Quote: darkozThats a half answer
If they are adults then why cant they drink?
Maybe because they are still deemed unable to fully make adult choices
How to handle a gun properly could be lumped in with that...
I'd be happy to let them drink.
They are ADULTS. They should not have their rights taken away for feel-good legislation to make bed-wetting liberals scared to death of guns feel safer.
Quote: FaceHe said "21st century", Babs. Ain't no varmints in Wegman's =p
Nah, but really, I came here to challenge your post several pages back about "our side not moving" or some such, but I think I'm just gonna save myself the stroke and go garden instead. This argument is not an argument anymore, or at least not one I can manage. I kinda need my game to be anchored with facts and data. Yet for all my effort, I can't ever seem to engage one of the others. Point out the bastardization of language, no one cares. Point out the fallacies about "AR's" and other scary black guns, nobody cares. Bring up stone solid black and white stats, nobody cares. See watch...
Since 1950, 98.X% of ALLLLLL mass shootings, where "mass shooting" is defined as "4 or more casualties", have happened in gun free zones. That might be a little unfair, what with including such distant history where women knew their place and brown folk weren't so uppity. So let's bring it allllll the way dead into my day, in the time when me and all my millennial reject cohorts started losing their collective s#$%, Since 1998, 96.X% of ALLLLL mass shootings have still happened (guess where) in gun free zones.
I have quite literally typed tens of thousands of words about guns in this forum. I have ninja edited nothing. It's all there for any or all to comb over and look for faults, yet I cannot recall ever having a single good debate with anyone. I don't recall any of my arguments being proven false, being turned over, or being "lost", with the exception of FrG asking "why I needed a machine gun" where my only answer was "CUZ REASONS!!1!" aka, "I want it".
I even offered to help. Tell me what you want gone and I'll sit here and educate you entirely on what that thing is, what it does, and what is does not do. And then you could go off and check what I say against the entirety of the world wide web to confirm, make sure Face ain't pulling a fast one. And in the end, pistol grips and flash suppressors were still worse than contagious airborne cancerAIDS.
T'ain't worth the hassle. So I'll leave the above stat for consideration as I need the crickets to feed my fish, and I'm off to tend my garden.
I call absolute bull shit on this. It's bad enough when forumites post lies but when forum moderators do, its time to step up.
Until it’s too late to get back the freedoms you lost.
Quote: ams288I'm not upset about the Supreme Court's muslim ban decision because it will be rendered moot once we replace Donald with a Democrat.
So you do not care about the effects of a law or EO over the next 2.5 years? That's a long time not to care....
Quote: SOOPOOSo you do not care about the effects of a law or EO over the next 2.5 years? That's a long time not to care....
Are you referring to ANY law/EO or this specific Muslim ban? Because my post was specifically in reference to the Muslim ban (which has little to no impact on my life).
Quote: ams288Are you referring to ANY law/EO or this specific Muslim ban? Because my post was specifically in reference to the Muslim ban (which has little to no impact on my life).
First they came for the Jews......
Quote: ams288Are you referring to ANY law/EO or this specific Muslim ban? Because my post was specifically in reference to the Muslim ban (which has little to no impact on my life).
Sounds like all of Trump’s policies, but it never stops you from hating him.
Quote: billryanFirst they came for the Jews......
Yep. They even got oj simpson
"First they came for the juice..."
Quote: billryanFirst they came for the Jews......
More spewing of the same nonsense doesn’t make it true.
But never miss an opportunity to spread a lie, right Bill?
Quote: darkozYep. They even got oj simpson
"First they came for the juice..."
A man who just wanted his stuff back ended up losing 9 years of his life because of a publicity seeking judge.
F Judith Glass!
More Soro's funded harassment of conservatives and their family's. https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-06-26/soros-linked-protesters-ambush-mitch-mcconnell-drivewayQuote: TigerWuIMaybe this is where we are now... maybe these liberals/leftists/whatever you want to accuse them of being have finally had enough and are starting to answer with violence.
Quote: BozSounds like all of Trump’s policies, but it never stops you from hating him.
He’s just an awful human being. I will never stop hating him and I will dance in the streets when he croaks.
Quote: ams288He’s just an awful human being. I will never stop hating him and I will dance in the streets when he croaks.
Tough game we play here, but it’s the rules.
But anyone that is happy about the death of anyone who hasn’t killed another, tells most anyone everything they need to know about you.
All the credit Babs gave you for your “activism” is long gone. But it allowed you to be exposed for exactly who you are.
Again, Thank You again for showing who you are.
Quote: BozA man who just wanted his stuff back ended up losing 9 years of his life because of a publicity seeking judge.
F Judith Glass!
He did it at gunpoint which you know well
You dont get to commit crimes to get your stuff back
Funny how the party of law n order forgets so easily how law n order works
Quote: darkozHe did it at gunpoint which you know well
You dont get to commit crimes to get your stuff back
Funny how the party of law n order forgets so easily how law n order works
He never knew a gun was going to be there. Why did the guy who brought the gun (McClinton) get away with it, as did everyone except CJ? CJ refused to testify against OJ as the others did so he also went to jail.
You can’t say with a straight face that this wasn’t payback for what a Glass “thought” happened in LA years before.
Just another social justice warrior years before the term became common place.
Quote: Boz
But anyone that is happy about the death of anyone who hasn’t killed another, tells most anyone everything they need to know about you.
So it's a sad day when pedophiles, rapists, violent criminals die? You're quite a softy.
I think they should have to prove their kid has a reasonable reason to have a gun and they are responsible kids.
A young kid being able to walk in and buy a gun from a gun show is absolutely retarded.
Quote:"We're hearing from farmers on our hotline that farmer stress is extremely high," Fahy said. "Every time there's more uncertainty around issues around the farm economy is another day of phones ringing off the hook."
Addressing the rise in suicide
Finances are a major reason. Since 2013, farm income has been dropping steadily, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. This year, the average farm's income is projected to be 35 percent below its 2013 level
"The current incomes we've seen for the last three years … have been about like farm incomes from early in this century," said Hurt, a professor of agricultural economics at Purdue University in Indiana.
Quote: billryanI call absolute bull shit on this. It's bad enough when forumites post lies but when forum moderators do, its time to step up.
Warning for profanity.

the appeal to civility from Sarah Huckabee Sanders
Quote: BozBut anyone that is happy about the death of anyone who hasn’t killed another, tells most anyone everything they need to know about you.
How do you know he hasn’t killed anyone?
His policies and his ineptitude have certainly killed people. *coughPUERTORICOcough*
4 spams in a row... btw MODS I got the same thing via PM with an email address. Please ban the spammer.Quote: meaker4uSpam deleted
Quote: ams288How do you know he hasn’t killed anyone?
His policies and his ineptitude have certainly killed people. *coughPUERTORICOcough*
You could say that about any president, including your favorite, mr civilian drone killer.
Quote: SOOPOOSo you do not care about the effects of a law or EO over the next 2.5 years? That's a long time not to care....
This so-called Muslim ban EO affects almost no one.
It's detractors think it is a massive blow to equal rights or freedoms or blah blah blah.
It's supporters think it will solve Islamic terrorism or whatever.
Like I said before, it is nothing more than Trump pandering to his base in an attempt to win brownie points when nothing substantial has even happened.
Quote: mcallister3200You could say that about any president, including your favorite, mr civilian drone killer.
Lincoln killed civilians with drones?
I must have missed that day in history class...
Quote: ams288Lincoln killed civilians with drones?
I must have missed that day in history class...
The gatling gun must have felt like todays drones to us
I for one am not tired of Winning yet!
Quote: BozAnother day, another SC victory for hard working Americans who do t want to pay for crazy far left political ads with their Union dues.
I for one am not tired of Winning yet!
What I read, seemed like a bad policy unions needed to get rid of anyway. Bad policy doesn't strengthen unions.
Quote: BozAnother day, another SC victory for hard working Americans who do t want to pay for crazy far left political ads with their Union dues.
I'm basically pro-union, but sometimes they get out of hand.
Quote: TigerWuGood.
I'm basically pro-union, but sometimes they get out of hand.
This policy was so bad all the dems and repubs are in agreement
Making non-union members pay fees is pretty egregious. It means people either kept out of unions or preferring not to be enrolled still have to pay but without any of the benefits of being in the union
That sucks
And before you compare it to Obamacare there is a fundamental difference to the way insurance works vs. unions so dont go comparing apples to oranges (a popular repub trick)
How it works is more like how SS works for illegals to jump across and get on the dole without ever paying in. Republicans never stuck up for union workers, pfft. That is what the Dems used to do, and that is why the unions were their base.Quote: darkozThis policy was so bad all the dems and repubs are in agreement
Making non-union members pay fees is pretty egregious. It means people either kept out of unions or preferring not to be enrolled still have to pay but without any of the benefits of being in the union
That sucks
And before you compare it to Obamacare there is a fundamental difference to the way insurance works vs. unions so dont go comparing apples to oranges (a popular repub trick)
Unions have long negotiated for all employees at a plant, years ago workers claimed religious exemption and were allowed to stay working without joining a union. Then courts recognized the value those employees received, such as wage negotiation, retirement bennies, med insurance, and protection from unjust terminations. Non payers cost the union a bundle. Now they will be allowed to free ride. I hope they have to each negotiate their own wage/ vacation/retirement package with the employer, I'm sure the employer doesn't want to deal with each employee independently. As a boss in many shops it's much easier to deal with those matters as a group rather than have so much of the boss's time taken up with each worker striking their own deal.
Quote: petroglyphHow it works is more like how SS works for illegals to jump across and get on the dole without ever paying in.
Maybe I'm wrong but my SS only reflects years I work and how much was contributed. How do I get on the no work to get SS benefits?
Quote: billryanThat's not the case. The non-union worker still gets all the benefits that the union negotiated with the employer. This ruling now gives them all the benefits but without the cost of belonging to the union. As less people join, the unions bargaining power is weakened which is what they( that side) wanted all along.
Lets be clear this was for "public" unions only
Teachers firefighters etc
So you may be right
My only personal knowledge of unions is in stuff like acting and film professionals
With that you aint in the union you generally cant work. Either the project is all union or no union with some weird allowances that the union makes if you qualify (not easy to do) and if you are union and accept a non-union job they penalize you or ostracize you
In LA the actors fought to be allowed to also work non-union films. They were making less money than the non-union actors who were at least getting parts lol
I"m not an expert on the matter. Perhaps you could take an extended vacay on Baha, learn the lingo, change your name and slip back in country unnoticed. They apply to SSDI?Quote: rxwineMaybe I'm wrong but my SS only reflects years I work and how much was contributed. How do I get on the no work to get SS benefits?
You'll have to contact a pro for exact methods. The US probably produces a website with all the tricks in at least two languages, so no waiting at the counter.
Quote: rxwineMaybe I'm wrong but my SS only reflects years I work and how much was contributed. How do I get on the no work to get SS benefits?
You don't. Illegal aliens do not collect SS except through rare cases of straight-up fraud.
I believe I said that, sans the weakening cuz of the freeloaders.Quote: billryanThat's not the case. The non-union worker still gets all the benefits that the union negotiated with the employer. This ruling now gives them all the benefits but without the cost of belonging to the union. As less people join, the unions bargaining power is weakened which is what they( that side) wanted all along.
Quote: darkoz
With that you aint in the union you generally cant work. Either the project is all union or no union with some weird allowances that the union makes if you qualify (not easy to do) and if you are union and accept a non-union job they penalize you or ostracize you
I don't know the laws behind this, but there's also the workaround that non-union people can work on a union job if there's some kind of sub-contracting involved. I used to do special effects, and I was not union, but my boss was, so he would get union jobs on TV and movies and his "crew" (which I was a part of) would do a lot of the work, because I guess we were technically sub-contracted or something. So, even though I wasn't union, I would end up doing all sorts of work for union TV and films, and even going to work on set, and nobody batted an eye and everyone knew we weren't union. I think you can "intern" and stuff with certain departments, too... I had some friends doing union wardrobe and grip work who said they could easily get me a job working for them. Unpaid, of course, but once you get in good with the right people it's a lot easier to get real work and eventually get paid and in the union.
I know the acting stuff is a lot more strict, but there's loopholes for almost every other department.
Quote: TigerWuI don't know the laws behind this, but there's also the workaround that non-union people can work on a union job if there's some kind of sub-contracting involved. I used to do special effects, and I was not union, but my boss was, so he would get union jobs on TV and movies and his "crew" (which I was a part of) would do a lot of the work, because I guess we were technically sub-contracted or something. So, even though I wasn't union, I would end up doing all sorts of work for union TV and films, and even going to work on set, and nobody batted an eye and everyone knew we weren't union. I think you can "intern" and stuff with certain departments, too... I had some friends doing union wardrobe and grip work who said they could easily get me a job working for them. Unpaid, of course, but once you get in good with the right people it's a lot easier to get real work and eventually get paid and in the union.
I know the acting stuff is a lot more strict, but there's loopholes for almost every other department.
Yes you are correct
I was subcontracted by labs as a lab technician for years. Non-union in a union lab
I did have an established company and was doing specialty work so they had a good argument for hiring me non-union
What is going on in these people's brains? Too much lead in their water? What a bunch of ****ing losers.
Quote: TigerWu
What is going on in these people's brains? Too much lead in their water? What a bunch of ****ing losers.
I know right...
Quote: billryanI call absolute bull s#$% on this. It's bad enough when forumites post lies but when forum moderators do, its time to step up.
Step up? It's about time you stopped living on your knees! *sneer and snigger / ad hom / something something manhood*
A...Am I doing this right? Is this how you politics?
Kidding, of course. Let's try again...
Quote: billryanI call absolute bull s#$% on this. It's bad enough when forumites post lies but when forum moderators do, its time to step up.
Firstly, I as well as most English speakers spell "mod" with an "m". Why you tryna spell it with a "G"? I'm flattered, surely, but I am just a hillbilly that came from the second worst school in the region. I don't think I'm too shabby with all this book learnin' stuff (bias, much?) but I've no problem admitting I'm closer to impotent than omnipotent. In other words, I'm allowed to be wrong. Alls I request is that if I am, point it out. I've no problem being wrong. I've quite a big one staying that way.
Part of me wishes to address your calling me a liar, specifically to ask what evidence you have to support such a harsh critique, but methinks you already have provided it elsewhere, so I'll just pretend this is the case and roll with it...
Quote: billryanThe first gun free zones were adopted after the 1990 law, and most didn't come into effect until 1994. Unless face wants to argue that 98 % of mass shootings after 1950 occurred after 1990 ,the stats he quotes are nonsense.
Not for nothin', but this is why all my posts are novellas. I can do brevity. I just can't do it effectively.
What we have here is a conflation of terms. My reference to "gun free zones" (no quotes) was simple common speech meaning "places guns are not allowed". What you're referring to are "Gun Free Zones™", those pointless, ill-conceived areas that got a few beaurocrats a photo op as they pounded in a sign exclaiming "We're doing security!" a la Ralph Wiggum. My apologies for not taking that extra step to differentiate and, FWIW, a sincere thanks for the fragment "Face wants to argue that all shootings after '50 happened after '90". That made me lol before 0600, before I had even uttered the first word of the day. I don't think that's ever happened before, so thanks =)
Hopefully now we're all aware that "places guns are not allowed" (aka gun free zones but not to be confused with Gun Free Zones™) have existed possibly since our inception (a cursory search found proof as way back as 1880's) and that it is these places that have hosted the supreme majority of the atrocities being discussed.
Novellas are easier. All that strife just for this...
@Wu - That's a pretty good counter. If I'm honest, this isn't an area I spend a lot of time in. It should be of no surprise that I'm of the "an armed society is a polite society" camp, but I've not delved into or been drawn towards the GFZ™ debate for either side. I'm not a staunch "Arm the teachers!" guy, nor do I ignore issues such as citizen heroes being in some part problematic when 5-0 finally does show up. What beefs I have on this issue specifically lie more on the simple fact of turning innocent folks into criminals, stripping rights, and this weird sort of caste system that's been created, what with judges and clerks being somehow of more import than you and I. Whether "gun free" equals "more shootings"... is it because there's no Good Guy with a Gun or just because you can't have mass shootings without "mass"? I dunno. Do you? Seems like a convo to have. Maybe we can someday.
Quote: VCUSkyhawk
Why can't they just piss and moan on their Facebook feeds like a normal person so I don't have to hear about it.
Quote: TigerWuI don't know the laws behind this, but there's also the workaround that non-union people can work on a union job if there's some kind of sub-contracting involved. I used to do special effects, and I was not union, but my boss was, so he would get union jobs on TV and movies and his "crew" (which I was a part of) would do a lot of the work, because I guess we were technically sub-contracted or something. So, even though I wasn't union, I would end up doing all sorts of work for union TV and films, and even going to work on set, and nobody batted an eye and everyone knew we weren't union. I think you can "intern" and stuff with certain departments, too... I had some friends doing union wardrobe and grip work who said they could easily get me a job working for them. Unpaid, of course, but once you get in good with the right people it's a lot easier to get real work and eventually get paid and in the union.
I know the acting stuff is a lot more strict, but there's loopholes for almost every other department.
I was an IATSE jobber (the union you're talking about ) for about a year in 1985. I was paid a little less than the union members, and a little less was deducted from my hourly for union dues, and I had a maximum hours/week I could work.
It worked well for both of us. It was a closed shop at the time, they were topped out for full time members, but understaffed for some tours and trade shows .
The ATC union, NATCA, is an open shop. They are the exclusive rep for all controllers (and about 17 other units). Fought some battles with other groups about that and won.
Not everyone has to join. Those that don't are not paying dues. But mgmt is not allowed to meet with them, bargain with them, have any special deals with them. Union reps must represent them, but don't have to listen to them. They mostly can't vote on anything, but there are a few issues they have rights or can vote.
Peer pressure is intense. When I left, about 92% of ATC were members. Not sure where it is now.
I should mention, union dues can NOT be used to donate to candidates. There is usually a PAC or other entity with its own funding stream, voluntary, individually capped. Extremely closely monitored by the DOL. Unions mess with the books or cross the streams, they get decertified (put out of business ).
This is all (NATCA part) federal public unions. Other rules for other groups.
Quote: petroglyphI believe I said that, sans the weakening cuz of the freeloaders.
I believe that there is little to no evidence that shows illegals are taking SS benefits. Given that you have to work 40 quarters to qualify for those benefits the only way that one can collect those benefits is via fraud which are far more likely to be committed by nationals.
That particular quote, I was speaking of workers that get the benefits of unions without contributing.Quote: boymimboI believe that there is little to no evidence that shows illegals are taking SS benefits. Given that you have to work 40 quarters to qualify for those benefits the only way that one can collect those benefits is via fraud which are far more likely to be committed by nationals.
Agreed that there must be some kind of fraud to get normal SS benefits, without the 10 quarters as you say. Not that illegals would do anything, illegal.
She said the district needed someone who represented ‘the majority-minority’ demographic of the area. In other words, ‘a non-white person’.
While he wasn’t looking, Crowley's district became 80% immigrants, who voted for the clueless bartender, who wants open borders, free medical care, free college tuition, guaranteed federal gov’t jobs, and of course, Trump impeachment.
This is the future of the dem party, and the USA.
Quote: TankoTen term dem congressman and possible future candidate for Speaker of the House, Joe Crowley, lost his primary to a communist bartender.
She said the district needed someone who represented ‘the majority-minority’ demographic of the area. In other words, ‘a non-white person’.
While he wasn’t looking, Crowley's district became 80% immigrants, who voted for the clueless bartender, who wants open borders, free medical care, free college tuition, guaranteed federal gov’t jobs, and of course, Trump impeachment.
This is the future of the dem party, and the USA.
Time for a sensible middle party to coalesce. Both are at the extremes, and probably 60% or better of America is disenfranchised. 20-23% is Party of Trump, 15-20% Party of the Bern, the rest of us like ants after the hill is smashed.
Quote: TankoTen term dem congressman and possible future candidate for Speaker of the House, Joe Crowley, lost his primary to a communist bartender.
She said the district needed someone who represented ‘the majority-minority’ demographic of the area. In other words, ‘a non-white person’.
While he wasn’t looking, Crowley's district became 80% immigrants, who voted for the clueless bartender, who wants open borders, free medical care, free college tuition, guaranteed federal gov’t jobs, and of course, Trump impeachment.
This is the future of the dem party, and the USA.
Damn right it’s the future!!!
I saw her being interviewed yesterday on cable news and thought to myself, “She’s gonna be a huge force.”
Clearly the righties sense this too....
Hannity went after her last night. He actually tried to present these positions as being negatives (LOLOLOLOL):