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January 9th, 2012 at 2:07:20 PM permalink
How to start.... HB and I butted internet heads about weight loss, me saying it can be done if it is a priority, it being as simple (but not easy) as burning more calories than you take in. HB has told me that she is ready to make the grand effort, and she truly believes that she can lose 10 pounds per month. She stated that she can get from her current weight of 250.8 lbs to 160.8 lbs by October 17, by combining a strict diet and workout regimen. She believes that a monetary incentive would push her to her goal. I originally offerred to bet her $1199 (no IRS form) against her, with no real payment from her to me if she would fail. HB scoffed at my low amount, and suggested that $9000 would be enough to motivate her. She said she would put up $1000, which I told her I could not take. However, she was insistent and I came up with this idea which I will open up to forum members---- The first 10 members who put up $900 will either pay HB that $900 on October 17, or HB will pay each member $100 if she fails. The only stipulations are that she can not have any weight loss surgery nor use any diuretics. So, as any member is essentially laying 9 - 1 against HB, are any of you interested in betting against her? The Wiz and I are the first 2 'investors', and the next 8 that are serious will let me know via this thread. Regardless of the bet, I will be rooting very hard for HB to win this challenge. If I win my $100 will be donated to charity.
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January 9th, 2012 at 2:32:46 PM permalink


Wow! This is for real now! I was mostly excited but now I'm kinda nervous. I'm planning on kicking some ass! Haha.



(even though technically these last 2 pics are my waaaay before pics, I consider these my "after" pics cuz that's when I was right around 160-ish, so this should be similar to what I plan on looking like again)
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January 9th, 2012 at 2:33:05 PM permalink
Posting a woman's weight? May I take SOOPOO's slot when he is murdered by HB? ;)
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January 9th, 2012 at 2:35:34 PM permalink
It sounds like she is not too confident about winning the wager. Putting you money where your mouth is - but at 1-9 - sounds pretty weak to me. I'd put even money (up to $500) against her's or anyone else's that she doesn't make it. She wants to lose weight? Ok, go ahead and lose weight but I'm not dumb enough to pay you 9-1 to do it. She scoffed at a free $1,199? She needs $9,000 to "motivate" her? Weak.
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January 9th, 2012 at 2:50:50 PM permalink
Face- I certainly got HB's permission before making this post... TheNightfly.... the betting line is 9 to 1..... If you aren't interested then step aside.... The Wiz and I still think that against HB is a good bet...
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January 9th, 2012 at 3:13:49 PM permalink
I'll give you a better deal than any about either lose the weight or have a massive fucking heartattack by 50, have to get rushed to ER, have your ass paddled to get your heartbeat back, then look forward to a double, triple, or quadruple bypass...
Sound appealing enough? Unless your 6', 250lbs for a woman is a fucking walking deathtrap.
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January 9th, 2012 at 3:21:10 PM permalink
Tim- I counseled HB on that issue in a more friendly manner.... But your point is valid.... So do you think she can do it? And are you willing to bet against her?
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January 9th, 2012 at 3:21:33 PM permalink
Please inform HotBlonde that sex burns alot of calories and that therefore the men of the forum will be ever so happy to contribute to her weight loss campaign. Or else set it up as a target date by which she has to have lost the weight or else she has to start sending airline tickets... with the first one going to Jerry Logan! Now that is an incentive program for sure!
Or perhaps we should just chip in and buy her an unbuttered pop corn device?
Or perhaps she gives us a running total ... and we chip in with some sort of Baccarat or Roulette fund for one of those "All on Seven Red" type bets.
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January 9th, 2012 at 3:24:57 PM permalink

I'll give you a better deal than any about either lose the weight or have a massive fucking heartattack by 50, have to get rushed to ER, have your ass paddled to get your heartbeat back, then look forward to a double, triple, or quadruple bypass...
Sound appealing enough? Unless your 6', 250lbs for a woman is a fucking walking deathtrap.

While there is a lot of truth in that -- please tone down the wording. We are supposed to behave like gentlemen on this board, especially when addressing women. I think an apology to HB would be appropriate for the language.
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January 9th, 2012 at 3:33:17 PM permalink

Face- I certainly got HB's permission before making this post... TheNightfly.... the betting line is 9 to 1..... If you aren't interested then step aside.... The Wiz and I still think that against HB is a good bet...

You know, for a physician you certainly take on some really bizarre challenges... :)

10 pounds a month is tough. Paradoxically the first month or two are easy, and you may easily surpass 10 pounds in those months. Later it becomes harder. Just something to keep in ind, and whether the bet will include terms like an average of 10 lbs per month, or a minimmum of 10 lbs per month.

BTW my current goal is to lose an average of 2 kilos per month for the next 4 months (long story). That's not easy. Two kilos are about 4.4 lbs, according to a gadget in my non-smart phone. 10 lbs comes to 4.53 kilos.

The real challenge isn't to lose weight, but not to gain it back afterwards <sigh>
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January 9th, 2012 at 3:43:04 PM permalink
The Big D diet. I'm losing half a pound a day. Losing half of everything else, too, but I digress...

HB, can you skate? If not, learn. It's wicked fun and a hell of a workout. Using the biggest muscles in your bod will help shed those pounds, and you'll create yourself quite the backside. Ass and legs, who doesn't like those? Outdoors, fresh air, watching the scenery go by, the rythmic click-clack...way better than a blasted eliptical staring at bland walls and ads for creatine.

Good luck!
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January 9th, 2012 at 3:46:56 PM permalink

Unless your 6', 250lbs for a woman is a fucking walking deathtrap.

What utter baloney. If you have a bad heart to
begin with, probably. If you don't, at 50 the
extra weight won't make that much difference.
They've done study after study and are finding
its far more about your genetics than anything
else. I have a sister in law who's skinny as a rail
at 50 and is the most sickly person I know. My brothers
best friend from HS dropped dead in his back
yard at 51 from a heart attack and there wasn't an extra
pound on him. I have a friend who's 76 and weighs
330 and trots up and down the stairs in his house. So don't
be pronouncing people DOA just because you
have an obvious ignorance of the facts.
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January 9th, 2012 at 4:06:03 PM permalink
Hey, good luck. I've been heavier than I've wanted
for some number of years.

It is certainly easier said than done to lose weight
and keep it off. I'll be happy if I can start with the
first one though !

Once upon a time, I guess when I had more time
on my hands, I did a lot more jogging and
bicycling. Ironic that I'm sitting here typing
on the net when I say I don't have time to
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January 9th, 2012 at 4:08:37 PM permalink
Quote: Nareed

...and whether the bet will include terms like an average of 10 lbs per month, or a minimmum of 10 lbs per month.

The bet is just simply for me to weigh 160.8 or less on October 17th of this year. If I'm 160.8 or less I win, if I'm more than that my opposers win.

Quote: Nareed

The real challenge isn't to lose weight, but not to gain it back afterwards <sigh>

Very true. But let me tell you after my weigh in I don't want to hear a WORD from anyone about what I put in my mouth that day or after. If I'm busting my ass for over 9 months I don't give a care what anyone says about what I eat after that.

Quote: pacomartin

I hate to say so, but you had better be down to 200 lbs by 1 April. Those last 40 pounds are going to be very difficult.

According to my calculations I shouldn't weigh more than 214 by April 1st. I'm going to be in Vegas for a short visit mid-April and shouldn't weigh more than 209 by then.

Quote: Face

HB, can you skate? Good luck!

I own a pair of roller blades that I haven't used in probably 10 years and I own a pair of hockey skates. I used to be a real hockey fanatic. Ha, actually, back in my Super Hot Blonde days I took a trip to Vegas all by myself. I had checked out of my hotel and went to play and have lunch at The Hard Rock Casino before I left. Since I was alone I ate at the counter and some guy came up to me and told me he was here for some hockey thing and did I want to come hang out at the pool with him and his buddies. I said sure and he gave me a wristband. Little did I know that these were pro-NHL players and they were there for a celebrity/pro-NHL hockey game! I was in utter bliss!! Cuba Gooding, Jr. was there and hanging out, Alan Thicke, I think I saw Joe Pesci but not sure, Chris Chelios was there, Reed Simpson, etc., etc., etc.. This black guy comes up to me and is all, "Hi, I'm A.C." I'm like, "Fucking duh! Anson Carter!!!" But I didn't say that out loud. I was in hockey heaven. Anyway we all ended up hanging out at Light at The Bellagio later that night and had tons of fun. Scott Melanby who was with the St. Louis Blues at the time was all flirting with me and wanted to take me downstairs to play blackjack and then back to his room. I said, "Aren't you married?" and he basically replied with, "Yeah, back home." I politely thanked him but told him no I wouldn't do that. I have a few pics from this event. I will post them once I scan them. Anyway, one of my best memories in my ENTIRE LIFE!!! God, I love Vegas!!

Oh, and thank you, Face, for the well wishes.
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January 9th, 2012 at 4:17:43 PM permalink
A great diet I saw over 20 years ago had this
guy who weighed 375 pounds lose it all by
staying strictly on the diet 6 days a week and
eating whatever he wanted on the 7th day.
And man would he eat. Cake and cookies and
ice cream and Big Mac's, you name it. He wrote
a book after he'd been doing it for 30 years
and he was very thin. It takes lots of discipline,
you have to live for that 7th day. He knew he
didn't have the willpower to give up what he
loved forever. He first lost 25 pounds, then
started the 7th day diet and he eventually lost
all the weight.
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January 9th, 2012 at 4:19:38 PM permalink
Quote: pacomartin

I hate to say so, but you had better be down to 200 lbs by 1 April. Those last 40 pounds are going to be very difficult.

I agree Paco- I believe she can get to 200 or so, perhaps... but then it gets much harder.... excuses start cropping up... a birthday party.... a date..... a sore back.... a cold..... But I hope she proves me wrong... So no forum members willing to buy a share.....??? You guys don't think the 'no' is a good bet?
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January 9th, 2012 at 4:23:05 PM permalink
Quote: EvenBob

What utter baloney. If you have a bad heart to
begin with, probably. If you don't, at 50 the
extra weight won't make that much difference.
They've done study after study and are finding
its far more about your genetics than anything
else. I have a sister in law who's skinny as a rail
at 50 and is the most sickly person I know. My brothers
best friend from HS dropped dead in his back
yard at 51 from a heart attack and there wasn't an extra
pound on him. I have a friend who's 76 and weighs
330 and trots up and down the stairs in his house. So don't
be pronouncing people DOA just because you
have an obvious ignorance of the facts.

Of course, Bob, not all obese people will die early of complications of their disease.... But obesity is a HUGE risk factor for many preventable conditions... You mentioning ONE obese person who lived a long life, and ONE thin person who didn't, is , well, classic EvenBob....
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January 9th, 2012 at 4:23:41 PM permalink

You guys don't think the 'no' is a good bet?

I think she can do it, losing weight is not that
hard. Its keeping it off that takes a miracle.
I know dozens of people that lost a good deal
of weight and all of them put it back on. Most
people can stay motivated for 6 or 8 months,
anything longer than that is tough.
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January 9th, 2012 at 4:28:01 PM permalink

Of course, Bob, not all obese people will die early of complications of their disease.... But obesity is a HUGE risk factor for many preventable conditions....

But he didn't say that, did he. He said you'll
drop dead at 50. The problem with obesity
is people DON'T drop dead at 50, they get
diabetes and a myriad of other things and
linger and linger, putting a huge strain on
the health care system. If obese people all
had fatal heart attacks at 50, who'd be
complaining. Social security would love it,
the health insurance companies would love it,
but thats not the case.
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January 9th, 2012 at 4:28:58 PM permalink
Quote: HotBlonde

The bet is just simply for me to weigh 160.8 or less on October 17th of this year.

Good. We've seen how contentious friendly bets can get.


Very true. But let me tell you after my weigh in I don't want to hear a WORD from anyone about what I put in my mouth that day or after.

You're a responsible adult. What you eat is no one's business but your own.

If you want low fat recipes, look up the recipe thread. Just about all I cook is low fat and low cal.

Anyway, good luck. If you want to rant about your diet and exercise, please do. It helps.
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January 9th, 2012 at 4:39:48 PM permalink
Quote: JohnnyQ

Hey, good luck.


And I just booked my room. I'll be staying at The Mirage and checking in October 17th. I'll be bringing my scale with me.

Quote: Nareed

If you want to rant about your diet and exercise, please do. It helps.

I thought about it, but I don't want people to see how successful I'll be becoming in regards to my weightloss so it would actually work against me... I still need 8 more people to jump in and bet against me!
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January 9th, 2012 at 5:06:07 PM permalink
Quote: HotBlonde

... I still need 8 more people to jump in and bet against me!

'Good Luck' HB - I'll jump in if it helps.
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January 9th, 2012 at 5:07:59 PM permalink
Quote: Switch

'Good Luck' HB - I'll jump in if it helps.

I'm taking this to mean that Switch is the 3rd 'investor'. Thanks, Switch...
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January 9th, 2012 at 5:08:28 PM permalink
To everyone who doubts she can do it -- put your money where your mouth is and agree to be part of the bet.
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January 9th, 2012 at 5:20:40 PM permalink
EvenBob mentioned it- It worked for me.

I diet 6 days per week- then Saturday is cheat day. On Saturday, I eat whatever I want, as much as I want, all day long. 100% guilt-free! It works! I started at 196lbs- down to 159lbs in 6 months.

The reason diets fail is people cannot stick with them. You must schedule pig-out days, then resume dieting. Worked for me.

Good Luck!
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January 9th, 2012 at 5:22:02 PM permalink
Quote: HotBlonde

I thought about it, but I don't want people to see how successful I'll be becoming in regards to my weightloss so it would actually work against me... I still need 8 more people to jump in and bet against me!

So PM me about it if it helps. I won't be betting against you anyway :)
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January 9th, 2012 at 5:24:14 PM permalink
Quote: Wizard

To everyone who doubts she can do it -- put your money where your mouth is and agree to be part of the bet.

If we want to be on the "Passline", is 9-1 available if we take HB's side?
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January 9th, 2012 at 5:25:35 PM permalink
From a bookmaking perspective, I think the odds of success should be 50-1 minimum. Personally, I don't think HB can do it. Hope I'm proven wrong.

Like Rocky said to Clubber Lang "Go for it."
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January 9th, 2012 at 5:37:52 PM permalink
Quote: MakingBook

From a bookmaking perspective, I think the odds of success should be 50-1 minimum. Personally, I don't think HB can do it. Hope I'm proven wrong.

Like Rocky said to Clubber Lang "Go for it."

Since you think the fair odds should be 50-1 minimum, and all I'm asking for is 9-1 this is obviously a great bet for you. Let's see you put your money where your mouth is.
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January 9th, 2012 at 5:47:32 PM permalink
So we are saying:

HB doesn't make it: -900
HB makes it: +900

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January 9th, 2012 at 5:52:26 PM permalink
Quote: AZDuffman

So we are saying:

HB doesn't make it: -900
HB makes if: +900


No, if I win you pay me $900, if you win I pay you $100
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January 9th, 2012 at 6:00:12 PM permalink

How to start.... HB and I butted internet heads about weight loss, me saying it can be done if it is a priority, it being as simple (but not easy) as burning more calories than you take in. HB has told me that she is ready to make the grand effort, and she truly believes that she can lose 10 pounds per month. She stated that she can get from her current weight of 250.8 lbs to 160.8 lbs by October 17, by combining a strict diet and workout regimen. She believes that a monetary incentive would push her to her goal. I originally offerred to bet her $1199 (no IRS form) against her, with no real payment from her to me if she would fail. HB scoffed at my low amount, and suggested that $9000 would be enough to motivate her. She said she would put up $1000, which I told her I could not take. However, she was insistent and I came up with this idea which I will open up to forum members---- The first 10 members who put up $900 will either pay HB that $900 on October 17, or HB will pay each member $100 if she fails. The only stipulations are that she can not have any weight loss surgery nor use any diuretics. So, as any member is essentially laying 9 - 1 against HB, are any of you interested in betting against her? The Wiz and I are the first 2 'investors', and the next 8 that are serious will let me know via this thread. Regardless of the bet, I will be rooting very hard for HB to win this challenge. If I win my $100 will be donated to charity.

Is the target weight loss in the specified time "safe"? I would hate to book the action, only to have something bad happen to HB due to the pressure to meet what was actually an unreasonable goal. When I come across these "P90X", "Insanity" or "KarateKickBoxingWhatever" informercials, the disclaimer is always, "consult your physician before starting any weightloss regiment" Has HB's strategy been cleared?
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January 9th, 2012 at 6:39:11 PM permalink
Quote: pacomartin

They talk about losing the first 10 pounds in five weeks. Not losing 10 pounds every 4 weeks for 9 straight cycles.

2 1/2 pounds a week is dangerous? Get real, they
lose way more than that on that TV show.
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January 9th, 2012 at 6:57:05 PM permalink
Thermodynamically, I believe the relationship is
3500 calories = 1 lb.

So, if you can cut back on your current maintenance
food intake by 500 cal per day, you will lose 1 lb
per week.
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January 9th, 2012 at 9:17:17 PM permalink
Quote: EvenBob

2 1/2 pounds a week is dangerous? Get real, they
lose way more than that on that TV show.

Over 9 months? I have no idea what they do on that TV show. I never watch it.

I do know that you shouldn't expect to sustain a weight loss of over 2lb a week for the medium term, from everything I've read on sustainable, life changing diets. After all. Not least as if combined with a physical programme your physical shape will start to change (for the better) which will slow down pure weight loss, and if it's from very limited calorie diet, then it's not sustainable.

I wish HotBlonde good luck with her comit to get fit, and hope she ends up where she wants to be 9 months.

I won't be taking the bet : I'm not into booking bets that large with unknown people, regardless if the value I perceive. I'm with pacomartin on how achievable the target actually is.

I suspect HB will be zooming down the weights past me quickly though.
"Then you can admire the real gambler, who has neither eaten, slept, thought nor lived, he has so smarted under the scourge of his martingale, so suffered on the rack of his desire for a coup at trente-et-quarante" - Honore de Balzac, 1829
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January 9th, 2012 at 11:08:43 PM permalink
You don't need some emergency diet for these pounds, you need an entire lifestyle change. If you're the kinda person who got fat then you're probably not gonna just lose it like that. Sorry to be blunt, but exercise and good diet are a choice, just like TV and Häagen-Dazs are a choice. After a few years, you're that person to the rest of us and attract that kind of friends and jobs etc. Fat is like being poor, the longer you choose it, the longer you own it. How bad do you want to NOT be that person?

Good luck though HotBlonde. It'll be work. But I know we're all pulling for you....for your body to match your sweet face. For you to BE a HotBlonde again. Go!
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January 9th, 2012 at 11:29:49 PM permalink
Quote: zippyboy

Good luck though HotBlonde. It'll be work. But I know we're all pulling for you....for your body to match your sweet face. For you to BE a HotBlonde again. Go!

Thanks for the compliment. My goal is to be SuperHotBlonde but I AM a HotBlonde now. You don't have to agree with that but being heavy-set doesn't mean I've lost all my hotness.
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January 9th, 2012 at 11:39:35 PM permalink
While I've never been in a position to need weight loss, have to agree with the part about lifestyle. I once started gaining sort of a "managerial" look, not much extra weight, but the thought of that being the first stepping stone to getting fat scares the hell out of me. [I know some people consider it possible to be both hot and fat at once, I don't.] Attempts at dieting (that were impossible to maintain without alerting others to it, which I didn't want to do) and extra gym time didn't seem to reverse it, but at least I made sure it didn't progress, and eventually comfortably settled at looking somewhat more office-like.

Sometime later: After just two months in Asia, out of curiosity I stepped on one of those public scales they have. And, at that, discovered that my weight dropped to below what I calculated as the norm for my height and build. Thought the scale was off (I knew I had lost some, didn't think it was much), confirmed it later. Nothing impressive in terms of numbers, but it's the last pounds near normal weight that are supposed to be the hardest. And I didn't do anything to that end, no intentional dieting, no dedicated exercise, just came with the new life.
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January 10th, 2012 at 2:29:02 AM permalink
>being heavy-set ...
Well, let's be frank. I guess "heavy-set" is a good term to use. The question arises is this your natural physique, if so, why diet? Or is this the result of not quite having known how many calories were in champagne, tequilas, truffles and caviar?
If its a matter of over indulgence, then dieting and exercise monitoring should be fairly effective and fairly easy. A swimming pool or a treadmill or taking a dog for a walk can get your weight down. Parking a few rows more distant from your destination can be a great trick to play on yourself. Hikes in the woods, etc. Anything that gets you sustained activity rather than brief spurts of a work out or something.

As for dieting:
Reverse Lifestyle: Eat like a King at breakfast, a Prince at lunch and a pauper at dinner.
Pre-meal: glass of water prior to a meal or a plate of soup as a first course. (Usually results in 20 percent fewer calories).
Or do the usual low density food items. Pop corn w/o butter really will fill you up. Women often have a small plastic container of lettuce or stuff for lunch with a smaller vial of salad dressing of some sort to avoid the high calorie and high dollar lunch menus.

Its not hard ... just takes a little time.
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January 10th, 2012 at 2:53:16 AM permalink
Quote: FleaStiff

Well, let's be frank. I guess "heavy-set" is a good term to use. The question arises is this your natural physique, if so, why diet?

There is a natural physique of being narrower or wider, shorter or taller. However there is no natural physique of being fat.

Frame size should not be used as an euphemism for obesity; it can be objectively measured. The usual measurement is based on wrist circumference. If your frame calls for a normal weight of e.g. 16 stones, you'll grow that way from childhood and look half-dead at weight of 10 stones. If you've ever been thin without being anorexic-ugly, you can know it's not normal for you to be heavier than others. Visually a person with a wide frame and one with a narrower frame and obesity, but with same weight and height, look completely dissimilar.
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January 10th, 2012 at 4:39:16 AM permalink
Quote: Ayecarumba

If we want to be on the "Passline", is 9-1 available if we take HB's side?

No- at least for now. HB gets to 'book' the first 9k worth of bets. If there are more than 10 'investors' then we can open it up to others.
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January 10th, 2012 at 4:45:51 AM permalink
Quote: thecesspit

I won't be taking the bet : I'm not into booking bets that large with unknown people, regardless if the value I perceive.

If you are using the 'I am not sure I'll be paid if I win' reason for not betting, I will act as a guarantor for your $100 if HB doesn't pay. If you want, I will send you the $100 today. You can keep it if she fails, and SHE will be trusting YOU to send her the $1000($900 plus the $100).... You let me know.....
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January 10th, 2012 at 5:10:48 AM permalink
I'm almost tempted to take this bet, because there is so little chance of losing. I do believe HB will lose weight; however 250->160 in less than a year without a lifestyle change is a very difficult goal.
And if $1,200 plus not being fat isn't enough to motivate one, but $9,000 is, it suggests the value one places on not being fat is very low, considering it's a couple extra years of healthy life at least.

On the other hand, I hate the idea of rooting for someone's misery. Not absolute on that, I can do death pools, but it has to be someone on the level of Gaddafi or Obama for such a bet not to be immoral, and I have no reason to wish any bad on HB.
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January 10th, 2012 at 5:17:52 AM permalink
i agree with those who said the key to losing weight, especially so much so quickly, would require a lifestyle change. and that would be the biggest challenge when habits have to change. with a goal this high, besides diet, exercise to burn lots of calories is also going to be needed. depending on what type of exercise you choose you are probably going to have to put in lots of time, so if you can find something you enjoy that would help you to stick with it. whatever type of exercise you like to do adding some weight resistance would help greatly to complement the aerobic exercise that you choose.

in any case, HB i wish you the best. although this may be a challenging goal, its a worthy one. good luck.

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January 10th, 2012 at 6:13:33 AM permalink
I'm a little concerned about the underlying message from posters of such a dramatic weight loss being detrimental to HB's health. I don't want to feel party to enticing a dangerous dare (if that is the case) - although I have offered to take the bet and will honor it if accepted.

Here's a suggestion that may encourage more posters as well as keep ongoing events interesting and be a possibly safer option:-

How about a form of bet spread ?

Since HB is at 250 and wishes to get to 160 then you could use the line:-

211 + - HB loses
200 - 210 Tie to both sides
199 - - HB wins

So, if HB finds it difficult and manages to get to 190lbs then she will win 10 points on the spread. That may be a more natural weight loss for her so no drastic actions have been needed and HB will look and feel better for it at the end (and also have a small financial gain). As long as HB gets below 200lbs (realistic) then she will win something.

The spread could be set to allow odds for HB (say 6/1) so that HB can only lose $100 but could potentially win up to $600 - the lower the spread levels then the higher the potential payoff. For example:-

186+ - HB loses $10 per point max' $100
175 - 185 - Tie
174 - - HB wins at $60 per point max' $600

The bet per point can either be set at, say $10 per point, or posters can pick their preferred price per point.

Similar to the stock market (and maybe more appealing to the gambling nature on this site) posters may be able to hedge their bets during the period in order to guarantee a return.

Just a thought.
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January 10th, 2012 at 8:12:21 AM permalink
I should mention I've declined to take this bet becasue I'm sure our esteemed HB can do it. As evidence I cite myself. I once lost about 50 lbs in five and a half months, which is close to what HB is shooting for. All it takes is a sensible diet and frequent exercise. If I could exercise 5 or 6 days a week, I'd be shooting for 10 lbs a month myself and trying to take a piece of the action ;)

It's not, if you'll pardon the metaphor, a piece of cake. But it's not an impossibility either.
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January 10th, 2012 at 8:25:59 AM permalink
Hi everyone. I'd like to give a more detailed reply to everyone's posts but I'm really limiting my extracurricular time since I really am 100% dedicated to hitting my Oct 17th goals. I need to make my breakfast and start my day so I'll keep this short.

I will briefly say that medically 1.5 - 2 lbs of weightloss per week is considered a healthy range. I plan on losing approx. 2.5 pounds a week. Technically that's outside of the clinical range but not that much further off so to me it's something I'm 100% comfortable with.

To put this in perspective people on The Biggest Loser tv show often lose an average of 10 pounds per week and even double that sometimes the first week or so. I've also been watching Extreme Makeover: Weightloss Edition on Hulu and these people have 1 year to get in shape and their trainer sets goals to lose 200+ pounds usually. Also those who get weightloss surgery usually lose a great amount of weight rather quickly.

For those who are concerned about my health, I appreciate that entirely, but rest assured I will be losing my 2.5 pounds or so per week eating a healthy diet and exercising. That is 100% how I am planning on losing the weight with a few added supplements (NO harsh medications or anything like that). It's basically going to be all discipline. No stomach stapling, no anorexia, no bulemia, no crazy stuff. It is true that it's not good to eat less than 1100-1200 calories per day and I don't ever plan on going below that, but will be eating 1300-1400 per day, at least to start. I can give you more details on my food plan but as I am crunched for time I will leave that for later. It is super healthy with fruits and vegetables and whole grains and healthy fats and etc. I really, truly in my heart believe that my goal is attainable and don't think it's out of reach. I believe that it is mind over matter and I am ready to take the challenge.

2 more things. For those of you who are hesitant to take the bet because in a sense you will be betting for my failure please know that to me that is such a great motivation (ironically). I know all if not most of you from a human standpoint would be rooting for my success. But please don't hesitate to bet against me thinking that it would be rude or unsportsmanlike or whatever because the more people that bet against me the more it is going to drive me to prove you all wrong. Secondly, for those of you who think it's crazy that I would pass up a $1200 prize and would rather have a chance at winning $9000 instead I don't know what to say. Call it greedy, call it what you want, but I can tell you I am purely WAY more motivated thinking I can win close to ten thousand dollars. Sure I could lose 90 pounds and more over time but to know that I have to do it within a strict period of time is not only going to severly help me in taking constant action but has made me really excited to think about the financial prize at the end. So, as of now, I don't think I'll settle for any sort of point thing (I don't know how all that works) but would rather shoot for the $9000 win or $1000 loss.

And do know that I always have fun when I gamble. If I weigh myself on Oct 17th and I've lost 85 pounds and not 90 or more I will literally happily pay out my money but do it with a HUGE smile on my face. If it means I have to pay out up to $1000 to lose 85 pounds that's fine with me. I'm not a sore loser.

Gotta run. (literally, lol)
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January 10th, 2012 at 8:30:01 AM permalink
I'm not going to take the bet, but I'm thinking that with money on the line, diet and exercise to lose 10 pounds a month should not be hard.

2 pounds a week can be done by shedding 500 calories a day from your diet (cut out snacks, soft drinks, fast food) and working out daily on a treadmill to burn 500 calories (about 40 minutes).

I'm been somewhat inspired both by the Wizard's 1/2 marathon and this thread. I could stand to lose 35 pounds, so I'm going to see if I can get down to 200 by summer. My exercise program will be training for a 10K run. Apparently, for men, walking a mile uses 88 calories while running uses 124. (74 and 105 for women).
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January 10th, 2012 at 8:33:14 AM permalink
Oh, and P.S. I forgot to say that I went at 9pm last night and joined a gym. I will start going today after my breakfast.
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January 10th, 2012 at 8:37:34 AM permalink
Dear HotBlonde - I am an adult onset diabetic and I would say get rid of the refined carbohydrates (no white food). Atkins will normalize your sugars and set your metabolism to burn fat for energy rather than storing excess carbohydrates as fat. (or in the case of a diabetic have a bunch of sugar floating around in your bloodstream)
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