Quote: beachbumbabsHere's what I know. I met Michelle in 2012, hugged her close, front to front. Watched her from 20 feet away, live, for an hour.
There is no chance she's a guy. None.
But who are you? Why is your opinion gospel? Did you see her naked? If you did not, then you don't know nuthin. Are you calling Joan Rivers a liar? Why did Obama accidentally call her "Michael"? This group has plenty of evidence that your opinion is suspect, often. You recently spouted Elizabeth Warren's theories almost verbatim. That alone is enough to lend doubt to anything you say. You've offered nothing credible on this, except your opinion. Who among us doesn't have one of those?
And then incredibly, you offered above that you "hugged her close, front to front". Does that mean ANYTHING, or is that just a little too much info? You hugged her front to front, and apparently that means that you did not feel a bulge. Were you looking for one?
You hugged her. Big deal. That means nothing toward this discussion.
Quote:Why did Obama accidentally call her "Michael"?
Most likely...
1. Because he was reading from a script and mispronounced he wife's name. He wasn't thinking about what he was saying.
2. Perseveration related to ADHD
Quote: KeyserMost likely...
1. Because he was reading from a script and mispronounced he wife's name. He wasn't thinking about what he was saying.
That's what I said, he accidentally called her/him "Michael". As you say, he wasn't thinking. Your guess is not exactly helping his case.
Typically, a man's ring finger is a little longer than his index finger. Look at your own. If you have a wife or girlfriend, go look at her fingers. A girl's ring finger is typically about the same length as the index finger.
"Michelle" Obama's ring finger is WAY longer than her index finger.
Quote: KeyserWell, you know what we need here is Evenbob's input. He usually has unique insight into these things.
How are your finger lengths, Keyser? I assume you're a man, is your ring finger longer than your index finger? Is there a woman near you that you can look at her fingers?
Yes, my ring finger is much longer than my index finger. I am what you'd call a toxic male and indeed suffer from toxic masculinity.

And a proud Trump supporter.
Quote: KeyserWell, you know what we need here is Evenbob's input. He usually has unique insight into these things.
Rush hasn't weighed in on this topic so he doesn't know what to say...
Quote: bobbartopBut who are you? Why is your opinion gospel? Did you see her naked? If you did not, then you don't know nuthin. Are you calling Joan Rivers a liar? Why did Obama accidentally call her "Michael"? This group has plenty of evidence that your opinion is suspect, often. You recently spouted Elizabeth Warren's theories almost verbatim. That alone is enough to lend doubt to anything you say. You've offered nothing credible on this, except your opinion. Who among us doesn't have one of those?
And then incredibly, you offered above that you "hugged her close, front to front". Does that mean ANYTHING, or is that just a little too much info? You hugged her front to front, and apparently that means that you did not feel a bulge. Were you looking for one?
You hugged her. Big deal. That means nothing toward this discussion.
You're the one making a big deal out of nothing. I would guess I'm the only person on here who has met her, let alone touched her. Front to front, as opposed to a side hug, like for a picture. Close as opposed to the weird hug a lot of people are doing lately where they lean forward and make an awkward arch with their lower bodies not touching. Just natural and friendly.
Description, that's all, so anybody who cares gets an accurate picture . She was in a thin dress, as it was July in Orlando. Not much room for 'junk'. Which wasn't there. So, yeah, I'm refuting your silly claim.
Take it for what it's worth, a first person account. I find your nonsense about her offensive, but there's been worse said. Oh, and Axel, thanks for showing the love once again. ;-)
Also fwiw, my ring finger is longer than my index finger by almost 1/2 inch. My fingers are longer than my dad's were, and he was 6'8". His palms were longer, hands a little longer overall. And I've been pregnant, so yeah, I'm female. So much for your generalizations and stereotypes.
Quote: KeyserThere's science to the ring finger verses index finger claims.
I saw you said that upthread, and there probably is, but it's not an absolute.
Home»May»Finger Length Predicts Health and Behavior
Finger Length Predicts Health and Behavior
Like science-backed palm reading, new studies use digit ratio to predict aggressive behavior and risk of disease.
By Jessica Cassity|Tuesday, April 09, 2013
Quote: Keyserhttps://www.psychologytoday.com/articles/200507/sexuality-your-telltale-fingertips
Home»May»Finger Length Predicts Health and Behavior
Finger Length Predicts Health and Behavior
Like science-backed palm reading, new studies use digit ratio to predict aggressive behavior and risk of disease.
By Jessica Cassity|Tuesday, April 09, 2013
Interesting, thanks. I note at the end they caution against using that observation to determine anything about a person, that it's just one possible indicator based on percentages.
Quote: beachbumbabsSo much for your generalizations ....
Maybe that's why it's called a "generalization".
Quote: beachbumbabsInteresting, thanks. I note at the end they caution against using that observation to determine anything about a person, that it's just one possible indicator based on percentages.
I guess there's only one way to know for sure if "Michelle" has a penis. Either see it, or feel it. Or if the NY Times suddenly announces it.
Until either one of us have done either, your view is just as "silly" as mine.
Quote: bobbartopThere are several videos and photos showing something long and bouncing in her pants.
In a speaking engagement Obama accidentally referred to "her" as Michael. Twice.
She's got big shoulders. Built like a dude.
Joan Rivers identified her as a "tranny" and she was not kidding. Just before they botched a routine surgery and Joan Rivers died from it.
Yes, Steve, I think there's a very good possibility she's a dude. It's all over the internet.
That's the most pathetic piece of bullhooey I've read for a long time. If you believe that there is even a possibility of her being transgender, you certainly have no idea of how to discern facts from fiction. "All over the internet" does not mean true. And I am not going to go with the false negative "prove me that you are wrong" bull crap. We can start with the thousands of people (eyewitnesses) who went to school with her when she was a child, as a girl.
Quote: bobbartopI guess there's only one way to know for sure if "Michelle" has a penis. Either see it, or feel it. Or if the NY Times suddenly announces it.
Until either one of us have done either, your view is just as "silly" as mine.
Really, you think you can decide people's sex for them as opposed to what they claim as Michelle Obama already claims and you call those "equal" statements of silliness?
Seriously dude, stop while you're not too far behind.
Quote: AZDuffmanOn behalf of Bob let me say we are glad to be noticed. On my part miss locking horns with you, one of my more worthy adversaries.
Actually not as much as you think. I remember a boss upset with the Bush tax cuts saying "the rich will just put it in the bank" or "hoard it" as if banking your money is a bad thing. Too many other examples to post here while I sit in SBUX doing my last hour of work for the year. Let us just say that we have a 30% or so who do not want a prospering, low-tax economy with people doing well. Some think it is bad for the environment and we should all live in small apartments near light rail. Some think money should go to the "greater good." Some are just like that old boss and hate seeing someone who has done better than they have done.
True this leaves "most" as you say. Just saying expect to hear whiners.
The big thing the bill do is to allow money to "come home." This is a good thing.
"What kind of America do I want?" I want one where people are allowed to work and keep the rewards they make. I want one where people do for themselves. I want one where people respect success. And I want one that gets rid of the PC culture we have become.
I missed you AZ. You're fun to debate with.
But there are people who can't do for themselves, for many reasons out of their control. I would purport that programs that keeps these people healthy and off the street is far better for society than to let them fend for themselves. For that alone you require taxes., and it needs to be progressive to tax those who can afford to be taxed more.
We will see what the effect of the reduction of corporate taxes will be. Most large corporations will restructure to reduce the total tax burden on a worldwide operations and shift operations/revenue and cost centers accordingly. Most CEOs have indicated that they will simply use the extra cash to bolster weaknesses in the balance sheet, be it paying off bonds or debentures, buying back stock. Paying the employees a $200 million bonus (AT&T, 200,000 employees @ 1,000 each) is lip service compared to the 2.4 billion the company will save in Corporate Income tax. Same is true with Comcast's bonus.
Quote: boymimboThat's the most pathetic piece of bullhooey I've read for a long time. If you believe that there is even a possibility of her being transgender, you certainly have no idea of how to discern facts from fiction. "All over the internet" does not mean true. And I am not going to go with the false negative "prove me that you are wrong" bull crap. We can start with the thousands of people (eyewitnesses) who went to school with her when she was a child, as a girl.
Let's see. You first said it's "bullhooey". Ouch, that stung.
Then you decided that you weren't going to bother proving me wrong. Ouch, again.
And in the very NEXT sentence, you tried to prove me wrong. lol
Ok, I'll bite, against my better judgement. Apparently you have a list of thousands of eyewitnesses who can attest to her having female parts when she was a child. That's creepy, but besides that, I can't expect you to immediately produce that proof that you were not going to try to prove. So I'll give you till tomorrow. I'm going to feel so foolish.
Quote: rxwineReally, you think you can decide people's sex for them as opposed to what they claim as Michelle Obama already claims and you call those "equal" statements of silliness?
No. I was trying to be nice. I actually think her claims are sillier. I have offered evidence, and all she has offered is that she hugged her once. Said nothing about feeling for her thing, so the evidence of a hug seems rather empty. On the other hand, I have Joan Rivers, her husband saying Michael, pictures and videos of something bouncing, and the preponderance of ring/index finger data. As you can see, I'm backed by science. Y'all are backed by squat, except your obvious bias towards the Obamas. If this had been a decade ago, I'll bet I could have convinced you that Barbara Bush was a man. And she might be.
Quote: rxwineReally, you think you can decide people's sex for them as opposed to what they claim as Michelle Obama already claims and you call those "equal" statements of silliness?
Seriously dude, stop while you're not too far behind.
Everyone is entitled to their own version of reality. If you want to call Alex Jones the truth, a few suspect photos of Michelle Obama with a misshapen dress and two references of Obama calling Michelle "Michael" reality, that's fine. You can ignore the yearbook photos and people who knew her as a child. I guess one the authority on the issue would be Peter Slevin who wrote a pretty definitive biography that seems to be well researched and accounts for her elementary school, secondary school, and church doings as a kid. Given that there are yearbook photos of her and photos of her doing high school ballet, I have no doubt that the multiple biographies published on her that include interviews with parents and childhood friends are authentic.
But of course, you could ask Santita Jackson, a high school classmate of Michelle and a Fox New Contributor.
And of course, I will rebut with a equally conservative source: WND, who was looking for ammo against the Obamas and found some in an account by someone named Robyn who also claimed that Barack Obama engaged in dating men. But I will quote it anyway just for kicks.
Jesse Jackson and Reverend Wright arranged Obama Marriage
Quote: wnd, a conservative crapload, October 2012
As a young single woman, Michelle Robinson was a fixture in the home of civil rights leader Jesse Jackson, who along with Rev. Jeremiah Wright “arranged” her marriage to Barack Obama, according to sources in Chicago who know the couple...
“If you want to understand Michelle Obama, you’ve got to go back to Jesse Jackson,” a woman called “Robyn” for this article told WND.
Robyn, who spent several years working for Jackson’s Rainbow PUSH Coalition, explained to a WND investigator in Chicago that Michelle Obama “just about grew up in Jesse Jackson’s home.” “Jesse should have charged her rent and board for the amount of time she spent in his home instead of her own,” she said.
Jackson’s daughter, Santita, is still one of Michelle’s best friends. Santita and Jesse Jr. call her “sis,” short for “sister.”
Santita Jackson said in an interview just before Obama took office in 2008 that she has known Michelle Obama since they car-pooled together as high school classmates. Santita was maid of honor at Michelle and Barack Obama’s wedding, and she is the godmother to the Obama’s older daughter, Malia.
So the question I have for the righties is: WHICH STORY IS TRUE? Both cannot be true. Given that the controversy around the Wrights and the Jacksons have existed since before 2009, which would document Michelle's arc (as a woman) growing up in Chicago and developing the social connections at the Magnet School she attended to connect her and Barack to Jesse Jackson, how does that possibly jibe with the current proposal that Michelle is actually Michael?
Let me know what you come up with.
Quote: bobbartop
I'll bet I could have convinced you that Barbara Bush was a man. And she might be.
No, but I thought she might be old enough to be his mom what with the white hair.
Quote: boymimboThat's the most pathetic piece of bullhooey I've read for a long time. If you believe that there is even a possibility of her being transgender, you certainly have no idea of how to discern facts from fiction. "All over the internet" does not mean true. And I am not going to go with the false negative "prove me that you are wrong" bull crap. We can start with the thousands of people (eyewitnesses) who went to school with her when she was a child, as a girl.
Funny we can't find any people or professors who remember Obama.
Quote: RSDang, I thought liberals were a lot more accepting and did the "inclusiveness" thing for the LGGBDTTTIQQAAPP community? Why are y'all ashamed?
When did Michelle Obama come out as transgendered or a man? When? Ever? No. When she does, let us know.
End of your argument.
Quote: MaxPenFunny we can't find any people or professors who remember Obama.
They haven't looked in the right place. Would be much easier if they searched for those people in Kenya instead of the USA.
Quote: boymimbo
Let me know what you come up with.
I came up with this. YOU, a few posts scrolled back:
"And I am not going to go with the false negative "prove me that you are wrong" bull crap."
Quote: RSThey haven't looked in the right place. Would be much easier if they searched for those people in Kenya instead of the USA.
His brother is in Kenya. Seems like a pretty decent guy. Not a commie like Barrack. Interestingly, he said forcing the Whites to move out of colonial Kenya was a mistake.
Quote: rxwineWhen did Michelle Obama come out as transgendered or a man? When? Ever? No. When she does, let us know.
End of your argument.
I don't know if Michelle (or Michael) Obama is a transgender man, woman, or whatever else. I'm not the kind to assume one's gender. I don't think the LGGBDTTTIQQAAPP community encourages people to assume another's gender.
Perhaps I'm wrong in all this and Michelle (or Michael) Obama has "come out" as a straight woman, but I don't remember that ever happening. You could say there are bad people on both sides.
Quote: bobbartopHis brother is in Kenya. Seems like a pretty decent guy. Not a commie like Barrack. Interestingly, he said forcing the Whites to move out of colonial Kenya was a mistake.
Decent? The guy has like 15 wives.
You seriously crack me up with every comment you make. Do you at least type fast?
Quote: RSI don't know if Michelle (or Michael) Obama is a transgender man, woman, or whatever else. I'm not the kind to assume one's gender. I don't think the LGGBDTTTIQQAAPP community encourages people to assume another's gender.
Perhaps I'm wrong in all this and Michelle (or Michael) Obama has "come out" as a straight woman, but I don't remember that ever happening. You could say there are bad people on both sides.

Quote: MaxPenFunny we can't find any people or professors who remember Obama.
Naw, just a FoxNews Contributor (Santita Jackson) http://www.foxnews.com/person/j/santita-jackson.html who went to high school with her and is accounted for both from reporting on the left (friendly biographies) and right (associating that relationship to Jesse Jackson/Reverend Wright). That reference in and of itself accounts her her arc of life from high school all the way to the birth of her children (Santita is godmother is Malia).
Add in yearbook photos, elementary school pictures, university graduation photos, pregnancy photos (there's one out there), accounts from parents and siblings, and multiple biographical accounts that account for and verify her presence in each school, including her attendance at Princeton and Harvard. Biographies quote sources, including classmates and professors, that knew her. So there is documented evidence that plenty of people knew Michelle.
On the other side, we have a claim by a comedian (who was not being serious), two dress photos, and an Ellen video and dubious Alex Jones who also claimed Sandy Hook was a hoax, what else is there?
I will tell you that none of my university professors remember me either.
But we did spend a good half a day arguing about nothing to do with Trump. I will start my own claim that Donald Trump is a animatronic well-dressed bag of Doritos and that his wife Melania and daughter Ivanka are actually animated creations of Disney.
As well, the moon is made from a large block of cheese. I have a Looney Tunes video that proves it. Prove me wrong.
Quote: RSI don't know if Michelle (or Michael) Obama is a transgender man, woman, or whatever else. I'm not the kind to assume one's gender
Well, thanks for admitting you made a mistake assuming anything.
there is something creepy about her. I
knew transgender people in the early
80's in Calif, only they were called trannies
then. Nice guys, but seriously creepy.
Maybe Michelle is, but she's gone, never
to return, hopefully. It's a fact she hated
the spotlight, hated giving speeches.
Hated the SS being around all the time.
Now she has it for the rest of her life.
Why did she hate the spotlight so much,
it's people who have things to hide that
feel that way.
Quote: bobbartopTake the test:
Typically, a man's ring finger is a little longer than his index finger. Look at your own. If you have a wife or girlfriend, go look at her fingers. A girl's ring finger is typically about the same length as the index finger.
"Michelle" Obama's ring finger is WAY longer than her index finger.
Oh, crap. My index finger is longer than my ring finger. What does this mean? What does this mean? I'm confused. Do I need to go out and get a set of ovaries? Damn. Thanks for straightening me out. Ha ha, get it, straightening?
Quote: boymimboOh, crap. My index finger is longer than my ring finger. What does this mean? What does this mean? I'm confused. Do I need to go out and get a set of ovaries?
Sounds like you might already have a set. Stay away from Bill Clinton, that's all I can say.
Hey, why is it a "set of ovaries" when it is two, and it is three when it is a set in Hold'em?
Quote: MaxPenFunny we can't find any people or professors who remember Obama.
My college roommate knew 'Barry' as he was referred to back at Columbia. I must have played basketball against him but have no distinct memory of him (top intramural league).
Quote: boymimboBut there are people who can't do for themselves, for many reasons out of their control. I would purport that programs that keeps these people healthy and off the street is far better for society than to let them fend for themselves. For that alone you require taxes., and it needs to be progressive to tax those who can afford to be taxed more.
There are those people. One thing to remember, though, is beggers can't be choosers. We seem to think that said people are supposed to get the same exact care as those of us who are out busting our cranks to do better for ourselves. Another thing is we are putting too many on the streets that really should be kept inside. The institutional system was far from perfect, but neither did we have the homeless problems we have now pre-1960s, when we started to close that system. I'd rather do something here.
Next, so much of the problem can be solved if we just tell people to behave better. Consider, what is the easiest way to end up in poverty? Answer: single motherhood and having children too young and out of wedlock. If you graduate high school and wait until marriage to have kids then your chances of a life in poverty fall by like 90%. Does the government do anything to encourage better behavior? When it does, liberals and feminists get all over it for "preaching values." Single mothers are held up as "heroes." This took a generation to get to where we are and will take more than one to fix, but it is better to fix it than spend trillions on handouts.
Quote:We will see what the effect of the reduction of corporate taxes will be. Most large corporations will restructure to reduce the total tax burden on a worldwide operations and shift operations/revenue and cost centers accordingly. Most CEOs have indicated that they will simply use the extra cash to bolster weaknesses in the balance sheet, be it paying off bonds or debentures, buying back stock. Paying the employees a $200 million bonus (AT&T, 200,000 employees @ 1,000 each) is lip service compared to the 2.4 billion the company will save in Corporate Income tax. Same is true with Comcast's bonus.
Fixing a weak balance sheet is a good thing. What if GM could have used a tax cut to fix theirs in 2005? Of course they will not just hand it all off to employees, as the shareholders are supposed to be taken care of first. But management making them stronger is a good thing. Eventually it means more employees.
Quote: AZDuffmanNext, so much of the problem can be solved if we just tell people to behave better. Consider, what is the easiest way to end up in poverty? Answer: single motherhood and having children too young and out of wedlock. If you graduate high school and wait until marriage to have kids then your chances of a life in poverty fall by like 90%. Does the government do anything to encourage better behavior? When it does, liberals and feminists get all over it for "preaching values." Single mothers are held up as "heroes." This took a generation to get to where we are and will take more than one to fix, but it is better to fix it than spend trillions on handouts.
I agree that people need to behave better. I am not sure what messaging is being given in high schools to young women and men. Unfortunately, there are unwise and stupid people in this country and the only way you cure that is via stabilizing the family unit to ensure that the next generation gets a good education, which includes things like free birth control, higher minimum wages (so that parents will be home to parent their child), mandated child support payments, and other oh shoot, government programs to end the poverty cycle.
Quote:Fixing a weak balance sheet is a good thing. What if GM could have used a tax cut to fix theirs in 2005? Of course they will not just hand it all off to employees, as the shareholders are supposed to be taken care of first. But management making them stronger is a good thing. Eventually it means more employees.
I disagree with the last statement, as there is really no linkage between higher earnings and more employees. There is a great linkage however between higher earnings and stock buybacks. My company reports strong earnings every quarter, and there are no hiring activities to commensurate - there are acquisitions, stock buybacks, dividends, and so on. But the direction of my business is going the way towards efficiency via offshore work and automation, like every big corporation is. There are no reasons to hire someone unless there is something for them to do.
Quote: EvenBobHow Fusion GPS and the Obama Administration Weaponized the Trump Dossier
When you get in bed with Russian hookers, you're gonna get burned.
Donald learned this the hard way.
Quote: The Brilliant AZDuffman
Next, so much of the problem can be solved if we just tell people to behave better. Consider, what is the easiest way to end up in poverty? Answer: single motherhood and having children too young and out of wedlock. If you graduate high school and wait until marriage to have kids then your chances of a life in poverty fall by like 90%. Does the government do anything to encourage better behavior? When it does, liberals and feminists get all over it for "preaching values." Single mothers are held up as "heroes." This took a generation to get to where we are and will take more than one to fix, but it is better to fix it than spend trillions on handouts.
Fixing a weak balance sheet is a good thing. What if GM could have used a tax cut to fix theirs in 2005? Of course they will not just hand it all off to employees, as the shareholders are supposed to be taken care of first. But management making them stronger is a good thing. Eventually it means more employees.
This is so very true. It's the very reason that every minority group other than blacks have been able to integrate and find success in this country.
If only more people would follow Ben Shapiro https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rrxZRuL65wQ
Quote: boymimboI agree that people need to behave better. I am not sure what messaging is being given in high schools to young women and men. Unfortunately, there are unwise and stupid people in this country and the only way you cure that is via stabilizing the family unit to ensure that the next generation gets a good education, which includes things like free birth control, higher minimum wages (so that parents will be home to parent their child), mandated child support payments, and other oh shoot, government programs to end the poverty cycle.
Raising the minimum wage has nothing to do with getting families out of poverty. A minimum wage worker will ALWAYS be in poverty. It is time to get over this idea that "every job should support a family of 4" or even that "you should be able to make a living if you work a job." Not all jobs are to live on.
The family unit will not get stabilized until people stop getting made fun of for choosing that life. Woman wants to stay home with the kids, she gets laughed at. The dad on any TV shows is "Father Knows Worst." Single mothers get championed.
As to "education" it is a wasteland. Too many going to college, too many useless degrees. HS is designed to "get you into college." You come out with no useful skill, but you can write a term paper!
Quote:I disagree with the last statement, as there is really no linkage between higher earnings and more employees. There is a great linkage however between higher earnings and stock buybacks. My company reports strong earnings every quarter, and there are no hiring activities to commensurate - there are acquisitions, stock buybacks, dividends, and so on. But the direction of my business is going the way towards efficiency via offshore work and automation, like every big corporation is. There are no reasons to hire someone unless there is something for them to do.
Higher earnings = money to expand = more employees. Even without expansion, more places will hire more people just to make things run better. Steve Wynn was way against cutting what some called "extras" in the 2009 downturn. He said how maybe you have someone on staff just to pick up cigarette butts and trash. You cut back there. Then you get to next year and try to beat this year without that labor cost line. Eventually you lose your status because people see cigarette butts and trash. Then you cut someone else. Repeat.
NOTE: Steve did not use that exact example, but that is the gist of it.
Quote: AZDuffmanNot all jobs are to live on.
Isn't that the whole point of a job? Why shouldn't one person be able to support themselves on minimum wage?
Quote: TigerWuIsn't that the whole point of a job? Why shouldn't one person be able to support themselves on minimum wage?
This is where I need to write a prescription of Rush Limbaugh and Ben Shapiro for you.
Quote: KeyserThis is where I need to write a prescription of Rush Limbaugh and Ben Shapiro for you.
No thanks. Tried that already. Inflammation got worse.
Quote: TigerWuIsn't that the whole point of a job? Why shouldn't one person be able to support themselves on minimum wage?
I must bite my tongue first....... You think it is up to an EMPLOYER, A BUSINESS owner, to make sure every employee can support themselves? Call me stupid, but I thought the business owner was in business to make money and support himself? He offers people money to do a job. There is NOTHING that forces people to work for said business owner if he does not offer enough to make it worth the worker's while. If he doesn't offer enough there will not be workers. And he wont have a business. Grrrr......
Quote: TigerWuIsn't that the whole point of a job? Why shouldn't one person be able to support themselves on minimum wage?
Because not all jobs are about that. Some jobs are starter jobs for people with few to no skills. Some jobs are for people moonlighting, housewives, or just working to make a few extra bucks.
Bigger question is why SHOULD minimum wage be set to "where you can support yourself?" When you make minimum wage higher, fewer people get hired. It hits those with no skills the hardest. Just more people ending up on welfare because they are priced out of the market.