the barn and counted candles. 20
boxes, at least 100 per box. At
wholesale prices that's $1000
worth of candles. But these were
top of the line, Gibson Greeting
Card company, $1.25 each. That's
$2500 worth.
I put them in the back corner of
my big barn (35' by 50') and
forgot about them for 25 years.
This is what neatly stacked boxes
look like after 25 years of inattention.

Quote: darkozThe can opener was invented 50 years after the invention of canned food
Does this explain why Prince Albert was in the can for so long?
But canned green beans in sea salt are the best.Quote: EvenBobCanned garlic is the worst, especially
if it's in oil. Deadly.
Let me tell you what you can do with all those candles ((-:
Quote: MaxPenThose candles look like they've been other places.
They're not wrecked, just been sitting
in heat and cold for 25 years. Still
in the orig plastic, still work fine..
Quote: EvenBobThey're not wrecked, just been sitting
in heat and cold for 25 years. Still
in the orig plastic, still work fine..
"I do not think that word means what you think it means."
A small room though so a candle would work. I know a candle inside a coffee can can work even in a pickup truck if its fairly closed up.
60 to 63 degrees is not all that much in a small room.
houses stage stops etc used to be small and have low ceilings, few windows. easy to heat and defend.
Bob knew exactly what Max was getting at. Bob was just playing dumb.Quote: beachbumbabs"I do not think that word means what you think it means."
Quote: beachbumbabs"I do not think that word means what you think it means."
a term for the word "wrecked".
Quote: EvenBobAt the tip of a lit candle, it's 1800 degrees F.
My house is mid 19th century so the
bedrooms are small. I picked the smallest
one because it's easy to cool and to heat,
49 sq ft.
1800 degrees, I wondered if they could
raise the temp of my bedroom. 4 of them
raise it from 60 to 67 in about an hour.
Heck with the space heater.
Here we go again, candle time. I have
6 going tonight in my bedroom because
it's 0 outside. 10 candles produce
the same heat as an 800W space heater.
6 produce 480W, enough to raise the
temp in here 6 degrees. I have a holder
I made that's 4" by 6". Hold your hand
15" above 6 burning candles and you
can't hold it there long.
Quote: EvenBobHere we go again, candle time. I have
6 going tonight in my bedroom because
it's 0 outside. 10 candles produce
the same heat as an 800W space heater.
6 produce 480W, enough to raise the
temp in here 6 degrees. I have a holder
I made that's 4" by 6". Hold your hand
15" above 6 burning candles and you
can't hold it there long.
For God sakes, you are going to end up setting yourself and house on fire. It is the 21st century and you live in the frozen tundra where winters are 8 months long. USE modern heat!
Quote: kewljFor God sakes, you are going to end up setting yourself and house on fire. !
Really? $3.4 billion is spent on candles
every year in the US. That's a couple
billion candles. Why are you so terrified
of such a common item that's used
in most homes.
Quote: kewljFor God sakes, you are going to end up setting yourself and house on fire. It is the 21st century and you live in the frozen tundra where winters are 8 months long. USE modern heat!
6 candles in a closed room? /well carbon monoxide is a silent killer. Most people don't even know they are going to die.
Quote: EvenBobReally? $3.4 billion is spent on candles
every year in the US. That's a couple
billion candles. Why are you so terrified
of such a common item that's used
in most homes.
Not terrified of a candle. But it is 2021. They shouldn't be used for heat.
Quote: rxwine6 candles in a closed room? /well carbon monoxide is a silent killer.
"A candle flame does not produce an excessive amount of CO. Most rooms have enough air flow and air exchange that it isn't an issue. If there is enough oxygen to keep a candle burning then there is enough to avoid the production of carbon monoxide. CO production only occurs when lots fuel is forced into a flame with restricted oxygen."
Quote: kewljNot terrified of a candle. But it is 2021. They shouldn't be used for heat.
Why not. 90% of a candles energy
is heat, the rest is light. Why waste
all that heat energy.
31 million channels. 500 videos
a minute are uploaded worldwide.
90% of YT viewers live outside the
US. India has the largest number of
YT viewers with 250 million. YT
sold $15 billion in ad revenue in
2019. In 1992 Bill Gates said he saw
no practical use for the internet, so
he invested nothing in it. By 1997
he was kicking his own butt for
not seeing it's potential.
Quote:Available exclusively from Hammacher Schlemmer, this is the sherpa-lined shawl that combines the cozy warmth of a heated blanket with the mobility of a cape. Its imperceptible heating elements are powered by a built-in rechargeable battery that supplies constant heat at 128º F without being tethered to a cord or outlet.
Quote: rxwineThis is all you really need.
How does that help me get rid
of 2000 candles. And a shawl
has none of the cozy ambiance
burning candles do..
Do they make a heated coffee mug or dinner plate? I make a lot of trips to a micro wave trying to keep my food hot.Quote: rxwineThis is all you really need.
Quote: GidverMajor Frank Burns got a purple heart for taking a shell fragment to the eye. Egg shell that is.
I looked up his record. It says "shell fragment."