Quote: mcallister3200I’m becoming a little bit concerned that ams head is literally going to explode. No homo.
Still waiting for a rightie to answer my question, and not deflect like RS tried to.
Quote: ams288Still waiting for a rightie to answer my question, and not deflect like RS tried to.
I think most righties actually believe it was a false flag.
This is my favorite part:
Basically: he’s a dumbass with no attention span, so he can’t spill secrets that he doesn’t know.
Quote: RonCSuspicious package found addressed to White House. Reported by CNN.
It does not appear that this is the time to start blaming one side or the other. On the surface, it appears to be a widespread incident. Of course, the facts that come out as we go on may prove something different.
10:05 CDT update...
Another network has reported that there was not a suspicious package sent to the White House.
It is still not the time to ascribe blame to anyone. More than likely, it is a nut case just like any other attack. Unless you are a complete moron, you understand that there are triggered nutcases that support both parties.
Nope. This is one or more of the deplorables, guided by Trump encouraging and condoning violence towards those with whom they disagree, night after night, rally after rally.
The one addressed to the White House was a spiteful rumor to deflect blame, just like you're doing here. Just like there were "good people on both sides" of Charlottesville. No. No, there weren't.
And yes, this is terrorist activity. Since I'm pointing fingers and blaming. This is the inevitable and disgusting escalation of spooling up idiots at rallys. Calling the press the enemy of the people. Praising the congressman for bodyslamming a reporter. Making excuses for Saudi hit squads. Etc.
This is exactly what the mullahs do, calling for jihad on political enemies. Pot, meet kettle.
The Lefties handlers seem to have some chomping at the bit. Once again proving how easily you are manipulated.
Quote: MaxPenHow do you get the population to start a Civil War?
The Lefties handlers seem to have some chomping at the bit. Once again proving how easily you are manipulated.
Narrator: And yet, only the right-wingers ever bring up the topic of a new Civil War.
Quote: ams288Narrator: And yet, only the right-wingers ever bring up the topic of a new Civil War.
Maybe it's that same kid who pulled the fire alarm at school because he didn't properly study for midterms. Good luck
Quote: ams288Narrator: And yet, only the right-wingers ever bring up the topic of a new Civil War.
Maybe it's that same kid who pulled the fire alarm at school because he didn't properly study for midterms. Good luck
Quote: MaxPenHow do you get the population to start a Civil War?
The Lefties handlers seem to have some chomping at the bit. Once again proving how easily you are manipulated.
Conservative voters in fly over states supporting a city slicker New Yorker who is nothing like them and never has been.
Lefties are easily manipulated?
Quote: SteverinosConservative voters in fly over states supporting a city slicker New Yorker who is nothing like them and never has been.
Lefties are easily manipulated?
At least you are finding some humor. Almost as much as I laughed every time I saw the HildaBeast walk on stage in a Chairman Mao pantsuit.
“There is one difference,” I pointed out. “In a democracy the people have some say in the matter through their elected representatives, and in the United States only Congress can declare wars.”
“Oh, that is all well and good, but, voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.”
Quote: ams288Still waiting for a rightie to answer my question, and not deflect like RS tried to.
Your loaded* question. The only proper response to a loaded question is deflection. An EXAMPLE is “Have you stopped beating your wife yet?” Again, that’s an example.
It seems you guys have trouble with figuring out what a loaded question is because y’all keep them coming. I remember when a few lefties here went off the rails because they didn’t know what a loaded question was. It seems they still don’t know. It was pretty darn funny TBH. My condolences to AZDuffman.
At least you’re kinda clever, I’ll give you that.
Quote: ams288These conservatives have all claimed the bombs are a “false flag” today:
Ann Coulter
Rush Limbaugh
Michael Savage
James Woods
Mike Flynn Jr.
Frank Gaffney
Kurt Schlichter
Candace Owens
David Horowitz
John Cardillo
Laura Loomer
Jacob Wohl
Chadwick Moore
John Lott
Could a rightie please provide a list of all the prominent liberals who claimed the GOP baseball practice shooting that injured Rep. Scalise was a “false flag?”
Those people are going to have egg on their faces, if whoever sent those low ordinance devices, filled with shards of glass, is identified as a right wing extremist.
As for the shootings:
No one could call the shootings a false flag, because the shooter was downed by the police at the scene, while in the act of committing the crime, and was carrying a hit list with the names of six Republican Congressmen in his pocket as he lay dying.
Quote: beachbumbabsNope. This is one or more of the deplorables, guided by Trump encouraging and condoning violence towards those with whom they disagree, night after night, rally after rally.
The one addressed to the White House was a spiteful rumor to deflect blame, just like you're doing here. Just like there were "good people on both sides" of Charlottesville. No. No, there weren't.
And yes, this is terrorist activity. Since I'm pointing fingers and blaming. This is the inevitable and disgusting escalation of spooling up idiots at rallys. Calling the press the enemy of the people. Praising the congressman for bodyslamming a reporter. Making excuses for Saudi hit squads. Etc.
This is exactly what the mullahs do, calling for jihad on political enemies. Pot, meet kettle.
Quote: RonCThere is no "both sides" angle that I have heard presented this morning. Naturally, it is more likely that this attempt was perpetrated by a far right nut job just as the attempt to kill Republican members of Congress was conducted by a far left nut job. That is the "both sides" part of the story--you have to be a total moron to believe that all the nuts reside on one side.
First, you don't bother to consider the comments made in a conversation here as the incident unfolded yesterday (and, sadly continue to do so today) and then you state something in a factual manner (the CNN report of something sent to the White House) that was most likely a result of the fact all of this mail for officials in DC is handled off-site and someone making a mistake.
Your accusations against me are not only ridiculous, they are obviously false if you even bother to read the things I have written here. Just yesterday I said:
--I think that this is the work of a right wing nut job.
--there are nut jobs on both sides. The attack on folks Congress is an example of one from one side, just as this is one from the other side
--I don't believe that violence is the answer
The political rhetoric is at a very high level. Many, including the President, are out of line. Even here, people openly have said things about hoping the President does not make it through his first term, let alone a second, and the aren't talking about him leaving by impeachment. If you don't think that it is coming from people on both sides, you are not reading or listening to what is being said. The hatefulness of the words spewed has been increasing since before Trump was elected. The encouragement of people to confront folks in private time may not be a call for the kind of crap that is going on now, but it is the break down in civility. Everyone contributing to the breakdown in civility is at least a small part of the problem.
Yes, this is a terrorist attack. It is revolting. We do agree on something.
Quote: RonCFirst, you don't bother to consider the comments made in a conversation here as the incident unfolded yesterday (and, sadly continue to do so today) and then you state something in a factual manner (the CNN report of something sent to the White House) that was most likely a result of the fact all of this mail for officials in DC is handled off-site and someone making a mistake.
Your accusations against me are not only ridiculous, they are obviously false if you even bother to read the things I have written here. Just yesterday I said:
--I think that this is the work of a right wing nut job.
--there are nut jobs on both sides. The attack on folks Congress is an example of one from one side, just as this is one from the other side
--I don't believe that violence is the answer
The political rhetoric is at a very high level. Many, including the President, are out of line. Even here, people openly have said things about hoping the President does not make it through his first term, let alone a second, and the aren't talking about him leaving by impeachment. If you don't think that it is coming from people on both sides, you are not reading or listening to what is being said. The hatefulness of the words spewed has been increasing since before Trump was elected. The encouragement of people to confront folks in private time may not be a call for the kind of crap that is going on now, but it is the break down in civility. Everyone contributing to the breakdown in civility is at least a small part of the problem.
Yes, this is a terrorist attack. It is revolting. We do agree on something.
Staying quiet and expecting people to see what Trump is, and show some decency, some basic American values, and NOT VOTE for a gross distortion of a leader didn't work.
Politely pointing out obvious flaws and anti-American policies didn't work. Just got contemptuous labels like "snowflake" and the rest pasted on us.
"When they go low, we go high." hasn't worked. The hateful rhetoric from the podium continues, violent responses praised or slid over or excused. As recently as last night, Trump paid bare lip service to unity while continuing to insult, including sarcastically claiming to hold back. This morning's tweet takes no responsibility, blaming the Mainstream Media for this climate he has engendered and escalated.
"A very big part of the Anger we see today in our society is caused by the purposely false and inaccurate reporting of the Mainstream Media that I refer to as Fake News. It has gotten so bad and hateful that it is beyond description. Mainstream Media must clean up its act, FAST!"
So, no one should be surprised that some (a growing number) of the opposition is choosing to fight fire with fire lately. I don't support that approach, myself, but it's been made clear to some of them that anything less than head-on like tactics is just wimpy.
Conventional approach to cowing a bully. Probably going to make things worse, at least until the rest of the Republican leadership grow some balls and undercut his excess. Like that's ever going to happen.
So it takes repudiation by the voters. We'll see, I guess.
Quote: beachbumbabsStaying quiet and expecting people to see what Trump is, and show some decency, some basic American values, and NOT VOTE for a gross distortion of a leader didn't work.
Politely pointing out obvious flaws and anti-American policies didn't work. Just got contemptuous labels like "snowflake" and the rest pasted on us.
"When they go low, we go high." hasn't worked. The hateful rhetoric from the podium continues, violent responses praised or slid over or excused. As recently as last night, Trump paid bare lip service to unity while continuing to insult, including sarcastically claiming to hold back. This morning's tweet takes no responsibility, blaming the Mainstream Media for this climate he has engendered and escalated.
"A very big part of the Anger we see today in our society is caused by the purposely false and inaccurate reporting of the Mainstream Media that I refer to as Fake News. It has gotten so bad and hateful that it is beyond description. Mainstream Media must clean up its act, FAST!"
So, no one should be surprised that some (a growing number) of the opposition is choosing to fight fire with fire lately. I don't support that approach, myself, but it's been made clear to some of them that anything less than head-on like tactics is just wimpy.
Conventional approach to cowing a bully. Probably going to make things worse, at least until the rest of the Republican leadership grow some balls and undercut his excess. Like that's ever going to happen.
So it takes repudiation by the voters. We'll see, I guess.
He was elected because the candidate presented by the Democrats was horrible and had a very high disapproval rating of her own. He was a horrible candidate himself, of course. This is the second election in my lifetime where I wanted to vote "No" for president--the other (and before I could actually vote) was very different, because it pitted two honorable men who just did not seem cut out to be President--Ford and Carter. The two in 2016 had many red flags that should have kept them from advancing beyond the primaries, but they did. I think a lot of decent candidates fell by the wayside in the primaries for various reasons.
I think the Democrats have done a horrible job of messaging the heck out of what they don't like about President Trump. Instead of talking about impeachment and kicking people when they are down, I think they would be better off working on winning the coming elections--each one has the come, both local and state, by presenting ideas and actual plans that are better than those that he has come up with so far. Some of what he has done has worked, in spite of everything. Attacking everything is not the best way to show how you will do better.
The media has not helped either party by being on the attack against the President more often than not. We can debate for days how bad someone might be, but we ignore the reality that the statement "all publicity is good publicity" is more true than it is false. If the negative stories about the President are all we see on the mainstream media, as studies have shown, then there are not good stories--or even just a lot fewer stories--about the Democrats getting on air. EVERY politician weaponizes, to a degree, things to fire up their base. Overstating things is common practice. This isn't to say that a lot of the negative reporting isn't deserved, but it helps him as much as it helps anyone.
I always advocated Republicans putting forth good bills that President Obama would not sign and then publicizing the heck out of it. I think the Democrats could do the same thing instead of having people like Maxine Waters and others talking about collusion, impeachment, and investigations. You can't win the battle of ideas without, well, ideas! Both parties often fall short in presenting ideas. You can't go back and win the 2016 election. The focus should be on 2018, 2020, and 2022. My advice is the same for both parties in the minority or without the White House.
We shall see what happens...
Quote: ams288The right has lost their god damn minds....
(deleted Twitter comment above--just to keep from repeating the same image time and time again)
Was your source for this his actual Twitter account or something else?
The reason I ask is that I can't see that on his Twitter feed. I am not "on" Twitter, so I guess I may not be able to see it all, he may have deleted it, or something else may have happened.
Quote: RonCWas your source for this his actual Twitter account or something else?
The reason I ask is that I can't see that on his Twitter feed. I am not "on" Twitter, so I guess I may not be able to see it all, he may have deleted it, or something else may have happened.
He deleted the tweet.
Quote: ams288He deleted the tweet.
I am sad that there are more people touting the "false flag" stuff. Is it possible? Yes, anything is possible... Right now, though, it is time to condemn the act and hope for a quick apprehension and end to the problem before anyone gets hurt. Once they cuff the suspect, it will be time to talk about motives....
It is a terrorist. It is a nut. I've already set that it is probably a right wing nut.
Quote: ams288The right has lost their god damn minds....
I looked into this and Lou Dobbs actually posted this
What a disgusting human being.
Isn't this guy a journalist
Pretty unprofessional tweet
A couple of questions:
Where were the packages post-marked from?
Would the offense be deemed as serious if the devices contained no explosive charge?
It is 100% some lone nutjob terrorist, though. Not a false flag.
Quote: ams288The NYT has a story about how the Chinese have hacked Donald’s iPhone and listen in on all his personal calls.
Isn't this almost the exact same type of security issue for which people are still wanting Hillary to be thrown in jail without due process?
What's different? Is it that Trump is a man? Or a Republican?
Quote: MrVObviously the person sending these bombs has serious issues.
A couple of questions:
Where were the packages post-marked from?
Would the offense be deemed as serious if the devices contained no explosive charge?
The FBI and USPS have that information (where) but have not released it. That's how they knew yesterday to look for something to Joe Biden, which they located this morning. They have some kind of line on the back channel. If they have video of the person (s) mailing them, they haven't released it.
It would be considered serious enough to be investigated, because the devices, even unarmed, represent a death threat. The urgency is in the devices being live, and them not knowing how many might have been sent besides the ones they've found.
The common thread seems to be that these are all people Trump has attacked or disparaged publicly. They might be able to narrow down when the person tipped by looking at every tweet and televised remark.
Edit: as I'm typing, they've released that the person mailed them from Florida. How was that not expected. This state.Yecch.
Anyway, so they're now concentrating on past incidents involving DWS. They think maybe she has had prior contacts from the bomber (s).
They also will check on people Trump targeted by name, like Meryl Streep, Jim Acosta, Katy Tur, etc etc.
Quote: TigerWu
Isn't this almost the exact same type of security issue for which people are still wanting Hillary to be thrown in jail without due process?
I read about this and am pretty shocked. Trump refuses to use a land line for security purposes. I hear the Russians and Chinese listen in on all his mutiple cell phone calls.
Quote: terapinedI read about this and am pretty shocked. Trump refuses to use a land line for security purposes. I hear the Russians and Chinese listen in on all his mutiple cell phone calls.
Quote: beachbumbabsEdit: as I'm typing, they've released that the person mailed them from Florida. How was that not expected. This state.Yecch.
"Reuters now further reports, while still citing an unnamed federal law enforcement source, that the investigation into the 10 pipe bombs “is focusing on leads in Florida”. "
While I am not surprised that they are focusing on Florida based on whatever the DWS connection might be, I hope that this leak is on purpose--perhaps to smoke out a nervous suspect--and not the usual run-of-the-mill leak to make someone feel good about themselves. I have a problem with leaks in general because they can harm an investigation.
I just want them to find the person and end this terrorist activity.
Quote: billryanI'm a bit confused because earlier reports say the package to George Soros was hand delivered.
I don't have much faith in the first word on any of these things. There is a bit of a fog of confusion at the beginning of an investigation; once things settle down, reports will be more accurate. It is always possible some were hand delivered and some mailed...or they could have all been mailed.
Don't be so "shocked." He used a a secured government cell phone. It might be interesting if you tell us how "I hear Russians and Chinese....." Maybe your phone is not secure. Or maybe you succeeded Diane Feinstein's Beijing spy of 20 years.Quote: terapinedI read about this and am pretty shocked. Trump refuses to use a land line for security purposes. I hear the Russians and Chinese listen in on all his mutiple cell phone calls.
Quote: SanchoPanzaIt might be interesting if you tell us how "I hear Russians and Chinese....."
Maybe he read the NYT article detailing exactly this.
Quote: MaxPenBREAKING NEWS...…………...Another Suspicious Package Found
…….In Michelle Obama's Pants
And yet, still not as disturbing as:

Quote: MaxPenBREAKING NEWS...…………...Another Suspicious Package Found
…….In Michelle Obama's Pants
If I was in charge and had to kick one person off this board, I would pick you.
Quote: MaxPenBREAKING NEWS...…………...Another Suspicious Package Found
…….In Michelle Obama's Pants
How is that breaking? You've been peddling that for years.
Quote: FinsRule
If I was in charge and had to kick one person off this board, I would pick you.
Hate is heavy, let it go. :-)
Quote: MaxPenHate is heavy, let it go. :-)
I never used the word hate. I try to save that one for when it’s important.
I guess I just have a different sense of humor. I should probably lighten up. You’re right.
Quote: FinsRuleI guess I just have a different sense of humor.
Max wasn't kidding. He actually believes Michelle is a man. Don't think I've seen him meet a conspiracy he didn't like.
One of his posts from back in the day:

I am against Trump but I do not want him hurt or harmed in any physical way
That goes everybody on the other side of the aisle. Even Ted Nugent and MaxPen :-)
I read this quote from Milo Yiannopoulos
“Just catching up with news of all these pipe bombs, Disgusting and sad (that they didn’t go off, and the daily beast didn’t get one).”
A response with 3k likes
“Bravo! Bravo. To have the balls to say what us conservatives REALLY believe.”
Pretty sad
Innocent postal workers are carrying those bombs. Milo and his supporters disgust me
In that case, that makes two people who don't know how to cite or don't give a hoot.Quote: ams288Maybe he read the NYT article detailing exactly this.
Quote: SanchoPanzaIn that case, that makes two people who don't know how to cite or don't give a hoot.
Quote: SanchoPanzaIn that case, that makes two people who don't know how to cite or don't give a hoot.
Glad to see you are bipartisan enough to lump yourself in with terapined.
Quote: SteverinosMax wasn't kidding. He actually believes Michelle is a man. Don't think I've seen him meet a conspiracy he didn't like.
One of his posts from back in the day:![]()
Not that I'm disputing any of that, but, do you have a link to my post? ;-)
Seems to contain details I would not likely include.
MaxPen's postQuote: MaxPenQuote: SteverinosMax wasn't kidding. He actually believes Michelle is a man. Don't think I've seen him meet a conspiracy he didn't like.
One of his posts from back in the day:
Not that I'm disputing any of that, but, do you have a link to my post? ;-)
Seems to contain details I would not likely include.
Its a joke right?
By the way the Earth is not flat
Can you get your head around that concept lol
It really amazes me what conservatives believe