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August 6th, 2021 at 7:32:45 AM permalink
Trivia comment and question for today: This chip from Cedar Lakes Casino is the 20th chip posted in this thread from a casino located in the state of Minnesota. Exactly half of those have been posted by PokerGrinder, resident of Winnipeg, Manitoba and half by rdw4potus, resident of Minneapolis (I think), Minnesota. So which of these two forum members actually lives closer to this set of casinos?

As for my own collection, I still have a grand total of ZERO chips from casinos in Minnesota. Other than changing planes a fair number of times at MSP (and never stepping outside of the airport), I have not even been to Minnesota since some time last century. So thanks to those members for their contributions to the thread!
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August 6th, 2021 at 10:17:07 AM permalink
I’m closer to Seven Clans Warroad, Seven Clans Thief River Falls, Seven Clans Red Lake and Shooting Star Casino. I’m much closer to Warroad but the other 3 I’m only closer by 10-30 minutes each.
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August 7th, 2021 at 1:38:57 AM permalink
State: Rhode Island
City: Tiverton
Casino: Tiverton

Today's chip of the day is from the Tiverton Casino in Tiverton, Rhode Island. I am just sort of jumping around the states without much direction so I figured today I would complete the massive 2 casino state of Rhode Island. I visited Tiverton Casino in March of this year after leaving Boston on my way to Foxwoods Casino. Tiverton Casino is about a quarter of the size of the Twin River Casino. They have 1000 slot machines and 32 table games. I spent a decent amount of time picking off slot machines before playing a few hands of BJ to grab a chip. Nothing about the casino stuck out to me, its just your standard rectangle casino.

The chip is a white RHC with two edge inserts in blue and burgundy. The centre inlay is white with a burgundy ring. Inside the burgundy ring is the owner name and casino location in white. The middle of the inlay has the casino name and logo with the denom in baby blue. On the opposite side of the chip the inlay has a white ring with a burgundy centre. The location and casino owner are blue while the casino name, logo and the denom are in white.

You can shear a sheep a hundred times, but you can skin it only once. — Amarillo Slim Preston
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August 7th, 2021 at 8:45:13 AM permalink

(Expression of frustration at one of the little annoyances of trying to manage this thread and its index.)

First, I really appreciate PokerGrinder completing the thread's collection of casino chips from Rhode Island. I do have the Tiverton Casino on my list of chips I might get, but the place opened in September 2018, and I don't think I have been to New England at all since 2015 or so.

But ... after enjoying his post, I went to add this chip to part 3 of the thread index (back on page 1 of the thread). It was only a one-line addition to that post to include this casino, but when I tried to save the edited post, I got an error message. Something to the effect that "Your post is too long. Please shorten it."

I understand that it could be a problem for the forum if people started posting book-length articles in the threads, but managing the thread index is already enough of a hassle without this restriction. And it was a huge issue when I had to change from a one-post index to add a part 2 and eventually a part 3. If we continue (as I hope) to add new casinos to this thread, we will eventually need part 4 and maybe more, and I think it will become a tremendous hassle to try to get those all positioned at the beginning of this thread.

For now, I was able to find a temporary solution by moving the index of Oklahoma casinos from the beginning of Part 3 to the end of Part 2. That strategy won't likely work much longer, since the shortest of the three parts is now about 90% as big as the longest of the three.

Sorry. It just put me in a grumpy mood, I guess.
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August 7th, 2021 at 10:34:12 AM permalink
You should ask Mike if he has any way to get the guys in charge to make it so those posts can be longer because just this batch of chips alone I think I have 50-60 more to post.
You can shear a sheep a hundred times, but you can skin it only once. — Amarillo Slim Preston
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August 8th, 2021 at 8:55:00 PM permalink
State: Missouri
City: Cape Girardeau
Casino: Century

Today's chip of the day is from Century Casino in Cape Girardeau, Missouri. After Eldorado bought Caesars, this property, tomorrow's chip of the day and the Mountaineer Casino in WV were a few of the sell offs that Eldorado had to make to I believe not break monopoly law. The sale was first announced in June of 2019 but the name change didn't take place until the beginning of 2020. I had only planned on staying at this casino long enough to collect the new chip as I had about 6 hours of driving ahead of me that day. Unfortunately or fortunately I found two lucrative machine plays. I played them both at the same time which was a bit difficult and uncomfortable to do with the plexiglass between the machines. I finished the smaller of the two plays pretty quickly and was up $100. The other machine wasn't so cooperative and I was down $3900 at the low point before it went nuts. I have played this type of machine probably 1000+ times but this was the largest downswing (at the time) followed by the largest upswing I had seen. I ended the play up about $1250 5 hours later. At that point I played a few hands of BJ and won $20 while I waited for my food I had ordered to-go to be ready. I didn't end up making it to my hotel that night, I ate the cost and got another hotel about a hour from Cape Girardeau.

The chip is a white RHC with two orange/blue edge inserts. The centre inlay is light blue with a dark blue gear design around the outside of the inlay. The denom is in the same blue while the location and most of the casino name are black. The word casino is grey I'm assuming to make the casino name and location pop more. The Century logo which always looks like fireworks to me is above the casino name.

I am starting to grow a collection of Century Casino chips. I have this one, tomorrow's, two from Colorado and 3 from Alberta up in Canada. Century also owns Casino Poland's 8 locations in you guessed it, Poland. They don't have "Century" chips though. They also own two slots only casinos in Alberta that I hope one day adds table games.

Edit: I forgot to mention this was formerly the Isle Casino.
Last edited by: PokerGrinder on Aug 10, 2021
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August 10th, 2021 at 1:03:50 AM permalink
State: Missouri
City: Caruthersville
Casino: Century

Today’s chip of the day is from Century Casino in Caruthersville, Missouri. This casino was formerly the Lady Luck Casino until it was sold after the Eldorado purchase of Caesars. Century Casino is a boat that doesn’t leave the dock. It’s a smaller casino with only 509 slot machines and 9 table games. Surprisingly I think I played craps to get my chip because the BJ table was full and I was semi in a hurry. Two quick seven outs, one of which I threw and I left a little lighter in the wallet.

The chip is a white RHC with 4 edge inserts, 2 green and 2 yellow/green. The centre inlay is black with a yellow border and 12 yellow notches like a clock. The casino name, location and the chip denom are in white. The casino logo is above the casino name.

You can shear a sheep a hundred times, but you can skin it only once. — Amarillo Slim Preston
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August 10th, 2021 at 8:45:21 PM permalink
State: Missouri
City: Kansas City
Casino: Casino KC

Today's chip of the day is from Casino KC in Kansas City, Missouri. Casino KC was formerly the Isle of Capri but was sold off by Eldorado for monopoly reasons that I mentioned with previous posts. I made a point of making sure to get to this casino and tomorrow's chip because the way they were renamed seems like they are using a place holder name and will eventually give it a better name. I obviously could be wrong about that. The casino looks the same as it did when I visited before the name change. I found it amusing that they were so lazy that they still haven't removed the giant Isle of Capri signs.

I was just looking up when the name changed and found confirmation of my theory on the name. They are already changing the name to Bally's and that will take effect on August 18. Casino KC or Bally's KC or whatever you want to call it these days has 940 slot machines and 11 table games.

The chip is a white Icon with two blue edge inserts. The centre inlay has a yellow flower border with a grey pattern background inside the border. The casino name is red/black and the denom and casino location is white. The Icon logo is very small but you can see it in the bottom right hand corner.

This post might be all over the place, I haven't slept much in the last few days and I keep losing my train of thought.
You can shear a sheep a hundred times, but you can skin it only once. — Amarillo Slim Preston
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August 10th, 2021 at 8:47:28 PM permalink
Tomorrow I am leaving on a road trip with my friend. We are driving all the way to Prince Edward Island but stopping in all major cities on the way. We will obviously be stopping in a ton of casinos and poker rooms as that is how we make money. I am going to try and continue to keep the daily or almost daily posts coming. I have posted chips from my phone before and while it is annoying it does work ok.
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August 11th, 2021 at 7:37:19 AM permalink
Thanks for the new chip post and best wishes (and luck) on your upcoming trip. Your itinerary reminded me of a story I strongly suspect I have told here before, which is not enough disincentive to keep me from telling it again.

In August 2006, my wife and I made a two-week driving trip from our then-home in Georgia to eastern Canada and spots along the way. While on Prince Edward Island, we spent two nights at the Stanhope Beach Resort. That was a nice visit, excluding the extremely-annoying, flying, swarming, biting insects on the beach during an August evening.

On our drive back toward the U.S., we got behind a car pulling a pop-up camper and followed it for what seemed like hours and hours. We started discussing the potential benefits of having an RV as opposed to moving in and out of motels most every night/morning on a long driving trip. We had never owned or traveled in such a vehicle, but when we got home, we did a little casual shopping. It took scarcely over an instant to decide a pop-up was not for us -- we would at least need a bathroom included. I also wasn't interested in a motor home, since even though I could visualize possible multi-month trips, there would also be multi-month or longer periods that the vehicle wouldn't be used -- I was concerned about the issue of a spur-of-the-moment decision to go camping, only to find that significant maintenance/rehab was needed for a motor vehicle that had been sitting idle for so long.

We eventually narrowed in our thinking to a light-weight travel trailer that could be pulled by a tow vehicle small enough to park in a standard garage. I felt that a trailer parked for months was not such a risk as a motor vehicle parked for a similar period. I found an opportunity to purchase an almost-new Ford Explorer V-8 that had adequate towing capability for several of the light-weight trailers we had seen. It was at about that point that we realized that if we really took those multi-month expeditions, a 4BR/3Ba house with a 2/3 acre lot was not a suitable home base -- we would need a place that we could lock up on departure, stay gone for whatever duration we chose, and just unlock when we got back, without much concern for looking after the place in our absence. Thus began our search for a suitable condo, an adventure that involved our first relocation since marriage that was not based on a change of job.

Well, we bought the Ford, found and purchased a condo in NC in late 2007, then had a dickens of a time selling the 4BR house in GA during a period of wildly-varying housing markets. While all of that was going on, we abandoned the concept of purchasing the travel trailer. Drove and enjoyed the Explorer for almost 200,000 miles, really like the condo and the new neighborhood, and have (pre-pandemic) continued to enjoy lots of travel. Just no RV.

Anyway, this long, boring post was inspired by a memory that popped up in response to PG's post about his upcoming (perhaps now underway) trip. While we were planning our (never-implemented) new life as RVers, I occasionally described one potential long trip this way: In the spring, when I was first convinced that it was a reasonable time of year for a couple of southerners to drive to Canada, we could head up to PEI. From there, we would head westward, averaging about 50 miles per day. That would involve perhaps driving 150 or 200 miles one day and camping/exploring at that location for 3 or 4 days. If we continued that itinerary and schedule, by the time we reached Vancouver it would be late enough in the year that we should be heading back south, perhaps via Yellowstone on the way to AZ. And we would have seen the whole gamut of southern Canada along the way. Yes, just a fantasy adventure that we never undertook, but PG's plan to drive from Winnipeg (presumably) to PEI, sounded just a bit familiar.
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August 11th, 2021 at 11:38:14 AM permalink
Quote: PokerGrinder

State: Rhode Island
City: Tiverton
Casino: Tiverton

Quote: Doc


Let me just add my Aarrgg to Doc's. There is no excuse for me failing to beat PokerGrinder to the punch with a Tiverton chip post since I am so much closer.

I have a chip from France I'll try to add some time in September. I'm away from home now, so I won't get to it until then.
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August 11th, 2021 at 11:52:18 AM permalink
Quote: Doc

... I occasionally described one potential long trip this way: In the spring, when I was first convinced that it was a reasonable time of year for a couple of southerners to drive to Canada, we could head up to PEI. From there, we would head westward, averaging about 50 miles per day. That would involve perhaps driving 150 or 200 miles one day and camping/exploring at that location for 3 or 4 days. If we continued that itinerary and schedule, by the time we reached Vancouver it would be late enough in the year that we should be heading back south, perhaps via Yellowstone on the way to AZ. And we would have seen the whole gamut of southern Canada along the way. Yes, just a fantasy adventure that we never undertook, but PG's plan to drive from Winnipeg (presumably) to PEI, sounded just a bit familiar.

My fantasy RV adventure would start near home around Boston in the late fall, travel through NJ, PA, various midwest states hitting all the casinos I've yet to see in those areas. Then to Florida by January starting in Jacksonville, down the east coast, the keys, and the west coast, again hitting all the card rooms. Next New Orleans (hitting casinos in Mississippi) in time for Mardi Gras, through Oklahoma, Colorado (see some mountains), New Mexico (I've never been) and Arizona before heading to Vegas in time for the WSOP in June. Next drive up the PCT in CA, visit family in the Bay Area, on up the coast to Washington. At this point the fantasy falls apart since I'm up north and fall/winter is approaching but I haven't been to Yellowstone which I somehow figure would need to be included.

If ever this happens, I'll be sure to consult with the expert travelers here to make sure I maximize the chips acquired.
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August 17th, 2021 at 10:03:06 PM permalink
Ok so really no time to make the posts on here until I get home. I am up to 996 chips though. I will hit 1000 this week.
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August 20th, 2021 at 8:59:42 PM permalink
999! I collected my 999th chip tonight and tomorrow will be my 1000th!
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August 22nd, 2021 at 9:28:12 PM permalink

My 1000th different casino that I’ve collected a chip from!!! It took just over 12 years to get to 1000 and I will be nowhere near 2000 12 years from now lol.
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August 23rd, 2021 at 6:46:17 AM permalink
Hmmm. My collection now represents 543 casinos, and I collected the first of those chips in the summer of 1976, i.e., 45 years ago. I guess you are collecting chips at a much faster rate than I have been. Well done! ;-)
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August 23rd, 2021 at 1:20:12 PM permalink
Thanks! It helps that my job is being in casinos.
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August 30th, 2021 at 8:20:25 PM permalink
State: Mississippi
City: Vicksburg
Casino: Casino Vicksburg

I'm back! (although I do have to go out of town for one day on Wednesday for work) Trip to the Maritimes was fun, nice scenery and great food. Sadly I was only able to collect some of the chips I tried to as not all of the places have reopened their tables or poker yet. Oh well I will have to go back I guess.

Today's chip of the day is from Casino Vicksburg in Vicksburg, MS. Casino Vicksburg was formerly Lady Luck and was renamed in July, 2020. This is the other chip that I made sure to collect this year because this casino will be renamed Ballys soon as the other casinos they bought have been. I made a quick stop in while driving from Biloxi to Tunica before continuing on for the day. I assume that I will return there next year at some point to collect the eventual Ballys chip.

The chip is a white RHC with two violet edge inserts. The chip has an oversized grey centre inlay with the casino name in half black and half red, the denom in black and the location in red. There is a small logo that looks mildly like waves in red and yellow.

You can shear a sheep a hundred times, but you can skin it only once. — Amarillo Slim Preston
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August 30th, 2021 at 9:27:44 PM permalink
Didn't even have this place on my list of chips I might get! I have listed it in the index as just "Vicksburg" (without the "Casino" designation) mostly because I am lazy, I suppose. You can try to convince me I should change this.
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August 31st, 2021 at 9:28:19 PM permalink
Quote: Doc

Didn't even have this place on my list of chips I might get! I have listed it in the index as just "Vicksburg" (without the "Casino" designation) mostly because I am lazy, I suppose. You can try to convince me I should change this.

Most likely it won’t matter as it will have a new name probably by year end.
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August 31st, 2021 at 10:32:22 PM permalink
State: Kansas
City: Pittsburg
Casino: Kansas Crossing

Today's chip of the day is from Kansas Crossing Casino in Pittsburg, Kansas. Pretty crazy that this casino opened on March 31, 2017 and I only got it this year. I used to go to Kansas all the time but I guess it has been 4 years since I last visited the state. The casino has 625 slots and 16 table games. I only made a quick passthrough to grab a chip so I don't have much to tell you all about the casino.

The chip is a white RHC with 6 skinny edge inserts, 3 blue and 3 purple. The centre inlay has a grey circle with 3 prongs for some reason. the casino name is in white/yellow with the logo above it and the location below in white. The reverse side of the chip has the denom in white.

You can shear a sheep a hundred times, but you can skin it only once. — Amarillo Slim Preston
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September 3rd, 2021 at 9:58:51 PM permalink
State: Iowa
City: Dubuque
Casino: Q

Today's chip of the day is from the Q Casino in Dubuque, Iowa. Q Casino was formerly the Mystique Casino until the name change on 3/1/2017. Here is where I found something odd. RDW posted his chip from Mystique in January of 2014 and in the picture of the property there is clearly a "Q Casino" sign. Mystique Casino What I am thinking may have happened is that RDW had to repost a picture of the casino when the picture links all went wonky in this thread and grabbed a new picture from Google.

Anyway Q has 832 slot machines and 27 table and poker games. When I visited there were less of both because of Covid. I won a good amount of money on +ev slots and then won on the BJ table too when I went on decent size winning streak.

The chip is a grey RHC with 6 purple edge inserts. The centre inlay is white with the casino name/logo in black and turquoise, the denom in turquoise and the location in black. Interesting if you look at the city name they have used lower case letters except for the "Q" which is capitalized as an homage to the casino name. It makes for a neat touch.

You can shear a sheep a hundred times, but you can skin it only once. — Amarillo Slim Preston
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September 5th, 2021 at 8:24:20 PM permalink
State: Iowa
City: Bettendorf
Casino: Isle

Today's chip of the day is from Isle Casino in Bettendorf, Iowa. In June 2016 Isle of Capri was renamed Isle when the casino moved from a riverboat to a land based location. This is a weird chip for my collection because it is my first $2.50 chip. The only chips that they got new chips for were the $2.50 chips and they had some special $5 chips to mark the move that say the big little move. I don`t like to collect specialty chips so I figured the normal $2.50 was the better plan. The casino has 972 slot machines and and 20 table games. Not a lot of tables were open when I was there so I played a few hands of UTH or some other carnival game.

The chip is a hot pink RHC with 3 edge inserts in purple, orange and grey. The centre inlay is white with the casino logo in blue/white. The location is black and the denom is in grey bubble letters.

You can shear a sheep a hundred times, but you can skin it only once. — Amarillo Slim Preston
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September 6th, 2021 at 7:57:13 AM permalink
My GoogleCalendar for August 7, 2019 says that I played $5 craps at the Isle in Bettendorf, Iowa and won $25. It includes a note that says, "New souvenir $1 chip that has the old Isle of Capri name. They have not stocked new chips with the Isle name." I guess that either they didn't have the new $2.50 chips two years ago or that I overlooked them. While my calendar specifies that I played at the Isle, my list of chips in my collection refers to Isle of Capri, presumably in case I ever made it back to the place and got a chip with an updated name. No, I don't really think I will drive back to Iowa just for that $2.50 chip -- need a little more motivation, I suppose.
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September 6th, 2021 at 9:02:55 PM permalink
State: Indiana
City: South Bend
Casino: Four Winds

Today's chip of the day is from Four Winds Casino in South Bend, Indiana. Four Winds opened on January 16, 2018 and is the 4th Four Winds Casino. The other 3 Four Winds Casinos are in Michigan. This casino is only Class II slots and poker, no table games. I saw an article recently that they have been approved for Class III gaming meaning they now have table games and normal slot machines. I played 10 minutes of poker to grab my chip as I was on my way to visit a friend in another state and didn't want to stick around. They had 1425 slot machines and 12 poker tables but I am not sure what the makeup of the casino looks like now that they have Class III gaming.

The chip is a blue RHC with 2 lime inserts and 2 triple inserts consisting of lime, pink and blue. The centre inlay has a black middle and a peach/sand colour ring around it. The ring has the casino location listed twice in dark red. The casino name is light red with a feather beneath it. The location and denom are the same colour as the ring of the inlay.

You can shear a sheep a hundred times, but you can skin it only once. — Amarillo Slim Preston
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September 9th, 2021 at 2:08:25 PM permalink
State: Colorado
City: Central City
Casino: Grand Z

Today's chip of the day is from Grand Z Casino in Central City, Colorado. The Reserve Casino (which I previously posted here) was renamed Grand Z in 2017. Grand Z is owned by Maverick Gaming who also owns Johnny Z's and Z Casino in Central City/Black Hawk. Maverick recently bought a bunch of casinos in Washington, Colorado and Nevada. I went to Black Hawk a dozen times or so this year for work but I wasn't able to get this chip until the covid restrictions lightened enough for the casinos to bring their table games back. Grand Z has 550 slots and 14 tables normally but when I was there they only had brought back 6 tables.

The chip is a white Chipco with 4 faded black edge inserts. The centre inlay is grey with the casino name in yellow and the location in black. The denomination is black and listed 4 times around the chip.

You can shear a sheep a hundred times, but you can skin it only once. — Amarillo Slim Preston
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September 13th, 2021 at 2:16:32 AM permalink
State: California
City: Cathedral City
Casino: Agua Caliente

Today's chip of the day is from Agua Caliente in Cathedral City, California. Cathedral City opened on 11/24/20 and is the 3rd casino opened under the Agua Caliente brand. I was visiting a friend who was living in Palm Springs and took the opportunity to visit this and one other new casino in the general area. The casino is on the smaller side with only 500 slots and 8 tables. I played BJ to get my chip but I don't remember if I won or not.

The chip is a light blue RHC with 3 edge inserts in purple, yellow and pink. The centre inlay is white with company logo of 3 palm trees in yellow behind the writing. The casino name and denom are in black. The chip doesn't list the city because it is part of the casino name.

You can shear a sheep a hundred times, but you can skin it only once. — Amarillo Slim Preston
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September 13th, 2021 at 6:15:33 AM permalink
Quote: PokerGrinder

... The chip doesn't list the city because it is part of the casino name.

Now that's an interesting way to look at things! In your post header, you say that the casino is "Agua Caliente" and that the city is "Cathedral City". From my perspective, that is exactly what it says on the chip, listing both the casino and the city. Hmmmm.
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September 13th, 2021 at 11:34:06 AM permalink
The way that the name is listed online is Agua Caliente Cathedral City in full. The same goes for Rancho Mirage and Palm Springs. The city name is always in the title of the casino.
You can shear a sheep a hundred times, but you can skin it only once. — Amarillo Slim Preston
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September 13th, 2021 at 12:12:57 PM permalink
Are the seafood buffets still open at Agua Caliente?
I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.
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September 13th, 2021 at 2:40:32 PM permalink
I was there after midnight so everything was closed.
You can shear a sheep a hundred times, but you can skin it only once. — Amarillo Slim Preston
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September 14th, 2021 at 1:01:53 AM permalink
State: California
City: Anza
Casino: Cahuilla

Today's chip of the day is from Cahuilla Casino in Anza, California. Cahuilla Casino opened on May 27, 2020 and replaced the former Cahuilla Creek Casino. Cahuilla Creek opened in 1996 and construction on its replacement started in 2018. Cahuilla is a small casino with 335 slots and if I remember correctly 6-7 table games. I made the 65 minute trek down the very windy roads from Palm Springs to grab a chip here when I visited my friend earlier this year in Palm Springs. There wasn't much in the way of machines for me to play and I only played a few hands of BJ with a few guys who were quite intoxicated.

The chip is a white chip from an unknown maker. Its completely smooth and feels quite light. The chip has 4 black edge inserts with mostly gold slashes between them except the one section with a solid chunk of gold. The centre of the chip is white with gold writing around it listing the casino name twice. I looked it up but can't figure out what to call the triangle/square/star shape the the deom is listed inside of.

You can shear a sheep a hundred times, but you can skin it only once. — Amarillo Slim Preston
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September 14th, 2021 at 6:10:13 PM permalink
I would refer to the figure as a curvilinear cruciform, but that's quite cumbersome.
May the cards fall in your favor.
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September 14th, 2021 at 10:14:32 PM permalink
Ok, so I had to look that up and I got nothing that looks like that shape. Would you mind explaining because I am intrigued.
You can shear a sheep a hundred times, but you can skin it only once. — Amarillo Slim Preston
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September 14th, 2021 at 10:46:40 PM permalink
State: California
City: Jamul
Casino: Jamul

Today's chip of the day is from Jamul Casino in Jamul, California. I posted the original name of the casino in May, 2017 and then less than a year later in March, 2018 they rebranded from Hollywood Jamul to just Jamul. Drop the "Hollywood" just Jamul, it's cleaner (not sure if this joke will hit home with this crowd). I tried to find the reason for the split between the tribe and Penn National Gaming but only came up with something about financial problems. The article wasn't clear which side was having the financial problems and which side initiated the divorce. The casino has the same amount of slots and tables but I can't say how different it is now vs the first time I visited as I don't remember the first time that I visited. Two friends and I took a impromptu trip to SoCal when we got wind of an extremely lucrative play that was gone by the time we got there. We stayed one night before driving back to Vegas and almost immediately flying to Fort Lauderdale. One of my friends and I decided to go check out Jamul and ended up playing a really good 2/5 game that they had running in the poker room. I grabbed my chip while playing cards.

The chip is a white RHC with 2 green edge inserts. The centre inlay is turquoise with white writing for the casino name and denom. The logo looks to be a water drop with a "J" inside of it.

You can shear a sheep a hundred times, but you can skin it only once. — Amarillo Slim Preston
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September 14th, 2021 at 10:50:35 PM permalink
Astroid perhaps?

Have you tried 22 tonight? I said 22.
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September 15th, 2021 at 6:54:07 AM permalink
No, I was not familiar with that term for the shape, either. Thanks. A brief search led me to this web site, which offers both a nerdy discussion of the mathematics and several additional names for the shape.
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September 15th, 2021 at 7:30:18 AM permalink
Quote: PokerGrinder

Ok, so I had to look that up and I got nothing that looks like that shape. Would you mind explaining because I am intrigued.

  • link to original post

    "Curvilinear" means instead of straight edges, the figure has curves.
    It's a concave curvilinear "square", which I find vaguely cross shaped.

    But hey, if it was easy, we'd all immediately recognize it as a bananagram, or whatever name was common. :)
    May the cards fall in your favor.
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    September 16th, 2021 at 12:42:25 AM permalink
    State: Arkansas
    City: Hot Springs
    Casino: Oaklawn

    Today's chip of the day is from Oaklawn Racing Casino Resort in Hot Springs, Arkansas. This chip is a weird one in that I never thought I would be back a second time, Due to gaming regulations changing both racetracks in Arkansas were allowed to bring in a full assortment of table games. I couldn't find anything about whether the slots were Class II the first time I visited the facility. I found a bunch of slots to play for 3-4 hours when I got there and made a good chunk of cash. I then stopped into the table games pit to play a few hands of $25 BJ. I saw a very odd thing, a younger guy kept buying in for $50 in singles over and over. I'm not sure if it was drug money or maybe a stripper but it was annoying the full table of players and the dealer.

    Normally I need a significant name change to collect a new chip. I have debated this one for a while but settled on it being a new one as it wasn't a casino before. Years ago I struggled with Ballys Saloon and Gambling Hall in Tunica when they changed to Ballys Casino. I was leaning towards not collecting the new chip but I think if I was in the area I would have. It didn't end up mattering because soon after that subtle name change they were sold and renamed 1st Jackpot which fixed my dilemma. I have since collected the chip from 1st Jackpot.

    The chip is a white RHC with 3 split blue/green edge inserts. The centre inlay has a blue border, a gold ring and a white middle. The casino name and denom are in black on the white with the casino logo of 4 jockeys above the casino name. The location is listed in white on the outer blue portion of the inlay.

    You can shear a sheep a hundred times, but you can skin it only once. — Amarillo Slim Preston
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    September 16th, 2021 at 12:45:03 AM permalink
    Doc I have noticed that you listed the original Oaklawn chip as 'Oaklawn Park" The chip makes no mention to "Park" and neither does the chip guide or the casino website. I'm not sure why you have it listed that way. As far as this chip and that chip I have no idea how you want to differentiate the two chips in the index.

    P.S 4 days in a row that I posted a chip!!! (Don't get used to me remembering)
    You can shear a sheep a hundred times, but you can skin it only once. — Amarillo Slim Preston
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    September 16th, 2021 at 8:02:07 AM permalink
    Quote: PokerGrinder

    Doc I have noticed that you listed the original Oaklawn chip as 'Oaklawn Park" The chip makes no mention to "Park" and neither does the chip guide or the casino website. I'm not sure why you have it listed that way. As far as this chip and that chip I have no idea how you want to differentiate the two chips in the index.

    P.S 4 days in a row that I posted a chip!!! (Don't get used to me remembering)

  • link to original post

    Oaklawn Park vs. Oaklawn Racing Casino Resort???? Man, it might be difficult to dredge up all of the relevant history.

    The "ever-reliable" Wikipedia currently has their web page using the "Oaklawn Racing Casino Resort" name, while they note that the place opened as Oakland Park Race Track in 1905. They refer to racing events at "Oaklawn Park" at least through 2019, well after I visited their all-electronic-games casino in 2015. I suspect -- but cannot document -- that the signage around the place still all said Oaklawn Park, even though that designation was not used on the chips even back then. It was not until April 2019 that the Arkansas constitution was amended to allow full, live casino games.

    Did the casino ever really operate as "Oaklawn Park"? If so, did they just not include the "Park" designation on the chips for some reason like "We plan to change the name eventually and don't want to have to rebuy chips", or some such thing? Did the casino name get changed when the constitution was amended? On the other hand, could they perhaps have operated the track under a different name from the casino even back in 2015 but with signage that didn't make that clear to patrons? I have no idea of the proper answers.

    Since the chips that are currently in use have not changed, my usual view would be that the casino has not changed and we shouldn't need two CCotD posts for this place. However, since you have already composed and made your post, I will add it to the directory under the simple name of "Oaklawn". That's somewhat like the way we have both Southland and Southland Park shown in the index, but those have different chips shown. If someone has different thoughts, I am open to suggestions.
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    September 20th, 2021 at 9:52:47 PM permalink
    State: Arkansas
    City: Pine Bluff
    Casino: Saracen

    Today's chip of the day is from Saracen Casino in Pine Bluff, Arkansas. Saracen Casino opened on 10/20/2020 and is owned by the Quapaw Nation Casino. The casino is very large and it felt like the rows of slot machines went on forever. Saracen has 2000 slot machines and 50 table games. I spent a few hours there and played BJ to collect my chip after I picked through all the slot machines.

    The chip is white and looks like a Chipco but it doesn't have the Chipco logo. The chip has 2 blue edge inserts and a couple of objects around the edges. The objects look to me to be a trident/pitch fork and the blue one looks slightly like a dream catcher, what do you think? The centre inlay is 2/3 white, 1/3 blue with a blue border. It is faint but about 2/3 of the edge of the inlay has black gear like marks. The casino name is red except for "aracen" which is blue. The casino logo looks to be a Native American with an arrowhead in his hair.

    You can shear a sheep a hundred times, but you can skin it only once. — Amarillo Slim Preston
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    September 21st, 2021 at 11:36:43 PM permalink
    State: Arizona
    City: Glendale
    Casino: Desert Diamond

    Today's chip of the day is from Desert Diamond Casino in Glendale, Arizona. The fourth Desert Diamond Casino opened on December 20, 2015 and immediately faced legal opposition. Apparently the state was ok with the tribe building a new casino but not in the Phoenix area. Due to the disagreement the casino was forced to open with Class II slots and no table games as the gaming commission wouldn't issue them a full gaming license. In mid 2017 the tribe and state came to a settlement where the tribe got everything they wanted but had to sign an agreement to not build any more casinos in the Phoenix area. The casino now has 1089 slots and I wasn't able to find a published number of table or poker tables. I played BJ to collect my chip as I usually do and I either won or lost or broke even, who knows?

    The chip is white with 6 dark blue edge inserts. The centre inlay is white with a grey hill on the bottom half of the inlay. The casino name is in black and baby blue. The denom is white and the casino location is black. The black diamond for the casino logo is above the casino name. The back of the chip has the diamond logo enlarged in light grey over a darker grey inlay. The casino name and location are black while the denom is white.

    You can shear a sheep a hundred times, but you can skin it only once. — Amarillo Slim Preston
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    September 22nd, 2021 at 5:57:07 AM permalink
    When rdw4potus posted his CCotD for Desert Diamond, he included a chip from the Tucson establishment and presented it as representing multiple casinos operating under the same name in Tucson and Sahuarita (and Why), with that parenthetical one (at least at that time) operating as slots only. I have now edited the thread index to specify that post as representing just the Tucson casino, opening up the opportunity for at least one more Desert Diamond CCotD post, if anyone has or gets a chip naming the Sahuarita location.
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    September 22nd, 2021 at 7:57:09 AM permalink
    I stopped at Sahuarita and they still use the Tucson chips.
    You can shear a sheep a hundred times, but you can skin it only once. — Amarillo Slim Preston
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    September 25th, 2021 at 2:25:50 AM permalink
    I accidentally collected a new chip today. I was doing my rounds of the casinos and I somehow missed that one of the casinos in Calgary was sold and renamed. The new chip is very sleek and I will post it here sometime between now and never as a chip of the day.
    You can shear a sheep a hundred times, but you can skin it only once. — Amarillo Slim Preston
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    October 9th, 2021 at 2:46:29 PM permalink
    Category: Europe
    City: Enghien-les-Bains, France
    Casino: Casino Barriere Enghien-les-Bains

    I had been away from home for at least a month when I dragged my bag up the stairs to what has become a strange place to me, my own apartment.

    Greeting me on the counter is another oddity: a casino chip from France.  My daughter went to France recently where a friend of hers who knows I collect chips picked this up for me. Unfortunately, I have nothing to share about this casino other than the story of how I got it.

    A little research in this very thread shows several nearly identical chips all saying "Casino Barriere" with a different name beneath the denomination. PG posted the following similar chips from the French Riviera:

    - Cannes Croisette:
    - Les Princes:
    - Menton

    This one is from Enghien-les-Bains located near Paris. The front and back are the same.
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    October 9th, 2021 at 3:39:36 PM permalink
    Quote: PokerGrinder

    This is my last new chip from Nevada as I haven't had a chance to go to Resorts World, they opened a few days after I left. I will start on a new state tomorrow.
    link to original post

    State: Nevada
    City: Las Vegas
    Casino: Resorts World

    Hopefully this doesn't violate any unwritten rules by being a $5 chip instead of a $1

    Last edited by: ThatDonGuy on Oct 9, 2021
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    October 9th, 2021 at 9:00:32 PM permalink
    Quote: ThatDonGuy

    Here's one, albeit a $5

    Aww, cmon, Don! You are not at all a newcomer around here, and I feel quite confident that by now you know that if you post in this thread the very first chip from a new casino, you are supposed to format it with a header that specifies the State (or other category), the city, and the name of the casino, right at the beginning of the post. (It also helps a bit if you can say at least a little bit about the casino itself.) That makes it a genuine Casino Chip of the Day post and gets that post linked to in the thread index back on page #1.

    Soooo, can you edit that Resorts World chip post to meet such standards so that I can add it to the index?

    And BTW, RideTheEdge, thanks for your European chip post (including the proper CCotD formatting). ;-)
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    October 13th, 2021 at 11:39:43 AM permalink
    Spa casino in Palm Springs has been renamed Agua Caliente Palm Springs to match their other two properties. New chips have been released.
    You can shear a sheep a hundred times, but you can skin it only once. — Amarillo Slim Preston
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