Enough urban voters in MI, WI, PA, OH were turned off by HRC that they didn't feel impassioned enough to show up at the polls and as a result swung the election in Trump's favor, while more were turned on by DJT's message to show up. This was why the polls were off. The "likely voters" did not match the group that actually votes.
Just like even though his approval rating is now at 34%, it doesn't mean that he would win 34% of the popular vote if an election was held today, because those who are polled don't necessarily vote and a 34% approval rating doesn't translate into a 66% vote for someone else.
People are complicated. That's why I don't like a typical left message and a typical right message. I would suspect that 85% of the voting age electorate fall somewhat in the middle and I would suspect that almost all of them are not happy with the way that the government is being run today.
Quote: boymimboThe election is not a popularity contest. It is an electoral vote contest where you need the popular vote in each state to count accordingly. Hillary could have won by 10 million votes but the college is what matters. I was trying to explain how so many people (enough to win the election) voted for him.
But if she had also lost the popular vote by millions of votes I would have agreed with your previous post.
I think people just don't want to admit they were lied to, had the sheet pulled over their eyes, and that they were taken by a con man. #SAD
Quote: rxwineAnd chances are 6 million more would have voted for her had she only more charisma and not a single policy change.
Or had a penis.
Special counsel Robert Mueller’s team is working with New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman on its investigation into Paul Manafort
Donald can pardon Manafort for federal crimes.
Donald can't pardon Manafort for state crimes.
This is more likely to get Manafort to turn on Donald. Brilliant move by Mueller.
Quote: ams288Breaking news from Politico:
Special counsel Robert Mueller’s team is working with New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman on its investigation into Paul Manafort
Donald can pardon Manafort for federal crimes.
Donald can't pardon Manafort for state crimes.
This is more likely to get Manafort to turn on Donald. Brilliant move by Mueller.
Yes it is
Also sbows trump stupidity. He is too used to dealing with people who are scared of bim and have no power. He thought he was sending a message with pardoning joe arpaio that he has all his people backs
Now mueller has seen trumps hand as well and is calling and raising
Quote: boymimbo
Just like even though his approval rating is now at 34%, it doesn't mean that he would win 34% of the popular vote if an election was held today, because those who are polled don't necessarily vote and a 34% approval rating doesn't translate into a 66% vote for someone else.
This is a point many just don't seem to get. I would not give Trump a positive vote in an approval rating poll. But that does not mean I would vote for a Clinton or Shumer or Cuomo.
Quote: SOOPOOThis is a point many just don't seem to get. I would not give Trump a positive vote in an approval rating poll. But that does not mean I would vote for a Clinton or Shumer or Cuomo.
Knowing what you know now, would you vote for trump again?
Quote: billryanKnowing what you know now, would you vote for trump again?
I did not vote for Trump ever. Not in the primary. Not in the general election. But I prefer that he is President if my only other choice is Hillary Clinton. She would be doing harm, while he is doing close to nothing. If you could have guaranteed me a Republican House and Senate for the full four years of a Hillary Clinton presidency, I would have been content with her as President, because she would have been able to do close to nothing, too.
Quote: SOOPOOThis is a point many just don't seem to get. I would not give Trump a positive vote in an approval rating poll. But that does not mean I would vote for a Clinton or Shumer or Cuomo.
He won the electoral college by ~88,000 votes in three states (MI, WI, PA).
All three of those states were polled recently and have his approval rating around 35%.
Your point that many people don't approve of his actions but will still vote for him is absolutely correct.
But I'd say between the three of those states, he's lost more than 88,000 votes since Election Day.
Because of his obvious failures, awful bigotry, and racism that he's displayed through his attempted (illegal) travel ban, his attempt to ban transgender Americans from serving in the military, his failed wall, his failure to repeal and replace obama care, and his refusal to directly refute the KKK and white supremacist groups (as he needs their votes). The list goes a lot longer, and we didn't even touch on the obvious russian collusion, which is just getting more and more evident every single day with every email and other piece of evidence (see my post only last page lol). The guy is a complete train wreck for a president, as we completely accurately predicted he would be. Some people, through his most obvious failures and lying that's caught up to him, are starting to see through the crap sandwich... which is why he's absolutely lost support and voters since taking office.Quote: sixsistersyou know that to be true because ? ? ? Or do you just want it to be true ?
The others, perhaps embarrassed they were taken by a con man, will just BLINDLY support him no matter what he says or does. Kinda like his own words during his campaign when he said he could shoot someone in the streets and not lose a vote...
Quote:WASHINGTON — Paul Manafort's notes from a controversial Trump Tower meeting with Russians during the 2016 presidential campaign included the word "donations," near a reference to the Republican National Committee, two sources briefed on the evidence told NBC News.
The references, which have not been previously disclosed, elevated the significance of the June 2016 meeting for congressional investigators, who are focused on determining whether it included any discussion of donations from Russian sources to either the Trump campaign or the Republican Party.
It is illegal for foreigners to donate to American elections. The meeting happened just as Trump had secured the Republican nomination for president, and he was considered a longshot to win. Manafort was the campaign chairman at the time.
Quote: rxwineThey said Trump and everyone involved needed to get out there with everything so they don't look suspicious like they're trying to hide anything.
But everyone knows this is just a big nothigburger.
A modern day witch hunt. Nothing to see here, move along.
Quote: RomesBecause of his obvious failures, awful bigotry, and racism that he's displayed through his attempted (illegal) travel ban, his attempt to ban transgender Americans from serving in the military, his failed wall, his failure to repeal and replace obama care, and his refusal to directly refute the KKK and white supremacist groups (as he needs their votes). The list goes a lot longer, and we didn't even touch on the obvious russian collusion, which is just getting more and more evident every single day with every email and other piece of evidence (see my post only last page lol). The guy is a complete train wreck for a president, as we completely accurately predicted he would be. Some people, through his most obvious failures and lying that's caught up to him, are starting to see through the crap sandwich... which is why he's absolutely lost support and voters since taking office.
The others, perhaps embarrassed they were taken by a con man, will just BLINDLY support him no matter what he says or does. Kinda like his own words during his campaign when he said he could shoot someone in the streets and not lose a vote...
Obviously you just want it to be true. Thanks for your prompt and unbiased answer.
Quote: ams288He won the electoral college by ~88,000 votes in three states (MI, WI, PA).
All three of those states were polled recently and have his approval rating around 35%.
Your point that many people don't approve of his actions but will still vote for him is absolutely correct.
But I'd say between the three of those states, he's lost more than 88,000 votes since Election Day.
Which doesn't matter because an election isn't due to happen for 3+ years.
How is any of that a "want?" I've given you plenty of real factual examples of his failures and lies. You've continued to just spit your opinion with no logic or factual basis whatsoever. Ironically, you 'want' none of that to be true, even though it is, in black and white.Quote: sixsistersObviously you just want it to be true. Thanks for your prompt and unbiased answer.
Quote: boymimboWhich doesn't matter because an election isn't due to happen for 3+ years.
Go back in time and tell that to GWB in 2005...
Quote: boymimboDon't think GWB was up for election in '08.
My point was what happened to the GOP in 2006, when they were stuck with an extremely unpopular President with approval ratings near where Donald's are now...
It's funny, with Hillary being completely irrelevant now, Fox News truly is like a chicken with its head cut off... They need a Dem to vilify. It's what they thrive on.
They've got nothing now. It's why their ratings are down in the age of Donald.
Quote: RSOh yeah, [sarcasm]because Fox News is the only one talking about it...[/sarcasm]
Are other right-wing news sources still talking about it too?
I wouldn't know. I don't watch fake news.
Quote: ams288Quote: RSOh yeah, [sarcasm]because Fox News is the only one talking about it...[/sarcasm]
Are other right-wing news sources still talking about it too?
I wouldn't know. I don't watch fake news.
While I agree with most of your opinions here, this was probably the story that they were reporting on

Quote: ams288Quote: RSOh yeah, [sarcasm]because Fox News is the only one talking about it...[/sarcasm]
Are other right-wing news sources still talking about it too?
I wouldn't know. I don't watch fake news.
ROFL. Are you serious?
Quote: RSQuote: ams288Quote: RSOh yeah, [sarcasm]because Fox News is the only one talking about it...[/sarcasm]
Are other right-wing news sources still talking about it too?
I wouldn't know. I don't watch fake news.
ROFL. Are you serious?
Quote: ams288LOL - this is the second time in a month he's had trouble spelling "heal."
So please dont ask anyone "if you're so smart why aren't you rich?"
Apparently smarts has nothing to do with it
Quote: darkozQuote: ams288LOL - this is the second time in a month he's had trouble spelling "heal."
So please dont ask anyone "if you're so smart why aren't you rich?"
Apparently smarts has nothing to do with it
If you are going to try to insult me, you should really get the quote right. Really ruins your point.
I'm very amused how typos and/or spelling mistakes are the sole criteria you use to judge intelligence. Makes it easier to understand why you are often wrong.
Quote: HomelessnycQuote: darkozQuote: ams288LOL - this is the second time in a month he's had trouble spelling "heal."
So please dont ask anyone "if you're so smart why aren't you rich?"
Apparently smarts has nothing to do with it
If you are going to try to insult me, you should really get the quote right. Really ruins your point.
I'm very amused how typos and/or spelling mistakes are the sole criteria you use to judge intelligence. Makes it easier to understand why you are often wrong.
Maybe u should ask why you are insulted over my post. It was neither an insult nor directed at you
Being able to spell properly is a basic requirement of most higher level jobs that i have been exposed to
In the literary or screenwriting world incorrect use of language and typos are enough to hav your work dismissed outright without any further reading
Quote: darkozMaybe u should ask why you are insulted over my post. It was neither an insult nor directed at you
Being able to spell properly is a basic requirement of most higher level jobs that i have been exposed to
In the literary or screenwriting world incorrect use of language and typos are enough to hav your work dismissed outright without any further reading
Good thing y'all caught Trump's typos in his script for his new play and not on his Twitter.
Good thing there aren't at least 7 grammar/spelling errors in your post.
Good thing trump can't seem to spell better than 5th grader, prior and current. Good thing none of us have the expectations of the presidency of the united states of america. Good thing u cn see meye ir0ny!Quote: RSGood thing y'all caught Trump's typos in his script for his new play and not on his Twitter.
Good thing there aren't at least 7 grammar/spelling errors in your post.
Republican Misdirection
1) Trump can't spell.
2) You know who else can't spell?!?!?!
3) This thread is about Trump... Trump can't spell. He's a moron.
Quote: RSGood thing y'all caught Trump's typos in his script for his new play and not on his Twitter.
Good thing there aren't at least 7 grammar/spelling errors in your post.
Good thing I'm not running for President
And there is a difference between txt shorthand like hav for have and spelling heeled for healed
You may have to be smart to be rich but if you are rich you can be a dumb@$$
Quote: darkozGood thing I'm not running for President
Then it's a good thing Trump isn't running for President.
Here in 2017 he is already President
Quote: RomesGood thing trump can't seem to spell better than 5th grader, prior and current. Good thing none of us have the expectations of the presidency of the united states of america. Good thing u cn see meye ir0ny!
Republican Misdirection
1) Trump can't spell.
2) You know who else can't spell?!?!?!
3) This thread is about Trump... Trump can't spell. He's a moron.
I believe that is spelled Maroon.
Then they elect an idiot who can't spell at the level of a 5th grader and want to pretend it's not a big deal.
Quote: ams288Righties spend 8+ years pretending Obama is stupid because he once said "58 states."
Pretending? The facts speak for themselves. Worst president since Carter.
Plus when was the last time it was brought up here? Stop trying to reach to get us to believe your nonsense.
Quote:Then they elect an idiot who can't spell at the level of a 5th grader and want to pretend it's not a big deal.
Its funny now you think righties have all the power, if that was true Obama would never been elected.
#MAGA despite the nonsense.
No one brought up Lynn Yaeger's remarks about Melania wearing stilettos for the plane ride to Texas. Even the lefties are starting to recognize their own absurdity. It's a lock on Team Trump 2020.
#ANOTHER4YEARS If he is kind enough to grace us with his thankless service.
Quote: MaxPenLefties on this thread are like Mueller, looking under every bush for something on Trump. Getting to the point of absurdity now. Nothing here, nothing there, nothing everywhere.
#MAGA despite the nonsense.
No one brought up Lynn Yaeger's remarks about Melania wearing stilettos for the plane ride to Texas. Even the lefties are starting to recognize their own absurdity. It's a lock on Team Trump 2020.
#ANOTHER4YEARS If he is kind enough to grace us with his thankless service.
So if nothing is there what are you worried about. What is trump worried about?
Righties give the most stupidest argument of just because there is smoke doesnt mean there is fire. Well every fire fighter in the world will tell you if there is smoke you always investigate and hope there is no fire. Anyone who just leaves smoke alone is just plain stupid
Never thought about having fun with a block of dry ice and a room full of lefties, until now.😀
Quote: MaxPenGood firefighters can tell the difference between smoke from fire and fake theatrical smoke.
Never thought about having fun with a block of dry ice and a room full of lefties, until now.😀
So what odds are you giving on , say a $1000 bet trump doesn't get re-elected.
Quote: RomesGood thing trump can't seem to spell better than 5th grader, prior and current. Good thing none of us have the expectations of the presidency of the united states of america. Good thing u cn see meye ir0ny!
I don't see the irony.
Quote: RomesRepublican Misdirection
1) Trump can't spell.
2) You know who else can't spell?!?!?!
3) This thread is about Trump... Trump can't spell. He's a moron.
It's not misdirection. It's showing hypocrisy in someone's post. I'm pretty sure Darkoz is an author/writer as well.
If someone's going to call out an alcoholic on his drinking problem, it shouldn't be another alcoholic.
Quote: billryanSo what odds are you giving on , say a $1000 bet trump doesn't get re-elected.
I currently have bets giving me odds that he won't complete his first term and some for this year. Betting Trump for the win has been great to the wallet. He warned that people may get tired of winning. Who knows? Maybe we will.
Quote: RSI don't see the irony.
It's not misdirection. It's showing hypocrisy in someone's post. I'm pretty sure Darkoz is an author/writer as well.
If someone's going to call out an alcoholic on his drinking problem, it shouldn't be another alcoholic.
Actually i am perfectly happy for you to put me on the same level as the president
Trump makes that pretty easy
he thinks he's:
.....................................THE KING OF AMERICA................................................................
be careful when you're driving with a lot of cash APs
trump's man wants to get you
maybe his cops will listen to your explanation
but maybe they won't
Quote: MaxPenGood firefighters can tell the difference between smoke from fire and fake theatrical smoke.
Never thought about having fun with a block of dry ice and a room full of lefties, until now.😀
Having worked in the film business and in particular on at least one film set involving a fire sequence i can tell u it is mandatory by law you have the fire department monitor the filming onsite
Same if u are shooting any street sequence involving firearms or criminal activjty you must have police onsite
Having a fake shootout in the street Where someone gets hurt because the real police think a crime is occuring can lead to serious charges against you
Ditto with the fake fire you may be filming