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June 9th, 2019 at 11:36:32 PM permalink
Quote: BillRyan

I'm noticing a rather pleasant trend on this board. It appears that the most prominent of our right wing members seem to revel in the fact that they have no kids. Perhaps getting into deep middle age and realizing they failed at the one thing God and or nature put them here to accomplish is what drives them to be such weenies.
Thankfully, few of them will get a chance to inculcate tomorrows children. Mangia!

I don't recall hardly anyone discussing their kids or lack thereof on this forum much at all. Maybe GWAE but that's about it. The quoted post above just seems to be a lame attempt at an attack out of spite. Probably a rule violation, as well, but those seem to get addressed by stifling a conversation and shutting the thread down rather than addressing the rule violators as of late.
Hopefully this thread will promote some lively discussion..I already find it ironic that the left wing supports abortion even hours before imminent delivery yet somehow something is wrong with a right wing person not wanting to have kids. As I understand some are fighting for after birth abortion as well. I don't really know much about the topic of abortion though as it is not something that concerns me. I do know I wouldn't want to have to make a decision to terminate anything with a heartbeat, though.
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June 9th, 2019 at 11:44:54 PM permalink
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June 9th, 2019 at 11:49:54 PM permalink
Thanks for posting where I can comment.

1). I’m a conservative that’s has no interest in kids what’s wrong with that??? There’s already like 7 billion assholes on this planet why should I feel guilty about my decision to not have kids?

2). Nature definitely did not put me on this planet to have kids. My goal in life is to lift weights, eat buffets out of business, get my dick wet 24/7 and gambol non stop. Some people’s mission in life is to have kids and have a family that’s fine, it’s definitely not every persons goal though.

Edit: dick wet 24/7 means tons of sex with no pregnancies

Edit #2: One more life goal I have is to 10x my dads annual salary to prove to him that I don’t have to be a engineer to be successful and also that I’m not going to throw away this opportunity he gave me by working his tail off to get here. Still nothing to do with kids.

Also I want to point out that if I did end up having a kid. My priorities would do a 180, and everything in my life would revolve around my kids. If something happened on accident I would sack up and be a good dad. However it’s not how I see my life playing out.
Last edited by: happahero on Jun 10, 2019
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June 10th, 2019 at 12:07:04 AM permalink
Not having kids is not an accomplishment in itself, but a relief when you have no burden. I don't think one person's comment is enough to be classified as "from the left" or "from libtards". I don't think there are many real leftists even here.
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June 10th, 2019 at 12:25:28 AM permalink
I don't recall any series of. Comments as alleged in the billyryan quote.

Heartbeat starts at sixweeks.

Gambol OR Gamble?????

Left right center have little meaning, its more the politician versus statesman viewpoint.

what does this have to do with gambling????????????
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June 10th, 2019 at 2:51:42 AM permalink
EB, AZ, and Boz I believe have all claimed they dont have kids and are staunch right wingers.

I may be wrong so they can correct me if thats the case. I am going by memory.

They can correct me without mentioning homelessness and busses I might add which have nothing to do with this conversation

Axel has also mentioned not having kids?

At any rate i am a little Leary of the OPs intent as he clearly has stated a number of falsehoods (after birth abortions? Really? Technically the Death Penalty and Euthanasia are afterbirth abortions so that maybe is a right wing dream as well. Otherwise I dont know what he is referring to and he knows full well full term abortions have been discussed and are for health reasons. Funny how all life matters EXCEPT the full grown mothers. She can pass away on the birthing table. SMH)

The definition of abortion is termination of pregnancy so how do you do it after pregnancy.

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June 10th, 2019 at 3:54:32 AM permalink
Anyone whondoesnt believe in abortion should have spent the last weekend with me. It would have changed your mind.
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June 10th, 2019 at 5:07:10 AM permalink
Quote: darkoz

EB, AZ, and Boz I believe have all claimed they dont have kids and are staunch right wingers.

Can only speak for myself but correct. Without repeating totally what I said in the censored, er, closed thread, I do not have kids.

Following not a reply to your post but to continue the conversation.

There is not one waking moment in my life that I wanted to have kids. Nothing about raising kids appeals to me. Happy to be the cool, crazy uncle. Teaching a 6 year old to play BJ when they visit, fun. Doing it all day after day, not so much.

Compare me to the women who want to "have it all." They wait until they are in their late 30s to have the kids, often this means more complications. Sometimes extensive fertility care needed. They still "want it all" so they keep their jobs and outsource raising the kid or kids. The children are accessories, like their handbag or shoes. Compare us and tell me who is more honest.

I think the reality is only the minority "want" kids. Get joy out of having them. I peg this number around 1/3 of guys, 1/2 or women. This number is falling rapidly for both sexes. As a guy the problem I always found was the women who did not want kids were moonbat crazy, undatable. When you found them in the first place.
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June 10th, 2019 at 6:30:25 AM permalink
I am not Pro-Life or Pro-Choice. I am Pro-Abortion. I think all kids should be aborted unless the parents can pass a competency test showing they are capable of raising a child and supporting that child.
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June 10th, 2019 at 7:25:54 AM permalink
Quote: AZDuffman

As a guy the problem I always found was the women who did not want kids were moonbat crazy, undatable.

Insert obvious response here.
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June 10th, 2019 at 7:35:11 AM permalink
Quote: rdw4potus

Insert obvious response here.

What response would that be?
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June 10th, 2019 at 8:12:58 AM permalink
Quote: AZDuffman

What response would that be?

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June 10th, 2019 at 6:46:47 PM permalink
Quote: darkoz

Axel has also mentioned not having kids?

What does ME having or not having kids have to do with any of this? Am I a right winger?

I don't have any kids, at least not that I know of.

I believe a woman has the right to choose within a reasonable amount of time. I do think that choice should come with a penalty to discourage it as a form of birth control. I think women should have to inform whomever she suspects got her pregnant so he can give his input in the matter. If you could prove who impregnated the female and he's also in favor her getting an abortion he should also get a penalty of some kind (I have no clue what that penalty should be). Shouldn't there be a limit to the number of abortions one can get in a certain period of time? I think anyone getting an abortion should have to complete some kind of intense course/class before they are allowed to have an abortion. The impregnator should also have to attend classes as well. I would make exceptions for Rape and incest and some other common sense(at least to me) things, such as, if they know the child will have major birth defects. I could sympathize with a female whos been responsible by taking various forms of Brith control and it failing.

The after morning pill should be absolutely free and easy to get. I have no clue why or how a woman doesn't know she might be pregnant? Isn't there an app for that? I don't know what to say about teens getting pregnant, there should obviously be some other set of laws regarding that.

I don't like how some people keep having multiple kids one after another after another while they live off of welfare their entire life. Welfare should only be given in emergency cases only for a short period of time. Your kids should be taken away until you can afford to take care of them unless there's a very good reason you can't work. If you got to work 16 hours a day 7 days a week just to take care of your kids, then so be it. There is no reason anyone on welfare should have anything other than a bus pass used only to look for work. Why can't people who are getting welfare clean streets, clean up graffiti, clean government buildings, or whatever community service jobs that need to be filled.
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June 10th, 2019 at 7:18:40 PM permalink
Quote: AxelWolf

What does ME having or not having kids have to do with any of this? Am I a right winger?

I don't have any kids, at least not that I know of.

I believe a woman has the right to choose within a reasonable amount of time. I do think that choice should come with a penalty to discourage it as a form of birth control. I think women should have to inform whomever she suspects got her pregnant so he can give his input in the matter. If you could prove who impregnated the female and he's also in favor her getting an abortion he should also get a penalty of some kind (I have no clue what that penalty should be). Shouldn't there be a limit to the number of abortions one can get in a certain period of time? I think anyone getting an abortion should have to complete some kind of intense course/class before they are allowed to have an abortion. The impregnator should also have to attend classes as well. I would make exceptions for Rape and incest and some other common sense(at least to me) things, such as, if they know the child will have major birth defects. I could sympathize with a female whos been responsible by taking various forms of Brith control and it failing.

The after morning pill should be absolutely free and easy to get. I have no clue why or how a woman doesn't know she might be pregnant? Isn't there an app for that? I don't know what to say about teens getting pregnant, there should obviously be some other set of laws regarding that.

I don't like how some people keep having multiple kids one after another after another while they live off of welfare their entire life. Welfare should only be given in emergency cases only for a short period of time. Your kids should be taken away until you can afford to take care of them unless there's a very good reason you can't work. If you got to work 16 hours a day 7 days a week just to take care of your kids, then so be it. There is no reason anyone on welfare should have anything other than a bus pass used only to look for work. Why can't people who are getting welfare clean streets, clean up graffiti, clean government buildings, or whatever community service jobs that need to be filled.

Those radical ideas are very rightie in nature.

Taking kids away from poor people accomplishes nothing.

1) poor people will continue to have kids. There has not been any deterrent in history to poor people having kids even in the worst of times

2) what do you intend to do with those kids you separated. I imagine wards of the state? How is that going to be a cheaper solution? Foster care facilities cant be cheaper to finance than just paying out welfare

3) any separation of s child from his parent is pretty cruel and heartless (disallowing an abusive parental situation naturally and no being poor is not considered abusive. Its just a bad situation)

All of this is what led the person bringing up this childless question. The most cruel suggestions about abortion rights and child welfare seem to be coming from childless adults.

Those people who never experienced a connection with a life and blood child
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June 11th, 2019 at 2:12:44 AM permalink
Quote: AxelWolf

The after morning pill should be absolutely free and easy to get. I have no clue why or how a woman doesn't know she might be pregnant? Isn't there an app for that? I don't know what to say about teens getting pregnant, there should obviously be some other set of laws regarding that.

Free? Why? How?

Is what you are really saying, "the morning after pill should be paid for by society so women can be too cheap to pay for their own brith control?"

Should condoms be free? Just walk into the store and take what you want?

Whatever happened to paying for things you use?

Her body, her responsibility to pay for it.
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June 11th, 2019 at 3:31:29 AM permalink
Quote: AZDuffman

Free? Why? How?

Is what you are really saying, "the morning after pill should be paid for by society so women can be too cheap to pay for their own brith control?"

Should condoms be free? Just walk into the store and take what you want?

Whatever happened to paying for things you use?

Her body, her responsibility to pay for it.

Well if its economy based, then certainly you expect that all women charge for the usage of their bodies.

I mean you aren't advocating that men get to ravage and enjoy womens bodies for free are you?

Whatever happened to paying for things you use?
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June 11th, 2019 at 4:18:57 AM permalink
Quote: darkoz

Well if its economy based, then certainly you expect that all women charge for the usage of their bodies.

I mean you aren't advocating that men get to ravage and enjoy womens bodies for free are you?

Whatever happened to paying for things you use?

I don't get the point of the comment but will answer.

Women do charge for use of their bodies all the time. Some directly, in the form of prostitution. Some indirectly, in the form of expecting the guy to pay for anything from dinner in the short term to "the girlfriend experience" in the long term. Some charge after the fact in the form of child support for a kid the guy did not want or expect.

A few good ones do not charge, these are highly sought after because they act as equals, not demand to be equals.
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June 11th, 2019 at 5:08:01 AM permalink
I changed the title of this thread to the "Kids Corner," because I thought it was more to the point.

To answer the question posed, I have three kids, ages 12, 17, and 21. I prefer to guard their privacy, so don't give many details. Happy to discuss generalizations of spawning and parenthood in general.
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June 11th, 2019 at 5:22:55 AM permalink
Quote: AxelWolf

Am I a right winger?

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June 11th, 2019 at 5:27:14 AM permalink
Quote: AZDuffman

Free? Why? How?

Is what you are really saying, "the morning after pill should be paid for by society so women can be too cheap to pay for their own brith control?"

Should condoms be free? Just walk into the store and take what you want?

Whatever happened to paying for things you use?

Her body, her responsibility to pay for it.

In no way am I saying it should be free out of generosity, kind-heartedness or sympathy. In an ideal world, everything or nothing should be free. I just don't like the alternative. The alternative would be unfit, irresponsible people having unplanned children they can't afford. Then everyone loses when they end up sucking off the welfare system and growing up in a messed up environment where their kids are likely to repeat the same thing. I just think the upfront cost we all pay would be a long term saving, lead to less population and well worth the investment.
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June 11th, 2019 at 5:41:34 AM permalink
Quote: AxelWolf

In no way am I saying it should be free out of generosity, kind-heartedness or sympathy. In an ideal world, everything or nothing should be free. I just don't like the alternative. The alternative would be unfit, irresponsible people having unplanned children they can't afford. Then everyone loses when they end up sucking off the welfare system and growing up in a messed up environment where their kids are likely to repeat the same thing. I just think the upfront cost we all pay would be a long term saving, lead to less population and well worth the investment.

Unfit and irresponsible people are always going to have kids, and have more kids than the more fit and responsible. Did you see the clip Wiz posted here a few weeks back? The irresponsible people keep popping out the kids, the responsible ones keep putting it off until it is too late. And yes, they are going to repeat the cycle, over and over. Listen to some Tom Leykis clips and hear a 20 year old telling how she made her mother a grandmother before the age of 39.

It is not going to change because we have a society that celebrates it. "She's a single mom doing it all---YOU GO GIRL!" Contrast that to, "Her husband makes her stay home and raise the kids!" Which is better for the kids? Which gets the praise, which gets looked down upon?
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June 11th, 2019 at 6:36:30 AM permalink
Quote: AZDuffman

Unfit and irresponsible people are always going to have kids, and have more kids than the more fit and responsible. Did you see the clip Wiz posted here a few weeks back? The irresponsible people keep popping out the kids, the responsible ones keep putting it off until it is too late. And yes, they are going to repeat the cycle, over and over. Listen to some Tom Leykis clips and hear a 20 year old telling how she made her mother a grandmother before the age of 39.

It is not going to change because we have a society that celebrates it. "She's a single mom doing it all---YOU GO GIRL!" Contrast that to, "Her husband makes her stay home and raise the kids!" Which is better for the kids? Which gets the praise, which gets looked down upon?


You couldn't even say the mother wants to stay home with the kids while the husband works.

It had to be "the husband MAKES her stay home and raise the kids."
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June 11th, 2019 at 6:39:36 AM permalink
Quote: darkoz


You couldn't even say the mother wants to stay home with the kids while the husband works.

It had to be "the husband MAKES her stay home and raise the kids."

You need to read it more careful. It is not *me* saying, "the husband makes her stay home and raise the kids." That is what the pop culture and feminists say. Personally, I think it is a great thing if the mother stays home and raises the kids instead of farming it out to daycare.
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June 11th, 2019 at 7:09:22 AM permalink
Quote: AZDuffman

You need to read it more careful. It is not *me* saying, "the husband makes her stay home and raise the kids." That is what the pop culture and feminists say. Personally, I think it is a great thing if the mother stays home and raises the kids instead of farming it out to daycare.

Here in NYC at least the schooling age starts at 3. Daycare places are just to round up the few hours if a parent works while the child is in school and they haven't returned home yet.

You aren't suggesting kids arent farmed out to schooling?
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June 11th, 2019 at 8:11:53 AM permalink
Quote: darkoz

Here in NYC at least the schooling age starts at 3. Daycare places are just to round up the few hours if a parent works while the child is in school and they haven't returned home yet.

You aren't suggesting kids arent farmed out to schooling?

At age 3 they are. In my day at age 3 you maybe went to 2 hours a day of nursery school 2 days a week. So yes, schooling at that age is farming out parenting.
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June 11th, 2019 at 8:33:43 AM permalink
Quote: AZDuffman

At age 3 they are. In my day at age 3 you maybe went to 2 hours a day of nursery school 2 days a week. So yes, schooling at that age is farming out parenting.

In your day which was also my day I agree.

The world has progressed

Today in NY at least, if you wait until kindergarten or first grade to enroll your child in scbool you have just done them a disservice

I was pretty shocked when I saw the first grade homework involving complete sentences to be written out and 3 digit math.

These are not the days when a 5 year old starts learning his ABCs anymore.

There was nothing wrong with the way it was done in your day but recognize things have changed. Its called progress
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June 11th, 2019 at 8:51:59 AM permalink
Quote: darkoz

In your day which was also my day I agree.

The world has progressed

Today in NY at least, if you wait until kindergarten or first grade to enroll your child in scbool you have just done them a disservice

I was pretty shocked when I saw the first grade homework involving complete sentences to be written out and 3 digit math.

These are not the days when a 5 year old starts learning his ABCs anymore.

There was nothing wrong with the way it was done in your day but recognize things have changed. Its called progress

I don't call shuffling a 3 year old to all-day school "progress." I still call it outsourcing. FWIW, all of that "jump" the kids get will be gone by 4th grade at most. Having to spend all day in the anti-social environment of daycare can affect for a lifetime.
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June 11th, 2019 at 9:14:58 AM permalink
Quote: AZDuffman

I don't call shuffling a 3 year old to all-day school "progress." I still call it outsourcing. FWIW, all of that "jump" the kids get will be gone by 4th grade at most. Having to spend all day in the anti-social environment of daycare can affect for a lifetime.

The most anti-social school years are usually high school, not pre-school lol
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June 11th, 2019 at 9:16:01 AM permalink
Quote: darkoz

The most anti-social school years are usually high school, not pre-school lol

All school years are an anti-social, minimum security prison.
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June 11th, 2019 at 10:01:23 AM permalink
Quote: AZDuffman

All school years are an anti-social, minimum security prison.


Lets make America great again

Home schooling for all
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June 11th, 2019 at 10:13:34 AM permalink
Quote: darkoz


Lets make America great again

Home schooling for all

Homeschooling is a very good thing. Need more of it.
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June 11th, 2019 at 10:20:14 AM permalink
Quote: AZDuffman

Homeschooling is a very good thing. Need more of it.

I thought you would say that.

Some parents may be good at home schooling

Most would fail utterly

We would wind up with America as smart as the 1800s.

But thats probably whats meant by making America great again
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June 11th, 2019 at 10:29:10 AM permalink
Quote: darkoz

I thought you would say that.

Some parents may be good at home schooling

Most would fail utterly

We would wind up with America as smart as the 1800s.

But thats probably whats meant by making America great again

The ones willing to do it usually do an exceptionally great job.

Nobody forces anyone.

Why are those on the left so against it?

The current school model is nearly 150 years old. Time to modernize.
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June 11th, 2019 at 11:35:51 AM permalink
Quote: AZDuffman

The ones willing to do it usually do an exceptionally great job.

Nobody forces anyone.

Why are those on the left so against it?

The current school model is nearly 150 years old. Time to modernize.

Doing it like it was done 150 years ago is modernizing?
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June 11th, 2019 at 11:41:59 AM permalink
Quote: darkoz

Doing it like it was done 150 years ago is modernizing?

They used online and other resources 150 years ago? Did they have dial-up or high-speed internet?

I still do not understand why the left is so against home schooling.
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June 11th, 2019 at 11:44:31 AM permalink
Quote: AZDuffman

They used online and other resources 150 years ago? Did they have dial-up or high-speed internet?

I still do not understand why the left is so against home schooling.

As with most things with many on the left, they enjoy twisting s*** around to fit their narrative.
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June 11th, 2019 at 12:07:07 PM permalink
Quote: RS

As with most things with many on the left, they enjoy twisting s*** around to fit their narrative.

I just want to know why they hate homeschooling so much. Homeschooling. Charter schools. They seem to hate any idea that might improve education.
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June 11th, 2019 at 12:07:08 PM permalink
Quote: RS

As with most things with many on the left, they enjoy twisting s*** around to fit their narrative.

I just want to know why they hate homeschooling so much. Homeschooling. Charter schools. They seem to hate any idea that might improve education.
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June 11th, 2019 at 12:10:21 PM permalink
Quote: AZDuffman

They used online and other resources 150 years ago? Did they have dial-up or high-speed internet?

I still do not understand why the left is so against home schooling.

But you dont have children so its difficult to understand why you have any ability to judge.

I had 2 children public schooled

I had one grandchild home schooled

From my own personal experience in this matter the public school did better

What experience do you have with child schooling?
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June 11th, 2019 at 12:14:23 PM permalink
I don’t have kids and never ever want them, so I don’t really have a dog in this fight.

But school isn’t just about learning. It’s about socializing.

Home schooled kids miss out on that. And a heck of a lot of them end up as friggin weirdos.
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June 11th, 2019 at 12:21:37 PM permalink
Quote: darkoz

But you dont have children so its difficult to understand why you have any ability to judge.

I had 2 children public schooled

I had one grandchild home schooled

From my own personal experience in this matter the public school did better

What experience do you have with child schooling?

I spent 13 years in school. It felt like prison. Not that there were not classes I did not enjoy, but in this day and age there have to be better ways.

One child homeschooled you say did not work out as well. That is your entire basis for objection to homeschooling?

We are in the early stages of the collapse of the current schooling model. Colleges are already feeling it. The next generation I figure some big changes are to come. Lots more homeschooling, charter schools, and even a few parents getting together to share homeschool duties. This will be a very good thing.
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June 11th, 2019 at 12:31:34 PM permalink
Quote: ams288

I don’t have kids and never ever want them, so I don’t really have a dog in this fight.

But school isn’t just about learning. It’s about socializing.

Home schooled kids miss out on that. And a heck of a lot of them end up as friggin weirdos.

Are home school kids more or less likely to shoot up a school? I think homeschooling done correctly is much better than regular school.

Nowadays I believe the homeschool system has a social system in place including sports etc etc.
♪♪Now you swear and kick and beg us That you're not a gamblin' man Then you find you're back in Vegas With a handle in your hand♪♪ Your black cards can make you money So you hide them when you're able In the land of casinos and money You must put them on the table♪♪ You go back Jack do it again roulette wheels turinin' 'round and 'round♪♪ You go back Jack do it again♪♪
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June 11th, 2019 at 12:35:34 PM permalink
Quote: AZDuffman

I spent 13 years in school. It felt like prison. Not that there were not classes I did not enjoy, but in this day and age there have to be better ways.

One child homeschooled you say did not work out as well. That is your entire basis for objection to homeschooling?

We are in the early stages of the collapse of the current schooling model. Colleges are already feeling it. The next generation I figure some big changes are to come. Lots more homeschooling, charter schools, and even a few parents getting together to share homeschool duties. This will be a very good thing.

I make my basis for objection on the same singular evidence you do. You had a bad experience at school. Thats you. There are many who dont.

I too felt school seemed like a prison. But the alternative methods have their own set of problems

For one thing parents individually have different skill sets. A dozen children home schooled will have a dozen different levels of good or bad teaching.

While a dozen kids in school will have the same level of teaching from a shared professor.

Yes there are bad professors but the idea is they are monitored by a school board for consistency.
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June 11th, 2019 at 12:35:57 PM permalink
Quote: AZDuffman

I spent 13 years in school. It felt like prison. Not that there were not classes I did not enjoy, but in this day and age there have to be better ways.

I thought you liked people exposed to the bumps and bruises of the real world, not living in sheltered protection zones. Since you complain about college kids not being prepared -- is why I thought that.
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June 11th, 2019 at 1:13:29 PM permalink
Quote: rxwine

I thought you liked people exposed to the bumps and bruises of the real world, not living in sheltered protection zones. Since you complain about college kids not being prepared -- is why I thought that.

Exposed to bumps and bruises yes. Trapped in an environment approaching a prison no need for that.
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June 11th, 2019 at 1:15:34 PM permalink
Quote: darkoz

I make my basis for objection on the same singular evidence you do. You had a bad experience at school. Thats you. There are many who dont.

I too felt school seemed like a prison. But the alternative methods have their own set of problems

For one thing parents individually have different skill sets. A dozen children home schooled will have a dozen different levels of good or bad teaching.

While a dozen kids in school will have the same level of teaching from a shared professor.

Yes there are bad professors but the idea is they are monitored by a school board for consistency.

Parents have different skill levels. So what? They will be using all kinds of methods and resources. As to the school board monitoring I do not see that as being so great given the nationwide results.
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June 11th, 2019 at 1:37:31 PM permalink
I don't know about home schooling but they have private and public schools.


South Korea is one of the top-performing OECD countries in reading literacy, mathematics and sciences with the average student scoring 542. The country has one of the worlds highest-educated labour forces among OECD countries.[9][10] The country is well known for its obsession with education, which has come to be called "education fever".[11][12][13] The resource-poor nation is consistently ranked amongst the top for global education. In the 2014 national rankings of students’ math and science scores by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), South Korea ranked second place worldwide, after Singapore.[14]

Higher education is an overwhelmingly serious issue in South Korea society, where it is viewed as one of the fundamental cornerstones of South Korean life. Education is regarded with a high priority for South Korean families, as success in education is necessary for improving one's socioeconomic position in South Korean society.[4][15] Academic success is often a source of pride for families and within South Korean society at large. South Koreans view education as the main propeller of social mobility for themselves and their family as a gateway to the South Korean middle class. Graduating from a top university is the ultimate marker of prestige, high socioeconomic status, promising marriage prospects, and a respectable career path.[16] An average South Korean child's life revolves around education as pressure to succeed academically is deeply ingrained in South Korean children from an early age. Those who lack a formal university education often face social prejudice.[17]

Then there's this:


The system's rigid and hierarchical structure has been criticized for stifling creativity and innovation;[26][27] described as intensely and "brutally" competitive,[28] The system is often blamed for the high suicide rate in South Korea, particularly the growing rates among those aged 10–19. Various media outlets attribute the nations high suicide rate on the nationwide anxiety around the country's college entrance exams, which determine the trajectory of students' entire lives and careers.[29][30] Former South Korean hagwon teacher Se-Woong Koo wrote that the South Korean education system amounts to child abuse and that it should be "reformed and restructured without delay."[31] The system has also been criticized for producing an excess supply of university graduates creating an overeducated and underemployed labor force; in the first quarter of 2013 alone, nearly 3.3 million South Korean university graduates were jobless, leading many graduates overqualified for jobs requiring less education.[32] Further criticism has been stemmed for causing labor shortages in various skilled blue collar labor and vocational occupations, where many go unfilled as the negative social stigma associated with vocational careers and not having a university degree continues to remain deep-rooted in South Korean society
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June 11th, 2019 at 2:02:19 PM permalink
I suspect the real reason righties want home schooling is not for the benefit of the children but they just cant stand their tax dollars going to education especially of undeserving kids like dreamers and poorer parents
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June 11th, 2019 at 2:13:27 PM permalink
Quote: darkoz

I suspect the real reason righties want home schooling is not for the benefit of the children but they just cant stand their tax dollars going to education especially of undeserving kids like dreamers and poorer parents

We have to pay the taxes either way.

One thing we do not want is the indoctrination that passes for education. Why on earth do kids need to learn about history of gays for one example.
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June 11th, 2019 at 3:05:41 PM permalink
Quote: AZDuffman

We have to pay the taxes either way.

One thing we do not want is the indoctrination that passes for education. Why on earth do kids need to learn about history of gays for one example.

Because history is important because it happened.

Ignoring history you dont like is not the proper study of history

At amy rate why would gay history in the US be anymore or a problem than black history?

Your not liking homosexuals should not influence school decisions
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