The human can work on those birds, although 50 is quite a bit. And gorillas are absolutely massive and strong, I think they’d be able to handle the remainder of the ground game.
Edit: oh snap I didn’t see the 10k rats.... hmmmm
The humans gun doesn't matchup well with several of the animals. It wouldn't be easy to stop 10,000 anything, let alone rats.
Except for the human, the birds have no natural enemy and air superiority is a must for any battle.
If the gun is a high powered rifle, I think human and birds. I'm counting on the human to have better tactics and strategy than the others.
There are 44 large animals, 50 eagles, 10000 rats and 1 armed man.
The armed man can defeat any animal, but only one at a time. He needs the 50 eagles to tie up the 44 large animals and to attack/herd the rats. The man with the rifle then systematically kills the large land animals one by one, freeing up more eagles to attack the rats and reinforce against the large land animals. When the large animals are dead, the eagles finish off the rats.
I would take the Eagles for sure as I do not want to have to deal with protecting from an aerial attack and there is enough of them to tag team the others that would not be able to defend against them. Then I would have the rats due to sheer numbers. Even a grizzly will have a problem when covered in a 1000 rats. Elephants are eaten 1 bite at a time.
This would be an epic bloody battle but I feel the Eagles and rats are the only way to go.
Quote: MaxPenI amazed that so many are picking a single man with a standard hunting rifle. The man from a defensive perspective is a pretty weak link. He is more of a threat offensively, but the Eagles provide the range needed to deal with him rather efficiently.
I would take the Eagles for sure as I do not want to have to deal with protecting from an aerial attack and there is enough of them to tag team the others that would not be able to defend against them. Then I would have the rats due to sheer numbers. Even a grizzly will have a problem when covered in a 1000 rats. Elephants are eaten 1 bite at a time.
This would be an epic bloody battle but I feel the Eagles and rats are the only way to go.
I concur. I'd be worried about defending against the man but he'd be almost useless as a defender. If you pick the man you are toast.
My choice was also rats and hawks. You might be screwed if all the large mammals blitz at once. I can see one or 2 getting through. But 10,000 is a lot of rats. Especially with hawks tearing you up.
Quote: RigondeauxI concur. I'd be worried about defending against the man but he'd be almost useless as a defender. If you pick the man you are toast.
My choice was also rats and hawks. You might be screwed if all the large mammals blitz at once. I can see one or 2 getting through. But 10,000 is a lot of rats. Especially with hawks tearing you up.
I have to assume that there are no special circumstance. Just me and all of this out on the prairie. 10 Eagles are dispatched to deal with the man. While I am in the middle of a wall of impenetrable rats. Remaining Eagles creating havoc and destruction.
How effective are the crocodiles if we don’t go near the water?
Quote: AyecarumbaI’m going to go with the rats and the wolves. The large pack of wolves should be able to dispatch every other opponent, and teamed with the sheer mass of 10k rats, I like my chances. Each eagle can only handle one rat at a time. 10k rats would tie them up for a month. I’m assuming I am actively defending myself too. So I could seek cover in the brush and sharpen a stick to thwart the aerial advantage.
How effective are the crocodiles if we don’t go near the water?
Might want to rethink that. Here is a story about one grizzly taking a meal away from two dozen wolves.
Quote: AxelWolfAlligators and Eagles and head for the water.
Do you want to spend the remainder of your days in the swamp?
Never mind, don't answer that.
You're just mad they didn't have sheep as an option, and since the hunter had a gun you were all out of options.Quote: MaxPenDo you want to spend the remainder of your days in the swamp?
Never mind, don't answer that.
Quote: AxelWolfYou're just mad they didn't have sheep as an option, and since the hunter had a gun you were all out of options.
Being "On the lamb" seems to have a completely different connotation for you.😜
Quote: WizardThe man and the mice. Sounds like a good title for a book.
:) It already is a book. Of Mice And Men by John Steinbeck. :) Good intentional reference, Wizard! :)
Quote: AyecarumbaI’m going to go with the rats and the wolves. The large pack of wolves should be able to dispatch every other opponent, and teamed with the sheer mass of 10k rats, I like my chances. Each eagle can only handle one rat at a time. 10k rats would tie them up for a month. I’m assuming I am actively defending myself too. So I could seek cover in the brush and sharpen a stick to thwart the aerial advantage.
How effective are the crocodiles if we don’t go near the water?
That's my choice too. 10,000 rats and 15 wolves. My very first choice was the Wolves because they are strong and fierce and travel in packs and you need strong and fierce animals that will stick together when they are defending you. And there is strength in numbers when it comes to many, many rats. The 10,000 rats will protect me from any attackers. Also rats can have rabies. I certainly wouldn't want to deal with 10,000 rats attacking me that could have rabies. So 10,000 rats protectinge it is. So between the 15 Wolves and the 10,000 rats(Hey, that sounds like a possible future Rock Metal Band, ;)), the other animals/humans don't stand a chance. In my and your opinion, the Rats/Wolves combo is the best choice. :)
Quote: onenickelmiracleDead either way. Those bears and lions would trounce right over those rats and tear your head off, if a bullet didn't fly there first. Dead either way no matter the choice, no right answers.
That's being pessimistic. :/
Quote: AxelWolfAlligators and Eagles and head for the water.
That's an interesting thought but I would assume some of those others might be good in the water too. Alligators are pretty useless though. Just stick a branch in their mouth.
I picked the man and birds because a hunter will take you out in 1 shot. Not sure if this is like the hunger games where we get a heads tart type of thing or is everyone in a field battle royal style. The eagles are nasty bastards. I don't think a group of them would have any problems taking on anything.
Quote: GWAEThat's an interesting thought but I would assume some of those others might be good in the water too. Alligators are pretty useless though. Just stick a branch in their mouth.
I picked the man and birds because a hunter will take you out in 1 shot. Not sure if this is like the hunger games where we get a heads tart type of thing or is everyone in a field battle royal style. The eagles are nasty bastards. I don't think a group of them would have any problems taking on anything.
Alligators eat grown men! That's not "useless!" Also in the Hunger Games there wasn't a headstart. In fact I remember it being mentioned that if you tried to cheat by using a headstart, you would get blown up by the activated mines that the game makers put there to discourage players from jumping early to cheat in the game. The mines were deactivated only after the countdown was completed then the Hunger Games officially started.
Quote: NathanAlligators eat grown men! That's not "useless!" Also in the Hunger Games there wasn't a headstart. In fact I remember it being mentioned that if you tried to cheat by using a headstart, you would get blown up by the activated mines that the game makers put there to discourage players from jumping early to cheat in the game. The mines were deactivated only after the countdown was completed then the Hunger Games officially started.
Well there are people who wrestle alligators so they can't be that dangerous. I don't believe I've ever seen anybody wrestling a gorilla or an eagle. I haven't seen the Hunger Games in a long time but I don't remember the Hunter and Hunted starting at the exact same spot if that were the case then a hunter were just killed a person right away. But then again it's been a long time since I've seen it so maybe that's how it happened
Quote: GWAEThat's an interesting thought but I would assume some of those others might be good in the water too. Alligators are pretty useless though. Just stick a branch in their mouth.
They actually have very strong jaws for clamping down. A stick would be just about worthless or any other way to try to keep their mouths open. On the other hand, keeping their mouths closed is much easier, like wrapping duct tape around their snout (do alligators/crocodiles have snouts? lol) a few times, I believe would do the trick.
It appears the hunter has a shot gun since a rifle is generally going to have a scope. With a shotgun, it really depends on the kind of shot being used to determine if it's going to kill you or cause serious damage. But you are probably safer to a shotgun blast than you'd expect, at least with birdshot.
Now, if the hunter had unlimited buckshot, I'd probably pick him to be on my team, as well as the gorillas. No matter what you pick, you're probably doomed, but I think the hunter+gorillas is the best.
I agree. Actually, if he had a good supply of #4 (for the birds & rats), #00 Buck (for the wolves & maybe lions), and slugs (for everything else), I'd definitely take the hunter, especially if his shotgun is a semi-auto. If you don't take the hunter, you are toast as soon as he fires his first shot (assuming he has a rifle or a shotgun with slugs).Quote: RSNow, if the hunter had unlimited buckshot, I'd probably pick him to be on my team
It's a tough choice for #2 between the eagles and the rats. Eagles will give you air superiority, but I think my second choice would be the rats. Their sheer numbers can keep the other attackers at bay while the hunter picks them off.
Edit: RS, I think your sig has an extra zero in front.
Quote: MaxPenI amazed that so many are picking a single man with a standard hunting rifle. The man from a defensive perspective is a pretty weak link. He is more of a threat offensively, but the Eagles provide the range needed to deal with him rather efficiently.
I admit the man is weak against dozens of attacking animals at the same time. I picked him because if I didn't, he would just shoot me. I'm assuming he could get off a shot before the eagles reached him.
As for the Hunger Games, as I recall it they all started in a circle with the cornucopia of weapons in the middle. You couldn't move from your starting position until they announced the start. Then you could either battle it at the cornucopia for weapons or head for the forest and hide.
Quote: billryanYou pretty much have to pick the man, otherwise you end up shot before any of your defenders gets close to the shooter.
You have over 2 tons of rats that will form a meat shield between you and the hunter. The eagles will make quick work of the lone gunman.
A well supplied ground force, with air superiority is how I'd roll.
Quote: WizardI admit the man is weak against dozens of attacking animals at the same time. I picked him because if I didn't, he would just shoot me. I'm assuming he could get off a shot before the eagles reached him.
This is the key point that guided my thinking. A man with a rifle can shoot you from a distance of 200 yards (or further). He can kill you before you know he is there. There is really no protection from him. So he has to be on your team.
Also, the only protection against eagles is the man with a rifle.
With the armed man, you need crowd control -and I argue that that is the 50 eagles. An eagle attacking the face of any large animal will stop it in its tracks to delay while the man picks off the animals one at a time with the rifle. 15 wolves cannot do this - they would simply be out numbered. And the speed of the wolves is wasted for crowd control.
Multiple gorillas bears and bulls would go through rats like a knife through butter. Also, spomeone please explain to me how 10,000 rats are going to stop the crocodiles. Their teeth cannot come close to penetrating the carapace (armor) of the crocs.
Man with rifle + 50 eagles
Something similar would apply on defense. I'm not an expert in hunting/shooting, but I think a man with a rifle would be fortunate to take down 1 charging bear or gorilla. Honestly, man + eagles would lose to the rats alone.
A lot would depend on mobility and terrain. I'd like my rat/eagle plan a lot if I could climb a tree or something once the man is gone. Anything that I can do to slow down the larger animals for a while to allow the rats to do their work helps a lot. Plus, now they'd have to come at me like 2 at a time, instead of simultaneously.
The sheer number of rats is problematic, but a man should come up with a strategy to hold them off until the eagles finish them
With only two allies, and the rest of them out to get you, victory is far from assured. Having the guy with the gun would be good when you get overun. A bullet to my head is preferred to being torn apart by a gorilla or eaten alive by hundreds of rats.
Quote: WizardIs there a right answer to this question?
I already gave it. Pay attention!
Quote: WizardIs there a right answer to this question?
The ruminants are dead out. Their base defense is to run, and only when rearing do they circle and defend. Even assuming YOU are "the child", they ain't stopping a shooter, would have less than zero chance against an ape, lion, wolf, or bear, could not defend nowhere near a hundred rats let alone 10,000. They'd be good stomping gator skulls and are too tough for any eagle, but that's hardly a consolation.
Gator? Pah. Unless you're on a rudderless ship, of course. Too slow. Too dumb. Zero defense. One trick pony.
Lions are cats. Cats don't man up. Unless everything's gonna fight with its back turned, all anything need do is look at it and it'll be rendered useless.
Eagles? Are you high? Birds are not a combative species. A majority of the sustenance for a majority of the war birds is carrion. The rest kill things much too small or much too impotent to be of any use. No doubt a rake of the talons would hurt. Then you just grab it and break it, like my grandma would.
All monkeys are disgusting and should be wiped from the Earth. I'd rather fight a bear mano a mano than team up with an ape. But since that's not an answer, still no. Because reasons.
The wolves are a noble pick. Teamwork, intelligence, plus victory companionship. But one griz would lay waste to an entire armada. Sorry puppers.
The griz is the strongest land predator, period. It wins in reality against packs of wolves, it wins in reality against polar bears, it wins in reality against Siberian f#$%ing tigers. There's not a single animal on that list it couldn't erase with one half hearted swipe of its paw, and those whose numbers may overwhelm it don't have the capacity to harm it.
And I don't care if that gun is empty and is rendered a club. The human is the most deadly animal on the planet. Realize please that all of those things plus worse are already coming to kill us, and one alcoholic with a hammer has protected us all. No, not Jesus. Your local carpenter, by way of the domicile. War is not won with strength, it's won with strategery.
Man and griz is the only answer.
1) 5 Gorillas
2) 4 Lions
The rifle is near worthless. I wavered with 15 wolves, because 15 wolves could easily take out a gorilla or lion, but not 5 or 4 of them. It also depends how "viscous" the mice are being. I feel like if this were a movie I'd take the mice because they'd be like an unstoppable storm of slaughter, but in reality even if they were "attacking" it would be more a battle of stamina than anything else just stomping and kicking them or beating them with things (and help from my 9 very large and very strong friends).
Eagles are the answer to everything.
Caught in prison? An eagle will rescue you?
Stuck in a tree with a dozen or so close friends? Eagles got you covered.
Stranded on the side of a volcano ,hundreds of miles from nowhere? They got you, bro.
In the spirit of the question though, they are there to defend me. So it would be assumed they aren't going to "scare off" and will protect me, no?Quote: billryanLions are natural cowards. I wouldn't count on them for anything except claiming some dead animals as their kill.
Quote: RomesIn the spirit of the question though, they are there to defend me. So it would be assumed they aren't going to "scare off" and will protect me, no?
It's a hypothetical, but I'm thinking the animals aren't going to get new personalities or magical powers. Otherwise, I'd just give the gun to the gorilla and have the crocs dig a trench around me.
Silly question that was fun, but I have work I was supposed to have done a few days ago. I suppose I should start it.
Quote: billryan
Silly question that was fun, but I have work I was supposed to have done a few days ago. I suppose I should start it.
Procrastination is a curse
It brings me naught but sorrow
I know that I should stop it
In fact, I will... tomorrow.
Quote: Rigondeaux
Take the rats and the gunman, providing said gunman has unlimited ammo. Though the rats would have to work very quickly to take care of all of the land animals while the gunman is shooting the eagles. Not sure that the rats could do anything against the crocodiles either.
Quote: MaxPenI don't think a guy with a gun could deal with 5 simultaneous attacking hawks much less eagles.
Not that guy, surely. Remember class: Nose over toes.
But seriously, y'all watch too much TV. They're smaller than your Xmas goose, and there ain't a single one of 'em that would ever hit you at any kind of speed cuz it would kill itself. When it tries to do whatever you think they can do, just swat it down and step on its head. Hell, the swat alone will probably cripple it.
Is there not a single Attenborough fan here? Have you, I dunno, never seen a bird? Where does this impression of offensive abilities come from? They're goofy af and about as durable as 2ply.