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January 22nd, 2019 at 11:04:30 AM permalink
Quote: tringlomane

Wow, just wow. And what about the 0.09% you didn't account for?

Get off his back, chief. He was off by one 0.
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January 22nd, 2019 at 12:07:03 PM permalink
Quote: terapined

It doesn't suck
My DR has kept me alive
Sometimes I get infections, bronchitis
Before anti-biotics, you got an infection, you died
So I get an infection, I see my DR, they give me anti-biotics. I get better and continue living
Anti biotics have saved my life several times

I had 2 major stomach operations. I had severe diverticulitis. The pain was very hard to bear. It would be absurd for me not to go to hospital, have the operation to stay alive and pain free.

Its not seeing a DR sucks
Its that you are incredibly fortunate to be so healthy to not see a DR
When you get to my age, 60, stuff goes wrong and you need a DR

When my doctor tells me to lay off the preworkout powder and protein shakes I tell him

“I’m an animal and last time I checked, YOUR NOT A VET”
Dost thou even hoist
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January 22nd, 2019 at 2:06:08 PM permalink
Quote: happahero

When my doctor tells me to lay off the preworkout powder and protein shakes I tell him

“I’m an animal and last time I checked, YOUR NOT A VET”

Lions lie around most of day and don't go to the gym. At least the ones I've seen.
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January 22nd, 2019 at 3:04:08 PM permalink
Anti-vaxxers are making people sick in my old hometown.


Vaccinated people have gone from 91% to 76% in the county in 10 years due to vaccine hesitancy.

22 cases of measles, 3 more suspected, most unVaccinated kindergarteners/elementary kids.
Last edited by: beachbumbabs on Jan 22, 2019
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January 22nd, 2019 at 3:18:31 PM permalink
Quote: beachbumbabs

Anti-vaxxers are making people sick in my old hometown.


Vaccinated people have gone from 91% to 76% in the county in 10 years due to vaccine hesitancy.

22 cases of measles, 3 more suspected, most un Vaccinated kindergarteners/elementary kids.

That is INSANE!

The problem is, people take a life without epidemics for granted nowadays. In my grandmothers generation - she told me - regional measels outbreaks in Germany were still a very real horror. And many people were affected in their own family, having lost an infant to measels, or at the very least they knew people that had gone through that fate. When the measels vaccine became available in the late '60s there was NO debate whether or not it should be used.

The people who reject science still enjoy the life they are able to lead thanks to science.

Edit: spellchecker changed unvaccinated to in vaccinated - fixed it.
Last edited by: beachbumbabs on Jan 22, 2019
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January 22nd, 2019 at 9:44:04 PM permalink
I honestly can't take it anymore. First off, the good ole 'life expectancy' argument to combat advocates of fasting or the use of medication. Just look at RonC talking about life expectancy and how it was so 'great' back in the day with his little sarcastic twist to it. Ok buddy, who exactly was tracking the life expectancy statistics back then? What about in the cavemen days or centuries after that? Were their people with stones and rocks going around the forest checking the pulse of the deceased and then scraping down the stats? Were they given birth certificates tied to their tarzan suits of when these people were born. What about during medieval civilization or centuries before or after that? Who was going around counting the dead bodies on the ground and finding out when they were born? There weren't any hospitals around until the mid 18th century, and even when hospitals began to become mainstream, how many were actually gathering statistics without computers? Were they penciling in every dead body in their hospital on a piece of scrap paper and keeping a tally? Give me a break dude. Obviously not. SO that's one red flag right off the bat.

No one knows what the true life expectancy was back then. But LETS SAY they did know the life expectancy of the people back then. Don't you think the number would be completely MISLEADING due to all the deaths of infants and young children who simply couldnt get enough food or clean water and skewed the average or what about the adults who also couldnt find food or clean water for months? They weren't exactly dying because of not eating for a day or not having a vaccine and dying because of some supposed illness floating around. Most of them were dying because they had no FOOD for months. But then what you have now, is you have agenda based pharmaceuticals and 'experts' who now try and mislead and brainwash future generations of the 'way to live' and that 'medication' is good and that vaccines are needed, meanwhile everyone is always sick or obese their whole lives and suffering from depression, insomnia, or whatever the hell people suffer from now a days. I wonder how many cavemen suffered from insomnia after chowing down a deer at night and going straight to bed on a full stomach. Just look at the word 'medicine'. Sound it out. Med IS A SIN. There's so many words like that with the true meaning hidden between the word that people don't even notice because they're so brainwashed as it is. Here's another one 'Tell-a-lie-vision'. We all know TV is full of misleading garbage by the elite. It's like they're trolling all of you on top of it and you still dont notice anything.

Secondly, FASTING would end all diseases as we know it. The reason everyone is so sick all the time is because of their diet and dietary habits. You literally got drones not being able to go without food their WHOLE LIVES for more than a 5 hour span because they think they will go into starvation mode or they will DIE if they dont put something in their mouths every 5 minutes LOL and then people want to know why their kitchen cabinet is full of medication by the time they're 40 or that they're always sick. Did you guys know that after 72 hours WITHOUT FOOD, your body begins to regenerate itself? Literally new white blood cells begin to form. Let that sink in. Can you imagine what a 40 day fast would actually do to your body like the Bible recommends you to do? Diseases CANNOT GROW in a FASTED ENVIRONMENT. All diseases, such as cancer cannot grow or spread without a form of glucose currently present in your body. When you fast, especially for extended periods, all glucose is depleted and a natural phenomenon called autophagy then takes over to 'spring clean' your entire system. How many people in society today ever have autophagy activate in their bodies? OF COURSE EVERYONE IS F***** sick, obese or mentally ill.

Honestly, wake up people. It's like everyone is so brainwashed to the point that they simply cannot use their brain to think critically about ANYTHING. If there was a study done tomorrow that banging your head against the wall made you more intelligent, 99.9% of the population would start doing it as long as it came from Harvard medical school. That's sadly where we are as a society.
Last edited by: ZenKinG on Jan 22, 2019
Any private business open to the PUBLIC (ie. droned out casinos) cannot have a criminal trespass enforced against an individual without GOOD CAUSE (Disruptive or Disorderly conduct). You will never go to prison for being thrown out of a casino for legal advantage play and then returning because it's simply unconstitutional 'as applied' to the individual. 'As applied' constitutional issues must FIRST be raised in DISTRICT COURT (trial court) to have it thrown out. You CANNOT raise it on APPEAL This is the best kept secret in the world of casinos not just in Vegas but everywhere in the country. Thank me later.
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January 23rd, 2019 at 4:06:06 AM permalink
Quote: ZenKinG

..... even when big pharma and the government tell you that theyre injecting aluminum, lead, mercury, and all this poison into your bloodstream,......

......Not to mention them injecting the actual disease into your bloodstream,

There’s more mercury in a can of tuna, than a vaccine injection. 32 ppm methyl mercury for white tuna vs <.01 mcg ethyl mercury in a syringe.

The vaccines for pneumonia, flu, polio and shingles are inactive (killed) vaccines.

50,000 Americans die annually from pneumonia and 80,000 die annually from influenza.

Eat less tuna and get vaccinated.
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January 23rd, 2019 at 4:28:15 AM permalink
Smallpox. Polio. Let’s start with those.

Answer the question. You don’t think lives were saved with these vaccines?

It frustrates me that this forum allows him to say that I’m brainwashed for thinking that vaccines have saved lives. I mean, this is an undisputed fact.

What am I allowed to say about his brain that won’t get me suspended? I don’t even know.

I know, I’m just going to be told to block him. But for some reason, that just doesn’t sit well with me.
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January 23rd, 2019 at 5:09:18 AM permalink
Quote: ZenKinG

I honestly can't take it anymore.

I agree
Measles outbreak grows to 23 cases in Clark County, thousands may have been exposed
When somebody doesn't believe me, I could care less. Some get totally bent out of shape when not believed. Weird. I believe very little on all forums
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January 23rd, 2019 at 5:45:19 AM permalink
Quote: ZenKinG

I honestly can't take it anymore. First off, the good ole 'life expectancy' argument to combat advocates of fasting or the use of medication. Just look at RonC talking about life expectancy and how it was so 'great' back in the day with his little sarcastic twist to it. Ok buddy, who exactly was tracking the life expectancy statistics back then? What about in the cavemen days or centuries after that? Were their people with stones and rocks going around the forest checking the pulse of the deceased and then scraping down the stats? Were they given birth certificates tied to their tarzan suits of when these people were born. What about during medieval civilization or centuries before or after that? Who was going around counting the dead bodies on the ground and finding out when they were born? There weren't any hospitals around until the mid 18th century, and even when hospitals began to become mainstream, how many were actually gathering statistics without computers? Were they penciling in every dead body in their hospital on a piece of scrap paper and keeping a tally? Give me a break dude. Obviously not. SO that's one red flag right off the bat.

You can't take facts anymore?

Look back a few hundred years, not thousands of years, by heading to a few older burial grounds and you will see evidence that helps prove the life expectancy at given times. Go back further and you can use evidence gathered by scientists to make reasonable estimates of what lifespans were.

Statistical evaluations did not start with computers.

On one hand you talk about modern medicine improving lifespans; on the other you want to ignore it.

Improving health habits, in concert with using modern medical practices like vaccinations, can help a person stay healthy longer.

A practical, and safe for society, approach would be to change to habits that make one healthy and to use the advancements in modern medicine, like vaccines, to do your part to protect everyone and to keep from getting things that healthy habits alone won't fix.
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January 23rd, 2019 at 6:02:02 AM permalink
The real epidemic is a psychological one, known as Dunning-Kruger effect.–Kruger_effect


Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias in which people of low ability have illusory superiority and mistakenly assess their cognitive ability as greater than it is. The cognitive bias of illusory superiority comes from the inability of low-ability people to recognize their lack of ability. Without the self-awareness of metacognition, low-ability people cannot objectively evaluate their competence or incompetence.[1]

As described by social psychologists David Dunning and Justin Kruger, the cognitive bias of illusory superiority results from an internal illusion in people of low ability and from an external misperception in people of high ability; that is, "the miscalibration of the incompetent stems from an error about the self, whereas the miscalibration of the highly competent stems from an error about others."[1]

Air Traffic Controllers were extremely susceptible to this, in my 30 years of close association. They/we would spend years training on one narrow subject to the nth detail and developing a God complex in order to do their jobs with the degree of confidence necessary to move metal without killing people.

But ATC doesn't require any general intelligence or education. It requires a combination of relatively rare mental skills, reflexes, and specialized knowledge. And once trained, people could legitimately claim to be experts. The problem comes in when they extrapolate their specialized expertise into general knowledge when confronted by information beyond it.

So many really frustrating walls of ignorance in break room or slow traffic conversations. So many wasted opportunities to actually learn something. It's all just multiplying with the fast transmission of disinformation.

Anti-Vaxxers is a prime example. Based on one flawed and discredited study (they actually ADMITTED they doctored the results to fit their theory!), spreading like wildfire among pop celebrities and other alternative medical theorists, and unduly affecting children who can't decide for themselves. Insane to put everyone's health at risk for this ignorance.
Last edited by: beachbumbabs on Jan 23, 2019
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January 23rd, 2019 at 6:16:49 AM permalink
Thank you babs. I pressed thank you button, but I wanted to do even more.
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January 23rd, 2019 at 7:28:23 AM permalink
I suppose all those victims of small pox could have been saved if their diet didn't contain so much processed food?
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January 23rd, 2019 at 7:55:45 AM permalink
For the good of society, I hope ZK is sterile.
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January 23rd, 2019 at 8:21:45 AM permalink
Quote: ZenKinG

Secondly, FASTING would end all diseases as we know it.

Multiple points to make. First.... Anyone making such a patently stupid comment as that would be banned immediately from a forum I was responsible for. If you want to say fasting helps in many ways fight diseases, overall makes for a healthier lifestyle, etc., we can have a discussion. Fasting ending thyroid cancer? Fasting ending spina bifida? Fasting ending ALS? Too ridiculous to waste time discussing.

I am not an 'anti-vaxxer', but I do believe in individuals generally having rights to not be forced to do something just because the evidence shows it would be better for them. I get a flu shot yearly but totally support those that do not want it. I take a daily baby aspirin but totally support an individual who despite the overwhelming evidence it is in their best interests, chose not to. (Stroke prevention, heart attack prevention). To force someone to be vaccinated the evidence for societal protection must be overwhelming and clear. So the vaccinations given to newborns meets that criteria. In the past smallpox did.
I mean, society allows people to smoke cigarettes, so it is not like it is consistent.
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January 23rd, 2019 at 8:59:29 AM permalink
Isn't fasting, as described in the bible, simply refraining from food or drink from dawn to dusk?
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January 23rd, 2019 at 9:33:37 AM permalink

Multiple points to make. First.... Anyone making such a patently stupid comment as that would be banned immediately from a forum I was responsible for. If you want to say fasting helps in many ways fight diseases, overall makes for a healthier lifestyle, etc., we can have a discussion. Fasting ending thyroid cancer? Fasting ending spina bifida? Fasting ending ALS? Too ridiculous to waste time discussing.

I am not an 'anti-vaxxer', but I do believe in individuals generally having rights to not be forced to do something just because the evidence shows it would be better for them. I get a flu shot yearly but totally support those that do not want it. I take a daily baby aspirin but totally support an individual who despite the overwhelming evidence it is in their best interests, chose not to. (Stroke prevention, heart attack prevention). To force someone to be vaccinated the evidence for societal protection must be overwhelming and clear. So the vaccinations given to newborns meets that criteria. In the past smallpox did.
I mean, society allows people to smoke cigarettes, so it is not like it is consistent.

SooPoo,I think there are new studies ,that now show baby aspirin might not be effective.
Not claiming to be an expert,just something I remember reading.
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January 23rd, 2019 at 10:08:04 AM permalink
Quote: Hunterhill

SooPoo,I think there are new studies ,that now show baby aspirin might not be effective.
Not claiming to be an expert,just something I remember reading.

"Clinical guidelines note the benefits of aspirin for preventing heart attacks and strokes in persons with vascular conditions such as coronary artery disease,” said NIA Director Richard J. Hodes, M.D. “The concern has been uncertainty about whether aspirin is beneficial for otherwise healthy older people without those conditions. This study shows why it is so important to conduct this type of research, so that we can gain a fuller picture of aspirin’s benefits and risks among healthy older persons.”
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January 23rd, 2019 at 10:32:20 AM permalink
I'm kind of frustrated that anti intellectualism is so prominent between anti vaxxers, flat earthers, rubbish diets and cleanses and so many other things. The complete and utter lack of evidence to support the claims that vaccines are harmful should be enough to convince anyone.
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January 23rd, 2019 at 12:31:34 PM permalink
Quote: Hunterhill

SooPoo,I think there are new studies ,that now show baby aspirin might not be effective.
Not claiming to be an expert,just something I remember reading.

I am NOT anti-science or medicine by any stretch of the imagination, but I did some research into how a lot of these studies are conducted, and I really don’t think it’s smart to let the ebb and flow of research to effect your daily decision making.

So many of these studies are done through Epidemiology. Which is more or less just statistical analysis of huge medical databases. They find some sort of correlation, but rarely prove any kind of mechanism of action.

Media outlets love to cling on to their “NEW RESEARCH SHOWS” clickbait when the actual research does not prove anything.

I’d be interested if SOOPOO has any comments on this.
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January 23rd, 2019 at 1:22:47 PM permalink
Quote: Minty

I'm kind of frustrated that anti intellectualism is so prominent between anti vaxxers, flat earthers, rubbish diets and cleanses and so many other things. The complete and utter lack of evidence to support the claims that vaccines are harmful should be enough to convince anyone.

You may be correct, however ?

My sister just got out of the hospital and transferred to a 24 hour care facility, which included 6 weeks in ICU from a reaction to a vaccine. Other side effects were several mini strokes.

Over ten weeks now. Hopefully she can get her feeding tube removed soon and the physical therapy will get her back to her normal healthy self.

Odds were over 1/1000000, but there it is. I was at the Dr"s 2 days ago and the nurse asked me if I wanted a flu shot, I said no. I am glad however that most people do get flu/vaccine shots. I need them to. I had the ones that were appropriate for kids in the 60's and tetanus, but haven't gotten all the ones school kids have to get for school now. I heard they needed upwards of 25 vaccines, can you confirm?

Do any of you older folk update your vaccines to equal what school age children are required to get now or are you risking it and staying with what was good enough when you were school age???

Father in law, the epitome of what a man should be, [hit the gym right up to 3 weeks before he died at 82] died of pneumonia in the hospital, weeks after getting a pneumonia shot. He didn't know there are 8 kinds of pneumonia and apparently that vaccine wasn't the right one ? So everyone needs to do their own DD.

In our family, although none of us claim to be intellectuals, we have one dead, one in the hospital and one refusing on religious grounds because several vaccines the school is demanding her kids get, are grown in aborted human fetal tissue. I know, what are you gonna do, right?
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January 23rd, 2019 at 1:30:46 PM permalink
Quote: petroglyph

You may be correct, however ?

My sister just got out of the hospital and transferred to a 24 hour care facility, which included 6 weeks in ICU from a reaction to a vaccine. Other side effects were several mini strokes.

Over ten weeks now. Hopefully she can get her feeding tube removed soon and the physical therapy will get her back to her normal healthy self.

Odds were over 1/1000000, but there it is. I was at the Dr"s 2 days ago and the nurse asked me if I wanted a flu shot, I said no. I am glad however that most people do get flu/vaccine shots. I need them to. I had the ones that were appropriate for kids in the 60's and tetanus, but haven't gotten all the ones school kids have to get for school now. I heard they needed upwards of 25 vaccines, can you confirm?

Do any of you older folk update your vaccines to equal what school age children are required to get now or are you risking it and staying with what was good enough when you were school age???

Father in law, the epitome of what a man should be, [hit the gym right up to 3 weeks before he died at 82] died of pneumonia in the hospital, weeks after getting a pneumonia shot. He didn't know there are 8 kinds of pneumonia and apparently that vaccine wasn't the right one ? So everyone needs to do their own DD.

In our family, although none of us claim to be intellectuals, we have one dead, one in the hospital and one refusing on religious grounds because several vaccines the school is demanding her kids get, are grown in aborted human fetal tissue. I know, what are you gonna do, right?

I concede that yes, there are some who it makes more sense not to be vaccinated. My girlfriend's mom had a reaction to a vaccine and I can't even begin to list all the things she's allergic to. I can't say that I get a flu shot every year either, because I forget often. Kids do receive more than a dozen and probably two dozen vaccines by school time and I'm glad they do.

It's just one of those things where it USUALLY goes swimmingly but doesn't always. Driving, sex, eating and any other activity fall into that category as well.

I'm sorry about what's happened with your family and wish for a speedy recovery for your sister.
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January 23rd, 2019 at 1:32:24 PM permalink
Quote: gamerfreak

I am NOT anti-science or medicine by any stretch of the imagination, but I did some research into how a lot of these studies are conducted, and I really don’t think it’s smart to let the ebb and flow of research to effect your daily decision making.

So many of these studies are done through Epidemiology. Which is more or less just statistical analysis of huge medical databases. They find some sort of correlation, but rarely prove any kind of mechanism of action.

Media outlets love to cling on to their “NEW RESEARCH SHOWS” clickbait when the actual research does not prove anything.

I’d be interested if SOOPOO has any comments on this.

I am EXTREMELY skeptical about research and it's eventual publication. I have been involved in research. The last time I was paid by a company to help develop a medical product for sale. To make a long story short, my research showed that the product was no better than the existing products. And it was definitely more cumbersome. So my opinion was that it was not going to result in a salable device. Although no one ever said "falsify your data" to me, it was clear if this product made it to market I would be paid handsomly for giving lectures about it. Definitely a conflict of interest. There are numerous examples of paid researchers being caught in the drug research world doing such things.
On a side note, for those that do not know me I have diabetes. At present I have none of the many possible bad things it can cause. I get blood work around 4 times a year and last doctor visit my doctor, who I like a lot, recommended I go on an anti cholesterol drug. I follow my own lab results, and pointed out my cholesterol levels have always been good, with the LDL/HDL ratio always being good too. She told me it is now recommended that all diabetics my age should be on one of those drugs, sort of like the baby aspirin I take preventatively. I know of many people who have tried a variety of the cholesterol lowering drugs and have heard a large number of them have stopped taking them due to side effects. So I declined. Maybe the wrong decision? Perhaps but it is my decision.
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January 23rd, 2019 at 1:36:49 PM permalink

I am EXTREMELY skeptical about research and it's eventual publication. I have been involved in research. The last time I was paid by a company to help develop a medical product for sale. To make a long story short, my research showed that the product was no better than the existing products. And it was definitely more cumbersome. So my opinion was that it was not going to result in a salable device. Although no one ever said "falsify your data" to me, it was clear if this product made it to market I would be paid handsomly for giving lectures about it. Definitely a conflict of interest. There are numerous examples of paid researchers being caught in the drug research world doing such things.
On a side note, for those that do not know me I have diabetes. At present I have none of the many possible bad things it can cause. I get blood work around 4 times a year and last doctor visit my doctor, who I like a lot, recommended I go on an anti cholesterol drug. I follow my own lab results, and pointed out my cholesterol levels have always been good, with the LDL/HDL ratio always being good too. She told me it is now recommended that all diabetics my age should be on one of those drugs, sort of like the baby aspirin I take preventatively. I know of many people who have tried a variety of the cholesterol lowering drugs and have heard a large number of them have stopped taking them due to side effects. So I declined. Maybe the wrong decision? Perhaps but it is my decision.

There is an issue in the medical field with over prescribing. The opioid epidemic didn't become what it is without doctors and pharmaceutical companies. The decision not to take medicine your doctor advised won't affect society the same way as if people don't take recommended vaccines, and I think that's an important distinction.
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January 23rd, 2019 at 1:45:36 PM permalink
Quote: petroglyph

You may be correct, however ?

My sister just got out of the hospital and transferred to a 24 hour care facility, which included 6 weeks in ICU from a reaction to a vaccine. Other side effects were several mini strokes.

Over ten weeks now. Hopefully she can get her feeding tube removed soon and the physical therapy will get her back to her normal healthy self.

Odds were over 1/1000000, but there it is. I was at the Dr"s 2 days ago and the nurse asked me if I wanted a flu shot, I said no. I am glad however that most people do get flu/vaccine shots. I need them to. I had the ones that were appropriate for kids in the 60's and tetanus, but haven't gotten all the ones school kids have to get for school now. I heard they needed upwards of 25 vaccines, can you confirm?

Do any of you older folk update your vaccines to equal what school age children are required to get now or are you risking it and staying with what was good enough when you were school age???

Father in law, the epitome of what a man should be, [hit the gym right up to 3 weeks before he died at 82] died of pneumonia in the hospital, weeks after getting a pneumonia shot. He didn't know there are 8 kinds of pneumonia and apparently that vaccine wasn't the right one ? So everyone needs to do their own DD.

In our family, although none of us claim to be intellectuals, we have one dead, one in the hospital and one refusing on religious grounds because several vaccines the school is demanding her kids get, are grown in aborted human fetal tissue. I know, what are you gonna do, right?


Sorry you are going through this. Hang in there.

Your situation is EXACTLY why people need to be vaccinated. You and your genetic relations need to be safe without being vaccinated. That puts you in the very small group of people who can't tolerate even the killed version of a pathogen. Others include very young babies, old and frail people, people with autoimmune diseases, others.

The REST of us, myself included, have a real responsibility to get vaccinated, just to eradicate the pathogens that you can't be protected from. You now have shown a generational vulnerability to protecting yourself, and you're totally correct to refuse the vaccine.

But the OTHER part is to reduce your exposure to infection or transmission by everybody else making their body produce the antigens that will prevent them from carrying or transmitting live pathogens. You (all those vulnerable among us) should not have to live in a bubble because of uninformed myths. That responsibility probably includes your wife and other not-related by blood people around you.

There is a percentage in the 90% of the population that has to be inoculated for a vaccine to be effective. Point being, it doesn't have to be 100%. Other people can save your family's lives by getting vaccinated, not just for themselves, but for you. And for their newborn and elderly family and friends. And pregnant women. And others.
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January 23rd, 2019 at 1:53:13 PM permalink

I am EXTREMELY skeptical about research and it's eventual publication. I have been involved in research. The last time I was paid by a company to help develop a medical product for sale. To make a long story short, my research showed that the product was no better than the existing products. And it was definitely more cumbersome. So my opinion was that it was not going to result in a salable device. Although no one ever said "falsify your data" to me, it was clear if this product made it to market I would be paid handsomly for giving lectures about it. Definitely a conflict of interest. There are numerous examples of paid researchers being caught in the drug research world doing such things.
On a side note, for those that do not know me I have diabetes. At present I have none of the many possible bad things it can cause. I get blood work around 4 times a year and last doctor visit my doctor, who I like a lot, recommended I go on an anti cholesterol drug. I follow my own lab results, and pointed out my cholesterol levels have always been good, with the LDL/HDL ratio always being good too. She told me it is now recommended that all diabetics my age should be on one of those drugs, sort of like the baby aspirin I take preventatively. I know of many people who have tried a variety of the cholesterol lowering drugs and have heard a large number of them have stopped taking them due to side effects. So I declined. Maybe the wrong decision? Perhaps but it is my decision.


As you but not many people here know, I also have diabetes. And even though I have no HDL/LDL issues either, my doctor has given the same statin advice over the last 2 years. And I also have declined. So you're not alone.

It's not just side effects. I also try not to take drugs not clearly required. 30 years of ATC where it was a big deal to even take a Benedryl or Nyquil (disqualifying to work, both of them), I am doing just fine, good numbers and all, with diet and exercise. So good on you turning them down and thanks for saying so - it always helps to know I'm not alone in things like this.
If the House lost every hand, they wouldn't deal the game.
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January 23rd, 2019 at 2:08:24 PM permalink
Quote: beachbumbabs

Your situation is EXACTLY why people need to be vaccinated.

I WANT people to get vaccines.

Just because we drew a few lousy cards doesn't mean we hate the game.

This is funny, so no worries: I have to get anti inflammatory shots. And as a precaution so I don't have a reaction to the shots, they give me a shot of IV Benedryl first, so I don't have a reaction.

The last one they gave me, within seconds, it was like fire running up my vein, I screeched [like a girl : }], and told the nurse what was happening. She replied, "that must be a bad batch, you are the second person today that's had a reaction to the anti reaction drug". lol

In my Sis's case, it's better than first thought. They originally suspected BSE [ Creutzfeldt-Jakob ] or human "mad cow" disease. Prion disease is always fatal.
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January 23rd, 2019 at 5:17:38 PM permalink
Quote: RonC

You can't take facts anymore?

Look back a few hundred years, not thousands of years, by heading to a few older burial grounds and you will see evidence that helps prove the life expectancy at given times. Go back further and you can use evidence gathered by scientists to make reasonable estimates of what lifespans were.

Statistical evaluations did not start with computers.

On one hand you talk about modern medicine improving lifespans; on the other you want to ignore it.

Improving health habits, in concert with using modern medical practices like vaccinations, can help a person stay healthy longer.

A practical, and safe for society, approach would be to change to habits that make one healthy and to use the advancements in modern medicine, like vaccines, to do your part to protect everyone and to keep from getting things that healthy habits alone won't fix.

Where the hell did I mention about modern medicines IMPROVING LIFESPANS? Honestly, it's like people need to fabricate crap and put words in my mouth to have any chance of arguing with me.
Last edited by: ZenKinG on Jan 23, 2019
Any private business open to the PUBLIC (ie. droned out casinos) cannot have a criminal trespass enforced against an individual without GOOD CAUSE (Disruptive or Disorderly conduct). You will never go to prison for being thrown out of a casino for legal advantage play and then returning because it's simply unconstitutional 'as applied' to the individual. 'As applied' constitutional issues must FIRST be raised in DISTRICT COURT (trial court) to have it thrown out. You CANNOT raise it on APPEAL This is the best kept secret in the world of casinos not just in Vegas but everywhere in the country. Thank me later.
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January 23rd, 2019 at 5:17:39 PM permalink
double post
Last edited by: ZenKinG on Jan 23, 2019
Any private business open to the PUBLIC (ie. droned out casinos) cannot have a criminal trespass enforced against an individual without GOOD CAUSE (Disruptive or Disorderly conduct). You will never go to prison for being thrown out of a casino for legal advantage play and then returning because it's simply unconstitutional 'as applied' to the individual. 'As applied' constitutional issues must FIRST be raised in DISTRICT COURT (trial court) to have it thrown out. You CANNOT raise it on APPEAL This is the best kept secret in the world of casinos not just in Vegas but everywhere in the country. Thank me later.
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