Quote: thecesspitEditing of posts at a later date...
But that won't pad the post count.
Quote: EvenBobI fully expect she'll gain it all back plus more,
considering that whats 95% of the people who
lose weight do. She has demonstrated no traits
that lead me to believe otherwise, other than it
takes cash to give her the incentive to motivate
her. And that well is about to dry up.
I can't find any statistics - I can't find any studies that don't lump ">30 lb" into a single category - but how many of those 95% have lost ninety pounds? Every story I've ever heard of yo-yo dieting is thirty, forty pounds, tops, and that's what most of the people in the survey have lost and gained back with interest. I have never heard of anyone who's lost that kind of weight gaining it all back. Don't get me wrong - they've all gained back an amount I would go insane over, but I don't know of a single one who gained back what they lost.
Quote: 24BingoI have never heard of anyone who's lost that kind of weight gaining it all back.
HB is your first person then, at least based on her own words.
She claims she was a "hot blonde" who tubbed up, lost it, re-tubbed up, and now has lost it again.
maybe evenbob is thinking her yo-yo string is just a little longer than every other story you have heard.
Oh, wait, or was it some considerably lower amount that she lost and regained, as I just said was the usual case? And you're just trying to get in one last volley in this little poo-flinging contest?
Quote: 24Bingobut how many of those 95% have lost ninety pounds?
The amount doesn't matter, has nothing to do
with it. People are creatures of habit and we
eat for all kinds of reasons, survival being the
least of them in a modern society. Very very
few people can pay hour by hour attention forever
as to what goes in their mouths and the old habits
creep back in.
Quote: EvenBobWill the boyfriend be at the weigh in?
There is the next bet. Does the boyfriend exist?
Quote: Scotty71There is the next bet. Does the boyfriend exist?
On paper, yes. He's a former astronaut and
LA Dodger.
Quote: EvenBobOn paper, yes. He's a former astronaut and
LA Dodger.
I hope she met him in the last couple of weeks and for her sake NEVER mentions how much she used to weigh.
Quote: DRichI can't believe how many people are being real assholes in this thread. You should all be ashamed of yourselves.
Quote: DRichI can't believe how many people are being real assholes in this thread. You should all be ashamed of yourselves.
Go back and read the threads she started- I have nothing against her but she is a girl with a plan and I worry about who gets blindsided by her biological clock...its going to be exspensive
Quote: DRichI can't believe how many people are being real assholes in this thread.
This is the internet.
You "can't believe how many people are being real assholes" on the 'net?
What, are you a shut in?
Welcome to the New Millenium, where class and discernment takes a permanent holiday.
Quote: DRichI can't believe how many people are being real assholes in this thread. You should all be ashamed of yourselves.
As long as The Wizard doesn't mind trolls, they will find a way to insult you without suspension. It is becoming an art form here.
I'll likely be in the air during the weigh in, and will anxiously await the Wiz's official report...
I'll take the under and expect to see 156.8
Sounds like a "slump buster" to me.
Quote: Scotty71Go back and read the threads she started- I have nothing against her but she is a girl with a plan and I worry about who gets blindsided by her biological clock...its going to be exspensive
Jesus would be so proud of you.
Yes, that is a very low blow on my part. Nothing against it in the forum rules as far as I know.
Quote: MakingBookApprox 160 pounds is super hot???
Sounds like a "slump buster" to me.
Also, really funny.
Quote: NareedJesus would be so proud of you.
Yes, that is a very low blow on my part. Nothing against it in the forum rules as far as I know.
Technically, it wouldn't be against the rules to say you're a funny guy, either.
Glass houses an all.
Quote: NareedJesus would be so proud of you.
Yes, that is a very low blow on my part. Nothing against it in the forum rules as far as I know.
I have no problem with you saying that and I have no issue with HB... or you for that matter Kathy. But fickle is fickle and its all in black and white. What I wrote is actually sincere. Men will start with physical attraction and then love will ultimately blind, as it should assuming a relationship is healthy.
Given your situation you are the least qualified to comment on hypergamy. HB wants a comfortable lifestyle and a good man... I hope she gets it and it works out for her. The only people I wish ill on are the f*ckers that keep calling my house from "card services" 200x a day even though I'm on the DNC list and they call from dead untraceable lines. Those people I hope fall down face up in the desert aND buzzards pick out their eyes while shitting in their mouths!
I was going to nominate you for post of the day on your Reagan crawling out of the grave comments- GOOD SHOW
I can't believe how quickly the time has passed! It's just crazy.
I'm at the gym now sweating it out for the last time. Can't wait for tomorrow!
Quote: Scotty71The only people I wish ill on are the f*ckers that keep calling my house from "card services" 200x a day even though I'm on the DNC list and they call from dead untraceable lines. Those people I hope fall down face up in the desert aND buzzards pick out their eyes while shitting in their mouths!
We should use the collective brainpower on this forum to figure out how to track these abusers down and fry them. I get ticked off and will answer the call and punch through to speak with a person. I lead them on a merry chase for a while, and then ask them how they like it when I waste their time. I have yet to get an answer. All I ever get is a click in my ear ;-) Petty, but it makes me smile.
I did have one guy insist that they are government mandated and thus DNC did not apply to them. I thought I read some place that violations of the DNC could be penalized with $50 per violation to the offended party. It would be cool to file a small claims court case against the jerks. I could file for the max amount.
Quote: RaleighCrapsWe should use the collective brainpower on this forum to figure out how to track these abusers down and fry them.
It can't be done. Next!
Quote:I get ticked off and will answer the call and punch through to speak with a person. I lead them on a merry chase for a while, and then ask them how they like it when I waste their time. I have yet to get an answer. All I ever get is a click in my ear ;-) Petty, but it makes me smile.
It also wastes your time.
My procedure is either: a) I will say "no, thanks." If they end the call, fine. If they persist, I hang up. b) if the initial pitch is too long, I say "no, thanks" in mid-stream and hang up.
So now I can choose to be annoyed, or I can be petty and extract a pound of flesh. Most of the time I just hang up. But sometimes I decide to have some fun, and will push 1, so "I can lower my rates on my existing credit card balances". I used to feel bad for jerking around some poor call taker, but then I realized they are as much a part of the problem as the company that has hired them.
And I most definitely disagree with it can't be done. It certainly can be done, its just that no one wants to bother with it. There was a fairly run of the mill crime around here a couple of weeks ago. The typical robbery that usually goes unsolved. Except this time, they hit one of the influential government employees. It was amazing how fast the people were found and busted.
Quote: Nareed
My procedure is either: a) I will say "no, thanks." If they end the call, fine. If they persist, I hang up. b) if the initial pitch is too long, I say "no, thanks" in mid-stream and hang up.
These are Robocalls. No humans to cut off.
I report the calls to DoNotCall.gov and those stop and new ones crop up, like a hydra. But make sure you report the violations so they can crack down on the worst offenders and make them keep moving even if you can't stop them altogether.
When I get calls from political parties, I just say "I don't vote," and hang up.
If an economical solution existed, you could buy it off the itnernet by now. Imagine the potential market.
Almost universally on these calls, if you hit "1" you speak to a real person who wants to finish the sale. My usual protocol when receiving these calls is to hit "1," wait for a human, say something nice to get their attention, sound an air horn or some other loud banging noise, then hang up.Quote: RaleighCrapsThis call is an automated call.
Quote: teliotAlmost universally on these calls, if you hit "1" you speak to a real person who wants to finish the sale. My usual protocol when receiving these calls is to hit "1," wait for a human, say something nice to get their attention, sound an air horn or some other loud banging noise, then hang up.
I very strongly do not recommend an airhorn. If you cause them actual auditory damage, then they could have a civil against you, especially given that their profession hinges strongly on their ability to hear.
Besides, the whole thing is automated. Absent not working there, they had no choice but to call you. They did not pick up a phone and physically dial your number. They hear a beep, then your name and address comes up on the screen and you're on the line. If the system works as intended, they don't even hear the ringback on their end, just, "Beep," and there you are.
I mean no offense, but when it comes to stuff like this, the recipient of the call is punishing someone who would rather work than be on welfare and doing absolutely nothing to the entity calling them.
From (limited) experience, I can tell you that reporting calls to the DNC is a good start, there are many ways that companies can get around the DNC so that the rules do not apply to them.Quote: FarFromVegasI report the calls to DoNotCall.gov and those stop and new ones crop up, like a hydra. But make sure you report the violations so they can crack down on the worst offenders and make them keep moving even if you can't stop them altogether.
As an example, I used to work for a major newspaper publisher (*cough* Gannett *cough*). One of the ways to get around the DNC is if the company has a previously established "business" relationship with the person they are calling. At the time, the limit on that was 18 months. In other words, if the company had done business with you at some previous time within the last 18 months, they were exempt from the DNC applying to them in relation to calling you. (If that sentence wasn't clear, because it almost wasn't to me, if you are on the DNC list, but the company has done business with you in the last 18 months, they are not obligated to follow the DNC in relation to you.) Gannett's (petty) solution? When the 18 months was almost up, they would have the newspaper carrier deliver the paper to that person. This established a "business" relationship with the person, and then they were able to call them without having to worry about the DNC.
There are many other loopholes in the DNC. Reporting "violations" of the DNC will indeed crack down on those people who are blatantly violating the DNC, however, most of the companies are utilizing the loopholes so that they will not get in any trouble.
Quote: Mission146
I mean no offense, but when it comes to stuff like this, the recipient of the call is punishing someone who would rather work than be on welfare and doing absolutely nothing to the entity calling them.
They call from a number that doesnt exist... I would rather them work in a methlab or grow some weed. They know full well they are violating the law. I would love to give one of them ear damage as the company would have to disclose their address and the employers name and address....they would never do it. They take advantage of the stupid and the elderly at best and are stealing credit card numbers and SS#'s at the worst. It is 100% illegal The air horn wont work unfortunately as the modern headphones will dampen noises like that.
A person could ask the caller for a donation to some cause such as for some one who is trying to lose weight. It could be a really good money making opportunity.
You're kidding, right? "Profession?" You mean, professional crook?Quote: Mission146I very strongly do not recommend an airhorn. If you cause them actual auditory damage, then they could have a civil against you, especially given that their profession hinges strongly on their ability to hear.
They had a choice. They can look for a legal job in a legitimate company. Everyone has a choice to not break the law.Quote:Besides, the whole thing is automated. Absent not working there, they had no choice but to call you.
There is also plenty of work available selling drugs, prostitution, stealing, not to mention the far more lucrative white collar crime.Quote:The recipient of the call is punishing someone who would rather work than be on welfare and doing absolutely nothing to the entity calling them.
Your misunderstanding seems to be based on the assumption that these people are soliciting for legitimate companies. That is false. They are scammers who are going after personal and private information with the intention of committing fraud.
Read this: Phone Call Scams
Common Phone Scams:
Buying Club Memberships
Charities & Fundraising Fraud
Credit & Loan Offers
Government Grant Scams
Identity Theft & Telemarketing
Medical Discount Plans
Reloading Scams
Sweepstakes & Lotteries
Travel Scams
Work-at-Home & Business Opportunities
Quote: Scotty71They call from a number that doesnt exist... I would rather them work in a methlab or grow some weed. They know full well they are violating the law. I would love to give one of them ear damage as the company would have to disclose their address and the employers name and address....they would never do it. They take advantage of the stupid and the elderly at best and are stealing credit card numbers and SS#'s at the worst. It is 100% illegal The air horn wont work unfortunately as the modern headphones will dampen noises like that.
1.) If you request to be put on a specific company's DNC List, they have thirty days to comply.
2.) If you inform them that you are on the national DNC List, they have thirty days to comply.
3.) Sharp tip, tell them they are calling a cell phone, that will get you off of there more quickly.
4.) I do not see how they can all be stealing credit cards when some of them are calling to sell you a credit card.
5.) They are probably not violating the law, most are careful about this. If you get called by the same company after DNC request, chances are it is a different company (read: contractor) calling you, you just get shifted from the list they send to one contractor to a list that goes to another. The company for whom the calls are being made often does not directly make any such calls.
Quote: teliotThey had a choice. They can look for a legal job in a legitimate company. Everyone has a choice to not break the law.
Telemarketing is a legitimate job. Sure, the calls are annoying, but if sales were not produced as a result, you can bet there would be no telemarketers at all.
I must admit something else. My first credit card was a result of a telemarketer's call offering one. Prior to that I'd been turned down by several banks. so it was a nice change to have a bank, or a seller for the bank, offer one.
There are scams, too, no question. But they pale in comparison with the scams, extortion and fake ransom calls that are en vogue in Mexico right now.
Quote: teliotYou're kidding, right? "Profession?" You mean, professional crook?
You have to be really good at the job if you want to last longer than a month. They are also not all crooks.
Quote:They had a choice. They can look for a legal job in a legitimate company. Everyone has a choice to not break the law.
There is also plenty of work available selling drugs, prostitution, stealing, not to mention the far more lucrative white collar crime.
The call center at which I supervised was contracted by Discover Financial Services and Political Campaigns, we did not do anything illegal during my time there.
Quote:Your misunderstanding seems to be based on the assumption that these people are soliciting for legitimate companies. That is false. They are scammers who are going after personal and private information with the intention of committing fraud.
Again, not all of them.
Quote:Buying Club Memberships
Charities & Fundraising Fraud
Credit & Loan Offers
Government Grant Scams
Identity Theft & Telemarketing
Medical Discount Plans
Reloading Scams
Sweepstakes & Lotteries
Travel Scams
Work-at-Home & Business Opportunities
I know all about them, and assure you, they made our legitimate solicitations much more difficult.
Quote: Mission1461.) If you request to be put on a specific company's DNC List, they have thirty days to comply.
2.) If you inform them that you are on the national DNC List, they have thirty days to comply.
3.) Sharp tip, tell them they are calling a cell phone, that will get you off of there more quickly.
4.) I do not see how they can all be stealing credit cards when some of them are calling to sell you a credit card.
5.) They are probably not violating the law, most are careful about this. If you get called by the same company after DNC request, chances are it is a different company (read: contractor) calling you, you just get shifted from the list they send to one contractor to a list that goes to another. The company for whom the calls are being made often does not directly make any such calls.
Mission when I said card services I wasn't talking about a legit company like discover a bank or even a window company. These guys have a recorded message that leads on to believe they are calling from your card company but they aren't. The number they call from cant be blocked. They also make in the intro message sound like you can opt out from calls in the future.... I tried that the fist 10-20 times they called. when that didn't work i waited for the guy on the phone and I said politely to put me on the DNC because their computer must not be working...he told me to f off and hung up. These guys need to go to prison. I have no beef with telemarketer as most of us have had to try it at least once in our lives. They are hurting people who can least afford it im sure
Quote: Mission1461.) If you request to be put on a specific company's DNC List, they have thirty days to comply.
2.) If you inform them that you are on the national DNC List, they have thirty days to comply.
3.) Sharp tip, tell them they are calling a cell phone, that will get you off of there more quickly.
4.) I do not see how they can all be stealing credit cards when some of them are calling to sell you a credit card.
5.) They are probably not violating the law, most are careful about this. If you get called by the same company after DNC request, chances are it is a different company (read: contractor) calling you, you just get shifted from the list they send to one contractor to a list that goes to another. The company for whom the calls are being made often does not directly make any such calls.
Mission when I said card services I wasn't talking about a legit company like discover a bank or even a window company. These guys have a recorded message that leads on to believe they are calling from your card company but they aren't. The number they call from cant be blocked. They also make in the intro message sound like you can opt out from calls in the future.... I tried that the fist 10-20 times they called. when that didn't work i waited for the guy on the phone and I said politely to put me on the DNC because their computer must not be working...he told me to f off and hung up. These guys need to go to prison. I have no beef with telemarketer as most of us have had to try it at least once in our lives. They are hurting people who can least afford it im sure
Quote: Scotty71Mission when I said card services I wasn't talking about a legit company like discover a bank or even a window company. These guys have a recorded message that leads on to believe they are calling from your card company but they aren't. The number they call from cant be blocked. They also make in the intro message sound like you can opt out from calls in the future.... I tried that the fist 10-20 times they called. when that didn't work i waited for the guy on the phone and I said politely to put me on the DNC because their computer must not be working...he told me to f off and hung up. These guys need to go to prison. I have no beef with telemarketer as most of us have had to try it at least once in our lives. They are hurting people who can least afford it im sure
Oh, those calls.
You're absolutely right, entirely criminal and not compliant with FTC or FCC guidelines. They're probably calling from overseas, though, exempts them from virtually everything.
Quote: Scotty71Mission when I said card services I wasn't talking about a legit company like discover a bank or even a window company. These guys have a recorded message that leads on to believe they are calling from your card company but they aren't. The number they call from cant be blocked. They also make in the intro message sound like you can opt out from calls in the future.... I tried that the fist 10-20 times they called. when that didn't work i waited for the guy on the phone and I said politely to put me on the DNC because their computer must not be working...he told me to f off and hung up. These guys need to go to prison. I have no beef with telemarketer as most of us have had to try it at least once in our lives. They are hurting people who can least afford it im sure
"Hi, this is Rachel from cardholder services calling to let you know you can consolidate your credit card debt, AND save money doing so. blah blah. Press 1 to speak to an agent, or press 6 to remove your number from our calling list."
I read someplace that an automated calling machine has to have a way for you to opt out of the calls. This outfit is violating that law in that they give you an opt out path that is non functional. Pure scam. And I must have talked to the same jerk that scotty talked to, because I got the same message. That was when I decided to start jerking them around. I did feel bad at first, but then I realized they do have a choice, and they do know they are not legit, so they deserve it.
You should hear them perk up when you tell them you have $28,000 out on 4 different cards! I could hear the salivating on the other end of the phone. But then I couldn't quite make out the digits on the card. It was faded. I was trying to feel the raised numbers, but my fingers were cold. Hang on, I need to go run some warm water over them. I'll be right back.
I think I just thought of the next WoV contest!
This thread has been hijacked.
Come on Mission, I thought you were the hot shot new moderator around here....
OK, works for me ...
Quote: WongBoCould this tangent be split off?
This thread has been hijacked.
Come on Mission, I thought you were the hot shot new moderator around here....
I can't do it, I tried. When you try to split a topic, all of the posts appear vertically. I ended up having to shut down and restart the computer.
I can't believe it's October 17th already!
I feel like doing a happy dance!!
And there's something else happening today, but I can't really remember what it is...
(Hope everyone has a good time in Vegas!)
Quote: HotBlondeWooooooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwww!!! I made it! I made it! I made it! It's October 17th!
I can't believe it's October 17th already!
I feel like doing a happy dance!!
I have a good feeling that you will win the challenge. Many many congragulations to you. I'm looking forward to seeing your pics and I wish you luck. As you probably know the battle against weight loss is not over yet and you do want to lose even more weight so good luck for that. I would not bet against you. You have proven that you have the mental toughness to persevere through fighting old habits, health problems and all the drama that has been going on around you. I really will remember some of your tips on how you can acheive your goal by changing the way that you think.
As far as how you have dealt with SOOPOO and how you have come off negatively on this forum, I am critical of this, but I realize that how you chose to interact with people is nobody's business but your own. There is always more to a story than what can be gleaned off an internet forum and it's really difficult to judge somebody without ever meeting them. Also, what you do with your weight and eating habits is nobodys business. In this challege you have clearly emerged as the victor and I respect you for that. Enjoy the money and more importantly enjoy being the super hot blonde that you now are!
Best wishes.

Image source: photobucket.com
Quote: HotBlondeI can't believe it's October 17th already!
I bet even a month ago it felt like it would never be Oct. 17th :)
Again, well done. You should be very proud.