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January 10th, 2012 at 9:32:46 AM permalink
Good luck and congrats on challenging yourself HB!
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January 10th, 2012 at 9:37:23 AM permalink
Quote: HotBlonde

I will briefly say that medically 1.5 - 2 lbs of weightloss per week is considered a healthy range. I plan on losing approx. 2.5 pounds a week. Technically that's outside of the clinical range but not that much further off

There isn't such a thing as "outside but not much further off". It's a range, it includes what is considered OK, if something outside was still considered good, it would be included and the range would be described as "1.5 - 2.5 lbs". 250 isn't such a high weight as to call for scaling up, either.

Weight loss is based on expenditure of fat through energy transfer. 1g of fat contains 9 calories and is converted with very good efficiency. Spending 2,000/day, eating 1,200/day, you stand to lose about 100 grams. One's body responds to low calorie diets by lowing its base metabolic rate, however, so everything above calorie intake and some more has to come from exercise.
Body's conversion capacity is limited, so losing a lot from fat is difficult. You'll start feeling weak and lazy a few weeks into it. Still, 100g/day is a reliable amount, coming to 1.5 lbs/week, which is where the recommended amount probably comes from.

Also, losing 10 lbs isn't hard even in one day. To do so, you need to fill up on water and food the day before, and take diuretics (bourbon counts) the target day, maximize the delta. The first 10 pounds are near-effortless, your weight goes up and down a few during the course of a day.
What you're planning on is possible - but you're setting a pretty hardcore goal, and if most people could handle going hardcore, excess weight wouldn't be so common. A target of 200 or less would be perhaps realistic.

Quote: HotBlonde

Secondly, for those of you who think it's crazy that I would pass up a $1200 prize and would rather have a chance at winning $9000 instead I don't know what to say. Call it greedy, call it what you want, but I can tell you I am purely WAY more motivated thinking I can win close to ten thousand dollars.

I don't think anyone but me said that, so you could just address me directly. My reasoning is that you have a $91,200 prize in the first case and $99,000 in the second case, very roughly putting non-surgical loss of 90 lbs at $90,000 value. That value comes from $45,000 GDP per capita and two or more extra years of life. Putting less value on 90 lbs lost than $7,800 is lowballing it, and seems to suggest your motivation otherwise is limited, while taking out the maximum healthy amount of weight is a half-time job at least.

I'm looking forward to your success, and wish it to you; I won't be betting against it, because as a general rule I don't bet on outcomes that I don't want to happen. Not a politeness thing, rather that if I had money on it, I'd be trying to undermine your effort already.
You'll earn a lot of respect if you do it though, and twice that much if you keep it stable the year after as well.
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January 10th, 2012 at 10:19:50 AM permalink
Quote: HotBlonde

Oh, and P.S. I forgot to say that I went at 9pm last night and joined a gym. I will start going today after my breakfast.

Yeah, I figured you for the sensible and determined type. You didn't take Pounds or Dates out of thin air in some whimsical manner. The Gym will help, but I have an idea that EuropeanHottie will also provide some support such as being a jogging buddy or workout-partner or something. Quite frankly, I've no doubt you will achieve your goals.
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January 10th, 2012 at 11:17:06 AM permalink
Good luck with your goal! Train hard and understand that 80% of what you are doing is mental, as in, you need to be mentally tough to get up every day and train and sweat and work.

If you need any tips on running, when or if you get to that stage, let me know. I just got done with the Las Vegas Marathon last month. I routinely help train new runners and runners who are overweight. Again, best of luck!

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January 10th, 2012 at 11:54:33 AM permalink
Quote: pacomartin

I think the issue is realism, as opposed to danger to health.

It's not unrealistic. Just hard. In fact, the first month or two HotBlonde should lose more than 10 lbs per month, easily.


HB should be able to run a marathon (possibly at a slow speed) by this fall if she is going to exercise enough to lose that much weight.

That is not so, or not necessarily so. HB won't be training, after all. If she'll work out daily, or 5 times per week, then she can increase both time spent working out and the heart rate she can sustain. But that's not, necesarily, enough for training.
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January 10th, 2012 at 1:45:00 PM permalink
I have secured another 'half investor". My golfing buddy who will coming to Vegas with me in April and will meet HB then, says he will put up $450 to win $50. I will refer to him as "Golfing Buddy" when listing investors.....
As far as the health part, I think that the low calorie diet and exercise regimen will be great for HB. I think the negative health risks may occur if she is close to her goal and overdoes it at the end.
For those who use the excuse that they do not want to bet against a friend, or have to root against someone.... HB WANTs you to bet against her. She considers betting against her an act of friendship.
So if there are any half investors out there ($450 to win $50), jump in!!!!!!
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January 10th, 2012 at 3:21:15 PM permalink
HB, seems like you are already planning for alot of dieting and exercise. something i forgot to mention to go along with such drastic changes to your body is to make sure you supplement your diet with vitamins. with the reduction in calorie intake and increase in your metabolism through exercise you will become vitamin deficient. how much you will need to supplement is the question. some research or doctors advice would be wise, but one tell tale would be the inability to sleep and fatigue, (which is one of the things that get people who try to lose alot of weight too quickly depressed and give up). when training on my bike i expierience this during intense training periods. i couldn't understand why the harder i trained the slower i got, along with not being able to get good sleep, or got restless sleep. fellow bike riders told me i probably had vitamin b deficiency and i've been taking supplements ever since even though i don't ride anymore. but it worked. there are many types of supplements but caution is needed when trying anything new. you don't want to go backwards taking the wrong things or getting sick.

good luck

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January 10th, 2012 at 3:32:08 PM permalink
I just read that Oprah weighs 260 again. She's
been yoyo dieting for 30 years.
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January 10th, 2012 at 3:54:10 PM permalink
Quote: EvenBob

I just read that Oprah weighs 260 again. She's
been yoyo dieting for 30 years.

That would make her a hot brunette I'm guessing. Motivationally speaking of course.
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January 10th, 2012 at 4:05:30 PM permalink
Quote: Nareed

That is not so, or not necessarily so. HB won't be training, after all. If she'll work out daily, or 5 times per week, then she can increase both time spent working out and the heart rate she can sustain. But that's not, necesarily, enough for training.

As a marathon runner, I agree with the above assessment made by Nareed.
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January 10th, 2012 at 4:37:22 PM permalink
Quote: EvenBob

I just read that Oprah weighs 260 again. She's been yoyo dieting for 30 years.

Is that considered her upper or lower bouncing boundary?

What I could suggest on how to do it:
Sell your car, buy a bicycle, walk when you can't ride. Not "stop using", sell. Someone should be able to help you if you have to haul something large, but not having a car eliminates the temptation to take it "just for today". The list of hobbies already should read just "Blackjack, Karaoke" (unless you only ever taste and spit out, not just plan to). Avoid eating outside of home, you don't need lunch if your job isn't physically exerting, though light salad w/o dressing should be fine.

Exercise has to be prolonged, six or more hours every day, trying to take it all in one "workout" lump doesn't work, as fat metabolism is not fast enough to sustain heavy exercise. Daily workout (a week is 7 days while at that, not 5) is for weight maintenance, not for weight loss. Daily commute is the best opportunity to fit more activity into a day that is only 24 hours long. Clearly by far the best option is a job that involves physical activity, but that is rarely feasible, especially as a female.

Can't make any suggestions on dieting as I've never really done it. Except one, you can't stop thinking about [whatever bad food], exercise helps take your mind off it, if nothing else it's a way to pass time till you go to sleep. I think the main reason "diet and exercise" fails so often is that people misunderstand it as "some diet and some exercise".
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January 10th, 2012 at 7:30:16 PM permalink
Quote: pacomartin

So you have to work off another 155,000 Calories from exercise. Their guidelines indicate that required you to go from sedentary to sustained activity every single day for an hour or two. It doesn't say impossible, but there is almost no room for slipping up.

Keep in mind that:
1) Your body reconfigures to be more efficient with sustained diet,
2) The more you weigh, the less intense the exercise you can sustain and for less time; as you lose weight, you use fewer calories, so you have to step up exercise time and intensity.
2) 155,000/90=1,722 calories/day from exercise - is not possible to do in 1-2 hours.

edit: Corrected calculation - 155,000/275 = 570/day

Intense running uses up 750 calories over normal per hour, but it's only 150 per mile, and you'll be hard-pressed to finish it without slowing down, being 250 lbs. More realistic exercise class is about 400-600 per hour over normal, prolonged will be less so as to sustain it.
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January 10th, 2012 at 7:52:07 PM permalink
Quote: pacomartin

I went from 225 to 175 in about 4 months about a dozen years ago, and I felt very happy.

Do you remember how you did that ? Weight Watchers ?
Sheer willpower ?
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January 10th, 2012 at 7:52:45 PM permalink
All this talk is fine, but unless another 5-6
people sign on, this bet is never gonna
happen. Right now the chance of it happening
at all is about 20%..
"It's not called gambling if the math is on your side."
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January 10th, 2012 at 8:11:12 PM permalink
Maybe the "line" is set too high.

What would be the odds to get an even # of gamblers
on both sides ? Maybe 3 to 1 ?
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January 10th, 2012 at 8:17:46 PM permalink
It can be done, but I wouldn't call it a diet. I'd call it learning how to eat healthy. I lost 38 pounds last yea (in about 6 months) by doing only two things. Counting calories and exercising (walking, hiking, stationary bike). I used a great website called . It has every possible food and hundreds of restaraunts foods built into it. You enter in what you eat and your exercise each day and it keeps track of everyting. Losing weight is just calories in and calories burned.

Some stuff that I thought was good for me before I started using the site turned out to be not so good. I ended up eating a lot of chicken, turkey, salad and 0 calorie drinks and was rarely hungry. I even rewarded my self with ice cream here and there after having a really good day because having too few calories is not good either.

Good luck to you and let me know if you sign up for the site, I could use another 5 pounds gone (I gained some back after divorce) and we can root each other on. Having support is a great help to losing weight.
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January 10th, 2012 at 8:20:15 PM permalink
Quote: pacomartin

You divided by the number of pounds, there is 275 days in the program.

OK, that's right, my mistake. At that number it does add up.

However one still has to consider this is:
* Exercising every day, not skimping,
* Maintained diet, no pig-out days,
* No booze.
One party on the weekend will easily wipe out the weekdays' progress. With realistic planning for slipping, sickness, exceptions, etc., it's still better to plan in some more exercise.

It's well possible to lose weight faster (I did that once without intending to or even realizing), but with a different general activity level, not just squeezing in a workout after office work. Optimally you should be doing some physical activity 12-14 hours a day, i.e. all the time you're not sleeping or taking care of other primary needs.
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January 10th, 2012 at 10:59:47 PM permalink
Quote: pacomartin

I didn't mean to be flippant. I should have just said it requires a lot of exercise.

But if you are going to lose 90 pounds that is 3500*90=315,000 Calories.
According to the guidelines in the Mayo Clinic if you religiously hold to a 1200 Calorie day diet for a 5' 7" woman in her late 30's, you can probably expect 165,000 Calories from diet (over 275 days). So you have to work off another 155,000 Calories from exercise. Their guidelines indicate that required you to go from sedentary to sustained activity every single day for an hour or two. It doesn't say impossible, but there is almost no room for slipping up.

I think we knew what you meant. No harm. You are spot on with your calorie math there though.
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January 11th, 2012 at 1:52:34 AM permalink
Quote: pacomartin

I was very happy at the time. It made it very easy. I ate a lot of vegetables, sometimes a whole pot of broccoli, but mostly I was happy and I didn't need the food to feel good. It sounds kind of dumb, but I didn't do any diet.

At one time I did go on Weight Watchers after my divorce, but that was 20 years ago. That worked as well, but I had a good female friend that helped me there as well. So I think I was happy at that time as well. At that point I did weigh 166.

No, it doesn't sound dumb-sounds exactly on point. Most people eat to combat depression, etc., to offset bad feelings with good. I personally have just lost about 25 lbs in 6 weeks or so. The big secret? Quit the damn artificial sweeteners!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They are terrible for you, and I had to find this out from my chiropractor. The medical community is completely hush about how bad they are for you. Artificial sweeteners have a triple affect on the brain that regular sugar does as far as stimulation. Your body kicks into high gear, but only temporarily - where's the beef, where's the sugar - hey, you fooled us with that artificial sweetener, so get your butt in gear and pack in a whole bunch of carbs cause we're racing here and need fuel. Thus, the carb cravings that people have and can't control. That carb binge is what messes you up. Even regular sugar is preferable to artificials. The natural sugars - agave the best - but honey is nearly as good, will help on calorie intake, and a big portion of their carbs are non-digestible. Not sure where I saw the table, but agave had a diabetes rating factor of about 31 compared to 65 or so for sugar. What one finds out is that there is a much healthier way to eat that no one seems to care about. I'll ask my same question again: do you think the medical community, drug companies, mental health treatment entities really would welcome a cure for depression, obessity, generally poor health? FUCK no, that's what puts the filet minon on the table! Correct?
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January 11th, 2012 at 2:12:55 AM permalink
Quote: dm

I'll ask my same question again: do you think the medical community, drug companies, mental health treatment entities really would welcome a cure for depression, obessity, generally poor health?

Yes........ Next question?
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January 11th, 2012 at 2:23:57 AM permalink
Quote: JohnnyQ

Maybe the "line" is set too high.

What would be the odds to get an even # of gamblers
on both sides ? Maybe 3 to 1 ?

Most people have said I have set the line far too low. I forget who, but someone here suggested 50 -1, but of course wouldn't put his money where his mouth is. My friends in the medical community think she has a few percent chance of success, if you define success as the entire 90 pound loss. Others have posted about their successess, and they have been successes, but none approached the 90lbs in 9 months mark.
As far as quitting artificial sweeteners as dm has suggested, I don't think that point is relevant IF you are on a defined calorie diet. If you are saying using the artificial sweeteners causes you to eat more high calorie foods, then perhaps non dieters who just use the artificial sweeteners will gain weight.
Someone once suggested to me that if you just eliminate all calories from any liquid intake (no juice, sugared soda, alcohol, milk shakes) that pounds start falling off. When I hit a weight i was unhappy with, I switched from sugared sodas to club soda, and lost the desired amount pretty quickly. I made no other lifestyle or dietary changes.
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January 11th, 2012 at 2:39:41 AM permalink
Quote: EvenBob

All this talk is fine, but unless another 5-6
people sign on, this bet is never gonna
happen. Right now the chance of it happening
at all is about 20%..

You may be correct, Bob. But I think HB is 'all in' already, and will take the bet regardless of if we can amass the 9000 in bets against her. HB has told me she may have one $900 investor amongst her friends, and if she confirms it I will report that to the forum. So how about you, EvenBob, putting up $450 to win $50? Thats less than a dime per post from you.....
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January 11th, 2012 at 4:55:08 AM permalink

Yes........ Next question?

Next question: where has your sanity gone? It seems to have disappeared.
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January 11th, 2012 at 7:36:29 AM permalink
Earlier I said the odds should be 50-1 minimum. Upon further review, I'd estimate 100-1 would be more realistic. Laying 9-1 looks too easy. Very little chance someone weighing 250 immediately has the pride or discipline to return to a normal weight in such a short period of time. People that weigh 250 get that way due to lack of pride, laziness, and little or no discipline. People do not change what they are just because the calendar changes from Dec 31 to Jan 1. Reason why I will not take the bet, you ask? Here's why:

1) This is a internet forum. I'm supposed to take a bet real dollars with someone I've never met? Are you nuts?

2) Sounds like a scam to me. How can this be verified? Maybe HB doesn't currently weigh 250? Maybe she already weighs 160. Maybe she has a twin sister, or a look-a-like that currently weighs 160?

3) How do we know HB isn't going to cheat via surgery, or liposuction? I'm supposed to take the word of a stranger 2,000 miles away? No thanks.

4) Most likely outcomes- people that take the bet will win and not be paid; or people that take the bet will be scammed and lose $900.

Remember people, the human race is divided into two groups- the suckers and the sharps.

Sorry to be so harsh- it's just my honest opinion.
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January 11th, 2012 at 9:10:23 AM permalink
"In my own case, when it seemed to me after a long illness that death was close at hand, I found no little solace in playing constantly at dice." -- Girolamo Cardano, 1563
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January 11th, 2012 at 9:29:31 AM permalink
Well HB's been a relatively honest member of this forum for quite some time. I'm sure that if all of the forums were in a room together, she'd have no problem securing the bet. Absolutely, there's a big risk that the beginning weight and progress over time would need to be verified, as well as the fact that she doesn't have a twin sister.

The verification step should be well monitored by other non-biased members of this forum. In any case, the people on this forum (generally) are not idiots, and if they are taking the bet, they will cover themselves or will rely on HB's honor to honor the bet.
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January 11th, 2012 at 9:45:44 AM permalink
Quote: MakingBook

Earlier I said the odds should be 50-1 minimum. Upon further review, I'd estimate 100-1 would be more realistic. Laying 9-1 looks too easy.

Perhaps, but I'd never consider the bet at 100:1.
Consider that at 9:1, if you believe the true odds to be 100:1, the EV of this bet is still only +0.1 or 10% advantage.
I estimate the true odds to be closer to 20:1, and that's a 5% advantage.
This has to be weighed against 1) long time to resolve the bet, 2) indeed, lower bettor confidence than in a more official setting.

Quote: MakingBook

1) This is a internet forum. I'm supposed to take a bet real dollars with someone I've never met? Are you nuts?

A number of people on this forum have met personally. Generally, many are brought together by visiting or living in Vegas, providing the perfect opportunity for a meeting. HB lives in Mexifornia, just across the state line, and presumably will visit LV in the future as well.
So you aren't supposed to, but for some members it would not be an issue at all.
If anything the risk of bettors not paying up is higher, because they are less involved in this.
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January 11th, 2012 at 10:45:10 AM permalink
You know thinking about it I know several people who walk 4 miles a day for exercise. They are all skinny as a rail.
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January 11th, 2012 at 12:06:47 PM permalink
Just quickly I want to say that when SOOPOO and I first discussed this I did mention that I assumed people would want some sort of proof that I currently weigh what I do and he kept telling me no, don't worry about it, no one's gonna ask. I am totally ok giving more proof. As I had suggested to SOOPOO I can take a picture of myself on the scale with a newspaper. But even better yet I will take a video of myself in my bathing suit so you can see that I will have no extra weight or anything hidden on me and I will videotape myself getting on the scale and show you the number. I can add a newspaper in there, I can walk over and videotape this blog on it to show you that it is indeed today's date. I will identify the birthmarks and moles on my body so that when I weigh in on Oct 17th you can reverify these things, I'm 100% ok with ALL of this. I would want to do this to verify that I am being fair but would feel pretty silly doing it if no one wants to put up any money after that. But if requested I am 100% ok doing that and can do it as early as today. I will even invite EuropeanHottie over to have her in the video and have her show you that I am not hiding anything under my swimsuit, she can do a body check for verification.

Say the word and I can do this and have it uploaded by the end of today on YouTube and I'll provide a link. But again I don't want to do this in vain. I will do it so that whoever requests will actually bet the money. I really, really want to hit $9,000 in bets against me.
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January 11th, 2012 at 12:09:25 PM permalink

So how about you, EvenBob, putting up $450 to win $50? Thats less than a dime per post from you.....

I 100% believe she can do it, why would I bet. I want
a piece of HER action, not yours.
"It's not called gambling if the math is on your side."
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January 11th, 2012 at 12:16:51 PM permalink
... and I also want to add that for those of you who would want to verify that I didn't have any surgery or anything I can videotape myself, again with proof of date such as a newspaper and video of the current blogs here, eating every day. I am not 100% schooled on this weightloss surgery thing but from what I think I understand about it people can't eat more than a very, very small amount of food. Since I'll be eating around 1400 calories a day I'm pretty sure that's more than what a surgery patient's stomach capacity can handle.

And please tell your friends about this too. I only have 3.5 investors now and still need 6.5 more. I'm ready to send out a press release to get to my $9,000 goal!
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January 11th, 2012 at 12:53:32 PM permalink
Quote: MakingBook

Earlier I said the odds should be 50-1 minimum. Upon further review, I'd estimate 100-1 would be more realistic. Laying 9-1 looks too easy. Very little chance someone weighing 250 immediately has the pride or discipline to return to a normal weight in such a short period of time. People that weigh 250 get that way due to lack of pride, laziness, and little or no discipline. People do not change what they are just because the calendar changes from Dec 31 to Jan 1. Reason why I will not take the bet, you ask? Here's why:

1) This is a internet forum. I'm supposed to take a bet real dollars with someone I've never met? Are you nuts?

2) Sounds like a scam to me. How can this be verified? Maybe HB doesn't currently weigh 250? Maybe she already weighs 160. Maybe she has a twin sister, or a look-a-like that currently weighs 160?

3) How do we know HB isn't going to cheat via surgery, or liposuction? I'm supposed to take the word of a stranger 2,000 miles away? No thanks.

4) Most likely outcomes- people that take the bet will win and not be paid; or people that take the bet will be scammed and lose $900.

Remember people, the human race is divided into two groups- the suckers and the sharps.

Sorry to be so harsh- it's just my honest opinion.

I will mail you $100 and trust YOU to send it back to me if she makes the number. The Wizard can verify HB's existence, and other forum members can vouch for her general size if not exact weight. It is certainly a theoretical possibility that anyone will cheat, I will take her at her word that she will not have surgery or use diuretics. She will present herself in Las Vegas for an official weigh in to conclude the bet. The summary is that you, making book, are just plain chicken to put your money where your mouth is. So... if you want me to mail you the $100 to get you in, think about that I am trusting YOU... on this anonymous internet forum.
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January 11th, 2012 at 1:35:38 PM permalink
Quote: P90

I'm almost tempted to take this bet, because there is so little chance of losing. I do believe HB will lose weight; however 250->160 in less than a year without a lifestyle change is a very difficult goal.
And if $1,200 plus not being fat isn't enough to motivate one, but $9,000 is, it suggests the value one places on not being fat is very low, considering it's a couple extra years of healthy life at least.

On the other hand, I hate the idea of rooting for someone's misery. Not absolute on that, I can do death pools, but it has to be someone on the level of Gaddafi or Obama for such a bet not to be immoral, and I have no reason to wish any bad on HB.

HB wants to give you the $100 you are so sure of winning... she will LIKE you if you bet against her.... come on.... put up the $900 you know you wont lose....
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January 11th, 2012 at 2:17:29 PM permalink
About to hit the gym...

...before I do I want to know from those who are putting in money what they think about this. I plan on actually hitting my goal weight by Sept 17th, a month early. If I do are we allowed to call that the end of the bet then? I'll still be coming out in October though just for fun.
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January 11th, 2012 at 2:50:38 PM permalink
Quote: HotBlonde

About to hit the gym...

...before I do I want to know from those who are putting in money what they think about this. I plan on actually hitting my goal weight by Sept 17th, a month early. If I do are we allowed to call that the end of the bet then? I'll still be coming out in October though just for fun.

Please, HB, lets keep it as it is... The bet is over on October 17, no sooner, no later. There will be an official weigh in on that day in Vegas.
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January 11th, 2012 at 3:09:38 PM permalink

I will mail you $100 and trust YOU to send it back to me if she makes the number. The Wizard can verify HB's existence, and other forum members can vouch for her general size if not exact weight.

I'm willing to hold the money in escrow, if that helps. If we get close the 9K, but need more investors, I'm willing to double my bet to $1,800 to win $200. Yes, I can vouch that HB exists and looks like she did in the pictures.
"For with much wisdom comes much sorrow." -- Ecclesiastes 1:18 (NIV)
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January 11th, 2012 at 3:31:40 PM permalink
Quote: Wizard

I'm willing to hold the money in escrow, if that helps. If we get close the 9K, but need more investors, I'm willing to double my bet to $2,000 to win $200. Yes, I can vouch that HB exists and looks like she did in the pictures.

Thank you, Wiz-
Up to date summary-
Wiz- $1800 to win $200
SOOPOO $1350 to win $150
Switch $900 to win $100
Golfbuddy $450 to win $50

I increased mine from 900 to 1350 as I will still be able to root against myself at that level.

Edited to reflect Wiz correction.
Total now half way to 9000.
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January 11th, 2012 at 3:41:35 PM permalink
Quote: JohnnyQ

Maybe the "line" is set too high.

What would be the odds to get an even # of gamblers
on both sides ? Maybe 3 to 1 ?

It is too high for me to consider. -300 is where I might look at it. -250 is even more fair IMHO.

FWIW, I'd say anyone should trust Wiz as escrow and judge.
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January 11th, 2012 at 3:42:48 PM permalink
The Wiz said 'if we get close to the 9K', how
is $3600 close to 9K? I'm just sayin...
"It's not called gambling if the math is on your side."
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January 11th, 2012 at 4:11:45 PM permalink
I meant $1,800 to win $200, my mistake. I forgot the line. It's fine to leave me up for $1,800.
"For with much wisdom comes much sorrow." -- Ecclesiastes 1:18 (NIV)
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January 11th, 2012 at 4:35:52 PM permalink
Just got back from the gym. I burned 731.9 calories. Yeah, baby!

Also, for the person who mentioned selling my car, I don't have a car and am riding my bike to and from the gym every day.
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January 11th, 2012 at 4:45:57 PM permalink
And now dinnertime. Yummy wild caught salmon made with my trusty George Foreman Healthy Cooking Griller.

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January 11th, 2012 at 5:40:17 PM permalink
HB, as I'm betting against you,may I suggest following up with a lovely chocolate bomb pudding?

I can give you the recipe if you like :-)

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January 11th, 2012 at 5:41:19 PM permalink
Quote: Switch

HB, as I'm betting against you,may I suggest following up with a lovely chocolate bomb pudding?

I can give you the recipe if you like :-)


Haha, I am going to miss my Joe Peep's pizza. The BEST pizza ever!!!!

No thanks on the pudding, but I do love chocolate.
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January 11th, 2012 at 5:46:20 PM permalink
Quote: HotBlonde

Quote: Switch

HB, as I'm betting against you,may I suggest following up with a lovely chocolate bomb pudding?

I can give you the recipe if you like :-)


Haha, I am going to miss my Joe Peep's pizza. The BEST pizza ever!!!!

No thanks on the pudding, but I do love chocolate.

Well 'Good Luck' with it all. I might have to send you a box of Cadbury's Flake if all else fails :-) - best chocolate ever!
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January 11th, 2012 at 5:52:20 PM permalink
Quote: Switch

Well 'Good Luck' with it all. I might have to send you a box of Cadbury's Flake if all else fails :-) - best chocolate ever!

Is it just me or was this the plot of "Easy Money?"
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January 11th, 2012 at 6:01:53 PM permalink
Quote: Switch

Well 'Good Luck' with it all. I might have to send you a box of Cadbury's Flake if all else fails :-) - best chocolate ever!

Haha, you can bring it with you to my weigh-in.

By the way, who's planning on coming to the weigh-in?
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January 11th, 2012 at 6:09:45 PM permalink
Quote: HotBlonde

Haha, you can bring it with you to my weigh-in.

By the way, who's planning on coming to the weigh-in?

I'm over in November for the exhibition anyway so October 17th may be too early but it's possible.
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January 11th, 2012 at 7:02:21 PM permalink
Quote: Switch

I'm over in November for the exhibition anyway so October 17th may be too early but it's possible.

If you're not there be ready to wire me my winnings!! :-D
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January 11th, 2012 at 7:04:47 PM permalink
Quote: Switch

I'm over in November for the exhibition anyway so October 17th may be too early but it's possible.

If you mean G2E, check the dates. It's Oct 1-4 this year...
"In my own case, when it seemed to me after a long illness that death was close at hand, I found no little solace in playing constantly at dice." -- Girolamo Cardano, 1563
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