I promise I will get my chips cleaned when I get home in a week. (Doc doesn't believe me)
Quote: PokerGrinderDoc doesn't believe me
Now just why (other than past experience) would I ever doubt you?
Have a fun trip!
Quote: PokerGrinderSo... I'm sure Doc won't be surprised but I haven't finished cleaning my chips and finishing them is getting delayed slightly. I am headed to Cleveland to see games 1 & 2 of the Red Sox playoff series and then driving to Green Bay for the Packers game on Sunday. I will only be adding 2 chips this trip since I'm not planning on gambling much if at all. I will pick up Jack Cleveland when I'm there and I am going to Cincinatti on the way to GB on Saturday.
I promise I will get my chips cleaned when I get home in a week. (Doc doesn't believe me)
Do you already have chips from WI? Because if not...Milwaukee and Green Bay have casinos that are pretty much right in what I assume would be your path (and, depending on how you get from Green Bay to Minnesota...)
Quote: rdw4potusDo you already have chips from WI? Because if not...Milwaukee and Green Bay have casinos that are pretty much right in what I assume would be your path (and, depending on how you get from Green Bay to Minnesota...)
Do I have all the chips from Wisconsin?!? What kind of silly question is that RDW? 😂
Quote: PokerGrinderDo I have all the chips from Wisconsin?!? What kind of silly question is that RDW? 😂
You are going to GB via Cincy? That is one hell of a detour for 1 casino.
Quote: GWAEYou are going to GB via Cincy? That is one hell of a detour for 1 casino.
It adds about three hours of driving which is fine because otherwise I would get to GB long before my friends I am meeting there. I have to drop my dad at the Cleveland airport Saturday morning around 5 am and that would have me in GB around 1 in the afternoon. My friends aren't getting there until 6-7 pm so I figure this is a good way to kill three hours.
City: Dry Prong
Casino: Jena Choctaw Pines
Wow! I finally got around to posting the chip of the day! Sorry for all the delays, life and laziness just wouldn't cooperate.
Today's chip of the day is from Jena Choctaw Pines Casino in Dry Prong, LA. This is the only chip from Louisiana that hasn't been posted previously. The reason that it hasn't been posted is that if I remember correctly the casino is a class II casino which means they are allowed slots and poker but no table games. Doc doesn't play poker so he skipped this one and I don't recall if RDW has collected from this part of Louisiana. I stopped here on my way from Biloxi, MS to Kinder, LA which was my stop for the night before driving through A LOT of Oklahoman casinos. I spent just over a hour in the casino. I played one hour of live poker, won a few bucks, kept some chips and cashed out the rest for good old American currency. I then signed up for a club card and the FP netted me about $30 so all together I won about $85.
I originally wasn't sure who made the chip but as I was editing this post I saw the BJ on the front of the chip right at the top. This chip is obviously from Bud Jones. The chip is white with three blue edge inserts and two blue dots between each insert. The centre inlay to me looks like the inside of a tree stump, or maybe I am crazy, who knows? The front of the chip has the casino name looking like it is etched into the wood of the tree stump. The location and denomination are in black. I don't even have a guess as to what the logo is supposed to be but it is in two different shades of green. The back of the chip has the same logo in black. The casino name, location and chip denomination on this side are all in black.

Quote: PokerGrinderDoc doesn't play poker so he skipped this one ....
Either that, or I was unaware of the casino when I was touring Louisiana -- either reason works. You are correct that I almost never play poker. I think the last time I was in a game was at the very first WoVCon on June 15, 2011. We started off at Main Street Station and recessed to Binion's for some very-low-stakes Texas Hold-em. I lost $10.
Very glad to see a new chip in this thread (finally) and glad to hear that you won at both poker and FP. Well done all around!
We have seen a fair number of chips in this thread that are this same pattern, though many/most don't include the BJ logo. A quick scan of the top of my desk reveals similar chips from Golden Acorn, Harrah's Rincon, Club Fortune, Hacienda, and Route 66. Perhaps others that I missed. (Ah, the benefits of having the entire collection on display right in front of me while I'm using my computer!)
We actually might reach 1000 chips before the next anniversary, might not but it's a possibility. I looked at your Golden Acorn chip again, I forgot how much I like the name being spelled with the acorn in the name. Neat touch.
Your display definitely makes it easier to see all the chips over the method of display that I use lol.
Is "Jena" pronounced "JEH-nuh", "GEE-naw", "ZHU-nah", or something else?
Quote: AyecarumbaI like the "tree stump" cross section design. Clever.
Is "Jena" pronounced "JEH-nuh", "GEE-naw", "ZHU-nah", or something else?
I do too! It's one of my favourite chips since I got it. As far as the name I've been pronouncing it like the name Jena, like Xena warrior princess.
City: Perry
Casino: 7 Clans
Two days in a row with a new chip! Today's chip of the day is from 7 Clans Casino in Perry, Oklahoma. I couldn't track down the opening date but it opened up this year. It is a small casino with 122 slots and 4 table games. They had 2 or 3 BJ tables and some poker carnival game that I didn't check out. I won $20 playing BJ and when I cashed out I learned that they do not have a cashier in the casino. You give the chips back to the dealer and they print you off a TITO like a slot machine would that you cash in a machine. The only time that a person will cash you out is if you win more than $1000. I found this very neat. I couldn't sign up for a club card cause their computers were malfunctioning and I didn't care to wait. Also this is one of the few casinos in OK that I found didn't require you to pay an ante to play table games. Bonus!
The chip is a very basic Paulson H&C and I believe this is the LCV. The chip is white and is in decent condition since it is newer. The centre inlay is grey with all black writing. The casino name and denomination are listed, however the location is not. I am not sure what the shooting star looking streak is supposed to be going through "Clans".

Quote: PokerGrinderThe chip is a very basic Paulson H&C and I believe this is the LCV.
Two things:
(1) It had been so long since a new chip had been posted in this "of the Day" thread that yesterday, even though I posted a reply, I forgot to update the thread index. :-( Took care of that today for these latest two chips.
(2) This 7Clans chip looks like the SCV design instead of the LCV. Note how the cane very nearly touches the brim of the top hat. My post describing the difference between the long-cane and short-cane versions of the chips is located here. Of course, this chip could be an SCV/LCV, but I haven't seen the other side of the chip.
Quote: DocTwo things:
(1) It had been so long since a new chip had been posted in this "of the Day" thread that yesterday, even though I posted a reply, I forgot to update the thread index. :-( Took care of that today for these latest two chips.
(2) This 7Clans chip looks like the SCV design instead of the LCV. Note how the cane very nearly touches the brim of the top hat. My post describing the difference between the long-cane and short-cane versions of the chips is located here. Of course, this chip could be an SCV/LCV, but I haven't seen the other side of the chip.
You are correct Doc, my mistake it is the SCV.
City: Muskogee
Casino: Creek Nation
Today's chip of the day is from Creek Nation Muscogee. I am not sure how to spell the city. On one hand the chip uses a "C", on the other hand the address lists it with a "K". I went with the address spelling, I am not really sure why, just cause.
I got to Creek Nation about a hour before the tables opened so I wandered, played Pokemon Go, had some really bad food in the restaurant, played through my VP and finally got to play about 8 hands of BJ. If I remember correctly I won $20 and was pleasantly surprised that they were running a promo for no antes.
I was never good at identifying chip makers and I am very out of practice now so if there isn't a logo on it I am lost. The chip is white with 12 black edge inserts and a black line between each trio of inserts. The front of the chip has the casino logo inside of a bunch of black designs on the centre inlay. There are 4 denomination markings in white with black borders. The other side of the chip is exactly the same except instead of the casino logo it says "Muscogee" spelled with the "c" in the middle of the inlay.

City: Sulphur
Casino: Artesian
I have no idea why but I can't seem to stay motivated to posting a new chip of the day everyday. I am really going to push myself to get all of them done.
Today's chip of the day is from the Artesian Casino in Sulphur, OK. Better than me trying to explain it's history here is a piece from the casino's website.
"In 1906, Sulphur Springs entrepreneurs J.M. Bayless and C.J. Webster opened the elegant New Winston Hotel, later renamed The Artesian Hotel, after abandoning construction on another luxury project in 1904. After more than 50 years of popularity with upscale, classy clientele, The Artesian was destroyed by a fire on January 14, 1962. The business was reborn as the understated Artesian Motor Hotel, but never reclaimed its former vibrancy and fashionable appeal. The Chickasaw Nation purchased and renamed the hotel the Chickasaw Motor Inn in 1972, making it the first business owned and operated solely by the tribe. The inn was demolished in 2006 to make way for a new version of The Artesian Hotel Casino & Spa, which opened its doors in 2013. The rebuild matches the size and elegance of the original hotel with comfort and amenities to satisfy every need of the modern traveler."
The building is a beautiful replication of the original. I think I might have stayed longer but first I was running behind schedule and second I lost $80 at the casino playing what I thought was a decent promo but I lost and was pissy about it lol. I don't even remember what the promo was, I guess it couldn't have been that important.
The chip is a blue Paulson RHC with two edge inserts in yellow and brown. The centre inlay is blue with a plant design around the edges in white. The design looks like a laurel wreath to me. The name, location and denomination are all in white on the inlay.
Hopefully I will remember to post the next chip of the day tomorrow!

State: Oklahoma
City: Clinton
Casino: Lucky Star
I will start by saying Doc when you put this in the index you are going to want to list it as Lucky Star (Clinton). Today's chip of the day is from the Lucky Star Casino in Clinton, OK. My visit here was quite short as it was the last stop of a 9 casino day and I was beyond tired. The casino has 1174 slots and 3 tables, although they did have more BJ tables set up for dealer training while I was there. I signed up for a club card and played through the FP on the American slot machine cause video poker wasn't an option. I then played a few hands of BJ, won $5 plus my chips and went to my hotel for the night.
The chip is white and made by Chipco. It has five "edge inserts" that look to be a navy blue. The centre of the chip has the casino name and location in blue inside of a blue circle. There are a bunch of small yellow triangles underneath the city name. The denomination is a light blue with a dark blue border overlapping the inner circle. The back of the chip has a Native American, I am not sure exactly what he is doing in the picture. The light blue denomination is in the circle this time while the casino name is yellow and only half in the circle. The casino location is in blue at the bottom of the chip.

That problem seems to be fixed now, but I see what appears to be a spurious character appearing in your sig line. (now also fixed) Has that been there before? I'm guessing that since the "fix" it won't show up in future posts, but I don't know whether you might have to go back and open/fix the sig line in either your profile page or in each of your recent posts while the problem was going on. That could be a mess, since the time limit on editing might have expired. Maybe you don't care about such things anyway.
Quote: PokerGrinderState: Oklahoma
City: Sulphur
Casino: Artesian
The font looks like the rebooted "Star Wars" logo.
Quote: PokerGrinderOk I was wrong I didn't post yesterday as I became ill and slept for the better part of 12 hours. I am kind of surprised at the lack of interest in the new chips. Oh well I will post them anyways.
State: Oklahoma
City: Clinton
Casino: Lucky Star
... I am not sure exactly what he is doing in the picture...
Reading the jokes in the stack of old "Reader's Digests"?
City: Concho
Casino: Lucky Star
I know, I know I have completely failed in my duty to post new chips but I have a very good excuse... I am lazy and really good at procrastinating.
Today's chip of the day is from Lucky Star Casino in Concho, OK. The casino has 1503 slots and 12 table games. This was supposed to be my first stop of my last day in OK but ended up being my second which I will get to with tomorrow's chip. The Lucky Star casinos run a promo on Friday and Saturday that everyone gets $10 in FP from 9 am-2 pm and 7-11 pm (not sure if these were the real hours but you get the point). I waited in line which didn't take too long and got my FP, played through it and then proceeded to play a few hands of BJ. All told I left with just under $20 of the casinos money and some chips. The dealer that I had was super friendly and seemed thrilled that I was willing to socialize with him. I like when dealers actually have some personality versus when they stand like robots.
The chip is very similar to the one from Clinton except that it is much more faded. The front of the chip is the same except that it does not have any edge inserts and obviously the city name is different. The back of the chip has the same picture that everyone has speculated on what the Native American is doing with the city name underneath it.
Now with any luck I will remember to post another chip tomorrow afternoon, don't hold your breath but I am going to make an effort this time... hopefully.

If that were totally true, you wouldn't have bothered to type that line today.Quote: PokerGrinder... I am lazy and really good at procrastinating.
Thanks for the new chip post! (But no, I didn't click the "Thank you" button.)
Quote: PokerGrinderState: Oklahoma
City: Concho
Casino: Lucky Star
...The back of the chip has the same picture that everyone has speculated on what the Native American is doing with the city name underneath it.
Actually... The image is from a painting by one of the founders of the Taos Society of Artists Eanger Irving Couse. The 1929 painting actually depicts a model wearing Plains tribe leggings (which would be right for the Arapaho - Cheyenne tribes that own the Lucky Star Casinos), but he is holding a Hopi Kachina doll. Hopi are local to the Southwest, in the area around the Grand Canyon, which makes sense for an artist in Taos, New Mexico.
His depiction of an indian squatting while performing a task lit by firelight is his well known signature.
Here's a cleaner version of the image taken from a calendar distributed by the Santa Fe Railroad in the early 1960's:

City: Hinton
Casino: Sugar Creek
Two straight days with a chip of the day woot woot! Today's chip of the day comes from Sugar Creek Casino in Hinton, OK. I mentioned yesterday that I stopped at a casino before Lucky Star on yesterday's post. I ended up with this chip out of sheer dumb luck. I left my hotel and drove towards the Lucky Star without getting breakfast. I saw a sign on the highway for this casino which made mention of FP for new members and a diner, I figured this would be perfect for breakfast, I got to the casino, signed up, played through the FP and headed to the diner. On my way I saw a BJ table... what? Turns out that this place wasn't on my list because it opened (don't know when) with only slots. I now had two hours to kill before the tables would be opening and I sure as hell wasn't leaving without a chip. I drove up the street and found out this small "town" using that word very loosely had a gas station, this casino and if I remember Casino Oklahoma which is a slots only casino (yes I checked inside).
After a very boring 2 hours I headed back to the tables where nobody was?!? It was 15 minutes after when they were supposed to be open so I asked the bar server and she called, they said they would be right out. The dealers finally showed up but had no cards, so I bummed around for another 20 minutes, They finally got cards and seemed perturbed when I asked them to shuffle them after they stood there talking for five minutes. They were so rude cause clearly I was interrupting them not doing their jobs. Finally over a hour after they were supposed to be open I sat down and played a little. I was planning on playing for a while since I asked them to open the table but the dealer was beyond rude and gave me the dirtiest look when I tipped her. With that I left up about $20 and some souvenirs. I was amazed that they were this rude since everyone else that I encountered working in the casino was so friendly and thrilled to be there or at least they faked it well.
The chip is a white ceramic chip with no makers mark. The chip is textured on both sides. The chip has 4 light blue edge inserts. The centre inlay has a dark blue and white design with the casino name and chip denomination both in dark blue.

While I thank you once again for a nice, new, chip post, I have to admit that the quoted sentence got me nerdily looking all the way to a world time zone map.Quote: PokerGrinderTwo straight days with a chip of the day woot woot!
I have my WoV forum preferences set to display date/time in Eastern Standard, to match where I live. When I read your post, it was listed as having been made on December 1, 2016 at 1:39:19 AM. When I started to post a reply, the date/time display changed to November 30, 2016 at 10:39:19 PM, to match Las Vegas's Pacific Standard Time.
So just which day is the Sugar Creek chip the Casino Chip of the Day for?
That thought sent me to your profile to verify your location and then to the time zone map to check what time it was there. Yep, you posted at midnight:39:19 on the 1st, so I guess it really is today's chip of the day. While it may not be so relevant for your location, I really never had any idea how far west the Central time zone extends in Canada -- apparently far enough to include the entirety of Saskatchewan! Ah, the silly things that entertain a nerd.
And yes, I have indeed been trying to keep the index up to date, though late next week I will be leaving on an extended trip and won't be able to update things until after Christmas.
Where are you headed on vacation?
We will be heading out rather late in the fall (12/9), but as we approach Manta, we will cross the equator, and late fall will become late spring. A few days later, when we get to Arica, it will be the first day of summer. Finally, on the flight home, summer will turn into winter, and we will have experienced all four seasons on a 16-day trip!
Quote: DocVery early on Friday of next week, we will fly out on at trip that I have described as "so long that it will take us four seasons to get back home." The flight will take us to Ft. Lauderdale, where we will board a ship. Scheduled stops include Cartagena, Columbia; Colon, Panama (followed by a canal transit the following day); Manta, Ecuador; Lima, Peru; and Arica, Chile; with debarkation in Valparaiso, Chile. From there, we will take a short bus trip up to Santiago for the flight home. (That's the evening of 12/24, so we will potentially be dodging a sleigh and raindeer.)
We will be heading out rather late in the fall (12/9), but as we approach Manta, we will cross the equator, and late fall will become late spring. A few days later, when we get to Arica, it will be the first day of summer. Finally, on the flight home, summer will turn into winter, and we will have experienced all four seasons on a 16-day trip!
This sounds like an absolutely amazing trip. Have a great time.
P.S. Any casinos?
Quote: DocVery early on Friday of next week, we will fly out on at trip that I have described as "so long that it will take us four seasons to get back home." The flight will take us to Ft. Lauderdale, where we will board a ship. Scheduled stops include Cartagena, Columbia; Colon, Panama (followed by a canal transit the following day); Manta, Ecuador; Lima, Peru; and Arica, Chile; with debarkation in Valparaiso, Chile. From there, we will take a short bus trip up to Santiago for the flight home. (That's the evening of 12/24, so we will potentially be dodging a sleigh and raindeer.)
We will be heading out rather late in the fall (12/9), but as we approach Manta, we will cross the equator, and late fall will become late spring. A few days later, when we get to Arica, it will be the first day of summer. Finally, on the flight home, summer will turn into winter, and we will have experienced all four seasons on a 16-day trip!
That sounds like a fantastic cruise, Doc. I wish I was going along. Have a wonderful time!
Quote: AyecarumbaQuote: PokerGrinderState: Oklahoma
City: Concho
Casino: Lucky Star
...The back of the chip has the same picture that everyone has speculated on what the Native American is doing with the city name underneath it.
Actually... The image is from a painting by one of the founders of the Taos Society of Artists Eanger Irving Couse. The 1929 painting actually depicts a model wearing Plains tribe leggings (which would be right for the Arapaho - Cheyenne tribes that own the Lucky Star Casinos), but he is holding a Hopi Kachina doll. Hopi are local to the Southwest, in the area around the Grand Canyon, which makes sense for an artist in Taos, New Mexico.
His depiction of an indian squatting while performing a task lit by firelight is his well known signature.
Here's a cleaner version of the image taken from a calendar distributed by the Santa Fe Railroad in the early 1960's:
Pretty sure he's dropping a deuce while reading the instructions & ingredients on a shampoo bottle.
There will definitely be the one on board the ship. I expect the typical, unfavorable rules (given the captive audience), but I also expect to spend some time there losing money and collecting my souvenir.Quote: PokerGrinderAny casinos?
There are a few casinos in some of the port cities, but it appears that my common prior experience will be encountered again -- tables don't open until later in the day than when the ship sets sail for another port. In most cases, the casinos also don't seem to be particularly convenient for a day-tourist-not-familiar-with-the-area to get to, so I won't likely bother.
There is a casino close to the cruise port in Arica, and I might try to walk there and buy a souvenir, even though the table games won't be open. I don't even know whether I should expect to find an English-speaking cashier willing to sell me a chip.
That's the plan!Quote: beachbumbabsThat sounds like a fantastic cruise, Doc. I wish I was going along. Have a wonderful time!
Tsk, tsk, tsk!Quote: PokerGrinder (on 12/1/16 at 12:09:25 PM PST)I still plan on posting another chip later today. Sugar Creek was supposed to be yesterday's chip.
City: Pocasset
Casino: Saltcreek
Today's chip of the day is from Saltcreek Casino in Pocasset, OK. The casino opened December 18, 2012 and is owned by the Chickasaw Indian Nation. The casino has 575 slot machines and 6 table games. I had no recollection of this casino so I looked at some pictures on google. My memory was jogged, I lost $60 playing a stupid new card promotion which if I had done the math I would have realized it was really not worth it, oh well. I then played BJ and almost lost a lot of money but I got lucky and won a few big bets and ended up leaving BJ up a few bucks but down $60 in the casino.
The chip is a white Paulson RHC. The chip has three edge inserts which are black, blue and grey. The centre inlay has a grey border with the casino name in black, while the denomination, location and logo are blue. The logo is a "S" made of waves it looks like, the logo is on the front of the building and is very large. Sadly even though the casino is only 4 years old my chip is pretty worn out and it was the best one that I could find.

City: Perkins
Casino: Cimarron
Today's chip of the day from the Cimarron Casino in Perkins, OK. The casino opened in 1975. The casino has 600 slot machines and 6 table games. I got to this casino before the tables opened up so i had lunch at the cafe. I had a sweetheart of a server who just the kindest lady ever. Food was decent, I had a grilled chicken sandwich I think. I played a few hands of BJ and played my FP from signing up and left up $20.50. I once again couldn't remember which casino this was so I had to look at google pictures to jog my memory.
I am not sure of the maker of the chip but it reminds me of my chip from Santa Ana Star in New Mexico which I think was made by Icon. The chip is a smidge bigger than a normal chip but not by much. The chip is white with three thick grey inserts with black "1"s in them and three skinny black inserts. The centre inlay is either grey or was white and is very dirty/stained, I can't decide which. The front of the chip has the casino name in red with two feathers beneath it. The denomination is white with a black border and the casino location is in black at the bottom of the chip. The back of the chip says "Iowas of Oklahoma" which is the tribe that owns the casino. The image is a headdress inside of a dream catcher.
I have seven more chips from Oklahoma to post and then I will have more in February as I am taking a trip for almost four weeks to travel around Asia. I won't be going in search of casinos except in Macau but there are three casinos, one in Kuala Lumpur and two in Singapore that I will search out while I am in each place.

Internet access while you are traveling? Blogging here about your adventures?Quote: PokerGrinderI will have more in February as I am taking a trip for almost four weeks to travel around Asia.
Quote: KonbuGood PG, get Genting Highlands Malaysia before I do in March/April!
That's the plan!
Doc I do think I'll have wifi in the hostels and will try and post a daily report but some nights the anebriation might get in the way.