My wife and I decided to eat at the restaurant they have on top, the one that slowly revolves.
After being seated for a few minutes she discovered that the motion, minimal though it was, made her nauseous.
So, if you are sensitive to motion sickness, be prepared for Plan "B."
I'm about done with interesting tidbits about Rome (For now, that is. I'm taking a bit of a break from Gibbon, and the Byzanyium podcast has years to run yet). So now I can choose between laying it on thick about Phoenicia and Carthage, or ranting about the massive, sadistic idiocy that is Windows 8 and how Microsoft has lost my business for good and for all eternity plus seven years (for good luck <w>), not to mention the massive waves of, frankly, trendy blindness emanating from many a tech writer's keyboard this days concernign the state of personal computing in the world.
Quote: NareedIt is a really nice view. I also recommend the Stratosphere if you haven't done it already (the rides on that are a slightly different matter).
Actually I'd say any view from high up is a nice one, often regardless of what you're looking at. But that's just me.
I did the Strat 5 years ago this past January. Damn, time flies. I might do it again, we'll see.
Windows 8 it is (look at the new sig line).
I've been reading a great deal about it, mostly such reviews that offer a negative assesment. Not as confirmation bias and not as a means of building an echo chamber, but simply because negative reviews often don't gloss over details. One made a very interesting contrast between tablets and PCs. Tablets are devices meant mostly for data consumption, while PCs are meant mostly for data production. Of course, you can produce data on a tablet, only not so well. And you can consume it on a PC, only the PC is not portable enough.
The review mentions other things about hidden commands and other "features" of Win8 which makes sense on tbalets but not on PCs. Mostly things that make sense on tablets because the screen area is small, while they amke no sense on a PC because the screen area is large. So overall this review gets tot he same conclussion I do: Win8 is a perfectly good OS for a tablet (or a phone), but it's lousy for PCs.
And that's why Windows 8 must be destroyed.
Quote: Nareed... And that's why Windows 8 must be destroyed.
So that it can't be used on a tablet or phone?
I thought Windows was fairly much destroyed as anything but a Mac-OS imitator when it replaced MS-DOS.
As for phones and tablets, I've been using Android ever since I gave up on Palm.
Quote: NareedIt is a really nice view. I also recommend the Stratosphere if you haven't done it already (the rides on that are a slightly different matter).
I'm down to hit up some of those scary rides if anyone is interested.
Quote: HotBlondeI'm down to hit up some of those scary rides if anyone is interested.
One of the more surreal experiences of my life happened up there. My fiancee and I were standing there taking in the view, only peripherally aware that there was a man standing to our left. Then he was gone. He'd bunge jumped off the building.
Quote: DocSo that it can't be used on a tablet or phone?
That would be neat :)
Seriously, it seems MS wants people to buy the tablets it makes, and the phones that run a Windows OS, and part of that strategy is to have a uniform OS on all devices. That forces PC users on to an OS unfit for using a PC. So if MS would give up its tablet business, there'd be no more reason to persist with the "Modern" interface.
Quote:I thought Windows was fairly much destroyed as anything but a Mac-OS imitator when it replaced MS-DOS.
You do know Mac just imitated Xerox, right?
Quote: HotBlondeI'm down to hit up some of those scary rides if anyone is interested.
I think I could manage to watch you ride some of those. My only trip up there, I got to watch and hear a girl screaming in terror for the duration of her ride.
Quote: DocI think I could manage to watch you ride some of those. My only trip up there, I got to watch and hear a girl screaming in terror for the duration of her ride.
I'm glad I did them. Once.
BTW I rode one of the rides with a girl who began to curse, very loudly, in Spanish. After the ride was over, I cassually asked her something, also in Spanish. Hers was the reddest face I've ever seen.
Quote: NareedYou do know Mac just imitated Xerox, right?
Of course. But Apple got it right and made it into a commercial product. Microsoft never caught up on the quality and user interface, even with a much broader base of installations.
Quote: DocOf course. But Apple got it right and made it into a commercial product. Microsoft never caught up on the quality and user interface, even with a much broader base of installations.
That's highly debatable. For example, I can run a program in Windows without having to ask someone "How the hell do I run anything in this contraption?" I can also turn on any Windows PC I've ever come accross, without having to spend 10 minutes looking for the "ON" switch.
Quote: HotBlondeAnyone planning on spending any time by the pool?
Sorry, no. I've never gotten the hang of that.
Quote: AlanMendelsonI'm late to the party figuratively and literally. Could someone please summarize the schedule of events. This is vacation time for my staff and I want to join up. Thanks.
Thus far only:
Craps at MSS around 2 pm May 24th
Lunch at the Sugar Factory (at Paris) at noon on May 25th, followed by craps at Casino Royale.
There are tentative plans for ascending the mini-Eiffel Tower around dusk.
In a related topic, Windows 8 must be destroyed.
Windows 8 must be destroyed.
I could go on and on about what exactly my problem is with this poor excuse for an operating system, but it all boils down to one thing: A desktop or laptop PC is not a tablet.
That should seem obvious, right? Well, then, if it is obvious why did Microsoft stuck PCs and laptops with a tablet operating system?
A tablet is a stripped-down PC. It's as simple as that. it can do most things that a PC can, but either not as well or not in the same way. They are great concerning portability, and that's a very valuable aspect. But by necessity regarding capability and size, they operate in a way that's radically different from that of a PC.
Let me review with a simple analogy. Consider a clock. A large, lovely, carved wood clock standing in your living room. It has a large face from which you can tell time as easily froma distance as from close up. It has chimes that ring in every quarter hour, and every hour, with a simple melody. from time to time, you need to wind it.
Then you have a watch. It's small, so you need to get close to it in order to be able to tell time (and I mean very close). It has no chimes at all. But you can carry it everywhere easily, and you don't need to wind it because it winds itself with a clever systemthat makes us of the mechanical energy you expend over the course fo the day. And it is much cheaper than a clock.
So one fine day a big time-piece manufacturer thinks "Hey, people are buying watches rather than clocks. So I'm going to change the way we make clocks. I'll leave the large, ornate wooden case, but will make the face small so you have to be close to it in order to tell the time. Also I'll get rid of the chimes. And people don't like to wind the clock, so I'll change it in such a way that rocking the clock for a half hour over the course of a day makes it wind itself."
What could possibly go wrong?
Oh, when feedback from users mentions they miss pulling the weights to wind the clock, you decide to put them back in. So now pulling the weights is what lets you rock the clock in order that it may wind itself. Problem solved!
I'm going to set up my daily Vegas schedule in Excel now, lol.
Quote: HotBlondeplan on relaxing and having fun that entire weekend.
I'm going to set up my daily Vegas schedule in Excel now, lol.
If you're really relaxing, that should be a pretty blank spreadsheet:-)
well there will probably be more fun and excitement on my trip than relaxation. I do want to relax by the pool and maybe nap here and there. But other than that I'm planning on seeing shows, gambling a lot and ziplining again and maybe checking out that pawn shop that's on tv.Quote: rdw4potusIf you're really relaxing, that should be a pretty blank spreadsheet:-)
$40 one way to Vegas from Los Angeles, $70 RT.
All I know is from the website, so can't vouch for the service.
I can't decide if I want to bring my laptop or not; I'd love to travel light on this trip. If I don't have it, I'll be out of touch on here while in Sin City other than PMs. If I do bring it, I will be looking for free WiFi hotspot recommendations near center-strip :).
Quote: AcesAndEightsI've been MIA on the forums due to Life(TM), but I can't wait to get to Vegas in [checks signature] 9 days!
Don't you like it when you realize the trip is finally close?
Quote:I can't decide if I want to bring my laptop or not; I'd love to travel light on this trip. If I don't have it, I'll be out of touch on here while in Sin City other than PMs. If I do bring it, I will be looking for free WiFi hotspot recommendations near center-strip :).
<shrug> I'm bringing mine mostly to work on my (much neglected) writing. I can still do that without an internet connection. Though I expect either I'll a) get a tablet and use that for web surfing if I find a free WiFi spot or 2) pay for a day or maybe two of WiFi at 4 Queens to catch up with a few things (it is a long vacation). My laptop isn't particularly portale, what with the mouse and big screen and all.
Quote: HotBlondeOk. I will check it out tomorrow. I'm off to bed to start my birthday early. I'm taking the day off (I never work on my birthday) and will probably relax at a spa all day.
Happy birthday.
Thank you!Quote: onenickelmiracleHappy birthday.
Not this year. It happens, from time to time, the bosses try to pin down anything that moves. It makes for a busier, more stressful time. What rankles is we get very little in additional compensation, if we get any at all...
Anyway, I thought to propose Friday May 24th at dusk for the ride up the Eiffel tower. My thinking is the city ought to not be quite full for the holiday on Friday, and some of us will already be gathered together at MSS in the afternoon. Any thoughts?
MidWestAP and I are going to the Rock of Ages show at 8pm that evening so that will be a bad time for us.Quote: NareedI really, really need this vacation. Work's just about done me in. usually we have a lighter load by march, and a very light laod by april, with May being a rather alzy time when we play catch up with documents for next year.
Not this year. It happens, from time to time, the bosses try to pin down anything that moves. It makes for a busier, more stressful time. What rankles is we get very little in additional compensation, if we get any at all...
Anyway, I thought to propose Friday May 24th at dusk for the ride up the Eiffel tower. My thinking is the city ought to not be quite full for the holiday on Friday, and some of us will already be gathered together at MSS in the afternoon. Any thoughts?
Quote: HotBlondeMidWestAP and I are going to the Rock of Ages show at 8pm that evening so that will be a bad time for us.
Thursday's no good for me.
Saturday would work, I guess. Any votes?
Quote: HotBlondeI heard Pete Rose signs autographs at a sports memorabilia store at the stores at Mandalay Bay. If anyone is interested in going there let me know.
It seems he is always at the one inside the Forum Shops as well
Quote: aceofspadesAnyone interested in the Oscar Goodman meet and greet/book signing/photo op at the Mob Museum (Thurs/Fri/Sat) that week?
Wasn't the guy a mob lawyer?
OF course that's a rhetorical question.
But I do recommend the "Mob" Museum. It's very interesting and quite worth the trip Downtown by itself. I plan to visit again this year.
On other matters, and while we sort out the Eiffel tower ride, is anyone up for a dice control experiment? We'd requier, naturally, a dice controller to express any interest.
Quote: AcesAndEightsI gotta sort out my plan of attack for this trip...both from a gambling perspective and other activities. There are a lot of places I keep meaning to see when I go to Vegas, but once I get there it's all gambling all the time and I miss out. Specifically, I want to visit the Pi Yee Press store and the Gambler's Bookstore, although both will require a bus trip.
You had me at bookstore :)
Where are they, exactly? I'd like to tag along. I move rather well on Vegas buses beyond the Deuce and the SDX.
Quote: NareedYou had me at bookstore :)
Where are they, exactly? I'd like to tag along. I move rather well on Vegas buses beyond the Deuce and the SDX.
Pi Yee Press is west of the strip: Google Maps link
Gambler's Book Club is near the airport: Google Maps link
Quote: AcesAndEightsPi Yee Press is west of the strip: Google Maps link
Gambler's Book Club is near the airport: Google Maps link
I can't look at that now, but I'm in. When do you want to go? I'm free Friday morning, the 24th, and we should get back in plenty of time for craps at MSS. Unless you have other plans? I figure it will be closed on the weekend and the holiday on monday, but being Vegas I'm not sure about that.
DRich, all bookstores are going the way of the Dodo. Some faster than others. Small, independent, specialty stores are bound to go earlier.
Quote: NareedQuote: AcesAndEightsPi Yee Press is west of the strip: Google Maps link
Gambler's Book Club is near the airport: Google Maps link
I can't look at that now, but I'm in. When do you want to go? I'm free Friday morning, the 24th, and we should get back in plenty of time for craps at MSS. Unless you have other plans? I figure it will be closed on the weekend and the holiday on monday, but being Vegas I'm not sure about that.
DRich, all bookstores are going the way of the Dodo. Some faster than others. Small, independent, specialty stores are bound to go earlier.
According to, Pi Yee Press is closed on Fridays. I'll see about calling them and confirming. It strikes me as a pretty small operation, as they say to call ahead no matter what time you're planning on visiting, just to make sure someone will be there.
Quote: AcesAndEightsAccording to, Pi Yee Press is closed on Fridays. I'll see about calling them and confirming. It strikes me as a pretty small operation, as they say to call ahead no matter what time you're planning on visiting, just to make sure someone will be there.
Ok. Plan B: I'll be in Vegas from May 24th til Jun 8th. pick a time and palce that's not for any of the already scheduled events.
Quote: NareedOk. Plan B: I'll be in Vegas from May 24th til Jun 8th. pick a time and palce that's not for any of the already scheduled events.
I don't think it's in the cards for us to go together then, since I'm only in town from the 22nd to the 27th (and leaving early enough on Monday 5/27 to not have time to do this). Unless they're open on Friday.
Quote: AcesAndEightsI don't think it's in the cards for us to go together then, since I'm only in town from the 22nd to the 27th (and leaving early enough on Monday 5/27 to not have time to do this). Unless they're open on Friday.
And is it any wonder bookstores are closing down? ;)
Seriously, I'd likely just browse. The thing is you never know what you'll find while browsing.
Quote: WizardI would not make Pi Yee or Huntington Press a priority for anybody. Neither is friendly to people showing up and browsing. Huntington Press has a bookshelf of just their latest books, and their discount rack, which my book is unfortunately on. As I recall, Pi Yee has a similar lobby. If you want to buy a gambling book from either company, I would save yourself the trouble of showing up in person and just buy it online. Neither Pi Yee or HP are in parts of Vegas where is anything else to do. Wait, there is a strip club by HP, but strip clubs during the day are generally not the best time to go.
My main motivation for going to Pi Yee is just for the experience of visiting a place that specializes in AP books. They allegedly have a $2 bin of books (probably much like HP's discount rack), so I was hoping to dig through there for something interesting. I don't have a lot of the "classic" books on card counting.
"What day is today?"
"Really? Last week at this time it was Friday."
I warned you.
Quote: AcesAndEightsMy main motivation for going to Pi Yee is just for the experience of visiting a place that specializes in AP books. They allegedly have a $2 bin of books (probably much like HP's discount rack), so I was hoping to dig through there for something interesting. I don't have a lot of the "classic" books on card counting.
I would get any Pi Yee book for $2. If you go there ask Al when the Bear is going to come out of hibernation.
Suffice it to say I was looking at putting together, oh, around 600 samples, both for presntation to a customer and for laboratory analyses, when suddenly we were told to stop it all.
You'd think I'd be annoyed, seeing as how I put in a lot of work, phone calls, emails, time, online research, arguments, etc getting these samples. But I'm not. i'm relieved. Why? 1) a big responsibility I was not that well-equiped to hadle has bene lifted off me, and 2) I was going to ahve to hand it over to someone else when I left on vacation. Which means if anything went wrong, I'd be the person absent from the office on whom everything could be blamed.
So, on the whole and in conclussion, I'm all set to leave on vacation without worries and hit WoVCon and Vegas without a single care in the world.
Oh, and Windows 8 must be destroyed.
But as I'll have some free time to begin experimenting with Linux, it will likely also not be my probelm much longer.
I'm on vacationa s of this evening (hopefully), minus a few loose ends I'll tie up on Tuesday or Wednesday. But I will be busy away from the computer making trip preparations, then last-minute trip preparations.
I just had a minor scare trying to buy a shuttle ticket for Toluca airport. When I tried to do so, the system at Interjet asks for the flight confirmation number. On entering it, I get a notice saying there's a charge pending for that number. Yikes! So here's what happened:
Yesterday I tried to get the shuttle ticket, but the bank has some safety "feature" that requires me to authorize the credit card for use on the internet beforehand. So the process screeched to a halt, i clsoed the window and thought to try again. Interjet had it as a pending charge <sigh>. A phone call straightened it all out, and got me the chuttle ticket, in only 45 minutes.
On a related topic, Windows 8 must be destroyed.
See you all next week!!