And what that fallout will be
Quote: darkozSo wondering how fast before trump pardons Flynn and papodopoulis
And what that fallout will be
Mueller is 2 steps ahead...
Quote:Statement by Lt. General Michael T. Flynn (Ret.)
After over 33 years of military service to our country, including nearly five years in combat away from my family, and then my decision to continue to serve the United States, it has been extraordinarily painful to endure these many months of false accusations of “treason” and other outrageous acts. Such false accusations are contrary to everything I have ever done and stood for. But I recognize that the actions I acknowledged in court today were wrong, and, through my faith in God, I am working to set things right. My guilty plea and agreement to cooperate with the Special Counsel's Office reflect a decision I made in the best interests of my family and of our country. I accept full responsibility for my actions.
His statement specifically states he is cooperating with the Mueller. A pardon from Donald would clearly be an obstruction attempt.
Quote: ams288Mueller is 2 steps ahead...
Quote:Statement by Lt. General Michael T. Flynn (Ret.)
After over 33 years of military service to our country, including nearly five years in combat away from my family, and then my decision to continue to serve the United States, it has been extraordinarily painful to endure these many months of false accusations of “treason” and other outrageous acts. Such false accusations are contrary to everything I have ever done and stood for. But I recognize that the actions I acknowledged in court today were wrong, and, through my faith in God, I am working to set things right. My guilty plea and agreement to cooperate with the Special Counsel's Office reflect a decision I made in the best interests of my family and of our country. I accept full responsibility for my actions.
His statement specifically states he is cooperating with the Mueller. A pardon from Donald would clearly be an obstruction attempt.
I agree with you but does Trump. He probably believes he is above the law
If he is president and has the power to pardon how can it be he cannot do it. (Just saying what trump might be thinking)
Quote: darkoz
I agree with you but does Trump. He probably believes he is above the law
If Trump decides to do something rash against better advice, it won't be the first time. Maybe the thousandth.
Quote: rsactuaryBut he immediately loses the presidency if he does.
If I had a nickel every time someone said that about something Trump did.... haha...
Self-pardon is an option, although it's never been used or tested.
This narcissistic buffoon will regale in the moment, too, seemingly smiting his numerous detractors.
If so: hello, impeachment.
Quote: MrVSelf-pardon is an option, although it's never been used or tested.
I'm thinking the arguments at the SC won't ultimately support it. Court judges can issue verdicts of innocence or guilt in non-jury cases. But most people would think it insane to let them dismiss their own crimes.
Anyway, it's already shown just because the 1st and 2nd amendment don't set specific limits, doesn't mean there aren't any. :Fire in theater, etc.,
So why couldn't you rule against self-pardon?
OTOH, maybe they'd consider impeachment as the answer to selfpardon
Probably waiting to see Fox's primetime lineup to get their talking points...
I suspect we will hear talk of "nothing burgers."
Quote: ams288Righties have been awfully quiet today.
Probably waiting to see Fox's primetime lineup to get their talking points...
I suspect we will hear talk of "nothing burgers."
So far the best i have heard is simce flynn admitted to lying he cannot be believed in anything he has to say in the future regarding trump and collusion
Could Trump pardon himself then immediately resign?
"Lock them up! Lock them up! Lock them up! Lock them up!"
Oh the irony...
You can only B.S. the American people for so long.
Things are looking grim for the Putz in Chief.
Could somebody remind me what the GOP's complaints about the process of passing the ACA were again???
Quote: ams288This is in the GOP's tax bill they will be voting on tonight. Can you read it?
*removes rose colored glasses*
Hey, it says "Up with the rich, down with the poor."
Quote: TigerWuTrump has only tweeted twice today, neither time about Flynn. Like someone mentioned, probably waiting for Fox and Friends to tell him what to think.
Could Trump pardon himself then immediately resign?
Not just that, but there was a scheduled Oval Office press event with the PM of (Libya, I think). They put the press in there, waited a bit, then they herded them out and said it was canceled.
Somebody's circling the wagons....
What Christmas present has Michael Flynn given to the People
He went to Jared :-)
"I had to fire General Flynn because he lied to the Vice President and the FBI. He has pled guilty to those lies. It is a shame because his actions during the transition were lawful. There was nothing to hide!"
This now raises the question about whether he knew Flynn had lied to the FBI when he asked Comey to back off of Flynn. If so, it is clear obstruction of justice.
Quote: rsactuaryThis now raises the question about whether he knew Flynn had lied to the FBI when he asked Comey to back off of Flynn. If so, it is clear obstruction of justice.
lol... he's such an idiot.
If he's done it for many years I can see how it would be tough to break the habit.
But it is a habit he should have abandoned when he threw his hat in the ring.
The blowhard just doesn't get it: as president he no longer has a private life, everything he says and does is studied, analyzed and part of his political persona.
His tweets will come back to haunt him.
This guy being elected president is proof positive of the old adage: "Be careful what you ask for, you just might get it."
There is little doubt he'll "go down" over this; the question is in what way, and how badly will his empire / legacy be affected by this debacle and his whacked out words and actions while holding the reins of power?
He reached for the stars but fell into a black hole.
Quote: rsactuarySo last night, the Sexual Assaulter in Chief tweeted this....
"I had to fire General Flynn because he lied to the Vice President and the FBI. He has pled guilty to those lies. It is a shame because his actions during the transition were lawful. There was nothing to hide!"
This now raises the question about whether he knew Flynn had lied to the FBI when he asked Comey to back off of Flynn. If so, it is clear obstruction of justice.
One of his lawyers just took the responsibility for that tweet.
yeah. sure!
If not, why not?
If Trump stonewalls him, can he be compelled to testify under oath, e.g. at deposition?
Quote: IbeatyouracesWhy does this "lying to so and so" from a politician surprise anyone?? They've been doing this constantly to the public since this country's inception in the 1700s.
Its one thing to lie to the public
Happens all the time
lying to the FBI?
You just don't do that. They take that sh*t seriously and everybody knows that
Quote: terapinedQuote: IbeatyouracesWhy does this "lying to so and so" from a politician surprise anyone?? They've been doing this constantly to the public since this country's inception in the 1700s.
Its one thing to lie to the public
Happens all the time
lying to the FBI?
You just don't do that. They take that sh*t seriously and everybody knows that
Govt lying to govt lol.
First mistake.Quote: KeyserThe hate, bigotry, and hypocrisy from the left is simply outrageous.
Second mistake.Quote: KeyserRegardless of who the president is...
Exactly.Quote: KeyserDon't buy into the fake news.
Quote: KeyserThe hate, bigotry, and hypocrisy from the left is simply outrageous. Regardless of who the president is, Americans should want the president to succeed for the good of the country. Our enemies around the world want to divide us. They spend a great deal of money attempting to divide us via events like Ferguson by creating outrage and anger where it's unfounded. Don't do their job for them. Don't buy into the fake news.
Interesting viewpoint especially considering the fact that, if I'm not mistaken, the OP of this president bashing thread is from Britain - America's oldest and worst enemy. Don't get 1812'd again!!! ;)
Quote: KeyserThe hate, bigotry, and hypocrisy from the left is simply outrageous. Regardless of who the president is, Americans should want the president to succeed for the good of the country. Our enemies around the world want to divide us. They spend a great deal of money attempting to divide us via events like Ferguson by creating outrage and anger where it's unfounded. Don't do their job for them. Don't buy into the fake news.
This is laughable given the right's animosity to Barack Obama for eight years.
So exactly how did our "enemies around the world" create Ferguson?
From the UK. Yes: Guilty as charged. And actually, I wish that you could have a successful leader. But rooting around in a sewer might have resulted in finding a better one. Incidentally, for the record, I reckon Hil was the second worst candidate you guys could have put forward: So, it's not left-right bias from me.Quote: RogerKintInteresting viewpoint especially considering the fact that, if I'm not mistaken, the OP of this president bashing thread is from Britain - America's oldest and worst enemy. Don't get 1812'd again!!! ;)
I've no personal interest in invading or re-colonising your country. As an outsider, with no axe to grind, it's just so plain as day the damage your president and his cohorts are doing, first and foremost to your country, but also to what remains of 'the free world'
There is no groundswell from the left.
Bunch of sheeple.
Quote: MrVWhere is the hue and cry for Trump's removal?
There is no groundswell from the left.
Bunch of sheeple.
Personally, I think Mike Pence is much more dangerous. I'd rather have Trump remain in office and get nothing done until the next election.
Quote: rsactuaryPersonally, I think Mike Pence is much more dangerous. I'd rather have Trump remain in office and get nothing done until the next election.
Its been noted as the head of the transition team mike pence may be implicated with the russia trump collusion as well
Remember gerald ford was not vp when Nixon left. Altho i dont know how much we want a president Mitch Mcconnell either
Quote: rsactuaryPersonally, I think Mike Pence is much more dangerous. I'd rather have Trump remain in office and get nothing done until the next election.
Easily the best move Trump ever made for himself. Pence would be horrible and Liberals know it.
Quote: rxwineI believe it's Paul Ryan, not McConnell/
Yeah, if Pence fell with Trump. Then it's Paul Ryan, then Orrin Hatch (President Pro Tempore). I would prefer Hatch if I had a choice of the three immediate successors.
Do they not realize how devastating that would be to our economy and what it would do to the stock market? Retirement funds/401ks of hard working American families would take a very hard hit. Just look what happened to the market on Friday when the fake news from ABC hit the air!
Quote: rsactuarySo exactly how did our "enemies around the world" create Ferguson?
"THIS PAST SUMMER, a Facebook account called Blacktivist posted a horrifying video. It depicted a black man handcuffed, his face planted to the concrete as a canine bit into his arm. “We live under a system of racism,” the post read, “and police are letting us know how they feel and where we stand.” We live in times of resistance, and the growing authority of social media has directly impacted the shape of activism. With that action increasingly moving online, recent revelations offer insight into just how critically the tide of control has shifted."
Exclusive: Russian-bought Black Lives Matter ad on Facebook targeted Baltimore and Ferguson
by Dylan Byers @CNNMoney
"At least one of the Facebook ads bought by Russians during the 2016 presidential campaign referenced Black Lives Matter and was specifically targeted to reach audiences in Ferguson, Missouri and Baltimore, sources with knowledge of the ads told CNN."
In Ferguson a black man charges a police officer, beats the hell out of him while trying to steal his gun, walks away and then charges again to f#@k him up again and is then shot. All of the witnesses (yes black) testify that this is what happened, and even a grand jury (again, largely black) acquits the officer. But what happens??? We get riots, Black Lives Matter nonsense, and gullible idiots, like Colin Kaepernick, taking a knee to help further polarize and destabilize the country.
There you have it. It just required some gullible, poorly educated, emotionally unstable people to have the desired effect.
Quote: KeyserMany on the left have so much blind hatred and bigotry that they want to see the president impeached/removed from office at any cost.
Hatred and bigotry have nothing to do with this.
The dude is a friggin moron. He admitted to obstruction of justice in a tweet yesterday.
Quote: KeyserQuote: rsactuarySo exactly how did our "enemies around the world" create Ferguson?
"THIS PAST SUMMER, a Facebook account called Blacktivist posted a horrifying video. It depicted a black man handcuffed, his face planted to the concrete as a canine bit into his arm. “We live under a system of racism,” the post read, “and police are letting us know how they feel and where we stand.” We live in times of resistance, and the growing authority of social media has directly impacted the shape of activism. With that action increasingly moving online, recent revelations offer insight into just how critically the tide of control has shifted."
Exclusive: Russian-bought Black Lives Matter ad on Facebook targeted Baltimore and Ferguson
by Dylan Byers @CNNMoney
"At least one of the Facebook ads bought by Russians during the 2016 presidential campaign referenced Black Lives Matter and was specifically targeted to reach audiences in Ferguson, Missouri and Baltimore, sources with knowledge of the ads told CNN."
In Ferguson a black man charges a police officer, beats the hell out of him while trying to steal his gun, walks away and then charges again to f#@k him up again and is then shot. All of the witnesses (yes black) testify that this is what happened, and even a grand jury (again, largely black) acquits the officer. But what happens??? We get riots, Black Lives Matter nonsense, and gullible idiots, like Colin Kaepernick, taking a knee to help further polarize and destabilize the country.
There you have it. It just required some gullible, poorly educated, emotionally unstable people to have the desired effect.
That's using the Ferguson incident to further their cause. That's not them starting the Ferguson event as you suggested in your earlier post.
Quote: rxwineI believe it's Paul Ryan, not McConnell/
Also to be fair, Spiro Agnew was replaced by Gerald Ford as vice president by Nixon's appointment and then confirmed by Congress (25th amendment section 2), not by automatic succession.
Quote: KeyserBlind hatred and bigotry have everything to do with it. All because many on the left are suckers for fake news and propaganda. They're so blinded by it that they're willing to let the markets crash, costing families all across this country hard earned savings.
The markets would be just fine if we got rid of Donald. This seems like a desperate attempt to justify his idiocies.
"We have to put up with the corrupt imbecile otherwise we'll lose money!"
Good luck selling that one.
Hell, the markets would probably do even better without him. I'm sure Wall St. would like Pence or Ryan even more than Donald. Same policies without the psychosis.
Quote: rsactuaryQuote: KeyserQuote: rsactuarySo exactly how did our "enemies around the world" create Ferguson?
"THIS PAST SUMMER, a Facebook account called Blacktivist posted a horrifying video. It depicted a black man handcuffed, his face planted to the concrete as a canine bit into his arm. “We live under a system of racism,” the post read, “and police are letting us know how they feel and where we stand.” We live in times of resistance, and the growing authority of social media has directly impacted the shape of activism. With that action increasingly moving online, recent revelations offer insight into just how critically the tide of control has shifted."
Exclusive: Russian-bought Black Lives Matter ad on Facebook targeted Baltimore and Ferguson
by Dylan Byers @CNNMoney
"At least one of the Facebook ads bought by Russians during the 2016 presidential campaign referenced Black Lives Matter and was specifically targeted to reach audiences in Ferguson, Missouri and Baltimore, sources with knowledge of the ads told CNN."
In Ferguson a black man charges a police officer, beats the hell out of him while trying to steal his gun, walks away and then charges again to f#@k him up again and is then shot. All of the witnesses (yes black) testify that this is what happened, and even a grand jury (again, largely black) acquits the officer. But what happens??? We get riots, Black Lives Matter nonsense, and gullible idiots, like Colin Kaepernick, taking a knee to help further polarize and destabilize the country.
There you have it. It just required some gullible, poorly educated, emotionally unstable people to have the desired effect.
That's using the Ferguson incident to further their cause. That's not them starting the Ferguson event as you suggested in your earlier post.
I never implied that they staged the incident. They merely exploited the ignorant, leading them to believe that white cops everywhere are racist and targeting blacks while the rest of the lefties wear safety pins huddled together in save zones crying.

Quote: KeyserThey merely exploited the ignorant, leading them to believe that white cops everywhere are racist and targeting blacks while the rest of the lefties where safety pins huddled together in save zones crying.
I agree with you on this point.
Quote: KeyserThe hate, bigotry, and hypocrisy from the left is simply outrageous. Regardless of who the president is, Americans should want the president to succeed for the good of the country. Our enemies around the world want to divide us. They spend a great deal of money attempting to divide us via events like Ferguson by creating outrage and anger where it's unfounded. Don't do their job for them. Don't buy into the fake news.
The president's definition of success is different than most Americans.
- Taking away ObamaCare without a solution to the 2x million or so Americans losing their insurance.
- A tax plan that increases the pockets of the ultra-rich using trickle-down that never worked and increasing the deficit 1.5 trillion or so.
- Dividing people vs bringing them together
- going to the brink of an unwinnable war (North Korea) with 10s of millions of proxy lives (the South Koreans, the Japanese) in the balance.
And so on and so on.
I for one do want the president to "succeed". The problem is that his definition of success defies all logic.