Quote: EvenBobQuote: darkozQuote: tuttigymQuote: EvenBobQuote: gordonm888Betting systems may not be offered for sale anywhere on the site.
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I could never figure out if you have a method or system that wins far more than it loses why would you ever sell it if you can still play it. If you had a Goose that laid golden eggs why would you ever sell it. Thorp wrote his book about blackjack because he no longer wished to play it, so he sold it in the form of a book. I might eventually give my method away for free but I would never sell it.
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There is no need. You already outlined in detail how it "works" within this thread. The folks here are just too stubborn to absorb the info and run to the tables to give it a try.
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Every time I try EB's system I have a "feeling "...that it doesn't work!
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What system would that be, I only have a method. You are confused again..
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A rose by any other name is still a system
Quote: darkozQuote: EvenBobQuote: darkozQuote: tuttigymQuote: EvenBobQuote: gordonm888Betting systems may not be offered for sale anywhere on the site.
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I could never figure out if you have a method or system that wins far more than it loses why would you ever sell it if you can still play it. If you had a Goose that laid golden eggs why would you ever sell it. Thorp wrote his book about blackjack because he no longer wished to play it, so he sold it in the form of a book. I might eventually give my method away for free but I would never sell it.
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There is no need. You already outlined in detail how it "works" within this thread. The folks here are just too stubborn to absorb the info and run to the tables to give it a try.
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Every time I try EB's system I have a "feeling "...that it doesn't work!
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What system would that be, I only have a method. You are confused again..
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A rose by any other name is still a system
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Nope. A method and a system are two completely different things.
"System: a set of things working together as parts of a mechanism or an interconnecting network; a complex whole. Method: a particular procedure for accomplishing something,'
This is why I always correct it when somebody says I have a system. I have no system at all, I really wish I did because I think it would be easier to play. But I'm convinced there's no system that can beat roulette, it's a complete waste of time.
Quote: tuttigym
I am skipping "elderly" in that I do not need a cane for upright mobility, and I am 83. So, what other "basic things" require additional assistance for you? AND I can bench press my 3.5 lb chihuahua.
I sure hope I skip elderly. I would like to go from old to dead.
Quote: EvenBobQuote: darkozQuote: EvenBobQuote: darkozQuote: tuttigymQuote: EvenBobQuote: gordonm888Betting systems may not be offered for sale anywhere on the site.
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I could never figure out if you have a method or system that wins far more than it loses why would you ever sell it if you can still play it. If you had a Goose that laid golden eggs why would you ever sell it. Thorp wrote his book about blackjack because he no longer wished to play it, so he sold it in the form of a book. I might eventually give my method away for free but I would never sell it.
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There is no need. You already outlined in detail how it "works" within this thread. The folks here are just too stubborn to absorb the info and run to the tables to give it a try.
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Every time I try EB's system I have a "feeling "...that it doesn't work!
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What system would that be, I only have a method. You are confused again..
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A rose by any other name is still a system
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Nope. A method and a system are two completely different things.
"System: a set of things working together as parts of a mechanism or an interconnecting network; a complex whole. Method: a particular procedure for accomplishing something,'
This is why I always correct it when somebody says I have a system. I have no system at all, I really wish I did because I think it would be easier to play. But I'm convinced there's no system that can beat roulette, it's a complete waste of time.
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Calling your system a method is no different than Calling a whale a fish.
Just as a whale superficially looks like a fish, but isn't your system may superficially resemble a method but it isn't no matter how many times you call it such. What you use is a system and a flawed system at that.
You got one thing right. No system can beat roulette. Sorry to inform you that you have a system.
Quote: darkozQuote: EvenBobQuote: darkozQuote: EvenBobQuote: darkozQuote: tuttigymQuote: EvenBobQuote: gordonm888Betting systems may not be offered for sale anywhere on the site.
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I could never figure out if you have a method or system that wins far more than it loses why would you ever sell it if you can still play it. If you had a Goose that laid golden eggs why would you ever sell it. Thorp wrote his book about blackjack because he no longer wished to play it, so he sold it in the form of a book. I might eventually give my method away for free but I would never sell it.
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There is no need. You already outlined in detail how it "works" within this thread. The folks here are just too stubborn to absorb the info and run to the tables to give it a try.
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Every time I try EB's system I have a "feeling "...that it doesn't work!
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What system would that be, I only have a method. You are confused again..
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A rose by any other name is still a system
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Nope. A method and a system are two completely different things.
"System: a set of things working together as parts of a mechanism or an interconnecting network; a complex whole. Method: a particular procedure for accomplishing something,'
This is why I always correct it when somebody says I have a system. I have no system at all, I really wish I did because I think it would be easier to play. But I'm convinced there's no system that can beat roulette, it's a complete waste of time.
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Calling your system a method is no different than Calling a whale a fish.
Just as a whale superficially looks like a fish, but isn't your system may superficially resemble a method but it isn't no matter how many times you call it such. What you use is a system and a flawed system at that.
You got one thing right. No system can beat roulette. Sorry to inform you that you have a system.
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A system and a method are two entirely different things no matter how you trying to spin it. If they were the same they wouldn't have two different definitions. Duh..
Quote: DRichQuote: tuttigym
I am skipping "elderly" in that I do not need a cane for upright mobility, and I am 83. So, what other "basic things" require additional assistance for you? AND I can bench press my 3.5 lb chihuahua.
I sure hope I skip elderly. I would like to go from old to dead.
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But you think 60 is old. It's not.
Quote: EvenBobQuote: darkozQuote: EvenBobQuote: darkozQuote: EvenBobQuote: darkozQuote: tuttigymQuote: EvenBobQuote: gordonm888Betting systems may not be offered for sale anywhere on the site.
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I could never figure out if you have a method or system that wins far more than it loses why would you ever sell it if you can still play it. If you had a Goose that laid golden eggs why would you ever sell it. Thorp wrote his book about blackjack because he no longer wished to play it, so he sold it in the form of a book. I might eventually give my method away for free but I would never sell it.
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There is no need. You already outlined in detail how it "works" within this thread. The folks here are just too stubborn to absorb the info and run to the tables to give it a try.
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Every time I try EB's system I have a "feeling "...that it doesn't work!
link to original post
What system would that be, I only have a method. You are confused again..
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A rose by any other name is still a system
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Nope. A method and a system are two completely different things.
"System: a set of things working together as parts of a mechanism or an interconnecting network; a complex whole. Method: a particular procedure for accomplishing something,'
This is why I always correct it when somebody says I have a system. I have no system at all, I really wish I did because I think it would be easier to play. But I'm convinced there's no system that can beat roulette, it's a complete waste of time.
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Calling your system a method is no different than Calling a whale a fish.
Just as a whale superficially looks like a fish, but isn't your system may superficially resemble a method but it isn't no matter how many times you call it such. What you use is a system and a flawed system at that.
You got one thing right. No system can beat roulette. Sorry to inform you that you have a system.
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A system and a method are two entirely different things no matter how you trying to spin it. If they were the same they wouldn't have two different definitions. Duh..
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I agree that a system and a .method are two different things.
What I am saying is that no matter how many times you call your system a method, it is still a system.
Quote: darkozQuote: EvenBobQuote: darkozQuote: EvenBobQuote: darkozQuote: EvenBobQuote: darkozQuote: tuttigymQuote: EvenBobQuote: gordonm888Betting systems may not be offered for sale anywhere on the site.
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I could never figure out if you have a method or system that wins far more than it loses why would you ever sell it if you can still play it. If you had a Goose that laid golden eggs why would you ever sell it. Thorp wrote his book about blackjack because he no longer wished to play it, so he sold it in the form of a book. I might eventually give my method away for free but I would never sell it.
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There is no need. You already outlined in detail how it "works" within this thread. The folks here are just too stubborn to absorb the info and run to the tables to give it a try.
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Every time I try EB's system I have a "feeling "...that it doesn't work!
link to original post
What system would that be, I only have a method. You are confused again..
link to original post
A rose by any other name is still a system
link to original post
Nope. A method and a system are two completely different things.
"System: a set of things working together as parts of a mechanism or an interconnecting network; a complex whole. Method: a particular procedure for accomplishing something,'
This is why I always correct it when somebody says I have a system. I have no system at all, I really wish I did because I think it would be easier to play. But I'm convinced there's no system that can beat roulette, it's a complete waste of time.
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Calling your system a method is no different than Calling a whale a fish.
Just as a whale superficially looks like a fish, but isn't your system may superficially resemble a method but it isn't no matter how many times you call it such. What you use is a system and a flawed system at that.
You got one thing right. No system can beat roulette. Sorry to inform you that you have a system.
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A system and a method are two entirely different things no matter how you trying to spin it. If they were the same they wouldn't have two different definitions. Duh..
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I agree that a system and a .method are two different things.
What I am saying is that no matter how many times you call your system a method, it is still a system.
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'Method is based on procedure whereas system is based on plan.'
This is a good explanation of the difference. My Method has no plan attached to it, it's free-flowing and not rigid. A system is always rigid.
Quote: EvenBobQuote: DRichQuote: tuttigym
I am skipping "elderly" in that I do not need a cane for upright mobility, and I am 83. So, what other "basic things" require additional assistance for you? AND I can bench press my 3.5 lb chihuahua.
I sure hope I skip elderly. I would like to go from old to dead.
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But you think 60 is old. It's not.
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"Old" is subjective, not absolute.
I'm in my mid-forties and consider myself "old".
My "old lady" lives with multiple cats, and is "old" because all her joints creak and pop, despite being notably younger than me.
If Mr. Tuttigym hasn't gotten old yet, more power to him.
I do the same thing in roulette. Through observation I noticed that at times randomness produces outcomes that are in my favor and I have learned how to exploit those times. It's not rocket science it's just plain old observation. Randomness in blackjack and in roulette repeats itself and if you can learn how to detect when that's happening you can produce a winning method.
Quote: EvenBobI do not see any difference in what I do and what a card counter does in blackjack. Through observation, before Thorp wrote his book, a few blackjack players noticed that at different times the end of the deck would be in their favor. There were times when randomness would produce results that were favorable to them. So they learned how to keep track of the cards that were already played to see if they could spot when that favorableness was going to happen.
I do the same thing in roulette. Through observation I noticed that at times randomness produces outcomes that are in my favor and I have learned how to exploit those times. It's not rocket science it's just plain old observation. Randomness in blackjack and in roulette repeats itself and if you can learn how to detect when that's happening you can produce a winning method.
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You do realize that a deck in play runs out of cards never to be used again in that round of play, don't you? While the numbers in roulette play are constantly available throughout all of the rounds of play. I believe you are a bit confused.
Quote: EvenBobQuote: tuttigymQuote: EvenBobQuote: gordonm888Betting systems may not be offered for sale anywhere on the site.
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I could never figure out if you have a method or system that wins far more than it loses why would you ever sell it if you can still play it. If you had a Goose that laid golden eggs why would you ever sell it. Thorp wrote his book about blackjack because he no longer wished to play it, so he sold it in the form of a book. I might eventually give my method away for free but I would never sell it.
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There is no need. You already outlined in detail how it "works" within this thread. The folks here are just too stubborn to absorb the info and run to the tables to give it a try.
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So I already outlined it in detail, huh. Refresh my memory, exactly how does it work again? Expect to hear the soothing sound of crickets now.. LOL
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A thread with 1500 posts and you still haven’t explained anything? Pffft.
Quote: rxwine
A thread with 1500 posts and you still haven’t explained anything? Pffft.
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This is what my cats say when I try and teach them how to read. They just never get it.
Quote: tuttigymQuote: EvenBobI do not see any difference in what I do and what a card counter does in blackjack. Through observation, before Thorp wrote his book, a few blackjack players noticed that at different times the end of the deck would be in their favor. There were times when randomness would produce results that were favorable to them. So they learned how to keep track of the cards that were already played to see if they could spot when that favorableness was going to happen.
I do the same thing in roulette. Through observation I noticed that at times randomness produces outcomes that are in my favor and I have learned how to exploit those times. It's not rocket science it's just plain old observation. Randomness in blackjack and in roulette repeats itself and if you can learn how to detect when that's happening you can produce a winning method.
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You do realize that a deck in play runs out of cards never to be used again in that round of play, don't you? While the numbers in roulette play are constantly available throughout all of the rounds of play. I believe you are a bit confused.
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I was going to respond to this silliness then I saw who it was from. Never mind.
Quote: EvenBobQuote: tuttigymQuote: EvenBobI do not see any difference in what I do and what a card counter does in blackjack. Through observation, before Thorp wrote his book, a few blackjack players noticed that at different times the end of the deck would be in their favor. There were times when randomness would produce results that were favorable to them. So they learned how to keep track of the cards that were already played to see if they could spot when that favorableness was going to happen.
I do the same thing in roulette. Through observation I noticed that at times randomness produces outcomes that are in my favor and I have learned how to exploit those times. It's not rocket science it's just plain old observation. Randomness in blackjack and in roulette repeats itself and if you can learn how to detect when that's happening you can produce a winning method.
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You do realize that a deck in play runs out of cards never to be used again in that round of play, don't you? While the numbers in roulette play are constantly available throughout all of the rounds of play. I believe you are a bit confused.
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I was going to respond to this silliness then I saw who it was from. Never mind.
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What no "LOL"? How disappointing.
Quote: EvenBobMy point is in some casino games the randomness is very repetitive and you just need to find a way to know when it's coming; I think most experienced players know that randomness can be repetitive but they waste their time making bets when it's not in their favor because they don't take the initiative to figure out when the best time to bet is.
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OK, let's go with that premise. If you truly believe in that method, then craps would be a much better game with a higher profit potential in that one only needs to worry about a 7 out and only six numbers are available to win big. So, one could pick just one number bet big and watch it hit and then come down. Quite simple, yes? Better yet, since you would kinda know when the 7 will appear through the "repetitive randomness," bet big on all the numbers (4,5,6,8,9, & 10 plus the horn) hit just one number, then come down and leave. 84% chance of winning or thereabouts certainly better than a 50% chance of winning an even money bet.
I think you should consider it.
Quote: tuttigymQuote: EvenBobMy point is in some casino games the randomness is very repetitive and you just need to find a way to know when it's coming; I think most experienced players know that randomness can be repetitive but they waste their time making bets when it's not in their favor because they don't take the initiative to figure out when the best time to bet is.
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OK, let's go with that premise. If you truly believe in that method, then craps would be a much better game with a higher profit potential in that one only needs to worry about a 7 out and only six numbers are available to win big. So, one could pick just one number bet big and watch it hit and then come down. Quite simple, yes? Better yet, since you would kinda know when the 7 will appear through the "repetitive randomness," bet big on all the numbers (4,5,6,8,9, & 10 plus the horn) hit just one number, then come down and leave. 84% chance of winning or thereabouts certainly better than a 50% chance of winning an even money bet.
I think you should consider it.
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I'm sorry I nodded off snoring after I read the word craps. Has to be the most boring game in the casino played by screaming maniacs.
My favorite casino is catching on to what I'm doing and they are starting to slow down my play by constantly disconnecting me after I make a bet. So I'm spreading out my play among more casinos and playing a grinding method rather than to jump in make my one unit and quit. By grinding I actually lose sometimes, have losing sessions, but I always end up making money at the end of the month and that's what counts. Being greedy never gets you anywhere except caught.
Quote: EvenBobI remember years ago at some offshore Casino that allowed American players that if I was winning too much they would start frequently disconnecting me. I had forgotten all about that but now I'm reminded. The casino I play at the most will often wait till I make a bet and then disconnect me and when I come back the bet didn't go through. 5 minutes later the same thing happens so it's not a coincidence. If it's a regular day and I'm making just regular plain old bets as usual I'll never get disconnected, never. It's only when you're inactive that they disconnect you and make you log back in. So they're trying to slow down my play.
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Most financial institutions will log you off after some time of inactivity. That's for your protection, not to slow you down
Quote: darkozQuote: EvenBobI remember years ago at some offshore Casino that allowed American players that if I was winning too much they would start frequently disconnecting me. I had forgotten all about that but now I'm reminded. The casino I play at the most will often wait till I make a bet and then disconnect me and when I come back the bet didn't go through. 5 minutes later the same thing happens so it's not a coincidence. If it's a regular day and I'm making just regular plain old bets as usual I'll never get disconnected, never. It's only when you're inactive that they disconnect you and make you log back in. So they're trying to slow down my play.
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Most financial institutions will log you off after some time of inactivity. That's for your protection, not to slow you down
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Good God do you even read what I wrote? They are not cutting me off when I'm inactive they're cutting me off after I place a bet. Then when I place another bet 5 minutes later they cut me off again. Yes I know as I said they cut you off if you're inactive for a long of time but that isn't the case here. If you don't have time to read the post why do you bother responding to it.
Quote: EvenBobQuote: darkozQuote: EvenBobI remember years ago at some offshore Casino that allowed American players that if I was winning too much they would start frequently disconnecting me. I had forgotten all about that but now I'm reminded. The casino I play at the most will often wait till I make a bet and then disconnect me and when I come back the bet didn't go through. 5 minutes later the same thing happens so it's not a coincidence. If it's a regular day and I'm making just regular plain old bets as usual I'll never get disconnected, never. It's only when you're inactive that they disconnect you and make you log back in. So they're trying to slow down my play.
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Most financial institutions will log you off after some time of inactivity. That's for your protection, not to slow you down
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Good God do you even read what I wrote? They are not cutting me off when I'm inactive they're cutting me off after I place a bet. Then when I place another bet 5 minutes later they cut me off again. Yes I know as I said they cut you off if you're inactive for a long of time but that isn't the case here. If you don't have time to read the post why do you bother responding to it.
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You literally wrote "it's only when you're inactive that they disconnect you". And right before that you wrote "if it's a regular day and I am making regular plain old bets I'll never get disconnected, never"
So you are saying you wrote contradictory statements?
I mean good God did YOU even read what you wrote?
Quote: darkozQuote: EvenBobQuote: darkozQuote: EvenBobI remember years ago at some offshore Casino that allowed American players that if I was winning too much they would start frequently disconnecting me. I had forgotten all about that but now I'm reminded. The casino I play at the most will often wait till I make a bet and then disconnect me and when I come back the bet didn't go through. 5 minutes later the same thing happens so it's not a coincidence. If it's a regular day and I'm making just regular plain old bets as usual I'll never get disconnected, never. It's only when you're inactive that they disconnect you and make you log back in. So they're trying to slow down my play.
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Most financial institutions will log you off after some time of inactivity. That's for your protection, not to slow you down
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Good God do you even read what I wrote? They are not cutting me off when I'm inactive they're cutting me off after I place a bet. Then when I place another bet 5 minutes later they cut me off again. Yes I know as I said they cut you off if you're inactive for a long of time but that isn't the case here. If you don't have time to read the post why do you bother responding to it.
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You literally wrote "it's only when you're inactive that they disconnect you". And right before that you wrote "if it's a regular day and I am making regular plain old bets I'll never get disconnected, never"
So you are saying you wrote contradictory statements?
I mean good God did YOU even read what you wrote?
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Congratulations, you went back and actually read the post and you still don't understand it. Why am I not surprised.
Quote: EvenBobNow I have a conundrum. I have figured out a way that deals with my biggest problem and that is the times when I can't play because the conditions are wrong, because it's not playing my game. I figured out a way of keeping track of 6 different streams of information where one of these streams is almost always playing my game. The problem is I only have 20 seconds in between spins to write down all that information and then figure out which one to bet. A computer could do it immediately but I don't know how to write a computer program. I could pay somebody to do it but then I would be giving them a winning roulette method for nothing. Why would I do that. It might be not even that difficult to write a program but I would have no idea because that's a totally foreign area to me. It's even worse on the Playtech live roulette wheels because they only give you 15 seconds in between spins which is a ridiculously short time.
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Why would you care if Wizard, as an example, got your method for free? Just make an agreement that he can’t sell it. You make out because you have the program you want. He makes out because you pay him some fee. You could probably agree to get it for free if he agrees your method can make him money. A win-win.
I have evidence you said you were not going to be talking about this anymore. Care to bet?Quote: EvenBobNow I have a conundrum. I have figured out a way that deals with my biggest problem and that is the times when I can't play because the conditions are wrong, because it's not playing my game. I figured out a way of keeping track of 6 different streams of information where one of these streams is almost always playing my game. The problem is I only have 20 seconds in between spins to write down all that information and then figure out which one to bet. A computer could do it immediately but I don't know how to write a computer program. I could pay somebody to do it but then I would be giving them a winning roulette method for nothing. Why would I do that. It might be not even that difficult to write a program but I would have no idea because that's a totally foreign area to me. It's even worse on the Playtech live roulette wheels because they only give you 15 seconds in between spins which is a ridiculously short time.
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Quote: AxelWolfI have evidence you said you were not going to be talking about this anymore. Care to bet?Quote: EvenBobNow I have a conundrum. I have figured out a way that deals with my biggest problem and that is the times when I can't play because the conditions are wrong, because it's not playing my game. I figured out a way of keeping track of 6 different streams of information where one of these streams is almost always playing my game. The problem is I only have 20 seconds in between spins to write down all that information and then figure out which one to bet. A computer could do it immediately but I don't know how to write a computer program. I could pay somebody to do it but then I would be giving them a winning roulette method for nothing. Why would I do that. It might be not even that difficult to write a program but I would have no idea because that's a totally foreign area to me. It's even worse on the Playtech live roulette wheels because they only give you 15 seconds in between spins which is a ridiculously short time.
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I'm not supposed to talk about it anywhere on WoV except this thread. Do try and check in once in a while and keep up.
Why would you care if Wizard, as an example, got your method for free? Just make an agreement that he can’t sell it. You make out because you have the program you want. He makes out because you pay him some fee. You could probably agree to get it for free if he agrees your method can make him money. A win-win.
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But you don't think I have any such method, so what are your real intentions here. You absolutely believe that I have nothing, as you stated many times. So what am I to surmise is your real intent in making such a post. Seems pretty obvious to me.
It's a New Year but still the same old song.
Quote: EvenBobQuote: SOOPOO
Why would you care if Wizard, as an example, got your method for free? Just make an agreement that he can’t sell it. You make out because you have the program you want. He makes out because you pay him some fee. You could probably agree to get it for free if he agrees your method can make him money. A win-win.
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But you don't think I have any such method, so what are your real intentions here. You absolutely believe that I have nothing, as you stated many times. So what am I to surmise is your real intent in making such a post. Seems pretty obvious to me.
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Just having fun with a delusional old man? Just adding to my post count?
Of course I don’t believe you have a method to beat roulette. No one believes you. But my post is logical if you actually did have a winning method.
Happy New Year!
Just having fun with a delusional old man? Just adding to my post count?
Of course I don’t believe you have a method to beat roulette. No one believes you. But my post is logical if you actually did have a winning method.
Happy New Year!
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Apparently I'm not too delusional, I didn't fall for your charade* for even a tenth of a second. You're going to give me good advice for something that you don't even believe exists? Of course you have an ulterior motive, LOL.
an absurd pretense intended to create a pleasant or respectable appearance.
Quote: EvenBobQuote: SOOPOO
Just having fun with a delusional old man? Just adding to my post count?
Of course I don’t believe you have a method to beat roulette. No one believes you. But my post is logical if you actually did have a winning method.
Happy New Year!
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Apparently I'm not too delusional, I didn't fall for your charade* for even a tenth of a second. You're going to give me good advice for something that you don't even believe exists? Of course you have an ulterior motive, LOL.
an absurd pretense intended to create a pleasant or respectable appearance.
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Wrong again! Will wonders never cease! If you actually presented facts, my advice was PERFECT. But since you know you didn’t, and we know you didn’t…. Frankly, everything you have ever posted about roulette is a charade. Thanks for the definition.
Quote: SOOPOOQuote: EvenBobQuote: SOOPOO
Just having fun with a delusional old man? Just adding to my post count?
Of course I don’t believe you have a method to beat roulette. No one believes you. But my post is logical if you actually did have a winning method.
Happy New Year!
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Apparently I'm not too delusional, I didn't fall for your charade* for even a tenth of a second. You're going to give me good advice for something that you don't even believe exists? Of course you have an ulterior motive, LOL.
an absurd pretense intended to create a pleasant or respectable appearance.
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Wrong again! Will wonders never cease! If you actually presented facts, my advice was PERFECT. But since you know you didn’t, and we know you didn’t…. Frankly, everything you have ever posted about roulette is a charade. Thanks for the definition.
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Blah blah blah. Never argue with a doctor because they are always 100% of the time right. Even if they are 100% wrong, they will argue it until everyone is convinced, including themselves, that they are correct. In this case you couldn't be more wrong if you tried, but you will argue you're totally uninformed point till you're red-faced and out of breath.
Quote: SOOPOOQuote: EvenBobNow I have a conundrum. I have figured out a way that deals with my biggest problem and that is the times when I can't play because the conditions are wrong, because it's not playing my game. I figured out a way of keeping track of 6 different streams of information where one of these streams is almost always playing my game. The problem is I only have 20 seconds in between spins to write down all that information and then figure out which one to bet. A computer could do it immediately but I don't know how to write a computer program. I could pay somebody to do it but then I would be giving them a winning roulette method for nothing. Why would I do that. It might be not even that difficult to write a program but I would have no idea because that's a totally foreign area to me. It's even worse on the Playtech live roulette wheels because they only give you 15 seconds in between spins which is a ridiculously short time.
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Why would you care if Wizard, as an example, got your method for free? Just make an agreement that he can’t sell it. You make out because you have the program you want. He makes out because you pay him some fee. You could probably agree to get it for free if he agrees your method can make him money. A win-win.
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I think Mr.Wizard or anyone else would need to recreate EB's methodology in a similar environment. I highly doubt anyone will consent to live in a cat infested house in Michigan, heated by candles long enough to get a database significant enough to make any conclusions.
Quote: EvenBob
Blah blah blah. Never argue with a doctor because they are always 100% of the time right. Even if they are 100% wrong, they will argue it until everyone is convinced, including themselves, that they are correct. In this case you couldn't be more wrong if you tried, but you will argue you're totally uninformed point till you're red-faced and out of breath.
You are using my being a doctor as your excuse for being delusional? You had a chance to show Wizard you could win at Roulette to the degree you state you do, AND FAILED.
I think I took maybe a year off from this thread. I’ve had my say. Time to withdraw from it. Seems Billy will have to foot alone.
Quote: SOOPOOQuote: EvenBob
Blah blah blah. Never argue with a doctor because they are always 100% of the time right. Even if they are 100% wrong, they will argue it until everyone is convinced, including themselves, that they are correct. In this case you couldn't be more wrong if you tried, but you will argue you're totally uninformed point till you're red-faced and out of breath.
You are using my being a doctor as your excuse for being delusional? You had a chance to show Wizard you could win at Roulette to the degree you state you do, AND FAILED.
I think I took maybe a year off from this thread. I’ve had my say. Time to withdraw from it. Seems Billy will have to foot alone.
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Thank God. Can't imagine having to read more back and forth between Soopoo and EB about a non workable roulette system.
(Better than AI conversations -Wink wink, nudge nudge)
Quote: billryanQuote: SOOPOOQuote: EvenBobNow I have a conundrum. I have figured out a way that deals with my biggest problem and that is the times when I can't play because the conditions are wrong, because it's not playing my game. I figured out a way of keeping track of 6 different streams of information where one of these streams is almost always playing my game. The problem is I only have 20 seconds in between spins to write down all that information and then figure out which one to bet. A computer could do it immediately but I don't know how to write a computer program. I could pay somebody to do it but then I would be giving them a winning roulette method for nothing. Why would I do that. It might be not even that difficult to write a program but I would have no idea because that's a totally foreign area to me. It's even worse on the Playtech live roulette wheels because they only give you 15 seconds in between spins which is a ridiculously short time.
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Why would you care if Wizard, as an example, got your method for free? Just make an agreement that he can’t sell it. You make out because you have the program you want. He makes out because you pay him some fee. You could probably agree to get it for free if he agrees your method can make him money. A win-win.
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I think Mr.Wizard or anyone else would need to recreate EB's methodology in a similar environment. I highly doubt anyone will consent to live in a cat infested house in Michigan, heated by candles long enough to get a database significant enough to make any conclusions.
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I am not willing to go observe in Michigan today, due to weather.
Maybe after spring, but before the giant mosquitoes hatch.
I think I took maybe a year off from this thread. I’ve had my say. Time to withdraw from it.
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It's always best to retreat when you're losing an argument. At least you know enough to do that..
Quote: billryan
I think Mr.Wizard or anyone else would need to recreate EB's methodology in a similar environment. I highly doubt anyone will consent to live in a cat infested house in Michigan, heated by candles long enough to get a database significant enough to make any conclusions.
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First of all my house is not cat infested. And secondly this whole comment is ridiculous, relocate to write a computer program? Stick to what you know, giving Dollar Store socks and PB&J sandwiches to the hobos living in your backyard.
Quote: SOOPOOQuote: EvenBob
Blah blah blah. Never argue with a doctor because they are always 100% of the time right. Even if they are 100% wrong, they will argue it until everyone is convinced, including themselves, that they are correct. In this case you couldn't be more wrong if you tried, but you will argue you're totally uninformed point till you're red-faced and out of breath.
You are using my being a doctor as your excuse for being delusional? You had a chance to show Wizard you could win at Roulette to the degree you state you do, AND FAILED.
I think I took maybe a year off from this thread. I’ve had my say. Time to withdraw from it. Seems Billy will have to foot alone.
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I only dropped by because I heard there would be drama, and new material.
Quote: EvenBobFor my 30,000th post, I'm making the announcement that I'm writing a book on how to beat roulette. I already discussed this with Mike and he said it's okay to make this post. It will be a self-published hardcover book that will not be very long and it will only be for sale privately. I thought about teaching my roulette method to someone but I have nobody that I know personally in my private life that wants to learn it. Everybody in my family is very religious and they do not go to casinos. I'll be 76 this year and I want to leave something as a sort of legacy, because I believe I've really accomplished something with roulette. It will be a short book probably under 50 pages, self-published and only about 10 copies printed. I have no intention of making any money off of it and the cost of each book will probably be around $500. Enough to cover the cost of printing a hardcover book. I don't know when this is going to happen because right now I'm doing the outline and if you've ever written a book you know how difficult it is.
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I don't know about anybody else, but if I am going to shell out $500 for a book that contains a gambling method, I am going to want to see concrete physical evidence that it works. Assuming you have to pay for all 50 copies in advance, that's $25,000 you are risking - and even at that, what stops the first person that buys it from posting the method on, say, YouTube, saving the other 499 potential buyers $500 each?
I am not even sure that you have revealed any details on how you bet. Is it single numbers? A group of numbers at once? Some combination of even-money / 2-1s? I understand if you don't want to discuss it as it might reveal even a small part of how your method works. For example, for all I know, when you bet, you bet five numbers that are next to each other on the wheel, which some people might dismiss as "glorified wheel tracking." However, somebody interested in investing $500 in your method might want to know that it's not Yet Still Even Another One Of Those Roulette Books Available On Amazon That, When It Comes Down To Chips On The Felt, Doesn't Work.
Quote: EvenBobFor my 30,000th post, I'm making the announcement that I'm writing a book on how to beat roulette. I already discussed this with Mike and he said it's okay to make this post. It will be a self-published hardcover book that will not be very long and it will only be for sale privately. I thought about teaching my roulette method to someone but I have nobody that I know personally in my private life that wants to learn it. Everybody in my family is very religious and they do not go to casinos. I'll be 76 this year and I want to leave something as a sort of legacy, because I believe I've really accomplished something with roulette. It will be a short book probably under 50 pages, self-published and only about 10 copies printed. I have no intention of making any money off of it and the cost of each book will probably be around $500. Enough to cover the cost of printing a hardcover book. I don't know when this is going to happen because right now I'm doing the outline and if you've ever written a book you know how difficult it is.
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If you were offering it free I might’ve made a weekend out of it. Mini vacation nice convertible drive.
Quote: ThatDonGuyQuote: EvenBobFor my 30,000th post, I'm making the announcement that I'm writing a book on how to beat roulette. I already discussed this with Mike and he said it's okay to make this post. It will be a self-published hardcover book that will not be very long and it will only be for sale privately. I thought about teaching my roulette method to someone but I have nobody that I know personally in my private life that wants to learn it. Everybody in my family is very religious and they do not go to casinos. I'll be 76 this year and I want to leave something as a sort of legacy, because I believe I've really accomplished something with roulette. It will be a short book probably under 50 pages, self-published and only about 10 copies printed. I have no intention of making any money off of it and the cost of each book will probably be around $500. Enough to cover the cost of printing a hardcover book. I don't know when this is going to happen because right now I'm doing the outline and if you've ever written a book you know how difficult it is.
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I don't know about anybody else, but if I am going to shell out $500 for a book that contains a gambling method, I am going to want to see concrete physical evidence that it works. Assuming you have to pay for all 50 copies in advance, that's $25,000 you are risking - and even at that, what stops the first person that buys it from posting the method on, say, YouTube, saving the other 499 potential buyers $500 each?
I am not even sure that you have revealed any details on how you bet. Is it single numbers? A group of numbers at once? Some combination of even-money / 2-1s? I understand if you don't want to discuss it as it might reveal even a small part of how your method works. For example, for all I know, when you bet, you bet five numbers that are next to each other on the wheel, which some people might dismiss as "glorified wheel tracking." However, somebody interested in investing $500 in your method might want to know that it's not Yet Still Even Another One Of Those Roulette Books Available On Amazon That, When It Comes Down To Chips On The Felt, Doesn't Work.
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Yeah, that's 10 copies, not 50 copies. And don't worry you won't be buying one I'm not going to have any trouble getting rid of 10 copies. One of them is already sold and potentially I have a second customer as well. And of course you cannot copyright a method or a system or a recipe so when it's out there it's gone from my control. Duh. I'm totally aware of that. 10 copies is called a limited edition and it's hard cover so it will last.
Quote: darkozWith modern print on demand, it doesn't take a $500 price tag to do a 50 page hardcover printing of just 10 copies to cover costs.
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If you want a piece of crap book, that looks like a piece of crap, that's probably true. This is not going to be a piece of crap.
"The cost of self-publishing a book varies greatly, ranging from under $1,000 to over $5,000."