I think I still have a P 38 somewhere.
Quote: MaxPenI wonder how many soldiers were wounded trying to open their food. Did they get a Purple Heart for gouging themselves trying to get lunch?
I think I still have a P 38 somewhere.
Such an injury would not qualify for a Purple Heart.
Quote: TigerWuSuch an injury would not qualify for a Purple Heart.
Major Frank Burns got a purple heart for taking a shell fragment to the eye. Egg shell that is.

Quote: AyecarumbaDid cans with "keys" predate/delay the introduction of the opener?
The metal got thinner, I imagine keys
were later because that metal is very
Quote: TigerWuSuch an injury would not qualify for a Purple Heart.
The medal requires injury by enemy action. Only an enemy would give someone a thick metal can of food and no opener😀 Think about it.
Quote: vegasThe most easterly state is Alaska
How so?
Quote: WizardHow so?
It wraps around the the east west lines so its furthest western tip is to our east
From the all knowing wikipedia: "Alaska is the northernmost and westernmost state in the United States and has the most easterly longitude in the United States because the Aleutian Islands extend into the Eastern Hemisphere"Quote: WizardHow so?
In order to be in synch with the picture the optical track is physically NOT in synch with the corresponding frame but advanced 26 frames ahead (the sound is being read by an optical reader 26 frames earlier than the corresponding picture that is being projected)
Quote: EvenBobThe can opener was a chisel and
hammer until the cans became
thinner and others could be
invented. They found cans of
food that went down on a ship
in Lake MI that went down in
the 1860's. 125 years later the
food was still safe to eat.
125 year old food still safe to eat? O.O
Quote: Nathan125 year old food still safe to eat? O.O
Nobody ate it, but they could have.
Quote: RSSince we're on the topics of maps.....Brazil is about 4 times the size of Greenland.
Are you finally watching the West Wing on Netflix? Yay!
Quote: WizardHow so?
Yes as Alaska goes west it crosses the international date line. That puts Alaska in the eastern hemisphere.
It is all part of a great trivia question that almost no one answers correctly. Name the States that are furthest north,west,south and east.
North... Alaska
West.... Alaska
South... Hawaii
East.... Alaska
Quote: vegasYes as Alaska goes west it crosses the international date line. That puts Alaska in the eastern hemisphere.
If you want to be pedantic, it doesn't cross the "international date line," but it does cross the 180th Meridian. The date line itself bends so that you don't have different parts of Alaska (and Russia, for that matter) that are 24 hours apart.
Nobody likes a pendant. :-)Quote: ThatDonGuyIf you want to be pedantic, it doesn't cross the "international date line," but it does cross the 180th Meridian. The date line itself bends so that you don't have different parts of Alaska (and Russia, for that matter) that are 24 hours apart.
Quote: beachbumbabsAre you finally watching the West Wing on Netflix? Yay!
I enjoyed WW until about season
5 when it started to get super Lib
preachy after Rob Lowe left. I never
found Munchkin size Martin Sheen
very believable as president,
Modern president's are usually tall,
Sheen was shorter than even the
women on the show. He looked
silly sometimes, like somebody
made Mickey Rooney president.
Here's a cast pic, his chief of staff
is bending down to put his face
next to Sheen's to make the height
difference not so obvious.

Quote: beachbumbabsAre you finally watching the West Wing on Netflix? Yay!
I literally have no idea what West Wing is.
Quote: RSI literally have no idea what West Wing is.
It's a show that was on from 99-06
about a Lib president in the WH.
The first 4 seasons aren't bad, but
like Alan Alda ruined MASH in
last few seasons with his radical
Lib preaching, they had to ruin
WW the same way. Liberalism
is a religion, they won't be happy
till we're all in lockstep with them.
I don't ever use a can opener unless I cant find a knife. I can open a can with just about any knife clear around the top faster than most people can by using an electric can opener.Quote: darkozThe can opener was invented 50 years after the invention of canned food
Even with a butter knife, but that takes a bit more work to puncture though and the cut wont be very smooth.
Mrs. Wolf still hates it when I use the knifes to open cans or as make shift tools because I don't want to take the time to find the proper one.
Quote: EvenBobLiberalism
is a religion, they won't be happy
till we're all in lockstep with them.

Quote: AxelWolfI don't ever use a can opener unless I cant find a knife. I can open a can with just about any knife clear around the top faster than most people can by using an electric can opener.
Even with a butter knife, but that takes a bit more work to puncture though and the cut wont be very smooth.
Mrs. Wolf still hates it when I use the knifes to open cans or as make shift tools because I don't want to take the time to find the proper one.
At least you don't use your teeth.
Quote: MaxPen
I think I still have a P 38 somewhere.
Seems overkill. There's gotta be a cleaner way to open a can of Chunky

Unless you meant Walther and not Lockheed. In that case, find it. Know a guy that'll fund your next play and take it off your hands...
Quote: EvenBobIt's a show that was on from 99-06
about a Lib president in the WH.
The first 4 seasons aren't bad, but
like Alan Alda ruined MASH in
last few seasons with his radical
Lib preaching, they had to ruin
WW the same way. Liberalism
is a religion, they won't be happy
till we're all in lockstep with them.
Funniest part to the ending was the Democrat POTUS candidate came from TX and the GOP (Alda) from CA!
As to why need a can opener before having cans, wasn't the parachute invented hundreds of years before the airplane?
The few old cans I've seen had a kind of key that wrapped around itself.
I'm surprised no one ever came up with resealable cans.
Quote: billryan
I'm surprised no one ever came up with resealable cans.
No need and not practical.
Quote: billryanThe parachute was not created to jump out of planes, it was adapted to that role. The can opener was created for its purpose, not adapted.
The few old cans I've seen had a kind of key that wrapped around itself.
I'm surprised no one ever came up with resealable cans.
Isnt that a Pringles can?
makeup 49% of worldwide internet traffic. I
would imagine that's because they all
involve videos. Facebook is only 1.5%,
probably because it's mostly text
I also read Google, everyday, gets 500
million unique queries that it's never gotten
before. That's pretty astounding.
Quote: RSI literally have no idea what West Wing is.
The West Wing is FORBIDDEN! ;)

Quote: billryanThe parachute was not created to jump out of planes, it was adapted to that role. The can opener was created for its purpose, not adapted.
The few old cans I've seen had a kind of key that wrapped around itself.
I'm surprised no one ever came up with resealable cans.
They sold both dog food and coffee in cans with plastic lids for storage after opening, starting in the 70s, decades before they started making Pringles. Spam and other canned meats used to come with a strip-opener, a key on the side that you wound around the top to undo, then the top could be set back on it to refrigerate the rest. It had an inset lip that would seal it pretty well. Goes back to at least WWII rations, probably very expensive to manufacture compared to how often it's used, but for whatever reason they stopped it.
You can still find people today who freak out at the idea of refrigerating unused portions in the can they came in. They'll shriek "Do you want ptomaine?" This seems to go back to ice box days , when the word seemed to go around that cases of botulism that you heard of were due to this practice. Today the food safety folks know that the can itself had nothing to do with it [there are other reasons to store it in something else though].Quote: beachbumbabsprobably very expensive to manufacture compared to how often it's used, but for whatever reason they stopped it.
In any case I think many , many people were too averse to storing the leftovers in the can to want cans on which you could put the lid back .
Quote: DRichFun fact: The wombat poops cubes.
Looks exactly like croutons you can find at certain Vegas buffet salad bars.
Quote: beachbumbabsThey sold both dog food and coffee in cans with plastic lids for storage after opening, starting in the 70s, decades before they started making Pringles. Spam and other canned meats used to come with a strip-opener, a key on the side that you wound around the top to undo, then the top could be set back on it to refrigerate the rest. It had an inset lip that would seal it pretty well. Goes back to at least WWII rations, probably very expensive to manufacture compared to how often it's used, but for whatever reason they stopped it.
I would wager that the cans then were twice or more the metal as they use today. I had some collectible beer cans from the mid-1990s that I got rid of in a Vick-Steeler purge. Even then they were twice as heavy as today, yes I actually weighed them. So I would say one big reason for stopping it was time marched on and they were no longer needed.
Quote: odiousgambitYou can still find people today who freak out at the idea of refrigerating unused portions in the can they came in. They'll shriek "Do you want ptomaine?" This seems to go back to ice box days , when the word seemed to go around that cases of botulism that you heard of were due to this practice. Today the food safety folks know that the can itself had nothing to do with it [there are other reasons to store it in something else though].
In any case I think many , many people were too averse to storing the leftovers in the can to want cans on which you could put the lid back .
One of my first bets was on this. My Mom always warned us of "tomaine" poisoning. After searching several dictionaries and encyclopedias, I concluded it belonged alongside "fingernails and gum turn into ulcer causing spikes" and the like.
Next time she brought it up, I confidently bet my allowance. I was done in the silent P.
My Sisters and I would often offer to bet her when we disagreed on something, but I quickly learned she only accepted when she was certain.
Quote: odiousgambitYou can still find people today who freak out at the idea of refrigerating unused portions in the can they came in. They'll shriek "Do you want ptomaine?"
Lots of people died from botulism from
poor home canning. Mostly from canned
veggies. The bacteria is in the soil and
you have to get the product to a certain
temp and keep it there to kill it before
Quote: MaxPen
I think I still have a P 38 somewhere
Quote: FaceSeems overkill. There's gotta be a cleaner way to open a can of Chunky
Unless you meant Walther and not Lockheed. In that case, find it. Know a guy that'll fund your next play and take it off your hands...
Hehe... this is a P-38 can opener:

Fun fact: There's also a P-51...
Quote: EvenBobLots of people died from botulism from
poor home canning. Mostly from canned
veggies. The bacteria is in the soil and
you have to get the product to a certain
temp and keep it there to kill it before
My neighbor gave me some canned at home peppers.
I’ve seen him cook food in his back yard over pallet wood, so I threw the peppers straight into the trash.
Quote: gamerfreakMy neighbor gave me some canned at home peppers.
I’ve seen him cook food in his back yard over pallet wood, so I threw the papers straight into the trash.
Assuming you meant peppers, but good call.
And GF, thanks for your semi support last month. And I mean that in all seriousness.
You’re a good dude always open for discussion on both sides.
Enjoy your youth and common sense. Certainly beats the rants of another member I (unfairly) compared you with.
Quote: gamerfreakMy neighbor gave me some canned at home peppers.
Canned garlic is the worst, especially
if it's in oil. Deadly.
I got serious about canning, read up on it, and found this out. I have a pressure cooker now that gets the ingredients to 240 degrees F , where it is maintained for 90 minutes.
Quote: petroglyphI used to let my dog sleep at the foot of my bed. But one morning I woke up with heart burn so bad, I was concerned I had something medically wrong with my stomach. Then I realized I had been breathing dog farts all night, and my stomach gas smelled and tasted like dog pooh. He didn't sleep in the bedroom anymore.
I loved him, but at times he was gassy.
This happened
earth, think they're taking up too much
space? If you were to take all 7 bullion
of us and put us in one place, say the
Grand Canyon, it wouldn't even fill
it. Kinda puts things in perspective.

Quote: BozAssuming you meant peppers, but good call.
And GF, thanks for your semi support last month. And I mean that in all seriousness.
You’re a good dude always open for discussion on both sides.
Enjoy your youth and common sense. Certainly beats the rants of another member I (unfairly) compared you with.
Thanks Boz glad you are back
What country has the longest North to South contiguous land mass?