Quote: MaxPenI don't think a guy with a gun could deal with 5 simultaneous attacking hawks much less eagles. [/q
Can that guy take on six bears? A large pack of wolves? You have to pick your poisons.The older I get, the better I recall things that never happened
The presumption that the man only has 10 bullets for his rifle is unfair - that would change everything, but that assumption is based on nothing. I assume he has an ammo pack/belt. Ultimately, he only needs < 40 bullets -no big deal.
The range of 200 yards was not lightly stated. Soldiers in the Civil War could reliably kill a person that was 200 yards away - and modern rifles certainly are reliable at longer range. If he's not on your team, the guy with the rifle can hide and be a sniper from a distance that is long compared to animal capabilities.
I will be just fine on my island with Eagles and Gators.
Nah, it’s more like the rats will start running out probably and just get trampled by the cape buffalo, eagles and lions will be having a field day eating them all (assuming you didn’t pick either lion or eagles).
If that’s a buffalo, then that might not be a bad pick either. They aren’t in the top 5 for no reason. They’re straight up charge anything and usually win.
Alligators, eagles, rats, and lions are absolutely worthless for your pick.
Edit: Those appear to be regular cow bulls. Not vape buffalo. But if they were, I’d probably have to absolutely pick them.
Lol @ 3 grizzlies and 5 gorillas. What do you think is better? 5 gorillas, hands down.
Quote: AxelWolfIf GWAE is the gunman, then forget it, he will be too busy trying to put sticks in the alligator's mouths.
I will be just fine on my island with Eagles and Gators.
Which group will you mate with on your deserted island? (No, my mom isn't available.)
Here is one dropping a goat off a cliff.
Quote: RogerKintWhich group will you mate with on your deserted island? (No, my mom isn't available.)
I don't think he would be the one making that decision.
Quote: RigondeauxI did a search on the world's wide web to learn about the fighting prowess of eagles. I admit I might have over estimated them but I still think the would mess up a man.
Here is one dropping a goat off a cliff.
Damn that goat didn't even struggle or flail he was just like welp, this gon' hurt.
Mary AnnQuote: RogerKintWhich group will you mate with on your deserted island? (No, my mom isn't available.)
Quote: JoemanEdit: RS, I think your sig has an extra zero in front.
That was intentional. I had hoped someone would spend hours upon hours trying to figure it out, then just give up. You're the first one to mention it on this forum (AFAIK)....and figure it out, to boot. It was mentioned to me by someone else during the Superb Owl Soiree of '018, but he couldn't figure it out. :)
TBH, I cheated and used an online translator.Quote: RSThat was intentional. I had hoped someone would spend hours upon hours trying to figure it out, then just give up. You're the first one to mention it on this forum (AFAIK)....and figure it out, to boot. It was mentioned to me by someone else during the Superb Owl Soiree of '018, but he couldn't figure it out. :)
Everyone in this thread is high as a kite if you're not down with the gorillas and lions. They're both kings of their own jungles for a reason.
Quote: JoemanTBH, I cheated and used an online translator.
Well, I didn’t think someone was going to do it by hand! I figured someone would try it (translator), it wouldn’t work, then they’d try to remove a bit at the end and whatnot. Then either quit, figuring it was just a bunch of nonsense, or spend forever.
Quote: RomesAgain though Mike you're kind of assuming super smart rats whom form a collective team and attack together. If we're assuming "movie like traits" I might agree with you... but if we're just assuming creatures that will try to kind of protect you, then the rats won't all stick together in one massive "ball" attacking each other creature.
Everyone in this thread is high as a kite if you're not down with the gorillas and lions. They're both kings of their own jungles for a reason.
Bruh it says they’ll defend you. Pretty sure rats or any other animals naturally defend random people.
Btw it doesn’t specify what kinds gun the hunter has. Can I assume he has a Moonraker Laser?
Quote: RomesAgain though Mike you're kind of assuming super smart rats whom form a collective team and attack together. If we're assuming "movie like traits" I might agree with you... but if we're just assuming creatures that will try to kind of protect you, then the rats won't all stick together in one massive "ball" attacking each other creature.
Everyone in this thread is high as a kite if you're not down with the gorillas and lions. They're both kings of their own jungles for a reason.
I don’t think male lions hunt as well as females, and there aren’t enough of them to be effective. Male gorillas rely on bluster and posing to intimidate challengers. Unless flinging poo is now an effective defense, I will stick with the pack of wolves and the tons of rodents.
Quote: RomesAgain though Mike you're kind of assuming super smart rats whom form a collective team and attack together. If we're assuming "movie like traits" I might agree with you... but if we're just assuming creatures that will try to kind of protect you, then the rats won't all stick together in one massive "ball" attacking each other creature.
Everyone in this thread is high as a kite if you're not down with the gorillas and lions. They're both kings of their own jungles for a reason.
The grizzlies would decimate the lions and silverbacks.
We're not talking about hunting. We're talking about fighting, which they most certainly are better than the females at because they're bigger, stronger, and faster.Quote: AyecarumbaI don’t think male lions hunt as well as females, and there aren’t enough of them to be effective...
Have you ever seen 2 male gorillas fight? S&*t is terrifying just to watch. The sheer power they posses is insane. I invite you to youtube...Quote: AyecarumbaMale gorillas rely on bluster and posing to intimidate challengers. Unless flinging poo is now an effective defense, I will stick with the pack of wolves and the tons of rodents.
Not 3 of them vs the collective of the others. I'm not even thinking they're far off an even match one on one (not saying it would be even but not too far off from even). I put a male lion at +170, grizzly at -150.Quote: MaxPenThe grizzlies would decimate the lions and silverbacks.
Quote: RomesNot 3 of them vs the collective of the others. I'm not even thinking they're far off an even match one on one (not saying it would be even but not too far off from even). I put a male lion at +170, grizzly at -150.
Don't open a sportsbook.
Quote: RomesAgain though Mike you're kind of assuming super smart rats whom form a collective team and attack together. If we're assuming "movie like traits" I might agree with you... but if we're just assuming creatures that will try to kind of protect you, then the rats won't all stick together in one massive "ball" attacking each other creature.
I'm assuming whatever animals you pick, they will follow your orders. I don't expect supernatural abilities, just that they will do what you tell them to, as if you were Tarzan.
However, I was thinking on my unicycle ride this morning that maybe the right pick would be the bears and eagles. Here is my thinking, you get one bear to shield you from the hunter. Meanwhile, you have the eagles attack the hunter. Once the hunter is disabled or killed you ride on the back of one of the other bears to safety. The third bear can be used as a bodyguard to the attacking lions. I think a bear would win in a fight with a lion any day, although granted, we would have four lions and just the one bodyguard bear. The bear can outrun every animal except the lions and maybe the wolves, so we can forget about the rest. Wolves are no match for a bear and I still will have most of my eagles to defend me. I'm not saying I would live for sure but it seems my chances would be decent. I also like this pick because bears and eagles are both names of NFL teams.
Quote: Wizardyou ride on the back of one of the other bears to safety.
Just have the 50 eagles come by and pick up the bear with you on his back. Fly away to safety.
Quote: Ayecarumba. . . I will stick with the pack of wolves and the tons of rodents.
LOL, we would find ayecarumba's bones bleaching in the sun. Exactly how would wolves and rodents defend you from 10 crocodiles and 50 eagles?
I have seen a video of a crocodile in the mouth of a hippo and the croc wasn't injured. No animal on earth (other than man) preys on crocodiles - except for other crocodiles (crocs eat their young!) Their bony carapace is too tough -they are the armored tank of the wild. Exactly what are rodents going to do to crocs in the short time before the crocs swallow them?
And your wolf pack will suffer very significant attrition from dealing with the lions, gorillas, grizzly bears and bulls. Also, the man with the gun will take down a couple of wolves as well. If any wolves survived and engaged the attacking crocodiles, the crocodiles will eventually maim or kill them.
Quote: WizardHowever, I was thinking on my unicycle ride this morning that maybe the right pick would be the bears and eagles. Here is my thinking, you get one bear to shield you from the hunter. Meanwhile, you have the eagles attack the hunter. Once the hunter is disabled or killed you ride on the back of one of the other bears to safety.
This is hilarious if read out of context.
Quote: gordonm888LOL, we would find ayecarumba's bones bleaching in the sun. Exactly how would wolves and rodents defend you from 10 crocodiles and 50 eagles?
I have seen a video of a crocodile in the mouth of a hippo and the croc wasn't injured. No animal on earth (other than man) preys on crocodiles - except for other crocodiles (crocs eat their young!) Their bony carapace is too tough -they are the armored tank of the wild. Exactly what are rodents going to do to crocs in the short time before the crocs swallow them?
And your wolf pack will suffer very significant attrition from dealing with the lions, gorillas, grizzly bears and bulls. Also, the man with the gun will take down a couple of wolves as well. If any wolves survived and engaged the attacking crocodiles, the crocodiles will eventually maim or kill them.
Hehe... We will hide in the brush covered hills by day, and pick off the attckers by night. The crocs are ineffective away from their watery home. Tons o’ Rats! Go for the soft tissue. Animal can’t see, animal can’t fight!
Quote: gordonm888L
I have seen a video of a crocodile in the mouth of a hippo and the croc wasn't injured. No animal on earth (other than man) preys on crocodiles - except for other crocodiles (crocs eat their young!) Their bony carapace is too tough -they are the armored tank of the wild. Exactly what are rodents going to do to crocs in the short time before the crocs swallow them?
Quote:Nevertheless, it also has been documented that pythons die frequently when consuming larger crocodilions. Which are both all [unintelligible] the python's most challenging food source.
Wtf? I thought it was messed up that a snek would actually EAT a crocodile, but now I'm learning this is far closer to normal than I thought.
Today, you learned about lutefisk, I learned about sneks eating crocs. #TheMoreYouKnow
Quote: RogerKintThe only correct answer is Chuck Norris. The second pick is irrelevant.
Crocodilo Dundy could kick Chuck Norris ass Any day!!!!!
I'll be here starting a religious nude yoga cult.
Not if you arm Chuch with a few stingrays. (-;Quote: lildevilLucyCrocodilo Dundy could kick Chuck Norris ass Any day!!!!!
Quote: AxelWolfNot if you arm Chuch with a few stingrays. (-;
Too soon, axel. Not cool.

Quote: Romes
Everyone in this thread is high as a kite if you're not down with the gorillas and lions. They're both kings of their own jungles for a reason.
Because there are no bears in the jungle.
You wanna talk blacks or golden, fine. Point made. That pic though is of a griz, and there is zero, none, nada chance that 5 gorillas could beat just one full grown female. Yes, I've seen gorillas fight. And chimps, bonobos, howlers, you name it. Vicious, hateful, disgusting creatures, the lot. And a griz would hate f#$% them so hard the lions would die of fright.
There is but one word for those whose lists do not include bears...

Quote: billryanYou don't think a group of eagles would discourage a grizzly from whatever it was he thought he wanted? Especially fifty eagles dropping rats on them from 100 feet up?
I've been staying as within the bounds of reality as possible. If we're gonna go video game logic, things might change. 10k rats would be insane if all operating with hive mind, but since they don't...
And I wasn't stating an opinion. Brown bears run off packs of wolves, polar bears, and Siberian tigers, in the real world. Swat moose and elk right to the ground, they will. 1,200lb ruminant, WHACK! Dead with one slap. What's a 12lb bird gonna do, really?
The only way anything is losing to the birds is if that thing is Australian.
I Agree, on land you would want an 800-pound grizzly bear if you also take the hunter so he doesn't take them out. I still think you're dead. Other than the alligators, none of the other animals are going to do well crossing long distance deep water, especially while fighting. None of the other animals can fly so that has to be some kind of advantage. The others don't swim well, so that has work in your favour as well. As long as I can take out the hunter(so he doesn't find a way to get the animals on my island) it should be at least a stalemate.Quote: FaceI've been staying as within the bounds of reality as possible. If we're gonna go video game logic, things might change. 10k rats would be insane if all operating with hive mind, but since they don't...
And I wasn't stating an opinion. Brown bears run off packs of wolves, polar bears, and Siberian tigers, in the real world. Swat moose and elk right to the ground, they will. 1,200lb ruminant, WHACK! Dead with one slap. What's a 12lb bird gonna do, really?
The only way anything is losing to the birds is if that thing is Australian.
You're very smart this time. We do assume he'll survive having a gun, but he'd probably become overwhelmed and be taken out. A single gun isn't always enough, many armed people have been killed by these animals.Quote: NathanI don't like the fact that the human with the gun is only one. Why not have 10 humans with guns? 10 humans with 10 guns defending you is a lot better than just one human with one gun.
Quote: onenickelmiracleYou're very smart this time. We do assume he'll survive having a gun, but he'd probably become overwhelmed and be taken out. A single gun isn't always enough, many armed people have been killed by these animals.
Thank you for the compliment and agreeing with me. :) I am glad we both see the flaw in just one human having one gun rather than more humans and more guns. :)
1. Terrain is a clear field or a massive gladiator ring, with no bodies of water and few places to hide
2. Bears are grizzlies, not brown bears, bulls are bulls not bison.
3. Self-preservation instincts in the contestants will be subordinate to the directive to attack or defend
50 Eagles - Most mobile, individual eagles have the potential to delay and/or blind (disabling) large animals and to kill 1 rat at a time but in such an attack mode might be readily injured by large animals with mobile limbs (Grizzlies, Gorillas) or quick snouts (wolves, lions). As attackers, can only be killed by Man with Rifle -or by large defending animal that they attack. As defenders, could plausibly delay large animals, but have insufficient numbers to immediately control 10000 Rats.
10 Crocodiles - Hard to kill -only can be killed by Man with rifle and possibly by Grizzlies. Might be disabled by attacks on eyes from Rats or Eagles. Relatively slow over long distances. Lack of mobility/long-range speed and ground-level attack make them of limited value as defenders. Cannot defend against eagles.
3 Grizzly Bears - Most deadly of the large animals, one grizzly would be favored to defeat any single animal at short range and probably any 2 -5 animals at short range. Can be defeated by long-range lethality skills (man with rifle) and presumably by coordinated attack when greatly out-numbered. Possess mobile limbs with claws, great strength and dangerous teeth.
7 Bulls - Mouth and limbs are not weapons. Attack mode is limited to horns on head. Ineffective against rats and crocodiles, capable of defending against an eagle attacking it but otherwise ineffective at attacking eagles. As attackers, may be used best as a meat shield, ie., to tie up defenders, or to bull-rush through a swarm of rats. Limited utility as defenders.
1 Man with Rifle - Long range lethality skill but is limited to killing one opponent at at time. Slow and weak and can be overwhelmed by any single large animal at short range and can be delayed or defeated by 1 or more eagles attacking his eyes or by many rats. Dangerous as an attacker, because he can win the contest in its first moment with one shot (killing you.) As a defender, he must be paired with an animal group that can do crowd control. Only contestant that can reliably kill Grizzlies or Crocodiles or Eagles at will.
15 Wolves - Mobile and smart, are most effective when they significantly outnumber their opponents. A wolf bite has less lethality than a comparable attack by most large animals -but there are 15 wolves. Probably more formidable as attackers and less formidable as defenders that are confronting a large number of adversaries.
10000 Rats - Lethality depends upon mass attacks and ability to climb up their prey to achieve adequate elevation to be effective. Presumed to be ineffective against eagles. Against crocodiles, rats would need to attempt to blind their adversaries, but would otherwise be ineffective. If pitted against all other animal groups, there would be 250 rats for each large opponent, plus 50 eagles that would be attritting the rats. The outcome of such a confrontation has been the source of debate , as has been the effectiveness of rats defending against animals that are faster (wolves, lions) or against, say, grizzlies or bulls who might bull-rush through them. Rats cannot defend against eagles.
5 Gorillas - Herbivores that do not prey on other animals, the gorillas have great strength but do not have highly lethal teeth or claws. Generally considered to be dominated in most combat skills by 3 Grizzly Bears.
4 Lions - Probably most similar in skills to 15 wolves. Lions are probably the fastest contestants on the ground over short distances and can disable and kill quickly with their bites. They would be less effective against large animals when outnumbered, thus they can be considered to more effective as attackers then as defenders.
Quote: gordonm888Guide to PICK TWO
1. Terrain is a clear field or a massive gladiator ring, with no bodies of water and few places to hide
2. Bears are grizzlies, not brown bears, bulls are bulls not bison.
3. Self-preservation instincts in the contestants will be subordinate to the directive to attack or defend
Can you clarify what is meant as a success? Is my idea of riding on the back of a bear to safety allowed?
I would say that success is when all of the attacking animals are either killed or disabled (injured, blinded, immobile) to the point that you are no longer in imminent danger of being killed. Note: you could leave a handful of opponent rats alive because they are a sub-lethal capability.
You should choose 50 Eagles and 10000 Rats.
Your general strategy is "go for the eyes and blind every attacking animal."
You have at least one eagle and an average of about 250 rats for each large animal. The eagles are the fastest creatures on the battlefield and one eagle goes for the eyes of each attacking animal. When the attacking animal slows and stops to defend themselves from the eagle, they are swarmed by the rats, who climb up the animal and go for the eyes.
The key is the speed of the eagles and their ability to reach any animal and slow them down. 10000 rats cannot stop a charging grizzly or a charging bull from killing you - but they can swarm a stationary animal. Also, the difficulty of any animal defending themselves against simultaneous attacks from above and below and against overwhelming numbers.
At the outset, you must send a pack of eagles to immediately attack the man with the rifle. He has the option of shooting at the incoming eagles and taking out one or two or shooting at you. You are running around and trying to make yourself a difficult target. But here's the numbers: one eagle per each of 41 large animals leaves 9 eagles to go after the rifleman. If you can avoid being hit for a few seconds the 9 eagles will blind or disable the rifleman and then return to the main battle as reinforcements.
Crocodiles are also a special problem because they have no soft exterior tissue other than their eyes. But one eagle and 200 rats ought to be able to blind a crocodile. And crocodiles are a ground-level animal and easily swarmed by rats.
Quote: Nathan:) It already is a book. Of Mice And Men by John Steinbeck. :) Good intentional reference, Wizard! :)
Of Rats and Men, by Oscar Goodman
Griz and Kodiak are just subspecies of brown bear. The difference between them is mostly diet, which then has some effect on size. The assumption is moot; that there is THE baddest land predator on Earth.
Though my example is jaguar and caiman, cats can kill gators. Size dependent, the lion may be a counter. I would add the ape, as well. The skin is a b@#$%, but the head does crush like any other.
You're continuing the overvaluation of the eagle. With the exception of a lone rat which it MIGHT be able to take on the wing, any and all attacks would involve some sort of landing, and birds are goofy af on their feet.
Imagine you're in the park and a goose is coming for you. I tell you kill the goose or you die. You gonna have trouble? No, you're gonna just grab it and break it. If you can open a jar of pickles, you can twist a bird's head off.
Gimme 3 beers and I'll fight 50 eagles right now.