Quote:Sales of freeze-dried food, flashlights, blankets and tents have soared in Utah in recent weeks as some Mormons have begun to prepare for the end of the world. The so-called preppers believe the world is ending this month based on biblical prophecies, the Hebrew calendar, an unstable economy, world politics and astronomical occurrences, the Salt Lake Tribune reported Sunday.
“There is a sense of urgency, like something is up. A lot of people are mentioning things about September, like a financial collapse," said customer service representative Ricardo Aranda at American Fork’s Thrive Life, which sells mostly freeze-dried food.
The Mormon apocalypse believers claim the Jewish High Holy Days that began this week will trigger a financial crisis based on the United States’ “wickedness.” They predict the full moon Sept. 28 is the next sign the world is ending.
It's good to keep abreast of these things in case one is finally right.
They didn't win after all ;-)
THUMBS DOWNQuote: MrVIt's the comet Eurydice.
here it comes
We will know it has ended when you stop posting in the discussion about the suspension list.Quote: 1BBI thought the world ended when this site was sold. Guess not.
nobody noticed. Mormons=Airheads.
I just have three words to say H*** D*** E*****
Quote: AxelWolfWe will know it has ended when you stop posting in the discussion about the suspension list.
Good one Axel! I've always enjoyed your wit. I think most people secretly enjoy that thread that the Wizard started for us but are reluctant to admit it. Anyone bothered by this thread started by the Wizard, the number one thread here by far, has several options. Those include not reading it, blocking it and even petitioning for it's closure. Threads do get closed here.
Good thing I just quit my job in an attempt to pursue true happiness.
Quote: Sabretom2Ouch, this is bad news for the extended warranty people.
Not really, if they have been prepaid, they're laughing.
Quote: EvenBobThe world actually ended in 1973 but
nobody noticed. Mormons=Airheads.
Before I die one day I think I might make one of those sandwich-boards and put "THE END IS NEAR" and walk around downtown just for fun. Anyone up for it?
Only a couple?Quote: TwoFeathersATLIf it all comes to an end, just as a consolation, I know of a couple SOBs that are gonna be outta here just like the rest of us.
They didn't win after all ;-)
Quote: HeySlickYou might NOT realize or understand "THE END IS NEAR" is ACTUALLY upon us all, RIGHT NOW. President Obama is determined to "transform America" (aka) destroy America. I feel for our ONCE great country and, this racist black man (Muslim President) is bound and determined to destroy it -- we're being invaded by Muslim terrorist and parasites. BTW they've destroyed Europe and America is next in line.
Who's making racist comments here? Hint: Not President Obama.
Quote: AZDuffmanBefore I die one day I think I might make one of those sandwich-boards and put "THE END IS NEAR" and walk around downtown just for fun. Anyone up for it?
Sounds like a blast. As long as we don't talk politics I am in.
Quote: HeySlickYou might NOT realize or understand "THE END IS NEAR" is ACTUALLY upon us all, RIGHT NOW. President Obama is determined to "transform America" (aka) destroy America. I feel for our ONCE great country and, this racist black man (Muslim President) is bound and determined to destroy it -- we're being invaded by Muslim terrorist and parasites. BTW they've destroyed Europe and America is next in line.
Europe has been destroyed? Is that what America will look like when it is destroyed?
Quote: Dalex64Europe has been destroyed? Is that what America will look like when it is destroyed?
Yes, London, Paris, Berlin and Rome are apparently in rubble. However, I share the view that the western world is living on borrowed time, mostly due to poor monetary policy and eventual doom due to climate change, not because "Muslims are invading".
But I think it will be all fine.
Quote: boymimboYes, London, Paris, Berlin and Rome are apparently in rubble. However, I share the view that the western world is living on borrowed time, mostly due to poor monetary policy and eventual doom due to climate change, not because "Muslims are invading".
I think it will be all fine.
Borrowed time is probably closer to reality than most realize -- IMO 'climate change' has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with the eventual doom scenario you mentioned above. Our country is being destroyed internally by the influx of Middle Eastern Refugees et al -- try using the net and research a little and you'll be very surprised (maybe even shocked) at what's happening to our country e.g. millions upon millions of refugees are being brought into America without any screening/vetting process whatsoever. You seem to think "it will all be fine" I hope your right?
Quote: beachbumbabsWho's making racist comments here? Hint: Not President Obama.
So expressing my opinion is considered racist? sure sounds/seems like someone doesn't like my opinion and lacks the ability to counter said issue. I guess my lack of Political Correctness will get me banned? BTW you left out one important insinuation about my comment (s) above, calling me a xenophobe.
Quote: QuasiIntellectuOnly a couple?
Yes, only a couple.
I'm quite tolerant mostly,
And I wasn't referring to anyone on this list. I worried a little later that some might have thought I was referring to someone(s) here. Nope.
Also wasn't thinking about some of the really bad guys of the world that I haven't had personal contact with.
Was just thinking of a couple of guys from my past, here and there...
Quote: Dicenor33It' s not Muslims are a threat, but the rhetoric of their leaders. They believe in absolute power, the perception of the world through their eyes, others opinion don't count. It took hundreds of years for the democracy to reach it's current level, Muslim leaders want to turn back the clock, they succeeded in many countries around the world, there is no guarantee that they won't succeed here.
There is no turning the clock back here, unlikely there ever will be. Tick, tick, tick....
Too much free exchange of info, almost instantaneously.
It would take a worldwide disaster, almost an extinction event, to stop progress forward. Can anyone feel sorry for some of the beliefs in this very large, very diverse, world that will probably disappear in the next generation or two? Maybe disappear faster than that. Don't kid yourself, someone's got their foot on the accelerator. Do we have to go to war, spend tons of money, to try to speed up the process? Do my sons have to put their lives on the line? It's a little bit bumpy along the way, but the way is on it's way, it just takes some time, and some patience, and holding your ground. I got faith. I got faith in you.
Matters not how young or old, rich or poor, smart or dumb, atheist or religious, straight or gay, kind or unkind. No one makes the final cut.Quote: TwoFeathersATLCan anyone feel sorry for some of the beliefs in this very large, very diverse, world that will probably disappear in the next generation or two? Maybe disappear faster than that. Don't kid yourself, someone's got their foot on the accelerator.
Quote: Dicenor33It' s not Muslims are a threat, but the rhetoric of their leaders. They believe in absolute power, the perception of the world through their eyes, others opinion don't count. It took hundreds of years for the democracy to reach it's current level, Muslim leaders want to turn back the clock, they succeeded in many countries around the world, there is no guarantee that they won't succeed here.
I'll guarantee you this much -- our so called leaders will flood America with as many refugees from Middle Eastern countries et al as possible. Were already 18 trillion dollars in debt and, if you think America can absorb another million or so refugees -- you've got some real logic problems. How about our leaders start looking out for Americans and, the future (s) of our young people --- just what are these illiterates adding to the well being of our society?
Do a search on the literacy rate of these individuals coming from Syria -- its some scary stuff. FYI the so called Muslim leaders aren't the real problem -- IMO it's the radical element within the Muslims that want to destroy America -- just look at Europe, if America continues on this road to ruin there won't be a free America any/MUCH longer.
Everyone donate a bucket of rocks.
Burma: 13,831
Iraq: 10,898
Somalia: 7,642
Congo: 6,724
Bhutan: 5,208
Iran: 2,502
Syria: 1,293
Ukraine: 1,233
Sudan: 1,147
Eritrea: 1,118
Population of the USA 320,000,000. You're worried about the .02%. At this rate the refugee population will equal the non-refugee population in 5,000 years. Oh no.
I'd be far more concerned about the 0.6% which is the percentage of Americas with serious mental problems who probably own a firearm.
Quote: Dalex64It is amazing how many of these destroyed european contries rank higher than the USA on those lists of countries that are better than the USA in one way or another.
Seriously! where in my post did I say: European contries as you spell it?? Please, do some research, you know the mind is a terrible thing to waste on games of chance.
Quote: HeySlickYou might NOT realize or understand "THE END IS NEAR" is ACTUALLY upon us all, RIGHT NOW. President Obama is determined to "transform America" (aka) destroy America. I feel for our ONCE great country and, this racist black man (Muslim President) is bound and determined to destroy it -- we're being invaded by Muslim terrorist and parasites. BTW they've destroyed Europe and America is next in line.
So, the part of Europe that was destroyed didn't have any countries in it?
Will the part of America that will be destroyed also not have any countries in it?
I just oppose all religion in general though.
Quote: Dalex64So, the part of Europe that was destroyed didn't have any countries in it?
Will the part of America that will be destroyed also not have any countries in it?
Europe is facing an unprecedented influx of Muslim invaders from countries like Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan. Most of them land in Italy or Greece, and then head for the wealthier countries of northern Europe by transiting through countries in Eastern Europe and the Balkans, like Macedonia, Serbia, and Hungary.
Btw Germany is having more (serious) problems with the influx than those smaller European countries mentioned above. I said/meant Europe as a whole was being invaded, I wasn't trying to say/ OR imply there aren't any countries within Europe, sorry.
Quote: Dalex64So, the part of Europe that was destroyed didn't have any countries in it?
Will the part of America that will be destroyed also not have any countries in it?
Oh Please! don't be so ignorant
There aren't any countries within the United States of America - there's states and cities within America. America is part of the North American continent which includes Canada and other countries.
Quote: HeySlickEurope is facing an unprecedented influx of Muslim invaders from countries like Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan. Most of them land in Italy or Greece, and then head for the wealthier countries of northern Europe by transiting through countries in Eastern Europe and the Balkans, like Macedonia, Serbia, and Hungary.
Btw Germany is having more (serious) problems with the influx than those smaller European countries mentioned above. I said/meant Europe as a whole was being invaded, I wasn't trying to say/ OR imply there aren't any countries within Europe, sorry.
Clearly in Europe and in some parts of North America there are enclaves of Muslim/Arab communities. I do not have a problem with this, in as much as I don't have problems with Italian enclaves in the city I live in. We are just not used to the foreign language and their way of life and that scares us, especially when a portion of them (a small portion) want to ruin our lives.
Quote: boymimboQuote: HeySlickEurope is facing an unprecedented influx of Muslim invaders from countries like Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan. Most of them land in Italy or Greece, and then head for the wealthier countries of northern Europe by transiting through countries in Eastern Europe and the Balkans, like Macedonia, Serbia, and Hungary.
Btw Germany is having more (serious) problems with the influx than those smaller European countries mentioned above. I said/meant Europe as a whole was being invaded, I wasn't trying to say/ OR imply there aren't any countries within Europe, sorry.
Clearly in Europe and in some parts of North America there are enclaves of Muslim/Arab communities. I do not have a problem with this, in as much as I don't have problems with Italian enclaves in the city I live in. We are just not used to the foreign language and their way of life and that scares us, especially when a portion of them (a small portion) want to ruin our lives.
I understand your sentiments -- however, to many Muslims (i.e. the radical elements) refuse to assimilate into the societies of said host countries. Our so called leaders and, in particular President Obama will continue to flood our country will these Muslim refugees before he leaves office.
BTW -- President Obama has said: In “Audacity of Hope” he writes: “I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.” The quote comes from page 261 of the paperback edition of “The Audacity of Hope.
The way to take away radicalism is to show the radicals that the American life is way better then what they came from and to integrate them into society.
Devout Christians feel the same way about today's society. They wonder how the word of God can reach the populace with so many distractions, how unfettered Capitalism ties in to the messages of Jesus, and how war and hate go against His preaching. Radical Christians seek to force what they believe is God's will onto doctor's who perform abortions, make gay people feel bad about themselves, and seek hatred and justice out against all that do not believe in Him. According to the Bible, this is not what Jesus would have wanted. Jesus invited his enemies in. His disciples were not good devout people when they first joined the Christian brotherhood. There are some Radicals who part from society altogether. Most will lead a bucolic life (like the Amish) but there will be some who will join a militia and bend God's word into hate and violence.
The issue today for everyone who is not a millionaire is that they feel marginalized by greed and feels their way of life getting squeezed with no one to turn to. When your supply of jobs seems to be in decline, you blame illegal immigrants for taking your jobs when the fault is truly free trade and globalization which were trends that couldn't have been stopped. When you feel your income being squeezed you blame taxes, when the fault is corporate greed that no longer takes care of its employees because share price and executive compensation is more important. When you feel your government is not working for you, you get a feeling of hopelessness which leads to many different reactions: some turn libertarian and try to build a security blanket around themselves to mitigate the effects; others turn activist and tries to influence others to make changes; others do nothing, and a small group of people bitch and complain about it on an internet gambling forum when they should be working.
See ya!
Quote: HeySlickBTW -- President Obama has said: In “Audacity of Hope” he writes: “I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.” The quote comes from page 261 of the paperback edition of “The Audacity of Hope.
Not exactly. "Muslim" wasn't mentioned and it was a general statement that he'd stand with any group of Americans that was being persecuted.
Quote:In the wake of 9/11, my meetings with Arab and Pakistani Americans, for example, have a more urgent quality, for the stories of detentions and FBI questioning and hard stares from neighbors have shaken their sense of security and belonging. They have been reminded that the history of immigration in this country has a dark underbelly; they need specific reassurances that their citizenship really means something, that America has learned the right lessons from the Japanese internments during World War II, and that I will stand with them should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.
Quote: SlickBTW -- President Obama has said: In “Audacity of Hope” he writes: “I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.” The quote comes from page 261 of the paperback edition of “The Audacity of Hope.
Quote: BHO, Audacity of Hope, page 261In the wake of 9/11, my meetings with Arab and Pakistani Americans, for example, have a more urgent quality, for the stories of detentions and FBI questioning and hard stares from neighbors have shaken their sense of security and belonging. They have been reminded that the history of immigration in this country has a dark underbelly; they need specific reassurances that their citizenship really means something, that America has learned the right lessons from the Japanese internments during World War II, and that I will stand with them should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.
[edit] or what Hulabaloo just said while I was typing this
Quote: boymimboI don't think 70,000 refugees / year is a flood. However I would share your concern that if 50% of these refugees (at most) are Muslin and 15% of those are radicals you are worrying about 525 that might be a problem. Given that the refugee process does background checks on all refugees I am thinking that the FBI is looking very closely at the 525.
The way to take away radicalism is to show the radicals that the American life is way better then what they came from and to integrate them into society.
Devout Christians feel the same way about today's society. They wonder how the word of God can reach the populace with so many distractions, how unfettered Capitalism ties in to the messages of Jesus, and how war and hate go against His preaching. Radical Christians seek to force what they believe is God's will onto doctor's who perform abortions, make gay people feel bad about themselves, and seek hatred and justice out against all that do not believe in Him. According to the Bible, this is not what Jesus would have wanted. Jesus invited his enemies in. His disciples were not good devout people when they first joined the Christian brotherhood. There are some Radicals who part from society altogether. Most will lead a bucolic life (like the Amish) but there will be some who will join a militia and bend God's word into hate and violence.
The issue today for everyone who is not a millionaire is that they feel marginalized by greed and feels their way of life getting squeezed with no one to turn to. When your supply of jobs seems to be in decline, you blame illegal immigrants for taking your jobs when the fault is truly free trade and globalization which were trends that couldn't have been stopped. When you feel your income being squeezed you blame taxes, when the fault is corporate greed that no longer takes care of its employees because share price and executive compensation is more important. When you feel your government is not working for you, you get a feeling of hopelessness which leads to many different reactions: some turn libertarian and try to build a security blanket around themselves to mitigate the effects; others turn activist and tries to influence others to make changes; others do nothing, and a small group of people bitch and complain about it on an internet gambling forum when they should be working.
See ya!
I'm retired ---- so now what have you got to say about that? Apparently you're a lot younger and lack the ability to think logically. FYI this site has different venues/ topics and this section is entitled 'GRIPES' if you don't like my topic then complain to the administrator (s). I deal in reality NOT games of chance. Incidentally the FBI can do all the backgrounds checks they want -- I don't trust any Middle Eastern country to do the same kind of background checks as the aforementioned.
Quote: HeySlick'm retired ---- so now what have you got to say about that? Apparently you're a lot younger and lack the ability to think logically. FYI this site has different venues/ topics and this section is entitled 'GRIPES' if you don't like my topic then complain to the administrator (s). I deal in reality NOT games of chance. Incidentally the FBI can do all the backgrounds checks they want -- I don't trust any Middle Eastern country to do the same kind of background checks as the aforementioned.
I was talking about myself, Slick, not you, in that last paragraph. I would never attack you personally - your beliefs, yes, but not you.
Quote: boymimboI was talking about myself, Slick, not you, in that last paragraph. I would never attack you personally - your beliefs, yes, but not you.
Thank you for the clarification - we have different political perspectives. 'I Love my Country' our government is totally out of control and therein lies my biggest qualm about these issues we've discussed -- Have a nice day, my friend.
Quote: HullabalooNot exactly. "Muslim" wasn't mentioned and it was a general statement that he'd stand with any group of Americans that was being persecuted.
How ironic i.e., you claim he never said any such thing, yet in the link YOU provided as you scroll down you'll see those exact words mentioned in lines/excerpts from his book 'The Audacity of Hope' IMO he's a racist black man and more than likely a covert Muslim - His own words are within that book and this man is our current President - wholly Toledo!

and another image

and another
Please show me an image of the book where he states the quote you quote.