOO, I was obviously specifically referring to WoV members. Good catch! You are a true Trumper, matching the best of them in reasoning ability and argumentative logic.
If you didn't before, you did now. SOOPOO is one of them there uneducated Trump knuckle-draggers supporting the OO. Oh hell...wait a second...he is actually a highly educated, advanced degree-owning, professional with a high earning potential.
Quote: MoosetonWhy? Please answer honestly.
Edit: Why am I over the line when I'm just imitating Joeshlabotnik?
2nd edit: That's the best Joeshlabotnik imitation I have so please don't ask for it again. I'll continue biting my tongue. But please answer why is it ok for him to post in such an nasty/violent way whereas mine is not?
Frankly, I don't give a rat's rectum what you say/post. Knock yourself out. Flame away. Whether Babs approves or disapproves of whatever you wind up saying (and more precisely, how you say it) is her call, not mine--and NOT YOURS.
I would recommend that you try to fathom the distinction between making critical/disparaging remarks about an unspecific group (one that simply shares a given characteristic) and doing so about an identified individual or individuals. And for your clarification, the spineless retards I was referring to were those Republicans who have cleaved to Trump DESPITE their moral objections, because they feel they have to support "their" candidate no matter what. (This is what makes me grudgingly admire Ted Cruz.) So if that doesn't describe your own personal stance/position, why, then, you need not get exercised over my remarks.
Quote: KeyserQuote:The "ghetto vote"????? That's the sort of crap my uncle Dan would say after he had seven beers too many.
Oops...sorry nephew. I suppose I should have said, the black or ethnic vote? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tpAOwJvTOio
Clinton has huge support among a group of people that continually support her party in spite of the fact that the policies of that party have not helped the group nearly as much as the party folks would have them believe but also a group that you can't talk about in spite of the fact that the poorest among us are from every ethnic and racial group because the group contains a subset of folks that it is taboo (or "racist") to say anything about.
If we'd stop being so damn sensitive, we could take a shot at fixing some things...
The idea that we would allow radical Muslims into this country to practice plural marriage and sharia law is unacceptable to me, especially since it's so oppressive to women. Unfortunately Hillary care's more about the Muslim extremists than she does women's rights. I find that disgusting.
Quote: KeyserThe largest pool of uneducated voters will always belong to the Democrats as long as they promise to raise the minimum wage, increase hand outs, and give out free Obama phones.
Of course, the data referred to earlier in this thread show the exact opposite of your contention. But heck, it's media biased liburrul data anyhew!
And since you mention it, why wouldn't an educated voter want a higher minimum wage, more "hand outs" (which, I guess, are different from the English language term, "handouts"???), and free Obama phones (whatever those actually are, they sound kinda cool; I want one)?
I'm heartened to see you here in our forums, representing the apparently widespread portion of our electorate that forms its opinions from YouTube videos.
Quote: MathExtremistDon't go too far back in the 20th century, though, or you'll have over 20M in the alt-right column. It does nobody any good to look at historical totals because then we get into the Crusades, etc. The important question is what's likely to happen going forward. It's rational to be concerned about jihadi murderers like Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, and it's just as rational to be concerned about alt-right murderers like Dylann Roof.
And I apologize, I did miscount. Including the Florida mass shooting a few months back, perversions of Islam are indeed responsible for more deaths on U.S. soil in the past decade than perversions of Christianity. However, I remain concerned about the growing financial and political support of alt-right ideology in the U.S., support that clearly doesn't exist for jihadi ideology here. Discriminatory extremism masquerading as religion is a cancer on society, but extremism supported by money and media is far more dangerous than extremism that is not. It should be a concern every time the alt-right points the finger at Islam as a distraction from its own extremism.
Well, radical Christian terrorism took an early lead with Timothy McVey, an avowed Christian...the assassinations of Robert Kennedy and MLK...the Columbine shootings...the San Ysidro McDonald's massacre...more recently, the Roseburg and Sandy Hook shootings...
Really, we have to do something about this wave of radical Christian terrorism!!!
Quote: KeyserI like Donald Trump's idea of screening radical Muslims. His "extreme vetting" make a lot of sense. " The policy would attempt to establish whether applicants' beliefs match US values on gay rights, gender equality/women's right and religious freedoms, among others.
The idea that we would allow radical Muslims into this country to practice plural marriage and sharia law is unacceptable to me, especially since it's so oppressive to women. Unfortunately Hillary care's more about the Muslim extremists than she does women's rights. I find that disgusting.
I understand that her party supports a very liberal immigration policy but they never seem to address the disconnect behind the types of things they hold dear--gay marriage, gay equality, women's rights, etc.--and the actual religious positions of Muslims who follow a strict interpretation of the their religion. Things like mercy killings, plural marriages, and the condemnation of gays suddenly matter less than a "let'em in" policy. The bathroom policy in North Carolina is a bigger issue than admitting those who would stone the ones who would use restrooms formerly reserved for their birth sex.
While I support (in spite of being a dastardly conservative) many of the positions giving more folks equality, I am opposed to letting those in who would favor changing our laws to abolish that equality. That their religious position would favor the stoning of my brother in law simply because he is gay makes them unacceptable candidates to be let in.
I would also not allow anyone professing to be a member of the Westboro Baptist Church who is not a citizen from coming into the country...
Quote: KeyserI like Trump better because I care about civil rights, and I like his plans to deal with illegal immigration and illegal immigrants.
That's sort of like saying you admire Vladimir Putin because you respect free speech and rule of law. Freedom of religion is a civil right. That includes not singling people out for persecution because of their religious beliefs. If you truly care about civil rights, Trump's discriminatory, racist, and bigoted rhetoric should be hateful to you.
Of course, what you're saying is code. What you actually care about is YOUR civil rights. That's fine, but keep this in mind: people you don't like still have the same rights you do. People have the right to practice religions you don't like, say things you don't like, speak languages and come from cultures and countries that are different from your own, etc. etc., as in that pesky Bill of Rights.
And what actual plans does he have? Last flip-flop I heard from him, he seems to be very supportive of the existing strategy being implemented by the Obama administration.
Quote:While I support (in spite of being a dastardly conservative) many of the positions giving more folks equality, I am opposed to letting those in who would favor changing our laws to abolish that equality. That their religious position would favor the stoning of my brother in law simply because he is gay makes them unacceptable candidates to be let in.
I agree.
Women's right and civil rights in general just don't seem to matter too much to Hillary. The gay community should also feel quite betrayed by her.
Hillary's recent name calling is also unacceptable. Especially for a woman that wants to become president some day.
Quote: JoeshlabotnikThe "ghetto vote"????? That's the sort of crap my uncle Dan would say after he had seven beers too many.
That pretty much sums up Keyser's posts in a nutshell.
His views on race are....... interesting.
I think that's all the forum rules will allow me to say on that topic.
I'm still chuckling over his prediction in 2012 that black people were gonna riot in the streets when Mitt Romney won... making correct predictions is not his specialty....
SafeLink is run by a subsidiary of América Móvil, the world’s fourth largest wireless company in terms of subscribers, but it is not paid for directly by the company. Nor is it paid for with "tax payer money," as the e-mail claims. Rather, it is funded through the Universal Service Fund, which is administered by the Universal Service Administrative Company, an independent, not-for-profit corporation set up by the Federal Communications Commission.
The above is a partial truth in spite of the claim of being a "fact check"...the money for this program and some funding for schools, libraries, rural healthcare technology, etc. come from a "fee" that each and every one of us pays monthly on our phone bills. It is called a "fee" and not a "tax" but it seems like a "tax" to me. The telephone "fee" is collected by the telephone companies and passed on to USAC. USAC answers to the FCC, but is not a government agency.
So...no matter what is called...taxpayers who pay for phones also pay for Obamaphones. This goes back to the Clinton era; I think the Obamaphone thing came about because they pushed to make more people get them, but I am not sure about that.
Quote: KeyserI like Donald Trump's idea of screening radical Muslims. His "extreme vetting" makes a lot of sense. " The policy would attempt to establish whether applicants' beliefs match US values on gay rights, gender equality/women's right and religious freedoms, among others.
The idea that we would allow radical Muslims into this country to practice plural marriage and sharia law is unacceptable to me, especially since it's so oppressive to women. Unfortunately Hillary care's more about the Muslim extremists than she does women's rights. I find that disgusting.
And like so, so many of Trump's proposals, there are no practical aspects to that idea. What exactly would constitute "extreme vetting"? Lie detector tests? Torture? Because you couldn't just, y'know, hand someone a questionnaire. Here's a really tough question for you: I am Joe Jihadi, trying to get into the US so I can bomb and kill and destroy and jaywalk. Our diligent extreme vetters, appointed by Emperor Trump, growl, "Are you one o'them Muslims???" Now, do I, Joe Jihadi, tell the truth???
And here's a stark revelation for you: there is no single set of "US values" on those or any other issues. If we set up some kind of screening system based on adherence to any single such set of values, we'd have to exclude over 99% of all visitors. And did I mention that such a screening system would be grossly unconstitutional?
Here's yet another revelation: very few, if any, Muslims are trying to enter this country "to practice plural marriage and sharia law." Why? Because those things are illegal here. Any person wanting to engage in those practices would, logically, stay where they are legal rather than move to someplace where they are not.
Your remark about Hillary is just...well...idiotic. You seem to be disgusted by a lot of things that exist only in your imagination. That ought to be reassuring to you, actually.
Update @ 10:04 CDT
"When it finally rolled up my source said she stumbled off the curb, appeared to faint, lost one of her shoes, which wound up under the van."
Update @ 10:47 CDT
They are reporting that she has left Chelsea's NYC apartment. Sounds like something minor, as I mentioned above.
I don't know why people call Trump bigoted. I've yet to see it. However, Hillary's comments regarding "Trump's deplorable supporters"...well let's just say I expect more from a presidential candidate.
Civil rights matter. Regardless of your gender.
Quote: KeyserMaybe her medical condition is behind her recent hateful rhetoric.
I don't know why people call Trump bigoted. I've yet to see it. However, Hillary's comments regarding "Trump's deplorable supporters"...well let's just say I expect more from a presidential candidate.
Civil rights matter. Regardless of your gender.
Treating, or advocating treating, people differently (as in, discriminating against them) because of their race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, disability, or ethnicity is the exact definition of bigotry. We've seen all of that from Trump. It's sad and alarming that you can't see it--Trump certainly takes no pains to hide it.
I'm also rather puzzled that Trump's months of "hateful rhetoric" haven't registered with you at all. It's obvious that you're extremely biased to the extent that it blinds you to reality. You're ready to pounce on Hillary but at the same time, willfully ignoring Trump's constant spew of bigotry and hatred.
As I said, sad and alarming, especially since there appear to be quite a few people who think like you out there. It's hypocritical, not to mention pretty dumb, to decry bigotry on the one hand but ignore it when expressed by your hero on the other.
Quote: Keyser
I don't know why people call Trump bigoted. I've yet to see it. However, Hillary's comments regarding "Trump's deplorable supporters"...well let's just say I expect more from a presidential candidate.
You mean like Trump could shoot someone on 5th ave and his stupid followers would still vote for him?
Yeah, I suppose that was a responsible comment.
And again, the data doesn't match your reality. Between March and May he was FAR from Hillary. Post-nomination he's been getting CLOSER, no matter what he says. He's only 3 points behind, and at one point he was even ahead. You actually think that after everything he's spewed, the next spew is suddenly going to change people's minds? Dream on.Quote: JoeshlabotnikFirst of all, his spew has hurt him much more now that he's on the national stage as an actual presidential candidate compared to when he was insulting and comparing dick sizes with the other 117 Republican candidates. I think that whatever free passes he was getting in the past are just that--a thing of the past.
Okay, constitutional scholar, what part of the U.S. Constitution grants rights to foreigners?Quote: JoeshlabotnikAnd did I mention that such a [radical Muslim] screening system would be grossly unconstitutional?
You don't read much, do you?Quote: JoeshlabotnikHere's yet another revelation: very few, if any, Muslims are trying to enter this country "to practice plural marriage and sharia law." Why? Because those things are illegal here.
The Polling Company CSP Poll (2015): 19% of Muslim-Americans say that violence is justified in order to make Sharia the law in the United States (only 66% disagree).
Now, take out those who want Sharia law but just don't support *violence* to effect it. What do you think that number would be then?
And you think logic applies to anyone who's voluntarily abdicated their thinking skills in order to follow what's written in a centuries-old book. Wow.Quote: JoeshlabotnikAny person wanting to engage in those practices would, logically, stay where they are legal rather than move to someplace where they are not.
And you think any of those killings was fueled by or done in the name of religion? Try evaluating the issue honestly instead of forcing the square peg into the round hole to get the answer you want, and you'll reach a different conclusion.Quote: JoeshlabotnikWell, radical Christian terrorism took an early lead with Timothy McVey, an avowed Christian...the assassinations of Robert Kennedy and MLK...the Columbine shootings...the San Ysidro McDonald's massacre...more recently, the Roseburg and Sandy Hook shootings...
Joeshlabotnik, meet mirror.Quote: JoeshlabotnikYou seem to be disgusted by a lot of things that exist only in your imagination.
If you're going to be so consistently wrong, you might as well switch sides.
Quote: Keyser
I don't know why people call Trump bigoted. I've yet to see it. However,.
Quote: RonCIf you didn't before, you did now. SOOPOO is one of them there uneducated Trump knuckle-draggers supporting the OO. Oh hell...wait a second...he is actually a highly educated, advanced degree-owning, professional with a high earning potential.
And not a Trumper. Just not capable of voting for Hillary.
And it seems to have gone whistling waaaaay over your head that I was pointing out the silliness of a term like "radical Islamic terrorism," which is taken by conservatives to mean that a terrorist's religion is the primary motivator behind his/her acts. My point, which escaped you, is that if we use the term for any terrorist act committed by a Muslim, we should also use the corresponding term for any terrorist act committed by a Christian.
I can't cure your lack of objectivity, but I thought I'd provide you with the above tiny beacon of reason in the vast darkness of your belief system. I'm here to help.
Quote: 487tracydriveWas anybody fooled by the body double who appeared outside her daughter's apartment, while a team of doctors worked on the really Hillary inside ?
If she still breathes on election day I'm voting for her.
Tim Kaine for President, if necessary. (that's why he's around)
Quote: rxwineIf she still breathes on election day I'm voting for her.
Tim Kaine for President, if necessary. (that's why he's around)
I'd vote for her corpse over Donald Trump any day of the week.
If someone wants to gain citizenship to this country, they first need to demonstrate that they will respect our constitution, our way of life, and the civil rights of the US citizens that already live here. And this includes women/gays/etc...!
Hillary doesn't seem mentally or physically fit for the job. Furthermore there's just too much corruption surrounding her. I also don't feel that Goldman Sachs and Wall street deserves another term serving as co-president.
Pay attention.Quote: KeyserIf someone wants to gain citizenship to this country, they first need to demonstrate that they will respect our constitution, our way of life, and the civil rights of the US citizens that already live here. And this includes women/gays/etc...!
Trump wants to have legitimate visitors do that: Business leaders, sportsmen, tourists, independent observers who aspire observe to your great way of life who might export US values back to their own countries when they've visited you and seen how great you have it. There have been many cases where European company directors, business leaders, tourists, have been refused entry to your country and sent packing just because they were not caucasian.
You don't hold any stocks or shares in your pension fund then? You have no investments managed by institutions?Quote:I also don't feel that Goldman Sachs and Wall street deserves another term serving as co-president.
In other words, you're incapable of defending your position.Quote: JoeshlabotnikMichael BJ, I won't bother trying to refute all of your points
ROFLMAO! You ought to win an award for irony. A telling part of extremism is clinging to cherished ideals even when presented with overwhelming evidence that says otherwise. I'd say that's you, claiming that Muslims coming to the U.S. aren't interested in Sharia law, when the polls say the exact opposite. As for my alleged extremism, exactly what position(s) are extreme? My ability to correctly read poll results?Quote: Joeshlabotnik...as your extremism obviously clouds your perceptions of reality...
On immigration issues it does, which was the point you were trying to argue. Even the liberal Slate magazine says: "Because immigration is considered a matter of national security and foreign policy, the Supreme Court has long held that immigration law is largely immune from judicial review. Congress can make rules for immigrants that would be unacceptable if applied to citizens."Quote: Joeshlabotnik...you should be made aware of one fact: the Constitution does not, in fact, apply only to American citizens.
ROFLMAO again! I've been accused of many things, but "stupid" is rarely one of them. I'll point it right back at you: Radical Muslim terrorists *are* primarily motivated by their religion. Dare I say, "Duh!"?Quote: JoeshlabotnikAnd it seems to have gone whistling waaaaay over your head that I was pointing out the silliness of a term like "radical Islamic terrorism," which is taken by conservatives to mean that a terrorist's religion is the primary motivator behind his/her acts. My point, which escaped you, is that if we use the term for any terrorist act committed by a Muslim, we should also use the corresponding term for any terrorist act committed by a Christian.
Projecting, much?Quote: JoeshlabotnikI can't cure your lack of objectivity
Well then, you're supremely unhelpful. What part of my statements or beliefs reflect "vast darkness", rather than objective reality? Be specific. Oh wait, you can't be "bothered" trying to refute my points. Right.Quote: JoeshlabotnikI thought I'd provide you with the above tiny beacon of reason in the vast darkness of your belief system. I'm here to help.
Quote: SOOPOOAnd not a Trumper. Just not capable of voting for Hillary.
I almost added that...I was not sure if you had even announced your intentions; that fellow just calls anyone that disagrees with him a "Trumper" without knowing a darned thing about them...
Everyone keeps saying Trump is his own worst enemy; Hillary gets in her own way a lot also.
She's given the other side ammunition; that could have easily been avoided...
Must suck to realize how many of us deplorables are out there. Working hard, paying taxes, supporting 3x as many on food stamps as 2007. Just working because it's the right thing to do, just voting for the American Dream as we were taught to know it. Standing for the Anthem.
We all make mistakes along the way. The best of us admit it and move on. Or in Mitch's case, we don't.
The fact of the matter is that the vast majority of Muslims in the US do live their lives in ways you would approve of, though I admit, they should consult you first.
I will leave you to wallow in your hatred. Go buy some assault rifles, them Muslim terrorists are a'coming.
Quote: KeyserDoes anyone really believe that she's only dealing with pneumonia? She's neither mentally or physically fit for the job. Just read about her FBI testimony. She's has brain damage.
How lucky we are to have with us a medical professional who can make medical diagnoses from no information other than Fox News clips!
Take your pick, none of them point to her being even remotely up for the job.
The idea of her having access to the "button" is scary stuff. No thank you.
Quote: RonCHillary supposedly has been diagnosed with pneumonia--why the hell hide it and not take some time to heal?
A bigger question is how did she catch that? Not like we are in the middle of winter. Not like she is bed ridden and not upright much. Not like it is middle of winter when the body is weaker. I smell the typical Clinton cover-up story.
Quote: KeyserI just saw an up close video showing her feet and her movement. It looks more like a grand mal seizure to me.
+1 Her head/neck area never moves and it sort of looks like they're holding her/it up pre-fall. Something falls out of the pant leg as well which coincides with a metal clanging noise. Looks almost like a mannequin is being carried instead of an actual person.
Quote: AZDuffmanA bigger question is how did she catch that? Not like we are in the middle of winter.
I read Trump is a germophobe. Probably why he doesn't get sick.
You can't be in a position where you shake thousands of hands and not be careful. Touch your face at anytime without even thinking about it, and you can transmit something to yourself.
Quote: MichaelBluejay
The Polling Company CSP Poll (2015): 19% of Muslim-Americans say that violence is justified in order to make Sharia the law in the United States (only 66% disagree).
I feel like there a lot of "gun" arguments to counter things like banning muslim immigrants.
Such as , bans on entry will only hurt the good people and won't stop actual law breaker, violent types muslims. They are the ones who will lie and scheme and get in to hurt us..
And my favorite, Islam doesn't kill people, people kill people. Yup, the words of the Koran and related stuff never killed anyone.
(1) Says the guy who provides NO evidence from ANY source.Quote: JoeshlabotnikYour vast darkness includes a rather appalling ignorance of the law (hint: it isn't enacted by Slate magazine)
(2) You're revealing that you don't read again. Had you bothered to read the sources for the article, you'd see:
* Jeanne Butterfield, Executive Director of the American Immigration Lawyers Association
* Immigration Lawyer David Leopold
* Russ Bergeron of the Immigration and Naturalization Service
* The American Civil Liberties Union report
* Dan Nelson of the Department of Justice
But it seems you think you know better than all those legal professionals, just like extreme right-wingers think they know more about climate science than actual scientists. So why are you wasting your time on some guy on a message board? Ring up the American Immigration Lawyers Association, the Department of Justice, and the ACLU and lecture them on their "rather appalling ignorance of the law". Impress upon them your superior understanding. Let us know how that goes.
(3) It seems to have gone whistling waaaaay over your head that I was pointing out that you're on the extreme fringe on this one. Again, the liberal Slate and even the ACLU itself say you're wrong. That ought to tell you something.
So, you can't distinguish between simply reporting the results of a poll and "hatred" of the group being surveyed. Got it.Quote: Joeshlabotnik[You have] a rabid hatred of Muslims that causes you to say some very, very illogical things.
And we have a winner for missing the point! The point was, an alarming percentage of Muslims not only want Sharia law but they support VIOLENCE to get us there. Somehow you can't admit that, despite clear evidence that proves it. That's classic extremism / partisanism. You want people to take you seriously, show that you're capable of modifying your opinion when presented clear and compelling evidence, rather than sticking your fingers in your ears and yelling "LA LA LA LA YOU HAVE AN APPALLING IGNORANCE OF THE LAW LA LA LA YOU'RE FULL OF HATRED LA LA LA."Quote: JoeshlabotnikThe fact of the matter is that the vast majority of Muslims in the US do live their lives in ways you would approve of...
Weakened immune system. Doesn't mean she has HIV or anything, but I know from experience with loved ones in the hospitals. Something knocks you down such as an infection, diabetes, then you're susceptible. As long as you're healthy, you could probably be exposed to the same germs and your body would fight it off. Remember being told pneumonia isn't contagious. Maybe she had Copd or something or Bill couldn't find anybody else and wore her body out.Quote: AZDuffmanA bigger question is how did she catch that? Not like we are in the middle of winter. Not like she is bed ridden and not upright much. Not like it is middle of winter when the body is weaker. I smell the typical Clinton cover-up story.
Quote: MichaelBluejay( The point was, an alarming percentage of Muslims not only want Sharia law but they support VIOLENCE to get us there.
Prove that asinine point somehow--define "alarming" however you wish--and I might take you seriously. Also please explain how "VIOLENCE" is different from plain old violence. You can't supply any "clear evidence that proves it." Go on--do you have data about the wishes of that "alarming percentage"? Actual, factual data, as opposed to something you pulled out of your butt?
You actually, I'm sorry, don't know jack about what American Muslims want (how would you?). Your making a ridiculous and stupid statement like that shows your ignorance. Look, we get it. You hate them. They're DIFFERENT. They're all terrorists. They all want to kill Americans.
I don't care in the slightest about your extremist opinions, given that you're willing--a la Trump--to make all sorts of false statements and twist the facts to support your hate. You can't be educated, and I won't try. In fact, blocking you is the best option. Hate away!
Quote: JoeshlabotnikProve that asinine point somehow--define "alarming" however you wish--and I might take you seriously. Also please explain how "VIOLENCE" is different from plain old violence. You can't supply any "clear evidence that proves it." Go on--do you have data about the wishes of that "alarming percentage"? Actual, factual data, as opposed to something you pulled out of your butt?
You actually, I'm sorry, don't know jack about what American Muslims want (how would you?). Your making a ridiculous and stupid statement like that shows your ignorance. Look, we get it. You hate them. They're DIFFERENT. They're all terrorists. They all want to kill Americans.
I don't care in the slightest about your extremist opinions, given that you're willing--a la Trump--to make all sorts of false statements and twist the facts to support your hate. You can't be educated, and I won't try. In fact, blocking you is the best option. Hate away!
Tldr He got Bluejayed now he's mad.