this drunk guy comes in with a drop
dead gorgeous blonde in a red dress.
He orders a Dewer's on the rocks.
I normally didn't serve people that
drunk, but he had an English accent
and there was a distinctive cool air
about him. And there was the Blonde.
He sits in a booth, and I say to a customer
I know, is that girl beautiful or what. He
responds, she's with Joe Cocker you idiot.
And I'm going to ask him to play pool.
So call everybody I can think of and
soon the bar is packed, all of us watching
Joe Cocker play pool. He makes those
same jerky movements with his hands
that he makes when he sings.
He kept singing bits of his songs as
he played, it was very entertaining.
His audience would applaud at times.
He lasted about 90 min, and just collapsed
in a pile on the floor. "Oh Joe, the blonde
said "not again." She asked if we could
carry him out and 5 of us carried him
like a dead man to the back of a new
pickup with a mattress in the bed. The
girl thanked us profusely and said he
does this almost every night. I didn't
even know women that stunning existed
in real life.
for a $3 drink, and turned away
and went to a booth. A $7 tip
40 years ago was like a $22
tip today, not too shabby.
Of course from then on he
bought no drinks, everybody
was buying them for him.
Quote: midwestgbMet Ted Williams in 1969, on my 9th birthday, at a hotel in Kansas City when he was there with the Washington Senators, in his first year managing the team. A family friend who was with us that day walked up to Ted in the hotel Coffee Shop, told him it was my birthday, and asked him for an autograph on my behalf. Ted obliged.
You win! Lol Teddy Ballgame is as big a star as they get.
About 17 years ago, I'm flying back from Vegas using miles to get upgraded to first class. I take the late flight out of Vegas and have to switch flights in Dallas. I'm in 2A both segments. Get to Dallas, and get on the flight to NY. This plane has a slightly different set up than the last but I'm in the second row so how hard is it to find my seat. So no sooner do I sit down than someone tells me I'm in his seat. I say I'm in 2A and the guy sarcastically tells me that's great. Too bad you are in 3A and once again you are in my seat. I am at fault but the guys attitude sucks. I've never been on a plane where row 2 is the first row. All of a sudden I realize where I know him from, it's Neil Bush, the blacksheep of the family. I move to my seat, and someone stops beside me to tell Bush he admires his brother. He responds something like- that's great. I'm call him right now and let him know. Later, I see him arguing with another person by baggage claim.
Quote: billryanGeneral rule of thumb taught to me by an old Buffalo Soldier- If you can't get your point across in two sentences, don't bother. You don't have one.
Quote: PokerGrinderYou win! Lol Teddy Ballgame is as big a star as they get.
I've been to a lot of major league games but the Friday night where the Mets honored Ted Williams was one of the biggest thrills. He couldn't talk much so instead of giving a speech they put him in a golf cart and he slowly circled the field. It was a pretty big crowd and the ovation kept building and building. Mike Piazza ended up hitting a monster homerun to win the game and that cheer wasn't half of what the crowd at Shea gave Ted Williams.
Quote: AxelWolfWhen the Palms first opened they had the first(at least I think that to be true) dedicated higher limit no limit poker room. I played with a bunch of famous people there. I don't know much about baseball players, however, I got to know this one guy who just singed a big contract as a rookie. We ate dinner a few times together during his trip, but I don't even recall his name anymore. At one point I was joking and said you will have to send me a singed pre-rookie card when you get back home. He said, sure, whats your address? I obliged him, and sure enough, a few weeks later it arrived in the mail. Now I just have to go though my baseball cards and find it to see who it was. for all I know he's a super star now.
Odds it was Michelle Gordan?
???Quote: RSOdds it was Michelle Gordan?
Quote: AxelWolf???
Michael Jordan with your spelling.
I met ThatDonGuy last night.
Once at Palms when I was getting food. I figured he was some old dude but people kept coming up to him saying "your son is awesome dood"
Once at BOFA. He was withdrawing money out with his "posse" I guess or something. His lady friend was pretty much facilitating the entire thing, it looked like one of those things where he was getting straight scammed or something.
I also ran into one of Mayweather's "trainers" or "promoter" or whatever the hell he was at Chase.
Eli Manning when we were both in high school.
Quote: Gabes22Speaking of knowing people in HS. While I don't expect people to know him nationally, I grew up up with Drew Burgoyne, chief meteorologist for Channel 58 (CBS) in Milwaukee. Grew up with him in Naperville, IL. I even had CCD at their house
Which schools did you go to in Naperville?
See if anyone remembers this name.. Hawthorne Wingo! And as a kid, Phil Jackson. Lou Holtz also paid to be at a medical conference.
Can I count Spectacular Bid as a celebrity? Was a Pinkerton guard assigned to him at the Belmont 4 decades ago.
And I do count Mike as a celebrity.
Edit-- golfed with Tim Raines blackjack table with Smoking Joe Frazier
Quote: FinsRule
Eli Manning when we were both in high school.
Nice guy? Were you friends? Did you play together?
(For my part, I don't think I've encountered many celebrities where you wouldn't expect to encounter them. The only ones I've spoken to outside of the normal places you might see them are Kurt Angle (Pittsburgh Airport) and Triple H (restaurant). I was pretty struck running into the latter because I was a big wrestling fan at the time and just young in general. In both cases, I didn't say much or ask for an autograph or anything.)
I've seen a few in casinos, but I haven't talked to any of them. Most of them I don't even recognize until it is mentioned latter that we saw such-and-such person.
Here are some that I can recall seeing.
- Rick Petino (basketball coach)
- James Brown (CBS announcer)
- Captain Lou Albano (Wrestling icon at the craps table)
- Frank Gorshen (comedian)
- Jim Nabors (Golly!)
- Harold Carmichael (NFL player)
- Joe Pepitone (Yankee)
- Andre 'Dice' Clay (comedian)
- Jay Leno (comedian)
- Lawrence Taylor (NFL player)
- Jack Carter (comedian)
- John Patrick (gambler)
- Donald Trump ( I was in the elevator with him at the Trump Castle)
I don't see any celebrities anymore since my visits are during the daytime.
Met some of the actual people involved in Blackhawk Down when I was in the military, so they were kind of "military celebrities."
Handful of politicians, biggest of which was Donald Rumsfeld while he was SecDef under Bush. He gave a talk, answered questions, and met people afterwards. He seemed kind of clueless and lost the ENTIRE time, like he didn't want to be there at all and didn't care if it showed. This wasn't long before he retired, so I think he was just phoning it in.
Pete Rose was probably the biggest, and maybe the only, sports celebrity I've met.
Saw plenty more famous people that I didn't officially meet face to face, including a couple of Presidents, several sports celebrities (in public, not while competing), and a ton of actors.
Trump Plaza used to be packed with celebrities fight nights, especially when Tyson was fighting. Drank beer with King Kong Bundy (old wrestler) the night on the Foreman-Cooney fight known as the “Preacher vs the Puncher” when George was starting his comeback.
Still friends with Jon Gosselin, though not sure that counts these days. He’s a great guy and nothing like the media portrayed him after his divorce.
I went to high school with 3 members of Linkin Park (not the dead one). I was friends with the guitarist and played in several bands with him. The lesser known band Hoobastank were about a year ahead of me, but didn't know them. They got pretty big, just not massive like LP. They sing that song, The Reason.
I used to car pool to work with Dan Mintz, a comedian. After he quit, my boss saw him on Jimmy Kimmel. Now he plays the daughter with the male voice on Bob's Burgers. Extremely nice guy.
I haven't met him. But my mom was a teacher. One of her best friends, another teacher, got picked up by a guy at Home Depot. He turned out to be the creator of Boondocks. They got married. My mom also knows Geneviève Bujold, a fairly big movie star in the past. They wanted her to be Captian Janeway, but she declined. I've been to a party at her beach house in Malibu.

My dad's company sponsored the Wooden Awards so I got to meet Wooden several times, and some nominees briefly, including Shaq. Wooden was great. Exactly what you'd hope for.
Seen tons of celebs. Even in my younger days, I was poor at recognizing them. So who knows how many I've walked right past. On that note, my girlfriend and I had dim sum one day. I was facing Mira Sorvino at another table. I had a big crush on her. In person, I saw a pretty woman but didn't recognize her. My GF told me later, but didn't tell me in the restaurant because she didn't want me gawking at Mira the whole time.
We had a quick conversation in the tunnels of the RCA dome after his brothers first game.
We were just talking sports and I knew it was Peyton’s little brother because he was a kid my age that looked somewhat like Peyton Manning.
Stephen Pearcy-Lead singer of Ratt.
Firehouse-The whole band.
Basically, these guys all just stayed at the hotel I used to manage. There was an owner of a local venue who would occasionally have these types of bands perform. Stephen Pearcy was cool as hell and chatted me up for a bit, I didn't even really initiate the conversation. I thought C. J. Snare of Firehouse came off as an ***hole, but I also don't think he was terribly impressed with the accommodations. The rest of the band didn't seem to mind. As they were about to leave for the show, Snare sat on the couch in the lobby and his posture made very clear that he wanted absolutely nobody to talk to him.
Obviously, we're talking over a decade after these bands were relevant, but I suppose they count as celebrities. I also met them at the hotel where I worked and bands do stay at hotels, so I wouldn't really call it an, "Unusual," sighting. I'm obviously also not listing people I have seen at Whatever-Con and things like that because you expect to see them there. The tickets are being sold predicated on the fact that you will see them there.
Winds casino on the MI/IN border.
He would drive over to play craps
from Chicago. People left him
alone, but he always had dozens
of people staring at him. I would
hate being famous.
I shot craps with the WWF's Ted "Million Dollar Man" DiBiase's sidekick, Virgil, although I didn't recognize him until a friend of mine asked for an autograph (almost causing him to miss his turn to shoot). Apparently, he didn't have a briefcase with the million dollars in it, since we were all at the California downtown.
I couldn't believe the old man was Andy Hardy. He looked so much better on tv.
Quote: billryanWhen I was a kid, Mickey Rooney was everywhere on tv. Must have seen him in a hundred movies, so when he was coming to my Dads base on a USO tour, I was thrilled. I was probably six or seven when my older sister and I went to the show and were all the way in the back of the large room. Person after person hit the stage. There was singing, and dancing, and girls in short bathing suits that drove the soldiers crazy just walking around. Then some old guy gets up, sings a song and it's all over.
I couldn't believe the old man was Andy Hardy. He looked so much better on tv.
In one of the recent "Avengers" movies, much was made of a silly disguise consisting of aviator sunglasses and a ball cap.
In reality, I think the sunglasses and a hat actually works on me, as I haven't recognized famous folks in street clothes unless someone pointed them out to me.
Quote: Ayecarumba
In reality, I think the sunglasses and a hat actually works on me, as I haven't recognized famous folks in street clothes unless someone pointed them out to me.
I think it would actually fool most people.... Even more so for female celebrities because the public usually only see them in full makeup with their hair done.
Quote: Ayecarumba
I shot craps with the WWF's Ted "Million Dollar Man" DiBiase's sidekick, Virgil, although I didn't recognize him until a friend of mine asked for an autograph (almost causing him to miss his turn to shoot). Apparently, he didn't have a briefcase with the million dollars in it, since we were all at the California downtown.
Nor did he when I saw him at some random media day in Moundsville, WV. I want to say this was in 2017. It wasn't even a Whatever-Con, just some random event that mostly consisted of people selling stuff and local companies pimping their services. I would assume that there was some sort of wrestling event happening nearby, so he just decided to grab a table for this too. He seemed nice, but he was mainly trying to get me to buy an autographed picture of him for the kids...they had no idea who he is.
EDIT: To give you an idea, I didn't end up leaving with a Virgil autograph, but I did buy some apple butter, a few candles and some mix to make ranch dip.
What an asshole 😁
Quote: Mission146Nor did he when I saw him at some random media day in Moundsville, WV. I want to say this was in 2017. It wasn't even a Whatever-Con, just some random event that mostly consisted of people selling stuff and local companies pimping their services. I would assume that there was some sort of wrestling event happening nearby, so he just decided to grab a table for this too. He seemed nice, but he was mainly trying to get me to buy an autographed picture of him for the kids...they had no idea who he is.
EDIT: To give you an idea, I didn't end up leaving with a Virgil autograph, but I did buy some apple butter, a few candles and some mix to make ranch dip.
Hehe... That's funny. I hope he was there for a WWE thing, and not the prison in Moundsville. It's tough to be a has been sidekick.
Quote: AyecarumbaHehe... That's funny. I hope he was there for a WWE thing, and not the prison in Moundsville. It's tough to be a has been sidekick.
The media day was, in fact, held at the former State Penitentiary.
Quote: Mission146Nor did he when I saw him at some random media day in Moundsville, WV. I want to say this was in 2017. It wasn't even a Whatever-Con, just some random event that mostly consisted of people selling stuff and local companies pimping their services. I would assume that there was some sort of wrestling event happening nearby, so he just decided to grab a table for this too. He seemed nice, but he was mainly trying to get me to buy an autographed picture of him for the kids...they had no idea who he is.
EDIT: To give you an idea, I didn't end up leaving with a Virgil autograph, but I did buy some apple butter, a few candles and some mix to make ranch dip.
Entire website devoted to Virgil and the places he sets up at.
Also many stories out there of him trying to hustle autographs like he did with you.
Quote: BozEntire website devoted to Virgil and the places he sets up at.
Also many stories out there of him trying to hustle autographs like he did with you.
That's a shame, almost makes me wish I bought one. I honestly wouldn't call it, "Hustling," except it was an extremely strong sell.
Quote: billryanWhen I was a kid, Mickey Rooney was everywhere on tv
At one time in the 40's, Mickey was
the biggest box office movie star
in H-wood. He was even married
to Ava Gardner for awhile. She was
the first of 8 wives. He never got
over his fall from stardom into
obscurity, and was still bitter about
it well into his 90's.
I played Blackjack with Cindy Crawford at Hotel San Remo.
Quote: JohnzimboMet the Pope.
What an asshole 😁
Hey, that's his job.
Quote: DRichI played Blackjack with OJ Simpson at the Tropicana hotel many years ago.
I played Blackjack with Cindy Crawford at Hotel San Remo.
Did you notice if they played well?
Quote: BozEntire website devoted to Virgil and the places he sets up at.
Also many stories out there of him trying to hustle autographs like he did with you.
Vince McMahon screwed over a lot of wrestlers with the way he runs that company. Doesn't give a damn about their health or retirement.
Quote: DRichI played Blackjack with OJ Simpson at the Tropicana hotel many years ago.
Was this before or after the murders?
Quote:I played Blackjack with Cindy Crawford at Hotel San Remo.
Was she nice? I wouldn't do well at the tables with Cindy Crawford sitting next to me. Probably be too distracted.
Quote: Mission146Did you notice if they played well?
O.J. was so drunk that he kept falling asleep between hands. The Pitboss finally asked him to leave.
Quote: TigerWu
Was this before or after the murders?
Was she nice? I wouldn't do well at the tables with Cindy Crawford sitting next to me. Probably be too distracted.
O.J. was before the murders. I would guess around 1992.
I didn't even recognize Cindy Crawford until the next night when she was on Johnny Carson (or maybe Jay Leno). She mentioned she just came from working in Las Vegas and just married Richard Gere the past weekend.
Quote: TigerWuVince McMahon screwed over a lot of wrestlers with the way he runs that company. Doesn't give a damn about their health or retirement.
Totally disagree. They have put many former wrestlers through rehab, including some multiple times. Most anyone who worked for them is eligible IF they admit they need help.
Most of the stories the public reads about were former or current junkies who blew all the money they made. Money amounts most can only dream off. You can’t make people save for later in life or have the common sense to realize the money won’t keep coming in.
But some liberal F@@@ goes on HBO and says Vince is screwing wrestlers over and it becomes a story.