Quote: SOOPOOZERO!!! I will be giving HB my share ($1350) and GolfBuddy's share ($450) tomorrow.
Speaking to that. I have the people who've paid
Wiz $2000
Soopoo $1350
FrG $90
Vegas $100
Switch $900
Golfbuddy $450
Rdw4potus $450
Thats $5350. Who else has paid?

Quote: SOOPOOI know HB said she wanted to get to 138, I think, but she looks so good and healthy at 151, it is hard to imagine 13 more coming off......
I agree, she looks great right now. If she lost 10 pounds she would be too skinny, IMO.
To answer your question, Mission, I do have some stretch marks and loose and wrinkling skin, unfortunately. It's not super obvious unless pointed out and it hides pretty well beneath my clothing. I wish I didn't have the issue, it's unflattering and takes away from my confidence, but it's a small price to pay for my improved health and appearance and financial gains.
Some of my family members were at the weigh in. They were amazed at the transformation and said I look like how they remembered me from long ago. Two days before my weigh in, back in L.A., I ran into one of my cousins at the mall and when I said hi to her she nodded her head at me and kept walking... my own cousin didn't even recognize me! I had to stop her and say, "No, Avery, it's me, Anne!" She said she then recognized me from my voice. She said I looked 15 years younger even with me not wearing makeup that day. It was funny that she didn't recognize me and said i looked so much younger cuz she only just saw me in May, a few months ago! I had lost 40 pounds by then and as you heard I lost a total of 100 pounds since Jan 9th of this year.
I am so thankful for this challenge. I'm thankful that I have a great friend in Mike. I'm thankful for Scott's idea to turn our private challenge into a public one. I'm thankful for my "new" body and I've been having fun dressing it up (and down!) and strutting my confidence around Vegas. I went to a club last night and it was the first time in years! I've been feeling so sexy and attractive!
So you saw where Scott posted that he and I will be meeting today here in Vegas. No dinner, no drama, just a friendly (yes it actually will be friendly) meeting. I'm not calling the cops. And he didn't push me to meet with him, I had contacted him and asked him if he would prefer to pay me personally rather than giving it to Mike to escrow. Why my change of heart? Having done the weigh in on Wednesday it was such a positive and affirming event that I wanted this experience to remain in that spirit. I'm not saying that Scott and I will be striking up a friendship. But I wanted to offer him the opportunity for him to see with his own eyes the result of this challenge. Although I still have my thoughts on my past friendship with him I believe we can still act like adults and act kindly toward one another, even if our friendship is not rekindled.
Wizard $2000
Switch $900
vegas $100
FrGamble $90
PAID SO FAR: $3090
SOOPOO $1350
Golfbuddy $450
rdw4potus $450
AcesAndEights $550 - I will be meeting up with him this weekend.
sunrise089 $90 - arranging a Paypal setup
Lucyjr $180 - hasn't responded to any of my PM's in the past and I'm awaiting a response from the new PM I sent him today
texasplumr $100 - shows that he is still actively participating in this forum but I am blocked from PM'ing him. I don't know if he blocked me personally or if he enabled the "No Private Massaging" function on his account.
The rest of the people who wagered are people I know personally and will take care of those separately. Did I miss anyone above? Did I account for all the forum members involved?
I sincerely hope you realize the health gains heavily outweigh that $5500...
Quote: TIMSPEEDI have to say congratulations HB.
I sincerely hope you realize the health gains heavily outweigh that $5500...
good one
Quote: NicksGamingStuffRemember, keep your weight loss reward winnings in your pocket, not on the casino table or in the machine.
Right, she's going to use the money it go back
to college, give some of it to charity, and invest
the rest in mutual funds.
Just like Mother Theresa would do.
Quote: NicksGamingStuffRemember, keep your weight loss reward winnings in your pocket, not on the casino table or in the machine.
She'll need to give half the money to her twin sister for showing up at the weigh-in.
Just another internet scam. Suckers!
Quote: MakingBookShe'll need to give half the money to her twin sister for showing up at the weigh-in.
Just another internet scam. Suckers!
Hmmm ... fish aren't the only ones to get schooled.
Quote: MakingBookShe'll need to give half the money to her twin sister for showing up at the weigh-in.
Just another internet scam. Suckers!
THAT comment was worthy of a suspension?
I hope not...
If not, we've got some folks with happy trigger fingers around these parts!!
Quote: thecesspitSomeone should have made a book on the over/under on total suspensions from this thread.
I guess I could get suspended for making a comment about the suspenders, oh well.
For example, it seems OK to say "Gosh, there are a lot of fat slobs on the strip," but not OK to say "Wow, I saw ____ (fill in name of board member on your sh*t list) on the strip today, and what a fat slob he/she is."
Key: don't personalize, or allow the monitors to connect the dots and conclude that you have personalized the negative remark.
Quote: NicksGamingStuffRemember, keep your weight loss reward winnings in your pocket, not on the casino table or in the machine.
Quote: HotBlondeIn regards to the wagers, this is my accounting of the bets:
Wizard $2000
Switch $900
vegas $100
FrGamble $90
PAID SO FAR: $3090
SOOPOO $1350
Golfbuddy $450
rdw4potus $450
Mike has my money. So, unless he lost it to Scott somehow, you should look for my $450 to come from the Wiz.
Quote: 24Bingo
I agree, why not blow it in the casino. Easy come
easy go.
Quote: EvenBobI agree, why not blow it in the casino. Easy come
easy go.
Ah, but it WASN'T easy for HB to win the money.
It took nine months of daily effort and stick-to-it-iveness.
Had she not had the will power, she'd have lost the bet.
Gotta give the girl credit where credit is due.
*golf clap*
+1Quote: MrVAh, but it WASN'T easy for HB to win the money.
It took nine months of daily effort and stick-to-it-iveness.
Had she not had the will power, she'd have lost the bet.
Gotta give the girl credit where credit is due.
*golf clap*
Quote: EvenBobI agree, why not blow it in the casino. Easy come
easy go.
The opposite: she's earned some fun. (Right, forgot, you don't believe in fun.) I know if I had a sudden windfall of $5600, within twelve hours I'd have a few hundred on a rack; might also take a couple hundred into the high-roller pits just to see what it's like.
Quote: NicksGamingStuffHB worked hard for it (even if she doesn't think so) and I just hate to think it is going to be wasted on the casino tables. She should use the $ for stuff for herself, like new clothes, maybe a nice massage, etc...
I don't think there would be anything wrong with her taking a portion of her winnings and having a little gambling fun during her time in Vegas.
The bottom line is that she can do whatever she wants with it now that she has earned it through her hard work!!
I do find it interesting that someone on a gambling forum who is in the gambling business doesn't want someone spending their hard-earned money on gambling. What the heck? Do you discourage everyone from bringing their hard-earned money into the casino?
We're gamblers. We gamble. I fully expect her to gamble at least a little!!
Where are the photos of the attendees? Was that it? Friends and family of Hotblonde and two forum members? What about photos of the weigh in? Was the weigh in at the karaoke bar? Did she walk around Treasure Island in that bikini?
Was the media contacted? I'm serious. This was a human interest story that would have made a good fluff piece on the evening news. Finally, will SOOPOO and HotBlonde ride off into the sunset together and live happily ever after? Has it ever crossed one or both of their minds?
That's basically all there is to it, though. She won, she's looking good, (though a little on the thin side for my personal taste) and she's got some cash.
I disagree with the post telling her not to gamble any of it completely! She's in Vegas!!! It's up to her how she spends her money, but I'm guessing she could probably use a few new outfits unless she kept her clothes from a few years ago. Otherwise, I would go out, eat well, get a massage, and then take whatever is left, go to Casuarina, and slap it all on Black-29! 100k+, one time!!!
OK, maybe not that, but she should definitely do a little gambling!
Quote: Mission146You should work as a TV Producer, 1BB, that was a great push to gets signed for The Hot Blonde Challenge, Season 2!!!
That's basically all there is to it, though. She won, she's looking good, (though a little on the thin side for my personal taste) and she's got some cash.
I disagree with the post telling her not to gamble any of it completely! She's in Vegas!!! It's up to her how she spends her money, but I'm guessing she could probably use a few new outfits unless she kept her clothes from a few years ago. Otherwise, I would go out, eat well, get a massage, and then take whatever is left, go to Casuarina, and slap it all on Black-29! 100k+, one time!!!
OK, maybe not that, but she should definitely do a little gambling!
The Casuarina brings back fond memories for me. As some here know I played there during the 1980s quite successfully. It was the Maxim back then.
When I look at HotBlond's photo I wish I had those beautiful white teeth. I do have all 32 of mine but they're not quite that nice.
Quote: 1BBFinally, will SOOPOO and HotBlonde ride off into the sunset together and live happily ever after? Has it ever crossed one or both of their minds?
Well, through a pm HB asked if I would rather give her the bounty in person rather than through Mike, and I accepted. After much back and forth I pointed out to HB that I was solo in Vegas so I was available for a yummy meal, as I did promise her one at the beginning of this saga, and was not sure if she would accept. Originally she didn't think it was a good idea, but when our mid afternoon meeting had to be postponed till early evening HB changed her mind.
We met at Caesar's, and when I first saw her, the transformation was nothing short of amazing! She was all dolled up, wearing heels high enough that she appeared taller than me, and as we walked together I could notice the furtive looks from many men. HB said she was happy to be 'eye candy' for me. Since I didn't expect to be eating with HB earlier in the day, I had a double beef whopper for a late lunch, and wasn't super hungry, but HB was!
She chose Joe's Stone Crab for her yummy meal. I love the original in Miami, and this one was quite good. I ordered crab bisque, and a small order of stone crabs. HB selected an oyster appetizer, surf and turf, sauted spinach, and red wine. We basically shared everything, which was all good. HB enjoyed the stone crab claws, which I believe was her first time ever having them. So much so that another order was needed! HB will post a picture of us together at the restaurant.
I had evening plans to meet a local friend at the Chandelier Bar at the Cosmopolitan, so HB and I drove over there. We arrived early at the Cosmo, and HB decided to do some gaming. She found a 6 deck BJ table, I didn't pay attention to the rules exactly, but they did allow 2 card surrender, and resplitting pairs, and BJ was 3:2. I am pretty sure it was stand soft 17, too. They had a pair bonus bet which paid 10-1 for unsuited and 15-1 for suited. HB won her first 6 hands, getting the 5 with 16, dealer busting from an 11, etc.... It 'seemed' like a setup!
Anyway, imagine my surprise when HB's still obese twin sister showed up! (JUST TEASING!!!!!!!!)
Perhaps the highlight of the evening was when HB sat down at the table, and couldn't find her players card. The pit boss took her license, and looked at the picture, and seemed about to call security! I had to assure him that really was her! After quite some time, he eventually brought her a replacement players card. I hope HB will post the picture from her license!
After HB and I split the $7000 she won (JUST TEASING!!!!!)--- After I gave HB the bounty she earned, which was a check, as I needed to have some evidence for GolfBuddy, I went to have a drink with my local opthalmologist friend. The guys at HB's blackjack table seemed quite pleased she was gambling with them! HB, I think, was going to the hot club at the Cosmo, or maybe a cigar bar first, but I am sure she will post those details. By the way, Mike forgot to give HB rdw4potus's money, so I did.
So after this nine month 'gestation', I got even more out of it than I could possibly have hoped for. I really expected HB not to be able to do this. I expected her to be giving me $150 that I would forward to a charity. But, seeing a person make the transformation she did was worth it all!
And HB and I are engaged!!!! (Just TEASING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
I think HB and I will be friends from this point forward, but who can predict the future?
To answer 1BB's question....... It has never crossed my mind!
Only HB can answer the question for herself....
(LOL! JUST KIDDING! See, I can kid too!) Having spent time with me in April of this year, only six months ago, SOOPOO said that I look like a completely different person. (Oh and as a side point, SOOPOO can verify even back then that I did not have surgery since I had a normal appetite back then, meaning if I had undergone surgery I would not have been able to eat normally like I did.) But SOOPOO and I spent time talking at dinner and was able to catch up a bit. He even extended an invitation for me to come out with him and some forum members today which I will likely do since I have no company with me on this trip other than the enormous amount of men chasing me here - I KID!! I KID!!
(I'm now awaiting the rumblings from forum members on my comment there, "Who the hell does this girl think she is calling herself hot?!?!")
I'm HotBlonde, that's who I am!!!!!!!!!
(Or, as SOOPOO said last night, someone who can wrap any man around my finger at this point - not a power I am not planning on utilizing! :D
That is, what was your regular exercise regimen, and what meals / types of foods did you usually eat?
Me, I am mostly plant based foods these days, plus walking and daily use of weight machines.
What is your plan to KEEP it off?
You go, girl.
Quote: tsmithSOOPOO, I think I might not be the only one here who is disappointed to hear that you gave in the way you did on the "yummy dinner" and are so willing to re-enter into such a volatile relationship, but then again, if you're someone who likes being wrapped around someone else's finger, have at it, it's your funeral.
See, being a woman you can say that and get away
with it. Give Soopoo a break, he said she looks
like an entirely different person.
Quote: tsmithSOOPOO, I think I might not be the only one here who is disappointed to hear that you gave in the way you did on the "yummy dinner" and are so willing to re-enter into such a volatile relationship, but then again, if you're someone who likes being wrapped around someone else's finger, have at it, it's your funeral.
I felt that the yummy dinner was also part of the bet. Although not as defined as the actual bet, I did promise HB that celebratory dinner, and as there was no one with me that I would have to explain it to, I was happy to have that dinner with HB. tsmith, I can assure you I am wrapped around no one's finger. This HB challenge has kept me interested for almost a year.... and i have NO regrets at all. For me the whole thing has been positive EV!!!!
Quote: SOOPOO... and as there was no one with me that I would have to explain it to ...
That is the most telling part of your answer. Would you have felt so committed to your so-called promise if your lady friend had been with you as was originally planned?
When HB refused to continue with weekly updates for the bettors and you gave her back a little of her own medicine I was proud of you for standing your ground. I have to say now that in my eyes you've lost more than a little of that ground. My opinion might not mean diddly squat to you, but I wanted to tell you anyway.
Quote: SOOPOOI felt that the yummy dinner
Hmm, I haven't heard the word 'yummy' used by
adults since my kids were in pre school. I would
prefer a nice dinner, or even a good dinner. 'Yummy'
reminds me of baked beans with those little
weenies mixed in. Yuk. Or should I say, 'yuckie'..
Quote: tsmithThat is the most telling part of your answer. Would you have felt so committed to your so-called promise if your lady friend had been with you as was originally planned?
When HB refused to continue with weekly updates for the bettors and you gave her back a little of her own medicine I was proud of you for standing your ground. I have to say now that in my eyes you've lost more than a little of that ground. My opinion might not mean diddly squat to you, but I wanted to tell you anyway.
The lady friend part of the reason was not that HB would be viewed as a competitor, but just that I was inviting someone to Vegas with me, and i felt it would be acceptable to do HB WoV things one night, but not two nights, esprcially the first two nights. As I said in the previous post, although not as firm as the real money bet, I felt, that if possible, I 'owed' HB the dinner.
I never wanted to 'give her back a little of her own medicine'. That's not how I roll. When forced to, I did present the reasons why my name should not be besmirched, but I have never wished ill for HB.
As I've said to many of the posters here, mostly via pm, I'll bet if you and I sat across a table over a couple of beers you would understand me much better than internet postings make me appear.....
Quote: thecesspitCan I get 9:1 odds on it? ;)
Absolutely! That seems to be my going rate!
Only I am unable to prove that it was a put-on the whole time, which I still suspect... at least that enormous amount of hostility that we saw.
Will Nareed also declare Soopoo 'Mr. OK' after all?
Quote: odiousgambitOK! I am on the record here, that this would happen!
Only I am unable to prove that it was a put-on the whole time, which I still suspect... at least that enormous amount of hostility that we saw.
Will Nareed also declare Soopoo 'Mr. OK' after all?
You think it was a put on?
On May 27th, much to the offense of SOOPOO, I posted that I thought the whole thing was carefully orchestrated from the beginning. It seemed at times that they tried just a little too hard with their "feud." Even their suspensions seemed odd.
On August 15th I asked if SOOPOO and HotBlonde were in a romantic relationship. Remember how upset she got when he forgot her birthday?
Nareed's angle in it? Who knows?
Quote: odiousgambitWill Nareed also declare [deleted] 'Mr. OK' after all?
According to rules imposed on me by force, I can't answer without being suspended from the forum.
So what do you think?
I think someone already posted a sign that read Hot Embers, Do Not Stir.Quote: Nareed
So what do you think?
Quote: odiousgambitOnly I am unable to prove that it was a put-on the whole time, which I still suspect... at least that enormous amount of hostility that we saw.
You basically are saying that our host, the Wizard, participated in a scam to defraud members of his forum. This conspiracy would have to include the following- Wizard, me, Switch, Nicksgamingstuff, AcesaandEights, and HotBlonde. I can only tell you that if I was the Wiz I'd suspend you for life for impugning Mr. Wiz's integrity in such a fashion. Just my two cents worth.
Quote: 1BBYou think it was a put on?
On May 27th, much to the offense of SOOPOO, I posted that I thought the whole thing was carefully orchestrated from the beginning. It seemed at times that they tried just a little too hard with their "feud." Even their suspensions seemed odd.
On August 15th I asked if SOOPOO and HotBlonde were in a romantic relationship. Remember how upset she got when he forgot her birthday?
I can tell you that my suspension was not related to the HotBlonde challenge thread. "Carefully orchestrated" only has validity when applied to HB. Yes, she drew people in to the bet, used pictures to make us think it would be impossible, described medical conditions that would make us think she would fail, etc...
But all the 'orchestration' was above board. HB does have a pronounced limp after her back/leg problems. I can only tell you that my 'feud' with HB was real, but never really emanating from me. HB only wanted those 100% agreeing with her to comment, and I wasn't always able to do so as I felt I had the responsibility to protect the integrity of the bet for those who I encouraged to join in. I never stopped rooting for her, and always thought there was a good chance that we'd be able to celebrate together.
I'd like Nicksgamingstuff, who knows both of us, who never really participated much in this thread, who has met HB when she was obese, to chime in.....
The Wiz can certainly weigh in as well.....