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March 4th, 2013 at 7:33:06 AM permalink
OK, it's all official now.

WoVCon ]I[ Is set for Saturday May 25th at noon. We'll convene at the Sugar Factory at the Paris for lunch, to be followed by craps at Casino Royale.

Before that, we'll meet for craps at MSS at 2 pm on Friday May 24th.
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March 4th, 2013 at 7:48:07 AM permalink
I'm in for the 25th, tentative for the 24th (pending flight arrangements)
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March 4th, 2013 at 12:21:20 PM permalink
Quote: Nareed

OK, it's all official now.

WoVCon ]I[ Is set for May 25th at noon. We'll convene at the Cheesecake Factory all they way in the back of the Forum Shops at Caesars.

I'm not 100% sure about gambling afterwards. Some of it depends on how many of us will be going.

Cool thanks for organizing. Does anyone know if you can use TR credits at the Cheesecake Factory? I'm assuming yes, I've used them at many different franchise locations, as long as they're on the property of a CET casino.
"So drink gamble eat f***, because one day you will be dust." -ontariodealer
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March 4th, 2013 at 12:42:01 PM permalink
Quote: AcesAndEights

Cool thanks for organizing.

My pleasure.

But perhaps I should cede the pleasure to someone else next time.


Does anyone know if you can use TR credits at the Cheesecake Factory? I'm assuming yes, I've used them at many different franchise locations, as long as they're on the property of a CET casino.

No idea. If it helps any, the Forum Shops are actually next to Caesars rather than in it (as the Grand Canal Shops are inside the Venetian, for example). I hope that's not a deal breaker.
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March 5th, 2013 at 7:04:04 AM permalink
Bump time.

I can't quite come up with a good Roman tidbit, so I'll go with a recycled Latin joke:

Professor Septimus goes into a bar and orders a dry martinus.

"Don't you mean a "dry martini," Professor?" asks the bartender.

"My good man," Septimus answers affably, "I assure you when I want a double I will ask for it."
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March 5th, 2013 at 9:03:03 AM permalink
Quote: AcesAndEights

Quote: Nareed

OK, it's all official now.

WoVCon ]I[ Is set for May 25th at noon. We'll convene at the Cheesecake Factory all they way in the back of the Forum Shops at Caesars.

I'm not 100% sure about gambling afterwards. Some of it depends on how many of us will be going.

Cool thanks for organizing. Does anyone know if you can use TR credits at the Cheesecake Factory? I'm assuming yes, I've used them at many different franchise locations, as long as they're on the property of a CET casino.

My understanding is that you can no longer use TR credits at any shops in the Forum mall. I wish I could use them at Joe's Stone Crab or Palm, my favorite restaurants in that mall.
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March 6th, 2013 at 6:58:31 AM permalink
Daily bump.

Rather than bring up another juicy bit of Roman history, we can continue to celebrate the death of the petty tyrant, even if we might regret the fact there is no hell for him to rot in.
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March 7th, 2013 at 2:12:35 PM permalink
Bump time.

The Romans were an odd people in some respects. They tolerated cruel tyrants like Caligula, Nero, Comodus, Caracalla and Elagabalus for years, and milder tyrants like Tiberius and Severus for decades. But they had no toelrance for usurpers. Whether or not the usurper proved a capable and fair ruler mattered not a bit.

The most astonishing case is that of Didius Julianus. It's true he bought the throne at an open auction by the Praetorian Guard, after the Guard had murdered the rightful emperor, Pertinax. Just the same, the mere act set three, that's 3 (three), powerful generals moving on Rome to right the situation. And to take the throne, of course. Julianus was dispatched in under three months.

When Macrinus did Caracalla in and ascended to the throne, he was easily swept aside by the expedient of rallying the legions around the alleged son of Caracalla. Even when everyone knew that was not so.
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March 8th, 2013 at 6:52:38 AM permalink
Bump time.

Speaking of buying the throne, Julianus was far from the only man to do it. He was the only man to buy it at auction. The man who supplanted him, Septimus Severus, first rallied his legions with fine speeches and the promise of bonuses for all. In other words, he bought the throne.

When even the Praetorian Guard had enough of Nero, the prefect coopted the guard into supporting Galba by promising his troops a large donative. When Galba refused to pay, he was driven out and executed in short order. In other words, he was killed for not buying the throne.

Even legitimate heirs, duly appointed by their predecessors, and even if they'd been de facto co-rulers before formally ascending, were expected to give the Guard and the Legions a nice, fat bonus on ascencion (and on major holidays and other occasions). So essentially most, if not all, Roman emperors purchased the throne from the Guard and/or the Legions. Even in the case where they had to fight off a rival first, or afterwards. Why do you think the Legions fought for one particular claimant?

What about the Senate?


What about the people? Well, what about them? It's not like they could revolt when the Legions stood firmly with the emperor, right? But they did get something with every new emperor. Perhaps debt relief, a bigger alotment of grain and wine in the dole, lavish games, temporarily lower taxes.
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March 9th, 2013 at 10:42:44 AM permalink
Bump time.

One of the strangest, to us, practices of ancient Rome was Tax Farming.

Simply stated, tax farmers would bid an amount of taxes collected from a region. The winner would then pay that amount to the government, and thus the government got its taxes from that region for that year. The farmer now had to collect the taxes from the people. He made a profit by collecting a greater amount than the one he paid.

The practice lent itself to abuse, like any form of tax collection does, and was variously abolished and resurrected throughout both the histories of the Republic and Empire. In connection with one such abolition, Augustus explained the idea is to fleece the sheep, not to skin them. Just the same, the history of Rome is littered with raises in taxes, cuts in taxes, new taxes ennacted, old taxes abolished, abolished taxes resurrected, excise fees, tariffs, import duties, commerce taxes, etc, etc. If there is an area in Western life that has not improved much since Roman times, it's taxation. The system now is as screwed up as it was then.
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March 10th, 2013 at 11:18:50 AM permalink
Bump time.

I've been wanting to talk about gambling in Ancient Rome, but there's little information available. From what I can tell, gambling was common in races at the Colosseum and other venues (in and outside Rome). Yet I've been unable to find out how such things were handled. Also it seems dice were common at the time, but that's all I know. I suppose poeple bet on gladiatorial contests, too, as they were one of the major other forms of entertainment in the stdiums of the time. But, again, I've nothing solid.

But consider, where there is no organized gambling in the form of casinos, sports books, lotteries and race tracks, there is innevitably free lance gaming all over: home poker games, bets between friends and offic epools on sporting events, raffles, etc. In fact all the altter exists also where organized gaming is available. And this has been going on in one way or another since probably the time when language was developed and goods and labor were exchanged.

So maybe Homo habilis did not gamble, but only beacuse he couldn't make verbal contracts.
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March 11th, 2013 at 7:42:44 AM permalink
Bump time.

When reading Roman history, one is struck by the prevalence of war, and how many imperial reigns or actual eras are defined by wars. In part this is largely a function of the two really important wars Rome fought earlier in her history. That is, wars that threatened the sruvival of Rome as a City, a Republic and a driver of civilization. These are, of course, the Samnite Wars and the Punic Wars (including a few Macedonian wars in the latter). Defeat in either series of wars would have change dhistory as we know it.

But past the Punic Wars, the core regions of the Republic, and the Empire later on, were remarkably peaceful places as far as wars went. To be sure the frontiers were uner regular assault by neighboring tribes, kingdoms and empires (read about Mithridates and Persia), but such things never amde it to Italy or the nearest provinces. Instead these regions enjoyed a tranquil existence, unless civil wars broke out. Then the wars moved in and settled for a few years. it may be one reason why Pompey Magnus chose to draw Caesar east rather than confront him in Italy.

This all went to hell in the initial decline phase in the 3rd Century AD, when barbarians managed to get close to Rome. And more so in the final decline of the West in the 5th Century, when Vandals and Goths sacked Rome itself 3 times.
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March 12th, 2013 at 8:47:55 AM permalink
Bump time.

In Republic times, the Romans would usually refer to a year by the names of the two consuls for that year. So if, say, Scipio and Publius were consuls in 640 after the founding of Rome, the people would refer to that time as "the year of Scipio and Publius."

When Gaius Julius Caesar gained a consulship, he so overwhelmed his colleague that the people joked about it being "the year of Julius and Caesar." Which says something about Roman humor, but I wouldn't venture to guess what.
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March 13th, 2013 at 8:07:27 AM permalink
Bump time.

Rome has served as an ispiration for fiction on many ocassions. Perhaps the most memorable is one involving Isaac Asimov. In the early 40s, young Asimov met regularly with John W. Campbell Jr., the editor of the leading science fiction magazine of the time (Astounding, if memory serves), mostly to pitch new story ideas.

One time, while he was immersed in Gibbon's "The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire," Asimov arrived at the meeting without any ideas in mind. On the spot, Asimov suggested writing a story of the decline and fall of the galactic empire, naturally with a twist. Between the two they came up with the idea of a science able to predict, and mold, future events. And the rest is psychohistory.

A more nakedly transparent emulation of Roman forms, but not history, is the Romulan species in Star Trek. The very name derives from Romulus, and the titles bandied vaguely about are "proconsul," "praetor," and such.
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March 15th, 2013 at 7:32:19 PM permalink
Very late bump.

After Julian's failed attempt to revert the rise of Christianity, you'd expect persecutions aimed at Christians would have stopped within the confines of the Empire. More so since some of the nearer barbarians, in particualr those with commercial ties with Rome and those who provided auxiliary tropps, also largelya dopted Christianity.

Well, not quite.

Bereft of a pagan power to persecute them, Chrisitans, it seems, undertook the burden of persecuting themselves.

Think about it.

Ok. That was not how they put it, of course. What happened was different people, including priests, bishops and others withing the church, pondered fine points of theology. Being different people, they reached different conclusions or answers. Some, for example, decided Jesus possesed but one nature. others disagreed. These differences are rather minor, involving points that cannot be proven one way or another, and which have zero, and I do mean ZERO, impact on every day life.

So naturally these minor differences were cause to outlaw one difference of opinion and persecute those who insisted on it with vigor and zeal. So the Orthodox would, and did, persecute, from time to time, Aryans, Nestorians, Monophysites, etc. This ebbed and flowed, naturally, with distractions to persecute like Jews and, in time, Muslims, the odd holdout pagans, Manicheans, etc.

Such insistence in one belief, and on misstreating, expelling or even exterminating those who beileve otherwise, is not unique to Christianity, not even within their own religion. Muslims engage in it where and when they ruled, as did Zoroastrians in Persia, to name a few. But the earlier model it replaced, within the Empire and much of Europe, was one that didn't take much coignisance of beliefs. About the latter, though, it may be because most pagan bliefs and practices were rather similar.
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March 17th, 2013 at 10:59:26 AM permalink
Time for another bump.

I'm a bit (un)stuck in time. My "reading" (do you read an audio book?) of Gibbon is up to Constantine ], while the Byzantium podcast series is still on Justinian's reign. So I have mostly exhausted most topics.

So here's another short Latin joke:

Professor Septimus, looking battered and hurt, goes into the police station and states "Officer, I need to report a crime. I was assaulted by three hoodla."
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March 20th, 2013 at 8:52:36 AM permalink
Just a quick bump.

According to Edward Gibbon, the emperor Tiberius requested the Senate deify Jesus and place him on the pantheon of Roman gods. The Senate refused, and for once Tiberius let the matter drop.

I wonder how Christianity would have progressed had Jesus been the object of pagan ritual and sacrifices, and under the jusrisdiction of Roman emperors in their character as Pontifex Maximus.

Coming soon, as time eprmits, the ascent fo Claudius.
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March 20th, 2013 at 9:15:50 AM permalink
Interesting bumps.

Ill be in Rome in about 3 weeks. My only vacation this year. No Vegas for me :(
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March 20th, 2013 at 10:19:50 PM permalink
Quote: Croupier

Interesting bumps.



Ill be in Rome in about 3 weeks. My only vacation this year. No Vegas for me :(

1) I'd be going to rome myself if I could afford to this year. I hope to be able to do so next year.

2) Google this "The History of Rome Tour" quotes and all. I don't suggest you join, but read the itinerary for ideas on what to go see. I'm told a side trip to Pompey is really, really worth it, too.
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March 21st, 2013 at 5:58:53 AM permalink
New bump.

To lay down the ground for Claudius, one needs to understand his two rpedecesors: Caligula and Tiberius.

Caligula has a reputation that has survived to this day. Tiberius is more obscure. Pressed for time as I am now, suffice it to say when Caligula ascended the throne on Tiberius' death, the people were ecstatic. Little did they know.
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March 22nd, 2013 at 2:24:40 PM permalink
Who is up for an Indian poker tournament?
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March 22nd, 2013 at 2:26:22 PM permalink
OK, to save the other guys from embarassment, I'll
ask what that is FOR THEM.....
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March 22nd, 2013 at 2:43:06 PM permalink
Quote: JohnnyQ

OK, to save the other guys from embarassment, I'll
ask what that is FOR THEM.....

If you don't know, see this video.
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March 25th, 2013 at 5:54:04 AM permalink
Very late bump.

So Tiberius was perhaps Augustus' last, desperate choice for a successor (that's a long story). He wasn't really interested in governing, which would be bad enough, but he was also paranoid. He actually let a subordinate, Sejeanus (sp?), a social climber and schemer, run things for him. This led to treason trials with lax rules of evidence (if any), and multiple executions. When Tiberius finally died (of natural causes, apparently), the people were delighted and raised the chant "To the Tiber with Tiberius!"

Caligula arrived as a relief, but then anyone would have seemed better than the late, unlamented Tiberius. We know how that turned out.
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March 25th, 2013 at 6:15:03 PM permalink
Quote: JohnnyQ

OK, to save the other guys from embarassment, I'll
ask what that is FOR THEM.....

Blind Man's Bluff, we could actually play a tournament via PM, I'd volunteer to deal a fair, true, and randomized game.
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March 26th, 2013 at 7:38:54 AM permalink

So after Tiberius the Romans got Caligula, who was even worse. I won't rehash his reign, but suffice it to say the Julio-Claudian Dyanasty should have been ended right there and then. Alas, it wasn't.

Family trees are complex enough. Roman family trees inclusive of power or, worse, royalty, are tangled wild forests, really. Divorce wasn't unheard of, and adoption into a family was a common enough practice. I won't undertake to untanlge the Julio-Claudian Dynasty, therefore. Caligula had an uncle named Claudius, that's enough for now.

Claudius was a sickly, infirm youth who grew up to be a sickly and infirm man. He possibly had some neurological and physiological problems. In Ancient times little difference was taken between physical and mental conditions. So this boy who constantly drooled, had poor muscle tone, and so on, was regarded as an idiot as well. Naturally the Roman Imperial family into which he was born did not involve him in politics at all. Instead Claudius found a niche in scholarship, famously known now, in part, as the last man able to read Etruscan. He also survived purges, proscriptions, treason trials and power struggles becuase he wasn't seen as any kind of threat, and likely people felt little else but pity towards him.

How does a man with all that going against him get to be Emperor?
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March 26th, 2013 at 1:25:14 PM permalink
May 25th? I've got it on my calendar!!
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March 26th, 2013 at 1:33:51 PM permalink
Quote: HotBlonde

May 25th? I've got it on my calendar!!


For all the bumping, I had to go back to the OP and see the date :)
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March 26th, 2013 at 1:46:00 PM permalink
Quote: Nareed


For all the bumping, I had to go back to the OP and see the date :)

Hi Kathy!

The date is on your signature, lol ;)
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March 26th, 2013 at 7:54:55 PM permalink
Quote: HotBlonde

Hi Kathy!

The date is on your signature, lol ;)

So it is!

But it doesn't say whether it's AD or BC :P
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March 26th, 2013 at 8:37:10 PM permalink
Quote: HotBlonde

May 25th? I've got it on my calendar!!

Welcome back to the forum. Look forward to meeting you in May.
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March 27th, 2013 at 6:15:53 AM permalink
Very quick bump. I'll get back to Claudius later.
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March 27th, 2013 at 9:37:35 AM permalink
I'm excited that I will be able to meet the group in May. It turns out my wife Becki booked our anniversary trip to Big Bear on May 17th because it was less expensive than Memorial Day weekend. I will probably only stop by one day so which day are the most people expected to attend? The only person in this group that I have met is the Wizard.
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March 27th, 2013 at 11:56:18 AM permalink
Quote: DRich

... so which day are the most people expected to attend?

I expect that all (almost?) will be there for the "official" activities on the 25th, with various subsets and maybe an extra on hand for some events on preceding or following days. If you can only be there for one day, I really recommend that you join us on Saturday.
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March 27th, 2013 at 12:01:56 PM permalink
Quote: HotBlonde

May 25th? I've got it on my calendar!!

Look whose back! It will be great to see you in May.
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March 27th, 2013 at 12:15:11 PM permalink
Quote: Wizard

Look whose back! It will be great to see you in May.

So, HB, have you kept the weight off?
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March 27th, 2013 at 2:35:24 PM permalink
Quote: DRich

I will probably only stop by one day so which day are the most people expected to attend?

First, please thank your wife for her foresight. Second, she's welcome to come, too. Third, as Doc said, the most people gather for Lunch on Saturday.
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March 27th, 2013 at 2:40:19 PM permalink
Quote: Wizard

Look whose back! It will be great to see you in May.

Homer: Whenever I learn something, I forget something else I knew. Remember when I took that wine-making class and I forgot how to drive?
Marge: You were drunk!

Just sayin' ;)
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March 29th, 2013 at 9:06:30 AM permalink
Bump time.

After four years of Claigual, the Roman popel had enough of him. Likely the Roman people had enough of him much sooner. But after four years the Preatorian Guard had enough of him as well. So he quickly then went on to become the first Roman emperor to be be assasinated.

As history stands, the Guard was behind the plot, with suggestions here and there that Claudius was involved. At first glance any involvement by Caludius seems ridiculous, if not ludricrous. The man just wasn't taken seriously, not even by his family. Even a raving apranoid like Tiberius failed to see him as a threat of any kind. So how could he possibly think to murder a sitting emperor?

Bu then things happen that make one take a second look. For one thing, killing the emperor is not enough. One must, if one wishes to keep on living, also kill or at the very least neutralize the emperor's family. Anyone left alive will 1) take power and 2) very likely seek revenge. So the mere fact Caludius wasn't killed is rather telling. Next, Caludius ordered the man who'd actually slain Claigula executed. He explained it was a good thing that Claigula was off the throne for good, but that the murder of an emperor cannot go unpunished. This strikes me as a co-conspirator prudently doing away with another.

And yet, as Claudius' reign progressed, he made some blunders one would not expect from a crafty political operator (Roman politics included assasination; you get used to reading about it, but not to the fact). For one thing he elevated his adopted son to the rank of Caesar and his official successor, rather than doing so with his own son, Britannicus. His adopted son is known to history as Nero (yes, that Nero). And eventually Claudius, too, was assasinated by his second wife, Nero's mother and also Claudius' second cousin (I told you Roman fmaily trees are a mess). Ironically she was alter killed by her own son. Roman royalty was nothing if not blood-thirsty.
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March 30th, 2013 at 4:14:41 PM permalink
Time for a bump.

I'm finalizing my travel plans. Volaris kind of advertises low, low fares in exchange for the added bag fees and less comfortable planes. Yet as of now Interjet is about $200 cheaper (both trips include the same hotel), with 20 kilos less for bags. This is after paying for the extra baggage.


Just for the sake of completeness, whatever that means, I'll take a look at Expedia and Orbitz. Aeromexico can't even show flights for the dates I want (and is likely way overpriced)
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March 30th, 2013 at 6:05:10 PM permalink
Bump related.

After some extensive research (it's amazing how fast that goes these days, compared to, oh, 2006!), I found a very good deal on a website called The flight is with Interjet, which is good, staying at the 4 Queens, but it's quoted at about $200 US less than the same trip using Interjet.

The thing is I don't know BestDay by reputation. they advertise a lot on TV down here, but that's all I know. Anyone has any information they'd care to share? Thanks!
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April 1st, 2013 at 7:56:34 AM permalink
Bump time.

I expect to buy my trip later today, time permitting.

That's it. I can't think of anything itneresting in connection with Rome, AH, ancient history or even modern history.
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April 2nd, 2013 at 12:59:25 PM permalink
Bump time.

Good news, everyone! I'm re-listening to The History of Rome podcasts. I missed a few fine oints earlier, plus I'm exlporing an AH story set just before the high Republican era (ie just before the Punic Wars). So I'll be able to reahsh the early days of Rome here.

Little known fact: the first Senate was convened by Romulus, then king of Rome, as an advisory and consisted of 100 men. Their descendants formed the Patrician class, which brought no end of trouble throughout the Republic and Empire.
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April 3rd, 2013 at 8:15:13 AM permalink
Bump time.

When the Patricians finally broke down and allowed the laws of the Roman Republic to be published (what a novel idea!), instead of appointing two consuls for the year, the Senate appointed a special commission of ten men to define and draft the final version. The group was called the Decemberate (roughly, the group of ten) and each member was individually known as a December (fancy that).

They were supposed to step down after one year and let new consuls be elected as usual. But at the end of the year they refused to do so. The ploy was simple: they allowed no new elections. Period. End fo story. So the birth of an accessible system of law was marred by an abuse of power. Naturally they took this too far and were eventually ousted. the surprising thing is the Republic went on afterwards without much trouble, at least not that kind of trouble.

Next the Patricians would play some more political games as a result of publishing the laws. In particular one law that forbade a Patrician from marrying a Plebeian.
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April 3rd, 2013 at 9:17:01 AM permalink
Quote: Nareed

In particular one law that forbade a Patrician from marrying a Plebeian.

A science fiction enthusiast like you should realize that inter-species marriage has long led to problems.
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April 3rd, 2013 at 9:37:35 AM permalink
Quote: Doc

A science fiction enthusiast like you should realize that inter-species marriage has long led to problems.

Spock? Hello!! Remember Spock? ;)
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April 4th, 2013 at 7:44:02 AM permalink
Bump time.

The Patricians disdained intermarriage because it would allow lowly plebes to climb the social ladder. Having power concentrated on a relatively few was good for the few. But this situation was unsustainable, and having a alrger block of people hate you wasn't too good a notion, wither, power or no power. So accomodations were made gradually.

One such was the office of Tribune of the Plebes. Mirroring the Consulate, two Tribunes were elected for each year. Their main power lay in their ability to veto legislation. But also the person of a tribune was considered sacrosanct for his term in office. In simple terms, it was a capital offense to assault a tribune. This kept them safe from intimidation.

Now, even though the laws against intermarriage were eventually repealed, and latter laws first allowed and then demanded one consul be a Plebeian, the friction between these two classes was never truly done. In time these problems, or rather the people who tried to exploit them, brought down the Republic.
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April 5th, 2013 at 8:21:42 AM permalink
Bump time.

During the Great Samnite War (or Second Samnite War), a whole Roman army was successfuly fooled by a Samnite general into a trap at the Caudine Forks. The army found itself trapped in a narrow valley between steep hills. One exit blocked by boulders, and the other by Samnites. The army set up a fortified camp and awaited the end. The Samnites waited for the Romans to run out of food.

The Samnite commander, Pontius, had no idea how to deal with a whole captured army. So he requested advice from his father, who had been a top general in the first Samnite war. The reply came "Let them all go free." The general requested clarification, whereupon the older man sent a second message "Kill them all, down to the last man." Now the general was convinced his esteemed father had gone senile.

The older man came and explained: If you let them all go free, you get their everlasting gratitude and peace. If you kill them all, Rome will be frightened and we get peace for a generation. There are no other viable choices.

The general partly disregarded his father's advice. He let them go, but isnisted on first forcing the Romans to undergo a humiliating surrender ritual (and naturally he disarmed them as well). His father warned him "This will get no peace and vanquish no enemies."

A boy should listen to his dad.

A treaty was involved, including hostages and a politico-religious ritual to guarantee peace. BUt the end result was a resumption of hostilities within a few years. That involved Rome in a two-front war, which the Romans won handily, spelling the end of Samnium as an independent entity.
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April 5th, 2013 at 1:54:16 PM permalink
Quote: Doc

Welcome back to the forum. Look forward to meeting you in May.

You as well :)

Quote: Wizard

Look whose back! It will be great to see you in May.

Yes, and two days after your birthday. We'll all have to do something special that Saturday to honor it.

Quote: MrV

So, HB, have you kept the weight off?

No, I have not. I've actually gained weight. I'm at the gym on the treadmill right now as I'm posting. I've backslid and have indulged too much. I'm only human. But having lost 100 pounds last year I know that getting back into shape can be just as easy as it was before and I have no excuses. I feel the blisters developing on my toe right now as I'm walking due to the fact that I still have a dropped foot, a condition that hasn't gone away since it started 11 months ago. Luckily I haven't experienced any terrible back pain like I did then. But unfortunately I still wear a brace on my leg to support my foot. But I don't waste any time feeling sorry for my condition. I've learned to look at the glass as half full and I choose to look at the opportunities that I do have (which are innumerable) and not look at the little things like not being able to walk without a limp or even run. I won't let anything keep me from living a happy life. If I do I'm the only one to blame.

Since I'm a four and a half hour or so drive away from Vegas, what time are we all planning on meeting that afternoon? I'd like to plan my trip in advance.
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April 5th, 2013 at 2:04:32 PM permalink
Quote: HotBlonde

Since I'm a four and a half hour or so drive away from Vegas, what time are we all planning on meeting that afternoon? I'd like to plan my trip in advance.

What afternoon?

If you mean WoVCon on Saturday 23rd, that's scheduled for noon. If you mean for craps at the MSS Friday 22nd, I don't think we've finalized the details yet.
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