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Quote: WizardThat last car I purchased, in 2008, doesn't even have a place to mount the front license plate. While Nevada is a two-plate state, I've never even been stopped over it.
Check again. When I was in the car biz, cars were delivered from the factory sans brackets. The dealership had to install them. The rears were always drilled out, but the front bumper cover only had two inconspicuous dimples. That way, one-plate states could have a clean, unmolested bumper, while two-plate states could drill them out themselves to fasten the second plate.
It always felt dirty punching holes through someone's brand new, $40,000 car with my ragged old wood drill =/
I wonder how well plate tricks work now. I know for sure my plate counterfeiting days are over. Plate scanners ruined that. I also have a registration sticker that expired about half a year ago, which a cop looked right at and ignored. Since the scanner automatically picked up the active registration (it's just an old sticker cuz I'm lazy), it didn't even register to him.
My plate shenanigans worked a trick, but I haven't done them in 10 years, so YMMV.
Quote: FaceCheck again. When I was in the car biz, cars were delivered from the factory sans brackets. The dealership had to install them. The rears were always drilled out, but the front bumper cover only had two inconspicuous dimples. That way, one-plate states could have a clean, unmolested bumper, while two-plate states could drill them out themselves to fasten the second plate.
It always felt dirty punching holes through someone's brand new, $40,000 car with my ragged old wood drill =/
I wonder how well plate tricks work now. I know for sure my plate counterfeiting days are over. Plate scanners ruined that. I also have a registration sticker that expired about half a year ago, which a cop looked right at and ignored. Since the scanner automatically picked up the active registration (it's just an old sticker cuz I'm lazy), it didn't even register to him.
My plate shenanigans worked a trick, but I haven't done them in 10 years, so YMMV.
Mine is a Japanese car. It has the dimples, but they are in the wrong place for standard-sized US plates (I assume that they are in the right place for Japanese plates)
Quote: BuzzardTechnology will get you sooner or later.
Conservatives are walking around with a solid woody with this story.
Quote: onenickelmiracleCurious about motions and an acceptable means of requesting them. Do they care much about form and template? This has always intimidated me. Simple letter ok, must it be certified, or would I hand them to a judge, etc.
Search amazon for "Nolo speeding ticket" and buy the correct book for your state.
Quote: BuzzardIf only my cousin would have had a maid buy his drugs like Rush Limbaugh did, he would not be in prison today.
Did his pain just go away? Maybe those cigars are really huge blunts.
If you had a Rush sticker in your back window instead of that marijuana decal, you might be much richer today.
Quote: BeardgoatYou should be in prison TK for 5 years. Yo could have killed a family. You could have ruined lives, even families, for being such a careless & wreck less person.
For 90 in a 65?? I've done a lot more than that.
Don't get me wrong. I would never do anything like this in bad weather or if there was traffic or if my car couldn't handle it. But miles of visibility on an empty straight road? Yeah, then I'm moving...
Quote: BeardgoatRefer to this thread...
Oh fair enough.
Actually I would never drive drunk (or even close to the limit) and I'm not sure that I would put it in the same class as speeding (if done safely).
I guess my point is that there are different ways to speed. People who weave in and out of traffic on the freeway going 20mph faster than everyone else deserve to be charged with reckless driving (IMO that is in the same class as DUI). People who drive 25mph faster than the speed limit on an empty straight road with lots of visibility... whatever.
I do see your point, though. Glass houses, and all.
Quote: BeardgoatIt's becoming pretty clear why TK is here in my opinion. It's not to have discussion. I think he is here to troll and cause problems. First he accused a member of lying about about gambling winnings. Then this thread accusing me of being some sort of out of control monster. He moved on to axel and mickeycrimm later and called them phony AP. And just today he decided to call out the Wizard. So yeah I just think there needs to be a point of how much is enough
You're just trying to cause trouble because you don't agree with my opinion on this. And that's stupid. Smarten up.
Driving drunk is the worst offence one can make behind a wheel. I was speeding because I admit to making a mistake out of being in a hurry for an appt.
You lied about what I opined about Crimm and axel. I said I didn't agree with their assessments about my ap slot play, and I questioned them as to why they operate in the manner they do. So what. Get a life. I never called them phonys.
By the way, I'll bet you have a crummy car that mine can beat.
Quote: tournamentking
By the way, I'll bet you have a crummy car that mine can beat.
Your last comment makes my point. You're here not for debate or discussion, but for insults and trying to prove you're a big fish. Good luck on your journey in your fancy car
+1Quote: BeardgoatYou should be in prison TK for 5 years. You could have killed a family. You could have ruined lives, even families, for being such a careless & reckless person.
Quote: tournamentkingWhy whine about any of it nickel? Your license was expired, suck it up. You were speeding, suck it up. If you knew how many of my gambling friends who have traffic violations along with not registering/insuring their cars in a timely manner, and also drive on expired licenses, I can tell you the main culprit is losing too much money. So please stop blaming the police, the system, and stop trying to squeeze yourself out of it and claiming foul and take responsibility. I got a ticket two months ago for going 90 in a 65 zone. It was a huge price to pay. I paid it and never questioned the equipment, the method, or any of this other bs. Maybe if you had a valid license he would have been a little kinder.
Why post? I posted to learn. It's a hard process and I want to use and defend my rights which is done only by asserting them.
Was my license expired? Possibly not. I had just read up on this a few weeks ago and it said your license in Ohio is valid for 5 birthdays if renewed before your birthday and 4 birthdays if renewed after. I still haven't had a chance to double check it, but am confident somewhat even though terminology on the license implies it expires on your birthday.
I think you made a mistake just giving in and should have fought it because you seem to not learn and might one day lose your license. It will be too late then if you lose your last case which matters. Hiring a lawyer might have been a good investment in your case but it's too late now.
Do what I am doing now, biting my tongue and show some class.
Edit: It's irrelevant but the website uses the phrase "will expire on customer's birthday" and not "will be expired" so I interrupt it affirming my believe it is still valid but it's close enough I can't independently know either.
Quote: onenickelmiracleI received a speeding ticket citation and plan on pleading not guilty and hope I get lucky.
Based upon your description of the event, is is unlikely that you will prevail.
Between either Radar, Ladar or possibly the Officer's qualification to visually "clock" your speed within 3mph, you don't stand a chance.
Odds are the Officer is a "writer" who has stood before the same Traffic Court Judge many times before.
Many of these Officers have earned good reputations with the Judges for their professionalism.
Yours might be one of six the Officer will be at Court for that day.
Buddy once wrote a young woman for speeding. She reminded him that her uncle was a traffic court Judge, who my friend happened to know.
When she next saw my friend in Court (different Judge of course), she told him " I spoke to my uncle. He told me, if Sgt.______ says your were speeding, then you were speeding."
She paid the fine.
This is so intimidating and overwhelming really and I just about was driven crazy reading the actual laws which seem like a maze of a foreign language.
If I would have started from the beginning, I might have rushed into this, but since I had nothing actually done, I didn't want to jeopardize anything without being confident and concise.
Max fine is $150 but I don't know yet what I could have paid already. I'm happy with a plea, but just haven't gotten there yet. All scenarios feel break even to me win lose or draw.
It all makes me very nervous and my borderline high blood pressure got really high. So much I could feel the arteries tightening up in my neck the whole time.
Plea bargain still speeding but reduced fine and I said no just because I didn't care to fall for the disappearing offer scam. I have grounds to try for a dismissal but have just been about avoiding situations and procrastinating. I chickened out and put it off just to get out of there. Just didn't feel the confidence, the stress got to me, and my body didn't cooperate. Definitely need to take care of blood pressure one way or another.
I figure the offer will come back better if I jam them with work, which I haven't done yet. We'll see what happens.
Just my impression it was weird the so-called prosecutors wouldn't even introduce themselves or tell their names. Also, my sister wasn't allowed to bring her purse with her and we had to put it in her car. Tired of this terrorism bull invading everywhere. Half the time I think it's just used as an excuse to make a buck. Taking liberty away doesn't stop anything and I'm Surprised Hollywood hasn't capitalized on that story yet.
Bottom line: I don't know anything about this all and I'm not motivated really. Trial in six weeks, so I'd imagine if I don't do anything in three, I might as well just pay them. I do enjoy delaying it though I must admit but it might just keep this thing on my record longer, actually hurting me. I get tickets usually every 7 years, so probably no harm.