Quote: soopooDo you enjoy talking about how well off you are? Seems like every other post of yours talks about how much money you have.(-;
In the 1930's Spain had a two tier
society, peasants and rich land
owners. So they had a socialist
civil war. Take what the rich had
and distribute it equally to the
Hemingway fought in this war
and wrote about it (For Whom the
Bell Tolls). He eventually got
disgusted by the whole thing when
too many of the peasant friends
that fought alongside him, as soon
as they got a shack on a few acres
of land, with a few horses and farm
animals, gave up the fight to greedily
guard what was now 'theirs'.
The have-not's always want to be 'haves'
no matter what their noble politics are.
That's why socialism doesn't work. Don't
resent Soopoo because he's done well,
just do well yourself instead, or be quiet
about it.
Quote: EvenBobIn the 1930's Spain had a two tier
society, peasants and rich land
owners. So they had a socialist
civil war. Take what the rich had
and distribute it equally to the
Hemingway fought in this war
and wrote about it (For Whom the
Bell Tolls). He eventually got
disgusted by the whole thing when
too many of the peasant friends
that fought alongside him, as soon
as they got a shack on a few acres
of land, with a few horses and farm
animals, gave up the fight to greedily
guard what was now 'theirs'.
The have-not's always want to be 'haves'
no matter what their noble politics are.
That's why socialism doesn't work. Don't
resent Soopoo because he's done well,
just do well yourself instead, or be quiet
about it.
Really good comment for perspective, there.
Re: bedbugs. They know no economic boundaries. All you have to do is stay one night in someone's home, or two bedroom apartment, after having picked up one or two at an infested hotel (and I think EVERY hotel in Vegas, from Venetian on down, has had them in a room at some point), and voila!
I kept trying to remember that when a guest of at least some means brought them into my place. Grrr. What a royal pain that was!
Diatomaceous Earth does work for it. On the molecular level, it's razor -sharp and cuts them to ribbons as they hatch and walk around. It was used for fleas decades ago, which I needed before they came up with dog pills that poisoned them when they bit.
Borax does the same thing in the same way. Super-cheap, found in the laundry aisle of any well-stocked store. DE is used in expensive pool filters - you can get it at pool supply places, though usually in larger quantities than you probably need.
Vacuum really well, then sprinkle it everywhere. Use a toy rake to get it down in the roots of the carpet. Breeding cycle is about 3 weeks, so don't vacuum again for a month.
Bedstand or mattress, that's harder. Some people have offered ideas for those above.
Quote: FinsRuleI understand your point Bob, but some might say that capitalism doesn’t work either because eventually there will be a revolt.
Every economic system is bad if you go at it 100%. That's why you need a mixed economy.
Quote: FinsRuleI understand your point Bob, but some might say that capitalism doesn’t work either because eventually there will be a revolt.
Where was the revolt that replaced capitalism
with something better. Socialism is failing
Socialism Now, Socialism Tomorrow, Socialism Forever — The Ruin Of Nations
"What's found in Sweden, Norway, and Denmark is not socialism or even democratic socialism. Those nations are more accurately defined as welfare states subsidized by market economies. They need capitalism to survive, and to fund their welfare programs. Even more so, they need the power of America's capitalist engine to keep their economies moving forward."
Quote: EvenBobWhere was the revolt that replaced capitalism
with something better. Socialism is failing
Socialism Now, Socialism Tomorrow, Socialism Forever — The Ruin Of Nations
"What's found in Sweden, Norway, and Denmark is not socialism or even democratic socialism. Those nations are more accurately defined as welfare states subsidized by market economies. They need capitalism to survive, and to fund their welfare programs. Even more so, they need the power of America's capitalist engine to keep their economies moving forward."
Something better probably depends on your POV. Gorbachev Glasnost has been replaced by Putin thuggery. I'm sure he, the oligarchs, and the Russian Mob are quite content with that. But I think they would argue they're still using Capitalism.
Same with Marcos falling to Aquino in the Philippines. Now they have Duterte. More thuggery masquerading as Capitalism. Rinse and repeat in Venezuela, many African countries, etc. So Capitalism has its vulnerabilities. And in the US, they've never been more evident, or at risk, than they are now.
Which is what a lot of us are fighting for. #resist
Quote: beachbumbabsCapitalism has its vulnerabilities. t
"Capitalism has worked very well. Anyone who wants to move to North Korea is welcome." Bill Gates
"The problem of social organization is how to set up an arrangement under which greed will do the least harm. Capitalism is that kind of a system." Milton Friedman
"The free market is not an invention of capitalism. It has existed for centuries. It is an invention of civilization." Mikhail Gorbachev
Quote: beachbumbabs*EXCERPT*
Re: bedbugs. They know no economic boundaries. All you have to do is stay one night in someone's home, or two bedroom apartment, after having picked up one or two at an infested hotel (and I think EVERY hotel in Vegas, from Venetian on down, has had them in a room at some point), and voila!
I wonder what percentage of AirB&B locations have bedbugs? (or hidden videocameras to spy on the guests?)
Quote: EvenBobWhere was the revolt that replaced capitalism
with something better. Socialism is failing
Socialism Now, Socialism Tomorrow, Socialism Forever — The Ruin Of Nations
"What's found in Sweden, Norway, and Denmark is not socialism or even democratic socialism. Those nations are more accurately defined as welfare states subsidized by market economies. They need capitalism to survive, and to fund their welfare programs. Even more so, they need the power of America's capitalist engine to keep their economies moving forward."
Shhhh! EvenBob! You can't go around implicitly promoting Scandinavian economic policies! They'll take away your Conservative Card!
Quote: TigerWu
Shhhh! EvenBob! You can't go around implicitly promoting Scandinavian economic policies!
You read that scathing indictment of
socialism as a 'promotion' of it? Really?
Quote: EvenBobYou read that scathing indictment of
socialism as a 'promotion' of it? Really?
No, and I said no such thing.
I said it was a promotion of "Scandinavian economic policies," which, according to the paragraph that YOU quoted, is NOT socialism, but capitalist-based welfare.
Quote: TigerWu
promotion of "Scandinavian economic policies,"
No it wasn't. It was a criticism of how
those countries aren't Socialist at all,
they're totally dependent on capitalism.
Quote: EvenBobNo it wasn't. It was a criticism of how
those countries aren't Socialist at all,
they're totally dependent on capitalism.
So... do you or do you not personally support the concept of capitalist-based economies?
Quote: EvenBob
those countries aren't Socialist at all,
they're totally dependent on capitalism.
those words, Socialism and Capitalism are not very meaningful and haven't been for a long time.
just about everybody says the U.S. is a capitalist country
but the U.S. has many socialistic aspects to its government and has for a long time
the word "Socialism" upsets many people because they envision a complete overhaul of the system
but that is not really what is happening
the question is how to balance the 2 different concepts in the society
a great many say that France is a socialist country
but there are many capitalist elements to French society
quite a few wealthy people in France
in my county there is a "state store" where hard liquor sold
the county does not allow private businesses to sell hard liquor
to me that is socialism - some counties do this and some don't
the ones that do fear that the controls on liquor sales will not be well enforced by private business
that may be true but they also wanted the revenue that these sales generate and they deprived private business people from having an opportunity
to me there decision to do it this way is wrong - but this is just one thing going on in my county - lots of business and development and lots getting rich from private enterprise
Quote: lilredroosterthe word "Socialism" upsets many people because they envision a complete overhaul of the system
It would. Socialism always means one
thing, taxing the living crap out of
the people who make money. It
takes the incentive away to succeed,
and it eventually fails.
"The trouble/problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." Margaret Thatcher
It's a cliche now, but Venezuela is
a textbook example of what's wrong
with Socialism. Like it or don't..
Quote: EvenBobIt's a cliche now,
a textbook example
you and your cliches and your textbook examples are all wrong
Venezuela is not similar to France
China, is not similar to North Korea
Russia is not similar to Cambodia
all of these systems are very different
if you just call them Socialism you are saying one size fits all and that is total BS
Quote: lilredroosteryou and your cliches and your textbook examples are all wrong
Nope. Chavez nationalized businesses,
taxed the wealthy into insolvency, he
ran the country by the Socialist handbook.
And look at it today.
Quote: EvenBob
ran the country by the Socialist handbook.
more EB BS
there is no socialist handbook
China, France and Russia are all called socialist or communist
they all have lots of capitalism there and lots of people are getting rich there
that was my point - my point was not that socialism is good
my point was that it doesn't mean much to call the countries I just mentioned "Socialist."
it doesn't in any way describe how their system operates
Quote: ZenKinGAnyone in favor of Socialism, I have a bridge in New York to sell you.
Is anybody in this thread even advocating for pure Socialism/Socialism as seen in Venezuela? I haven't read the whole thing....
Quote: TigerWuIs anybody in this thread even advocating for pure Socialism/Socialism as seen in Venezuela? I haven't read the whole thing....
I sure didn't. because I mentioned the definition of Socialism EB jumped to the conclusion that I was advocating socialism which I don't
to EB everything is black or white. no coloration, no middle ground
I'd be willing to bet EB enjoys getting his S.S. deposit every month
Quote: TigerWuIs anybody in this thread even advocating for pure Socialism/Socialism as seen in Venezuela? I haven't read the whole thing....
it doesnt matter when we give they take and will keep taking. theres transgender men reading books to children and "trans" children stripping in nightclubs and on tv for f*** sake. no more.
Quote: lilredrooster
China, France and Russia are all called socialist or communist
That was the point of the article I
posted. They're 'called' socialist or
communist but in reality they are
capitalist. But that's a dirty word
so they pretend they aren't.
If you don't reward effort proportionally,
you're type of system will always
fail. I'm not working my ass off to
get paid the same as some guy who
works 10 hours a week.
Quote: heatmapit doesnt matter when we give they take and will keep taking. theres transgender men reading books to children and "trans" children stripping in nightclubs and on tv for f*** sake. no more.
Woah, wait... what does being transgender have to do with socialism?
This thread is taking some odd turns....
Quote: EvenBobThat was the point of the article I
posted. They're 'called' socialist or
communist but in reality they are
never mind France. China and Russia are not capitalist because capitalism is synonymous with democracy and they are not democratic.
other than allowing certain segments of private business to flourish they feature near total submission of the individual to the interests of the State
again, that was my point
that they are neither socialists or communists or capitalists
those words are not helpful in explaining how they actually operate
Nobody is purely invested 100% in one specific type of economy.
These arguments are all moot.
Quote: lilredroosterChina and Russia are not capitalist
Where do you think all those billionaires
came from in Russia and China in the
last 30 years. Pure unadulterated
capitalism. Combined they have 575
billionaires, almost as many as we
Quote: TigerWuI said it a few pages ago... everybody is a mixed economy.
Nobody is purely invested 100% in one specific type of economy.
These arguments are all moot.
I'm reading a Robert Reich book right now and one of the earliest points he makes is that the argument of the "free market" sorting things out is a fallacy because there is no such thing as a free market. There is always some degree of regulation, even if it's miniscule. There would be no economy without government.
Quote: MintyI'm reading a Robert Reich book right now
OMG, get rid of it as soon as possible.
Reich loves to say he's not a Socialist,
he's for 'reformed capitalism'. Yeah,
reforming it into socialism.
Raise the tax rate on corporations
through the roof, raise the taxes on
the rich till they scream bloody murder,
raise the capital gains tax, reduce the
work week to 35 hours, and give
middle-class people a huge earned
income tax break.
These ideas are all pure socialism.
Quote: EvenBob
Pure unadulterated
wrong again!
re-read my earlier post re China and Russia
it explains why they are not capitalist societies
for your edification
Quote: EvenBobOMG, get rid of it as soon as possible.
Reich loves to say he's not a Socialist,
he's for 'reformed capitalism'. Yeah,
reforming it into socialism.
Raise the tax rate on corporations
through the roof, raise the taxes on
the rich till they scream bloody murder,
raise the capital gains tax, reduce the
work week to 35 hours, and give
middle-class people a huge earned
income tax break.
These ideas are all pure socialism.
You have no idea what "pure socialism" is based on what you've been posting.
Quote: TigerWuYou have no idea what "pure socialism" is based on what you've been posting.
Please educate us all on what you think pure socialism is. Also, it does nobody any good to essentially say ‘you don’t know jack about X’ without clarifying X.
Edit: I’m sure you could write a book on it but just sum it up.
Quote: TigerWuYou have no idea what "pure socialism" is based on what you've been posting.
Yeah, I was gonna say that all sounds great. Hahaha. Some countries have 30 hour work weeks and guess what? Without higher mandated hours people are equally productive. There's less time wasted in meetings that waste everyone's time and energy. It's easier to maintain focus over a shorter period of time. A person can be more flexible with their schedule allowing them to really optimize their best hours of the day for working rather than the standard 9 to 5, Good knows I'm not real functional then. Higher taxes on those that dodge them anyway aren't gonna be such a big deal.
Quote: MoosetonPlease educate us all on what you think pure socialism is. Also, it does nobody any good to essentially say ‘you don’t know jack about X’ without clarifying X.
Edit: I’m sure you could write a book on it but just sum it up.
Here you go.
None of what EvenBob is describing is "pure socialism." Higher taxes on the rich and 35 hour work weeks is not even remotely socialism.
EDIT: P.S., the book that EvenBob is railing against is actually called "Saving Capitalism." SAVING Capitalism. Here's a quote from the author, Robert Reich (emphasis added):
'I want to preserve the basic principles, which are private property and voluntary exchange. I mean, those are what we have inherited and really works very well, much better than communism. Even China has adopted a lot of capitalism. You can't find any successful economy in the world that hasn’t adopted those principles. But you’ve got to make it work for average people, you’ve got to keep the trust of the people in the system, and right now if you look at every poll and ask people, "Well is the system working for you?," most people say no. "Do you think it's rigged for the benefit of the people at the top?" "Yes." And this undermines the public trust in it, it kind of invites all sorts of pilfering and corruption and, “I’m gonna get mine and to hell with everybody else.”'
Reich is pro-capitalist-based economies. Not even close to "pure socialism." EvenBob is just instigating as usual.
Quote: TigerWuEvenBob is railing against is actually called "Saving Capitalism." SAVING Capitalism.
Reich wants to 'save' it by turning it
into his version of socialism. Punish
the rich and reward the common
worker. He's very good at twisting
his theories around, but that's the
basis of what he thinks. Rich people
bad, common worker good. He's
for redistributing wealth but constantly
says he isn't.
He was one of the people when Obama
was president who said we were in the
'new normal' economy. He hates Trump's
guts for proving him wrong.
Quote: EvenBobReich wants to 'save' it by turning it
into his version of socialism.
You mean a welfare state based on capitalism? Yes, I agree that's what he wants to do. That's not socialism.
Even you think that's the case, because you were arguing that EXACT point just a couple pages ago, and even linked to evidence supporting your claim that capitalist-based welfare states are NOT socialist.
Quote: TigerWu
Pure socialism, who cares. From the article
you posted:
"There are many varieties of socialism and there is no single definition encapsulating all of them"
It's whatever you want it to be. 'Pure'
socialism doesn't exist. At the heart
of it is the constant battle to make
the poor equal with the rich. Never
gonna happen because the rich are
always smarter than the poor, that's
usually how they got rich.
Quote: MintyI'm reading a Robert Reich book right now and one of the earliest points he makes is that the argument of the "free market" sorting things out is a fallacy because there is no such thing as a free market. There is always some degree of regulation, even if it's miniscule. There would be no economy without government.
If you are following Reich this would be a reason you are complaining about not having more financial success in life. Note that Reich spent his life in academia and government, not the real wold.
No economy without government? Wrong! Here is an example. Just days after Japan surrendered in WWII there was an ad (from the Japanese mafia of all people!) saying that they were setting up at a certain place and would buy and sell goods to all comers. No functioning government, an economy started up. Economic activity is natural.
Reading Reich will just make a person despair and think that if someone else's taxes go up then they will be better off. Read "The Art of the Deal." Read a book about a successful business (e.g.: "McDonald's: Behind the Arches" for one.) Learn from people who actually made it in business.
Quote: AZDuffman
Reading Reich will just make a person despair and think that if someone else's taxes go up then they will be better off.
Reich cracks me up because he really
thinks he's fooling people by always
railing against socialism/communism,
yet when you read his stuff he actually
supports some version of it. He's the
perfect example of a college professor
idealog who has never had a real job
outside of teaching and politics, yet
he knows what's best for all of us.
He laughed at and mocked Trump
endlessly in 2016 that what he was
proposing would never work. Now
that we have a booming economy,
he's beside himself with bitterness.
Quote: EvenBobReich cracks me up because he really
thinks he's fooling people by always
railing against socialism/communism,
yet when you read his stuff he actually
supports some version of it. He's the
perfect example of a college professor
idealog who has never had a real job
outside of teaching and politics, yet
he knows what's best for all of us.
He laughed at and mocked Trump
endlessly in 2016 that what he was
proposing would never work. Now
that we have a booming economy,
he's beside himself with bitterness.
I crack up at the people who want a 70-90% tax rate then insist they are not socialists. Usually these people spent too much time in school following the wrong degrees. But they make a mean iced caramel machiatto for me.
Quote: AZDuffmanI crack up at the people who want a 70-90% tax rate then insist they are not socialists. Usually these people spent too much time in school following the wrong degrees. But they make a mean iced caramel machiatto for me.
Before or after you deal blackjack to them?
Rules are rules, thanks.
Quote: ZenKinGHow did we go from bed bugs to socialism. I want everyone banned who hijacked my thread.
Rules are rules, thanks.
Point taken. Hijackers, ban yourselves. I'm traveling.
As to how we got there, step by step in a conversation that actually holds together over pages. You're welcome and encouraged to bring it back on track, though you've been ignoring all the bedbug advice you were offered, so perhaps people thought the thread was done there?
Borax. I'm telling you. Little shredded bodies everywhere for your amusement.
I had the hijack pinned at this post... Which also featured a misquote.Quote: ZenKinGHow did we go from bed bugs to socialism. I want everyone banned who hijacked my thread.
Rules are rules, thanks.
Oh hum, EB got a free pass that time. Just as he encourages a more stringent enforcement of the rules.
I HAVE split the thread . Enjoy.
Quote: ZenKinGHow did we go from bed bugs to socialism. I want everyone banned who hijacked my thread.
Rules are rules, thanks.
I officially apologize to you, ZenKing, for my part in hijacking your thread.
I hate both bedbugs and socialism, and fortunately I've never had to deal with either.
Quote: ZenKinGAnyone in favor of Socialism, I have a bridge in New York to sell you.
and then you said this:
Quote: ZenKinGHow did we go from bed bugs to socialism. I want everyone banned who hijacked my thread.
Rules are rules, thanks.
does that mean you want to have yourself banned?