Try not to get sick of all the winning. When you kiddos ain't used to it, it can be a tough pill to swallow when you have to swallow so many times each and every day.
Job growth is less than it was before he took office.
Stock market is not growing at the rate it was before he took office.
The invisible wall that Mexico paid for is doing one hell of a job.
We are the laughing stock of the world.
The Director of Communications for the White House wants the White House Chief of Staff investigated by the FBI.
The President is feuding with the Dept. of Justice.
Not a single meaningful bill has been passed.
Obamacare is still the law of the land.
Have your taxes gone done?
I think Trump voters are so used to being losers they don't recognize what winning is.
Yes, we are all winning.
In a Charlie Sheen sort of way.
Quote: billryanYes, we are all winning
In a Charlie Sheen sort of way.
In that case, about the only thing left to win is ass cancer.
Quote: JohnnyQIs there anyone who thinks that trump won't be judged, and very quickly, as the worst president in American history ?
Admit it, pre-inauguration he was judged that way by most on the left.
Quote: MoosetonQuote: JohnnyQIs there anyone who thinks that trump won't be judged, and very quickly, as the worst president in American history ?
Admit it, pre-inauguration he was judged that way by most on the left.
By many, I wouldn't say most.
- ObamaCare repeal dies moments ago, with McCain's 'dramatic' vote.
- The new communications director calls the New Yorker reporter and threatens to fire all communication staffers including Priebus unless she reveals her sources.
- The insulting of the Attorney General who Trump appointed continues on Twitter.
- Everyone seemingly under investigation for collusion with Russia, and a complete set of lies by Trump Jr. about his meeting with the Russians.
- Trump gives an embarrassing Boy Scouts speech which forces the Scouts to apologize for his appearance which is anything but inspirational, talking about how a guy exalts his capitalist dream, owes a yacht, and has his way with women, because the goal of Scouts is living the capitalist dream.
- Removing trans from the military without informing his joint chiefs of staff or without an actual executive order to do so, quoting an 8 million savings, which is about 1/8 of the cost of covering Viagra for retired and active personnel.
- No wall, and a reduced promise for a upgrade.
- No tax reform.
- Escalation of war threats with North Korea, an uneasy relationship with Russia, and threats now against China.
Your president is a ignorant twit, just the way its enemies (Russia, China, North Korea) wants it.
Can we please just have a week of calm in the Whitehouse. Can you send Trump on another world tour to Japan or something like that?
We don't want war with Japan.Quote: boymimboCan you send Trump on another world tour to Japan or something like that?
He already lives in a different universe. What more do you want ? Wait till he nips back to that universe and seal up the wormhole to it.
Quote: boymimbo- ObamaCare repeal dies moments ago, with McCain's 'dramatic' vote.
It turns out that McCain only likes Presidents "who weren't captured" by Putin.
Quote: ams288It turns out that McCain only likes Presidents "who weren't captured" by Putin.
I hadn't thought about it, but maybe his vote was payback for Trump's comments about him not being a hero during the campaign. That would be awesome!
Quote: rsactuaryI hadn't thought about it, but maybe his vote was payback for Trump's comments about him not being a hero during the campaign. That would be awesome!
It's quite funny that Trump calls him a hero while he's in the hospital though.
Quote: billryanNevada Sen.Heller folded like the empty suit he is. So much for alll his bullshit about protecting Nevada residents over party.
He's number one on the Dem's hit list in 2018.
He's the only GOP senator up for reelection in 2018 in a state that Hillary won.
Nuclear war with anybody, let alone China, is not gonna happen on a whim, no matter how crazy the President is. If Trump called up that Admiral next week out of the blue and said "Launch your missiles on China right now," I guaran-goddam-tee you that Admiral, regardless of what he says in public, would be on the horn with a dozen other Admirals and Generals and the Joint Chiefs saying, "What the hell is this guy talking about?" and impeachment proceedings would be on the House and Senate floor by lunchtime.
Nope.Quote: MoosetonQuote: JohnnyQIs there anyone who thinks that trump won't be judged, and very quickly, as the worst president in American history ?
Admit it, pre-inauguration he was judged that way by most on the left.
Given his statements and actions through-out his life and during the campaign, many liberals were rightly concerned.
His actions and statements and lack of accomplishments are what will earn him the title of Worst American President Ever.
- And that is an election where he really will win in a landslide of the popular vote.
Winning, indeed.
When I needed a hand
Then it couldn't be found
I was so far down that I couldn't get up
You know and one day I was one of life's losers
Even my friends were my accusers
In my head I lost before I begun
I had a dream but it turned to dust
And what I thought was love
That must have been lust
I was living in style
When the walls fell in
And when I played my hand
I looked like a joker
Turn around fate must have woke her
'Cause lady luck she was waiting outside the door
I'm winning
I'm winning
I'm winning
I'm winning
I'm winning
And I don't intend losing again
Too bad it belonged to me
It was the wrong time and not meant to be
It took a long time and I'm new born now
I can see the day that I bleed for
If it's agreed that there's a need
To play the game and to win again
Quote: boymimboThe fact that the sitting president has to throw controversial smoke bombs to remove himself from other controversy is ridiculous.
I think all Presidents do that to some extent but the degree to which Trump does it is pure comic book insanity. Trump is a slapstick comedy version of Lex Luthor. He's a villain in a Mel Brooks movie. I think the media and Congress is letting him get away with so much because everyone's minds are still blown at how insane he is. People just don't know how to react, so they just freeze up.
... these thugs being thrown into the back of the paddy wagon, you just see them thrown in rough, I said, 'Please don't be too nice.'"
Trump then spoke dismissively of the practice by which arresting officers shield the heads of handcuffed suspects as they are placed in police cars.
"I said, 'You could take the hand away, OK,'" he said. The audience included federal and law enforcement personnel from the New York-New Jersey area, some of whom applauded Trump's remarks.
Quote: billryanTrump came to my old town today and blatantly encouraged police brutality. What a piece of shit.
... these thugs being thrown into the back of the paddy wagon, you just see them thrown in rough, I said, 'Please don't be too nice.'"
Trump then spoke dismissively of the practice by which arresting officers shield the heads of handcuffed suspects as they are placed in police cars.
"I said, 'You could take the hand away, OK,'" he said. The audience included federal and law enforcement personnel from the New York-New Jersey area, some of whom applauded Trump's remarks.
Because police cars, like prisons are filled with innocent people. Sure there are false arrests, but everyone of us on here would LOVE to be able to bet on percentages like that.
All Trump is doing is saying what a majority of law abiding citizens have been thinking for years and have been programmed to be afraid to say it by a minority of PC people.
Meanwhile everyone who is self employed and pays for their own Health Insurance without help will continue to see their rates go up in the name of "Fairness". Just another strike against hard work and making the right decisions in life.
Quote: billryanTrump came to my old town today and blatantly encouraged police brutality. What a piece of shit.
So bad, I had to quote it twice. Amazing that it's OK to say that about the President of the United States on here.
But if I say what I think about little old Billy, I get suspended. I guess that means on here you are more important than the President of the United States. Makes you feel good, doesn't it Billy?
Quote: IbeatyouracesJohn McCain needs to be sent packing back to Vietnam to be tortured for the rest of his life.
Quote: Boz
All Trump is doing is saying what a majority of law abiding citizens have been thinking for years and have been programmed to be afraid to say it by a minority of PC people.
Then a majority of law abiding citizen's are emotionally controlled imbeciles ignorant of proper justice. In other words,... yeah, you're probably right.
You, Boz, would really extend even further control and empowerment to .gov? Just slam people cuz they "probably" did something? What next? Searching people cuz "maybe"? Detaining cuz "possibly"? What kind of f#$%ed up world are you trying to support? Don't you know anyone who's ever started some s#$% because someone "looked at them funny"? It's the same mentality. It's prejudiced thought policing, and Trump can f#$% right the f#$% off with it.
Gods, this man is such a c#$%.
Last time I said "BURN IT DOWN" I got concerned PMs. To those who took umbrage... still shocked, or are you ready yet?
Quote: Face
You, Boz, would really extend even further control and empowerment to .gov? Just slam people cuz they "probably" did something? What next? Searching people cuz "maybe"? Detaining cuz "possibly"? What kind of f#$%ed up world are you trying to support? Don't you know anyone who's ever started some s#$% because someone "looked at them funny"? It's the same mentality. It's prejudiced thought policing, and Trump can f#$% right the f#$% off with it.
Yeah, I don't get it, either... Trump supporters go on and on about America and freedom-this and rights-that, and yet it seems like it's the exact same group of people that want to start taking freedoms and rights away from everyone.
Being against police brutality has nothing to do with political correctness. It's because according to the Constitution, everyone has certain basic legal rights that include not getting the crap beat out of them on the way to the courthouse. I would think Trump supporters, of all people, would know that and be fervently against police brutality.
Quote: Boz
Meanwhile everyone who is self employed and pays for their own Health Insurance without help will continue to see their rates go up in the name of "Fairness". Just another strike against hard work and making the right decisions in life.
Yeah, our rural areas should suffer based on their lack of ability to contribute equally to the tax base,
Quote: billryanTrump came to my old town today and blatantly encouraged police brutality. What a piece of shit.
MS13 slaughtered at least 17 people in Long Island. This is what their victims look like when the've finished with them:
Warning -Exceedingly Graphic
And you're worried about police brutality.
Quote: TankoMS13 slaughtered at least 17 people in Long Island. This is what their victims look like when the've finished with them:
Warning -Exceedingly Graphic
And you're worried about police brutality.
I wonder what the odds are of being brutalized or killed by the police vs. a street gang. I guess it would ultimately depend on where you live and your skin color, but I just mean straight per capita.
Quote: Tanko
And you're worried about police brutality.
I don't care if 13 Pots are strolling through the heartland chopping off farmer's heads with German efficiency. Justice is for the courts, not for this horses#$% paramilitary we got strolling around small town America. You're letting emotion blind you from logic, which is exactly what .gov needs to overreach. Emotions are malleable. Facts are not. Emotions get us red light cameras and mag restrictions and Big Gulp bans. And you want more?
Stop it. You want increased punishment? Right there with you. I am as we speak developing a Flogging Measure as part of my coup, and we can talk corporal and capital punishments til the sun comes up. If my future leadership has any flaws, it is certainly that I'm a violent person with a taste for the sadistic. But not to an innocent. NEVER to an innocent. And Trump's remaining brain cell wants to throw open the gates on it.
This ain't 'Nam, Tanko. This is Justice, and there are rules.

Quote: TankoMS13 slaughtered at least 17 people in Long Island. This is what their victims look like when the've finished with them:
Warning -Exceedingly Graphic
And you're worried about police brutality.
Damn straight I'm worried about police brutality. Somehow I hold our sworn officers to a higher standard. Silly, isn't it.
Peter King, the Republican Congressman for the area wants police to check the immigration status of everyone they interact with. What better way to allow gangs to grow than to make it hard for its victims to complain. What better recruitment tool does a gang need than for the government to want to deport your parents, or even yourself.
The former head cop in Suffolk is currently serving time for beating up a suspect in a jail cell and half a dozen cops lost their jobs for doctoring evidence of lying about the incidence.
A Suffolk county cop is in prison for robbing latino motorists and warning them if they reported him, they would be deported.
Half a dozen Suffolk County cops are under investigation for an incident where an off duty cop followed a guy for miles, shot him and pistol whipped him over a perceived bar insult. The cops arrested the victim and claimed he tried to run down the off duty cop.
And the president comes here to encourage cops to rough up people they arrest.
And morons applaud it.
Quote: TigerWu
Being against police brutality has nothing to do with political correctness. It's because according to the Constitution, everyone has certain basic legal rights that include not getting the crap beat out of them on the way to the courthouse. I would think Trump supporters, of all people, would know that and be fervently against police brutality.
Quote: billryanInnocent until proven guilty in a court of law is the backbone of our justice system. The back of police cars are filled with innocent people. Prisons are not.
These are pretty so I picked them for display. Enjoy!
By Timothy Bolger, Rashed Mian & Christopher Twarowski
Disgraced former Suffolk County Police Chief James Burke was sentenced in federal court Wednesday to 46 months in prison on civil rights violations and conspiracy charges for beating a 24-year-old larceny suspect in 2012 and ordering his subordinates to cover it up.
U.S. District Court Judge Leonard Wexler delivered the sentence before his packed Central Islip federal courtroom, imposing less than the maximum of 51 months under the suggested guidelines and more than the minimum of 41 months. With 11 months already served, Burke will be mandated to serve just shy of three years, and three years of post-release supervision.
“I feel Mr. Burke was acting as a dictator,” Judge Wexler told the court before handing down his decision. “If you’re good to them, they’re good to you.”
Does that last line sound familiar?
The president of the United States, if he is worrying about crime, especially coming from foreign nationals of a particular country, should:
(1) Direct Homeland security to deny Visa applications to relatives of criminals or hell, ban the entire country. Apparently it's in his power to do so.
(2) Take closer look at Honduras immigrants.
(3) Provide mode federal funding and assistance to these communities, not just direct to criminal enforcement, but to infrastructure to clean up neighborhoods and roads.
Trump is a 71 year old man acting like he never passed the maturity of a 12 year old.
Quote: BozMeanwhile everyone who is self employed and pays for their own Health Insurance without help will continue to see their rates go up in the name of "Fairness". Just another strike against hard work and making the right decisions in life.
Psst: The GOP's zombie health plan would have done absolutely nothing to lower these people's premiums.
For most people in this country, premiums have increased at a slower rate since 2009 than they did in the ten years before. For some, they have not. I'm all for trying to find a way to help those people.
Quote: billryanThere is a small percentage of the population that is being hurt by the Obamacare regulations. I have friends that are small businessmen who buy their own insurance but don't qualify for government subsidies and their rates are ridiculous. Something should be done to help those people, but you don't burn down an entire system to help a few people, you fine tune it. Besides which, as ams mentioned, the republican plan to strip insurance from 20 million or so wouldn't have done a thing to address premium rates.
For most people in this country, premiums have increased at a slower rate since 2009 than they did in the ten years before. For some, they have not. I'm all for trying to find a way to help those people.
Obamacare is far from perfect. I own my own business... $400/mo+ for a healthy 26 year old is a little insane. Out of curiosity I put in my age as 55 on the marketplace... almost $800.
I think single-payer is the best solution, but I don't see that happening anytime soon in the current political climate. I was hoping the republicans would pass a bill that allowed small business to buy into large group policies like big employers can, but as it stood I think it could have done a lot of harm, like eliminating the pre-existing condition regulations.
I'm really upset that the Republican Party has literally been doing NOTHING for 8 years other than whining "obumu care sux". No plan to pass a bill, no replacement ideas, no solutions about to fix anything, they have absolutely NOTHING. They've spent so much time inciting hate and division between the political parties that they completely forgot how to actually govern anything.
It's not perfect and adjustments need to be made. They could have been done years ago except the party of God somehow thought giving insurance to poor working people was evil.
Quote: billryanObamaCare has been a great thing for me. I'm paying a fraction of what I was paying, with less deductible and free prescriptions. Yes, my plan is partially subsidized by the government...
No, it's subsidized by people forced to pay for $h!t they don't want. Welcome to the new Nazi party.
Quote: billryanObamaCare has been a great thing for me. I'm paying a fraction of what I was paying, with less deductible and free prescriptions. Yes, my plan is partially subsidized by the government, the government I formerly paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to so I have compunction about taking a bit back.
It's not perfect and adjustments need to be made. They could have been done years ago except the party of God somehow thought giving insurance to poor working people was evil.
And that's the rub. I have no clue of your age, your situation or the choices you have made in life. BUT and the big but is, what you are getting is coming at the expense of others paying more. My insurance in the past 3 years has went from less than $600 a month to over $1600 a month. This is with a $6000 deductible for both my wife and I. Of course we are paying for coverages we don't need and would be far better off with a major medical policy with a $25000 deductible for $300 a month and the ability to tax free save the difference.
But Obama didn't want it that way, this was just part of plan to "spread the wealth" around. Like you said about Trump, he truly was a piece of shit and still is.
Quote: ams288Psst: The GOP's zombie health plan would have done absolutely nothing to lower these people's premiums.
But it would have given them the choice to NOT buy insurance or to buy a policy that better fits their needs, both physically and financially.
Quote: BozBut it would have given them the choice to NOT buy insurance or to buy a policy that better fits their needs, both physically and financially.
They don't HAVE to buy insurance now. Just pay the fine.
"A policy that better fits their needs" sounds a whole lot like a race to the bottom to me. Creating cheap junk plans that don't cover shit is not a good idea. Just raises the prices for the good plans that actually cover the services people actually rely on health insurance for.
Quote: BozAnd that's the rub. I have no clue of your age, your situation or the choices you have made in life. BUT and the big but is, what you are getting is coming at the expense of others paying more. My insurance in the past 3 years has went from less than $600 a month to over $1600 a month. This is with a $6000 deductible for both my wife and I. Of course we are paying for coverages we don't need and would be far better off with a major medical policy with a $25000 deductible for $300 a month and the ability to tax free save the difference.
But Obama didn't want it that way, this was just part of plan to "spread the wealth" around. Like you said about Trump, he truly was a piece of shit and still is.
Yep, and when I was paying three hundred thousand a year in taxes, and collecting upwards of a million in sales taxes for the government, people were benefiting at my expense.
I already said things need to be adjusted, that a portion of the people are getting screwed under the formula. But I don't want to screw 50% of the people to help 10%. I want to find a way to help the 10%. The republicans want to pretty much screw everybody but the top 5% with their inane top down trickle down tax programs. Ask the people of Kansas how that worked out for them.
Quote: ams288They don't HAVE to buy insurance now. Just pay the fine.
And if the least expensive plan you can get is more than 8.2% of your income you are exempt from the tax.
Quote: ams288They don't HAVE to buy insurance now. Just pay the fine.
"A policy that better fits their needs" sounds a whole lot like a race to the bottom to me. Creating cheap junk plans that don't cover shit is not a good idea. Just raises the prices for the good plans that actually cover the services people actually rely on health insurance for.
If it was priced well, I'd 100% get a plan that only covered trauma or other critical diagnosis like cancer.
I'd way prefer to pay $300 out of pocket to see the doctor every 3 months than pay $500 every month reguardless of how much healthcare service I use.
I realize my situation isn't the same as everyone's, and I'm not sure if that kind of plan is good/bad for the insurance market, but it would be nice to have the option available.
Quote: GWAEI don't follow politics much but when was the last president to fire this many people in the first 6 months. Doesn't he appoint them all when he takes over?
Part of Trumps problem was a good many experienced people wanted nothing to do with his administration, and he wanted nothing to do with people who didn't support him. Put them together and the pool he had to chose from was small and shallow to start with. Not sure what the opposite of the Best and the Brightest is, but its what we have.
In the past, candidates fought for the nomination but when the nomination and election was over, they joined the administration. Clinton lost a tough fight to Obama but joined his cabinet. Johnson lost a brawl to JFK but came on as his VP. I don't think there is a single person who ran against Trump that is now in his cabinet or administration. Even guys like Giuliani, Christie, and Gingrich ,who at least had some administrative or legislative experience weren't picked for his team.
I believe the result speak for themselves. How's that Rose Garden victory party when the House passed the healthcare bill looking?
Quote: gamerfreakIf it was priced well, I'd 100% get a plan that only covered trauma or other critical diagnosis like cancer.
I'd way prefer to pay $300 out of pocket to see the doctor every 3 months than pay $500 every month reguardless of how much healthcare service I use.
I realize my situation isn't the same as everyone's, and I'm not sure if that kind of plan is good/bad for the insurance market, but it would be nice to have the option available.
Until you get cancer, heart disease, or stroke. Or get hit by a car. Or fall down and break your leg. Look, I'm a completely viable 48 year old man, fat. I go for a checkup each year, for the past 30 years, the worst condition i have had is a little dermatits. My blood and cholesterol check out every time. Between my company and I, we pay about $800 HMO per month of which I pay about $230.
I would rather pay that then risk running into cancer or some other catastrophic condition that is really out of my control. All the youth say, "naw, I can get away with no health insurance because I am healthy", when in fact all you are doing is decreasing the pool of participants and increasing your own cost when you decide that you need to participate.
And that's the rub. Make insurance optional, and you have only the sick buying insurance which forces premiums way higher. The only way you are going to drive down costs and make it work is Medicare for all., paid by taxes. You pay doctors, hospitals, and take health insurance companies out of the profit loop. You negotiate for drug prices and they come down. if you have money then you can pay for your own private care off the top. Let that still exist.
Quote: billryanI don't think there is a single person who ran against Trump that is now in his cabinet or administration.
Rick Perry, secretary of, um... uh.... oops. I forgot.
Who knows for how long though, especially when there are headlines like this now appearing:
Quote:Rick Perry talked with prank callers for 22 minutes about energy policy and manure